HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-05-06; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: May 6,1996 (Regular Meeting) TIME OF MEETING: 3:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER Chairman Courtney called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Courtney, Allen, Blake, Green and Stachoviak. Absent: None. Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer Sgt. Jim Byler APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion by Commissioner Blake, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held April 1, 1996, were approved as presented. AYES: Courtney, Allen, Blake, Green and Stachoviak ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were no requests to address the Commission. PREVIOUS BUSINESS Bob Johnson reported that the Ordinance for the 55 mile per hour speed limit on El Camino Real was introduced by City Council and will be adopted tomorrow night. He stated that several weeks ago Council adopted the 40 mile per hour speed limit on Faraday Avenue and the appropriate signs will be installed shortly. NEW BUSINESS A. Carlsbad Boulevard. Walnut Avenue to Mountain View Drive - Request to revise the prima facie speed limit. Bob Johnson reported that this segment of Carlsbad Boulevard is posted at 25 miles per hour and consists of .75 miles of roadway, qualifying as a business district. However, a speed limit must be justified by the results of an Engineering and Traffic Suney. He stated that the speed limit at the Army Navy Academy is 25 miles per hour when children are present. May 6,1996 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 2 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) Mr. Johnson stated that the Traffic Commissioners in the San Marcos courts have dismissed several tickets for speeding when the Police used radar in this area. The Police Department requested a survey for the area in order to have their tickets upheld in court. He said if there is a speed trap, and a vehicle is pulled over for speeding, with the officer using radar, this is an unlawful detention of that person and the Police Officers will not let that happen. Mr. Johnson stated that the only means of enforcement in that case is pacing. Mr. Johnson said that if there is a speed trap in Carlsbad, that raises a question of the credibility of all speed zones in Carlsbad, so it is essential that speed zones be justified by a survey. People normally drive at a reasonable and safe speed in any given section of a roadway, and an artificial decreasing of the speed limit seldom changes the characteristics of driving. He said that the critical speed is the 85'h percentile, which is where the majority of the drivers are traveling at or below. Mr. Johnson stated that two speed surveys were conducted in this area, and the critical speeds were 35 miles per hour and 33 miles per hour at Cypress Street and Oak Avenue. He referred to the results of the speed surveys, which were included in the packet, and explained the factors included in those surveys. Mr. Johnson said that this street is a major arterial on the Circulation Plan and has a design speed of 50 miles per hour. There are businesses in the area and pedestrian and bicycle traffic, with some pedestrians crossing in the middle of the block without a legal crosswalk. He said that the adjacent speed limit south of Walnut is 30 miles per hour and north of Mountain View is 35 miles per hour up to the north City limit, and then it is 45 miles per hour. He said that the collision history was shown in the packet, with the accident history for the last two years. Mr. Johnson said that seven of the collisions were caused by drivers exceeding a safe speed. This can be rolling into another vehicle in front or rear-ending. He stated that there was property damage only on five of the seven collisions. Mr. Johnson stated that this part of Carlsbad Boulevard does need to have the Police Department enforcing speed limits, so the most logical method is to use radar; however, to use radar the speed limit must be justified. He said that pacing is an option, but he would ask Sgt. Byler to explain why that is not used. Sgt. Byler stated that pacing is used by the Highway Patrol, and Carlsbad Police Department does use pacing on El Camino Real. He said you need a long stretch of road in order to pace a vehicle for a considerable distance in order to determine a pace. He said that Carlsbad Boulevard is not conducive to pacing, and is not as safe and effective as radar. He said that with radar the Officer does not have to get up to the driver's speed in order to stop them. Mr. Johnson said that one strategy the Police use is to have three or four Officers work a road with radar. In this way the drivers know the speed limit is being enforced by observing many vehicles pulled over and drivers being issued tickets. Mr. Johnson said that in conclusion, this item was thoroughly discussed by the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee, and although they felt the Commissioners in the court system are dictating to us what the speed limits should be; however, they are the ones ruling on the tickets. He said that if they rule the speed limit is not proper and radar cannot be used, there is no chance to enforce the speed limit with radar. He stated the Coordinating Committee recommended a 30 mile per hour prima facie speed limit be established on this segment of Carlsbad Boulevard. May 6,1996 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) Chairperson Courtney stated that the Commission was fghting a State law, and if they vote five to zero against the ordinance, the City Council will adopt the proper speed limit. He said there is nothing the Traffic Safety Commission can do about this, and he would ask the Commissioners to limit discussion. Commissioner Green interrupted Chairperson Courtney and stated he should not be "editorializing". At this time, Chairperson Courtney ruled Commissioner Green out of order. Chairperson Courtney continued his comments and then called for Commissioner comment, at which time, Commissioner Green left the dais and the meeting at 3:15 p.m., without any explanation. Commissioner Stachoviak stated he did not agreed that there was nothing the Traffic Safety Commission could do as a body. He said that some day the cities will challenge this and, personally, he felt this situation is a perfect situation for a challenge. He said that with the business district in that area, along with the school zone and increased pedestrian and tourist traffic in this beach area, he felt a lower speed could be mandated for safety in that area. He said he agreed with the survey, but would have to vote against this speed change. Commissioner Allen stated he drove through this area in the afternoon at 30 miles per hour and felt that 30 miles per hour would appear to be a safe speed. He said he had no problem with raising the speed limit in this area. Chairperson Courtney stated that this is a State law, and the judges interpret the law, and that is the way it is now. He said that with the speed limit at 30 miles per hour, the speed will be slowed down, as it has in other sections of town. Sgt. Byler stated that with the new speed limit they would actually be able to wriie tickets at a lower speed than under the old Speed Survey, because the critical speeds were lower than before. He reiterated that this is a State law. Chairperson Courtney suggested that one answer would be to contact the Legislators and ask them to come up with some legislation on this, rather than fQht the Commissioners at the Municipal Court level. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Blake, the Traffic Safety Commission adopted the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to establish a 30 mile per hour prima facie speed limit on Carlsbad Boulevard from Walnut Avenue to Mountain View Drive. AYES: Courtney, Allen and Blake - NOES: Stachoviak May 6,1996 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 REPORTS FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Stachoviak inquired when the bike rides and skateboarders. patrol would start in order to control the bike Sgt. Byler stated that Memorial Day is the official start time for the bike patrol, and they will be enforcing the skateboarding ordinance, as the grace period has passed. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER Bob Johnson stated that he will wriie a memorandum to the Commissioners with regard to Commissioner Stachoviak's inquiry about the intersection of Tamarack and Carlsbad Boulevard, and the pedestrian traffic on the west side of the street. ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of May 6,1996, was adjourned at 3:35 p.m. Respectfully subm' ed, &Aehd Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk