HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-05-01; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Time of Meetlng: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meetlng: May 1, 1989 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Meliedo called the Meetlng to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present -- Chalrperson Melideo, Cornmlssioners Fuller, Herring and Ward. Absent -- Commissloner O'Day. Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer Officer Clary, Police Lloyd Hubbs, City Englneer Robert German, Risk Manager Frank Boensch, Management D ep a rtmen t Ana I yst APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mlnutes of the Meeting held March 6, 1989, were approved as presented. Minutes of the Meeting held April 3, 1989, were approved as presented. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: There were no requests to address the Commlsslon. OLD BUSINESS: Bob Johnson reported on City Councll items as follows: The Manzano Drive item went before Council and action was taken and there will be a part of the item coming back to this Commlsslon for fol ow-up. Manzano Drive will be closed as recommended. Councll also dlrected staff to have a traffic signal nstalled at Cerezo Drlve. This signal wIl1 go out for bid for the design. Mr. Johnson stated that Council discussed %o parklng" on Manzano Drive, and staff has talked with Bailey Noble and other residents and this item will come back to this Commlssion. Councll Member Larson asked staff to investlgate the possibi Iity of reduclng the speed on the curved portion of Carlsbad Boulevard under Palomar Airport Road. Mr. Johnson reported that last Tuesday two ordinances were adopted for I*no parking" on Cannon and Poinsettia Lane. Those ordinances wIli be In effect 30 days from last Tuesday. Me I 1 deo Ful ler Herr 1 ng Ward Me I I deo Fuller Herr I ng Ward - X X X X X X MINUTES May 1, 1989 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMI SS I ON Page 2 COMMISSIONERS NEW BUSINESS: A. Adams Street - Harrison Street to Park Drive - Request to establish a rural road standard. City Engineer Lloyd Hubbs gave the lnltial staff report on this item, statlng this Commission would make a recommendation and the ltem would go to the Planning Commlssion and to Council for a flnal decision on the classlfication of Adams Street. The alternatlves arrived at for thls area were taken out to the community for input, and this lnformatlon was lncluded in the packet. The homeowners on Adams Street circulated petltions and their preference is to leave the street "as is". The cltlzens in that area would like more traffic control devlces to be installed along Adams Street and addltlonal signing. Mr. Hubbs presented slldes to how the area of study and the condition of the roadways. He also showed the Alternatives arrived at by staff, and stated that staff recommendation was Alternative D, which would widen the street to 34 feet, strlpe for a bike lane, add concrete curb and gutter and concrete sidewalk on one slde, with parklng at specified locations with addition of parklng bays. colored, as recommended by the Traffic Safety Coordinatlng Commlttee. He added that the concrete would be buff Bob Johnson, Trafflc Engineer, continued the report, statlng there was one change in the Condltlon Diagram contained in the packet; that was at Hoover and Adams, on the east side, the symbol should be R 1-2 to indicate a yield slgn rather than a stop slgn. Mr. Johnson explained that the intersection of Hoover and Adams does not meet warrants for stop signs; also Hlghland and Adams does not meet stop slgn warrants. Parking 1s not a problem at this time, and staff felt no additional signs were needed. Also, staff felt no additional regulatory signs were needed in that area. Barton Lefferdlnk, 4576 R Cove Drive, stated that if the road were widened as recommended, this would then be 15 feet from his bedroom and would be even closer to some of his neighbors' homes. He felt a cost estimate should be made as to the cost of this widenlng before any action was taken; also consideration should be given to destroylng the residents' properties. Thelma Hayes, 580 Laguna, spoke ln support of Alternative D, stating this should help further the Pedestrian Action Plan by provlding safety for pedestrians in this area. It also would accommodate the cars, blkes, runners and children. She felt the children must have a safe place to walk, and although the view is lmportant to the residents in that area, that view Is for everyone to enjoy and should be shared. F MINUTES TRAFF I C AFETY COMMI ION Page COMMISSIONERS Y NEW BUSINESS: (Contlnued) Lee Alton, 4380 Adams, questioned spendlng money for reports on somethlng that none of the resldents in that area want. He stated that at one time a blke path was planned along the edge of the lagoon, and he felt that blke path would be much safer than one along the street. Mr. Alton suggested that alternative be studled before any more money was spent on changes in Adams Street that no one wants. Ben Hatfield, 1832 Fairway Circle Drive, Lake San Marcos, Presldent of the North County Cycle Club, spoke representing the Club, and stated their support for Alternatlve D. He said this area 1s avoided now because it 1s dangerous, and this would be a good substltute for riding on Carlsbad Boulevard. Greg Rusing, 4310 Brooks Way, spoke in favor of Alternatlve B, stating his preference for a rural area. He added the residents on Adams want to slow the trafflc down, as there is a lot of speeding In that area. He felt the speed limit should be lowered and more stop signs and regulatory signs lnstal led. Mr. Rusing stated he did not want people parklng above hls house, as they could then look down into his home. Brook Olsen, 4320 Brooks Way, spoke representing several of the resldents ln the area, statlng there would be extensive cut and fill necessary to wlden the road. He said the residents like the rural atmosphere and want to retain it. Mr. Olsen said the street does need to be widened, but he dld not want curb, gutters and sidewalks. He felt any such lrnprovements would be done piecemeal as development occurs, making a street wide in some places and narrow in others. He supported Alternative B. Commissioner Fuller inquired about the bike path by the lagoon, and staff indicated this 1s ln the plans, and the easements are belng obtained at this time. answer to Commlssloner Fuller's query, Mr. Hubbs agreed that the path by the lagoon would require less cut and f i I I than widenlng the road to contain a blke lane. In Commissioner Fuller stated he felt only one sldewalk was needed; on the view side of the street. He stated he favored Alternative C, and could not support a blke lane on the road, as the environmental aspect would be damaging in wldening the road. Commlssloner Ward stated safety was her first concern, and although she understood the residents' deslre to have a rural atmosphere, she supported pedestrlan safety and sidewalks and supported Alternatlve D. Cornmissloner Herrlng said that if the road were left as lt ls, it would only deteriorate more. He said he did not see this area as a speedway, as it is not bui It for fast driving. He felt the sight distance at Adams and Highland should be improved and agreed wlth Commissloner Fuller that the bike lane should be placed by the lagoon. He preferred one sldewalk and a proper road with sight problems corrected. *- MINUTES 1 May 1, 1989 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 COMMISSIONERS NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Chairperson Melideo commented that this ltem dealt wlth publlc streets and the Clty should have safe sidewalks and streets. That area needs to be made safe, and she supported sidewalks and curbs on both sldes of the street. Mrs. Me1 ideo stated she supported Alternatlve D. In response to Commission query regarding parking, Mr. Hubbs replied that the parking was for the homeowners in all areas except the view points. Motion was made to approve Alternative D. No actlon was taken due to a tie vote. The Traffic Safety Commission continued this item with staff to look at the feasibility of elimlnating the bike lane on Adams Street and placlng It on the Aqua Hedionda Plan, with two traffic lanes on Adams with a sidewalk on the vlew side. Mr. Hubbs stated that staff would return with an alternative, but It would not be a detailed study, as staff was looklng for policy direction. Chairperson Melideo commented that staff and the Commisslon should be thinking ln terms of bulldout, and not Just the immediate future. The Traffic Safety Commlsslon adopted the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommendatlon to stripe Adams Street from Harrison Street to Park Drive with a double yellow centerline. The Traffic Safety Commlsslon adopted the TSCC recommendation to remove the slope on the southeast corner of Adams/Hlghland to lmprove sight distance. The Traffic Safety Commisslon continued the ltem regarding the color to be used in the concrete curb, gutter and sidewalk. The Trafflc Safety Commission adopted the TSCC recommendatlon to deny the installation of STOP slgns on Adams Street at Hoover Street and Highland Drive due to warrants not being met. The Traffic Safety Commlsslon adopted the TSCC recommendation to deny the request for additional regulatory or warning slgns on Adams Street. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of May 1, 1989, was adjourned at 4:18 p.m. Minutes Clerk Me1 i deo Fu I ler Herring Ward Me I i deo Fu I ler Herr i ng Ward Me I 1 deo Fu I ler Herr i ng Ward Me I i deo Ful ler Herr 1 ng Ward Me I i deo Fu I ler Herr i ng Ward Me I i deo Fu I ler Herr i ng Ward Me I 1 deo Fu I ler Herr i ng Ward $ - X X X X X X X - X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X