HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-11-07; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: November 7, 1988 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Melideo called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present -- Commissioners Melideo, Fuller, Herring and Ward. Absent -- Commissioner O'Day. Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Principal Civil Engineer Martin Lauber, Associate Civil Officer Carpenter, Police Engineer Department APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Meeting held October 3, 1988, were approved as presented. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: There were no requests to address the Commission. OLD BUSINESS: Bob 3ohnson announced that Carlsbad Boulevard is being studied, with particular attention to the Manzano Drive area, and will be on the December Agenda. The Melrose and Rancho Santa Fe Road signal is under construction at this time and the contractor is starting the road-widening work as of today. In answer to Commission query regarding the discrepancy in reported accidents in the Manzana Drive area, Mr. Johnson reported the persons involved did not come into his office to view the charts. From Tamarack to Palomar Airport Road there were approximately 30 accidents, and somehow in passing the word along, this got shortened to become between Manzano Drive and Palomar Airport Road. Of course, this was in error, as there were only five in that area. NEW BUSINESS: A. Pontiac Drive - Request to establish a 3-way STOP controlled intersection at Chestnut Avenue, York Road and Victoria Avenue. Bob Johnson gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda, stating Manya Bebieff initiated this request. He used a transparency to show the location of the streets and indicated that traffic volumes are low, with no reported accidents in the past three years at any of the three intersections. Mr. Johnson concluded his report, stating the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommended denying the request and re- evaluating the intersections in six months. Me1 ideo Fuller Herring Ward MINUTES November 7, 1988 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS \ - NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Commissioner Ward commented she had spent time on Pontiac Drive prior to the meeting, and there was a bush at the corner of Pontiac Drive and Victoria that blocked the sight distance heading south on Victoria. Also, at the corner of Spokane Way, it was not possible to see to the left and there was actually less sight distance than at Victoria. She stated she could support a 4-way STOP at Spokane to help slow traffic down, as she felt there was a speeding problem as well as a sight distance problem. Commissioner Fuller commented the people on Levante said the stop signs there had slowed the traffic. However, Bob 3ohnson stated he had heard that people were ignoring the stop signs on Levante at Romeria. has been no compliance study as yet. There Commissioner Fuller inquired about putting a center stripe on Pontiac, and Mr. 3ohnson stated that was discussed in the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee meeting, but it implies a faster road and is generally not done on collector streets such as Pontiac Drive. He added there will be criteria established for center line striping . In answer to Commissioner Herring's query regarding sight distance obstructions, Mr. 3ohnson explained that when Engineering becomes aware of such a problem, they go out and check on it and give the homeowners the first chance to trim any bushes or trees. If the obstruction is in the public right-of-way, Parks and Recreation Department takes care of it. If it is on private property, the matter then goes to the Code Enforement Officer. Mr. 3ohnson stated that staff would investigate these intersections. Chairperson Melideo said she favored two stop signs; one at Spokane and one a Victoria. Commissioner Fuller stated this was a local street, and he felt the citizens' requests should be considered, and supported. He also favored stop signs at Spokane and Victoria. Chairperson Melideo made a motion to recommend installing a stop sign at Victoria and Pontiac and staff study Spokane Way and Pontiac Drive. for lack of a second. The motion died Traffic Safety Commission stated they were aware of the problem on Pontiac Drive, and because of the citizens' requests, asked staff to study the possibility of stop signs at Victoria and Pontiac and possibly Spokane and Pontiac, with future evaluation of the intersection at Spokane Way and Pontiac. B. Palomar Airport Road - Carlsbad Boulevard to Paseo Del Norte - Request to reduce the prima facie speed limit from 45 m.p.h. to 35 m.p.h. Melideo Fuller Herring Ward MINUTES November 7, 1988 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS Y NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Bob Johnson gave the staff report, using a transparency to show the area, and recommended approval. Traffic Safety Commission accepted the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to establish a 35 m.p.h. prima facie speed limit on Palomar Airport Road from Carlsbad Boulevard to the intersection w€th Paseo Del Norte. C. Tamarack Avenue - Elm Avenue to Wilshire Avenue - Request to establish a NO PARKING zone. Bob Johnson reported that this item was initiated by the City Traffic Engineering Division. In September, the school people requested a bike lane on Tamarack from Elm Avenue northerly to Hope Elementary School, and Mr. 3ohnson stated that staff had found it was possible to paint two 5-foot bike lanes on Tamarack. He used a transparency to show the location of the streets and indicated the center line striping would be moved over between Elm and almost to Chatham. A NO-PARKING ZONE will be established to enforce this, which will not create a problem for the parents bringing children to school. Mr. Johnson stated the recommendation was to create the NO PARKING zone on Tamarack. Also, a left turn lane will be painted on Elm at Chatham. Traffic Safety Commission accepted the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommendation to establish a NO PARKING zone on Tamarack Avenue with bike lanes on Tamarack from Elm to Hope School. The center line striping will be changed to accommodate these bike lanes. Mr. Johnson further reported that the school's request for a 4-way STOP at Chatham and Elm did not meet the necessary warrants, and if the school wants a crossing guard there, they would have to fund that. The crossing guard at Elm and Tamarack is paid for by the City. In answer to Commission query regarding Wilshire and Tamarack, Mr. Johnson stated there are student patrols at that corner, and students riding bikes south of Wilshire to turn into the driveway of Hope School would have the same rights as other vehicles. Mr. Johnson explained the City has had no part in planning school sites in the past, but have been included in that planning recently. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: Chairperson Melideo inquired about the sidewalk situation on Laguna, and Mr. Johnson stated the City is working on the installation of sidewalks and Laguna is one of the areas that will be included in the 88-89 CIP . Melideo Fuller Herring Ward Me1 i deo Fuller Herring Ward s P $ - X X X X X X X X -. MINUTES y\\' November 7, 1988 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Paqe 4 COMMISSIONERS REPORT FROM TRAFFIC COMMISSIONERS: (Continued) Commissioner Herring inquired about the Elm Avenue streetscape. Mr. 3ohnson reported the streetscape will be done in two phases, with Carlsbad Boulevard being done first. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Bob 3ohnson stated he had no report at this time. AD30URNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of November 7, 1988, was adjourned at 3:51 p.m. Respectfully submitted, HARRIETT BABBITT Minutes Clerk