HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-01-03; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING January 3,1994 TIME OF MEETING 3:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEmNG: ci council chambers CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Green called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Green, Anear, Courtney and Stachoviak. Absent: Commissioner Blake. Staff Member Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Commissioner Courtney, the Traffic Safety Commission approved the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 6, 1993, as presented. AYES: Green, Anear, Courtney and Stachoviak ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: There were no requests to address the Commission on a non-agenda item. PREVIOUS BUSINESS: Bob Johnson reported that the item on the Traffic Safety Commission December agenda regarding the prima facie speed limit on Tamarack Avenue from Carlsbad Boulevard to Interstate Highway 5 will be before the City Council at one of their meetings in January. NEW BUSINESS A. Rutherford Road - Faradav Avenue to Priestlv Drive - Request to establish a prima facie speed limit Bob Johnson gave the staff report, using a transparency to show Rutherford Road, which is an industrial collector road located in the industrial park northerly of Palomar Airport between College Boulevard and El Camino Real. The Police Department initiated the request to establish a prima facie speed limit, and staff conducted an Engineering and Traffic Survey for Rutherford Road. There are approximately 4,000 vehicles on this road per day and the road is approximately 3/4 of a mile in length. There are a number of vacant parcels in the industrial park and along this road, which will fill in and the traffic volumes will increase. January 3, 1994 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 2 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Mr. Johnson stated that at the present time there is no posted speed limit, which means that the allowed speed would be 55 miles per hour. This is not appropriate for this road, with parking permitted on both sides, and a number of pedestrians using the roadway for jogging and bicycle riding. The critical speed is 39 miles per hour, which would allow for an enforceable prima facie speed limit of 35 miles per hour. The accident rate is very low for this area and there has only been one accident that was speed related. At the present time, the 52 foot wide street has no center line. A work order has been issued to stripe a two-way left turn lane in the middle of the road. Mr. Johnson reported that the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee has recommended a prima facie speed limit of 35 miles per hour upon Rutherford Road from Faraday Avenue to Priestly Drive. Commissioner Anear commented that Callaway Golf is located between Pascal and Priestly on Rutherford Road, and they have quite a few employees using that road. In reply to Commissioner Courtney’s query regarding a speed limit on Priestly, Mr. Johnson stated that Priestly would have to be done on its own, as each street must have its own speed survey in order to establish a speed limit. He said that the Police Department found there was speeding on Rutherford Road, and that is why they requested a survey be done to establish a prima facie speed limit on that road. The Police did not find a speeding problem on Priestly at this time. Mr. Johnson stated there is a yield sign on Rutherford at Priestly, and a stop sign on Rutherford at Faraday. Chairman Green requested an explanation of the striping, and Mr. Johnson stated the two-way left turn lane would allow left turns for vehicles both eastbound and westbound. There will be one travel lane in each direction and on-street parking. Commissioner Anear expressed concern that some of the cul-de-sacs might cause some nose-to- nose problems with the two-way left turn lane. Mr. Johnson stated that happens any time there is a two-way left turn lane and someone gets into the lane too soon and travels in the lane. Any time there is that type of striping, that problem could occur and cannot be avoided. Mr. Johnson explained that the Police Department spends more time on the top ten streets, based on the number of collisions. However, they do get to the other streets on a surprise basis and issue tickets as a deterrent to motorists who are not obeying a speed zone. They will monitor Rutherford Road and enforce the speed limit-just not on a continuous basis. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Anear, the Traffic Safety Commission adopted the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to establish a prima facie speed limit of 35 miles per hour upon Rutherford Road from Faraday Avenue to Priestly Drive. AYES Green, Anear, Courtney and Stachoviak 4 January 3, 1994 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) B. Review and Comment Upon TSC Rules and Procedures and adopt TSC Resolution Number 94-1. Bob Johnson stated this item is on the agenda each year for the perusal of the Commissioners and comments. He stated that the Rules and Procedures have helped with the conduct of Traffic Safety Commission meetings, and if the Commissioners desire to make any changes, this is the time to discuss those changes. Commissioner Anear suggested a change on page 7, Section 29, Section b, which reads: Prior to all Commission meetings copies of the Commission's agenda with attachments, including the staff report, if any, shall be available at the Office of the City Traffic Engineer ...... to add following the word Engineer, 'City Clerk's Office and the Libraries". Mr. Johnson stated that the agenda could be mailed to the City Clerk's Office and the Libraries. He stated that the agenda is posted outside of the Council Chambers, and upon request, his office will mail out materials upon request to any citizen. Mr. Johnson suggested that he research this request and report back to the Commission at the next meeting. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Anear, the Traffic Safety Commission requested staff research the adding of wording to the Rules and Procedures, Section 29, to include providing copies of the agenda packet to the City Clerk's Office and the Libraries, and return with a report on this item for final action on Resolution 94-1. AYES Green, Anear, Courtney and Stachoviak Mr. Johnson commented that under Section 39 of the Rules, the audience is not to address any questions to staff directly. They are to address the Commission. Chairman Green stated that if any Commissioner is aware of a speaker at the lectern speaking to staff rather than the Commission, that they should feel free to inform that speaker of the rules without it having to be referred to the Chairman. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS Chairman Green stated that Commissioner Anear had requested more time for each speaker, but that he felt that the five minute limit should be observed, unless there is a specific reason for allowing a speaker to take more time. Mr. Johnson added that there have been times when a Chairman has asked the Commission whether they wanted a speaker to have additional time, and they have voted 'no', which is their prerogative. There are times when there are several speakers on one subject, and it is necessary to limit the repetition of the same information. Commissioner Courtney stated that he had missed two meetings last year, as he was on job interviews, but wanted to state that he intends to be here for every meeting this coming year. Commissioner Anear asked Mr. Johnson to check the reflectors used at the raised median at Fire Mountain Road and El Camino Real, which is in Oceanside. ”. January 3, 19% TRAFFIC SAFEFY COMMISSION Page 4 REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: (Continued) Chairman Green asked about the dip in the street at Carlsbad Village Drive and El Camino Real, and could anything be done to help ease that dip. Mr. Johnson indicated that future maintenance could grind some of the pavement to help eliminate some of the dip. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Bob Johnson reported that the request of the Commission regarding the Tamarack and El Camino Real intersection is being taken care of by staff and there will be an appropriate study made at the intersection and an agenda item will be before the Commission at some future meeting. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of January 3, 1994, was adjourned at 4:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, FdW arriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk