HomeMy WebLinkAbout1460 BUENA VISTA WAY; ; CBR2020-1683; PermitBuilding Permit Finaled Residential Permit Print Date: 11/09/2020 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel#: Valuation: Occupancy Group: #of Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Bathrooms: Project Title: 1460 BUENA VISTA WAY, BLDG-Residential 1561207000 $16,450.46 CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1537 Work Class: Track#: Lot#: Project#: Plan#: Construction Type: Orig. Plan Check#: Plan Check#: Description: RODRIGUEZ: 314 SF POOL AND SPA Property Owner: Pool RODRIGUEZ JESSE RAND MARVE 1460 BUENA VISTA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 FEE BUILDING PERMIT FEE ($2000+) BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE (BLDG) ELECTRICAL BLDG RESIDENTIAL NEW/ADDITION/REMODEL PLUMBING BLDG RESIDENTIAL NEW/ADDITION/REMODEL SB1473 GREEN BUILDING STATE STANDARDS FEE STRONG MOTION-RESIDENTIAL SWPPP INSPECTION FEE TIER 1-Medium BLDG SWPPP PLAN REVIEW FEE TIER 1-MEDIUM Total Fees: $695.13 Total Payments To Date: $695.13 {city of Carlsbad Permit No: CBR2020-1683 Status: Applied: Issued: Finaled Close Out: Inspector: Final Inspection: CoApplicant: BLUEWATER POOLS 1315 ENCINITAS BLVD ENCINITAS, CA 92024-2845 (760) 753-6369 Balance Due: Closed -Fina led 07/24/2020 08/11/2020 TAlva 11/09/2020 AMOUNT $177.05 $123.94 $41.00 $49.00 $1.00 $2.14 $246.00 $55.00 $0.00 Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. Building Division Page 1 of 1 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 I 760-602-2700 I 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov Ccicyof Carlsbad Job Address 1460 Buena Vista Way RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION B-1 Plan Check i~ \{a~ Est. Valuel o.'f,b PC Deposit ----,---y---,-- D ate -11--f"'/J,.__,t{+'/j..._..0'---- Suite: ____ APN: 156-120-70-00 CT/Project #: _________________ Lot#: ___ _ Fire Sprinklers: OYES O NO Air Conditioning: 0 YES O NO Electrical Panel Upgrade: 0 YES O NO BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK: lnground pool and spa 0 Addition/New: _____ Living SF, ____ Deck SF, ____ Patio SF, ____ Garage SF Is this to create an Accessory Dwelling Unit? OY ON New Fireplace? 0 YON, if yes how many? __ 0 Remodel: ____ SF of affected area Is the area a conversion or change of use? 0 Y ON [{] Pool/Spa: _3_14 ___ SF Additional Gas or Electrical Features? ------------- □solar: ___ KW, __ Modules, Mounted:ORoof OGround, Tilt:O YO N, RMA: 0 YON, Battery:OY ON, Panel Upgrade: OY ON 0 Reroof: ______________________________ _ 0 Plumblng/Mechanlcal/Electrlcal Only: ______________________ _ D Other: _____________________________ _ APPLICANT (PRIMARY CONTACT) Name: Chuck Grosse/ Del Rancho Pools Address: 1315 Encinitas Blvd City: Encinitas State: CA Zip: 92024 Phone: 760-420-0054 Email: poolmanchuck@gmail.com DESIGN PROFESSIONAL Name: Del Rancho Pools Address: 1315 Encinitas Blvd City: Encinitas State: CA Zip: 92024 Phone: 760-753-6369 Email: belh@delranchopools.com Architect State License: 675390 ----------- PROPERTY OWNER Name: Jesse Rodriguez Address: 1460 Buena Vista Way City: Carlsbad State: CA Zip: _9_2_oo_a __ _ Phone: 760 944 9680 Email: ___________________ _ CONTRACTOR BUSINESS Name: Del Rancho Pools Address: 1315 Encinitas Blvd City: Encinitas State: CA Zip: _9_20_2_4 ____ _ Phone: 760-753-6369 Email: beth@delranchopools.com State License: 675390 Bus. License: 2, ')6-zz.O (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its Issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to flle a signed statement that he/she is lfcensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law {Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Profess[ons Code} or that he/she Is exempt therefrom, and the basls for the alleged exemption. Any Violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit s.ubjed, the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500}). 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 Email: Building@carlsbadca.gov B-1 Page 1 of2 Rev. 06/18 ( OPTION A); WORKERS'COMPENSATION DECLARATION: I hearby affiim under penalty of perjury~ of the following declarations: 01 have and wi11 maintain a.certificate of consent to s.elf-Jns!lr~ for'W~rkers' compensa.tion pro lded by.Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of tl)e work whfci:l thls i;,ermlt is Issued . .@1 fli!Ve and wilf malntafn'wor~er'.s compens-atlon,. as requi(ed by Section 3700 of the labor C e, for the performance of the worid or which this permit Is li;s.ued. My work411rs' cpmpensatlon insurance c11rrier and pollcy nu'mber are: Insurance Company N e: Benc:llmalk lnscnrice eoq,any Polky-No. csTSOfli86S Expjratlon Oate::_812S_---'2fP.c.:.. o ___ -4-__ _ D Certificate of'Excmiptlon: I certify-that In the performan.ce of the worf<:forwhich tills pemiit i subject to the workers' cornp1?nSatlon Laws of CaUfornla. W-'RNING: Fa/lute to •ac:l!r• worbrs c.rlmlnal penahles and ~vtl fines up to $100,000.00, In addlti911 lh• to the cost of c:ompensatf Jn~ .l!tJJd .attorna;y'.r•f•••·· issued, I shall not employ any person fn ~ny mani;ie.r so as to be corm: mpansatlon coverage ls unlawful, and shall ~ubject ah ·•1111>foyer to , damages !1$ .provided for In S•!"ti9.n ~Of !>!-!M ~.Of .CP.d.•. ( OPTION B )! OWNE.R,BUILDER DECLARATION: I hereby affirm that I Cll'l'.I exempt from C9n,j r.a_fJtor,_s M~~n.se J..pw /.or the f.ollo O I, a-s owner of ~e property or my employees "'!Ith wages as their sole ,;ompensatibn, wltl do t worjc and the structure Is not fntendad or offer~ for safe (Sec. 7044, Bush11!ss and Professions Code: Th.e, Contractor's License law .d.;>es not apply to an ow~r _ f ptoperty Wh.o builds or lmprovetthereon, arid who d.oeuuch work himself or (hrough his own employees, provided tl)~f sucl.1 lmpr0Yl!ments are not lntende.d or o · ered for sa.le. If; however, the-bu0dln1 or improvement Is sold ',Ylthln one year·of c;omp/etlon, the-ownllf•buffder will have Vie-bur.den of proving.that he did not build r improve for the purpose of sale). 0 I, a-s owner of the t:1roperty, ain exdusfv4!ly ~ntractl11g with licensed contractor:s to· coostruct e project (S.l!c. 7044,.8usfnessind Professrons:C-ode: The · Contra&r's Uc~e Law does not apply ta an owner of property who bullds or lmprove_$'th!'!~ , a.ncf C!'.r:lt~ch f.Q{ ~1,1d,;pr.oJects with corithi~r{s}llce11Sed pursuant to the Contr.actor's -Llcense Law). ,.. DI am exempt undl!I' Section _______ s11slness and· Professions CQJ:le for tlil~ reaso l. i personally plan tol'fOvidit the maior labor. and i:natertals fo_r con:rtn:,cttori of the proposed pr ·erty imP!'ovement Qves Q .NO 2. I !nave/ have notj.si&nJ'(l an appltcatlon fora bulldjng permit fo1·the proposeq ll(ork. 3, l have·COl'ltracted 'iYJtfl the fr:illawlng per.son (firm) to provid■ tht propmed ~st,:vctiOI!• {lndu e name addrJ!'ss / phon• / contractors' lfce;,se number}: 4. I plan to provide port(oo:s of'the woric, but I have -!'Ired ttte foUowin( person to CD<>l'dinat", s.u rvi;;e and provide the mafor work (lndude name /a'ddress./ phone/ IX!ntl'acl!)r~ IJ~~!' _n)!,tn.~): ' · · · 5. I wl!l provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the foll owing persons to provldi! he work Indicated (ini:Jude name/ ~c{dress / ph~ / typ~ of workJ:. OWNER SIGNATURE: 0 AGENT DATE: -------------------~------------ CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY, IF ANY: I _h~!'!rt~.f1!rrt).tli•.t th~eJs·.a·c;o~O(I laoi:lmf:agericy.:for-tf,e p!lrfor,:nan~ of the work this p It Is issu.ed (Sec. 3097 (I) Civil Code). Lender's Name:...._ _________ -'-'----------Lender'a Add :; ~ ;_ -----~-----------....:.,..,.. __ -c-.; •• • °f" ONLY COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SECTION FOR NON•RESIDfNTIAl B ILDING PERMITS ONLY: Is the applicant or future building occupairt required to submft a bus(neS5 plan, acutely-ha~ardout aterials registration.form or rlsk.man;iaement-and prevention pro11ra111.under Sectfons.2S505. 26533'-or 25S34 of the Pr,..l•y-Tanri•r Ha:tardous Subst,inceA=J.i t Act? I'{~§/ _I-jg ls tbnl!!)llcaht 0,-.-'i:Jfure l:luirdtng, occupant-required to obtain a p,!rmftftom the air p.ollutlon ® of dlstrlcJ: 0( e1r qual!ty manaa·ement district? Yes I .No is tfie filclUty to be con~~l:!l w1thln.1,000'fe~t of:the !)111:'er bo11ndar'y of a ~ol sni:? Y.es / o IF ~y OF Tiil: ANSWERS ARE YES, A ANAL C:E8TIFICATE-().f OCaJPANCY MAY NO'r IE. ISS.UED U LESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIRE,..ENTS OFTHE OFFICE OF EMERGl;NC.V ~l;R\1'1!=6 AND THE AIR. POlJ.UTION CONTR'Ol CT. APP.LICANT CERTIFICATION: I certify t!iat I have read theappllcatlon·and state ~t !-h.!' ,~_i?gy;e.ln.f9,m:\J&O.t1J.;.;~<;i)l1;C1.i1'1:\d that th '.infor'!lllltlon on tile plat;is Is accurate. I aeree to comp!y with all City ordln11ncu and State la:wi relating to bull di~ construction. I hereby Juthocize repr~tl\le of the Clty qt i;arlsbadto enfer upon me above mentioned property f Inspection-purposes. I Al.SO AGRE£ TO SA\/!, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS T}if: OTY OF, CAAl58AO AGAI~ AU.1,JABiUTIES, JUDGMENTS, com ANp eJ(PENSESWHI MAY IN.·ANY WAY A.CCRCJE AGAIN$T SI\ID OTY lN.CONSEquENq OF THE.GAAN'llNG Of '!HIS PERMIT.OSHA: M'OSHA permit ts required for.e,u;avations over S'O' deep and ol;tlon orconsvuttion ofstructl)l'<iS.0',!111' 3 stories rn height. EXPIRATION: Every permit jsued by the 8uildi,. Qffldal ~r the pi'ovlsions of this Code shaU expire-by U itatlon _and bealma null and void ff \he .bufl_~.qr WOi1c authorized by ,such ~ft Is not comm&nc:ed wfth!h ~~!Im~~ J!,.\!!_Qf ,uclrJWmlt.or. .if ,tho bl)'ldlr\g ot-woi:k" a' · tftorizefby sucn fl"'T'ltls suspended Of .i,an(ioned at any;llme•• the work Is commenoed for a.~ af180 · . C: ori 105.5. ._,J L, J APPUCANT SIGNATURE: -~--.....--, . . DATE: 1,mo20 Tr+ L.V 1635 Faraday Ave Garlsbad, CA 92008 .8,-1 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-.6 2-8558 -Page2 of 2 Email: B.uilding@carlsbadca.gov Rev. 06/18 l ., ' ST_!)RM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION NOTES 1. 'All NECESSARY EQUIPNENT AND MAlERIM.S SHALL BE 'AVAILABLE ON SllE TO FAOUTATE RAPID INSTAI.LATI<li -OF EROSION AN> SEDIMENT CONlRCl. BMl's WtiEN RAIN IS EMNENT. 2. 0lHE 0Ylt£R/CON1RACTOR SHAl.1 RE.STORE All EROSION :coNTROL DE\1C£S TO ~ING ORDER TO 1HE SATISfACTION -Of THE aTY INSPECT~ AFTER EAOi RUN--a,f PROOUONG 'RAINF'AIL 3 .. lHE 0~/CONTRACTOR SHAU. INSTAU. ADDmONAL EROSI~ :ca!TROL loEASlftS AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY lHE OlY l~Cl'al DUE TO INCOMPlflE ~ADING OPERATIONS OR ·UNFORESE£N CIRCUMSTANC£S WHICH WAY ARISE. 4. •~ REMOVABLE PROTECTI',£ DEW:£5 SHALL 8E IN PlACE 'AT lliE END Of EACH 1\VORKlNG DAY '#iEN 1HE Flvt: (5) J}AY RAIN PROBABILITY FORECAST EXCEEDS FE>RTY PECENT i40%}. SILT ~D OlHER DEBRIS SHAU. BE REMOVED AFTER 'EAOi RA!Nf'AlL 5. •ALL GRAVEL BAGS SHAi;L CONTAIN 3/4 INCHiltllNIMUM 'AGGREGAlE. 6. ,ADEQUATE EROSION MD SEDIMOIT CONlROL ~D PERMETER :o:~~~D t~~~~~ PRACTICE M~RES MUST ___1_ 'TUC-N'TV 11"':t.JUI u .. ,r 'T\..r .UITUl'WXTV'Tn ··--·miis PLAN"ooR1Nc0 'ailerrooE cONSTRUc110N AS NEEDED rro ENSURE cot.FUANct \lllH arr STORM WAlER QUALITY 'REGUL.ATIOOS. OWNER'S CERTIFI~TE: I _UND!RSTAl«l AICl A~ lHAT I MUST: (1) IMPUMENT !£ST MANAGDIEITT PRACTICES (8MPS) DIJaNG CONSTRUC110N AClll/llJES ro lllE llAJClMIJM. EXll:lff PRACTICABlE rtr AVOil 1l£ MOBIUZAllON Of' PW.UTAlllS SUO! AS SElllllENT AND TO A',00 lHE EXPOSURE Of' STalM WAltR TO OOHSTR!JCllQol REI.Alm P<llUTANTS; ilNll (2) ADHERE TO, ANO AT AU. 111.ES, <nFlY 'lllH 1llS CITY N'PROYED TIER 1 CONSlRUCllttl S'M'PP lfflol..lQiOUT 11£ CURA llCJl Of' lHE C(JISJRUCTlttl I ACTIVITES lJfHll THE ~ flalK IS COMl'l£IE ANO APf'RO',£0 ~ros& OWt£ A PRIHlJ OYta(S)/°"81S AGENTINAIIE (SIGNAl\JRE) E-29 ~,1~1ZJ) STORM WATER COMPLIANGE FORM TIE:R 1 CONSliRUCTION SWPPP ~-29 ca ~to?,.a-J.6&3 SW_-~_ BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMP) SELECTION TABLE Besl Management Practice• (BMP) Description ➔ CASQf,D,oigndon ➔ ltliJ:~ ea....te/~alt_Sawait&a ton<nte~ Pon t:an.ut/Piie lna!Glatlon Wort ·1"'-ta-llloo-.1 staghgAo °""" Arec 'CIJbntnt Momenonce 111d f'uemo ffl«tla lteAccoaA~DH -(Ill\): EroolanC6mll BMl's jl .,, I :__ ii.go : !~ i i I~:~ _! I U i ~,~, ~ ,~ ..... w l&J w r t Sedmonl Ca1llol 81.41'• ... ii . ~ ~ j "' ti t ~ ii.§!i " .,_ CD e c "'e "'o.2 ~ ~] ~ I l tl i" ti! Ji toil: ~.., .. "' '° ,-.. "' 0 I I ~ bl !~ I I ' l,j l,j Ill l,j l,j I I 1 I ec!,="' ~ ~ ~ i ~i .§ ~i 1~ .... re 111: 'o, C -" V>O:: ' I!, ... t • I \ Non-SlotmWalt//1 IAonaglnlon!BMPI .,. i l i I 1 1 & .., n j i..1 .§ ! . •& ,!'e I 'lJ i 1.l Jo .., ,._ CD ;;; J, J, J, z z z z " I \ Waile Manogemenland _.,.. Polullon Qnol BMPs -0 i ,:, Ii I c " . ' 15 .. k s:;:; -i-:! ! ::I i ~i .. i i J & i i .e1: ! i Ii i I o! o 2 '[!i 'ii Ii S fi l<·!i 2 cn 2 V> v,u v,2, z.:a O:a I l<t l7 11 I'? l'f 1~ iiiiilt lnstructlanc 1. Qitdc the box to the left of al ,:wllcablo c«1M,1ftlon octMty (fht column) e,q,ected to ocaK ..,ring ccnatructlcn. 2. Located olong the loo elf, the IN' Tobie la o list of IIIP'1 with It'• c~g Callmio Stomnlo\w ~afity Aaodatlcn (CASQA) ~otion numb.-. 0IOON one or o,cn, BllPa 'JOU inltn\r to _, cliring construction from the list. Checl< ~ box whwe the chooa1 octi.;ty row i,len,ecls tith tho BIi' column. J. Refw to !he CASQA eonsin.ctJon hond>oolc for lriformotlon and detail• of the ch090n BMPs 111d hol," to opply them to the projecl SHOW THE LOCA TTONS OF ALL CHOSEN BMPs ABOVE ON THE PROJECTS SITT: PLAN/EROSION CONTROL PLAN. SEE THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS SHEET FdR A SAMPLE EROSION CONTROL PLAN. -BMP's are subject to field inspection- Page 1 of 1 PROJEC'JilNFORMA TION ~eAclcht,k ___________ _ ,._.,s Perce! Number: -------- Emergency ta.tact: Ncsn~-------~---- 2<4 Hd.r Phon~----~----- ConrWcllcn Threat to Ston-n Wdtw ()iollty (Qitck ll!ox) O IOIUII □tow REV 02/16 PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBR2O20-1683) Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Work Class: Pool Status: Scheduled Date Closed -Finaled Actual Inspection Type Start Date Checklist Item Application Date: 07/24/2020 Owner: COOWNER RODRIGUEZ JESSE RAND MARYE Issue Date: 08/11/2020 Subdivision: PARCEL MAP NO 11862 Expiration Date: 04/27/2021 IVR Number: Inspection No. COMMENTS 27643 Inspection Status Address: 1460 BUENA VISTA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1537 Primary Inspector Reinspection Inspection Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency October 29, 2020: (virtual inspection). Yes 11/09/2020 11/09/2020 BLDG-Final Inspection Checklist Item BLDG-Plumbing Final BLDG-Mechanical Final BLDG-Structural Final BLDG-Electrical Final Monday, November 9, 2020 1. Perimeter fencing, side yard gates, and pool/door alarms leading out to pool area-approved. 143362-2020 COMMENTS Passed Tony Alvarado November 9, 2020 (virtual inspection). 1. Final pool inspection, inspected lights', GFCI outlets, electrical pool panel labeled, and connection of equipotential pool bond wire to motor and heater units (typical) -approved per pool engineers plans and specifications. November 9, 2020 (virtual inspection). 1. Final pool inspection, inspected lights, GFCI outlets, electrical pool panel labeled, and connection of equipotential pool bond wire to motor and heater units (typical) -approved per pool engineers plans and specifications. November 9, 2020 (virtual inspection). 1. Final pool inspection, inspected lights, GFCI outlets, electrical pool panel labeled, and connection of equipotential pool bond wire to motor and heater units (typical) -approved per pool engineers plans and specifications. November 9, 2020 (virtual inspection), 1. Final pool inspection, inspected lights, GFCI outlets, electrical pool panel labeled, and connection of equipotential pool bond wire to motor and heater ~nits (typical) -approved per pool engineers plans and specifications. Complete Passed Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 2 of 2 Building Permit Inspection Hi,story Finaled {cityof Carlsbad PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBR2020-1683) Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Application Date: 07/24/2020 Owner: COOWNER RODRIGUEZ JESSE RAND MARYE Work Class: Pool Issue Date: 08/11/2020 Subdivision: PARCEL MAP NO 11862 Status: Closed -Finaled Expiration Date: 04/27/2021 Address: 1460 BUENA VISTA WAY IVR Number: 27643 CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1537 Scheduled Actual Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Primary Inspector Reinspection Inspection Date Start Date Status 08/12/2020 08/12/2020 BLDG-SW-Pre-Con 135512-2020 Passed Tony Alvarsdo Complete Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency August 12, 2020: Yes 1. SWPPS/BMPs-erosion control measures shall be in place and intact at all times of pool construction. Informed pool contractor Chuck. 08/28/2020 08/28/2020 BLDG-23 137048-2020 Passed Tony Alvarsdo Complete Gas/Test/Repairs Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency August 28, 2020: Yes 1. Underground gas plumbing line with tracer wire under test-approved. BLDG-51 136932-2020 Passed Tony Alvarsd~ Complete Excav/Steel(Pools) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency August 28, 2020: Yes 1. Pool steel/reinforcement per engineers plans and specifications -approved. BLDG-52 Pool Plumbing 137047-2020 Passed Tony Alvarsdo Complete BLDG-53 137049-2020 Passed Tony Alvarado Complete Elec/Condult/Wlrlng(Po ols) BLDG-54 Equipotential 137050-2020 Partial Pass Tony Alvarado Relnspection Incomplete Bond(Pools) 10/14/2020 10/14/2020 BLDG-54 Equipotential 140832-2020 Passed Tony Alvarado Complete Bond(Pools) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency October 14, 2020: (virtual inspection). Yes 1. Inspection for equif)otential pool bond wire, bonded to pool deck steel-approved. 10/29/2020 10/29/2020 BLDG-55 142431-2020 Passed Tony Alvarsdo Complete Fence/Preplaster Monday, November 9, 2020 Page 1 of 2 STORM WATER COMPLIANGE FORM- TIER 1 CONSliRUCTION SWPPP CS ~¼ci-J_6gJ E:-29 SW_ -~- STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTIPN NOTES BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMP) SELECTION TABLE ErosJan Conrol Sodmont Conlrnl BMl's Tra""1g Non-Storm Wa'M Write M.._menl and lt.alerta!S 1. 'AU. NECESSARY EQUIPf.tf}ff AND MATERIALS SHAll BE 811.Ps ' Conlrol SM!'s IAanagement BMPs Pollulioo Corlrol BMPs 'AVAILABLE ON SITE TO FACILITATE RAPID INSTAL1.ATION -OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPs WHEN RAIN ,, ~ Ji ~ i .,, i IS EMINENT. ~ a _ ~ ] § f -f _a a i ] ., 2. 'lHE 01\NER/CONl'RACTOR SHALL RESTORE All EROSION ::s. .,, g j o. ~ g, .! ~ i• ., ~ -;; ~ "--~ f o !s s .e :CONTROL 0Ev1CES TO wpRKING ORDER TO lHE SATISFACTION Sest Mana~rnent Practice' ~ .E i ~ f;. 'm 'j-Is ~ 'cs f 8 ! "' ~ '.::! 'ii ll a :;:; ., -3a -g!"' -OF THE CllY INSPECTOR AFTER EACH RUN-Of.'F PROOUCING (BMP) Descnption ➔ : ~ J., ~ 1l i ! ,§ .g J.i ~ ,ls] ii~ 'i,., !i 11 ]t i a O '.: :'. °! ! s ! 8 ! !'~ ~AINF All.. ~ ::::f. 0 8 0 ~ a: m --~ _g s:: o., ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ ~ :E .!! .s .0 & 0 9-ct~ ~ t,I "E 01 ~t;-i,; -11 'EC Ji ii b > "a. .,, "-,e" ..o"' ~" ":i O <JC ]i" j 't) -,, 0 0 0 0 3. ·THE O'IINER/CON1RACTDR SHALL INSTALL ADOlllONAL EROSION ~ ~ ,:i j; I &i J! 6 "' . .e l: ., !i .e e ~ go 2 g ,l:! e i --;; ~ l ".l! " .s 'a !i '<i a ::: a s._ a :.CONTROL MEASURES A!H.4AY BE REQUIRED BY·lHE OTY i:.: "' en> "' v,a. "' "'"' ~a. a. a. >~ """' =-"' "'0 "'"'-:r:::,; 02 INSPECTOR DUE TO IN<lOMPLETE GRADING OPERATIONS OR CASQ/\O..i!)na6on ➔ r--., "' --..., .., "' '"' r--,,, ~ _ "' _ ,., r--,,, -"' ..., --t "' '° '° UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSl'AN~S 'M-JICH MAY ARI~. ConotrueUonAclMty 8 ~ ia s Ill Ill ~ Iii -~ Ill Ill ~ i i ~ ~ ~ ~ i i ~ i ~ ~ ~ 4. ,.1,.u_ REMOVABLE PROIBCTI'v£ DEVICES SHALL BE IN PLAa: I ~adiln =I Disturbance • 1 · · , '\ '.'AT 11-!E END OF EACH lWORKING DAY \\1-iEN lHE Av£ (5) 1 Jrenc:hlon,...•cavatian I I I I -DAY RAIN PROBABILITY FORECAST EXCEEDS FE)RTY PECENT I St.,.,nRina I 1 \ ~ '.(4-0%). SILT ANO OlHER DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED AflIR l--tf.Oril:::1'""5:11>:'),om~·:\,a::;.==l:::----t-t-t-+-+++-t-+-+-t-++--1r-l--+-l--+-+~+-+--J------+-+++-+-+-~+____j 3£ACH RAINFALL .Cona-ete/As0halt Sawrutttoa : 5 •All. GRAVEL BAGS SHAU. CONTAIN 3/4 INCH IMINIMUf.l H:;;:Con:::a-=e:.te:'nFla::'.tWO<k=-:;:---'-~"'-'-~-t--t---t-----1-t--t---t--+--+-+-+--+--+--+-+--+-+-+--+--+-+-+-+-+-++-+--+--+----1-----l • , Pa>{,1Q -- ~ AGGREGATE. ~4~~~n~du§iif"'~'"~eg1~na~tal~lo~l~icn~======+=~==~==+=~==t=+=~~=t=⇒=~~==t=⇒===t=t==j===t=t=:j:::::t:1::j::t::j::t:1::jt::t::j:::::tj 6. -'ADEQUATE EROSION AJllD SEDIMENT CONTROL 'AND PERIMETER H .tl_Stu=c~ca-';,JM;;:1art=or::.-Wor1< _____ -t--t---t-----1r-t--t---t--+--+-+-+--+--+--+-+--+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+-++-+--+-+---l-----l 'PROTECTION BEST MAN'AGEMENT PRACTICE ME~SURES MUST t-1-·4;:w. ~•••~t•~D~lloo~;osgol~2;~~~;;;;;;+=~==~==+=~==t=+==~=t=⇒==~==t=⇒===t=t:::=j===t=t==j===t=1==jt=t==j::t=1===t==t==j===tj :BE INSTAU.ED AND MAINTAINED. -litaal,an ov Down Area £nuovnent Mantenance and Fuelino ~ :-:: :: ~-::::::-~HAY..~Olli-+¥:+n --afdous Stlbst l'JHIS PLAN DUR1NG OR I BEFORE CONSTRUCTION AS NEEDED PewaterinQ :rro ENSURE COMPUANct 111TH CITY STORM WA lER QUALITY H<::Si~te:-A;-:cc:::-e~ss::-;-Acr=..,,:::---;;o::::irt.------;----1-t----t----lr-t-+--+--+-----i-l---+-----i--+--+--+--+--+------i--+-+--+--+--+--+-+----l---+----le--l--~ ·ll£GULA TIONS. Ht7 ntlh'"'.,"i(i;;'llst';;tl"--: '-==-=-'-'-----t----l~t--+---lr-t-+--+-+-----i-l---+-----i--+-+--+--t---1------i--+-+--l--l---l--+--+----l---4----le--l--~ lnstructJon9: 1. Check the box ta the left of all ~licoble const,vfliCll activity (f,rat column) expected to occur during construction. 2. Located aong the ~ <If-the BMP Table is o list of BMP's Mith it'• co~ding Cofifomio Storrmlotsr l;)Jofity ....,ociation (CASQA) designation number. Choose ans or more BMP"s 'JO'J intenlf. to use during canotrucll!>n from the list Check 'the box """'e the chosen. octi.,;ty row intersects with the BMP column. • 3. Refer ta the C/..SQA constructian handboolc for iriformotlon and detals of the chosen BMPs and hair ta apply them to the projecl OWNER'S CERTIFICATE: I .UNDERSTAND AND ACKNOVl,IDG[ lHAT I MUST: (1) IMPIBIENT , BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTIC(S (BMPS) DURING CONSlRUCTION •· ,------,,,--------------, ACTIVITIES TO THE MAXIMUM_;EXlE}IT PRACTICABlf "rtl:AVDID " PROJECf\lNFORMATION I/._/ ~ 1fiE MOOUZATIDN CF Pru.UTAN1S SUCH AS SEDIMENT AND ro -. s·t Addr --I'/:'" J$1e-4\ 4.. v, TI~ I 7, AVOID lliC EXPOSURE Of STORM WArnl TO CONSTRUCTION SHOW THE LOCATIONS. OF ALL CHOSEN BMP.s ~BOVE 1 8 60$,__.~,.1,,,._,,,___.......,=u..c:;:_.;...:., ....... .,.__ RELATED POU.UTANTS; ANO (2) ADHERE TO, ANO AT All TIMES, ON THE PROJECTS SITE PLAN/EROSION CONTROL PLAN. Assessor's Pored Number. ft/)&-I 2 C>-JO-( 0 COMPLY 'MlH llilS aTY APPROVED TIER 1 CONSlRUCTION S'M'PP SEE THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS SHEET FdR A SAMPLE ~OUGHOUT THE DURATION! Of lHE CONS1RUCTl0N 'J\CTIVITl£5 £!ROS/ON CONTROL PLAN Emergency Coo!o.ct: I . ,. UN.lll THE CONSTRUCTION WORK IS COMPl.ffi ANO AfiPR0\£0 . Nome·-~ k,.C,~ i-J"o55(,,. BY THE cm f CAALSBfW. ' c~ ~rosJJL -BMP's are 'subject to field inspection-24 Hour Phone: ?iaO-'fl,~-COS:f OFJ>fOWNER S AGEJ'H'NAME (PRINT} ~ ~/l n ~ ~ ---e ti' Lo Conatru'ctlan Threat ta Storm Wd\er Quality ~~~~~~~:;;;:-;:;,_,,~===--. 0 (CtecklBox) O\'INER(SJ/01\NER S AGENF NAME (SIGNATURE) ATE tal~UII O llOW E-29 Page 1 of 1 R~ 02116