HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-06-02; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF : DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION June 2,1997 (Regular Meeting) 3:OO p.m. City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Blake called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Blake, Courtney, and Green Absent: Allen and Gillfillan Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer Sgt. Jim Byler, Carlsbad Police Department APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Commissioner Courtney, the Commission approved the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 5, 1997 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None PREVIOUS BUSINESS: Traffk Engineer, Bob Johnson, reported that the speed zone issue regarding Avenida Encinas will be heard by the City Council on Tuesday, June 3, and the speed zone issue regarding Carlsbad Village Drive between Highland Drive and El Camino Real will be heard by the City Council on June 17,1997. NEW BUSINESS: 6A. Batiuuitos DrivelAviara Drive/Golf Course Entrance Intersection - Request to establish an ALGWAY STOP and to stripe crosswalks. Traffic Engineer Bob Johnson began his presentation by explaining that this request was initiated by Pam whltcomb, in a letter sent to hs office, in which she requested that an ALL-WAY STOP be considered for this intersection. In addition, she requested that painted crosswalks be striped across Batiquitos Drive. Mr. Johnson described Batiquitos Drive as a two-lane roadway (1 lane each direction) with a turn lane and sidewalks on both sides of the street. He added that withm a few weeks, an ordinance will go into effect to establish a 35 MPH speed limit on hs segment of Batiquitos Drive, from Aviara Parkway to Golden Star Lane. Mr. Johnson explained when they receive a request for a ALL-WAY STOP, the location is analyzed based on the Caltrans stop sign warrants (objective criteria) and the results given to the Traffic Safety Commission. Currently there are stop signs on the side streets but not on Batiquitos itself. The use of the Caltrans warrants allows objective decisions to be made and also eliminates arbitrary decisions. The ALL-WAY STOP warrants are dictated by the volumes and accident history of an intersection and in hs case there have been no accidents in the past 12 months. With reference to the traffic volumes, Mr. Johnson stated that the A June 2, 1997 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 2 intersection must average at least 500 vehicles in any 8 hours and during that same 8 hours, the combined vehcular and pedestrian volume must average 200 units per day in the same 8 hours. Also, there must be an average delay to the minor street of at least 30 seconds and if the 85th percentile is greater than 40 MPH, then the minimum volume warrant would be reduced to 70%. Mr. Johnson also stated that traffic counters were placed at this intersection (for 24 hours), and the resulting count did not meet the requirements of the warrants. In addition, staff conducted turning movement studies and pedestrian volume studies at various times of the day, on different days, to try to determine if there is a particular day or time when vehcular andor pedestrian traffic is considerably higher than normal. The results of those studies also did not meet the warrant requirements. Mr. Johnson also explained that unwarranted stop signs have disadvantages as they are known to cause more rear-end collisions, lead to increased driver frustration, be ignored by some drivers because they think they are nuisances, can cause an increase in air pollution, etc. Mr. Johnson also stated that staff had conducted a GAP study to determine if a pedestrian can cross the street, from curb to curb, without encountering a conflicting vehcle. That study determined that there were 23 gaps( 12 or more seconds) in each 5 minute period in the peak hour and that pedestrians were not unduly delayed in crossing the street. Mr. Johnson stated that the analysis shows that the ALL-WAY STOP warrants have not been met, and crosswalks are not installed at uncontrolled intersections. He also pointed out that unless it is prohibited, every intersection has a legal crosswalk so a pedestrian can legally cross at the intersection. Mr. Johnson concluded his presentation by stating that the Traffic Coordinating Committee had reviewed all of the data which resulted in the following four recommendations: 1. That because the warrants have not been met, that an ALL-WAY STOP at this intersection not be established. 2. That painted crosswalks not be striped on Batiquitos Drive since the warrants for the stop sign are not met. 3. That the non-standard stop sigi at the golf course’s exit be replaced by the golf course officials, with a standard red and white 30 inch stop sign. 4. Because there may be future increases in the volumes just studied, it would be appropriate to re-evaluate this location at some future date. Commissioner Green asked how close to the 85th percentile the current speed is at that intersection. Mr. Johnson responded by stating that 85% of the vehicles are traveling at or below the 43 MPH in the absence of posted speed limit sign and law enforcement. Commissioner Green also asked if there is, currently, a school pedestrian impact at that intersection to whch Mr. Johnson responded negatively. Commissioner Courtney asked Mr. Johnson if the map (Exlubit 2) of the housing development adjacent to Aviara Dr., is an accurate one and pointed out that there is very little traffic coming from that development.. Mr. Johnson replied that it is fairly accurate and agreed that there is little traffic coming from that area, as reflected in the 24 hour counts. Larry Clemens, representing Aviara Land Associates, 201 1 Palomar mort Rd., Carlsbad, gave a brief background summary of the Four Seasons project and stated that the hotel is slated to open at the end of July. In his summary, Mr. Clemens pointed out that the City of Carlsbad has been very explicit regarding planning for the future and that the Aviara project has complied by planning ahead in several ways. A current example of Aviara’s compliance with the City’s directive to anticipate is to plan for future traffic, both vehicular and pedestrian. Mr. Clemens stated that Aviara Land Associates are very much in favor of installing trafflc control at the intersection in question. He further stated that with the opening of the Four Seasons Resort, there will be considerably more pedestrian and vehcle traffic and urged the Commission to recommend the installation of an ALL-WAY STOP sign and striped crosswalks, in the interest of safety for not only the guests at Four Seasons but also for the residents of the surrounding areas. He added that within the next 6 months, there will be approximately 300 homes ready for occupancy in the immediate area and they will surely add to the present traffic. Pam Wlutcomb, 20 1 1 Palomar Airport Rd., #206, Carlsbad, representing Aviara Master Association, stated that in her opinion, the Caltrans warrants system is not appropriate for this particular circumstance. Ms. Whitcomb pointed out that there are already A June 2,1997 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3 walking clubs established and that Batiquitos Dr., is the main thoroughfare to the North Shore Trail which is already used by many residents and visitors. Ms. Whitcomb also stated that with the advent of the Sculptor Art Program at Aviara, there will be many more visitors. Ms. Whitcomb concluded by ashg the Commission for its consideration and recommend the previously mentioned traffic controls. Commissioner Courtney asked if there is an access to the North Shore Trail through the golf course, to which Ms. Whitcomb replied that there is public access through the golf course in addition to the ones on the east and west ends of Batiquitos Drive. Jim Bellington, representing Fours Seasons Resort Aviara, 7447 Batiquitos Dr., Carlsbad, stated that he has been the Golf Club manager for the past 6 years and in that time has witnessed a dramatic increase in both pedestrian and vehicle traffic. He pointed out that as the community continues to grow and develop, the traffic can only increase. Mr. Bellington further pointed out that when Four Seasons Resort opens, they expect to have 92% occupancy and they also expect that their guests will take advantage of all of the activities available in the area. There will be, he continued, many more pedestrians crossing the street, wallung the trails, and dtlving automobiles and riding bicycles. In conclusion Mr. Bellington stressed the importance of anticipation, particularly when it come to safety, and urged the Commission’s recommendation for an ALL-WAY STOP sign. Robert Lang, 16 19 Warbler Court, Carlsbad, representing the Aviara homeowners, spoke of the large numbers of residents that currently walk along both sides of Batiquitos and voiced their concerns for their safety and the safety of others. He stated that it will not be long before that street will be used by many motorists, as a thoroughfare, and it would be prudent to prepare for the increase of traffic, now. He agreed that controls, at the intersection in question, may not be necessary right now but feels that in a couple of months circumstances are going to change and the controls will become absolutely necessary. Regarding the use of Caltrans warrants, Commissioner Courtney explained that, in addition to many other reasons, the Commission must make law“ decisions and the warrants are required by state law. He also explained that the courts will not uphold traffic citations unless it is proven that the proper traffic studies have been performed, the warrant requirements have been met, and the proper and legal speed limits have been posted. The Commissioner agreed with the theory that it is important to hnk ahead (anticipate), but there are instances when planning ahead just can’t be done. Commissioner Courtney asked if there is parking available for the tennis complex and was answered affirmatively by Mr. Clemens. Chairperson Blake spoke to the issue of pro-action and stated that he also agrees with the theory of anticipation. However, as Commissioner Courtney explained, the Commission’s hands are tied unless the requested projects have undergone the proper surveys and have met the warrant requirements. Mr. Clemens asked by what means that intersection will be monitored. Chairperson Blake responded by stating that Mr. Johnson’s staff+ is well aware of the constantly increasing traffic in all areas and keep a close watch for evolving problems. He also added that, at a time when it is apparent that traffic is indeed increasing, Mr. Clemens (andor others) may call Mr. Johnson’s office and ask for a new evaluation in an effort to get controls installed at the earliest possible time. Mr. Clemens then asked to set a date for another traffic study. Mr. Johnson stated that a lead time of 4 or 5 months would not be inappropriate and would allow for the completion of the study@) and have them ready for presentation to the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee and subsequently to the Traffic Safety Commission. Mr. Johnson further stated that if his st& conducts the appropriate studies in October, after the opening of the Four Season Resort Aviara, the reports will be completed for the meeting in November. Commissioner Green suggested that Point #4 in the Staff+ Recommendation be modified to read “Staff and hotel interests should monitor this intersection, in concert with each other, and review at a later date as traffic conditions . . . etc.” Chairperson Blake reiterated his statement to Mr. Clemens regarding any radical changes and future requests for new studies. Commissioner Courtney suggested that the Commission hear this issue in 90 days. June 2,1997 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 Mr. Johnson stated that it is important, fi-om a technical standpoint, that the Commission set a date specific for a further hearing on this matter. He also pointed out that the hotel should be open for at least a month or two before new studies are performed. Commissioner Green asked Mr. Clemens to comment on when he feels the studies should be performed and to suggest a date for the matter to be heard. Mr. Clemens suggested a November or December meeting date. It was suggested that this matter be heard at the December 1,1997 meeting, with Mr. Clemens and Mr. Johnson in full agreement. It was also suggested, and agreed upon by Mr. Johnson and Mr. Clemens, that in the event that either feel that the December meeting date is too premature, either of them can request a postponement. Mr. Clemens stated that, in an effort to assist Mr. Johnson and the Commission, Aviara Land Associates will also have their traffic enweer conduct similar studies. ACTION: AYES: ACTION: AYES: - NOES: On motion by Commissioner Courtney, and duly seconded, the Traffic Safety Commission approved Items # 1, #2, and #3, of the StafTRecommendation as follows: 1. An ALL-WAY STOP not be established at the subject intersection. 2. Painted crosswalks not be striped on Batiquitos Drive. 3. The golf course officials install a standard STOP sign at the exit driveway to replace the non-standard STOP sign. Blake, Courtney, and Green On motion by Commissioner Green, and duly seconded, the Traffic Safety Commission approved the revision of Item # 4 of the Staff Recommendation as follows: 4. Staff and hotel area interests should monitor the subject intersection, in concert with each other, and review the impact data at a later date for submission to the Traffic Safety Commission. Blake and Green Courtney Mr. Johnson assured, all those present, that hs staff would continue to monitor the subject intersection and if the need becomes apparent, he will bring this matter before the Commission at a date earlier than the December or January time fiame previously agreed upon. Sgt. Jim Byler, Carlsbad Police Department, stated that hs officers will definitely monitor the subject intersection and make their reports accordingly. 6B. Tamarack Avenue and El Camino Real Intersection - Request to eliminate eastbound “Right Turn Only” lane and convert to a THROUGWRIGHT shared lane. Due to the absence of a full Commission, this item was continued to the next regularly scheduled meeting on July 7, 1997. June 2, 1997 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 5 REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Green presented three photographs, to Traffic Engineer Bob Johnson, of both City and other commercial vehcles parked on City sidewalks, and requested that Mr. Johnson share these photos with the City Council in an effort to eliminate a potential problem. Mr. Johnson stated he would send the photos to the City Manager and the City manager would, in turn, distribute them to the City Council. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER: None ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of June 2,1997, was adjourned at 4:22 p.m. Restxctfullv submitted.