HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-04-06; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Time of Meeting: Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION 3:00 p.m. April 6, 1987 Carlsbad Safety and Service Center COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Vice-Chairman Erwin called the Meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - Vice-Chairman Erwin, Commissioners Fuller, Herring and Melideo. Absent - Commissioner O'Day. Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Principal Civil Engineer Mike Shirey, Engineering Technician II APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting held March 2, 1987, were approved as presented. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: No one was present to speak before the Commission. OLD BUSINESS: Bob Oohnson reported several people had spoken during the oral communications period during the last meeting. Mr. Morrow and Mr. Tidwell had spoken regarding street improvements in the downtown area, mainly Madison Street. Staff investigated this request and sent a letter to these gentlemen with a copy to the Commissioners. It will be several years before the improvements are completed. The City had a consultant design the improvements and they are in the process of acquiring right-of-way at the present time. Robert Huntoon had requested a two-way left turn lane on La Costa Boulevard to facilitate his egress to a condominium project where he resides. Staff evaluated that request and will respond to Mr. Huntoon in writing. The Commission had requested an update on the Rancho Santa Fe Road/Melrose Avenue intersection. The flashing beacon on Rancho Santa Fe Road, south of Melrose Avenue was energized last Friday. As to the light north of the intersection, the County is installing that beacon and they are waiting for easement acquisitions. The contractor is working on getting that beacon installed and turned on as quickly as possible, possibly within the next week. The consultant had submitted a survey map showing the jurisdictional boundaries involving the City of San Marcos, San Diego County and Carlsbad. That is to be evaluated by staff. The next step will require staff and the consultant to go into the field for a survey to indicate physically the boundaries for the three entities. The Willdan report on Rancho Santa Fe Road and Melrose Avenue should be in draft form by the end of next week. Erwin Fuller Herring Meiideo MINUTES April 6, 1987 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS OLD BUSINESS: (continued) The truck bypass is under construction at this time and the work is scheduled to be completed by the end of April. The March 21, 1987, public meeting was held on the re- alignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road. Rick Engineering was working on possible re-alignments. One would be to construct a new Rancho Santa Fe Road approximately 50 feet east of the existing road. The second recommendation would be to construct a new road 300 feet east of the existing road. Allan Reece had suggested making La Costa one-way eastbound from Rancho Santa Fe Road and put Rancho Santa Fe Road in the canyon area east of the existing road. Mr. Oohnson stated basically the comments received from the citizens indicated they did not want a six-lane road in the La Costa area. They could not understand the need for six lanes, although the traffic projection was discussed. The citizens just do not want the road. The reasons given were traffic volumes, speed, trucks, noise and safety. The next step would be for the Planning Department to initiate an environmental impact report to analyze the alternatives. MEW BUSINESS: At this point, Vice-Chairman Erwin reguested Item B be taken out of order, and the Commission concurred with this request. B. Yarrow Drive - Request for Speed Limit Posting Bob Oohnson gave the staff presentation as contained in the staff report. This item was discussed at the Traffic Safety Commission meeting of July 7, 1986, and a request for a speed limit posting was denied. Staff had received several letters since that time and the police looked into establishing a speed limit on Yarrow Drive. The basic speed law is governing that road at the present time. Ralph Davis, 6200 Yarrow Drive, addressed the Commission stating he wrote the letters and made the phone calls. Mr. Davis stated his concern regarding the excessive speed in the area and poor visibility. He stated he knew of three accidents in that area. He has a facility at 6221 Yarrow Drive and there is foot traffic across the street to the other building. The company is also in the process of constructing another 80,000 square foot building to the south at 6300 Yarrow Drive. Mr. Davis had served on the San Diego Police Department for many years and felt this area should have a speed limit posted and enforced. Mr. Davis was informed of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommendations regarding additional signs to be posted at the driveway, and was asked to make comment on those requests. He stated he had not seen the report and stated the reguests were acceptable to him. He was willing to install signs there, and also at the new building at 6300 Yarrow Drive. MINUTES April 6, 1987 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3COMMISSIONERS NEW BUSINESS: (continued) The public discussion was concluded at 3:14 p.m. Traffic Safety Commission approved the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to post a speed limit of 40 m.p.h. on Yarrow Drive. In addition, the Committee recommended the property owner at 6211 Yarrow Drive clearly post the two (2) one-waj driveways as "enter/exit only" and "wrong way" and notify employees and vendors of the one-way status of each drive. A. Rancho Santa Fe Road/Cadencia Street Intersection - Request for Traffic Signal Vice-Chairman Erwin stated he had requested this item to be placed on the agenda to allow input from homeowners and, secondly, to find out how long before the road would be realigned. Bob Oohnson stated he had presented a lengthy staff report at the last meeting and would not repeat that report. Mr. Johnson gave an update on this item, stating no time frame had been established as to when Rancho Santa Fe Road would be realigned. In general, the environmental impact report process will be initiated and the road needs to be designed and then constructed. He felt this would take a period of two to three years at the earliest. Commissioner Fuller stated he could not support a signal at this intersection and felt 14,000 cars on Rancho Santa Fe Road could not be forced to stop on the basis of 500 cars intersecting that road. Commissioners Melldeo and Herring concurred. Vice-Chairman Erwin stated he disagreed. If this signal were installed for less than two years, it would be a waste of money. He did support a signal at that intersection because the intersection was unique and the left-turn is unsafe. Traffic Safety Commission approved the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommendation that neither a traffic signal nor a flashing beacon be installed at the Rancho Santa Fe Road/Cadencia Street intersection, as warrants are not met. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Melideo inquired about the intersection of Monroe Street and Marron Road, asking when the other lane would be Installed and why it was marked the way it is marked. Bob dohnson replied, stating the street is confusing at the present time and will be restriped. The City had tried to grind the paint from the street and this was not possible. It will be sandblasted to remove the present striping, the right-turn lane will be marked and the left- turn lanes will be lined up with the street coming out from the shopping center parking lot. / Erwin Fuller Herring Melideo Erwin Fuller Herring Melideo X X X X X X X X X X MINUTES April 6, 1987 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 COMMISSIONERS REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Erwin inquired when they build acoustical barriers next to the road, why they onl> for one-story structures, with double-pane windows on the second floor. Mr. Oohnson stated he was not aware of any guidelines for that type of thing. The Planning Department is involved in that. The walls are constructed at a one-story level. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Bob dohnson announced the next meeting, May be at the City Council Chambers. ADJOURNMENT: 1987, will By proper motion, the Meeting of April 6, 1987, was adjourned at 3:23 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 1 /,- J Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk HB/tb