HomeMy WebLinkAbout1380 PUFFIN PL; ; CB962122; Permitf --------~---~--.,_,. _____ _ PERMIT APPIJCATION PLAN CHECK NO. City of Carlsbad Building DepartEnt 2075 Las Pal_,. Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 I. PP.kM.tl IWR From List 1 (see back) give code of Permit-Type: -~,d_Ff.1_~/1.~l~t./~------{!;(1lf -{'_] For Residential Projects Only: From List 2 (see back) give Code of Structure-Type: ____________________ _ 9 b fb77 ~· fel( Net Loss/Gain of Dwelling Units ___________________ _ 2. PRCllECT INFORMATION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ress um r mt o. CHECK BEWW IF SO BMI 11 ED: f>#.42.er£ tllmt' I (p 4 GI D 2 Energy Cales 1J.2 Structural Cales j3Q Soils Report JB I Addressed Envelope DESCRIPTION OF WORK SQ. FT. # OF STORIES # OF BEDROOMS # OF BATI!ROOMS 1 1 eren rom app 1can NAME (last name first) ADDRESS CITI STATE ZIP CODE DAY TELEPHONE 4, APPLICANI OWNIRACIO~~c;tN~NIRACIOR NAME (last name first) W,\.,::: ~DRESS CITI ~ >:s-STATE ZIP CODE DOWNER DAGEN I FOR OWNER DAYTELEPHONE 71 /0/~"7'0~ NAME (last name first) .SEA C!o</,v,,i!.>' /./4,,-,ef ADDRESS 95 ,1/l!z;c,A//lt/r, ~Vinf' Z/0 9.u;s-" DAYTELEPHONE (7/4) ,lffz-t/$7 CITI J/L../.f0 f//&,Jo STATE CJ/ ZIP CODE 6. WNIRXCIOR NAME (last name first) 6@6 ,t!/ t), A)C. ~'11,II~ M• Jrl$ · CITI 5'4,,,/ ])/e'i:o STAtt (7,4 ZIP CODE 92123 DAY TELEPHONE 278-OZ'f,"j tf)q', Z7 STATE LIC. # LICENSE CLASS CITI BUSINESS LIC. # DESIGNER NAME (last name hrst) Ct-Lt? t..11-ltl~CE' ADDRESS Zft,,c-5' OI/Mi,t,1u ~ A!,/o ~ # 3,,Z./ I-4lfl Q,t1,,.UC (P/'f ,<!<!EC:, CITI SRI'{ D,c,;o STATE (!A ZIP CODE '2.Jtltf DAYTELEPHONE Z/,t}-·IJ4.Zo STATELIC.# ~~e., -'MC> Workers, Compensation Declarat1on: I hereby afhrm that I have a certificate of consent to self-msure issued by ffie Director of lndustnal Relations, or a certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance by an admitted insurer, or an exact copy or duplicate thereof certified by the Director of the insurer thereof filed with the Building Inspection Department (Section 3800, Lab. C). ,-, INSURANCE COMPAN POLICY NO. b-!RATION DATE □ □ ATE Owner-BuUder Declaration: I hereby afhrm that I am exempt from the Confradofs License Law for the lollowmg reason: I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's Llcense Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's Llcense Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's Llcense Law). I am exempt under Section ________ Business and Professions Code for this reason: (Sec. 7031.S Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the a plicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's Llcense Law (Chapt mmencing with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt erefrom, an si alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects ppli civil al e than five hundred dollars [$500]). SIGNlitUHJ>r.-,Y" DATE f'(-Y _ ,,,c; Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? □YES □NO ls the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? □ YES □ NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? □YES □NO IF ANY OF nm ANSWERS ARE YFS, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF oa:IJPANCY MAY Nm BE ISSUED AFTER JULY I, 1989 UN1J!SS nm APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEIITING nm REQUIREMENTS OF nm OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND nm AIR POIJ.IJ110N ffiNTROL DISllUCT. 9. WNSI ROCJ ION CRNDING AGENCY I herS,by~fbrm that there 1S~nstru,t1on lendmg agency for ffie performance of the work for which this permit 1s issued (Sec 3097(1) ClVll Code). LENDE~p~ -6..,_-~ER'SADDREss '70\ tS S.\, Sc:,.,_.._ "' oCA-. S?z..10-\_ cert1 at ave rea e app 1catton an state t at t e a ve m ormat1on 1s correct. agree to comp y wit a ty or mances an tate aws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I AISO AGRE!! 'IU SAVE INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMIJlSS nm CTIY OF CARISBAD AGAINSf AIL UABIUTIES, JUDGMENTS,= AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACDUIE AGAINSf SAID CTIY IN mNSEQUENCI! OF nm GRANTING OF 11IIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over S'O" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. hall expire by limitation and become null and void if the •~..r-:;-,t~~~:ri;ate of such permit or if the building or work authorized by !l period of 180 days (Section 303(d) Uniform Buil~pg Cod~,.- DATE;U-f'=:-5'6 • PINK: Finance DATE: December 10, 1996 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 96-2122 EsGil Corporation Professiona( Pfan '}/,f,lliew 'E-ngineers SET: II PROJECT ADDRESS: Alga/Black Rail Court □ FILE PROJECT NAME: Keystone Retaining walls # 5, 9, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 27 & 35 D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's ••••••••••• codes. ~ The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: ~ Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: (by: ) Telephone#: ~ REMARKS: Applicant shall provide a "Special Inspection Program" to the Building Official. By: Sergio Azuela Esgil Corporation OGA DCM OEJ OPC 12/5 Enclosures: tmsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 ♦ San Diego, California 92123 ♦ (619) 560-1468 ♦ Fax (619) 560-1576 • DATE: November 14, 1996 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 96-2122 EsGII Corporation Professiona{ Pum 11_,eview 'Enginurs SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: Alga/Black Rail Court □ APPLICANT ,0 JURl~ □ FIRE b~EVIEWER □ FILE PROJECT NAME: Keystone Retaining walls# 5,9,16,18,20,22,23,27 and 35. D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's ••••••••••• codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's •••••••••• codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. ~ The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. ~ The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Cole Lawrence 2605 Camino Del Rio South, Suite 321, San Diego, CA 92108 ~ Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: 0 REMARKS: By: Sergio Azuela Esgil Corporation (by: 0 GA O CM O EJ O PC ) Telephone#: Enclosures: 11/5 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 ♦ San Diego, California 92123 ♦ (619) 560-1468 ♦ Fax (619) 560-1576 ·, Carlsbad 96-2122 November 14, 1996 GENERAL PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS: Alga/Black Rail Court DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 11/5 REVIEWED BY: Sergio Azuela FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): PLAN CHECK NO.: 96-2122 DATE REVIEW COMPLETED: November 14, 1996 This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1994 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints to: ESGIL CORPORATION. 2. To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans. 3. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans. Have changes been made not resulting from this list? □ Yes D No 4. Provide ICBO #, or source of approval for the "Geogrids Strata-Grid". Also provide the installation instructions and recommendations along with all the pertaining information for the product as; design parameters and limitations. 5. Provide "User's Manual" for the slope stability analysis program, and hand made sample calculations. Carlsbad 96-2122 November 14, 1996 6. On the cover sheet of the plans, specify any items requiring special inspection, in a format similar to that shown below. Section 106.3.2. • REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS In addition to the regular inspections, the following checked items will also require Special Inspection in accordance with Sec. 1701 of the Uniform Building Code. ITEM SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSPECTION OTHER GEOGRID INSTALLATION REQUIRED? REMARKS 7. When special inspection is required, the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program which shall be submitted to the building official for approval prior to issuance of the building permit. Please review Section 106.3.5. 8. Show on the title sheet all walls included under this application. Any portion of the project shown on the site plan that is not included with the building permit application filed should be clearly identified as "not included." Section 106.3.3. Show it on plans for the walls that are not included in this permit. 9. Per soils report, note on the plan the soils classification, whether or not the soil is expansive and note the allowable bearing value. Section 1804.3. 10. The soils engineer recommended that he/she review the excavations. Note on the plan that "Prior to the contractor requesting a Building Department inspection, the soils engineer shall advise the building official in writing that: a) The excavations, the soils expansive characteristics and bearing capacity conform to the soils report." 11. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soils report are properly incorporated into the construction documents. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 619/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Sergio Azuela at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. Carlsbad 96-2122 November 14, 1996 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: Sergio Azuela BUILDING ADDRESS: Alga/Black Rail Court BUILDING OCCUPANCY: None BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA (ft.2) Wall# 5 655 9 1,565 16 141 18 449 20 392 22 397 23 277 27 588 35 258 PLAN CHECK NO.: 96-2122 DATE: November 14, 1996 Keystone Ret. Walls TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: N/A VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER ($) TOTAL 4,722 13.50 63,747 Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE 63,747 ~ 1991 UBC Building Permit Fee O Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ 477.50 ~ 1991 UBC Plan Check Fee O Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 310.38 Type of Review: ~ Complete Review O Structural Only O Hourly O Repetitive Fee Applicable 0 Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 248.30 Comments: Fire Services Review: O Complete Review O Other: O Suppression System O Fire Alarm Esgil Fire Services Review Fee: $ Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5196 City of Carlsbad M#i ■l•llel§§ I I ■1•1 aJ§ •fill i I ■IA ■Ji BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST RETAINIIIIG WALL BUILDING PLANCHECK NUMBER: CB o/(o ,;2_/ a_ oL, \ BUILDING ADDRESS: CT 'J',/-CJ,,_1 (~ ~ ~ ) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Retaining Wall ( ~ t{_)~) __,. ASSESSOR's PARCEL NUMBER: ___________ _ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to build. ~ m~ Date: 1ti/2. DENIAL tached report of deficiencies . Make necessary corrections to plans or eci tions for compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. By: ___________ Date: ___ _ By: ___________ Date: ___ _ By: __________ Date: ___ _ ATTACHMENTS D Right of Way Permit Application ENGINEERING DEPT. CONTACT PERSON NAME: MICHELE MASTERSON City of Carlsbad ADDRESS: 2075 Las Palmas Drive PHONE: 1619) 438-1161. Ext. 4315 P:\OOCS\CHKLST\WALL REV 04118/96 2075 Las Palmas Dr.• Carlsbad, CA 92009·1576 • (619) 438·1161 • FAX (619) 438·0894 □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST -RETAINING WAL~S~ r g)- SITE PLAN /C-F,i.. 4 0' ~ d ~, ~ ~~~rovide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to sc~how: ~ o/Y'"' «•,v' A. North Arrow C. Property Lines~3 ~ B. Existing & Proposed Structures D. Easements ~C, -r (dimensioned from street) E. Retaining wall (location and height) d 2. Show on site plan: ~ / }--,f,-1?~. A. Drainage Patterns B. Existing & Proposed Slopes C. Existing Topography 3. Include on title sheet A. Site address B. Assessor's Parcel Number C. Legal Description D. Grading Quantities Cut ___ Fill __ Import/Export __ _ (Grading Permit and Haul Route Permit may be required) 4. Project does not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of approval for Project No. __________________________ _ Conditions were complied with by: _______ _ Date: _______ _ MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS 5. A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in City Right-of-Way and/or private work adjacent to the public Right-of-Way. A separate Right-of-Way permit issued by the Engineering Department is required for the following: ________________________ _ Please complete attached Right-of-Way application form and return to the Engineering Department together with the requirements on the attached Right-of- Way checklist, at the time of resubmittal. P:\DOCS\CHKLST\WALL Page 1 REV 04/18/96 ~ ~ ' ------" " J!l • • • C, C, C, s:Q 4J ~ 1; ~ D ~ .. N II " -!S -!S -!S • • • 0 ~ 0 " C C C • -" • a: a. a: Ki □ □ lii'□□ d'□□ PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Plan Check No. CB qi,· :2 / o<',;2. Address dlad< &i ,' J f...f. Planner _ _..@'-'l,..._...c..,_)-'-=(b..,u .... r,.....,_,rJ,__ ___ Phone (619) 438-1161, extension 1-f4 ?/ APN: 16 I J:_ 4e J;Z-,U) Type of Project and Use: /(<<; .. hn, .-((,-6,.i-111 kkW !..()~~ Zone: /-G Facilities Management Zone: _...,/_=f-t~-<f-.--------- CFD (in/out) # --'-Jl.../-''-L...------f u_ J> Cf '-I-0 :l (If) Circle One (If pro rty in, complete SPECIAL TAX CALCULATION WORKSHEET provided by Building _/ Department.) Legend IZJ Item Complete D Item Incomplete -Needs your action Environmental Review Required: YES ✓ NO TYPE ___ _ DATE OF COMPLETION: --J -5 -j(,, Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval Discretionary Action Required: APPROVAL/RESO. NO. 3:/£0 DATE YES ✓ NO TYPE ,-----1 -J-7/:, PROJECT NO. f 0 D 9 4-o;:z{IJ) OTHER RELATED CASES: ___________________ _ Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone? YES If NO, proceed with checklist; if YES, proceed below. Determine status (Exempt or Coastal Permit Required): I 5> I< e p -6 't' U J>Tl?L w /VI 111 I 5.7 Io A/ I /11 If t,,f, <j . "1 fp If Exempt, proceed with checklist; if Coastal Permit required, hold building permit until Coastal Permit issued. Coastal Permit Determination Form already completed? YES NO If NO, complete Coastal Permit Determination Form now. Coastal Permit Determination Log #: Follow-Up Actions: 1) Stamp Building Plans as "Exempt" or "Coastal Permit Required" (at minimum Floor Plans). 2) Complete Coastal Permit Determination Log as needed. • 00 □. 0 □□ ~□□ ~□□ lnclusionary Housing Fee required: YES NO ✓ (Effective date of lnclusionary Housing Ordinance -May 21, 1993.) Site Plan: 1. Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines. 2. Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number. Zoning: 1. Setbacks: Front: Required Shown ------Int. Side: Required Shown ------Street Side: Required Shown ------Rear: Required Shown ------ 2. Lot Coverage: Required Shown ------ 3. Height: Required Shown ------ 4. Parking: Spaces Required _____ _ Shown ------ Guest Spaces Required _____ _ Shown ------ Additional Comments, ________________________ _ OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER 11~4-t&-,., DATE / /-/.F-1b Oecember 5, 1996 Sea Country Homes 95 Argonaut, Suite 210 Aliso Viego, CA 92658 Attention: Mr. Al Moreno SUBJECT: REVIEW OF PLANS Ut:.U j c.vnl ·1.,1.v~ .i.l ~ ..... • Keystone Retaining Wails at Aviara P.A. 15 ' ,..,__ ··- Principalo: Anlhony F. Bel!wot Miohaol P. lmbriC)io W. Lee Vllndamurot Project No. 0289-001-01 Doc. "#6-0777 REFERENCES: Reinfoteed Earth Retaining Wall Design Information, Aviara Planning Araa 15, Carfsbad, California, Geotechnics Incorporated Project No. 0289-001- 00, October 2, 1996 Gentlemen: Keystone Retaining Wall Plan for: Sea Country (Aviara P.A. 15), Sheets R- 1 through R-7 This letter confirms that we have reviewed the geotechnical aspects of the referenced plans for the proposed reinforced-earth retaining walls at Avlara Planning Area 15. It is also our opinion that the plans adequately incorporate the recommendations of the referenced geotechnlcal report. Please call if you should have any questions or comments regarding the above, please call at your convenience. GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED Anthony F. Belfast, P.E. 40333 Principal cc: Mr. Larry Cole, Landmar1< Engineering 9951 Busin-Park Ave., S1e. B • San Diego California • 92131 Phone(619)536-IOOO • Fu(619)!36-83I1