HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-09-09; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: CALL TO ORDER MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Sept. 9, 2013 5:00 p.m. City Council Chambers Vice-Chair Wrisley called the Meeting to order at 4:58 p.m. Present: Absent: Vice-Chair Hope Wrisley Commissioner Kathryn Fox Commissioner Chuck Hunter Commissioner Fred Muir Commissioner Chris Chauncey Staff Members Present: Bryan Jones, City Traffic Engineer John Kim, Associate Engineer, Transportation Division Jim Murray, Associate Engineer, Transportation Division Lt. Kelly Cain, Carlsbad Police Department APPROVAL OF MINUTES June 3, 2013 ACTION: VOTE: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: Motion by Commissioner Muir, and duly seconded by Commissioner Fox, to approve the minutes of the meeting held on June 3, 2013, as presented. 3-0-1 Wrisley, Fox, Muir None Hunter There were no Traffic Safety Commission meetings held in July 2013 or August 2013. O_RAL COMMUNICATIONS: Barbara Segal, 4903 Refugio Avenue, spoke regarding her past requests for stop signs on Tamarack Avenue, general fading of street signs, and the need to review site distances and adjusting no parking (red curb) around driveways and alley's. September 9, 2013 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 2 Vice-Chair Wrisley recommended that Ms. Segal write separate letters of each request, with location details, to Traffic staff so that they can address each issue. Judy Frankel, 3511 Landsford Way, presented herself as a member of the Bike and Pedestrian Committee, which is a county-wide group. She says that Carlsbad is doing a wonderful job of becoming a bike and pedestrian friendly community. PREVIOUS BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: ITEM6A: Elect a new Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Traffic Safety Commission Vice-Chairperson Wrisley was nominated and elected to be the new Chairperson. ACTION: VOTE: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: Motion by Commissioner Muir, and duly seconded by Commissioner Fox, to approve Hope Wrisley as the New Chairperson the Traffic Safety Commission. 4-0-0 Wrisley, Fox, Muir, Hunter None None Commissioner Muir was nominated and elected as the new Vice-Chairperson. ACTION: VOTE: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: Motion by Commissioner Fox, and duly seconded by Commissioner Hunter, to approve Fed Muir as the New Vice-Chairperson of the Traffic Safety Commission. 4-0-0 Wrisley, Fox, Muir, Hunter None None ITEM 6B: Consider adoption of a Resolution of Commendation for Jairo Valderrama Commissioner Jairo Valderrama was appointed to the Traffic Safety Commission by the City Council on May 5, 2009 and served from June 2009 through July 2013. He served as Chairperson from September 2012 to June 2013. Valderrama's term of service ending due to expiration of term limits. The Commission is honoring Valderrama with a Resolution of Commendation for his service to the Commission. September 9, 2013 ACTION: VOTE: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 3 Motion by Commissioner Fox, and duly seconded by Vice-Chairperson Muir, to adopt a Resolution of Commendation for Jairo Valderrama. 4-0-0 Wrisley, Fox, Muir, Hunter None None ITEM 6C: Provide on-street parking on Hosp Way from Calle Arroyo to 550 feet west of Avenida Magnifica Jim Murray presented the staff report to provide on-street parking on a portion of Hosp Way. Hosp Way is a collector street connecting residential areas along Hosp Way to Monroe Street and El Camino Real and has a posted speed limit of 30 miles per hour. This street has a curb to curb width of 40 feet, is fully improved with concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks and street lights and is currently striped with a double yellow centerline with a travel lane in each direction, and left turn lanes provided at the driveways into the adjacent apartment and condominium projects. Parking is currently prohibited on both sides of Hosp Way by city ordinance. Staff has received requests to prohibit overnight parking on Wintergreen Drive and David Place due to the number of vehicles parking on this street from nearby multi-family dwellings on Hosp Way. Some of the concerns are reduction in available parking for residents, trash and debris left on the street, restriction of sight distance due to parked cars, and illegal. Staff is recommending that the existing city ordinance prohibiting parking on Hosp Way be modified to allow parking on both sides of Hosp Way from the intersection with Calle Arroyo to approximately 1,200 feet to the west. This would provide approximately 100 new parking spaces and would address the concerns of overflow parking occurring on Wintergreen Drive and David Place. In order to accommodate parking on this portion of Hosp Way, striping modifications would be necessary and the existing painted median and left turn pockets would need to be replaced by a painted centerline. After the modifications are complete, left turns into the driveways of the five multi-family complexes would be made from the single travel lane in each direction. The City Council would need to approve any modifications to ordinance and the proposed changes to the striping to provide parking on both sides of the street has already been incorporated into the city's 2013 Slurry Seal Project. Gary Farinacci, 2900 Wintergreen Drive, spoke about the increase in parking, duration of parking, and trash collection issues on Wintergreen Avenue caused by multi-family apartment dwellers. Virgie Boykin, 2988 Wintergreen Drive, expressed concerns regarding prohibiting parking on Wintergreen Drive and Davis Place. Staff addressed these concerns and stressed the proposed changes were to add parking on Hosp Way and not prohibit parking on either Wintergreen Drive or Davis Place. September 9, 2013 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page4 Jerry Cudmore, 2217 David Place, pointed out that parking has been an increasing issue, starting last year when construction was started at an apartment complex, which limited on-site parking and increased parking on Wintergreen Drive and David Place. He is also concerned about speed in the neighborhood, trash, and safety. ACTION: VOTE: AVES: NOES: ABSTAIN: Motion by Commissioner Hunter, and duly seconded by Vice-Chairperson Muir, to provide on-street parking on Hosp Way from Calle Arroyo to 550 feet west of Avenida Magnifica. 4-0-0 Wrisley, Fox, Muir, Hunter None None ITEM6D: Revise prima facie speed limit on Batiquitos Drive from Poinsettia Lane to Golden Star Lane Staff initiated a change in ttie prima facie speed limit due to new procedures established by California Assembly Bill 529 and the 2012 CA MUTCD. The portion of Batiquitos Drive that is proposed for the change is from Poinsettia Lane to Golden Star Lane. Due to resident complaints of vehicle speeding on Batiquitos Drive, four permanent speed feedback signs were installed on this portion of Batiquitos Drive in early 2012. The Engineering and Traffic Survey performed for this portion of Batiquitos Drive indicate that the 85th percentile speed has decreased from 47 mph in 2010 to 43 mph in 2013 after the four speed feedback signs were installed on the roadway. Based on this reduction in the 85th percentile speed and the revision in the 2012 CA MUTCD that allows local jurisdictions to round down to within 5 miles per hour of the 85th percentile speed, staff is recommending that the speed limit on this portion of Batiquitos Drive be revised from 45 mph to 40 mph. Vice-Chairperson Muir asked about installing stop signs on Batiquitos Drive to reduce speed. Staff stated that there have been past studies to establish stop signs along Batiquitos Drive at different locations but staff has been unable to proceed due to the CA MUTCD criteria for stop signs not being met. ACTION: VOTE: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: Motion by Commissioner Fox, and duly seconded by Commissioner Hunter, to revise prima facie speed limit on Batiquitos Drive from Poinsettia Lane to Golden Star Lane. 4-0-0 Wrisley, Fox, Muir, Hunter None None ITEM 7: REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS None September 9, 2013 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 5 ITEMS: REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER Traffic Engineer Bryan Jones updated the Commission on a few topics: • The rectangular rapid flashing beacons have been installed at the pedestrian crosswalk across Carlsbad Boulevard at Oak Avenue. These beacons will serve as a pilot project to determine if similar beacon assemblies should be installed the other pedestrian crosswalks across Carlsbad Boulevard between Oak Avenue and Tamarack Avenue. • Approximately 200 new bike racks have been installed and adjustments to lane width and bike lane striping have made Carlsbad a bike friendlier city. • Shared lane use (sharrow) markings have been installed on various streets in the City. These are used on roadways that are do not have enough width for dedicated bike lanes. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, Chairperson Wrisley adjourned the Meeting of Sept 9, 2013 at 5:49 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jayme Foster Secretary