HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-02-04; Traffic Safety Commission; Minutesx MEETING OF: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: February 4,2002 (Regular Meeting) TIME OF MEETING: 3:OO P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL TO ORDER: Vice-Chairperson Jim Courtney called the Regular Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Vice-Chairperson Jim Courtney Commissioner Jeny Schall Commissioner Bob Mertz Absent: Commissioner Keith Gillfillan Staff Members Present: Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation Division Jim Murray, Associate Engineer, Transportation Division Sgt. Kelly Cain, Carlsbad Police Department APPROVAL OF MINUTES: October 1,2001 MOTION: ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Mertz, and duly seconded, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of October 1, 2001 as presented with a minor correction on page 5, paragraph 7: “Commissioner Mertz asked how close the warrants were to ...” VOTE: 3-0-0 AYES: Courtney, Me&, Schall NOES: None ABSTAIN: None h February 4,2002 /L- .“TIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 2 January 7,2002 MOTION: ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Schall, and duly seconded, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of January 7,2002 as presented. VOTE: 2-0-1 AYES: Courtney, Schall NOES: None ABSTAIN: Mertz ITEM 4 - ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None ITEM 6 - PREVIOUS BUSINESS: Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation Division, informed the Commission that agenda item 6A, the request to establish a prima facie 40 mile per hour speed limit upon Black Rail Road from Aviara Parkway to Sapphire Drive, which was addressed at the regular Traffic Safety Commission meeting on January 7,2002, will be presented to the City Council later this month for introduction of the ordinance. In addition, Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation Division advised the Commission that the City Council appointed former Traffic Safety Commissioner Chairperson Frank Whitton to the Planning Commission. He mentioned that the City Council would be appointing a new member to the Traffic Safety Commission. NEW BUSINESS: ITEM 6A Review, provide recommendations and approve the 2002 TrafAc Signal Evaluation Policy and Traffic Signal Qualification List Referring to an overhead slide, Associate Engineer, Jim Murray, Transportation Division, stated that the requested action regarding agenda item MA is to review and provide recommendations regarding the 2002 Traffic Signal Evaluation Policy and Traffic Signal Qualification List. He noted that there are 22 intersections on the list, all of which have met at least one or more of the 11 CALTRANS traffic signal WaMts. Mr. Murray stated that the Traffic Signal Qualification List was originally established on July 19, 1988 and that it has been updated biannually since 1988. The policy is intended to provide a mechanism to establish a ranking system to evaluate and compare potential future signalized intersection locations. A totat of 22 intersections are included on the 2002 Traffic Signal Qualification List. Ten intersections have been added to the 2002 Traffic Signal Qualification List that were not on the 2000 list. By their designated qualification number, those intersections are: Numbers 4,5, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 (Faraday Avenue/Camino Hills Drive) and both intersections tied for 21. h February 4,2002 h . RAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION page 3 Continuing, Mr. Murray mentioned that City Council adoption of the Traffic Signal Evaluation Policy that establishes the Traffic Signal Qualification List does not commit or require the signals to be installed in the order of ranking. The list provides a systematic listing of intersection priorities based upon preliminary engineering. An engineering study and further evaluation would have to be conducted prior to beginning final design, once authorized by the City Council. Referring to the overhead stiie and explaining qualification factors 1 to 7 of the qualification rating system, Mr. Murray informed the Commission that there is a Traffic Signal Ranking System, which staff uses to determine points. tie noted that of the seven factors, factor #7 is what is referred to as the "special conditions" factor, which is the most subjective of all of the factors and takes into account conditions and special considerations that are not covered by the other qualification factors. In conclusion, Mr. Murray stated that the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommends that the Traffic Safety Commission review and provide recommendations regarding the 2002 Traffic Signal Evaluation Policy, including the Traffic Signal Qualification List, and that the policy be submitted to the City Council for adoption. City Council approval and adopting, by Resolution, of the 2002 Traffic Signal Evaluation Policy, including the Traffic Signal Qualification List, will be required. Vice-Chairperson Courtney asked if there were questions of staff. Referring to the overhead slide, 2002 Traffic Signal Qualification List, Commissioner Schall requested an ovewiew of M, Calle BarcelonaPaseo Aliso. He noted that under the qualification factor #7, Calle Barcelona/Paseo Aliso ranking is 16. Noting that there is an ALL WAY STOP sign at Calle BarcelonaiPaseo Aliso, Mr. Murray stated that the ALL WAY STOP sign is 700 feet from the traffic signal at El Camino Real. He mentioned that there are four parts to special condition #7: o Part 1: Points are given for existing ALL WAY STOP o Part2: Proximity to schools o Part3: Horizontal and vertical curvature and sight visibility o Part4: High speed on the through street Mr. Murray gave the following overview, detailing the elements regarding the ranking and points awarded to Calle BarcelonaPaseo Aliso: 5 points were given to Calle BarcelonalPaseo Aliso because it is an existing ALL WAY STOP; 5 points were given for part 2, proximity to schools, due to the fact that there is an elementary school north on Paseo Aliso; 3 points awarded for part 3, e.g. vehicle facing southbound Paseo Aliso at Calle Barcelona looking to the east there is horizontal curvature to Calle Barcelona; and 3 points were granted because Calle Barcelona has a critical speed of 50 miles per hour, e.g. criteria: if the critical speed is 5 miles per hour over the posted speed limit 3 points are awarded. Mr. Murray mentioned that factor #4 takes into consideration the number of school age pedestrians crossing the intersection. Commissioner Mertz asked if the text additions to the chart were the only changes in the overall document. Mr. Mumy stated that there were update changes to the document. Vice-Chairperson Courtney noted that the qualification listing had also changed, some intersections gained ranking, some lost ranking, and others dropped off the list. February 4,2002 c r’RAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 Referring to the overall text of the document, Mr. Murray commented that other than the updated introduction on page one of the document, which talks about the City itself e.g. population of the City has increased, and the number of signalized intersections in the City has increased, nothing has really changed in the document. Commissioner Schall requested clarification referring to page 6 of the staff report regarding traffic signals currently being designed or constructed. Mr. Murray stated that the implementation of the traffic signafs were currently in the design process; traffic signals are being designed and will be constructed. Commissioner Schall asked if the traffic signals were being installed. Mr. Murray stated that at Carlsbad Village Drive and Pontiac Drive the City has advertised for the construction of the project and the traffic signal will be constructed in the next couple of months. Mr. Johnson informed the Commission that Carlsbad Village Drive and Pontiac was currently under construction and would probably be energized by the end of March or early April 2002. Mr. Johnson explained the elements of design and construction as it relates to the installation of traffic signals. He noted that the traffic signal at Carlsbad Village Drive and Avenida de Anita will be a developer‘s signal, there is a subdivision being constructed on the corner of Carlsbad Village Drive and Avenida de Anita; the Aviara ParkwayKingfisher Lane signal bids were opened last week and it will go to City Council in approximately one month to be awarded; with construction taking place in the summer. Commissioner Schall wanted to know how many signals have been installed over the last two years. Mr. Johnson stated that approximately twelve to fourteen traffic signal lights have been installed within the last two years. As there were no additionaf questions of staff, Vice-Chairperson Courtney opened public testimony. As there was no public testimony, Vice-Chairperson Courtney closed public testimony. Vice-Chairperson Courtney called for a discussion by the Commissioners. DISCUSSION: Vice-Chairperson Courtney stated that the intersections with ALL WAY STOP signs, e.g. The ALL WAY STOP in La Costa Valley and the ALL WAY STOP at Tamarack and Highland, were functioning very well and believed that the installation of traffic signals would impact and impede the flow of traffic. Mr. Johnson stated that the idea of the quatification list was to prevent citizens from requesting a traffic signal arbiirarily on their respective street comers. The qualification criterion is an objective way of evaluating whether there should be a traffic signal at a particular location. Vice-Chairperson Courtney questioned the logic of installing traffic signals at intersections with ALL WAY STOP signs currently in place and functioning well. Mr. Johnson commented that at Calle Barcelona and Paseo Aliso there is a school crossing and a multilane road. Staff determined that in a muitilane situation both drivers will stop most of the time; one driver will move forward to go through and the pedestrian is crossing in front of the car next to him, it is the classic multilane type of conflict. He noted that due to the short height of the school pedestrians, drivers often do not see the February 4,2002 - I'RAFFIG SAFETY COMMISSION Page 5 child pedestrian walking in front of the car. in many cases, a muttilane ALL WAY STOP that is a school crossing is a very good candidate for a traffic signal. He noted that total points based upon the criteria dictated the ranking of an intersection. Vice-Chairperson Courtney closed discussion and called for a Motion. MOTION: AC TION: Motion by Commissioner Me*, and duly seconded, that the recommendations of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee regarding the 2002 Traffic Signal Evaluation Policy and Traffic Signal Qualification List be adopted and that the policy be submitted to the City Council for adoption. VOTE: 3-0-0 AYES: Courtney, Mea, Schall NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ITEM 66 Elect a new Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson to serve from March 2002 through July 2003. As to how the Chairperson vacancy should be addressed, Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation Division, stated that agenda item 6B is entirely at the dimtion of the Traffic Safety Commission. Mr. Frank Whitton has been appointed to the Planning Commission; therefore the Traffic Safety Commission has lost a Commission member as well as the Chairpetson. He noted that the Vice-Chairperson could function as the Chairperson. Typically, the chairperson serves as one-year term; a new chairperson usually takes over in August. Traditionally the Vice-Chairperson mwes to the Chairperson position and a Vice-Chairperson is elected in July, taking office in August. There are several options available to the Commission: 1. The Commission can continue this item to a future date 2. The Commission can elect a new Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. The individuals would Sewe a term of approximately a year and a half. This situation has occurred in the past. until July, when an election for Chairperson and Wce-Chairperson could occur. 3. The current Vice-Chairperson could preside in the Chairperson capacity Vice-Chairperson Courtney called for a discussion. The Commission discussed the various options avaitable in detail. Vice-Chairperson Courtney closed discussion and called for a Motion. Fetnuary 4,2002 Page 6 MOTION: ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Schall, and duly seconded, to allow Vice- Chairperson Courtney to preside in the Chairperson capacity until July 2002, at which time an election for the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson positions will be conducted. VOTE: 3-0-0 NOES: None ABSTAIN: None AYES: Courtney, Mertz, Schall JTEM 6C Consider adoption of a Traffic Safety Commission Resolution of Commendation for Frank H. Whittan. Vice-Chairperson Courtney called for a discussion. It was the consensus of the Traffic Safety Commission that a Resolution of Commendation for former Traffic Safety Commissioner Frank H. Whitton be adopted. Vice-Chairperson Courtney closed discussion and called for a Motion. MOTION: ACTION: Motion by Vice-Chairperson Courtney, and duly seconded, to adopt a Traffic Safety Commission Resolution of Commendation for Frank H. Whitton VOTE: 3-0-0 AYES: Courtney, Mertz, Schall NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ITEM 7 None REPORT FROM TRAFFIC COMMISSIONERS ITEM 8 REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation Division, mentioned that staff received a letter from Mrs. Thelma Hayes requesting a report regarding the Pedestrian Action Plan at the March 4,2002 regular February 4,2002 - xRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 7 meeting of the Traffic Safety Commission. Mr. Johnson stated that it would be placed on the agenda of the March 4,2002 meeting. Mr. Johnson asked that those Commissioners interested in attending the March 9,2002 Traffic Engineering Workshop for Public Officials let him know so their registration can be processed. Mr. Johnson announced that the next regular meeting of the Traffic Safety Commission would be held on Monday, March 4,2002. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion the Regular Meeting of February 4,2002 was adjourned at 326 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Dianna Scott Minutes Clerk