HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-09-10; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: ITEM 1 -CALL TO ORDER MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION September 10, 2012 (Special Meeting) 3:00 p.m. City Council Chambers Commissioner Jairo Valderrama called the Meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. ITEM 2 -ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Staff Members Present: Commissioner Jairo Valderrama Commissioner Hope Wrisley Commissioner Kathryn Fox Commissioner Fred Muir Commissioner Chris Chauncey John Kim, Associate Engineer, Transportation Department Bryan Jones, City Traffic Engineer Lt. Marc Reno, Carlsbad Police Department John Kim asked the Commissioners to briefly introduce themselves since three of five Commissioners were attending their very first Traffic Safety Commission meeting. ITEM 3 -APPROVAL OF MINUTES Due to the new appointments, only two current Commissioners were in attendance at the April 2 and May 7 meetings. Therefore, the minutes of these two meetings cannot be approved. September 10, 2012 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 2 ITEM 4-ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Pete Biltchik, 239 San Dimas Avenue, Oceanside, stated that there are issues with the mid-block crosswalks located on Carlsbad Boulevard due to the size and placement of pedestrian signs. Mr. Biltchik distributed copies of his letter to the Commissioners. ITEM 5 -PREVIOUS BUSINESS: None. ITEM 6-NEW BUSINESS: Bryan Jones suggested that the order of the staff reports be changed and that Item 6B be presented first and Item 6A be presented last. ITEM 6B: Elect a new Traffic Safety Commission Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson John Kim stated that in terms of experience, Commissioner Valderrama had the most experience and Commissioner Wrisley had the second most experience, which might be a consideration in considering the new Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson. ACTION: VOTE: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ACTION: VOTE: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: 4-0-0 None 4-0-0 None Motion by Commissioner Wrisley, and duly seconded by Commissioner Fox, to elect Commissioner Valderrama as Chairperson of the Traffic Safety Commission to serve from September 2012 to July 2013. Wrisley, Fox, Muir None Motion by Commissioner Fox, and duly seconded by Commissioner Valderrama, to elect Commissioner Wrisley as Vice-Chairperson of the Traffic Safety Commission to serve from September 2012 to July 2013. Valderrama, Fox, Muir None September 10, 2012 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 3 ITEM 6C: Consider adoption of a Resolution of Commendation for Gordon Cress Mr. Kim stated Commissioner Gordon Cress was appointed to the Traffic Safety Commission by the City Council on October 15, 2002. He served on the Commission from November 2002 through June 2012. Commissioner Cress served as Vice-Chairperson and as Chairperson during his term. Mr. Cress' term of service on the Traffic Safety Commission is ending due to expiration of his term limits. In the past, the Traffic Safety Commission has honored each Commissioner that has completed his/her appointment on the Commission with a Resolution of Commendation. Today's requested action is to consider adoption of a Traffic Safety Commission Resolution of Commendation for Gordon Cress for his service. Jack Cumming, 2855 Carlsbad Boulevard, Carlsbad, spoke to show appreciation for service that Commissioner Cress and Commissioner Guy Roney have provided and to highlight some of the challenges that would face the new Traffic Safety Commissioners. Mr. Cummings provided written copies of his letter to the Commissioners. ACTION: VOTE: AVES: NOES: ABSTAIN: 4-0-0 None Motion by Commissioner Wrisley, and duly seconded by Commissioner Valderrama, to adopt a Traffic Safety Commission Resolution of Commendation for Gordon Cress. Valderrama, Wrisley, Fox, Muir None ITEM 6D: Consider adoption of a Resolution of Commendation for Guy Roney Mr. Kim stated Commissioner Guy Roney was appointed to the Traffic Safety Commission by the City Council on March 16, 2004. He served on the Commission from April 2004 through June 2012. Commissioner Roney served as Vice-Chairperson and as Chairperson during his term. Mr. Roney's term of service on the Traffic Safety Commission is ending due to expiration of his term limits. In the past, the Traffic Safety Commission has honored each Commissioner that has completed his/her appointment on the Commission with a Resolution of Commendation. Today's requested action is to consider adoption of a Traffic Safety Commission Resolution of Commendation for Guy Roney for his service. September 10, 2012 ACTION: VOTE: 4-0-0 AVES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page4 Motion by Commissioner Valderrama, and duly seconded by Commissioner Wrisley, to adopt a Traffic Safety Commission Resolution of Commendation for Guy Roney. Valderrama, Wrisley, Fox, Muir None ITEM GA: Update on Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program John Kim presented the staff report to update the Commission on the Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program (CRTMP). The revised CRTMP has a new Phase II that utilizes residential STOP signs to provide a cost effective means of traffic calming on residential streets. Mr. Kim informed the Commission that the first three streets to be considered for Phase II implementation have undergone the necessary public meetings and public survey process to gauge support and are ready to be considered for recommendation by the Traffic Safety Commission. Since Phase II includes installation of STOP signs, ordinances approved by City Council would be required. It is expected that the proposed Phase II traffic calming plans for the three streets (Magnolia Avenue, Esfera Street and Levante Street) will be brought forward as agenda items at the next Traffic Safety Commission. Commissioner Fox asked how the public survey process went for the three neighborhoods. Mr. Kim replied that that mailed surveys were used to determine public support for each of the proposed plans. All three of the streets were found to have public support based on the results of the survey. Phase II of the CRTMP requires a 50% return on mailed surveys and at least 67% in favor of the proposed plan. Mr. Kim suggested that the Commissioners drive the three streets (Magnolia Avenue, Esfera Street and especially Levante Street) after they receive the staff reports. It helps to visualize the intended effect on vehicle speeds if one drives the streets and notes the location of each proposed stop sign. ITEM 7: REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Wrisley wanted to express concern about the new parking lot at Carlsbad High School not being utilized and the students are still parking on residential streets. Mr. Jones replied that students have to attend a 90 minute CHP class to use the parking lot and that may be hindering the students desire to use the parking lot. Mr. Jones stated that he has met with the school staff to discuss the overall traffic situation at the high school, including the usage of September 10, 2012 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 5 the parking lot. As a result of this meeting, a work order will be issued to install a loading zone on Monroe Street. Mr. Jones also stated that improvements are being made to the signal timing at Chestnut Avenue and Monroe Street. Commissioner Wrisley stated that maybe there should be an incentive for the students to use the parking lot. ITEMS: REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER Mr. Jones discussed moving the TSC meeting to the evenings to help accommodate resident/community attendance and asked if the TSC Commissioners were in agreement. All of the Commissioners present were in support of moving the TSC meetings to 5 p.m. This item will be put on the agenda for the October TSC meeting to formalize the change to the TSC rules. The next regularly scheduled Traffic Safety Commission meeting is scheduled for October 1, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. to be held in the City Council Chambers. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, Chair Valderrama adjourned the Special Meeting of September 10, 2012 at 3:47 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Rose Williams Secretary 7a: CA/< tsrd:IJ /f~'/4~( a 7Y (",,q l'(C/l, I .s-rtrF1= . ~1 ?6 Tt? ~'';-7Fd. 117 OcBl-~SI t't:;ML/F- ~f~J /JrOD t 71 t:MJ Ir L-'-Iµ, t'TA-ii r,11.S ~ t= 514 It Ll-.Plf-DIJ t,.;c- . . _ Sl6/J5 A-T t!tiP-BUJC!t'-c {l.•.$S"wh~ truNG Cft-/U.5 ~ B LV O cA-tcb-Cnf:sT tfwY / (l 7 / O I) .' . ' ~ e.tt-t-s 7u(l..,JJJ.)~ eJ\--ST /1-7 k~1A-PS -re.rt A-~L-'/ B i-<:>C,/(:. p j-,·e ~IF' s i,e..s , l~ jltf>W. Vi~ CI oo¼J ~ C lt-Jt-.5 -:t.. IJ ._, r(L 71-1 If SdL< 'W p=lr ST t.-A-P iiJ ~ ' _1 ~-rA-uy (1L11Q£. PA {)DC-e: Slt11AIS Ff}.~ l/t~ i o r-c /+-/ls _ :J=.. AJ /v t1(L Tl-I-ff s tJl( r11 S Usu/ (..Jt-AIFS. ~ ~r, C lrfl-S .. £ 1 ~ ,J IJ crfL-Tf;¼ { Sd\A.. Tl+ .. 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Service on the Commission is a contribution to Carlsbad that is little appreciated and that can draw unwelcome criticism, even opprobrium, from those in positions of authority. That is un- fortunate. Major traffic projects are often left to staff and consultants outside the Commission structure established by the City's Charter, so projects only come to the Commissioners after they are largely set,... sometimes even after they've been vetted by the City Council whom the Traffic Safety Commission is appointed to advise. This can be frustrating for people who give up their personal pursuits to serve the City as Commissioners. Hence, it is appropriate that you now be recognized for your service. We applaud you for the selflessness that has brought you into the positions you now relinquish. The Staff do the best they can. Staff truly seek to do what is best for the citizens. But they are not the citizens at large. Staff meetings generally are not governed by the Brown Act, but you as Commissioners are, and the Brown Act puts a chill on the kind of quiet conversations that can improve understanding and lead to better solutions to complex situations. Recommendations for the Traffic Safety Commission are developed by the traffic engineers and vetted in the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee. For those who don't know the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee includes representatives for the Police Chief, the City Engineer, the Fire Chief, the Public Works. Director and the Risk Manager. I've just recently learned that the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee, too, has been gov- erned by the Brown Act at least since 2009. During my time on the Traffic Safety Commission we were never told when this Staff Committee met, nor were we ever notified so that we might attend one of their meetings. This is the constrained context in which you have provided your service. That is a thankless world and, yet, you have sacrificed your time to provide that service. And you have done so willingly and with an open heart because of your wish that Carlsbad should be all that it can be. We applaud you today. We honor you. And we only hope that with time the process to which you have devoted such diligent service will come to be a more interactive process between the citizens who are affected and the staff who have the expertise. Thank you, all of you, for your service. -1-