HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-12-05; Traffic Safety Commission; Minutes, MINUTES Meeting of: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMtdISSION Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: December 5, 1988 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Melideo called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present -- Commissioners Melideo, Fuller, Herring and O'Day. Absent - - Commissioner Ward. Staff Members Present: Bob gohnson, Principal Civil Engineer Mike Shirey, Engineering Officer Carpenter, Police Bob German, Risk Manager Technician I1 Department APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Meeting held November 7, 1988, were approved as presented. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: There were no requests to address the Commission. OLD BUSINESS: Bob 3ohnson announced that an Ordinance would be before Council on December 6 to lower the prima facie speed limit on Palomar Airport Road from Carlsbad Boulevard to Paseo Del Norte to 35 miles per hour. NEW BUSINESS: A. Carlsbad Boulevard - Request for traffic signal at Manzano Drive and STOP signs at Cerezo Drive. Bob Johnson gave the staff presentation on this item as contained in the staff report. He used transparencies to show the charts and graphs contained in that report and detailed the very complete report written by the Traffic Engineering Division. Officer Howard Carpenter of the Police Department gave an analysis of procedures in the Traffic Division for handling streets such as Carlsbad Boulevard. Commissioner Fuller inquired whether a stop sign at Cerezo Drive might not adversely affect the level of service on Carlsbad Boulevard, and Mr. Johnson agreed that was very possible. Mr. Fuller also asked whether the continuous left turn lane on Carlsbad Boulevard could be extended to Manzano, rather than just from Cannon Road to Cerezo Drive. Mr. Johnson replied that the pavement is not wide enough to do that. Commissioner O'Day inquired about the proposed study for widening Carlsbad Boulevard and why a study was necessary. Mr. Johnson stated there is no date set at this time, but a study is necessary due to right-of-way problems with backyards and landscaping that would have to be removed. Melideo Fuller Herring 0 ' Day L \ - X X X MINUTES December 5? 198 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMI --- NE\ BUSINESS; (Continued) Chairperson Melideo opened the Public Hearing at 4:27 p.m.g and issued the invitation to speak, Bailey Noble, 5470 Los Robles, questioned the statistics gathered by staff in their report and stated that excessive speed is certainly a problem; particularly when 80 to 90 percent of the people clocked on Carlsbad Boulevard were exceeding the speed limit. Mr. Noble stated that closing Manzano Drive would not slow the traffic on Carlsbad Boulevard, and would only make people hostile. Mr. Noble stated he watched this traffic survey being done, and the City vehicle was parked on the side of the road with a flashing light and blinkers on. down and was not a true test of the speeding. He felt that helped to slow the traffic Mr. Noble said this was a residential area and the only way to slow the traffic would be to install signals and stop them. He asked for help for the residents in that area so they can cross the street safely. L. 0. Brockmann, 5511 Los Robles Drive, stated that he supported what Mr. Noble had said. 3ohn Gray, 5451 Los Robles Drive, supported the previous speakers and said his wife was driving one of the cars listed on the report as having been rearended. Mr. Gray said Officer Moore was a witness to her accident, as he was writing a ticket nearby. He asked for more Police Officers to be patrolling that area for the safety of the residents. Mr. Gray concurred with the recommendation that Manzano Drive be widened and the two-way left turn lane be installed from Cannon Road to Cerezo Drive. He opposed the closing of Manzano Drive--temporarily or permanently. He asked the Commission to recommend to Council that more Police Officers be placed in that area. Phil C. Bunn, 5350 Los Robles, concurred with the statements of the previous speakers and added that there is a palm tree at the southeast corner of Cerezo Drive and Carlsbad Boulevard that blocks the sight distance for anyone trying to enter Carlsbad Boul.evard from Cerezo Drive. to getting rid of that tree. He requested consideration be given Mr. Bunn said that if Carlsbad Boulevard is widened to four lanes, that will mean more traffic travelling at a faster speed. He felt that did not make sense, particularly, with staff stating that a signal light was not needed due to insufficient traffic. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the Public Hearing was closed at 4:40 p.m. In answer to Commission query about widening Carlsbad Boulevard to four lanes, Mr. 3ohnson stated that the SANDAG projections indicate that some day the four lanes will be needed to handle the traffic. P MINUTES December 5, 1988 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3 COMM~SS~ONERS NEH BUSINESS: (Continued) Commissioner Fuller commented that when a street is designated as a maJor arterial street, that street will be built to four lanes. He said if the citizens don't like that designation, they should take it up with the Planning Department and Planning Commission. Chairperson Melideo added that Carlshad Boulevard was Highway 101, and the only highway to the south, for many years, so the residents on that street should have been aware of the status of the street. Bob 3ohnson stated that the speed surveys were conducted by staff in the City van, but not with the blinkers on; and, in fact, Mike Shirey conducted the Saturday surveys from his own personaJ automobile. Traffic Safety Commission approved the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommendation to deny the request for a traffic signal at Manzano Drive due to signal warrants not being met. Traffic Safety Commission approved the TSCC recommendation to deny the request for STOP signs on Carlsbad Boulevard at Cerezo Drive due to STOP sign warrants not being met. Traffic Safety Commission approved the TSCC recommendation to not stripe crosswalks on Carlsbad Boulevard at uncontrolled intersections. Traffic Safety Commission approved the TSCC recommendation to widen Manzano Drive to meet City Standards; amended to read no later than eight months from ganuary, 1989. Traffic Safety Commjssion approved the TSCC recommmendation to close Manzano Drive at Carlsbad Boulevard until such time that Palomar Airport Road is realigned at Carlsbad Boulevard. At that time, reconsider opening the intersection. Traffic Safety Commission approved the TSCC recommendation to install a minimum of three street lights on Carlsbad Boulevard south of Manzano Drive. Traffic Safety Commission approved the TSCC recommendation to continue enforcement of the prima facie speed limit by the Carlsbad Police Department, with attention given to motorists that violate the pedestrian right-of-way. Traffic Safety Commission recommended staff do a preliminary study of the widening of Carlsbad Boulevard for this Commission's review and amend the existing studies of the area from Tierra Del Oro to south of Manzano Drive to include this portion of Carlsbad Boulevard between Manzano Drive and Cannon Road. ~ Melideo Fuller Herring O'Day Me1 i de o Fuller Her ring 0 I Day Melideo Fuller Herring 0 I Day Melideo Fuller Herring 0' Day Me1 ideo Fuller Herring O'Day Melideo Fuller Herring 0 ' Day Melideo Fuller Herring 0 ' Day Melideo Fuller Herring O'Day $ - X X X X X X X X - X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X MINUTES December 5, 1988 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 COMMISSIONERS --- NE1 BUSINESS: (Continued) Traffic Safety Commission approved the TSCC recommendation to install a continuous two-way left turn lane from Cannon Road to Cerezo Drive when the Cannon Road/Carl.sbad Boulevard traffic signal is installed. Traffic Safety Commission approved the TSCC recommendation to install additional signing and striping on the northbound Carlsbad Boulevard ramp and at the Carlsbad Boulevard/Palomar Airport Road gore point. Traffic Safety Commission approved the TSCC recommendation to consider a suitable location for the State Parks and Recreation maintenance facility and no direct access to Carlsbad Boulevard should be permitted from the proposed site until the study is completed. Additional motion made to change the last recommmendation to read: no direct access to Carlsbad Boulevard should be permitted from the proposed site ever. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Fuller asked staff to check the curb area on Park Boulevard in Bristol. Cove and to ascertain whether the sight distance is such that the curb should be painted red. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Bob Johnson reported that at the November 22, 1988, Council Meeting presented a Pedestrian Safety Award for 1987 to the City of Carlsbad for no pedestrian fatalities during the year of 1987. Carlshad received this award. Jerry Long of the Automobile Club This was the second year in a row that Mr. Johnson announced that the 3anuary meeting of this Commission will be held one week later, Monday. January 9, 1989. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of December 5, 1988, was adjourned at 5:15 p.m. Respectfully submi ted, . #NP Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk Melideo Fuller Herring O'Day Melideo Fuller Herring 0 Day Melideo Fuller Herring 0 ' Day Melideo Fu I. le r Herrina 0 ' Day 3 - X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X