HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-10-07; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutescL4 MINUTES Meeting of: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: October 7, 1991 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Stachoviak called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Stachoviak, Blake, Fuller, Melideo and Rifkin. Absent: None. Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer Sgt. Don Metcalf, Police Department Clyde Wickham, Associate Engineer Bob German, Risk Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held September 9, 1991, were approved as amended on page 3 to indicate that Commissioner Fuller abstained from the vote on Item D. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: There were no requests to address the Commission on a non- agenda item. OLD BUSINESS: ~ Chairperson Stachoviak presented a Resolution of Commendation to Commissioner Fuller for his service to the Commission and as Chairman for the past year. NEW BUSINESS: A. Camino Vida Roble - Request to establish a NO PARKING zone from Palomar Airport Road to El Camino Real. Clyde Wickham, Associate Engineer, gave the staff report, using a transparency to show the Palomar Airport Business Park and slides to show the existing traffic conditions. He stated that notices of this meeting had been sent to all the businesses in the area and also put on the vehicles parked in the area. A few complaints had been received, but most of the people were in support of the NO PARKING. Mr. Wickham stated that the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee had recommended NO PARKING on Camino Vida Roble from Palomar Airport Road to El Camino Real. In response to Commission query as to whether there would be sufficient parking off-street for those who are now parking on the street, Mr. Wickham stated that if the area now vacant is leased according to parking requirements, there will be ample parking. Mr. Johnson stated that the City does not enforce CC&R's; that this is a NO PARKING issue and any change to the site would be scrutinized ciosely by the City to ensure there was sufficient off-stteet parking. It is the responsibility of the owners to enforce their Stachoviak Blake Fuller Melideo Rif kin MINUTES October 7, 1991 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 2 \ COMMISSIONERS NEW BUSINESS: In response to Commission query regarding enforcement, sgt. Metcalf stated that initially warnings would be given and then citations for anyone parking in that area. commission questions regarding any changing in the uses of the buildings in the area were answered by Mr. Johnson, stating that the City now has very strict standards with regard to parking and if there is a change in the usage of a building, that is taken into consideration at the time the application is placed with the City. In response to a question about where would the people who have been parking on the street now park, Mr. Wickham explained that the City of Carlsbad leases off- site parking from an adjacent landowner, and the other businesses can also lease parking. However, it was noted that the on-street parking is due largely to the fact that drivers do not want to walk from a lot, and it is closer and more convenient to just park on the street. Chairman Stachoviak closed the Public Testimony at 3:25 p.m. The Traffic Safety Commission approved the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to establish a NO PARKING zone on both sides of Camino Vida Roble from Palomar Airport Road to El Camino Real. B. Golf Cart Crossinas - Request to cross streets per AB 789 Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer, gave the staff report, stating the request had been initiated by Morris Rabin, and consisted of permission to cross streets having a speed limit of 45 miles per hour or less at three locations and drive on certain streets having a speed limit greater than 25 miles per hour. Mr. Johnson stated this matter had been discussed at the Commission level on January 8, 1990, with a request to allow golf carts to drive on streets posted at a speed above 25 m.p.h.; and with a four to zero vote, the Commission denied that request and recommended that Mr. Rabin and his group work on getting the State Law changed. Mr. Rabin and this group worked with the appropriate individuals and AB 789 was passed and signed by the Governor. That bill will become effective January 1, 1992. There are several key provisions in that bill; one being that it does authorize local authority, under prescribed conditions, to allow driving golf carts across a street with a speed limit of 45 m.p.h. or less, if the intersection is immediately adjacent to any golf course, during times other than darkness. Stachovial Blake Fuller Me 1 ideo Rif kin MINUTES October 7, 1991 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) One of the key features of AB 789 is that the local law enforcement agency must find and determine that "the conditions pertaining to that street, with the addition of proper signs, markers, or lighting, or any combination of those, will permit the establishment Of a golf cart crossing with reasonable safety, and the signs, markers, or lighting specified by the local law enforcement agency are in place." Reference was made to Police Captain George Suttle's memorandum dated September 18, 1991, to the Traffic Engineer, stating that the Police Department has severe reservations about the ability to safely cross La Costa Avenue in a golf cart. Previous State Law regarding a golf cart on a street with a speed limit greater than 25 m.p.h. has not changed. In fact, AB 789 specifically states that per CVC Section 21716 "no person shall operate a golf cart on any highway except in a speed zone of 25 m.p.h. or less." This is the key issue, and has not changed in the State Law. The Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee found that none of the three crossings requested were immediately adjacent to the golf course, as defined in AB 789. Mr. Johnson used a transparency to indicate the three locations requested for golf cart crossings. Also, golf carts are not allowed on streets with a speed limit above 25 m.p.h., and Mr. Johnson used an overhead showing the streets with a 25 m.p.h. speed limit. Mr. Johnson said there is a misunderstanding about prima facie speed limits, and in California the speed limits are governed by the Vehicle Code. The California Vehicle Code requires that speed zones be established on the basis of speed surveys; not out of the air--but as the result of engineering and traffic surveys. The basic speed law recognizes that conditions vary from time to time, but states that no person shall drive a vehicle upon a highway at a speed greater than is reasonable or prudent, having due regard for weather, visibility, the traffic on, surface and width of the highway, and in no event at a speed which endangers the safety of persons or property. This was amended in September of 1963 to state that when not in a speed zone with a prima facie speed limit, the maximum speed or absolute speed applies--55 m.p.h.--except in certain rural places on the freeway 65 m.p.h. Residence districts are determined by a combination of a number of homes within a quarter mile, and this area does not meet the Vehicle Code requirements for a residence district. Therefore, the 25 m.p.h. does not apply on the streets surrounding the golf course. Mr. Johnson said that some of the streets surrounding the golf course are 25 m.p.h.; others are 35 m.p.h. posted, or must comply with basic speed law. n MINUTES October 7, 1991 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Mr. Johnson concluded his report, stating that the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee had recommended that the request be denied, due to the reasons given above. Sgt. Metcalf stated the Police Department recommendation was based on safety, and the Police Department would not give approval as required by the Law in order to be effective. He stated he could not speak for the Police Chief, but his recommendation would be not to accept the request. Mr. Johnson added that the Police Department recommendation would go to the Council for their consideration of any request for golf carts crossing those streets. Chairman Stachoviak opened the Public Testimony at 3:47 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Morris Rabin, 7717 Morada Street, gave a background of this request, stating that La Costa was to be a golf development, and home ownership was required before any person could apply for membership in the La Costa Country Club. Mr. Rabin said that qualifies them as a golf development comnunity. There have only been two accidents involving golf carts; one where a golf cart was being used as a vehicle to drive to the Von's Center off of La Costa Avenue. This was not a member of La Costa nor driving from the golf course. The other accident was in the parking lot of the Plaza Camino Real and was not a golf cart accident. Mr. Rabin referred to his group's appearance before this commission in January of 1990, and stated chat it was thought that AB 789 would provide them access to the courses. He stated that La Costa Avenue is within one mile of the golf course, and the bills mentio1:ed do not talk about distance from the course. He said they are legal in the mile distance from the course. Mr. Rabin said when he saw staff's recommendation last Thursday, that was the first he had known about the basic speed law applying to those surrounding streets, and he said that he doubted if anyone would De crazy enough to drive 55 m.p.h. on those streets. He felt he should have had that information before he took this matter to the Legislature. Mr. Rabin said the 125 to 150 golf cart owners have tried to get permission to use their carts to drive to the golf course, and wanted guidance from the City. He sai.d that Police Captain Suttle's memorandum made him feel like a child; to be told that golf cart drivers were not able to cross the street safely. MINUTES October 7, 1991 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 5 COMMISSIONERS NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Mr. Rabin said as a Member of La Costa, they had provided an insurance policy of $500,000, naming La Costa Hotel and Spa, and as of January 1, 1992, they must provide a million dollar policy. These are mature, sane adults who know how to drive. As citizens, Mr. Rabin said they have a problem and are asking for help. Ben Pynes, 3337 Piragua Street, stated the La Costa area is well-known because of the golf course. There have been no accidents from the use of golf carts. There are no restrictions against bicycles or motorcycles, and he said he would rather see golf carts on the streets rather than those vehicles. Mr. Pynes said the golfers are willing to put themselves into the danger and cover the owners of the golf course and the City, if necessary. He said if the City was trying to protect them, they would prefer they not do that. The golfers have been doing this for years and all of a sudden the City is interested in keeping them from doing this. Commissioner Melideo inquired whether Mr. Pynes was aware that these are public streets they are driving the carts on, and he acknowledged that they knew that. Jo Ann Marten, 2871 Torry Court, stated that a 55 m.p.h. speed limit on those streets not posted makes no sense, and suggested changing those to 25 m.p.h. She said there is no greater risk to the golf cart drivers than to bicycles or pedestrians. Since no one else wished to speak on this mztter, Chairman Stachoviak closed the Public Testimony at 4:20 p.m. Bob German, Risk Manager, stated one million dollars would not be sufficient coverage for the City, but that the insurance agency would not add the City to the policy, as public agencies are not added to such policies. The Traffic Safety Commission approved the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to deny the request to allow golf carts on certain streets that have a speed limit greater than 25 m.p.h., and to cross streets that have a 45 m.p.h. speed limit or less. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Melideo inquired about the Police Department bikers and Sgt. Metcalf stated that patrol ended September 15, as those officers were needed back on regular patrol. They will be brought back for the Village Faire and Marathon. They also will be on duty during the Christmas season. Sgt. Metcalf indicated he will come to the May meeting of the Commission and bring the officers with him for a presentation. Stachoviak Blake Fuller Me1 ideo Rif kin October 7, 1991 MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 6 REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: (Continued) Commissioner Blake asked about the feedback from the stop signs on Pontiac. Mr. Johnson said it has apparently helped the speeding complaints and the residents are satisfied. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Bob Johnson reminded the Commissioners that tonight is the Commission dinner at the Senior Center at 6:OO p.m. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of October 7, 1991, was adjourned at 4:41 p.m. Minutes Clerk