HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-07-06; Traffic Safety Commission; Minutesn MINUTES Meeting of: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Date of Meeting: 3uly 6, 1987 Place of Meeting: Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. 4 City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Chairman O'Day called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - Chairman O-Day , Commissioners Erwin, Fuller, Herring and Melideo. Absent - None. Staff Members Present: Bob 3ohnson, Principal Civil Mike Shirey, Engineering Ted I1 Officer Shipley Chris Salomone, Community Developmer Manager Nancy Rollman, Associate Planner Mike Holzmiller, Planning Director Engineer APPPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Meeting held June 1, 1987, were approved as presented. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: No one was present to speak before the Commission. OLD BUSINESS: Bob Johnson reported the actual construction of the widenin! of Rancho Santa Fe Road between La Costa Avenue and Olivenhain Road is scheduled to be completed in about three weeks. The intersection of La Costa and El Camino Real and the mitigation of the lagoon is due to be under constructioi at this time: NEW BUSINESS: A. Alley West of State Street Beginning North of Christiansen Wav (Cedar Street) - Request for Parking o One Side of the" Alley. Bob Johnson gave the staff presentation on this item as contained in the Agenda, referring to Exhibit 1 in the packet. Parking in this alley would hinder the Fire Department and the Police Department cannot see any activit; taking place in the alley if parking is allowed. The Policl Department recommended no parking in the alley during night hours. Traffic Safety Commission adopted the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommendation for no parking on the easterly side of the alley and no parking on the westerly side between the hours of 1O:OO p.m. and 6:OO a.m. 0' Day Erwin Fuller Herring Melideo 0 Day Erwin Fuller Herring Melideo X X MINUTES PAGE 2 /\l\ 9 s 3uly 6, 1987 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION - COMMISSIONERS B. Alley West of State Street Between Elm Avenue and Grand Avene - Request for Two-Hour Parking Designat ion. Bob 3ohnson gave the staff presentation as contained in the packet. Chris Salomone will be studying how the loss of parking on Elm Avenue can be replaced, and this item will be considered at that time. Shoppers need to be downtown more than two hours, and employees need a place to park without too far to walk. The Coordinating Committee recommended in addition to the study Mr. Salomone is conducting, staff work on determining which lots should have two-hour parking and which lots should be for employees and shoppers on a long-term basis, A transparency was used to show the parking area, and this was contained in the packet as Exhibit 1. Roy Sanchez, 3482 Roosevelt, requested no parking signs be posted south of Oak between Madison and Roosevelt on the alley; also south to Chestnut and to the deadend. He added that on Pine the City needs to post no parking in the alley. the study being done at the present time. Utilities and Maintenance Department has a list of the alleys and they are in the process of installing signs. Staff will check to make certain these areas are included. Staff replied all these areas are included in Wendy Sparks from The Alley Restaurant, 431 Grand, addressed the Commission stating they initiated this request as they have a parking problem for their customers. day, leaving no space for the restaurant customers, added there are even disabled cars parked there, and some people park there to take the bus to work. concluded, stating they do need their parking and two-hour parking would help turn the spaces over to allow restaurant customers to park there. Employees park in that area for the entire She Ms. Sparks Mario Monroy, 3610 Carlsbad Boulevard, stated he had attended a meeting for the proposed streetscaping, and he was concerned about the parking. He suggested the Commission adopt the staff recommendation. Chairman O'Day closed the public comment portion. Commissioner Erwin recommended the request for two- hour parking in the lot between Elm Avenue and Grand Avenue next to the depot be considered after evaluating all existing and future parking lots in the downtown area for appropriate time limits. llntil that time, a decision cannot be made. Commissioner Herring said he was sensitive to the problem, as restaurants rely on the number of times tables empty. He felt staff should move as quickly as possible to complete this study. MINUTES July 6, 1987 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS Chris Salomone stated the utility poles are to be removed and lines put underground the end of the summer, and the lighting will be improved. That will help the safety problem of the alley. what could be done about people parking there to take the bus, Mr. Salomone stated there was nothing to be done. Employees of downtown businesses could be asked to park somewhere else. Ms. Sparks added the daytime hours are the problem, with lunch time particularly bad. In answer to Commission query as to Traffic Safety Commission adopted the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommendation, mended to read the request will be considered after evaluatiing all existing and future parking lots in the downtown area for appropriate time limits. C. Alga Road between El Fuerte Street and Melrose Drive - Establish Prima Facie Speed Limit. Bob Johnson gave the staff presentation as contained in the staff report. Traffic Safety Commission adopted the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to establish a prima facie speed limit of 45 m.p.h. on Alga Road between El Fuerte Street and Melrose Drive. D. Melrose Drive between Alga Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road - Establish Prima Facie Speed Limit. - Bob Johnson reported this was the same situation as the previous item, with the same circumstances. Traffic Safety Commission adopted the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to establish a prima facie speed limit of 45 m.p.h. on Melrose Drive between Alga Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road. E. Downtown Pedestrian Circulation Study - Request to Form a Citizens' Committee to Implement Recommendations Contained in the Report. Bob Johnson reported Thelma Hayes was requesting the Pedestrian Circulation Study recommendations be implemented through formation of an ad hoc committee of interested citizens. The Redevelopment Area goal is to encourage pedestrian activity and provide an outdoor atmosphere. The Utilities and Maintenance Department is widening Madison and Laguna, and various projects are before the Housing and Redevelopment Committee at the present time. Mr. Johnson stated the Coordinating Committee did not feel another committee would accomplish more than is being done at the present time. In answer to Commission query, staff indicated there would be public workshops on the streetscape to allow for public input. O'Day Erwin Fuller Herr i ng Melideo 0 Day Erwin Fuller Herring Melideo O'Day Erwin Ful le r Herring Melideo - X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X r. MINUTES h 3uly 6, 1987 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 COMMISSIONERS Thomas Lichterman, 311 South Tremont, Oceanside, representing North County Transit District, stated he was present to answer any questions regarding the transit access portion of the study. He stated the City of Carlsbad participates in the design review plan for subdivisions, and when a significant construction project is planned anywhere in the City, NCTD receives a blueline early. the City. If there are any concerns, they send it back to Mr, Lichterman used a transparency showing an overlay of the existing bus routes and stops. He said he would give that map to the City. Most of the service is on Elm and Grand, and the major transfer is at Grand and Washington. He stated NCTD talks with the City and is aware of the problems--however, they do not move bus stops because of passenger complaints. Harold Clarke, 824 Caminito Del Reposo, addressed the Commission in favor of a Pedestrian Committee, stating that committee might help keep the Engineering Department on track. This study extends into the special treatment area, and Mr. Clarke said it is time to request consideration of Washington as an alternative to northlsouth vehicle traffic, alleviate the pedestrian hazard on Carlsbad Boulevard and encourage residents to include off-street parking areas in the rent. Mr, Clarke concluded his remarks stating over-night street parking and abandoned- car street parking should be eliminated. Thelma Hayes, 580 Laguna Drive, stated she is a Member of the Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee and is aware of the pedestrian problems. committee, or whatever they would like to call the group, to develop a policy for the pedestrians in all of Carlsbad. Mrs. Hayes stated she has been working on this problem for many years and would like to improve the lot of the pedestrian, adding so far she has not been that successful. She would like a policy to promote the safety and canfort of the pedestrian. She requested an ad hoc Mrs, Hayes stated the policy now is to eliminate marked crosswalks, as engineers feel the pedestrian is safer on his own. She felt that was a policy of survival--and should be something more than that. The committee could formulate guidelines based on a general policy for the pedestrian, which is non-existent at this time. The comment had been made that pedestrians are safer while " jay-walking". Commissioner Fuller commented he felt this was a Planning Department matter. Mrs. Hayes answered this Commission was to establish the policy on traffic safety--and there is no overall policy and a lack of pedestrian policy. Mrs. Hayes stated it would be better to act first and get a policy, rather than to react. There should be pedestrian guidance what to do in certain intersections where there is a question as to the safe way to proceed. Part of the recommendation was for an educational program to tie in with the schools. MINUTES July 67 1987 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 5 COMMISSIONERS Mrs. Hayes concluded her remarks stating she felt a committee would help accomplish the setting of guidelines for pedestrians. L. 0. Brockmann, 5511 Los Robles Drive, discussed pedestrian traffic on Carlsbad Boulevard, and particularly at the corners of Manzano Drive and Cannon Road. Mr. Brockmann supported Mrs. Hayes' request, as getting more citizens involved would be a good thing, even if the work did overlap other groups. Marion Gast, 7212 San lucas, Senior Citizen Commission Member, stated her husband has been ill 12 years, and the seniors' lives are at stake if they do not walk with controlled traffic. Richard games, 5249 Los Robles, Terramar, stated it is an issue of pedestrian survival, and crosswalks have become an athletic event. He reiterated the danger of the intersection at Cannon Road and Carlsbad Boulevard. Mario Monroy, 3610 Carlsbad Boulevard, stated this committee would be a way for the pedestrians to have input. He also added the pedestrian safety should be the concern of this Commission; if it is not, then the duties should be expanded to include this. the pedestrian to have input at the present time, and Mr. Monroy felt a committee would provide that opportunity. There is no way for Commissioner Melideo answered Mr. Monroy, stating this Commission has always considered pedestrian safety and many items before this Commission involve such problems. Mr . Monroy requested a clear responsibility be established for the pedestrian, to enable him to present problems to the correct body. The Commissioners indicated pedestrian safety problems should be submitted to this Commission. Margaret Bonas, 231 Olive Avenue, stated she has walked Carlsbad Boulevard and the beach for many years, and is concerned with pedestrian safety. She commented on the speed of cars on Carlsbad Boulevard and stated she would like the tourists to walk in safety. Drivers no longer recognize people in a crosswalk, and there are four lanes to run across on Carlsbad Boulevard. Mrs. Bonas suggested stop signs on every other corner to slow the traffic down. Roy Sanchez, 3482 Roosevelt, spoke in favor of a temporary committee, stating they might be able to improve the conditions. He added the Beach Study is an overlay on the Redevelopment Area, and should be read. Chairman O'Day closed the public comment portion. Commissioner Melideo stated all problems are being considered and worked on, with everyone aware of the problems. things work faster. She did not feel another committee could make MINUTES July 6, 1987 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 6 COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Erwin stated Mrs. Hayes had made one very important point, and that was being reactive on individual problems and situations. He felt an overall policy was needed, but was not in favor of another canmittee. A temporary committee to formulate a pedestrian policy was a good suggetion. Commissioner Fuller canmented the report is being implemented. On the question of policy, he felt there should be a pedestrian policy in the General Plan to guide the progress of the City. additional committee at this time, and the immediate problems are the purview of this Commission. He did not see the need for an Bob 3ohnson answered the pedestrian issues are in the Circulation Element of the General Plan. Chairman O'Day commented there is no one place to go for pedestrian input. something more specific and reconsider this matter later. Chairman O'Day suggested an outline and makeup of the committee and charge be submitted for further study. Mrs. Hayes stated she would make such an outline and bring it to the next meeting. He stated he would like to see Traffic Safety Commission tabled this item to the October 5, 1987 meeting. Mrs. Hayes is to bring a specific proposal to the Commission with regard to the makeup of the canmittee and their specific charge. RECESS : Chairman O'Day declared a recess at 4:55 p.m., and the Commission re-convened at 5:OO p.m. F. North Beach Planning/Traffic Study - Request for Comments and Recommendations on Information Contained in the Report. Nancy Rollman, Associate Planner, Planning Department, gave the staff report on the draft report of the North Beach PlanningITraffic Study, using transparencies to show the area included in the study and the special treatment area. There were six objectives and goals in the beach area: Provide safe/efficient circulation systems for cars, bicycles and pedestrians Walkways/bicycle paths to have equal weight with future facilities for automobiles Elm and Tamarack Avenues recognized as North Carlsbad's gateways to the ocean Recognize Carlsbad Boulevard as a combined regional xenic highway and as the beach area's front porch 0' Day Erwin Fuller Herring Melideo r\ 9 s - X X X X X MINUTES py 121 g 3uly 6, 1987 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 7 F - COMMISSIONERS Provide parking on-site for future development Accept some congestion during peak beach days, but seek to minimize intrusion on residential areas. Ms. Rollman stated 40 recommendations had been made, and she would focus on traffic, circulation and parking. She referred to the report, asking the Commissioners to follow along in their copy. Ms. Rollman asked for comments or recommendations from the Commissioners. There will be a public meeting and the report will be sent back to the advisory group before it goes to the Planning Commission and Council. Commissioner Erwin inquired why walkways were not to be included throughout the area, and Ms. Rollman answered some areas are rural in character and would not need sidewalks. Commissioner Melideo questioned that, stating that was not the recommendation of the committee. The committee felt there should be sidewalks. Mike Holzmiller, Planning Director, stated this was the draft report from the consultants and did not contain the recommendations of the committee. Commissioner Melideo reiteraated the desire of the committee was to have sidewalks throughout the entire area, and to have the railroad right-of-way used for beach parking. Roy Sanchez stated Tamarack and 1-5 is a trouble spot, and the ramps should be re-designed instead of installing signals . Chairman O'Day closed the public portion at 5:25 p.m. Commissioner Melideo stated she did not want the paragraph about no sidewalks to remain in the report. The committee had discussed that and wanted sidewalks. Commissioner Erwin said Carlsbad Boulevard needs synchronized signals to get the pedestrians across the street. He felt some of the problems on Carlsbad Boulevard need more time. He mentioned the Militaray School, and the area south of Elm to Cannon, and the fact those items had been postponed until a later time. Commissioner Fuller felt a traffic signal was needed on Carlsbad Boulevard in the vicinity of Chestnut--right away, and he agreed with the recommended study to design a detailed plan for Carlsbad Boulevard. Commissioner Herring agreed about the traffic signal , and felt the crosswalks should be left on Carlsbad Boulevard, with synchronized signals. Commissioner Erwin suggested the people involved in the items postponed by the Commission should be notified and be placed back on the agenda before any recommendations are made on Carlsbad Boulevard. /- MINUTES 3uly 6, 1987 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 8 COMMISSIONERS Traffic Safety Commission recommended changing Recommendation 527 as follows: The crosswalks are to be left on Carlsbad Boulevard and a traffic signal installed at Chestnut or the near vicinity. Traffic Safety Commission recommended the following change for Recommendation #29: Amendment to original motion was to change the motion to read: north beach area instead of entire City of Carlsbad. Amended motion read: Encourage the use of sidewalks in the north beach area. Commissioner Herring left the meeting at 5:50 p.m. Mike Holzmiller commented the intent was to not force sidewalks on both sides of the street in areas where sidewalks might detract from the character of the neighborhood. Commissioner Melideo stated this is the beach area and there is a lot of foot traffic. A motion was made and seconded to re-consider Recommendation W29 and the wording. changed to read: Pedestrian Walkways to be implemented wherever possible in the STA, where it will not detract from the character of the neighborhood. In some cases, provision of sidewalks throughout the STA area is essential from the standpoint of pedestrian volumes. The wording was to be The motion failed due to the lack of a majority. Mike Holzmiller stated Recommendation C29 needed better wording, and sidewalks were needed. This should be considered on a case-by-case basis. Commissioner Erwin said the wording should be amended so the burden is placed on those not wanting sidwalks. Traffic Safety Commission recommended the wording on Recommendation W29 be changed to include this being considered on a case-by-case basis. 0 I Day Erwin Fuller Herring Melideo 0' Day Erwin Fuller Herring Melideo 0 I Day Erwin Ful le r Herrinq Melideo 0' Day Erwin Fuller Melideo 0 Day Erwin Fuller Melideo 3 - X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x MINUTES Traffic Safety Commission approved the remainder of the North Beach PlanningITraffic Study report as it pertained to traffic safety. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Erwin reported the recommendations for Rancho Santa Fe Road were to have it remain a prime arterial and remain in the general area of the present location. Mitigation will take place for the noise problems. AD30URNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of 3uly 6, 1987, was adjourned at 6:04 p.m. Respectfully submitted, $-t5/ Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk 0 I Day Erwin Fuller Melideo