HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-11-07; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: November 7, 1983 Place of Meeting: Council Chmnbers COMMISSIONERS CALL m ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Punches at 3:05 p.m. A. ROLLCALL: Present: Chairman Jeff Punches, Conmissioners Robert Fjbod, Mary Melideo and Pat O'Day. Absent: William Harkins. Staff Members present: Steve Tisdale, Project Manager Ron Beckman, Assistant City Manager, Developmental Services B. APPROVALOFMIMITES: The Minutes of the September 12, 1983, Meeting were awroved as presented. C. REPORT ON ACTION REQUESTED AT PREVIOUS MEETING: Steve Tisdale, Project Manauer, reported the red curb had been painted on the west side of Longview Drive and all work had been done at Alga and El Fuerte, as outlined in last mnth's minutes. Ron Beckman, Assistant City Manager, Developmental Services, reported that all speed limit signs had been installed on Marron Road, Hosp Way and Alqa Road. D. ACTION ImS: 1. No Parkina Anvtime Sians Valley Between Magnolia & Andrea Avenue - Request for Ron Beckman reported that staff does not want any parking in this area due to the narrowness of the madway. anyone does park there, traffic cannot aet through. If Corrunissioner Wood asked whether the signs would be enforced, and Mr. Beckman answered that it would be subject to the availability of police officers. 2. to Stop Sign Paseo Del Norte & Poinsettia Lane - Change Yield Sign The Comnission voted to recomnend to City Council the staff recorranendation on Items D1 and D2. Punches Melideo wood O'Day Punches Melideo Wood O'Day MINUTES November 7, 1983 Page 2 COMMISSIONERS 3. Steve Tisdale reported Kent Whitson recomnended painting the curb red on the east side 20 feet from the curb return and paintinq a center line stripe. The red curb on the east side muld only take away one parking space. The Comnission voted to recwrmend to City Council the staff recamendation on Item 3. I;ongview Drive - Red Curb E. INF'ORMATIONAL ITEMS: 1. Chairman Punches announced there were two requests to speak on this item. Magnolia School - Request for Midblock Crosswalk Mr. Jim Boone, 1751 Tamarack Avenue, Principal of Magnolia School, spoke to the Comnission regarding the dangerous situation with the children crossing the street from cars parked across from the school. ago a youngster was hit by a car, and fortunately was not seriously injured. Mr. -ne stated that he wasn't sure a crosswalk would be the solution. He felt the parents should be educated to brin9 their children to the school side and not let them out of the car across the street from the school. He stated that two weeks Mr. Wed Kohler, 3620 Pi0 Pic0 #6, addressed the Cdssion, statinq he felt the speed limit should be reduced to 15 mph in that area, if that would be possible. He stated that mst of the parents drive extremely slow in that area, due to the danqerous situation that exists. Ron Beckman stated the Comnittee desired to work out an educational program with the parents, to encourage dropping the dildren off on the Magnolia side, to avoid the street crossing . Mr. Beckman stated there was concern about a midblock crosswalk. They liked the idea of the Safety Patrol, though. The problem with a midblock crosswalk is that the people using them becorn too amplacent and do not watch for cars. Also, the drivers are not expecting a crosswalk in the middle of the block and are not watching for anyone in the crosswalk. Mr. Beckman stated he did not believe it was possible to lower the speed limit. could be used, and staff will look at those. There are some advisory signs that Mr. Boone stated there was also pedestrian traffic cutting across from the other side of the street. The Commission discussed the different possible solutions, including speed limit signs, adult crossing quards and stop siqns. existing there all the time, which is increased in rainy weather, an educational program was necessary. Staff will look at the site and perhaps get a policeman to talk to the children at school to impress upon them the need for safety. with the children and help with a parent-education program. It was determined that with the serious problem It was suggested that Paul Childers miqht talk Punches Melideo Wood O'Day Y Y Y .-- MINUTES November 7, 1 983 Page 3 COMMISSIONERS \1 2. Siaht Distance Westhaven & Park - Request for Trhing a Hedge for This trimming has been done and staff distributed photographs for the Comnissioners shaving the hedge. 3. Chestnut Avenue between Sierra Morena & Pontiac; Esfera between Cadencia & La Costa Avenue - Recp est for 25 mh s~ed limit siuns Ron Beckman reported the Police Chief remmnended the speed limit be enforced there and no additional signs be put in the area. In answer to a question from Conmissioner O'Day, Mr. Beckman stated if there are too many signs posted, people tend to ignore them. 4. Alga & Cazadero - Request for a Signal Steve Tisdale reported this item was denied. referred to photographs shaving the site and explained that the site distance for *e side streets was going to be hproved. He 5. Traffic Safety Conanissioners' Seminar This was for the Commissioners' information. 6. Rancho Sante Fe Ron Beckman gave the report on this item, stating the developer has expressed doubt about their responsibility €or this signal. However, until it is a four-way intersection, he stated it was doubtful whether a signal could be installed. Mr. Beckman had talked with Kent Whitson and Mr. Whitson felt if a three-way stop were installed there, it would exchange the accidents happeninq now for rear-end accidents. Status Report on Signal Project at La Costa and Mr. Beckman stated that the site was going to be cleaned up to help site distance; the property owners were going to be mntacted to help improve the site distance until the signal is installed; additional pavement on Rancho Santa Fe Road, so the northbound traffic has a left turn lane, and not install three-way stop signs at this time. 7. Plan Steve Tisdale shaved the proposed striping on a map, and explained the County is going to do the striping. Rancho Sante Fe mad & Questhaven Road - Striping ADDITIONAL ITEM REGARDING TRAFFIC SAFETY: Ron Beckman requested this item to be added to the Agenda. allocate funds for traffic safety. getting the grant from the State they had requested, and there are mre and mre developments mming through, and the inpact on circulation mst be considered before the developments are built. The request is going to be made for a Traffic Enqineer. He explained Council was going to be asked to The City is not h 9 \ -. MINUTES November 7, 1983 Page 4 Y COMMISSIONERS Mr. Beckman stated the other element going to Council is a request by the Chief of Police for part of a grant that he had requested and can't qet funded, for five additional people in the Police Department. These additional people are needed for a traffic enforcement detail. street for traffic enforcemnt. This will provide two full-time cars on the OFF-AGENQA ITEM: Cdssioner O'Day requested an Off-Agenda Item regarding the traffic signals between Carlsbad and Oceanside. sincronizing the signals. CalTrans had been contacted regarding Codssioner Melideo asked a question regarding all the signs on Palomar Airport Road. She stated there are so many there now, and she saw the posts for two new ones. Ron Beckman stated developers often put signs up for the weekends, but they are supposed to be taken down on Monday. in the City, and staff would check on those on Palomar Airport Road. He added that the larqe billboards are illegal By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 4:19 p.m. Respectfully subatted, ' Harriett Babbitt, Minutes Clerk