HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-06-05; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: 1. CALL TO ORDER: MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION June 5, 2017 5:00 p.m. City Council Chamber Chair Hunter called the Meeting to order at 5:04 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Chair .Chuck Hunter Vice-Chair Ervin Poka Commissioner Fred Muir Commissioner Mona Gocan Absent: None Staff Members Present: Doug Bilse, City Traffic Engineer Craig Williams, Transportation Manager Lt. Jason Jackowski, Police Department Sgt. Matt Lowe, Police Department Jim Gale, Engineering Technician II 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: May 1, 2017 ACTION: VOTE: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Motion by Vice-Chair Poka and seconded by Commissioner Muir to approve the minutes of the meeting held on May 1, 2017 with the following change: In five instances where "Co-Chair Poka" is mentioned, change them to read "Vice-Chair Poka". 4/0 Hunter, Poka, Muir, Gocan None None None June 5, 2017 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 2 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: Cathy Bellon voiced her concern about excessive vehicle speeds on the portion of La Costa Avenue where she lives. 5. PREVIOUS BUSINESS: None 6. NEW BUSINESS: Police Monthly Report Sgt. Matt Lowe of the Carlsbad Police Department presented the report including a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). May was designated Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Awareness Month and the Carlsbad Police Department support included the following activities: • • • • Focused on a project funded through an Office of Transportation Safety (OTS) grant involving enforcement and education of bicycle and pedestrian safety. Activities involved two weekend enforcement operations along the coast and in the downtown area. The effort focused on jaywalking in the downtown area as well as motorists and bicyclists yielding the right of way to pedestrians in crosswalks. Focused on school safety as the end of the school year approaches . Responded to traffic and parking complaints at Sage Creek High School and La Costa Meadows Elementary School. Deployed a Speed Sentry and extra enforcement on Tamarack Avenue near Highland Drive in response to citizen complaints. Public comments: Vickey Syage shared her concerns regarding vehicle speed westbound on Poinsettia Lane near Batiquitos Drive and would like the speed limit to be re-evaluated. She also noted motorists run the red light at the intersection of Poinsettia Lane and Batiquitos Drive. Treatments for Bicycle Facilities Transportation Manager Craig Williams presented the report regarding current and upcoming bicycle treatments, including a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Commissioner comments: Commissioner Muir asked if a motorist approaching a signalized intersection could be cited for proceeding past the limit line but not encroaching into the crosswalk. Sergeant Lowe responded that a driver (including cyclists) would be cited for disobeying a lawful sign, the accompanying sign that reads YIELD HERE TO PEDESTRIANS posted adjacent to the yield June 5, 2017 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 3 limit line. Commissioner Muir also inquired about how the green bike lanes hold up for cyclists when wet. Senior Traffic Engineer Doug Bilse explained that they are designed with a grit compound to maintain traction during wet conditions. Commissioner Gocan asked how a raised crosswalk is safer for pedestrians compared to an at-grade crosswalk. Mr. Williams explained that a raised crosswalk functions like a speed hump for motorists and the CAMUTCD is clear regarding its specifications and the signing that shall accompany it. Commissioner Muir asked why one slide showed a bike lane on the left side of the travel lanes on a one-way street. Mr. Williams replied that an agency can place a bike lane on either side of travel lanes along a one-way street. Commissioner Poka asked if the delineators used adjacent to a bike lane are flexible with concerns about being struck by a motorist. Mr. Williams said they are flexible and would not damage a vehicle that hits them. 7. REPORT FROM SENIOR TRAFFIC ENGINEER: a) The objective of Mr. Williams' presentation was to educate Traffic Safety Commissioners in advance of future agenda items related to bicycle facilities. The commissioners were invited to request training related to traffic safety issues and that appropriate items would be added to future agendas. b) As a follow up to commissioner comments at a previousTSC meeting, the City's Community Economic Department has been asked to make a determination on the need to maintain a signalized access to the hotel grounds at the intersection of Aviara Parkway/Kingfisher Drive. The traffic signal could be deactivated if this access point can be limited to right in/right out movements by extending the median through the intersection. c) There is a raised crosswalk being proposed on Gateway Road at the intersection of Campbell Place as part of the ViaSat campus expansion. The plans need City Council approval as part of the design immunity process and may be brought to this commission as needed. d) Regarding comments made about La Costa Avenue between El Camino Real and Rancho Santa Fe Road, upcoming pavement management (i.e., repaving the roadway) might be used to complete the lane reduction and enhanced bicycle lane striping in the eastbound direction of travel. e) Legislation is being considered at the state level to differentiate between various traffic infractions including running a red light and turning right on red without stopping. June 5, 2017 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 4 8. TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: a) Commissioner Gocan inquired as to when El Camino Real north of College Boulevard will be widened to three northbound. Mr. Bilse said that roadway widening project is expected to be a condition of approval when the adjacent development eventually occurs and there is no timeline for this event. b) Commissioner Gocan commented on two recent fatalities on the railroad tracks and requested a status report on the project to trench the railroad tracks through the village area; Mr. Williams responded the city is researching funding sources for the project that is estimated to cost between $300M to $400M. Commissioner Gocan requested trimming vegetation adjacent to the railroad to improve pedestrian views of approaching trains; Mr. Williams committed to contact North County Transit District (NCTD) staff with that request. c) Chair Hunter requested a status report on the Harbor Drive traffic calming improvements. Mr. Bilse responded that staff is preparing the plans; Mr. Williams added that staff is meeting with representatives of the Fire Department as part of the design process. d) Mr. Bilse announced the cancellation of the July meeting and stated the next meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 7, 2017. e) Chair Hunter requested adjusting the flashing beacon lights at the marked crosswalks on Carlsbad Boulevard between Tamarack and Pine so that motorists see the lights as they approach the intersections. f) Chair Hunter asked about pneumatic tubes he has recently seen on Carlsbad Boulevard. Mr. Bilse said several locations are being counted throughout the city as part of a traffic counting contract to assist staff on several transportation-related projects. g) Chair Hunter requested a future agenda item regarding traffic volumes. h) Commissioner Gocan asked whether a traffic study could be done at the intersection of Aviara Parkway at Poinsettia Lane based on the public comments and those of the Police at today's meeting regarding a recent severe traffic collision. Mr. Bilse said he could bring the current Engineering and Traffic Survey to a future meeting for the commission to see. 9. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, Chair Hunter adjourned the meeting of June 5, 2017 at 6:26 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Engineering Technician II