HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-12-02; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: CALL TO ORDER MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Dec. 2, 2013 5:00 p.m. City Council Chambers Chair Wrisley called the Meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Present: Chair Hope Wrisley Vice-Chair Fred Muir Commissioner Chuck Hunter Commissioner Chris Chauncey Commissioner Kathryn Fox Absent: None Staff Members Present: John Kim, Associate Engineer, Transportation Division Jim Murray, Associate Engineer, Transportation Division Bryan Jones, Deputy Transportation Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES Oct. 7, 2013 ACTION: VOTE: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: Motion by Commissioner Hunter, and duly seconded by Commissioner Muir, to approve the minutes of the meeting held on Oct. 7, 2013, as presented. 5-0 Wrisley, Muir, Hunter, Chauncey, Fox None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None PREVIOUS BUSINESS: None Dec. 2, 2013 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 2 NEW BUSINESS: ITEM6A: Recommend Approval of Phase II Traffic Calming Plan on the following roadways: 1. Chestnut Avenue -Sierra Morena Avenue to Pontiac Drive 2. Pontiac Drive -Spokane Way to Victoria Avenue 3. Victoria Avenue -Pontiac Drive to Carlsbad Village Drive Mr. Murray presented the staff report to approve the Phase II Traffic Calming Plan. After a public meeting with residents, staff sent out resident surveys, which were returned and found to meet the majority requirements in favor of the Phase II Traffic Calming Plan. Based on these findings, the Traffic Safety Coordination Committee recommended the approval of Phase II Traffic Calming Plans on Chestnut Avenue, Pontiac Drive and Victoria Avenue as presented. Commissioner Hunter asked why staff was recommending two STOP signs on Pontiac Drive when he felt that one at Athens Avenue would be sufficient. Mr. Kim stated that staff's originally proposed plan included the single STOP sign on Pontiac Drive at Athens Avenue but based on the discussion at the public meeting, the plan was modified to remove the STOP sign at Athens Avenue and replace it with two STOP signs, one at Chestnut Avenue and York Avenue. This modification was based on collaboration and was supported by the residents attending the meeting. Commissioner Hunter also asked if there were other options. Mr. Kim explained that the Phase I was restricted to utilizing residential STOP signs at the intersections and speed cushions or speed tables where intersections were not available. The intent of Phase II was to break long uninterrupted sections of roadways to shorter segments of 500' to 1,000'. ACTION: VOTE: AVES: NOES: ABSTAIN: Motion by Commissioner Wrisley, and duly seconded by Commissioner Hunter, to approve the Phase II Traffic Calming Plan. 5-0-0 Wrisley, Muir, Hunter, Chauncey, Fox None None ITEM 6B: Paseo del Norte at unnamed private street -Request all way STOP Mr. Kim presented the staff report, background and data for the requested ALL-WAY STOP on Paseo del Norte at the unnamed street north of Car Country Drive. A request for this STOP was received by staff after an accident occurred at said intersection. An analysis was conducted as recommended by the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Based on staff findings, the Traffic Safety Coordination Committee recommended installing the requested ALL- WAY STOP. Dec. 2, 2013 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 3 Commissioner Hunter asked why this location was different from the other driveways on Paseo Del Norte where the sight distance was more restricted than at the subject location. Mr. Kim replied that ALL-WAY STOP installations are not considered at driveways and that any sight distance restriction issues at driveways were dealt using a separate process. Mr. Kim stated that staff had visited the auto dealerships on Paseo Del Norte and Car Country Drive to determine what amount of red curb was required to improve sight distance at each driveway. Additionally, a painted bike lane was implemented on Paseo Del Norte and a striped edgeline was implemented on Car Country Drive to enhance sight distance from the driveways. Commissioner Hunter stated that the line of sight at other dealership driveways is much worse and was against putting in STOP signs for no reason and it didn't seem that a STOP sign was warranted at this location. Mr. Kim stated that the STOP signs were justified per the guidelines outlined in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, which considers limited sight distance as a valid reason to consider an ALL-WAY STOP. Bryan Jones added that the Carlsbad Police Department has been doing speed enforcement at lunch time and have cited drivers going 15-20 mph over the speed limited in the area. With sight distance conditions being limited at the subject intersection and the fear factor experienced by employees and customers, the auto dealerships are in favor of the proposed ALL-WAY STOP. Enhancing Car Country Carlsbad has been a 3-4 year process and this location has been the most challenging area. There will be also more development coming to the area which will increase traffic on Paseo Del Norte. Commissioner Muir asked if Paseo del Norte and Car Country Drive were built specifically for Car Country Carlsbad. Mr. Murray answered that yes they were. Bill Kornik, General Manager and President of Bob Baker, stated that over the last 25 years there has been a steady increase of traffic in the area, this is a challenging safety issue for customers and employees. Speed is a concern because of the high volume of traffic in the area. There was a fatality at the intersection several years ago and there have been many "fender benders". There are no crosswalks for customers and employees making it dangerous to cross Paseo Del Norte. Due to the bend in the roadway and the resultant sight distance restriction this creates, Hoehn Honda, Lexus Carlsbad and Bob Baker are all in favor of the ALL-WAY STOP. Commissioner Muir asked if other dealerships where surveyed. Mr. Kim answered that no, other dealerships were not specifically queried about the proposed ALL-WAY STOP. But this item has been brought up in the past by other dealerships. Mr. Jones added that lots of discussion and collaboration has occurred over the last 2 years between city staff and the auto dealerships. All of the dealerships mentioned the need for a STOP sign at the intersection and the need for a solution to make it safe. ACTION: VOTE: Motion by Commissioner Wrisley, and duly seconded by Commissioner Muir, to establish an ALL-WAY STOP at Paseo del Norte and unnamed street. 5-0-0 Dec. 2, 2013 AYES: NOES: Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Wrisley, Muir, Hunter, Chauncey, Fox None ABSTAIN: None Notes: ITEM 7: REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS None ITEMS: REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER Page4 Mr. Jones would like to commend Mr. Kim and Mr. Murray on a great job bringing staff and the community together to find a solution that works for everyone cooperatively. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, Chairperson Wrisley adjourned the Meeting of Dec. 2, 2013 at 5:35 p.m. Respectfully K Kim Stankavich Secretary