HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-06-04; Traffic Safety Commission; Minutes-1,"- MEETWG OF: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION DATE OF MEETIW: Sum 4,2064 (Regular Meeting) TIME OF MEETING: 3:W P.M. PUCE OF MEETING: CITY CoUNclL CHMBERS CAU TO ORDER: Chairperson Frank Whitton called the Meeting to order at 3:02 p.m, PntSeNt: Absent 8t"etnberrP: Cheirpem Frank Witton, Vi Chairperson Jim Courtney, Cornmissloners Jeny Schali, Bob Mertz Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation U. Mike Shipby, Cartsbsd mice Depslrtment ACTlON: Mdtion by Vice Chairperson Jim Courtney, and duly seconded, to approve tha minutes of the ragular meeting of April 2, 2001 as pmsented. There was no meeting hefd OCI May 7,2001 and, themfore, no minutes to approve, June 4,2001 June 4,2001 vice Chakpemn Jim Courtney, stated that he supparted staying within the taw. He asked the data of the last ttaffic survey on the street in question, Mr. Johnson stated that the mpst recent Engineering snd Traffic Surveys were conducted approxlmatefy two months ago. He stated that prior to the afumerdioned Engineering and Traffic Suwey, a survey was conducted within the last five pars; althdugh it was stilt 8 valM survey time wise, the validity was being questiied based an the hlgh critical speeds. Mr. Johnson replied that staff WOUM be monitoring that stmet to see if the critical speeds did Increase. Refening to the Engineering and Traffic Survey, Mr. Johnson stated that Use my WBS COndWed 300 feet south of Pssao Candelero. He noted that this was the Win where the altical speed was obtained 8nd that ttvere have been no accidents in this area. faking his place on the dais, Commissioner Keith GilMllan arrived at 309 p.m. Mr. Johnson stated that the road is functkning adequately based on plevailing speeds. Commrssianer O/Hfillan stated his oppOSrtion to fragmenting the stmet with dimrent speed limits. He suggested that the prima facie speU HmR of 40 mph be estaMTshed for the entire length of AlcCante Road from one traffic control device to another or the agencla item ShoUW not be approved as shown. chairperson WnMm dosed discussfon and caned for a motion. JUM: 4,2001 Road to its ZntemdZon with Carte de la Vista with cadequate signage to alert driven of the speed limit change. VOTE: 4-14 AYES: Won, Mertz, schall, Courtney NOES: GillfiUan ABSTAIN None Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation, gave a brief ovewiew and history of the Cartsbad Residential Traffic Management Program (I"). He mentioned that a dtixen's committee was formed in May 2OOO by the City Council, Mr. Johnson stated that citizens' complaints about speeding vehicles and cut-thfough tfaffic in residential neighbomoods occur frequently. TO futty utilize the techniques of traffic calming, the City Council appointed 8 seven-pemn cltizen committee to develop a Wram for €%Isbad. The foilowing people sewed on the committee: Chairperson CouFtney Heineman, Vke-CttairpeFsan Klp McSane, John Murphey Jim Stachwiak, Hw8rd Heffmr, Michael Ott, Tom Blake. Staff awigned to the committee: Robert Johnson, Jim Murray, amf Michele Mastetson. In adbition, the Caisbad Fm Department and the CaAsbad Potice Department, as weli as other clty departments, were encouraged to and did provide valuable input. Mr. Johnson stated !hat the committee worked for elmosi a year, meeting twice a month for two hours and presented their report to the City CouncH Msy 8, 2001. He noted that the mram WBS very comprebenaive and answered who, where, bow, why and what of traffic calming for Carlsbed, The Cartsbad Residential TrafRc Management Program report is 8 document containinq the steps for Miens to follow to irtiliete a traffic calming pian on their mictential street. Additionally, the document lists traffic calming measures in the "TOOW of options that may be considered for use in Carlsbad. Mr. Johnson indii that the Cartsbad Residentiat Traffic Management Program document was apprwed by the City Council MI May $, 2001 and each traffic Safety Commissioner WOUM receive a copy ofthe approved dowment. To facilitate the understamling of the Caristxl Residential Tralric Management Progfam (mnP) and hwv it should be used, Mf. Sohnson praoosed that severat workshops be cbnduded for tf%? Traffic Safety Comrnhsicmers as an education process. tie suggested that the worlrshops could be added to the agenda when the proposed agenda called for 8 short meling or no meeting at ail. Mr. Jolznson acknarvtedged this coultf be 8 potential probiern and noted this wmdd be part of establishing the PA01 {Project Area of Influence); all of which would be covered in the proposed wbhops with the Commission. June 4,2001 ITEM 7 - REPORT FROM TRAFP IC COMMISSIONERS Cornmisslonet GiRfillan noted that two, if not more, of the speed signs were covered up wtth vegetation along Alicante Road, In addition, he mentioned that no pavement markings were visible. Mr. Johnson replied th8t when the new speed limits signs were instcrtled the vegetstian would be removed. Referring to Hillside and the James Drive tract, Vice ChaifQerson Courtney noted that one pole and one pop out was in place, and questioned why thls was attowed on the lot at the bottom. Mr. Johnson replied that he was not farnillar wlth the circumstance. He did, however, menw that the city is updating its undergrounding uh’lity mmittee in order to submit recommendations for overhead power to be undergmunded. He stated that there are a number of streets that are potentlal candidatas. Mr. Johnson Wiceted that he woukl have the land use engineer investigate the area mentioned by Vice Chairperson Courtney, as this is a new development. ITEM 8 - REPOKT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER None By proper motion the Ftegular Meeting d June 4,2001, was adjourned at 3:48 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Dianna Scott Minutes Clerk