HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-02; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION June 2,2003 (Regular Meeting) 3:OO P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Jim Courtney called the Meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairperson Jim Courtney Commissioner Jerry Schall Commissioner Gordon Cress Absent: Staff Members Present: Vice-Chairperson Bob Mertz Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation Division Lt. Mike Shipley, Carlsbad Police Department APPROVAL OF MINUTES: May 5,2003 ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Schall, and duly seconded by Commissioner Cress, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of May 5, 2003 as presented. VOTE: 3-0-0 AYES: Courtney, Schdll, Cress NOES: None ABSTAIN: None June 2,2003 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 2 ITEM 4 - ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None ITEM 5 - PREVIOUS BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: ITEM 6A Establish a No Parking zone on the north side of Cassia Road at Kalmia Circle (east and west) to improve corner sight distance availability when drivers exit the side streets to Cassia Road. Referring to an overhead slide, Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation Division, stated that item 6A is a request to establish a No Parking zone on the north side of Cassia Road. He noted that Ms Gladys Graves, 1765 Nerine Way, Carlsbad, California 92009, initiated this agenda item. In addition, staff has received several other telephone calls regarding the need for the establishment of a No Parking zone on the north side of Cassia Road at Kalmia Circle (east and west). Mr. Johnson explained that currently on the north side of Cassia Road, there is a No Parking zone from El Camino Real to approximately 800 feet westerly of Nicolia Drive and also a No Parking zone on the south side of Cassia Road from El Camino Real to approximately 630 feet westerly of Nicolia Drive. He mentioned that this leaves an available parking area east of Kalmia Circle on the north side of approximately 300-400 feet and on the south side of the street east of Kalmia Circle of approximately a tenth of a mile. Vehicles park in this area. Continuing, Mr. Johnson informed the Commission that Cassia Road is unclassified on the circulation element; it has a posted speed limit of 35 miles per hour, which was an action taken by the Traffic Safety Commission several months ago. From Poinsettia Lane to El Camino Real the distance of Cassia Road is approximately a half a mile and the roadway varies in width from 40 feet to 32 feet. Mr. Johnson stated that staff has been monitoring the parking situation over the past several months and it has been determined that the heaviest concentration of traffic is in the vicinity of Kalmia Circle east. He informed the Commission that some vehicles park on the north side east of Kalmia Circle; a few vehicles park on the west side near Kalmia Circle on the north side and across the street on the south side of Cassia Road. In the vicinity of Kalmia Circle east there are several regular on-street parkers, Le. a large motor-home and a pick-up truck, that appear to have a regular parking place on Cassia Road. It is speculated that the owners of the vehicles walk through the gated community to their homes in the housing development. Due to the concentration of vehicles near Kalmia Circle east and the curvature of the road just to the east, Mr. Johnson noted that when vehicles are parked on the street there is a sight distance restriction when drivers are exiting Kalmia Circle. Mr. Johnson referred to an overhead slide informing the Commission that staff conducted corner sight distance measurements, which are presented in table one of the staff report. He noted that for a 35 mile per June 2,2003 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3 hour posted speed limit the Caltrans criteria specifies a corner sight distance of 394 feet. Staff conducted measurements from two positions; one position three meters behind the prolongation of curb face and another at four meters behind the prolongation of the curb face. He mentioned that in some cases the distance available is less that what is required for the corner sight distance for 35 miles per hour speed zone. He noted that the sight distance restriction is further compounded when a parked vehicle is near the intersection of either Kalmia Circle east or west and presents difficulty in exiting the Poinsettia Heights housing development. Mr. Johnson informed the Commission that in the future when the portion of Poinsettia Lane, Reach C, which is currently under construction, is completed in early 2004, drivers will have the ability to go from Carlsbad Boulevard using Poinsettia Lane to Cassia Road and then proceed on Cassia Road easterly to El Camino Real. When the aforementioned roadways are completed, it is expected that the average daily traffic volumes will increase over and above what the traffic volumes are today. The most recent traffic count on Cassia Road indicates that the average daily traffic volume is approximately 4,200 vehicles to the west of El Camino Real and approximately 2,000 vehicles easterly of Poinsettia Lane near the Cassia Road/Poinsettia Lane intersection. Staff does not have a projection for traffic volumes increases when Reach C is completed, but an increase of traffic volumes is expected. In summary, Mr. Johnson stated that the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee reviewed the item. Based on the corner sight distance restriction caused by the parked vehicles, the future increase in traffic volumes, and the narrower existing cross section of Cassia Road, e.g. not all portions have been widened to the full 40 feet curb-to curb width, the committee recommends that the existing No Parking zone on the north side of Cassia Road be extended westerly to Poinsettia Lane, thereby creating a No Parking zone on the entire north side of Cassia Road from El Camino Real to Poinsettia Lane. Chairperson Courtney asked if there were questions of staff. Chairperson Courtney asked if parking would be allowed on the south side of the road. Mr. Johnson replied that parking would be allowed to remain on the south side because the distance from the centerline to curb is wide enough to allow a through traffic lane and a parking lane. Commissioner Schall requested clarification regarding the widening of Cassia Road in the areas where it is currently 32 feet in width. Mr. Johnson replied that eventually it would be widened to its full 40 feet curb-to-curb distance when development on the south side of Cassia Road occurs. As there were no additional questions of staff Chairperson Courtney opened public testimony. PUBLIC TESTIMONY: As there was no public testimony, Courtney closed public testimony and called for a discussion. DISCUSSION: As there was no discussion, Chairperson Courtney closed discussion and called for a motion. June 2,2003 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 MOTION: ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Cress, and duly seconded by Commissioner Schall, to accept the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee, that the existing No Parking zone on the north side of Cassia Road be extended westerly to Poinsettia Lane. VOTE: 3-0-0 AYES: Courtney, Schall, Cress NOES: None ABSTAIN: None Mr. Johnson stated that an ordinance would be required to be adopted by the City Council to establish the No Parking zone as recommended. ITEM 7 REPORT FROM TRAFFIC COMMISSIONERS None ITEM 8 REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER Mr. Johnson mentioned that an agenda item would go before the City Council on Tuesday, June 3,2003 to consider appointing the fifth Traffic Safety Commissioner to the Traffic Safety Commission. In addition, Mr. Johnson noted that staff placed a request on the consent calendar for the City Council to consider funding a speed reduction study on La Costa Avenue easterly of El Camino Real, between El Camino and Rancho Santa Fe Road. A consultant, at an estimated cost of $80,000, would conduct this study if approved. Commissioner Cress asked if staff could conduct this study, thereby saving $80,000 for other more urgent needs of the City. Mr. Johnson noted that if City Council decided to have staff conduct the study, it would be necessary for other staff duties to be postponed. Chairperson Courtney questioned the number of traffic studies conducted on La Costa Avenue in the last twenty years. Mr. Johnson stated he did not have the exact number, but noted that this speed reduction study is would be unique and has not been performed on La Costa Avenue before. Mr. Johnson mentioned that the next regular meeting of the Traffic Safety Commission would take place on Monday, July 7, 2003. June 2,2003 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion the Regular Meeting of June 2, 2003 was adjourned at 325 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Dianna Scott Minutes Clerk Page 5