HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-11-04; Traffic Safety Commission; Minutes1 *- . MINUTES Meeting of: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: November 4, 1985 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: The Meeting was called to order by Chairman Wood at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairman Wood, Commissioners Erwin, Fuller and Melideo. Absent: Commissioner O'Day reported to the Chairman at the start of the meeting stating he had conflicting meetings. Staff Members Present: Steve Tisdale, Project Manager Kent Sears, Traffic Engineer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Special Meeting held September 30, 1985, were approved as presented. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 7, 1985, were approved as presented. Chairman Wood announced that Items D 2, 3 and 4 would be taken out of order to allow public input. ACTION ITEMS: D 2. Carlsbad Boulevard between Cannon and Pine - Request for a stop sign at each pedestrian cross- walk. Roger MacPherson, 351 Redwood Avenue, stated there is an enforcement problem as far as speeding cars in the area. He stated the problem would be better for the next six months due to the closing of Carlsbad Boulevard. However at buildout, traffic in this area will increase tremendously. He stated he wanted it safe to walk to the beach. Officer Shipley agreed there was an enforcement problem in the area with regard to speed and failure to stop for pedestrians. Commissioner Fuller asked staff whether pedestrian signals had been considered for Carlsbad Boulevard and Kent Sears stated that is being considered with other alternatives for Carlsbad Bouelvard and Pine. Kent Sears stated a parking study is being done in the area from Buena Vista Lagoon to Agua Hedionda Lagoon and from the ocean to 1-5. Since it is now off-season, the study may not be completed until next summer. Land use, traffic and traffic circulation are included in the study Wood Erwin Fuller Melideo Wood Erwin Fuller Melideo \ \ .- MINUTES November 4, 1985 Thelma Hayes, Mamber of the Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee, asked whether pedestrian overpasses had been considered where necessary, since they would be safe and be a permanent structure. Staff stated the cost of overpasses would be much greater than signals. Traffic Safety Commission recommended increased enforcement of speed and stopping for pedestrians along Carlsbad Boulevard and tabled this issue until the studies are completed with regard to parking, land use, traffic and traffic circulation. In addition, the Commission requested a study into the use of pedestrian lights. D 3. Valley between Chestnut and Magnolia - Request for curb and gutter and sidewalk for pedestrian safety. Kacy Holmes, 3546 Valley Street, spoke about her concerns about pedestrian safety on Valley Street in the morning between 7:OO a.m. and 8:OO a.m., and in the afternoon between 2:OO p.m. and 3:OO p.m., when hundreds of children are walking in the street in that area. The children must walk between Valley Junior High and Carlsbad High, and walk in the street or in the dirt if there are cars parked in the area. She concluded, stating that sidewalks are badly needed in that area. Pam Hoffman, 3471 Valley, spoke about the danger to students and older people walking in that area. There has been an increase in the number of students and the number of cars, with nothing to keep the cars from running up onto the blacktop strip provided for walking. Mrs. Hoffman requested curbs to help provide a safe walking area. Steve Tisdale reported he will be attending a SANDAG meeting and requesting funds to improve routes to school5 Chairman Wood suggested the Commission wait until after that meeting, and, if there is money available, perhaps it could be used for sidewalks and curbs in that area. Christine Moore asked how much land the City could take for sidewalks, since she was concerned about the loss of yard and landscaping. Staff assured her the City would only take land it owned as right-of-way. Steve Tisdale added that the money from SANDAG is applied for in February and the funds are received the following June. Chairman Wood suggested Mrs. Hoffman speak with someone in the City Manager's office to learn just how to approach this problem. Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager, clarified the City's policy, statilng that improvements such as side- walks and curbs are installed by the property owners fronting on those streets. If the citizens asked Council to deviate from their policy, there would have to be extenuating circumstances making this a special request and one that would not set a precedent. He recommended the concerned citizens talk with Council Members and explain the special problem in that area; mainly, the safety of the children. Wood Erwin Fuller Me 1 ide o X X X X .. MINUTES A November 4, 1985 Traffic Safety Commission affirmed the Committee recommendation to ins:ta.ll the west side of Valley Street in this area and install "Park Off Pavement'' signs on the east side. is to look into SANDAG funding to improve the street. "No Parking Anytime" signs on Steve Tisdal D 4. Carlsbad Boulevdard and PLine - Request for more Traffic Control. Eileen Olson, Manager of the Beach View Lodge on Carlsbad Boulevard, asked the Commission to look at the accidents at the corner of Pine and Carlsbad Boullkvard. She stated traffic lights have been needed there for the last ten years. Tony Howard-Jones, Beach View Lodge, stated the traffic has increased considerably in that area, and with the blind curve there it is very risky to try to cross the street to the beach. Bill Canepa, Tamarack Beach Resort, stated he had made the request on behalf of their resort, which will be family-oriented. A safe crossing to the beach will be necessary for their guests. He mentioned the restaurants across the street and the one planned for their resort, which will increase both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Mr. Canepa explained they will install a median the entire length of their property fronting on Carlsbad Boulevard, and he felt something should be done at that time to provide a safe crossing. Chris Salomone, Community Redevelopment Manager, stated he would like to see this item kept alive until the studies are completed for that area, and re-evaluate the need for some type of crossing signal at that time. He felt staff should investigate fully the fact that a median will be installed, and consider the overpass proposal, with focus on that particular corner. Dean Pounders, 315 Walnut, spoke about crossing Carlsbad Boulevard, particularly in the summer. He presented a petition to the Commission signed by approximately 150 residents of the area, requesting a pedestrian light to provide safe crossing at Carlsbad Boulevard and Pine Avenue. Steve Tisdale explained that there is a misconception about crosswalks; that engineering now finds that marked crosswalks are more dangerous than regular intersections, since people feel they are safe and do not take the normal precautions when crossing there. Mr. Hensen stated the public should be re-educated to realize that marked crosswalks are dangerous. There was a discussion about the beach access at Pine Avenue, with several people expressing the opinion that this was the only beach access in that area, and there was a need to provide a safe crossing of Carlsbad Boulevard in order for people to reach the beach. Kent Sears summarized the rationale of engineering on installing signals or stop signs where they are not warranted, stating this can cause more accidents and problems. He suggested staff re-evaluate this area after the latest data is received and the situation in the area has changed due to development and summer traffic. Wood Erwin Fuller Melideo X X X X A MINUTES November 4, 1985 Page 4 COMMISSIONERS Y Commissioner Melideo stated she felt something should be done immediately in that area; that if one life were lost, that would be more costly than what would be spent to remedy the situation--even temporarily. She suggested a pedestrian control light. Mr. Canepa added they might hire a crossing guard, just to provide safe crossing for their guests. Officer Shipley stated anyone going over 42 mph is given a ticket in that section of Carlsbad Boulevard. The pedestrians and the drivers need to be educated to follow the rules with regard to the speed of the vehicles and caution on the part of the pedestrians in crossing Carlsbad Boulevard. In answer to query regarding flashing yellow lights for pedestrian crossings, Kent Sears said those lights have very little value as far as providing any safety for pedestrians. It was mentioned by members of the audience that the crosswalk markings on Carlsbad Boulevard in that area are worn off and need to be re-painted. Mr. Canepa stated Tamarack Beach Resort would be willing to help financially to solve this problem. Steve Tisdale stated there are signs at the approach to the crosswalk in both directions. made that perhaps those signs are obscured by trees or shrubs at the present time. The suggestion was Traffic Safety Commission recommended re-painting the crosswalk on Carlsbad Boulevard/Pine and evaluate the signing present at both sides of the crosswalk. Further action is to be taken on this item after the traffic studies have been completed. D 1. 3085 Ocean Street - Parking Problem. Dick Nieves, 4927 Loma Way, spoke on behalf on his neighbor, at 3085 Ocean Street, and the parking problem at the entrance to her home. Staff stated the City had no jurisdiction over this area and the owner would need to initiate any action that would be taken. Traffic Safety Commission affirmed the Committee recommendation to take no action until the parking studies are completed. D 5. La Costa Area - Truck Routes. Kent Sears referred to his memorandum dated November 1, 1985, regarding the truck routes, and reiterated that staff would not recommend all trucks being routed onto Palomar Airport Road. If Rancho Santa Fe Road is closed, truck routes would be La Costa Avenue, Alga Road and Palomar Airport Road, to spread the traffic onto all three streets. Chairman Wood inquired whether the City could impose other conditions on the building and detour of Rancho Santa Fe Road, if Daon Corporation were to withdraw their request to close the road, and the Assistant City Manager stated that question would probably be discussed at Council, November 5, 1985. Wood Erwin Fuller Melideo Wood Erwin Fuller Me 1 id eo a $ b - X X X X X X X MINUTES November 4, Page 5 \\\\\ % COMMISSIONERS Y D 6. El Fuerte and Luciernaga - Sight Distance. Commissioner Erwin stated he saw nn problem with the sight distance at that corner at the present time. Traffic Safety Commission affirmed the Committee recommendation to deny the request at this time. When improvements are installed at this location, staff will re-evaluate this location. E. Items from Commission The three-way stop signs on Levante were discussed, with the Commission feeling that the three through streets would be the logical locations for those signs, provided Rancho Santa Fe Road was closed during construction. Traffic Safety Commission recommended three-way stop signs at Nueva/Castilla Way, Calle Madero and Romeria Street on Levante Street, on a temporary basis, provided Rancho Santa Fe Road is closed for construction. F. Items from Traffic Engineer Kent Sears asked for comment from the Commissioners on the addition of this item to the Agenda, with the consensus being favorable. Mr. Sears stated he would be updating the Commission on information items under this heading. C. REPORT ON ACTION REQUESTED AT PREVIOUS MEETING: Kent Sears reported that staff was writing an Agenda Bill for the two-hour parking on Carlsbad Boulevard and writing an Agenda Bill for the speed zones on Alga and Elm. During the closure of Carlbad Boulevard for six months, bikes will be allowed on 1-5. that CalTrans had barricaded the drainage grates to keep the bike tires out. Officer Shipley added ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting of November 4, 1985, was adjourned at 4:53 p.m. Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk Wood Erwin Fuller Melideo Wood Erwin Fuller Melideo