HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-02-04; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: TRAFFIC SAFETY CCW$ISSION Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: February 4, 1991 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS ~~ ~ CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Fuller called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Fuller, Blake, Melideo and Stachoviak. Absent: Commissioner O'Day. Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer Clyde Wickham, Associate Engineer Gary Kellison, Associate Engineer Mike Shirey, Assistant Engineer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held January 7, 1991, were approved as presented. There were no requests to address the Commission. pLD BUSINESS : None. NEW BUSINESS: A. Carlsbad Boulevard Re-stripina at Buena Vista Laaoon - Request for Status Report. Gary Kellison, Project Manager for this project, gave the staff report, stating the Municipal Projects staff is doing the design in-house for this re-striping. He said that by re-striping Carlsbad Boulevard in this area adjacent to the Buena Vista Lagoon, this would allow for a five foot pedestrian/bicycle lane to be added. The project requires coordination with the City of Oceanside, and could be done by the Utilities/Maintenance Department. There is no time schedule set for this work. In answer to Commission query regarding the widening of the bridge, staff indicated that could be looked at as a long-term project. This project is one to be completed in the near future. Bob Johnson explained that there is no place for pedestrians to walk at the present time, and although a pedestrian/bike lane is not the ideal solution, it would be a place for pedestrians to walk in the interim. This was an information item and no action was taken. B. ;I991 "Walk for Mankind" - Request for report on pedestrian safety. Bob Johnson stated that Sharon Schramm, representing Project Concern, was present to answer any questions not answered by the staff report. Fuller Blake Me1 ideo Stachoviak MINUTES February 4, 1991 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 2 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Mr. Johnson stated the "Walk for Mankind" would be held on March 9, 1991, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. He listed all the activities that take place prior to the walk. Thelma Hayes, 580 Laguna Drive, stated she did not have any concerns with this walk, and what she meant was to have the City take advantage of this opportunity for an educational program telling all the citizens what they have done and increase the awareness of all citizens for the necessity of looking out for each other. She said her only concern was the crossing of the bridge in the Lagoon area, and felt Project Concern had done a good job of public education. This was an information item and no action was taken. C. Sidewalk Inventory Report - Review and Approve. Mike Shirey stated this item was continued from the January Meeting to answer Commission questions, and this was done in the staff report. The Commissioners requested the finished maps, which have been supplied to them, and Mr. Shirey explained the colors used in the maps. Mr. Johnson explained the process used for determining the projects to be undertaken each year, stating that costs must be factored in, as the very expensive projects would use up the $300,000 allotted for each year without spreading the funds around. Commissioner Melideo stated that the City is promoting tourism, but that area doesn't have the facilities for them. She felt some of those projects should be done, rather than some of the smaller, less important ones. Commissioner Stachoviak concurred, stating he preferred Buena Vista to other projects in the industrial area. Thelma Hayes, 580 Laguna Drive, stated that staff had meet with Mario Monroy and her and explained the reasoning for placing the projects in the present order. Staff indicated this is just a beginning and is to serve as a model for others to follow and improve upon. The Traffic Safety Commission accepted the Sidewalk Inventory Report, as presented. D. 1991 TDA Fundinq - Review Projects Requested to Receive Funding. Mike Shirey reported that each year the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) administers a $2.4 million program to aid in the planning and construction of non-motorized facilities throughout San Diego County. The three programs recommended by staff are: sidewalk construction, $200,000; Palomar Airport Road - El Camino Real to east City Limits, Construct Two 8 foot Bicycle Lanen; and provide 16 bicycle racks at a cost of approximately $1,000. Fuller Blake Me 1 ideo Stachoviak MINUTES February 4, 1991 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) The Traffic Safety Commission adopted the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommendation to submit funding requests for the above projects. E. La Costa Avenue, 1-5 to El Camino Real - Request for review of critical speed. Clyde Wickham gave the update on this item, stating this was a review of the prima facie speed limit on La Costa Avenue between Interstate Highway 5 and El Camino Real. The speed limit was set at 50 miles per hour, and the speeds have dropped slightly since that speed limit was posted. This was an information item and no action was taken. F. Alcra Road, El Camino Real to Poinsettia Lane - Request to establish a prima facie speed limit. Clyde Wickham gave the report, stating that 40 miles per hour has been recommended for that area, since it is open road and the visibility is good. The Traffic Safety Commission adopted the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to establish a prima facie speed limit of 40 miles per hour on Alga Road, El Camino Real to Poinsettia Lane. G. Poinsettia Lane, Alaa Road to Carlsbad Boulevard - Request to establish a prima facie speed limit. Clyde Wickham gave the report on this item, stating that the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommended a prima facie speed limit of 40 miles per hour on Poinsettia Lane from Alga Road to Paseo Del Norte. Also, that a prima facie speed limit of 35 miles per hour be established on Poinsettia Lane from Paseo Del Norte to Carlsbad Boulevard. The Traffic Safety Commission adopted the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee for a prima facie speed limit of 40 miles per hour on Poinsettia Lane from Alga Road to Paseo Del Norte and 35 miles per hour on Poinsettia Lane from Paseo Del Norte to Carlsbad Boulevard. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Stachoviak stated his concern for the loss of parking due to the proposed park at Carlsbad Boulevard and Ocean Street. He asked staff to research this and put on a future agenda. Chairman Fuller commented about the recent policy adopted by Council limiting Commissioners to two terms and asked staff to determine how this is to be applied; whether or not it is retroactive or to start as of this date. Fuller B 1 ake Me1 ideo Stachoviak Fuller Blake Melideo Stachoviak Fuller Blake Me 1 ideo Stachoviak \ MINUTES February 4, 1991 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 ~ REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Bob Johnson announced there will be a Northeast Quadrant Meeting February 26, 1991. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of February 4, 1991, was adjourned at 4:20 p.m. 4.1 Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Bob Johnson announced there will be a Northeast Quadrant Meeting February 26, 1991. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of February 4, 1991, was adjourned at 4:20 p.m. Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk