HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-09-10; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: September 10, 1990 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Vice-chairman Stachoviak called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Blake, Fuller, Melideo and Stachoviak. Absent: Commissioner O'Day. Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer Sgt. Don Metcalf, Police Department Sherri Howard, Associate Engineer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held August 6, 1990, were approved as presented. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: There were no requests to address the Commission on a non- Bob Johnson introduced Mr. Thomas Blake, who is the new Traffic Safety Commissioner. Commissioner Blake was welcomed by the other Commissioners. Mr. Johnson stated that Commissioner O'Day had asked him to research whether or not there was any liability on the part of the City for failure to paint red curb by fire hydrants. Mr. Johnson referred to the memorandum dated September 5, 1990, from the City Attorney's Office stating the City has no legal obligation to paint the curb red in the vicinity of a fire hydrant. It is the driver's responsibility to know the law and the fire hydrant itself is a notice to the driver that he cannot park there. NEW BUSINESS: A. Elect new Chairperson and Vice-ChairDerson Vice-Chairperson Stachoviak indicated he would rather serve as Vice-Chairperson rather than Chair the Commission for the coming year. Commissioner Fuller recommended that the term of office be from August 1 through July, as this would coincide with the appointment of new Commissioners by Council. By unanimous vote, Commissioner Fuller was elected Chairperson for the coming year. Commissioner Stachoviak was unanimously elected Vice-Chairperson, with the term of office to run from August 1 through the following July. Stachoviak B 1 ake Fuller Me 1 ideo MINUTES September 10, 1990 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 2 COM B. Traffic Safety Commission Resolution of Commendation for Robert Herrinq. Vice-chairman Stachoviak read the Resolution of Commendation for former Commissioner Herring, and this Resolution will either be presented to him at a future meeting or mailed to him. The Traffic Safety Commission adopted the Resolution of Commendation for Commissioner Herring for his service to the City. C. Sidewalk and Centerline Radii Rewirements on Private Streets - Review and comment on proposed Engineering Department Policy. Bob Johnson stated this item was requested by the City Engineer for this Commission to consider and provide input. Sherri Howard continued the staff report, stating the proposed policy would allow some variations from the Engineering Design Standards to allow more creativity in site design and enhance project site safety. In reply to Commission query regarding private streets becoming public streets, Mr. Johnson stated that there have been such requests, but there is considerable criteria to be met in order to do that, as the City is not willing to accept those roads. Exceptions were usually granted to the developers to get the streets in, and the City does not want to accept streets that do not meet regular standards. Commissioner Melideo stated she felt very strongly that if streets were going to be built, they should be built to City standards. Staff indicated that most of the private street projects being received by the City at this time are gated, and some with guardhouses at those gates, and the streets within that gated area are not designed to public street criteria. They are closer to it now than previously, but there are still variations in the sidewalks and setbacks. This is to help provide a good design that will not become too sterile. Ms. Howard indicated that the Planning Department shares Commissioner Melideo's sentiment, and not all developers requesting private streets are being granted that request. Commissioner Melideo reiterated that she is not against private streets and gated communities, but sidewalks and streets should conform as closely as possible to City standards. Commissioner Fuller stated he had no problem with giving the City Engineer the ability to have some leeway for private streets, if there is a guarantee that the developer and the buyers know those streets will not be accepted as public streets in the future. Mr. Johnson stated there is not a one hundred percent guarantee on that. Mr. Fuller said that he felt the buyers should be made aware of that, and that private streets engineered to standards lower than that for public streets should then remain private streets. Stachoviak Blake Fuller Me 1 ideo MINUTES Ms. Howard added that standards are still maintained, but steeper curves are allowed and there are sidewalks behind the units rather than along the main route. She said that this is more stringent than the products out there now. Sidewalks are not being removed from the projects--better pedestrian circulation is being provided. Commissioner Melideo stated she could not go along with this and would recommend that with the addition of “to public street specifications” that would take care of it. Mr. Johnson stated that the City Engineer had requested Commission comments on whether private streets should be built to public street standards in the City. There has been no written policy on this issue, and this is the first attempt to establish such a policy. Commissioner Fuller stated he would like to have some kind of a format showing current City standards. There is no way to tell how many deviations are contained in this proposed policy. The Commissioners concurred they would like a copy of City standards and to know what standard is referred to by each section, and felt they needed more information. Chairman Stachoviak asked about speed limits, and Mr. Johnson stated that there is no speed enforcement on private streets--that is regulated by the homeowners. The Traffic Safety Commission continued this item to a future meeting to give staff time to make a comparison between this proposed policy and City standards. D. Method to Notifv Public of TSC Aaenda Items - Review and comment. Bob Johnson reported that Commissioner O’Day had requested this item to determine how to notify the public of items of particular significance or importance to them, if that item had major ramifications. Mr. Johnson indicated staff had checked with the other Departments in the City to determine how other Commission meetings were publicized. They also contacted the local newspapers to discuss the Traffic Safety Commission particular needs with regard to publicity on certain agenda items. The Traffic Safety Commission approved the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to publish the entire agenda when an item of importance or one of significant interest to the public is on the agenda. The agenda wouldd be published in the Carlsbd Journal in the Thursday edition preceding the Traffic Safety Commission meeting. The agenda in the Blade Citizen would be in the Friday edition before the Commission meeting. The Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee further recommended that they decide which agendas should be published in the newspaper, unless previously determined. Stachoviak Blake Fuller Me 1 ideo Stachoviak Blake Fuller Me 1 ideo MINUTES h September 10, 1990 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: None REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Bob Johnson reported that in the spring there was an agenda item on one of the Commission's meetings to apply for TDA funding, and the City did receive $262,000. Mr. Johnson announced there would be a Pedestrian Conference in Boulder, Colorado, the first week in October, and he asked whether any Commissioners were interested in attending. He will not be attending the Conference this year. Mr. Johnson announced that October 1-5, 1990, is California Ride Share Week, with October 3 as "Ride Share Day". He had pledge cards to distribute to the Commissioners. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of September 10, 1990, was adjourned at 4:25 p.m. ett Babbitt Minutes Clerk