HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-02-05; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: February 5, 1996 (Regular Meeting) TIME OF MEETING: 3:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Courtney called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Commissioners Courtney, Allen, Blake and Stachoviak. Commissioner Green arrived at 3:06 p.m. None. Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer Sgt. Jim Byler Associate Engineer Jim Murray APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Commissioner Stachoviak, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held January 8, 1996, were approved as presented. AYES: Courtney, Allen, Blake and Stachoviak ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: There were no requests to address the Commission. PREVIOUS BUSINESS: Bob Johnson stated that the changes voted by the Commission at the January meeting have been made to the Rules and Procedures and Chairman Courtney has signed the amended copy. He stated that staff will print copies of the amended Rules and Procedures and mail them to the Commissioners. NEW BUSINESS: A. Review and Approve the 1996 Traffic Siqnal Evaluation Policv. The staff report was given by Associate Engineer Jim Murray, stating this Policy is updated every two years, since it was adopted in 1988. February 5, 1996 TRAFFIC SAFm COMMISSION Page 2 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Mr. Murray stated that basically the policy is intended to provide a mechanism for a ranking system to compare future signalized intersections throughout the City. He said that any intersection that meets CALTRANS minimum requirements for a traffic signal is placed on the qualification list, and the Evaluation Policy Report serves primarily as a planning document. Mr. Murray reported that the 1996 Report contained 40 intersections: 14 of those met CALTRANS warrants and the remaining 26 did not. He said that there is extensive evaluating done for all the intersections, including traffic counts and studies of each intersection with regard to location and type of use in that area. Mr. Murray referred to the report and the point totals listed there. All of the qualifying factors one through six are straight forward, based on numerical analysis. He said that factor number seven deals with special conditions, and is somewhat subjective. This involves special factors such as sight distance problems at an intersection, proximity to a school or intersections along Carlsbad Boulevard during the summer when the pedestrian traffic is heavy. Chairman Courtney inquired about the 26 not meeting CALTRANS warrants, and whether records were kept on those. Mr. Murray replied that when the intersection does not meet warrants, no points are assigned to them. Commissioner Allen inquired about the signals maintained by CALTRANS, and Mr. Murray stated those are the signals involved with the freeway and ramps. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Green, the Traffic Safety Commission adopted the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee that the 1996 Traffic Signal Evaluation Policy, including the Signal Qualification List, be submitted to the City Council for approval. AYES: Courtney, Allen, Blake, Green and Stachoviak REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Stachoviak commented that on the north end of Washington and Beech Streets there is a stop sign and he would like to know whether that is necessary, or would a 'Yield" sign be sufficient there. Bob Johnson replied that a stop sign is a more positive assignment of right of way, as some individuals make a "U1 turn there when they realize that Washington Street is one way. He added that staff would re- evaluate that sign. Commissioner Allen stated that the new signal at Alga Road and El Fuerte needs to be adjusted. The signal seems to hang up favoring El Fuerte, even when there are no cars there at all. Mr. Johnson inquired whether this was recently, and Commissioner Allen said it was, and he knew it was a new signal and it does take time for them to adjust; however, this does seem to need some adjustment. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Bob Johnson stated he has no additional report at this time. February 5, 1996 TRAFFIC SAFm COMMISSION Page 3 ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of February 5, 1996, was adjourned at 3:14 p.m. Hhiett Babbitt Minutes Clerk