HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-01-06; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF : TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING January 6,1997 (Regular Meeting) TIME OF MEETING 3:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Blake called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Allen, Blake, and Gillfillan Absent: Courtney and Green StafTMembers Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer Jim Murray, Associate Engineer Bruce May, Senior Police Officer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Commissioner Allen, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on December 2, 1996, were approved as presented. AYES: Allen, Blake and Gillfillan ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Thelma Hayes, 580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad, representing the Carlsbad Pedestrian Group, addressed the Commission requesting an agenda item to be placed on the Agenda for the meeting of March 3, 1997. The request is for an evaluation of the progress in the implementation of the Pedestrian Action Plan which will celebrate it’s 9th Anniversary on March 3, 1997. She also asked Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer, to see to it that each Commissioner receives a copy of the Agenda Bill by the March meeting. In summary, Ms. Hayes requested the following items: 1. A map indicating where sidewalks have been installed around some schools and also the areas of proposed sidewalk construction around the remaining schools. January 6, 1997 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 2 2. That the School Board and Parent organizations be sent an invitation to attend the next meeting when this Agenda Item will be heard. 3. With regard to the next Capital Improvements Budget; Ms. Hayes requested that there be improvements in the drainage, at the intersection of Arbuckle Place and Madison Street, completion of the sidewalks and gutters from a point south of Arbuckle Place to Laguna Drive to the north and finally, adequate street lighting on both Madison and Roosevelt to Laguna Drive. Chairperson Blake, directing his inquiry to Mr. Johnson, asked if it is proper for the Traffic Safety Commission to dictate when the item(s) that most concern Ms. Hayes will be heard and more importantly whether subjects such as lighting and drainage are within this Commission’s purview. Mr. Johnson replied that lighting and drainage is not within the purview of this commission and went on to explain that it is possible, however, to comply with Ms. Hayes’ request to provide an item and give an update of the “Pedestrian Action Plan” which will include a map(s) showing the sidewalks that have been completed and those that are proposed. Also included will be the invitation to the School District to parent organizations, as requested. Mr. Johnson explained that the CIP is a different process that will begin within the next month and will take approximately five months to complete and will culminate with a presentation, of projects planned for the coming year, to the City Council in June. He also pointed out that any citizen can, at that time, make their requests directly to the Council. Mr. Johnson informed the Commission that a study, of that portion of the northwest quadrant of the city that remains without street lighting, will begin shortly and when completed, a priority list for the placement of streetlights will be made. He also pointed out that there is no “undergrounding” program on Roosevelt Street, at this time, and that the next “undergrounding” project will be in the vicinity of the Carlsbad High School. Regarding the finding provided by SDG&E; Mr. Johnson reported that those finds are beginning to diminish and will not be available for other “undergrounding” projects and that a CIP budget item will be necessary to accomplish any fiture “undergrounding” projects. Chairperson Blake requested that Ms. Hayes requests be accommodated’as filly and completely as possible. Commissioner Allen stated that he had not seen any maps for the area in question and asked where the sidewalks are. Mr. Johnson responded by pointing out that there are continuous sidewalks, curbs and gutters on the north side of Laguna Drive, from State Street to Jefferson, but that the same is somewhat sporadic on the south side of the street. January 6, 1997 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3 PREVIOUS BUSINESS: Mr. Johnson introduced the new Minutes Clerk, Carol Cruise, who will replace Harriett Babbitt. Mr. Johnson said that he had received a card from Harriett expressing her thanks and appreciation for the plaque presented to her, by the Commission. Mr. Johnson reported that there has been a request to investigate that Tamarack/El Camino Real intersection (specifically the “right turn only” for eastbound traffic) and that the study for that intersection (during both day and night hours) will begin later this month and continue into the first part of February. He added that he anticipates that the study will be an item on the Traffic Safety Commission Agenda in March. NEW BUSINESS: A. TransDortation Develooment AcuTrans Net Funding Program - Review projects for submittal of a funding request. Jim Murray, Associate Engineer, presented this annual report and advised that the nearly $2.5 million SANDAG program is specifically intended to be used for non-motorized projects such as bicycle lanedpaths, sidewalks, etc. Funds are divided among approximately eighteen (18) cities and the County. Mr. Murray stated that Staff is recommending the following four projects to be submitted for consideration of receiving fhding in the 1997/98 TDNTransNet program: Sidewalk Construction - To construct the missing sidewalks on Chestnut Avenue, between Monroe Street and El Camino Real(in the area of the High School), estimated at $70,600. Palomar Airoort Road: 500 feet west of Yarrow Drive to El Camino Real - To complete the ultimate improvements of El Camino Real by constructing the bike lane and sidewalk portions of widening Palomar Airport Road between a point 500 feet west of Yarrow Drive and El Camino Real at an estimated cost of $184,500. Highland Drive Corridor Design Studv - The limits of the study would stretch along Highland Drive between Buena Vista Street and the Agua Hedionda lagoon. Large portions of Highland Drive have only asphalt paving and no sidewalks or gutters. Many parts of this street are used by children walking to schools in addition use by other pedestrian and bicyclists. The study will be designed to determine if there is a somewhat more creative way of providing pedestrian and bicycle access along this corridor and is estimated to cost $50,000, January 6, 1997 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 Cannon Road between Carlsbad Boulevard and the Railroad Tracks - Completion of construction of sidewalks and bike lanes on both sides of Cannon Road, west of 1-5, at an estimated cost of $35,600. Mr. Murray concluded his report by stating that the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee is recommending a funding request for FY 97/98 TDNTransNet funds in the amount of $340,700 and added that a resolution by the City Council is required to be adopted, authorizing submittal of the funding request to the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG). Chairperson Blake requested that Mr. Murray clarify where the existing sidewalks, gutters and curb are located on Cannon Road. Mr. Murray answered by stating that there are curbs and sidewalks from 1-5 west to the railroad tracks, on the south side of Cannon Road and also on the north side next to the park. Commissioner Allen questioned whether or not the sidewalk and bicycle lane project, on Palomar Airport Road, would be done at the same time as the completion of the Prime Arterial configuration. Mr. Murray responded affirmatively by stating that the whole project has to be done at one time and the funding that is being requested can only be used for the bicycle and sidewalk portions of the project. Commissioner Allen also asked if the CIP for the widening of Palomar Airport Road has been approved, as yet, and was answered in the affirmative. Mr. Johnson expressed Staffs hope that this project will begin within a year and that enough funds have been collected and are ready to get the plans ready to go and out to bid. Commissioner Gillfillan asked if the funds being requested are for “design” as well as construction or just for construction and also, is this a package where once it is approved, it can be sent out for construction bid. Mr. Murray stated that approximately 10% is allocated for design and the remainder is for construction and that it is a package as Commissioner Gillfillan described. Mr. Murray also stated that these are all improvements that are in the City’s Capital Improvement Program and that they are expecting to begin construction on them in the next one to two years, due to the time limits on the finding. He added that the funds that are being requested at this time are only for the pedestrian and bicycle parts of the other, more full, improvement projects. Mr. Johnson explained how the process works and when the project is completed, assuming that they approve the dollar amount, SANDAG reimburses a portion of the cost of construction. He also added that SANDAG will probably not find all four projects, as outlined earlier, but they will probably contribute to at least one or two. Mr. Johnson indicated that SANDAG makes every effort to be fair in their allocations and that Carlsbad usually receives its fair share. January 6, 1997 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 5 Commissioner Allen asked if the City is covered by the CIP, in case they do not receive funds from SANDAG. Mr. Johnson responded by assuring the Commission that before the City Manager would allow a CIP to go to the City Council for authorization or approval, there must be funding available (as “in the bank”). Any projects that have been approved must have the hnds readily available for design and/or construction. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Allen, the Trafftc Safety Commission approved Item 64 as presented, for consideration of receiving funding in the 1997/98 TDNTransNet program. AYES: Allen, Blake and Gillfillan B. Review and amrove the TSC rules and Drocedures. TSC Resolution 97-1. St& recommends adoption of TSC Resolution 97-1 ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Gillfillan, the Traffic Safety Commission approved the adoption of TSC Resolution 97-1 as presented. m: Allen, Blake and Gillfillan C. Traffic Safetv Commission Resolution of Commendation for Jim Courtney. Staff recommends action to be taken as determined by the Traffic Safety Commission ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Allen, the Traffic Safety Commission approved the Resolution of Commendation for Jim Courtney, as presented. w: Allen, Blake and Gillfillan REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: There were no reports from the Traffic Safety Commissioners. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER Mr. Johnson reported that he will be trying to get the “speed zone” Agenda Bill, that was on the January 6, 1997 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 6 Commission’s Agenda in December, 1996, to the City Council later this month. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of January 6, 1997, was adjourned at 3:32 p.m Minutes Clerk