HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-11-07; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: November 7,2005 (Regular Meeting) TIME OF MEETING: 3:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER. Chair Dorsey called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chair Steve Dorsey Vice-Chair Susan Gardner Commissioner Gordon Cress Commissioner Guy Roney Commissioner Bonnie Bradshaw Absent: None Staff Members Present: Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation John Kim, Associate Engineer, Transportation Don Neu, Assistant Planning Director Lt. Don Rawson, Carlsbad Police Department APPROVAL OF MINUTES: October 3,2005 ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Roney, and duly seconded by Commissioner Bradshaw, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of October 3,2005 as presented. VOTE: 4-0- 1 AYES: Dorsey, Gardner, Roney, Bradshaw NOES: None ABSTAIN: cress November 7,2005 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 2 Mr. Robert Johnson clarified that at the October 3, 2005 meeting, Commissioner Bradshaw had asked for verification of Item 6A, page 3 in the minutes of the August 1, 2005 meeting, where it stated that Commissioner Cress said that “in looking at the speed survey, the maximum speed recorded was 34 miles per hour indicating that drivers are traveling below 34 miles per hour. He asked if the 30-mile per hour speed limit was worthwhile spending the money to put up stop signs if drivers are already driving that speed. ” Mr. Johnson informed the Commission that he asked Commissioner Cress if his statement was accurate, and Commissioner Cress indicated that the minutes were correct. ITEM 4 - ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. ITEM 5 - PREVIOUS BUSINESS: Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, stated that the item that was presented at the October 3, 2005 Traffic Safety Commission meeting to remove the existing signs located on Marina Drive that prohibits on-street parking during street sweeping hours was appealed by Brian Biernacki who had initiated the action. This item is scheduled to be heard by the City Council at their November 15,2005 meeting. At that same Commission meeting, Lt. Rawson, Carlsbad Police Department, initiated a request to adopt an ordinance to establish a new municipal code section to allow the police department’s special enforcement unit (SVP members) enforcement authority for municipal code parking violations. The City Attorney reviewed that agenda bill submitted to have the item placed on the City Council agenda and determined that the California Vehicle Code does not grant such authority. Therefore, the City Council cannot adopt an ordinance to allow SVP members to write additional parking citations . Chair Dorsey presented a Resolution of Commendation to Commissioner Cress in recognition of his service as Chairperson from May 3, 2004 through June 23, 2005, as adopted at the August 1, 2005 Traffic Safety Commission meeting. ITEM 6 - NEW BUSINESS: ITEM 6A: Update Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) Chapter 10.32 by revising sections 10.32.091 that addresses the existing truck routes and also designating new truck routes to be incorporated into section 10.32.091. Mr. Johnson stated that the purpose of this item was to revise Section 10.32.091 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code that addresses the existing truck routes and to consider adding new truck routes to November 7,2005 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 3 be incorporated into section 10.32.091. The last major revision to the truck route ordinance was in 1986. Mr. Johnson explained that truck routes in Carlsbad were designated for commercial vehicles exceeding a gross vehicle weight rating (G.V.W.R.) of seven tons. A good example of suchvehicles is a moving van and they should remain on the truck route as long as possible until they near their destination. Per the Carlsbad Municipal Code, truck mutes govern commercial vehicles over seven tons G.V.W.R. Vehicles over seven tons G.V.W.R. must remain on designated truck routes. If commercial vehicles over seven tons G.V.W.R. have a destination in Carlsbad, they must remain on a truck route to the intersection nearest its destination before the vehicle deviates fiom the truck route. Large commercial vehicles, such as construction vehicles, may be on certain roads if they receive an approved Haul Route Permit from the Engineering Department. Other large vehicles, typically construction vehicles, may be on certain roads if they receive an Oversize Load Permit. Mr. Johnson stated that commercial vehicles considered as through traffic are to be operated on designated truck routes with the following exceptions: (1) operation on street of destination; (2) authorized emergency vehicles; (3) waste management or other authorized vehicles; and (4) detoured vehicles. The objective for establishing truck routes is to minimize the intrusion of trucks on local residential streets and to keep commercial vehicles on designated mutes to the greatest extent possible. Mr. Johnson explained that the general criteria for restricting commercial vehicles over seven tons G.V.W.R. from use of certain streets is the demonstration that it will promote the health, safety, and welfare of the public and not create an undue hardship on other users of the transportation network. Specific criteria when evaluating potential truck routes include: (1) reasonable alternate route is provided; (2) the character and frequency of commercial vehicle traffic on the proposed truck route is compatible with the affected area to the greatest extent possible; (3) the roadway should be functionally classified on the Circulation Element map as either a collector road or arterial road; and (4) one portion of the community should not be unduly burdened with commercial vehicle trac at the expense of relieving other portions of the community from commercial vehicle .traffic. Referring to the Powerpoint slide of the Circulation Element Plan, Mr. Johnson indicated where the existing truck routes were designated. Truck routes include El Camino Real, Carlsbad Boulevard and Rancho Santa Fe Road (north-south) and Palomar Airport Road (east-west). Although not in Carlsbad’s street right of way, Interstate Highway 5 is also a designated truck route. The portions of Carlsbad Village Drive, Tamarack Avenue, and Cannon Road west of Interstate Highway 5 each are designated truck routes. Mr. Johnson stated that circumstances have changed with several of the previously established truck routes due to new road construction that necessitates revisions to section 10.32.091. The first is Cannon Road, from Carlsbad Boulevard to El Camino Real. At the time 10.32.091 (d) was adopted, Cannon Road terminated at Paseo del Norte. The extension of Cannon Road to El Camino Real was completed in 2003. El Camino Real is a designated truck route. The second revision is Palomar Airport Road from Carlsbad Boulevard to easterly city limits. The entire length of Palomar Airport November 7,2005 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 4 Road is located within the city limits of Carlsbad and there is no reason to reference a specific land use adjacent to Palomar Airport Road that no longer exists. Finally, Rancho Santa Fe Road is a designated truck route from the southerly city limits to the northerly city limits. Rancho Santa Fe Road has been widened to four lanes from the southerly city limits to the intersection of Olivenhain RoadCamino AlvaroRancho Santa Fe Road and to six lanes from the Olivenhain RoadCamino AlvaroRancho Santa Fe Road intersection to the northerly city limits (segment north of San Elijo Road currently under construction). Mr. Johnson stated that the Traffic Safety Coordmating Committee was recommending that three road segments be added to section 10.32.091 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code as truck routes, The first is Melrose Drive from Palomar Airport Road to the northerly city limits. The second isFaraday Avenue from Cannon Road to the east city limits. The last recommendation is College Boulevard from Palomar Airport Road to El Camino Real. DISCUSSION: Chair Dorsey asked how truck routes affect truck drivers when they are trying to drive home in Carlsbad. Mr. Johnson explained that to the greatest extent possible, truck drivers were to remain on the designated truck routes as long as possible and then exit at the intersection closest to their destination. Chair Dorsey asked if it was possible to designate a higher gross vehicle weight rating on a portion of a truck route than the seven ton gross vehicle weight rating. Mr. Johnson replied that it had never been brought up before. Vehicles over seven tons G.V.W.R. were required to use the truck routes and that is the threshold weight for commercial vehicles on truck routes. Commissioner Gardner asked how the neighboring communities such as Vista, Encinitas and Oceanside were handling this truck route issue. Mr. Johnson stated that in Vista, Melrose Drive is a truck route. Upon completion of construction next year, Melrose Drive will connect to Palomar Airport Road in Carlsbad. In San Marcos, Rancho Santa Fe Road is a truck route and the road will continue into Carlsbad after construction is completed on the Carlsbad portion next year. In Encinitas, Olivenhain Road is a November 7,2005 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 5 designated truck route. In Encinitas and Oceanside, El Camino Real is a truck route that joins with the existing truck route in Carlsbad. Commissioner Bradshaw asked when Faraday Avenue would be complete. Mr. Johnson stated that the portion under construction hm Orion Way to the east city limit would be completed in about a year fiom this date. Commissioner Bradshaw asked if it was considered to be a problem to propose a truck route when the road was not actually existing yet. Mr. Johnson stated that this was not a problem. Commissioner Bradshaw asked if the truck routes could be shown on the Circulation Element map. Mr. Johnson stated that it could be shown on a future revision of the Circulation Element. PUBLIC TESTIMONY: Chair Dorsey opened Public Testimony. Patti Conley, 88049 Paseo Arrayan, Carlsbad asked if Calle Barcelona was part of the proposed truck route? Chair Dorsey stated that Calle Barcelona was not on the agenda and neither was Melrose Drive south of Palomar Airport Road, and neither was proposed as a truck route. Ms. Conley stated she was very relieved since that was the street where she lived and was concerned about. Andy Lee, 7040 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad, stated he is the owner of the La Costa Breeze Newspaper. Mr. Lee asked what the future held for Calle Barcelona and Melrose Drive and is it possible that they never would be considered. November 7,2005 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 6 At the request of Chair Dorsey, Mr. Johnson explained that these roads were not being considered for truck route designation at this time, but he could not predict the future, and he could never say never. Some circumstance in the future could change and then it would be a possibility that those streets would need to be considered as truck routes, but it is not likely. Conditions do change, so there can be no guarantees. Chair Dorsey commented that this was the first major revision to the truck route section of the Carlsbad Municipal Code since 1986. Mr. Lee asked if Calle Barcelona or Melrose Drive were to become an agenda item in the fbture, would the residents of Carlsbad be notified of such a future event so they could participate in the meeting. Mr. Johnson stated that the City did not have a listing of every homeowner involved that they could send notices to. He stated that the newspapers did a very good job notifying the public. In the future, maybe e-mail would be an option. Staff would do its best in the fkre under these circumstances. Mr. Lee stated that he was the owner/operator of the La Costa Breeze Newspaper. He understood how difficult it was to notie the citizens. He suggested that perhaps the City could post flyers on every house in an attempt to noti@ residents. Mr. Lee gave the Commission several petitions in the form of lettede-mails hm concerned citizens requesting that Calle Barcelona not be designated as a truck route. Cindy Cesena, 6439 Cayenne Lane, Carlsbad, La Costa Valley Preschool and Kindergarten stated that she was relieved and appreciated the fact that Calle Barcelona was not on the agenda today as they had thought it would be. She wanted the Commission to know how concerned she and her neighbors were that Calle Barcelona not become a truck route in the future. She gave the Commission a petition containing 277 signatures from concerned citizens making this request. Leonard Steinberg, 7932 Sitio Abridor, Carlsbad. h4r. Steinberg stated that he, too, was relieved that Calle Barcelona was not going to be designated as a truck route at this time. But like the other concerned citizens was concerned that it may be in the future. If Calle Barcelona is not designated as a truck route, can trucks use it? He stated that starting at 5:OO a.m. Monday through Friday, large vehicles over seven tons traversed up and down the grade on Calle Barcelona. School bus sites are located on Calle Barcelona. He felt strongly that this posed an enormous risk to residents and wanted to know how to prevent these vehicles from traveling on this street. November 7,2005 Trafiic Safety Commission Meeting Page 7 Chair Dorsey stated that with his testimony, the Police Department now is aware and they would do their best to put an end to this. Mr. Steinberg asked about fbture notification for the citizens if Calle Barcelona did become an agenda item, and further requested that if it did become an agenda item that the meeting be held in the evening because it was difficult for many citizens to get off work to attend during the middle of the day. Vice-Chair Gardner stated that the Circulation Plan has been available to the public in the past. Mr. Johnson stated that the Circulation Element of the General Plan is available at the City of Carlsbad, 1635 Faraday Avenue. Mr. Johnson announced that DonNeu, Assistant Planning Director, was in the audience and was available to answer any questions the Commissioners may have. Commissioner Bradshaw asked if Calle Barcelona would become a truck route in the future. Mr. Johnson stated that Calle Barcelona was not on the staffrecommended list. It is not classified as a residential street on the Circulation Element, but it is a secondary arterial road. Commissioner Cress stated that there were no homes facing Calle Barcelona. Mr. Johnson stated that in theory those type of roads have higher speed vehicles and Circulation Element roads generally don’t have homes hnting directly on them. There were several exceptions, including La Costa Avenue, Alga Road, and Tamarack Avenue. Some homes take direct access to these Circulation Element roads. It is not good planning, but they are on the Circulation Element from past practices many years ago. The City tries not to designate streets where homes are fionting the street. Commissioner Bradshaw was concerned that this dialogue would not be going away in the future. She was trying to understand the issues. Don Neu, Assistant Planning Director, stated that the traffic volume from the proposed or permitted land use is a part of the criteria for designation of a Circulation Element Road. The roadway is sized to serve the adjacent land uses in addition to projected area traf3ic. November 7,2005 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Korrected Page 8 Vice-Chair Gardner asked which came first: the chicken or the egg. What does the Planning Department do to assure the Circulation Plan is correct? Mr. Neu stated that traffic studies are regularly prepared for new developments to make sure the planned circulation system is adequate. Also in the last ten to fifteen years, the City has required disclosures for new development regarding the proximity to a Circulation Element road. Chair Dorsey closed the Public Testimony. MOTION: ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Cress 43mkbmy , and duly seconded by Vice Chair Gardner, to recommend revisions to section 10.32.091 that address existing truck routes, and also designate new truck routes to be incorporated into section 10.32.091 as Melrose Drive - Palomar Airport Road to the northerly city limits, Faraday Avenue - Cannon Road to the east city limits, and College Boulevard - Palomar Airport Road to El Camino Real. Revisions are to extend the truck route designation on Cannon Road to El Camino Road, revise wording in 10.32.091(f) to remove reference to part of Palomar Airport Road being in the county and adjacent to the Carlsbad Raceway, clarify in 10.32.091(j) that Rancho Santa Fe Road is a truck route in both directions, and to delete 10.32.09 l(1) that references the truck bypass road. Dorsey, Gardner, Cress, Roney, Bradshaw VOTE: 5-0-0 AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None Chair Dorsey stated that he was glad that Melrose Drive south of Palomar Airport Road and Calle Barcelona had not be on the agenda today, because he would not have approved it. Vice-Chair Gardner mentioned that she also was glad Melrose Drive south of Palomar Airport Road was not recommended as a truck route. November 7,2005 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 9 ITEM 8: REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER Mr. Johnson stated that the next regular meeting of the Traflic Safety Commission would be held on December 5,2005 at 3:OO p.m. in the City Council Chambers. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion Chair Dorsey adjourned the Regular Meeting of November 7,2005 at 3:47 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Steckdaub Minutes Clerk