HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-07-07; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: July 7, 1986 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Fuller called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairman Fuller, Commissioners Erwin and O’Day. Absent: Commissioner Melideo. Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Principal Civil Engineer Mike Shirey, Engineering Technician I1 Vincent Jimno, Chief of Police Sgt. Shipley, Police Department APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Meeting held June 2, 1986, were approved as presented. REPORT ON ACTION FROM PREVIOUS MEETING: Bob Johnson reported on two items to be studied by staff, the first being the moving of the bike lane on Elm Avenue, and the second a left turn phase in the signal at Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa Avenue. The bike lane cannot be moved, due to the striping, which leaves iio room to modify the lane. La Costa Avenue has been installed in the signal at Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa Avenue. A split phase for ACTION ITEMS: 1. Cadencia Street - Request for Speed Limits Posting Chairman Fuller read the report as contained in the packet. Dennis Price, 7515 Cadencia, stated there was an accident on this street yesterday and the cause was failure to yield. Cadencia has a blind spot on the crest of the hill at Del Rey. Mr. Price requested a 25 m.p.h. speed limit and signs on the upper portion toward Rancho Santa Fe Road, where it does qualify as residential. He also requested a speed study on Cadencia between Del Rey and La Costa Avenue. Mr. Price concluded, stating the collector stree in the City are designed for 30 m.p.h. and local streets for 25 m.p.h. 25 m.p.h. would be a good speed for that street. He stated the problem is that traffic coming up This is a collector/local street and Verna Hess, 3335 Cadencia Street, stated the children in the area cannot go out in the front yard, as the traffic is so fast in the area. She told of accidents that occur there and stated it was one of the most dangerous streets in the City. raceway out of Cadencia on Friday and Saturday nights. She added that the young people make a Bob Johnson stated posting the area 25 m.p.h. would not reduce the speed on that street. Fuller Erwin 0‘ Day MINUTES Chairman Fuller commented that street is used as a short- cut. on the top of the hill where it qualifies as residential, and would like to have it posted. He stated his support of a 25 m.p.h. speed limit Commissioners O'Day and Erwin concurred with Chairman Fuller, and Commissioner Erwin suggested this could be as a test for six months. Sgt. Shipley suggested Dosting the 25 m.p.h. and survey both the lower and upper areas. If there are accidents occurring there, the Police can cite motorists for excessive speed. Traffic Safety Commission recommended posting that portio of Cadencia qualifying as residential at 25 m.p.h., and have staff conduct traffic studies in both areas and review again in six months. Staff is to check on the blind spot at Del Rey. Item #3 was taken next out o€ order. 3. Controlled Stop Light Army and Navy Academy - .. Rxuest..for. Pedestrian Chairman Fuller read the report as contained in the packet. Col. Donald H. Cline, President of Army and Navy Academy, thanked the Commission for installing the flashing lights at the crosswalk and stated he thought that would slow the traffic or honor the person in the crosswalk. Howeve this has not helped the problem too much, as the cars do not slow or stop for anyone in the crosswalk. He stat he did not feel this requested signal would be a hardship on traffic, since it would be green unless someone was in the crosswalk. This would be an added safety feature for the students crossing the street to the playgrounds. Col. Cline stated there are other people using that crosswalk and it is not just their students. Also, peopl assume it is a school crossing and when it is not school hours, they tend to ignore the flashing lights. He said they are a boarding school, and the students walk downtown in the evening to shop and patronize the fast food restaurants. The idea of an overpass is out of the question due to the tremendous expense. Commissioner Erwin stated he felt the drivers in that area need education and also the children need to realize they cannot count on the cars stopping when they are in the crosswalk. He asked Col. Cline whether crossguards were used, and they are not. This would involve too many hours and the guard would need to be a specially-trained person. Police Chief Jimno verified that crossing guards must be trained and certified. Staff stated they could not move the existing lights, as that would defeat the advance warning lights. New poles would be needed for a signal. This would increase the number of rear end accidents and would not be a guarantee that the motorists would obey the red light. Fuller Erwin 0' Day E E E MINUTES Commissioner O'Day suggested the possibility of the pre- fab overpass structure and stated it could be built at less cost. He stated Carlsbad Boulevard is a major arter ial and was concerned a light could cause rear end accidents. The children might play with the signal and cause the red light to be on too long at a time. Col. Cline stated the children could be taught to use the signal properly. He added the students cross at the crosswalk to go downtown, and then cut thruugtt :he athlet fields. Sgt. Shipley stated the Police will be monitoring Carlsba Boulevard more closely this month. Commissioner O'Day reiterated the danger of signal crosswalks. Col. Cline stated he would like to have the City try a signal for six months. Commissioner O'Day stated he thought the intersection at Carlsbad Boulevard and State Street should be studied to improve that traffic problem. Traffic Safety Commission approved staff recommendation t deny the request for a pedestrian-controlled signal at the crosswalk by Army and Navy Acauemy on Carlsbad Boulev Commissioner O'Day recommended the State Street/Carlsbad Boulevard intersection be studied for the feasibility of including this improvement in the CIP. Item 115 was taken out of order at this time. 5. Request for Stop Sign Intersection of Snapdragon Drive and Alyssum Road - Chairman Fuller read the staff report on this item as included in the packet. William Brooks, Snapdragon and Alyssum Road, spoke on thi item, explaining how the traffic ii: that area will be increasing in the near future, as new subdivisions are opened. that intersection. m. Erooks asked for at least a "yield" sign, if not a stop sign. He explaired th:: dmger to the children crossing Bob Johnson said a stop sign may be needed there at a lat, date, but is unwarranted at the present time. Chairman Fuller stated he did not want to take action on this item until the tract is open and new traffic counts had been taken. Commissioner O'Day concurred, stating th request was premature. The traffic situation in that are will change as soon as the homes are occupied. A traffic study should be done at that time. Traffic Safety Commission approved staff recommendation t deny the request for a stop sign at Snapdragon Drive and Alyssum Road. This should be reviewed again in six month Staff should also check on the blind corner at Alyssum Road and Snapdragon Drive and keep the earth 25 feet back Fuller Erwin . O'Day Fuller Erwin O'Day MINUTES COMMISSIONERS TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION July 7, 1986 Page 4 RECESS : Chairman Fuller declared a recess at 4:lO p.m., and the Commission re-convened at 4:15 p.m., with three Members present. 2. Limit Posting 6200 Yarrow Drive - Request for Crosswalk and Speed Chairman Fuller read the item as contained in the packet. Bob Johnson explained the crosswalk had been requested to be 135 feet south of the intersection. Traffic Safety Commission approved staff recommendation tc deny the request for a crosswalk at 6200 Yarrow Drive. 4. Calle Barcelona, Calle Posada, Calle San Felipe - Request for Speed Limit Posting Chairman Fuller read the item as contained in the packet and asked why this had been returned. Staff stated Laura Winehold had requested this item. Commission discussion determined there had been no change in the situation since October of 1985. Traffic Safety Commission approved staff recommendation to deny this request for speed limit posting. ITEMS FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Bob Johnson stated there had been telephone calls regarding the truck enforcement on La Costa Avenue and the La Costa area in general. Sgt. Shipley stated there are a number of things people are not aware of; namely, that trucks or tractor-trailers over 14,000 pounds with three axles were the only ones prohibited by the City Ordinance. Coast Waste trucks and many others are two axles and-do not qualify as being in violation of the Ordinance. Secondly, dirt haulers have three major projects in process in that area and they have a legal right to access. recent Police citing in the La Costa area, where 26 trucks were stopped, and only one was in violation. He gave an example of In answer to query, Sgt. Shipley added the Ordinance was written that way by the City Attorney. The Vehicle Code allows control of trucks over 14,000 pounds, two axle or three axle. The Ordinance needs to be amended. Traffic Safety Commission recommended the City Attorney review the Ordinance dealing with truck routes, to change the wording to include trucks over 14,000 pounds irrespective of the number of axles. ADJOURNMENT : By proper motion, the meeting of July 7, 1986, was adjourI: at 4:31 p.m. Harket t Babbitt Minutes Clerk Fuller Erwin 0' Day Fuller Erwin O'Day Fuller Erwin 0 ' Day 1 $ - X X X X X X s s F X X X