HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-04-10; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: 1. CALL TO ORDER: MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION {Special Meeting) April 10, 2017 5:00p.m. City Council Chamber Chair Hunter called the Meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Chair Chuck Hunter Commissioner Kathryn Fox Commissioner Fred Muir Commissioner Monica Gocan Co-Chair Ervin Poka Staff Members Present: Doug Bilse, City Traffic Engineer Craig Williams, Transportation Manager Lt. Jason Jackowski, Police Department Jim Gale, Engineering Technician II 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 6, 2017 ACTION: VOTE: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Motion by Commissioner Muir and seconded by Commissioner Fox to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on March 6, 2017. 4/0 Hunter, Fox, Muir, Gocan None Poka None April 10, 2017 Traffic Safety Commission Special Meeting Page 2 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: Gene Bellon, President of Alta Verde Homeowners Association, said he appreciates the progress being made to improve La Costa Avenue. He said it's important to the residents of La Costa Avenue that staff's efforts continue. Catherine Bellon said she appreciates staff making La Costa Avenue a priority. She said improving the roadway is important for those who live there and those who travel the roadway including bicyclists. 5. PREVIOUS BUSINESS: None 6. NEW BUSINESS: A. New Speed Zones • None B. Transportation Projects • Support Harbor Drive Complete Streets Project Senior Traffic Engineer Doug Bilse presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Mr. Bilse said this request originated from the residents on Harbor Drive who are concerned about the speed of motorists using the roadway and the safety of pedestrians who have to walk on the roadway since there are no sidewalks. Mr. Bilse explained the various measures that staff could implement to improve the safety of pedestrians and reduce vehicle speeds including installing speed cushions and painting roadway edgelines. Commissioner Muir inquired as to whether building sidewalks was considered. Mr. Bilse and Mr. Williams explained that there was no support from the residents to do that. Commissioner Muir inquired as to what the accident history is on the street. Mr. Bilse said no collisions have occurred. Mr. Williams said there have been a few speed-related incidents along the street that did not involve vehicle collisions. Commissioner Muir asked if the access to the lagoon at the end of the street has always been there or if it came in when the condominiums were built. Mr. Bilse said he'll investigate and provide this information when the proposed project is presented to the TSC. April 10, 2017 Traffic Safety Commission Special Meeting Page 3 ACTION: On a motion by Commissioner Fox and seconded by Commissioner Muir, the commission agreed with staff's recommendation to support a project to delineate a pedestrian walking area along Harbor Drive and include traffic calming measures to reduce the vehicle speed on the street. VOTE: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: 4/0 Muir, Fox, Gocan, Hunter None Poka None C. New Traffic Control Devices • None D. Legislation and Policies • None E. Other Issues • None F. Police-Related Matters • Monthly Report Lieutenant Jason Jackowski provided a presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) regarding efforts that the Traffic Division of the Carlsbad Police Department has undertaken recently. Lt. Jackowski explained that activities included extra enforcement on Cassia Road, End-of-School-Year enforcement at El Camino Creek Elementary School and Carrillo Elementary School. They also deployed DUI patrols as part of the OTS Grant. He said between eight and ten two-person teams were deployed, usually between Friday and Monday. Commissioner Muir inquired as to whether any speed reduction was noted on Cassia Road since the installation of the flex-post delineators. Lt. Jackowski said he sent.his Community Service Office out there but hasn't noticed any speed reduction. Craig Williams said speed surveys were done a short time after the traffic circles were installed and the again after the flexible delineator posts were installed. Initially the speed was reduced from 41 mph to 27 mph but no reduction of speed was noted after the installation of the delineators were installed. 7. REPORT FROM CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Doug Bilse mentioned that the TSC previously asked that staff look at options available for striping inside a roundabout or traffic circle. Mr. Bilse said there are national standards but he is checking to see if there are alternative treatments allowed in California. April 10, 2017 Traffic Safety Commission Special Meeting Page4 Mr. Bilse said staff has many roadways to consider in regards to traffic calming efforts and he is working on a prioritization schedule regarding them, including Harbor Drive which was just discussed. 8. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: Chair Hunter inquired as to the status ofthe resurfacing of El Camino Real. Mr. Bilse said the road will be done in various sections. John Maashoff, Public Works Manager, explained that some sections of El Camino Real were temporarily patched at the intersections of Palomar Airport Road and La Costa Avenue to mitigate some problems. He said the goal is to resurface in the next two to three weeks at night. A separate project, currently out to bid, will overlay El Camino Real between Gateway Road and Arenal Road. Commissioner Muir asked when the section of El Camino Real between Arena I Road and La Costa Avenue will get done. Mr. Bilse said that section is not currently scheduled for any work. Mr. Williams inquired as to whether Mr. Muir has experienced any problems on that roadway section. Commissioner Muir said he's observed poor pavement conditions when driving and when riding a bicycle. Mr. Bilse said he will provide an update at the next meeting regarding all roadways scheduled for resurfacing. Commissioner Muir asked if ViaSat has any pedestrian concerns adjacent to the new building they're constructing across Gateway Road from their existing building. Mr. Bilse explained that an item will be brought to the next meeting regarding the matter. Chair Hunter inquired as to the status for La Costa Avenue traffic calming. Mr. Bilse said a project has been submitted as a CIP project and decisions will be made by others, including City Council, regarding funding the project. 9. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, Chair Hunter adjourned the meeting of April 10, 2017 at 5:39 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Engineering Technician II