HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-06-05; Traffic Safety Commission; Minutes‘k \r MINUTES Meet1 ng of: Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: June 5, 1989 Place of Meeting: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION City Counci I Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Meliedo called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present -- Chairperson Melideo, Commissioners Fuller, Herring, O’Day and Ward. Absent -- None. Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer Off icer Carpenter, Poi i ce Depart men t Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer Frank Boensch I Sen 1 or Management Ana I yst APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Meeting held May 1 I 19899, were approved as presented. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Li I I ian Lawman, 1708 ,onita Lane, addressed the Commission stating she had concern on two issues; one that there are no speed limits posted on Valley Street, and the speeding is dangerous to the children walking there. She would like speed limit slgns there. The second lssue Ms. Lawman brought forth was the size of commercial vehicles. She said the street is narrow and the large trucks would not be able to stop to avoid hitting children walking there on Valley Street between Elm and Basswood. Bob Johnson stated that if a street does not qual ify as a res I dential street, then the speed I imit has to be placed by a speed survey. He will conduct studies In this area and bring a report to the next meeting. Kim Marie Sell, 3228 Valley Street, concurred wlth Ms. Lawman and added she had witnessed the excessive speeding and felt something needed to be done. OLD BUSINESS: There was no Old Business. NEW BUSINESS: A. Adams Street - Harrison Street to Park Drive - Request to establ Ish a rural road standard. ( Item continued from May 1, 1989, Traffic Safety Commission meeting.) Me1 deo Ful er Herr i ng 0 ’ Day Ward h !! \ f" MINUTES NEW BUSINESS: (Cont i nued 1 City Engineer Lloyd Hubbs gave the staff report as contalned in the packet, stating originally staff had recommended Alternative D, which would widen the exlstlng substandard roadway to 34 feet with a 5-foot sidewalk on both sides and 5 foot blke lanes. However, the Commission asked staff to return with a new alternative removing the sldewalk from the northeasterly side of the road and ellminating a dedicated bike lane along Adam Street. (Alternative F) Mr. Hubbs showed the alternatlve on a transparency and reiterated that staff still recommended Alternative D. Commissioner Fuller said that the grading would be reduced by 9 feet, rather than the 6 feet listed In the report, if Alternative F were approved. Chairperson Melideo opened the Public Hearing at 3:13 p .m., and issued the i nvltation to speak. Tom Frey, 1840 East Pointe, spoke In oppositlon to staff Is recommendation, stating that the bike lane along the lagoon would take care of that need. He did not feel that sidwalks on the embankment would help, as that is an erosion area and a fill area. Mr. Frey said if the street is to be widened, it should be from the east slde, as there are no houses on the east slde of Adams. He reiterated that the blke route is the most dangerous he cou I d th ink of Marjorie Monroy, 3610 Carlsbad Boulevard, spoke in favor of staff's original recornmendation, stating that meets the requl rements of the Pedestr i an C ircu lat ion P Ian, whlch this Commlsslon recently adopted. Mrs. Monroy stated she 1s a walker and can attest to the fact that thls 1s a well-used area. It is rather unsafe at the present time, but Alternative D would make it less so. Lew Pr itten, 330 Ch i nquap i n, representing the North County Cycle Club, spoke in favor of Alternatlve F. and gutters belng painted black, as this is a scenlc roadway. Mr. Pritten stated there should be scenic trai Is through that area. He did express concern about the concrete sidewalks Mr. Pritten recommended Alternative F, with only one sidewalk on the west slde of Adams, as that is where most of the people walk. The use factor, as wel I as the added cost, shou I d be considered. Mr. Pritten recommended a stop sign at Adams and Hoover and one at Adams and Highland. He said the cars golng south on Adams can be broadsided by cars drlvlng north. The steep slope of Adams causes a sight problem at the corner of Highland. Mr. Prltten recommended a smal I blke lane on the hll lside section of the hairpin curve above Cove Drive to allow for the slowing of bike rides. He said It is diff icu It to say whether it is mre dangerous to have a blke lane on a busy street or none on a non-busy street. \ \ MINUTES June TRAFF I C SAFETY COMMI SS I ON Page 3 COMM~SS~ONERS \ , 1989 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Brook Olsen, 4320 Brook Way, felt that Council's intent was not to have curbs and gutters in this area, but to work out a compromise that would be acceptable to both the City and the residents, that Engineering cou Id I ive with. He said that Alternative F is a compromise, but still leaves out some things that concern the citizens of Carlsbad. If this area is brought up to ''City Standards", it defeats the purpose. This is a pleasant area and was not meant to be that way. He suggested to find a way to and hard-surf ace more study to avoid the grad ing and put in a trail--but not in concrete pav i ng . Li nda Sal vat 1, 4570 Cove, represent owners on the west side of Adams. sit close to the street now, and lf widened, the street wi 1 I go through spoke in opposition to widenlng the ng 570 condom hese condomin the street is her bedroom. street. Ms. Salvati also stated that the cost of widenina the nlum urns She street would be a burden on the owners f inancia1 ly. Jeffry Brusseau, 4607 Park Drlve, #C, stated he moved here because of the rural area and 1 ivi ng on the lagoon. He felt additional studles need to take place in this residential area before this is made into a scenic freeway or heavily traveled road. Mr. Brusseau felt additional consideration should be given to the amount of retaining wal Is necessary with the widening. He would like to see a bike lane and some kind of a meandering sidewalk throuughout the area. Also, estimates of the costs shou Id be careful ly studied, since an assessment district would be costly to the neighborhood. Mr. Brusseau stated he would hate to see stop signals, as this might cause additional problems with the traff ic, such as rear cot lisions. Marion Lefferdink, 4576 B Cove Drive, representing Bristol Cove, stated if Adam Street is widened, or a wall installed, she would have a crib wall right outside the bedroom wlndows. She stated she represented three units and those people would not be able to sell their units with a wal I outside the windows. This would devaluate their property and be an enormous hard s h i p on the Owners. Mr. Hubbs stated that there would be a need to vary the center line, and it was the intent to widen the street on the inside and avoid fills. The street was not being done as a conventional standard City street, as it was reduced to 36 feet. Commissioner Fuller said that whatever plan is adopted, the center line could be varied throughout the area to minimize the cuts and flll. The people in the condos should be aware that it might not be possible to put a section of road through there, and there can be variances throughout the area. He said that staff was aware of the constrictions due to the slopes and homes, and must make adjustments. /4 MINUTES June 5, 1989 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 COMMISSIONERS NEW BUS I NESS: (Continued) Commissioner Fuller stated his support for A ternative F. Commissioner Ward asked why Adams Street was under consideration, slnce al I the streets In that area are substandard and Adams is not a principal col ector street, and the traffic, both vehicle and pedestrian, Is not heavy. City Engineer Hubbs replied that Council had requested this because of development that was occurring there. I n answer to query regarding the steep slopes, Mr. Hubbs pointed out the areas on a transparency, and stated the height of the retaining wal Is would vary. Commissioner Herring stated this was not a heavy- traffic area and he favored Alternative F. That Alternative would give a good solid control of the road, with an opportunlty for a sidewalk on the lagoon side and not have the impact of a major street. He felt this Alternative would give safety to some degree and would be the least costly. Mr. Herring agreed with a stop sign at Adams and Highland, due to the slght problem. Commissioner Ward said a stop sign at Adam and Highland would make it worse, as it is blind and on a curve. Chairperson Me1 i deo stated that the b I i nd spot has been taken care of by actions of this Commission at the last meeting. Bob Johnson stated that the slope will be shaved off to improve the sight distance. However, there are no plans at this time to re-design the intersection. Chairperson Me! ideo stated she favored Alternative 0, as this Commlsslon must consider everyone and make the streets safe and accessible to everyone. Cornmissloner Fuller made a mtion to adopt Alternative F, using suitable colored concrete, and a third bike path on Adams Street from Hoover to Park Drive be recommended for elimination from the Master Plan. Cornmissloner Herring seconded the mtion. Commissioner O'Day suggested going along with Alternative D and let the Counci I decide, or leave the street a I one. Motion was made to recommend Alternative F; with an elimination of the blke path on Adams Street from Hoover to Park Drive. No action was taken due to a tie vote. Commissioner Ward said she would like to see a plan for the entire area, not just Adams Street. Me1 ideo Ful ler Herr i ng 0 'Day Ward /4 MINUTES NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Motion was made to adopt staff recommendation of Alternative D. Motion failed. City Engineer Lloyd Hubbs stated that all Alternatives were acceptable from a liabi I ity standpoint; with the only difference a consideration of the area and the desires of the residents. The intent of staff was to have something on record when development does occur. Commissioner O'Day commented that this improvement would probably involve an assessment district and there would be hearings at that time and time for the residents to voice their concerns. The Traffic Safety Commission recommended adoption of Alternative F, which would provide a sidewalk on the lagoon side of Adams Street and eliminate the designated bike lane. The roadway would be reduced to 28 feet curb-to-curb, with the graded area 38 feet. The concrete used for curb and gutters would be earth- tone or a color that would blend into the surroundings. Chairperson Melideo stated this left out two major areas in the City--bikers and walkers. B. Manzano Drive - Request to establish a NO PARKING zone on both sides of the street. Bob Johnson gave the staff report using a transparency to show Manzano Drive. He stated the Terramar Homeowners Association was in favor of establlshing a NO PARKING zone on both sides of the stret. Bailey Noble, 5470 Los Robles Drive, representing Terramar Association, stated that the Association was in favor of the recommendation for NO PARKING on both sides of Manzano Drive. The Trafflc Sa of the Traffic establ ish a NO Drive from Car ety Commission adopted the recommendat ion Safety Coordinating Committee to PARKING zone on both sides of Manzano sbad Boulevard to El Arbol Drive. C. Carlsbad Founders' Day - Request for comments. A letter from Mayor Lewis asked for Commission comments on the suggestion to establish a Founders' Day. Commission consensus was to have this as a birthday party on a specific day and honor anyone that has served the City. This would be planned by a Committee appointed by Counci I. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Herring expressed his concern about the d iff lculty in turning onto Elm Avenue or crossing it at the intersections, except at the slgnal at Harding Street. Mr. Johnson said that would be taken care of with the streetscape. Me1 ideo Ful ler Herr i ng O'Day Ward Me1 ideo Ful ler Herr I ng 0-Day Ward Me1 ideo Ful ler Herr i ng O'Day Ward r' MINUTES June 5, 1989 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 6 COMMISSIONERS REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Bob Johnson reported that the July meeting would be scheduled for July 3, 1989, and he asked for input from the Commissioners about delaying the meeting until July 10. The consensus of the Commission was to hold the meeting on July 10, 1989. Mr. Johnson reported that Chapter 10 of the Municipal Code has been updated and the Commissioners will be receiving copies in the mail this coming week. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the regular meeting of June 5, 1989, was adjourned at 4:33 p.m. Res ectful ly submitted, tdW H&r i ett Babbitt Minutes Clerk > \ P