HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-12-02; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: December 2, 1996 (Regular Meeting) TIME OF MEETING: 3:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Courtney called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Courtney, Allen, Blake, Gillfillan and Green Absent: None. Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Safety Engineer Sgt. Jim Byler APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Commissioner Blake, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held November 4, 1996, were approved as presented. AYES: Courtney, Allen, Blake, Gillfillan and Green ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: There were no requests to address the Commission. PREVIOUS BUSINESS: Bob Johnson reported that he is following up on the items brought up at the November meeting. Mr. Johnson stated that former Commissioner Stachoviak could not attend a meeting and his Proclamation will be delivered to his home. Mr. Johnson stated that the Commission had a Resolution of Commendation to award to Harriett Babbitt, the Minutes Clerk. Chairperson Courtney presented the Resolution of Commendation to the Minutes Clerk for 14 years of taking the Minutes of the Traffic Safety Commission. (A personal comment-it is beautiful and very much appreciated!) Dfxember.2; 1996 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 2 NEW BUSINESS: A. Batiauitos Drive, Aviara Parkway to Kestrel Drive - Request to establish a prima facie speed limit. Bob Johnson gave the report, using a transparency to show this segment of roadway. He stated that this item was continued from the Traffic Safety Commission meeting of November 4, 1996. He said that the Engineering and Traffic Surveys have been done and the critical speed was 43 miles per -hour between Aviara Parkway and Golden Star Lane. From Golden Star Lane to Kestrel Drive, the critical speed was 44 miles per hour. Mr. Johnson stated that after the road is posted and enforcement occurs, staff will re-evaluate the street if there is a need to change the speed limits due to any problem with tickets. He added that staff does not want to post a roadway with a speed limit that 100 percent of the drivers are exceeding. In reply to Commission query, Sgt. Byler stated that when a street is posted with a speed limit, the Police do not issue citations immediately. They give the drivers time to adjust to the new speed limit, then spend some time issuing warnings before they actually start writing citations. He said that usually takes about three or four weeks. He added that they would probably use their smart radar trailer to monitor the speeds, as that provides a hard copy of the speeds registered during the day and that data can be used as an educational tool in response to any complaints by citizens. Commissioner Allen inquired why Kestrel was not included in this survey, and Mr. Johnson replied that it will be brought before the Commission at a later date. In reply to Commission query, Mr. Johnson stated that Kestrel is a residential collector. He said that a 40 mile per hour design speed would carry through for Batiquitos Drive from Kestrel to the west to join Poinsettia Lane. He said there will be a raised median on part of that road and the roadway does widen out. Mr. Johnson stated that in going from a 35 mile per hour limit to 40 miles does involve signage to alert the drivers to the change. Commissioner Gillfillan felt the transition point should be placed elsewhere, and Sgt. Byler stated that they do not issue citations right at the transition spot; generally in the middle of a speed zone. He said that there are no homes fronting on Kestrel, and that seems to be a logical breakpoint. Chairperson Courtney stated he has a problem with splitting the speed limit on the same street; particularly over such a short span and would favor one speed limit for the entire length of roadway. December 2, 1996 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Commissioners Gillfillan, Allen and Blake concurred with Chairperson Courtney and felt the speed limit should be 40 miles per hour. Commissioner Green stated he agreed with the findings of staff on the surveys and supports having two speed limits on that road. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Blake, the Traffic Safety Commission recommended a 40 mile per hour prima facie speed limit be established upon Batiquitos Drive from Aviara Parkway to Kestrel Drive. AYES: Courtney, Allen, Blake and Gillfillan NOES: Green Mr. Johnson stated that the sight distance at Spoonbill would not meet the requirement for 40 miles per hour and warning signs would have to be installed there. B. Review and Comment upon the TSC Rules and Procedures Bob Johnson stated that any Commission comments would be added to the rules and the resolution would be adopted at the January meeting. This item was tabled until the January meeting. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Green requested an agenda item at the next meeting to review the right-hand turn lane on Tamarack eastbound at El Camino Real. He suggested that the right-hand turn lane be made a straight through or right- hand turn lane. At the present time, there is one left turn lane, one straight through lane and one right-hand turn lane, and people are driving straight through out of that right-hand lane. Mr. Johnson stated that staff has a backlog of work at this time, and requested that this item be placed on the February agenda. Commissioner Blake stated that in the morning during the rush hour, this was to keep the traffic flowing. He said that in the evening it is reversed and up to 14 cars get lined up there. December 2, 1996 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: (Continued) Commissioner Green inquired whether the City has considered speed bumps and how effective they are. Mr. Johnson stated that speed humps were considered six years ago and the City Council said “no7’ to any speed humps. He said that the City of San Diego is removing them at this time, and added that they are very expensive to install. Commissioner Allen commented about streets not being lined up at intersections, such as El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road, and Mr. Johnson said that certain intersections cannot be lined up due to streets being widened at different times. He said that as long as there are no accidents because of that, it does not appear to be a problem. Commissioner Allen said that on Alga Road there is signage saying there is no stopping at any time, but cars stop there to pick up the workers who are standing there. He said there are usually 10 to 50 day laborers standing there to be picked up, and suggested that either the signs be taken down or enforced. Sgt. Byler stated that they are working on a plan to eliminate that problem. Bob Johnson stated he had written a memo regarding that situation and they will be enforcing the signs soon. Chairperson Courtney also commented about the intersections that have lanes that do not match up, and asked whether reflectors or striping could be added. Mr. Johnson said that lead-in striping can be done, but they do not want to confuse the drivers. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Bob Johnson thanked the Commissioners for another successful year of dealing with the items before them. He thanked Sgt. Jim Byler for attending the meetings and being here as a back-up when problems arise that involve the Police Department. He also thanked the Minutes Clerk for her work and stated he has worked with her for 11 years and that over the 14 years she has worked for the City she has reported the Minutes for 20 Traffic Safety Commissioners, and he complimented her on her work. Mr. Johnson wished everyone Happy Holidays. Chairperson Courtney thanked the Commissioners and the Minutes Clerk for their work during his term of office. December 2, 1996 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 5 ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of December 2, 1996, was adjourned at 4:04 p.m. Minutes Clerk