HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-07-06; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION July 6,2009 (Regular Meeting) 3:00 p.m. City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Chair Cress called the Meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Staff Members Present: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June 1,2009 ACTION: VOTE: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: Vice-Chair Jack Gumming Commissioner Guy Roney Commissioner Jairo Valderrama Chan: Gordon Cress * Robert Johnson, City Engineer Jim Murray, Associate Engineer, Transportation Division Motion by Commissioner Roney, and duly seconded by Commissioner Valderrama, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting on June 1,2009, as presented. 3-0-0 Gumming, Roney, Valderrama None None ITEM 4 - ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. July 6,2009 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 2 ITEM 5 - PREVIOUS BUSINESS: Robert Johnson, City Engineer, reported that based on a previous action and recommendation by the Traffic Safety Commission, the City adopted the ordinance to establish a 50 mile per hour prima facie speed limit on Poinsettia Lane from Paseo del Norte to Cassia Road. In addition, the Commission's recommendation to not recommend a parking restriction on Paseo Descanso at night was appealed to the City Council. That appeal is tentatively scheduled to be heard by the City Council on July 21,2009. ITEM 6 - NEW BUSINESS: ITEM 6A: Remove shrubs/hedges growing on the southeast corner of Davis Avenue (west)/Know!es Avenue for corner sight visibility. Mr. Johnson stated that the staff report for the request to remove shrubs/hedges growing on the southeast corner of Davis Avenue (west)/Knowles Avenue for corner sight visibility would be addressed by Jim Murray, Associate Engineer. Mr. Murray began by mentioning that this request was made by Robert Richards to remove shrubs growing on the southeast corner of Davis Avenue (west)/Knowles Avenue for corner sight visibility. Referring to an aerial photograph, he explained that Davis Avenue intersects Knowles Avenue at two locations in an "off-set" intersection configuration with 140 feet between the two intersections that establishes two separate intersections of Davis Avenue (west)/Knowles Avenue and Davis Avenue (east)/Knowles Avenue. Both of these intersections with Knowles Avenue are a T-intersection configuration. The intersection is located in an older residential neighborhood of single family homes between Jefferson Street and Interstate Highway 5. Davis Avenue (west) is considered the terminating leg/stem of the T-intersection with Knowles Avenue representing the through street or top of the T-intersection. Davis Avenue (west)/Knowles Avenue is currently an uncontrolled intersection. Application of the right-of-way rule requires drivers on the terminating leg (Davis Avenue (west)) to yield the right-of- way to drivers on Knowles Avenue if they were to approach the intersection at the same time. The single family home at 1095 Knowles Avenue is located on the southeast corner of this intersection and has shrubs/hedges, about 4.5 feet high, growing at the curb along the property frontage on both Davis Avenue and Knowles Avenue. This growth reduces sight visibility for drivers looking to their right (east) from Davis Avenue (west). Mr. Murray stated that Davis Avenue (west) is not classified on the Circulation Element of the General Plan and functions as a local residential street with a curb-to-curb width of 36 feet. The street was constructed with rolled curb and gutter, no sidewalk on either side of the street, and street lights attached to wooden power poles located at the intersections of Davis Place/Davis Avenue (west), Davis Avenue (west)/Laguna Drive, and at the intersection of Davis Avenue (east)/Knowles July 6,2009 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 3 Avenue. Knowles Avenue also is not classified on the Circulation Element of the General Plan. It has a curb-to-curb width of 36 feet with high back curb and gutter, no sidewalk on either side of the street, and street lights attached to wooden power poles. Knowles Avenue has a daily two-way traffic volume of 438 vehicles between Davis Avenue (west) and Davis Avenue (east) based on a traffic count taken April 30,2009. A posted speed limit of 25 miles per hour is found on Knowles Avenue. Mr. Murray explained that field measurements were made to determine the length of existing corner sight distance available to a driver stopped on Davis Avenue (west) to view vehicles approaching on Knowles Avenue. Staff found that a northbound driver on Davis Avenue (west) has about 145 feet of corner sight distance looking to the east on Knowles Avenue when the driver position is 10 feet back from the curb projection on Knowles Avenue. The measured sight distance is 130 feet less than the standard 7-1/2 second criteria of corner sight distance of 275 feet required for a 25 mile per hour street specified in the Caltrans Highway Design Manual, Sixth Edition. Further explaining, Mr. Murray mentioned the standard comer sight distance provides 7-1/2 seconds for the driver on the crossroad (Davis Avenue (west)) to complete the necessary maneuver (right or left turn) without requiring traffic on the through street (Knowles Avenue) to radically alter their speed. The Caltrans Highway Design Manual also acknowledges that in some cases where restrictive conditions exist, the cost to obtain the 7-1/2 seconds of corner sight distance may be excessive and a lesser value of corner sight distance may be used. In such cases, the minimum value for corner sight distance is equal to the stopping sight distance. Mr. Murray explained that due to the restrictive conditions of the existing shrubs/hedges at this location, 150 feet is the minimum value used for corner sight distance for these two 25 mile per hour local streets. The 145 feet of measured sight distance is five feet less than the 150 foot minimum value of corner sight distance on a 25 mile per hour street. Due to the small reduction in corner sight visibility, based on driver position, and the feet this intersection is uncontrolled, staff also field measured the distance for the safe approach speed to the intersection. This measurement was conducted as the installation of a stop sign may warrant consideration on the terminating leg/stem of a T-intersection when the safe approach speed to the intersection for a driver on the terminating leg is less than 10 miles per hour due to visibility limitations. A driver on the terminating leg of a T- intersection, when traveling towards the intersection, reaches a decision point where it is necessary to determine if braking to a stop is required because of a vehicle approaching on the through street may constitute a conflict. The location of the decision point on the terminating leg must allow the driver sufficient distance to view both the driver's right and left all approaching vehicles on the through street. The driver on the terminating leg can then initiate actions to slow, stop, or avoid a conflict with other vehicles as necessary when the required minimum clear sight triangle distances are provided. Mr. Murray stated for local streets, the tenriinating leg (minor street) decision point is assumed to be 50 feet from the intersection conflict point when the vehicle on the minor street has an approach speed of 10 miles per hour. The design speed for a local street is 25 miles per hour as specified in the Carlsbad Engineering Department Design Standards. A distance of 150 feet along the through street must be provided to drivers on the terminating leg to view vehicles approaching the intersection. July 6,2009 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 4 Installation of a stop sign is considered to positively assign the right-of-way if a vehicle on the through street cannot be seen at the point of its minimum stopping sight distance from the intersection conflict point when a driver on the terminating leg is at the decision point. Field measurements found that at the decision point a northbound driver on Davis Avenue (west) has sight visibility limited to approximately 80 feet when looking east for approaching westbound vehicles on Knowles Avenue. Looking to the west, a northbound driver on Davis Avenue (west) has sight visibility limited to approximately 66 feet. Line of sight limitations on the southeast corner of the intersection result from the shrubs/hedges at the curb and extending along the property frontage on Davis Avenue and Knowles Avenue. Line of sight limitations on the southwest corner of the intersection are due to shrubs growing near the corner on Knowles Avenue. In summary, Mr. Murray stated a driver stopped on Davis Avenue (west) has about 145 feet of corner sight distance looking to the east on Knowles Avenue, which is five feet less than the 150 foot minimum value specified for corner sight distance on a 25 mile per hour street where restrictive conditions exist. However, field measurement of the distances for the safe approach speed to the intersection were found to be substantially less than the 150 feet required to be provided along the through street (from the decision point on Davis Avenue (west) a driver has sight visibility limited to approximately 80 feet looking to the east, and approximately 66 feet to the west). Consequently, the 10 mile per hour safe approach speed to the intersection is not being met for drivers on Davis Avenue (west) to view approaching vehicles on Knowles Avenue. Therefore, installation of a yield or a stop sign can be considered on Davis Avenue (west) to address the line of sight limitations. It should be noted that significant shrub/hedge removals would be required at the intersection on both the southeast and southwest corners to increase the line of sight distance in both directions to provide a 10 mile per hour safe approach speed on Davis Avenue (west) at Knowles Avenue. It is the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to (1) install a stop sign on Davis Avenue (west) at its intersection with Knowles Avenue; (2) not remove any shrubs or hedges on either corner; and (3) send a letter to the resident at 1095 Knowles Avenue requesting that they trim the hedges along then: property frontage on Davis Avenue (west) and Knowles Avenue back vertically to the back of the rolled concrete curb. The installation of the stop sign on Davis Avenue (west) would require an ordinance to be adopted by the City Council. Mr. Johnson added for the record that Mr. Robert Richard was notified via a letter that Mr. Murray sent to him advising him of today's meeting and inviting him to attend and address the Commission. He is not hi attendance. Also notified hi writing of today's meeting was the resident of 1095 Knowles Avenue. DISCUSSION; Commissioner Roney stated that when he observed the intersection in question, it appeared that although there is a stop sign on Davis Avenue (east), a driver would still have to make a double stop and creep up to look for clearance because of a tree or shrub blocking visibility at 1095 Knowles July 6,2009 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 5 Avenue. He felt it made a lot of sense to put a stop sign on Davis Avenue (west) because you have to stop there anyway before you enter the intersection. He agreed with Mr. Murray's analysis. Vice-Chair Gumming stated he also observed the intersection in question and said Knowles seems to start from nowhere. His recollection is that local streets typically assume that drivers will inherently drive safely and yield right of way, but they do consider stop signs upon request under certain circumstances. He assumed that was what was happening here and it appeared to him to be warranted. He also assumed the City has the authority to ask that the shrubbery be cut back on 1095 Knowles Avenue since it was encroaching a foot or more over the curb roll. Does the City request the property owner to cut it back and would the City then have the authority to do so if they didn't? Mr. Johnson confirmed he was correct. The first request is sent to the property owner to do the necessary trimming. If they refuse, then the City would do the trimming themselves since the growth is in the right-of-way and into the public street. MOTION: ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Valderrama, and duly seconded by Commissioner Roney, to (1) install a stop sign on Davis Avenue (west) at its intersection with Knowles Avenue; (2) not remove any shrubs or hedges on either corner; and (3) send a letter to the resident at 1095 Knowles Avenue requesting that they trim the hedges along their property frontage on Davis Avenue (west) and Knowles Avenue back vertically to the back of the rolled concrete curb. VOTE: 3-0-0 AYES: Gumming, Roney, Valderrama NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ITEM6B: Elect a new Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Traffic Safety Commission to serve from August 2009 through July 2010. Mr. Johnson mentioned this item typically would be addressed with a full Commission or at least the four members present to vote on this action. Since Chair Cress is absent today, the Commission could decide who the Chair and Vice-Chair would be for the coming year, or they could continue the item until the next meeting if they wanted Chair Cress in attendance. It is up to the Commission how they want to handle this item. If for some reason the Commission wanted Chair Cress to continue for one more year, then ideally he would be in attendance to voice his acceptance or not However, if the Commission wants to more forward today with three of the four members in attendance, they could take action. Typically, the Vice-Chair becomes the new Chair for the coming year, and of the July 6,2009 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 6 remaining Commissioners, except for the current Chairperson, one of the remaining members becomes the Vice-Chair. Vice-Chair Gumming asked for clarification of the normal rotation. Commissioner Roney explained that Chair Cress has been Chair a couple of times hi his tenure on the Commission and the routine has been that the Commissioners move up. He felt at this point, he would recommend that Vice-Chair Gumming become Chairperson. Vice-Chair Gumming felt since this was a fairly routine rotation and there was not reason for controversy, Chair Cress would not feel deprived by not being included hi today's vote, and accepted the position as Chairperson. MOTION: ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Roney, and duly seconded by Commissioner Valderrama, to elect Vice-Chair Gumming as the new Chairperson of the Traffic Safety Commission to serve from August 2009 through July 2010. VOTE: 3-0-0 AYES: Gumming, Roney, Valderrama NOES: None ABSTAIN: None Mr. Johnson stated the Commission could also elect a Vice-Chair today. In the past, the Vice-Chair position has been a little out of sync because of Commissioner resignations. Typically there would be two or three members that have been on the Commission for a length of time and then they would move into the Vice-Chair position. Obviously, Gordon Cress finishing up a Chairperson role for the last year probably would not want to serve as Vice-Chair. Then it becomes between Commissioner Valderrama, who is brand new, or Commissioner Roney, who has been a Commissioner for awhile. There is nothing to say that Commissioner Valderrama cannot be the Vice-Chair and then he would have one year of "seasoning" before he would become Chair. Alternatively, Commissioner Roney could take the Vice-Chair position, and then a year from now he'd become Chairperson. Another option would be to wait for the Commissioner vacancy to be filled by the City Council, but then that person is going to be hi the same position as Commission Valderrama where he or she is brand new. It is up to the Commission how to handle this matter. Chair Gumming asked Mr. Valderrama how he felt about becoming Vice-Chair. Did he want to sit as a Commissioner for a year and get comfortable before advancing to Vice-Chair, or is he prepared to move up at this time? July 6,2009 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 7 Commissioner Valderrama thanked the Commission for asking him, but he felt he would like to serve as a Commissioner to gain more experience during the year. Commissioner Roney agreed to accept the position as Vice-Chair. MOTION: ACTION: Motion by Chair Gumming, and duly seconded by Commissioner Valderrama, to elect Commissioner Roney as the new Vice- Chairperson of the Traffic Safety Commission to serve from August 2009 through July 2010. VOTE: 3-0-0 AYES: Gumming, Roney, Valderrama NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ITEM 7: REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Roney asked how the coordination of all of the traffic signals in Carlsbad was progressing. Was it moving forward? Mr. Johnson stated that one and a half years ago, a Traffic Signal Systems Engineer, Doug Bilse, was hired and he has been actively working on that. To get all of the signals in full coordination is going to take literally years to accomplish, but Mr. Bilse is making progress on some of the major corridors, which is his major focus. Vice-Chair Gumming added that if Mr. Bilse's schedule would permit, it would be nice if he could update the Commission on how he goes about coordinating the signals. The Commission receives a lot of informal inquiries from citizens, and it would be helpful if they received a briefing on how this is done. Mr. Johnson indicated that could be done. At a City Council workshop a few months ago, Mr. Bilse gave a presentation about how traffic signals are coordinated and similar information could be provided to the Commission. July 6,2009 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 8 ITEM 8: REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER Mr. Johnson stated there is a vacancy on the Commission since Commissioner Marefat resigned her appointment for personal reasons because she was unable to fulfill her obligations. Tentatively, the City Council is expected to appoint a new Commissioner into that vacancy on July 14,2009. Mr. Johnson explained because of the vacancies in the Engineering Department and a hiring freeze, Doug Bilse is going to be moved up into a special assignment in the Engineering Department to take on the Deputy City Engineer, Transportation duties. He will be handling all of the Traffic Engineer duties. He will continue to do some of the work he currently does with traffic signal coordination, but he will also be in charge of the Transportation Division as far as traffic engineering duties. They are unable to hire a new person to fill that vacancy, so Mr. Bilse will be placed on this special assignment. The Commission will be seeing him at future Traffic Safety Commission meetings and Mr. Bilse will be handling the traffic engineering duties. The work that Mr. Johnson has been doing will be passed on to Mr. Bilse and Mr. Johnson will be handling his City Engineer duties full time rather than trying to do both jobs. Mr. Johnson informed the Commission that the next regularly scheduled Traffic Safety Commission meeting would be held on August 3,2009 at 3:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, Vice-Chair Gumming adjourned the Regular Meeting of July 6,2009 at 3:26 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Woodbeck Minutes Clerk