HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-10-06; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: October 6, 1986 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers Y COMMISSIONERS ~~~~~ ~ CALL TO ORDER: Chairmarr Fuller called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - Chairman Fuller, Commissioners Erwin, Herring and Melideo. Absent - Commissioner O'Day. Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Principal Civil Engineer Mike Shirey, Engineering Technician I1 Officer Shipley, Police Department APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the Meeting held September 8, 1986 were unanimously approved with the following amendment: Commissioner Melideo requested that the seventh paragraph on Page 4 be clarified. that fact that Mr. Ford was new to the community, but rather the specific comments that he made at said meeting. The paragraph needs to be clarified further. She stated that she did not resent REPORT ON ACTION FROM PREVIOUS MEETING No report given. ACTION ITEMS 1. La Costa Meadows Elementary School - Request for traffic signal at intersection of Alga Road and Corintia Street (This matter was continued from the September 8, 1986 meeting 1. Chairman Fuller read the staff report submitted on this item, and issued the invitation to the public wishing to speak. Or. Hugh Terrell, 7017 El Fuerte Street, representing the Parents/Teachers organization and the executive board of La Costa Meadows Elementary School, addressed the Commission and stressed the need for the traffic signal. He distributed and read a lengthy letter into the record offering rebuttal to the staff's recommendations and urqing the Commission's approval of their request for the traffic signal. the Commissioners.) (Copies of the letter were submitted to Dr. Terrell pointed out that the pedestrian counts taken by the City lasted only 65 minutes. Yet, one of the code sections of the Traffic Manual states that the counts should be taken for each of two hours. Commissioner Erwin inquired whether the installation of the traffic signal would eliminate the San Marcos Board of Education bussing program. Dr. Terrell responded that they did not believe that it would. That board has been very responsive to the executive board of the school. Fuller Melideo Erwin Herring MINUTES October 6, 1986 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Erwin expressed his support of the request. He noted that there is a tremendous amount of people living on one side, with the services on the other side of Alga Road. school is the entrance at El Fuerte. There is no spot in the middle there where people can get across to the park. Further the only entrance to the park by the Commisioner Melideo stated that she did not feel that the intersection warranted a traffic signal. Commissioner Herring stated that this proposal is dealing with children. There is no way to equate the risk of injuring a child with the regulations as to whether it is warranted or not. He stated that he believes that this area will grow even more in the future -- more homes and more children. The amount of traffic going through there will build further. Chairman Fuller noted that the data contained in the letter submitted by Dr. Terrell lumps the counts of the intersection of El Fuerte and Alga with the intersection of Alga Road and Corintia Street. However, the El Fuerte/Alga intersection is presently controlled. He pointed out that the majority of children are now using El Fuerte to cross Alga Road. Chairman Fuller quoted from the State Manual and pointed out that they go to a great deal of breaking down when crossing guards, crosswalks, etc., are needed. The counts of this particular intersection are not even close to the counts for recommendation for a traffic signal by the traffic manual. He stated that he believed that the area will grow in the future, and possibly traffic signals will eventually be needed at the El Fuerte/Alga intersection. that, however, at this intersection, he could not support a traffic signal, and that it should be met by the other proposed alternatives contained in the staff report. He stated Dr. Terrell pointed out that the reason they lumped the counts of the two intersections as pointed by the Chairman was because of the insufficient data available from City staff due to the fact that the counts were not of two-hour periods as recommended by the traffic manual. He pointed out that the reason for the low counts of pedestrians crossing Alga Road in the morning accounts for the parents driving their children in the morninq to school. Further, many of the students do not walk their normal way because of the bad situation there. to cross. They are going to El Fuerte In reference by Dr. Terrell to the data regarding the amount of cars going 51 mph in the area, Chairman Fuller clarified that 85% of the cars are driving less than 51 mph. In response to a question by Chairman Fuller, Bob Johnson, Principal Civil Engineer, stated that he did not have the exact number of the cars going at the pace of 36- 46 mph. However, the majority of the cars are going at that speed. MINUTES October 6, 1986 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page ~OMM,Ss,ONERS Commissioner Melideo commented that she wanted to see more responsibility placed on the parents. be placed on the City. children's safety to a degree. Everything cannot Parents are responsible for their Commissioner Erwin suggested that the school educate the children on safety. Dr. Terrell stated that the school is already doing that. where the Police Department participates by coming in and teaching the children. Further, he stated they are urging the children to go to El Fuerte to cross the street there. They have traffic safety classes In response to a question posed by Chairman Fuller, Mr. 3ohnson stated that a traffic signal would be better than a four-way stop sign there because the traffic flow is not stoped each time. But, the warrants are not met for either. Upon a comment by Commissioner Herring that there was a visibility problem in the area, Dr. Terrell agreed and added that the intersection of Cazadero and Alga is a blind spot. In speaking to the motorists in the neighborhood, they indicated that they would rather go up to Corintia and turn rather than turn at Cazadero even if there was a traffic signal there because it is a dangerous intersection. Commissioner Erwin made a motion that the traffic signals be installed at the intersection of Alga Road and Corintia Street. The motion was seconded. The vote was taken and there was a tie with two for and two against. A discussion ensued whether to carry the vote over to the next meeting when the fifth Commissioner could break the tie. Chairman Fuller noted that the motion essentially failed passage because of the 2-2 vote. Dr. Terrell questioned the time sequence involved in ultimately getting the signals installed if approved. Chairman Fuller stated that if the motion was passed by the Commission, it would then go to the City Council for their vote. If it passed there, the needed funds would be taken out of the Capital Outlay Budget. If there were not enough funds available, then the Council could either appropriate funds, or wait to have it budgeted out of next year's budget. critical. A delay at this point would not be Dr. Terrell questioned the possibility of the parents footing the costs involved. that the costs are extensive - running up to $80,000. Chairman Fuller pointed out A motion was made, seconded and approved unanimously that another vote be taken on this issue at the next meeting. Dr. Terrell added that they could probably cover the costs of placing crossing guards on weekends and after school hours by raising the money through the parents. would be an alternative if the request is not approved. This Fuller Me1 ideo Erwin Herring Fuller Me1 ideo Erwin Herring MINUTES October 6, 1986 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 COMMISSIONERS 2. Palisades Drive near Tamarack Avenue - Request for no parking on one side of street (Continued from the , September 8,1986 meeting. ) Chairman Fuller read the staff report and issued the invitation to the public to speak. Elliott Mehrbach, 4667 Coralwood Circle, addressed the Commission and spoke in support of staff's recommendation to restrict the parking to the westerly side of Palisades Drive from Tamarack Avenue. He also requested that the no parkinq zone on the easterly side be extended. Commissioner Erwin stated that he felt that the parking was done on the wrong side. It is eliminating Mr. Mehrbach's problem and putting the problem for the pedestrians. Commissioner Erwin pointed out that people will be parking and going across to the populated side. danger of potential accidents with vehiclelpedestrians. In the first situation, potential accidents involved only vehicles. on the populated side, and the no parking on the vacant side. There is the He stated that he preferred to have the parking Chairman Fuller inquired of staff on the reason that they preferred to allow parking on the westerly side rather than the easterly side. Mr. 3ohnson stated that there is a sight distance problem, and there are several fire hydrants on the easterly side. Mr. Mehrbach added that their complex has guest parking. The people who park out in the street are the residents who have extra cars. Mr. 3ohnson stated that he is familiar with the situation and pointed out that the westerly side is the normal place where the parking should be in comparing it to the other local streets in the City. Additionally, traffic is very light in that area. staff will look into and see if it should be lengthened. As to the red zone "no parking'' area, A motion was made and seconded to accept staff's recommendations and that the red zone on the west side be increased if necessary. The motion was approved by a vote of 3 to 1. 3. Mr. Price was not present. Request to Speak - Dennis Price 4. Request for stop signs on Park Drive at intersection with Kellv Drive (Continued from Auqust 4, 1986 1 meeting 1 Chairman Fuller read the staff report and issued the invitation to speak. Marjorie Balderrama, 4913 Park Drive, addressed the Commission and spoke in support of the stop sign. She pointed out that Park Drive is a long street with only one crosswalk. She referred to a petition with some 200 signatures of the neighborhood who are concerned about the speeding problem on Park Drive. Fuller Melideo Erwin Herring h \ MINUTES \\\\\ October 6, 1986 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 5 COMMISSIONERS Ms. Balderrama stressed the need for some type of alternative to control the speeding problem on Park Drive. She stated that their whole impulse to put a 3-way stop sign is not just because of the children crossing the street during the school hours, but it is also because they cannot get people to regulate the bad habit of going down Park Drive at a high speed. other remedies available to solve the problem and yet not impede the traffic flow. She added that there has not been any type of enforcement of the 25 mph zone there. She inquired on the Commissioner Herring noted that it was the residents causing the speeding problems there. Ms. Balderrama noted that a small percentage of the residents did not sign the petition. That could account for just enough people speeding down the street to make it unsafe. She noted that there are people coming in and out of that area, and the motorists are not from the neighborhood only. Chairman Fuller stated that he is familiar with the area and has never seen the need for a stop sign on Park Drive coming from the westerly side up to Kelly. Further, there is good sight distance, and the children have crossing guards. Ms. Balderrama stated that she felt that a stop sign would at least slow down the motorists traveling through Park Drive. She stressed that the behavior of these speeding motorists needs to be modified or there is the risk of losing a child. Officer Shipley stated that the behavior does need to be modified. He stated that they would have to work 40 hours on that street which effect would only last 48 hours, and then they would have to be back and repeat the same. The Police Department is too short staffed to do this. Ms. Balderrama inquired on the possibility of putting stop signs at the bottom of Park Drive, without having one to Kelly, or perhaps a crosswalk so that the children can walk down and cross there to the school. Chairman Fuller pointed out that crosswalks are controversial in that they are not considered safe. A child sees the crosswalk and thinks that he is safe, but it is a false sense of security. Bob 3ohnson explained that numerous studies and statistics have been done which show that stop signs in unwarranted locations tend to increase the accidents in that area. Ms. Balderrama questioned what Mr. 3ohnson meant by "unwarranted". Mr. Johnson stated there has to be some criteria in determining whether to place a stop sign; otherwise stops would be in every intersection of the City. warrant a stop sign. The criteria in this case has not been met to Chairman Fuller commented that this is a controlled community, and if a stop sign is installed, everyone will know of the stop sign. It is different if there is through-traffic coming by there. MINUTES October 6, 1986 TRAF-FIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 6 COMMISSIONERS Susan Haupert, 4904 Park Drive, addressed the Commission and spoke in support of the request. She pointed out that there is no safety patrol at that intersection. She stated that she spoke with Mrs. Herrera, Principal of Kelly Elementrary School, who felt that it was too dangerous to put children out there. On Park Drive, people accelerate as they are coming up the hill. stop before coming up, the motorists would not have a chance to accelerate to such a high speed. If they Mr. 3ohnson pointed out that it is the residents of the same area that are speeding there. The street basically dead ends. Police enforcement is the issue here. Officer Shipley stated that Mrs. Herrera called to inquire regarding putting on the traffic safety program to educate her students. She also wants to put the crossing guards back up. The Police Department will accommodate her anyway it can. Commissioner Melideo stated that she felt that this problem should he solved in the neighborhood by the residents themselves. Commissioner Erwin stated that he could support a stop sign at the intersection. Motorists get a running start on Park and make a turn on Kelly Drive. Commissioner Herring stated that there is a community obligation there. Chairman Fuller felt that the school guards were adequate to protect the children. Further, they do have good sight distance coming down. The bushes have been trimmed. Children are not crossing from the school to the wasteland. He stated that he could support staff recommendation with the addition of the school guards. Someone from the audience spoke dnd stated that there are houses on the side of the street where the lagoon is. Children walk down and cross Park Drive. Chairman Fuller clarified that the houses that are on the lagoon side are going west on Park. A motion was made and seconded to accept staff's recommendations. The motion was approved by a vote of 3 to 1. 5. Reauest for stoD sians on Levante Street at intersection with Calle Madero and Nueva Castilla Chairman Fuller read the staff report and issued the invitation to speak. Linda Smith, 2601 Levante Street, addressed the Commission in support of the request. She thanked the Commission for the stop signs that they approved which are now installed at the intersection of Romeria and Levante Streets. She pointed out that both intersections have problems with sight distance. intersections, showinq the causes for the visibility problems in the area. There is also speeding on these streets . She distributed photographs of the two Fuller Melideo Erwin Herring MINUTES Commissioner Erwin expressed his support. He stated that the sight distance at the intersection of Calle Madero is really bad. Chairman Fuller noted that this street is used as a bypass route. People cross to Levante to get to El Camino Real to avoid going throuah La Costa. Commissioner Erwin pointed out that the new stop signs at Romeria/Levante has made a tremendous improvement, and felt that the proposed stop signs will also improve the area. between the proposed stop signs and the Romeria/Levante Streets intersection. still are fairly well spaced. Commissioner Melideo inquired on the distance Chairman Fuller responded that they Commissioner Melideo noted that part of the problem of the sight distance are the bushes in the neighborhood residences. Commissioner Erwin pointed out that the road drops a way down. Even if the bushes are removed, there would still be a terrain problem. Commissioner Melideo inquired how installing stop signs on Levante Street will improve the bad sight problems that exists at Calle Madero. She further questioned the amount of stop signs on the street. She stated that she could go along with the one furthest away from the recent one put up. Chairman Fuller agreed that this request could be done piece meal: Mrs. Smith stated that a petition was circulated some time ago with 185 signatures from people in the area requesting these stop signs. Chairman F-uller stated that the Commissioner recognizes the public input. However, the Commission needs to make a judgement that is of benefit to everyone. Commissioner Erwin moved that stop signs be installed at the intersection of Nueva Castilla and Levante Streets. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved. Mr. 3ohnson requested the Commission's reasons for recommending the installation of the stop sign to submit to the Council. Chairman Fuller stated it was due to the poor sight distance and to control the speeding of cars on Levante. Commissioner Melideo suggested that the neighborhood make it a project of removing the shrubbery which obstruct the view of motorists. 6. Request for stop signs, traffic signal and one-way street system at Anillo Way, La Gran Via and Madrilena Lav Chairman F-uller read the staff report and issued the invitation to speak. Fuller Melideo Erwin Herring MINUTES October 6, 1986 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 8 COMMISSIONERS Robert Imler, 7723 Anillo Way, addressed the Commission and stated that the neighbors are requesting a modifi- cation to the request. stop sign installed at Madrilena and La Gran Via. pointed out that there was an error in the staff report accident in November 1985, due to a motorist traveling in excess of 60 mph and not being able to negotiate the sharp right angle turn from Anillo Way to La Gran Via. pointed out that people use these streets to travel down to Levante Street and El Camino Real. There are a lot of motorists who travel through their area who are unfamiliar with the 90" turn. This accounts for at least five accidents in the last five years. He stated that also due to the housing and planning of the street itself, there is a sight distance problem. They would like to see a four-way He ' regarding the accidents in the area. There was an He Chairman Fuller stated that since the first request was made by Mr. Levesque, he would have to indicate whether he is abandoning that request for the new one presented by Mr. Imler. Will Levesque, 7722 Anillo Way, addressed the Commission and stressed the need for some sort of traffic control in the area. He stated that it is not J question of police enforcement as they have enough work to do. Something has to be done to stop the traffic somewhere along the line. He concurred with Mr. Imler's request and abandoned his original request. Rob Johnson, Principal Civil Engineer, stated that the warrants would not be met for a four-way stop sign as is being requested. Commissioner Melideo stated that she did not feel that a four-way stop sign would prevent an accident from happening in going over the curve. She stated that she would go along with staff recommendation. Chairman Fuller pointed out that the volume of cars traveling through is very low. He questioned the relationship between the 90" curve and the intersection. He stated that he did not believe that by putting a stop sign at that intersection that this will affect the way the motorists travel through the curve. Commissioner Erwin stated that he has a problem with not approking this. The citizens seem to believe that the stop sign will have some affect on the speeding in the area. Further, there have been accidents there. Mr. Imler stated that he met with the traffic engineer in three different cities about the particular corner. Anillo Way was never supposed to go through. pointed out to him that no traffic engineer designs a 90" turn on a 3-way street. There is a design problem. It was Chairman Fuller pointed out that the design of the street is not the issue before the Commission. A motion was made and seconded to accept staff's recommendations. The motion was approved with a vote of 3 to 1. Fuller Melideo Erwin Herring MINUTES October 6, 1986 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 9 COMMISSIONERS 7. Request for removal of traffic signal at Concord Street and Elm Avenue intersection Chairman Fuller read the staff report and stated that a letter was received from Tony Howard-Jones Realtor opposing the removal of the traffic signal. He issued the invitation to speak. Arthur Wood, 2697 Vancouver Street, addressed the Commission in opposition to the removal of the lights, and stated that he is a pedestrian and uses the light to cross Elm at Concord. Further, the City bus picks up the school children on the south side of Elm there. Charles Macklin, 2740 Waterbury Way, addressed the Commission and stated that he is a member of the 65 households located north of the intersection. He spoke in favor of the signal as it is the only exit to and from their homes. He stated that the operation of this signal is based on a real need, and that the removal of the wall is not practical. Commissioner Erwin questioned the possibility of having the wall lowered. Bob 3ohnson, Principal Civil Engineer, indicated the majority of the wall is on private property. It would be difficult to remove now. gosephine Manfredi, 2702 Olympia Drive, addressed the Commission in support of the request. She stated that the light is constantly green, and only when people come out of Concord, do they change. The light shines in the surrounding homes and are causing a disturbance. The property value has decreased because of it. Ms. Manfredi stated that she had a letter from Standard Pacific stating their willingness to work with the City in resolving this issue. Bob Johnson stated that the signal was a self-actuated signal. Concord onto Elm, the lights are actuated. This problem has since been eliminated. In response to a question, Mr. 3ohnson stated that the lights were installed after the homes were there. At first when people cut the corner off of Chairman Fuller stated that due to the complaint that motorists were using Olympia Drive to beat the signal at Concord and Elm, Olympia Drive will be closed at Elm Avenue. Commissioner Erwin questioned the removal of the wall. Chairman Fuller stated that they would have to get right- of way through a condemnation or an agreement; he was not sure that the justification would be there for the condemnation. In response to questions by Commissioner Erwin regarding measures to mitigate the intensity of the light, 3ohnson stated that the lights are at the lowest wattage possible. Commissioner Erwin pointed out the possibility of building in a dimmer to the light, and stated he would check into that further. Mr. MINUTES October 6, 1986 RAFF I C SAFETY COMMISSION Page lsslo E RS \I Lorraine Salerno, 2692 Waterbury, addressed the Commission and stated that their bedroom faces the light. She felt that this is a personal issue with Ms. Manfredi and listed the ways that they have solved the bright light and the noise. A motion was made and seconded to accept staff's recommendation. The motion was approved unanimously. ITEMS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Erwin presented a letter to the Commission sent to him from Rob Smith for discussion at the next meeting. It deals with traffic problems at the La Costa/I-5 intersection, and a possible solution. Bob 3ohnson reported that the La Costa/I-5 intersection is being worked on. Caltrans is considering the City of Carlsbads request to install a traffic signal. Commissioner Erwin inquired whether this letter could be submitted as one of the possible solutions to the problem. Commissioner Melideo stated that staff can evaluate it and forward it to the appropriate person. Commissioner Erwin suggested that the entire package on a particular item submitted to the Commissioners also be submitted to the initiator of the particular item. Bob Johnson stated that only the agenda is sent. It was the consensus of the maJority of the Commissioners that the initiators continue to receive just the agenda and not all the accompanying data that is submitted to the Commissioners. Commissioner Erwin reported that the Postmaster ordered its employees to park off the lot. The employees are not happy about this. They now park on Madison Street. ITEMS FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER None. ADJOURNMENT : By proper motion, the Meeting of October 6, 1986 was adjourned at 5:30 p.m. Elizabet'h Caraballo Minutes Clerk EC/tb Fuller Me1 ideo Erwin Herring