HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-03-06; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: March 6, 1989 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Meliedo called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present -- Chairperson Melideo, Commissioners Fuller and O'Day. Commissioner Ward arrived at 3:06 p.m. Absent -- Commissioner Herring Staff Members Present: Bob gohnson, Principal Civil Officer Carpenter, Police Martin Lauber, Associate Civil Mike Shirey, Engineering Engineer Department Engineer Technician I1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Meeting held February 6, 1989, were approved as presented. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: There were no requests to address the Commission. OLD BUSINESS: Bob 3ohnson reported there were no items under Old Business. NDV BUSINESS: A. City of Carlsbad Circulation System - Information Item. SANDAG will discuss their modelling efforts of future traffic volumes in Carlsbad. Bob 3ohnson stated that Council Member Mamaux had requested SANDAG present their modelling efforts of future traffic volumes to the Traffic Safety Commission. Mike Hix, Senior Transportation Planner for SANDAG, stated that last March SANDAG brought the preliminary results from the 78 Corridor Study to North County and presented this at a regional workshop and explained the Corridor Study traffic and transit study needs for freeways between 1-5 and 1-15 and the need for a circulation element for the cities within that area and coordinating that element with the cities. Mr. Hix called attention to a wall map showing the cities in that study and said SANDAG looked at the year 1995 and at full development of all general plans, or possibly 2010. ~~ Melideo Fuller 0 ' Day X X MINUTES March 6, 1989 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Mr. Hix said that looking at Carlsbad specifically, there would be a very heavy demand for north/south traffic that would end near Batiquitos Lagoon. are the following north/south arteries; Carlsbad Boulevard, 1-5, El Camino Real and Rancho Santa Fe Road, with heavy congestion on all those roads. He said they looked at the various networks to serve the area and the effect SA 680 connection would have if it goes to 1-15, and the local relief that would be provided to the La Costa interchange if Leucadia were connected between 1-5 and El Camino. They looked at the peak hour congestion in the area and for 20 years from now. There Mr. Hix explained the areas where there would be heavy congestion in Carlsbad and stated CalTrans and the City would address those. He stated the problem could be addressed by looking at the intersection capacities. Mr. Hix discussed the inconsistencies between the Carlsbad and Encinitas circulation elements; with Melrose being a six-lane road that does not continue through Encinitas. impacts when one city widens a road and the next one does not. He referred to Melrose Avenue as being a very important north-south arterial, but added where it meets another six-lane road at Palomar Airport Road, there will be heavy volumes there and in the future the intersection will work poorly. He said this could cause major Mr. Hix said volumes are getting higher and widening the roads and adding auxiliary lanes will help, but this will not solve the problem entirely. Chairperson Melideo inquired about Tamarack, and Mr. Johnson stated a study will be conducted to look at widening Tamarack between Carlsbad Boulevard and 1-5. Staff is aware of the congestion in that area. Commissioner Ward said that she thought Poinsettia Lane was going to be six lanes. Mr. Johnson answered that staff was not ready to say there would be six lanes on Poinsettia Lane at this time. 8. Carlsbad Boulevard - North of Tierra Del Oro to Palomar Airport Road -- Information Item regarding future widening. Bob Johnson gave the staff report on this item as contained in the packet, stating that the street right- of-way is two feet short of major arterial standards. He listed the different alternatives for improving the street, stating that transition to the existing driveways would present a problem. Mr. Johnson added that staff hoped to tie all the street and intersection improvements in that area into one continuous project. Mr. Johnson said staff recommended a detailed traffic study and preliminary design study report to evaluate existing conditions, capacity improvements and projections for the timing of when four lanes may be necessary. Alternatives for necessary improvements must be considered. The study would begin at a point north of Tierra Del Oro to Palomar Airport Road. h \ MINUTES March 6, 1989 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3 COMMlSSlON ERS NEW BUSINESS: (Con t inued ) C. Cannon Road - Request to establish a NO PARKING zone between Carlsbad Boulevard and Car Country Drive. Martin Lauber gave the staff report on this item as included in the packet, using a transparency to show Cannon Road. provided for Cannon Park. displayed on the wall showing the area. He stated that sufficient parking would be An aerial photograph was In answer to Commission question regarding the parking on Cannon Road at Paseo Del Norte, Mr. 3ohnson said there will be a bike lane installed from Paseo Del Norte to El Arbol and it will be signed I1Blke Lane -- No Parking". lane when the road is not complete, Mr. 3ohnson explained that cyclists could make a circle through Car Country. In answer to another question about a bike Commissioner Ward complained that the same problems exist between 1-5 and Paseo Del Norte along Poinsettia Lane. She added the homeowner associations are constantly complaining about the parking in the wide area of the road. Mr. 3ohnson explained that staff was aware of the situation and there has not been a problem in that area as of the present time. Traffic Safety Commission approved the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommendation that a "NO PARKING" zone be established on the southerly side of Cannon Road between Carlsbad Boulevard and Car Country Drive, and on the northerly side of Cannon Road between El Arbol Drive and Car Country Drive. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Ward requested the parking on Poinsettia Lane between 1-5 and Paseo Del Norte be placed on a future agenda for discussion. Officer Carpenter explained that cars may park on City streets for 72 hours and cars with "For Sale" signs can be parked as long as the sign is not placed in a window that is normally used for driving. Chairperson Melideo asked about the landscaping at Chase Field at Harding Street, and commented that extra parking could have been provided in the areas where they landscaped; particularly the southwest corner of the field, Mr. Johnson will check on this. Mr. Johnson reported on the traffic signal on El Camino at Rancho Carlsbad, stating it is being designed at this time. Commissioner Ward stated that at the Poinsettia Lane shopping center, when anyone is exiting the center going north on Avenida Encinas, the turn on Poinsettia Lane is so narrow that it is difficult to make that right-hand turn and stay in the proper lane. Mr. 3ohnson will check on the striping. Me1 i deo Fuller O'Day Ward x - X X X X MINUTES March 6, 1989 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 FW $ - COMMISSIONERS NDV BUSINESS: (Continued) Commissioner O'Day reported that traffic coming southbound on to Tamarack cannot see to the left or the east because of trees or bushes in the right-of-way. This is the southbound off-ramp at Tamarack. Staff will check the sight inadequacy. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Bob Johnson reminded Commissioners Fuller and 0-Day that their terms expire in 3uly of this year and they should be making a note to write a letter to the City Clerk's Office if they are interested in being re- appointed. AD30URNMENT : By proper motion, the Meeting of March 6, 1989, was adjourned at 4:17 p.m. Respectfully submitted , ..+e Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk