HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-03-04; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesT R AFFIC SAFETY CO M MISS I ON Monday, March 4, 2019 5:00 p.m. Council Chamber 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 CALL TO ORDER : Chair Gocan called the Regular Meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Gocan, Johnson, Hunter, Penseyres, Linke and Perez Absent: Fowler. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Vice-Chair Johnson made a motion to approve t~e Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on February 4, 2019, and Commissioner Penseyres seconded. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 4, 2019, were approved 3/3/1 (Hunter, Linke and Perez -Abstained), (Fowler-Absent) PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON TH E AGENDA: Carol Scurlock, a Carlsbad resident, requested enforcement of the current 35 mph speed limit on Carlsbad Blvd. between Cannon Road and Palomar Airport. She also requested enhancing the paint on crosswalks and bike lanes to increase visibility. Lea Quirin, a Carlsbad resident, spoke to request staff consider lowering the speed limit on Cannon Road between El Camino Real and Sage Creek High School. Brian Connor, a Carlsbad resident, requested overnight parking restrictions on public streets and consider implementing a permit parking system. His proposal was based on existing programs on cities like Pasadena, Arcadia, San Marino, etc. Robert Wilkinson, a Carlsbad resident, recommended the commissioners allow him to make a presentation on a project included the Village and Barrio master plan called t.he Grand Promenade. DEPARTM ENTAL REPORTS: 1. INTRODUCE NEW TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS -(Staff contact: Doug Bilse, Public Works). Introduction of Commissioner Steve Linke and Commissioner Brandon Perez. 2. WORK PLAN UPDATE -(Staff contact: Doug Bilse, Public Works) Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2730 t Senior Engineer Bilse reviewed comments he has received to date that reflect TSC commissioner input on the work plan being prepared (see exhibit 1). The work plan is expected to be reviewed by the TSC before going to the City Council for final approval. The comments from commissioners follow: Items 1-3: Vision Zero; Ad Hoc committees; and Traffic calming on non-re.sidential streets ~Commissioner Linke asked if the Carlsbad Municipal Code {CMC) and TSC Bylaws revisions are separate from the work plan and if there is associated deadlines for them? Mr. Bilse answered that the revisions to the CMC and Bylaws are a separate task with no official deadline; the Municipal Code gets approved by the City Council while the Bylaws are approved by the TSC. ~Commissioner Penseyres asked questions about the proposal regarding an Ad Hoc committee. Commissioner Fowler submitted this request and his absence made it impossible to answer these questions concerning membership and objectives. ~Chair Gocan noted that these items were emailed to Mr. Bilse individually and this is the first time commissioners saw these ideas; this was in line with the Brown Act. 0 Vice-Chair Johnson asked if Vision Zero is municipal policy document or state policy? Commissioner Penseyres explained that the City of San Diego has Vision Zero policy attempting to prevent casualties on intersections identified as candidates for projects. Items 4-7: Educational Events; Protocol to review roundabouts; Innovative approaches to assist enforcement; Equalize rights of all roadway users. ~Commissioner Perez ask for clarification on proposed educational events. Chair Gocan responded that Carlsbad police do a great job educating students at schools, tourists, and drivers. Mr. Bilse explained that the TSC has traditionally integrated education, enforcement and engineering as a general approach to addressing issues. ~Chair Gocan requested an example of "Innovative approaches to assist enforcement." Mr. Bilse gave an example of the police sting operation last summer addressing concerns that bicyclists were not yielding to pedestrians at crosswalks. Sergeant Jon Boyce added that the Police Department applied for the California Traffic Safety Grant and is approved more events like this can happen this summer. Items 8 -10: Review all striping plans to identify ways to further Complete Streets; Review policies regarding shared transportation; Review current prohibitions of bike use on sidewalks. ~Commissioner Perez asked what is the reason for prohibiting the use of e-bikes, regular bikes, e-scooters, regular scooters and skateboards on the sidewalks. Vice-Chair Johnson explained that is a safety issue that City of San Diego is having right now. Mr. Bilse interpreted that the work plan could address this by including an item to review the CMC and regulations on proper use of modes including rentals of bikes and scooters. Commissioner Hunter pointed out the safety issues related to young children operating a bike lane on the street. Chair Gocan explained that on roundabouts the bicyclists have the option to go around on the sidewalk. Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2730 t Items 11-14: Evaluate High Profile Intersections; Study Pedestrian Crossings along Carlsbad Boulevard; Develop a Coastal Corridor Master Plan; Ensure Adequate Data is provided when projects are presented to TSC ~Chair Gocan asked about the coastal corridor master plan and to what extent the TSC should get involved. Mr. Bilse commented on the large scale of the scope of this type of project and noted that staff might not be able to include t his in the work plan without addressing the need for additional resources. Items 15-17: City Council Report on citizens requests; Rename Traffic Safety Commission to reflect all Mobility issue; Protocols for setting agenda and stablishing standards for review. 0 No questions on any of the items. Items 18-20: Review and establish evaluation methods; Develop a plan to monitor system; Review following plans/programs; Travel Demand Management (TOM); Transportation System Management (TSM) and Sustainable Mobility Plan (SMP). ~Commissioner Hunter and Vice-Chair Johnson would like to see the monitoring of the number of cars, bikes and pedestrians on the road. ~Chair Gocan inquired about the Travel Demand Management (TOM) review and mentioned that City Council is about to approve the TOM presented to the City Council on Feb. 26, 2019. ~Commissioner Linke suggested finalizing work on the CMC and Bylaws before starting on the work plan. His vision is to implement a more direct approach of the Traffic Safety Commissioners on issues related to mobility. The Power Point Presentation -TSC Work Plan is listed as Exhibit 1 3. POLICY MONTHLY REPORT (Staff Contact: Cpl. Jon Boyce)-Informational item reporting ongoing enforcement around schools, CARS4 location targeting problem areas with Special Enforcement, education of the public. Special Enforcement Detail last month was done at Hope Elementary School. Power point presentation is listed as Exhibit 2. SENIOR ENGINEER COMMENTS: No comments TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commissioner Perez thanked Cpl. Boyce for the police report. Commissioner Penseyres inquired about a study on the before and after the flashing beacons and crossing guards were installed. Commissioner Penseyres asked if the measures to solve the problem at Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2730 t Valley St and Tamarack near the school and if anyone contact the concerned parent about safety for kids to walk or bike to school. Mr. Bilse answered that staff typically does not contact people making public comments at the TSC to request feedback on issues; the public is welcome to make comments at future TSC meetings in response to actions taken on a specific item. Commissioner Hunter suggested to Mr. Bilse to give an educational presentation on how speed limits are set, it could be a short presentation. Mr. Bilse committed to a presentation at a future meeting. Hunter also requested a presentation on the Grand Promenade {Village and Barrio Transportation related). Commissioner Hunter made a motion to have a presentation on the Grand Promenade and Commissioner Penseyres seconded the motion. Motion was approved 6/1 (Fowler Absent). Commissioner Hunter inquired about Melrose and Palomar Airport if anything has been done to address the lanes issue and when that will be on the agenda. Commissioner Penseyres reminded that he suggested to make one of the lanes a bike lane on a past TSC meeting. Vice-Chair Johnson thanked Mr. Bilse for the work plan presentation. Vice-Chair Johnson inquired about the speed limit on Alga Road. Vice-Chair Johnson requested to get the right turn into Costco on Palomar Airport Rd to the agenda. Long solid line (more than 200 feet) to turn right into two different entrances. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, Chair Gocan adjourned the Traffic Safety Commission Meeting on March 4, 2019, at 7:38 p.m. Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2730 t