HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-10-04; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMEETING OF: TRAFRC SAFETY COMMISSION OAT€ OF MEETING: OCTOBER 4,1999 (Regular Meeting) TIME OF MEETING: 3W P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: CITY COUNCL CHAMBERS S~#embsrspterent: Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation Sgt. Kelly Cain, Carisbad Wi ihpmtment John Kim, Associate Engineer VOTE: 241 AYES: whitton, Allen NOES: None ABSTAIN: Blake Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer announced that this meeting was Cam1 CNise, the Minutes Cledc, last meeting. Dianna Scott will now be the new Minutes Clerk. BUSINESS; Associate Engineer John Kim, presented the staff report as follows: A NO PARKING Zone is being proposed to be establiied on bath sides of Jackspar Drive from El Camino Red to Camhlo Httfs Drive. October 4,1999 - TRAFFlC SAFETY COMMISSION 0n-M parking demand in this area is very law, due to the fact that the reslden#al driveways are located off of Jackspar Drive and off of the side streets. An addiional reason for this request is that WW a NO PARKfNG Zone the City WOUW be aHowed to establish a Bike Lane on both §ides of the stmet. In addition, stated Mr. Kim, the Bke Lane would serve both the residmtitial areas and the industrial complexes to the north off of Faraday Avenue. The ordinance to establish B 35-mph speed limit on Jackspar Drive ww adopted by City Cwncil on August 17, 1999. The Wff report contains all of the relevant information. Based on this infomatton the TMflc Safety Coordinating Committee recommends that a NO PARKING Zone be established on both sides of Jackspar Drive from El Camino Real to Camino Hills Drive. Commissioner Blake requested darVfication regarding the undeveloped land on Camino Hills Drive, He asked if them were any plans for development d this area in the near future- Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, informed the Traffic Safety Commission that the area was to be the site of a future City Park. The City has purchased approximately 10 am, which will be developed in the next few years as a smatl .park. Vice-Chairman Whitton asked for PUBLIC discwsion refating to the agenda ITEM 6A. Chris Breautt, president of the Homeowners Association at Evans Point, which surrounds Jadespar Drive, stated that, The Homeowners Assodation of Evans Point fully supports the effort to establish 8 NO PARKING Zone on jadrspar Drive. There have been nummus oomplaints from residences in the neighbomood, especially during peak traffic hours (morning and aflemoon) re@Wlng the street being used as a cut through frwn Faraday Avenue down to El Camino instead of using the coflege access. His concern is with cam parked on both sides of the street on Jackspar Drive, that with a 35 mph two cars will be passing each other very dose together. Mr. Breauit reiterated that the homeawners in the area WBFB in full support of a NO PARKING Zone. He stated also that the association supported the NO PARKING on Cammo Hills Drive as well. Cornmissloner Allen commented that he dmve through the area and agreed that the street was too naw for paricing on the sides of the a;treet. He did not believe that cars could be parked on the side of the street without cars driving on the street crossing over the middle of the street. Mr. Allen approves the recommendation. Commlssbner Blake stated that after visiting the area fwr times, he saw only two vehides parked on the street. He commented mer that he did not think a NO PARKING Zone was necessary and that parking on the stmet was more important in that area than a Bike Lane. This appiies to Jackspar Drive and Camino MIS We. VimChairperson Wion ref- to a pick up truck that was parked in the area everyday 24 hours a day. Mr. Whitton stated that the owner of the pick-up tntck appeared to move the car periodically to avoid it being towed or ticketed. In addiion, Mr. Whttton noticed cars being parked on Jackspar Me with for sale signs oft them. He stated that on Camino Hih Drive them is a van pa&ed there and the owner of the van sleeps in the van on the street and the van mer appears to migrate into the housing area. He believes that these are some aftha rewns for the NO PARKING Zone mummendations. John Kim, Associate Engineer, stated that the Engineering Department believes that the Bike Lane, which would Serve the industrial complex and support forms of altemate transportation, would be very beneficial in relationship to the very tow parking demand on the street at the present time. pcTKwII: Won by Commisskmr Alten, and duly seconded, that the Trnffk safety Commission uphold the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinatfng Committee to establish a NO PARKING Zone - Jadcspar Drive, El Camino Real to Camino Hills Drive octobet4,1999 .- TRAFFIC sm co"Iss1oN 3 VOTE: 2-1 AYES: Whitton, Allen Nou3: Blake ABSTAIN: None ITEM 66 im Hills Drive. Faraday Avenue to Browninn RW - Request to estebllth a NO PARKING zone Assodsrte Engineer John Kim, presented the staff report as fotlows: Request to establish 8 NO PARKING zone on both sides of Camino Hills Orive from Browning Road to Faraday Avenue. The on street parking demand in this ama is very low due to the psence of driveways located on the side street and not on Camino Hilk Drive. Mr. Kim stated that Camino Hills Drive is currently 40 feet wide from curb to curb, which is sufficient for on street parking on both sides as well as two travel lanes in each direction. Currently, parking is not prohibited. Due to the vertical aliment of the roadway north of Milton Road, sight distance for vehicles approaching Camino Hills me from Milton Road and northbound vehicles approaching Mitton Road w8s found to be Ilmlted. A NO PARKING zone would improve sight distance at all intersections and would have the added benefit of allowing Bike Lanes to be installed on both sides of the street. This roadway in conjunction with Jackspar Drive would me an alternetwe route location for bicycies from El Camino to Fafaday Avenue. In conclusion, Mr. Kim asserted that the TMIC Safety Coonjinating Committee recommends that a NO PARKING me be established on both sides of Camino Hats Drive from Browning Road to Faraday Avenue. In darificatlon, Robert Johnson stated that currently them is a NO PARKING Zone on both sldes of the strwt from Faraday Avenue to apCwoximately Milton Road. Several years ago at Mitton Road there was a bulb wlde-sac and the road did terminate in a udde-sac and a NO PARKfNG Zone was established at that time. Once the construdlon of the subdivision took place Camino Hins Drive was extended almost to El Camino Real, just a lie past Browning Road, and it does exist in current configuration today, but the signs are stlil in place. Those signs were not installed via an ordinance adopted by City Council and the entire length being tatked about today woutd be induded in an ofdinance that would 80 forward to the City Council. Commissioner Allen stated that he dme the aforementioned street and found lt very nam and he approves the Traffic Safety CoordinatZng Commfftees' recommendation. Chris Breault, President of the Homeowners Association at Evans Point, stated that the speeds on Camino Hills Drlve are much faster than on Jadtspar Drive. For drives coming from Faraday Avenue, turning left onto Milton, visibly is very limited. Drivers are usualty gdng faster than Smph and an accident is lmmtnent. He fully supports the recommendation fw a NO PARKING Zone. ACfK)N; Wkm by Commissioner Alien, and duty secondttd, that the Traffic Safety Commission uphold the recommend&h of the Traffk Safety Coordinating Committee to establish a NO PARKING Zone - Camino Hills Drive, Faraday Avenue to Bmmring Road VOTE: 2-1 AYES: WhMon, Allen rwEs: Blake ABSTAIN: None Cbbf~4,1999 Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, presented ITEM 8C as follows: To mise the prima facie speed limit on La Costa Avemre from lntefstate 5 to €1 Camino Real. The Police Department initiated this request. The mad construction started in April of 1998 to widen La Costa Avenue between these limits from a two-lane road to the current four lane mad. The road rwlw has a raised landscaped median, there are two traffic lanes in each direction, a bike lane in each direction, sidewalk has been constructed on the north side, or Lagoon side only, and a traffic signal has been installed at the Saxony Road intersedi. Mr. Johnson stated fwther that cumntly the road has a prima facie mmph speed limlt, which was established when it was in its older two-lane configuration. The California Vehicle Code requires that when there is changed conditions that the Engineering and Traffic Survey be updated. He referred to Table A in Staff Report, outlining the critical speeds of 57-mph in both locations whem the speed sulvey was conducted. The road is appmxtmatety 1.9 miles in length and approximately 32,000 vehicles use the mad per day. Dum the construction them were a high number of accidents that is refleded in the accident history on the Engineering and Traffic Survey, although the accident rate is sttll quite low. Mr. Johnson explained that the road was used by a pat deal of residents from the south pat of Carisbad and Encinitas residents. The expectation is that when Lecudia Boulevard is completed between El Camino and the interchange on Interstate 5, them will be a decrease of traffic on La Costa Avenue and the prevailing speed will stay about the same. After the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee evaluated the wmnt situation, they recommended that a 5Smph speed limit be estaMihed on La Costa Avenue from Interstate 5 to El Camino Real, which is a raising of the CUM speed limit by 5-mph. Commissioner Allen &dared that he dnwe the mad and it is a beautiful street and he approves the recommended speed timit of 55-mph. ACTK)IN: Motion by Commissioner Allen, and duly seconded, that the Traffic Safety Commission uphold the recommendaticm of the TraM Safety Coordinating committee to estaMish a prima facie Smph speed limit on La Costa Avenue, Interstate Highway 5 to El Camino Rea! VOTE: 3-0 AYE$: whltton, Allen, Blake FSOES: None ABSTAIN: None 8D. Traffic Sam Commission Resolution of Commendation for John AMq Commissklner Ailen was going to abstain nWn voting m ITEM 60 and therefore a qmm was not available. He recommended that ITEM 60 be canried over to the wxt meeting. This was agreed upon byapresent. ocaober4,1999 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION page 5 Mr. Johnson suggested that ITEM 6E, Resolution of Commendation for Carol A Cruise be adopted and presented to Ms. CN~W in proper format. ACTIO& Motion by Commissioner Allen. and duly seconded, that Hem &E Traffic Safety Commission Resolution of Commendation far Cam1 A Cruise be adopted and pnmnted to Ms. Cruise at the nexf regular Traffi Safety Commission meeting, VUE: 3.0 AYES: Whitton, Allen, Blake NOES: NOne ABSTAIN: None Commissioner Blake asked if the Pacific Rim wossing guard request went to City Council. Mr. Johnson explained that the request for an adult crossing guard at the intersdon of Camh de 10s Santos and Hklden Valley goes to City Council Tuesday, October 5, 1999, as does the request to establish an ALL WAY STOP at that todon. A parent has expressad concern about the curb on Sdandra Drive, which is the mad adjacent to the school on the east boundary, stating that vehicles may miss the curb and go over the embankment down onto the school playground. The City Council will give Staff direction on how to proceed on the three aforementioned Issues. Commissioner Blake mfd to Cartsbad Village Drive, either north or west tswards Et Camino from Tamarack and wanted to know if mstriping plans were on the horizon, because now that an extra mad sectii was added to the east slde, the striping as you come upon the raised divider is over much too far. Often the left turn lane vehicles proceed straight through the intersection because the stripi~ is not correa. Mr. Johnson responded that there will be a traffic signal installed at the intersedion of Tamarack and Callsbad Viltage Drive in the next 6 months and changes to the striplng woukl occur. Commissioner Blake stated that he noticed 3 rtew stop signs at Avenida de Anita and wanted to know if that had calmed dorm the traffic. Mr. Johnson responded that the Ci Council adopted the oFdinences to establish 3 ALL WAY STOPS on Avenida de Anita. The signs were installed last week. He will be taking to City Council the idea to fonn a citizens committee to look at traffic calming. This win be tied in with the Odober lSa" City Council Meeting as a follow up to last week's City Council meeting on the nam streets, putting in trees and to not build curves and gutter issues. Unless things change dramatically, Staff wilt be going to City Council independently to form a citlzens committee to M on resMential traffic management program, which wit outline all options available for a particular stmet. It win outline procedums to follow to request a Study on a Stmet, installation program, construction cost and how to implement the findings and so forth. Commissioner Blake asked if other cities were conducting tram calming management programs. october4,1999 Mr. Johnson explained that there were quite a few cities that have started tram calming programs. Staff has gathered artides, literature and publications on numerous traffic calming programs. This data will be shared with the committee. This will be a similar effort to the 1991 Pontiac Drive traffic calming issue. Vice-Chairm8n whitton noted that the internally illuminated street name sign on Palmar Airport Rod and College on the wsstbound lane has been dorm for me time. Mr. Johnson responded that 8 high profile vehicle struck the itlumineted street sign. He explained that them is a baddog for traffic signal equipment, but the replacement sign was on order and would be replaced as quickly as possible. ViiChairmen Wion reported that northbound on El Camino Real iight at Alga Road, near the island for left hand turn there is a large hump that was teft by the constNdion company. The large bump is located at the very beginning of the raised median. Mr. Johnson announced that invitations would be mailed this mk for the annual Boards and Commissions Thank You Dinner. 11 will be held on October 28, 1999 at the GraM Pacific Resort on Armada Dim By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of October 4,19G9, was adjourned at 33Sp.m. Respectfully submitted, Dienna Scott Mfnutes Clerk