HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-03-02; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesM1-S. OF: TIME OF MEETING: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION 3:OO p.m. March 2, 1992 City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Stachoviak called the Meeting to order at 3:02 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Stachoviak, Fuller and Melideo. Commissioner Blake arrived at 3:24 p.m. Absent : Commissioner Rifkin. Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer Mike Shirey, Assistant Engineer Sgt. Don Metcalf, Police Department APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On Motion by Commissioner Fuller, the Commission approved the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 3, 1992, as presented. AYES : Stachoviak, Fuller and Melideo ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: There were no requests to address the Commission on a non-Agenda item. PREVIOUS BUSINESS: Bob Johnson reported on the Rancho Santa Fe Road and Questhaven intersection signalization, stating that San Marcos is studying the request from the City of Carlsbad €or cooperation in the signalizing of that intersection. Mr. Johnson stated that the E.I.R. for Rancho Santa Fe Road realignment is to be heard by the Planning Commission at their March 18, 1992, meeting. The last item Mr. Johnson reported on was the request by N.C.T.D.for a dual left turn lane on Marron Road to El Camino Real. He said this might be feasible, but the funding is a major consideration. Extensive work would be necessary in striping the street and shifting the lanes and relocation of the existing loops. The cost could be over $5,000, and staff is working on this item at the present time. NEW BUSINESS: A. La Costa Heiahts School - Request for a 15 MPH Speed Limit and Other Traffic Safety Measures in the School Zone. Bob Johnson gave the staff report on this item, using a transparency to show the school area. He stated that all schools in Carlsbad have similar problems and safety concerns. Staff and the Police Department address this subject each year at each school. It is a common and valid concern that the parents express at each school every year and staff shares with them; however, unfortunately the problem is caused by some of the parents. March 2, 1992 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 2 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Mr. Johnson stated that the plans for La Costa Heights School were given to the City in 1986, and the Traffic Engineer expressed concern about the layout of the driveways at the school. The State Architect's Office has the sole responsibility for the layout of schools in the State of California, and they do this in most cases without the input of City staff. In this case, staff and the Engineering Department did provide information to the State Architect's office, and this information was ignored. Therefore, the design of the school is a less than ideal situation. However, the City cannot do anything about it at this time. Mr. Johnson said that the normal volumes on Levante Street and Romeria are quite low, except before and after school, which is when the peak times occur. There are stop signs at the intersection for an ALL-WAY STOP, and a painted crosswalk. The school has an adult crossing guard for the intersection. A transparency was used to show the signage at the school, and Mr. Johnson said that one of the requests was to lower the speed limit to 15 or 20 MPH on Levante. The critical speed for vehicles approaching the school was 34 MPH, and with the all ways stop in front of the school and queuing that occurs before and after school, the speeds are low. There are a few drivers that do drive through the area faster, but the collision history is very low, with only two easterly of the intersection in the last five years. The intersection is free from reported traffic collisions. Mr. Johnson stated that the Police Department has devoted considerable time and attention to this school, and he asked Sgt. Metcalf to report on that. Sgt. Metcalf of the Police Department stated that their Department has made a special effort to control the traffic at La Costa Heights School. Early in December, this came to his attention, and Bob Johnson, Ms. Andrade, the Principal, and Sgt. Metcalf met and put into place a program to issue citations at the school. Since mid-December through the first of March, the Officers have written in excess of 60 citations. At first, over ten citations a day were written; however, at this time the Officers are having difficulty writing one citation a day. Sgt. Metcalf feels that the problem has been mitigated substantially by enforcement. The Police cannot devote this much time to this one area all the time, but Sgt. Metcalf feels that once a trend is established, the Police will only need to remind the drivers periodically. Mr. Johnson stated the Coordinating Committee could not recommend a 15 or 20 MPH speed limit in that area, but did make ten recommendations. These were shown on a transparency and read through by Mr. Johnson. In response to Commission query regarding the Installation C signs, Sgt. Metcalf responded that these create a new rule. Where 25 MPH signs are posted, the critical speed prevails. However, where the Installation C signs exist, that allows the Officers to ticket at anything over 25 MPH. Commissioner Melideo felt the Installation C signs put the children in jeopardy at other times when they might be present in the school area. Mr. Johnson said the basic speed law controls speed at all times. Mr. Johnson said that the parents are guilty of waving the children across the street, which they should not do. The drivers must be aware of that situation. March 2, 1992 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3 NEW BUSINESS : ( Continued) Chairman Stachoviak asked whether there was any breakdown in the number of tickets given to parents delivering children or picking them up at the school site, and Sgt. Metcalf said it was not tabulated that way, but that from 90 to 95 percent of the tickets were to parents. Chairman Stachoviak opened the meeting to public testimony. Emily Andrade, Principal of La Costa Heights Elementary Schoo1,'thanked the Commission and staff for all the time spent on this problem, and she recommended adoption of the ten recommendations. She said that her staff had recommended the possibility of a portable stop sign at the two crosswalks on Levante in the morning and afternoon to be manned by school personnel and moved back after the peak times. She also asked for a rumble strip for a small section in front of the school. Ms. Andrade stated the school would continue to do what they can to'help. Commissioner Fuller stated he had observed the area in the mornings and afternoons, and the afternoons were more congested, as the parents line up to wait for school to dismiss. He suggested that the traffic guard should be more aware of the traffic situation in the area before traffic is stopped; particularly, to avoid stopping the school buses while they are part-way out of the driveway. He said he saw no problem with speed in the area. Commissioner Melideo stated that her concern is with the parents that do not obey the regulations. She felt that after two or three tickets, the amount should be doubled. Chairman Stachoviak stated that inattentive drivers will not pay attention to speed, no matter what. With regard to the portable stop sign and bumps, Mr. Johnson stated that the portable sign could cause confusion, if not placed in exactly the same spot as the present stop signs. They are heavy and cumbersome to move, and must be very heavy to avoid causing problems with moving or falling over. He felt making the signs larger at that spot would help the problem. As to the rumble strip, it is not used in school areas, but only at freeway offramps, toll booths, etc. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Melideo, the Traffic Safety Commission adopted the recommendations of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee, as follows: 1. Continued Police Department enforcement of traffic violations that occur on Levante Street during school hours on a time-available basis. 2. La Costa Heights Elementary School officials to place traffic issues and concerns on the agenda of the School Safety Committee. Where a resolution is not possible among the parents and school officials, the City of Carlsbad Traffic Engineer or Police Department will be contacted. 3. Continued parental education on traffic saf ty issues in the school zone by school officials. Sgt. Metc 1 If and City Traffic Engineer Robert Johnson have met with the school Principal and offered to attend the School Safety Committee meeting or an assembly to discuss traffic issues. March 2, 1992 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) 4. Linda Klink, District Manager of the Automobile Club of Southern California, will contact Emily Andrade and discuss the educational materials and services on school zone issues available from the Automobile Club. 5. Relocation of the Installation C signs located on Levante Street at Morada Street to a streetlight 235 feet easterly of Morada Street. 6. Painting a "25" pavement legend on Levante Street at the location of the 25 mile per hour speed limit signs. 7. Striping the existing limit lines at the Levante Street/Romeria Street intersection to a 24-inch width. 8. Increase the size of the STOP signs at the Levante/Romeria intersection. 9. Install an ALL-WAY plate under each stop sign located at the Levante/Romeria intersection. 10. School officials to install a swinging gate at the parking lot entrance, controlled by a teacher, to prevent parents from entering the parking lot during the short time period before and after school. - AYES : Stachoviak, Blake, Fuller and Melideo B. Poinsettia Lane/Avenida Encinas - Request for a NO RIGHT TURN ON RED restriction for northbound vehicles Mike Shirey, Assistant Engineer, gave the staff report, stating this was a continued item from the December meeting to get input from the residents in the surrounding area. He stated that 18 letters were mailed to residents and copies of the responses were sent to the Commissioners. He referred to Tables B and C, in the packet, and showed transparencies indicating the peak times and the delay times. In the A.M. peak, 62 percent of the traffic volume on Poinsettia Lane at the I- &25 northbound ramp is proceeding westbound with 71 percent of the volume on Poinsettia Lane in the A.M. peak entering the southbound offramp intersection in a westbound direction. In the P.M. peak hour, the percent distribution is reversed from the morning, with 71 percent of the traffic volume on Poinsettia Lane entering the northbound offramp intersection from the west and at the southbound offramp location, 60 percent of the Poinsettia traffic volume entering the intersection from the west. Mr. Shirey stated the Coordinating Committee discussed this item at great length, weighing the probability of this helping or hindering the traffic patterns in that area. The Committee was concerned that motorists would not obey the signs and get moving violation citations. A minimum off three signs will be installed to make the drivers aware of this, since there are no such signs anywhere else in Carlsbad. Mr. Shirey said the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommended a two-month trial period for the NO RIGHT TURN ON RED signs, with results to be reported to the Traffic Safety Commission in June for final determination of leaving signs. He said the signs would be in effect Monday through Friday, from 7:OO a.m. to 6:OO p.m. March 2, 1992 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 5 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) The Coordinating Committee recommended a NO RIGHT TURN ON RED restriction for a two-month trial period during the hours of 7:OO a.m. to 6:OO p.m., Monday through Friday. To be considered successful, the Committee recommended a 40 percent reduction in delay time at the 1-5 offramps. The matter to be reviewed at the June 1992 Traffic Safety Commission meeting. Commissioner Melideo was concerned whether the situation would be helped enough to make the cost feasible. Chairman Stachoviak opened the meeting for public testimony. Mona Reasons, 7402 Lantana, representing Seacliff Homeowners Association, spoke in favor of the sign, stating that safety is the main issue, and this would perhaps help drivers in that intersection. She presented a petition in favor of the restriction which is signed by 70 residents. Joe Reed, 1008 Daisy Avenue, representing Spinnaker Hills Homeowners Association, stated their Association is in favor of the restriction. He also stated the intersection is so dangerous that most people avoid that area. He asked for the Coordinating Committee recommendation to be approved. Chairman Stachoviak stated he was not comfortable with the fact that any citations issued for a traffic control on a trial basis would be moving violations. Commissioner Melideo stated that a trial period of two months would not give a true picture. She could not justify having a Police officer there for two months. ACTION : Commissioner Fuller made a motion to accept the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to install a NO RIGHT TURN ON RED restriction for a two- month trial basis. AYES : Blake and Fuller NOES : Melideo and Stachoviak Motion failed due to a tie vote. ACTION : Commissioner Fuller made a motion to place the item for a NO RIGHT TURN ON RED restriction at Poinsettia Lane/Avenida Encinas on the April agenda. AYES : Blake and Fuller NOES : Melideo and Stachoviak Motion failed due to a tie vote. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Melideo, the item on obstructions on sidewalks in the Village was removed from the April agenda. AYES : Stachoviak, Blake, Fuller and Melideo March 2, 1992 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 6 REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Bob Johnson reported that Adrienne Landers of the Planning Department has an update of the General Plan review available. He read the circulation concerns expressed by citizens during the public input phase of the General Plan update. If any of the Commissioners want a copy of the report or want to be notified of the upcoming meetings, they should call Ms. Landers at 438-1161, x4451. The Traffic Circulation will be discussed at the upcoming meetings if the City Council agrees with the staff recommendation to hold community forum meetings . ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of March 2, 1992, was adjourned.at 4:38 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Minutes Clerk