HomeMy WebLinkAbout1210 PLUM TREE RD; ; CB980815; PermitU3/2U/98 12:16 Page 1 of 1 B U I L D I N G P E R M I T Job Address: 1210 PLUM TREE RD Suite : Permit Type: RE~AINING WALL Parcel No: 214-543-31-00 Lot#: Valuation: 649 Occupancy Group: Reference#: Description: 44 SF RETAIN WALL-4 FT HIGH : PER CITY SPEC #222 Permit No: CB980815 Project No : A9801079 Development No: 5261 03/20/98 0001 01 02 C-PRMT 32-00 Construction Type : NEW Status: IS;:,UED Applied: 03/20/98 Apr/Issue: 03/20/98 Entered By : RMA Appl/Ownr : BLACK, GREGORY 1210 PLUM TREE RD CARLSBAD CA 760 804-1522 *** Fees Required *** Fees: Adjustments: Total Fees: Fee description Building Permit Plan Check Strong Motion Fee * BUILDING TOTAL Collected & Credits *** .00 ,00 32.00 it Ext fee Data 19 .00 12.00 1. OU 32 .00 ------------\ IN:~L:.~}~;~7 f l cLEARANCE _____ _ CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT APPLICATION PLAN CHE& NO. EST. VAL. L(l_ qfD!i1r CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 }· PROjECT INFORMATION ---/'\ (LI o P(Jrn. free Address Unclude Bldg/Suite #I Business Name lat this addteasl Legat Description Lot No. Subdivision Name/Number Unit No. Phase No. Total I of units 2 I'{ sl/ .$3 I Assessor's Parcel # Existing UH Proposed Use Name Address City State/Ztp Telephone II Fax# 13. . APPllCANT D Contractor D Agent '"' i:onir■cior . . D Ownei .. D Agiiiii ioi Owner . Name Address City State/Zip Telephone# >(4. I ti & f!Jffl. iree R.l · .,. Nam Address Tolophono I W '{ "21Jf•l/l/1/Z.. s. CONTRACTOR • COMPANY NAME (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any Chy or County which requires• permit to construct, alter, Improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant tor such permit to file a signed statement thlt he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contl"llctor's Ucense Law (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he ~ exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any eppllcsnt for a permit subjects the applicant to• civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars (t500J). Nsme Address Ctty State/Zip Telephone I State License I _________ _ Ucense Class ________ _ City Business Ucanse I _______ _ Designer Name Address Ctty State/Zip Telephone State License # _________ _ 6. WORKERS" COMPENSATION .-,·r"'"~·.- Workers' Compensstion Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following deetaratlons: O I have snd will maintsin e certiflcste of consent to s~f•insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. O I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the p■rfOJmance of the work for which this permit Is issued. My worker's compensetion insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company____________________ Policy No. ___________ _ Expiration Date _______ _ ITHIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF !HE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS 1$1001 OR LESS) O CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is isau■d, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compenudon covarage Is unlawful, and shall ■ubject en employer to crlmlnal penah:ln Md clvD fines up to one hundred thouHnd dollar■ 1$100,000J, In addition to the colt of compenutlon, damagu u provided for In Section 3706 of 1h11 Labor code, lnt.,..t 1111d ■nomev·• fNs. DATE _________ _ \ jlGNATURE X'· OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION . • ., . . '· .. · I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's Ucense Law for the following reason: O J, as owner of the property or my employns with wagu •• their aola compensation, will do the work and the atructure la not Intended or offered for a■le (Sec. 7044, Businen end Professions Code: The Contractor'■ Ucens■ Law does not spply to en owner of property who builds or Improves thereon, ■nd who does such wo,k himself or through his own employN1, provkted that 1uch Improvement■ are not Intended Of offered for Hie, If, howevlf, tti• buHdtng or Improvement la sold within one year of completion, the owner•builder wlH h1v■ the burden of proving that he dtd not build or Improve for the purpo■tl of ulel, r;/ I, es owner of the property, am exclusively contr■cttng with licensed contractor• to construct th■ project (Sec. 7044, Bu■lnn• and Professions Codi: The Contractor's License Lew dou not apply to an owner of property who bulld1 °' lmprovu thereon, end contr■cts for 1uch pro)lct1 with contrectorfsl llc■nsed pursuant to the Contractor's Ucen11 Lewi, D I am exempt under Section ______ Businesa and Professions Code for this reason: 1 . I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the propo1ed property Improvement. 0 YES ONO 2. I 9, have not) signed en applicstlon for a building permit for the proposed work. · 3. I have contracted with the following person ffirml to provide the propoaed constructkm !Include name / 1ddreu / phone number / contractor■ license numblrl: 4. I plan to provide portions of the woa:: but I hav'l h_i{ed the following pefil JP coordlnat■, supervlae and provid"-the mljor work (Include name/ address / phone numborlcontractorallconaonumborl, Rta;Nl-117'0 Ct2• ;7i9-Y 'ii?JW/1'{! 1Z-fuf1VM m«~f; Z'PI/Jl.'('11'1 Lrclf l:l(z9'l'f 5. J will provide some of the work, but I have contracted ChlredJ th■ following persons to provtde the work Indicated flndude name/ ■ddresa / phone number/ type of work): ')(PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE 'COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR Ii' , . '''!'''"''•-.:~ • ·--····•··•~-~ Is the applicant or future building occupant required to aubmlt a business plan, ■art~y hazardous materialti r•glstratkm form or risk management and Jn!Vltntkm program under Sections 25505, 26533 or 26534 of the Ptuley-Tenner Hazardous Substance Account Act? D YES O NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain• permit from the air pollutlon control dlstri_ct or ■Ir quality management district? 0 YES O NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? D YES O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES. A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT IE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. ra. '" CONSTRUCTION L.END1NO AGENCY '' .... •as·· ,:, ',·····•e, 1. ,, ,: "'·' .. ·,· ~,r,-:':--; :.~-::::r:•: ... "''! ,.,., ...... ,.,,,,. .... ,~. ;,r· ,,.,~ .. ·-•:• .· ... ~ .... ·:: :"-~,-.,,. ., ... :-: 'F"' I hereby affirm that there Is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit Is Issued (Sec. 3097(11 Civil Code}. LENDER'S NAME______________ LENDER'S ADDRESS, _______________________ _ ,9. APPi.lCANTCERTIFICATiOlli -,.·. ,,··. · ··. ,.-~·· .,.,'",,"n.,,,, . .,,,-_sa .. .,,,,,!''' "', "'"''''~.,,,,,,' I certify that I have read the application end state that the above Information Is correct and that the Information on the plans Is accurate. I agree to comply with all Citv ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize repres■ntativu of the Citt of C1rt1b1d to enter upon the abov■ mentioned property tor inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CfTY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition Of construction of structufes over 3 stories In height. EXPIRATION: Every permit Issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitstion end become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit Is not commenced within 385 days from the dste of such permit or If the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work Is need for a period of 180 day Se ion 108.4.4 Uniform Building Code). ::x:::PPLICANT'S SIGNATURE ___ ..J_.::::J.'....,!'{;/.~'/--,,§l~-i,~ ==--------J<oATE zo /ltv, tf/ WHITE: File YELLOW: Applicant PINK: Finance CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT# CB980815 FOR 05/01/98 INSPECTOR AREA PD PLANCK# CB980815 OCC GRP DESCRIPTION: 44 SF RETAIN WALL-4 FT HIGH PER CITY SPEC #222 TYPE: RETAIN JOB ADDRESS: 1210 PLUM APPLICANT: BLACK, GREGORY CONTRACTOR: OWNER: REMARKS: C/CAREY/ TREE RD SPECIAL INSTRUCT: THIS INSPECTION MAY HAVE TOTAL TIME: --RELATED PERMITS--PERMIT# CB980247 RW980029 TYPE POOL ROW STE: CONSTR. TYPE NEW LOT: PHONE: 760 804-1522 ~:g::: ~/ ;/~ INSPECTO ;:t::;, BEEN DONE SAN'--""l+-S~C-H-ED-U~LE-D_4_/_3_0_/_98 STATUS ISSUED ISSUED CD LVL DESCRIPTION ACT COMMENTS _6_9_ MA __ F_i_n_a_l_M_a_s_o_n_ry _________ lJi -~,,_h_,_.:..Al"-'-!k--'----------- ------------------------------------ ***** INSPECTION HISTORY ***** DATE DESCRIPTION ACT INSP COMMENTS 042498 Walls AP PD 042498 Grout AP PD 041498 steel/Bond Beam AP PD FOOTING 041098 Footing co PD NO STEEL City of Carlsbad 1#,1·11, 14441, l·l•JA•&I ,i,,14,1 I BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST RETAINING WALL BUILDING PLANcHecK NUMB.,,, c~~ IS BUILDING ADDRESS: /6}_/{) I?, -~ PROJECT DESCRIPTION: -.!::R!Sie~ta!.!linuii~nqiL!.W!.!a!.!lll~------------------ ASSESSOR's PARCEL NUMBER: _ ;J._ J 4 -Sf 3 -3 / ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your .submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspens!.!m,.Q! permit to ~u~~ ~-W~e:o/oV9P DENIAL Please see the attached report of deficiencies marked with O Maka necessary corrections to plans or specifications for compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. By: ___________ Date:. ___ _ By: ___________ Date: ___ _ By: __________ Date: ___ _ ATTACHMENTS D Right of Way Permit Application ENGINEERING DEPT. CONTACT PERSON NAME: MICHELE MASTERSON City of Carlabad ADDRESS: 2075 Las Palmas Drive PHONE: (6191438-1161. Ext. 4315 P:\DOCS\CHKLSTIWAU REV 04118/98 2075 Las Palm as Dr. • Carlsbad. CA 92009-1576 • 1619\ 438-1161 • FAX ln19\ 43A-0R94 1s~ 2ndV ~ □ □ ✓□ □ □ BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST· RETAINING WALLS SITE PLAN 3rdv' 1 . Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: A. North Arrow j C. Property LineJi J 8. Existing & Proposed Structures J D. Easements J j (dimensioned from street) E. Retaining wall (location and height) 2. Show on site plan: A. Drainage Patterns -j j 8. Existing & Proposed Sjo es C. Existing Topography 3. Include on title sheet A. Site address 8. Assessor's Parcel Number C. Legal Description D. Grading Quantities Cut ___ Fill_ Import/Export __ _ (Grading Permit and Haul Route Permit may be required) D D D 4. Project does not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of approval for □ □ □ Project No. · Conditions were complied with by:. ______ _ Date: _______ _ MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS 5. A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to dp work in City Right-of-Way and/or private work adjacent to the public Right-of-Way. A separate Right-of-Way permit issued by the Engineering Department is required for the following: ________________________ _ Please complete attached Right-of-Way application form and return to the Engineering Department together with the req_uirements on the attached Right-of- Way checklist, at the time of resubmittal. P:IDOCS'ICHKLST\WAU Paae 1 -·---·-·------------· ---·--···- ' cPv11-d>/AJ& l&l'/11 Tlnt/lr~/7 -rdf! If C-T/hN'I Alff-wA-£-L.-- &~ory S, J/t11-cl- ( z..!o f!ulYI -r?ee-/..I. /Jartel Ii.' 21l/Stj.33 1- lf!fa! b.sc: Lrrrr /2Z e;./--f/df /337% f8<1u~ fe5c,~ : 1/i 75 ~pbsd In vti/1[(5 t1. f()odr -it~t:f1M fo M ex i.s+mq f'€-¼:i/\1flj (pd{ !f'< -1/4. &s-r Fide ~.,C #J/1. f mpi,frj-We )n-1e,nd to -Juke 6«r t-11 'ff' <)?cflm tJF f/4 ,e---r,:an'rnf AJ-tft.l ( tfei) rec(),\Sfnrc,-1' ~ wt! ,,._/f~fimJe/1/ IYz' /Am fh-0(.(s-MA?j sltpz. 1/#r -i/45 m~d,/i-cdldYI 'if-e-(l,(\ fire-Of'e,;._ A) i ( ( be. -/'!Id W/#1 iflL M, te -ft> Iv fr' ~ jt&w-J k dJv¥i --1/4_ Jefi/.J/, rJ/ M /iou::.R. ;N t: (}Y,Jcre.---te f.1.1, rt-.;" --Ii )5 nevJ ~ t,); II k. 5/(f2Rd -to d,,t4/l5 ill -fhe ptltwdk ~ /\Jo.fe w,td-tfie Si&{;w,Jk . t-U,ti nor o-'4 1'/ldvc& /~ }v+-wt/I /nl,,{ll~ --,..µ_ e xrsiJ1 dru11-o/ ~,11 ~ ~ -fa'rr tr -1/4 ~4-,r.R._. /kf#dfrl~ 1) SJ-}{2, Mi!cf 5~hll-1 vn,dir .fr~""1>. 2-) ~rtd IDfJ?rlfhiJ fN-f ~-?--lk lot--