HomeMy WebLinkAbout1254 MARIPOSA RD; ; CBR2020-2916; PermitPrint Date: 11/20/2020 Permit No: CBR2020-2916 Building Permit Finaled Residential Permit Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel #: Valuation: Occupancy Group: 1254 MARIPOSA RD, CARLSBAD, CA 92011-4206 BLDG-Residential 2122202100 $0.00 Work Class: Lot #: Project #: P/M/E Status: Applied: Issued: 11/09/2020 11/09/2020 Finaled Close Out: #of Dwelling Units: Track #: Plan #: Closed - Finaled TAlva Plan Check #: Project Title: Inspector:Orig. Plan Check #:Bathrooms: Description:REPLACE FURNACE & A/C COIL & CONDENSER (E-REVIEW) Final Inspection:11/20/2020 Bedrooms:Construction Type: Contractor: THOMPSON HEATING & AIR 1980 PEACOCK BLVD, # C OCEANSIDE, CA 92056-3581 AMOUNTFEE PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, AND MECHANICAL PERMIT $175.00 Total Fees:$175.00 Total Payments To Date:$175.00 Balance Due:$0.00 Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 ï 760-602-2700 ï 760-602-8560 f ï www.carlsbadca.gov Building Division Page 1 of 1 {"Cityof Carlsbad CBR2020-2916 11/9/2020 ( City of Carlsbad RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 8 -1 P1an Check ----~ Est. Viluo ______ _ PC Depo~lt Oote ______ _ lob Add,ess I J 1,> 1 I r-111, ,· J) 0 ~ ti I< ti . Suite:. ___ ~_ ... , _______ _ CT/Pro;«:t~. ______________ Lott:,• VearB.uifl.: _______ _ R,e Spnolders.-(},Es()NO AJ, C<>ndltio,,w,g{) vtSQ NO 8Rl£F DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Repltt{~ fio 11acc, A { c._ llli l-~ coi 11,/c:11~ ... '-,_c ___ _ 0 Addition/New: living Sf. ()c(Jc Sf Patio Sf ____ Gor~c SF __ ls this tocreate~nAcccssoryOwelling Unit? QYQN New fireplace? QvO N. If vn how many? _ SF of affected area ts the arc~ a tonYcrsionorcha~ of use ?0Y ON sr O Soa0r.. ___ t/YI, _Modul,s, Mountod:0 Roof0 Gtound, r.1t:OY() H, RMA.0Y0N, Bonc,y:OY ON. P,nel Upgrade: OY ()N 0 Re,oor~-----------------------------12]' Plumbing/Mec;:~nlcal/Cleetti.C:11 0 O,,ly: Other: This perm,t is to be~., tt-. Nmeqfd,e Properry ~ M~, lc'MSedtontnaoc'or ~ Agfflt ott.M ~ or t<ll'l1'ntt«. 1bt ~ li#.nf o:s the App/Kant ~wfff ti(-t'-:' mom point of cone.on: t~ * p,:rmit prou:s:s... DESIGN PROf[SSj()NAl APPUCANT O CONTAACTOR Of R£COftD APPllCAN'T O 9 Name: _____________ H•me:Jl ll1"Y112SO/l P1i1,~1hi ne; He,,{z,1111,·Aw ,..,.,..,, Add,.,.,lqto 'r>i.g ln,, Qly,( · i i c ' I Oty:~ _____ S<otc:. __ z;p;._ ---City: Ocr1111~i Al' State: CA 2ip: ') .l.a ,(,, Phone, Phone: l!,e.0 '1'1 I ~Ul EmoH: em.n,&m~ CQq l a c t (c.t>thac c .l)e./ Archite<tStateucense: StateUcense/cl=: <ll'l 1f0O e ... ucense:BLO!-. IL1fll/eft, IOENTIFY WHO Will PCRFORM THE WORI( BY COMPLETING (OPTJON A} OR (()PrlON O} OCLOW: (OPTION A}: LICENSl:O ~!Ba9Q_R OE CLARA TION: I hereby affirm under pe.r,oityof pe(jur'y thOt I om H<·er,:;t:d undr:r P'Ovisi()f'I'$ of Owpw 9 (c,ommeffC!ng wtrh Section "JDOO) of Divi~imi .1 of the 81.tSinessond Professions Code, and my lkense is in full fotceolld effect. I t11$o0Jlirm under penoltyof r,erjwyoneof the JQik,wina d<'c:krrotions; □• M¥e ;'ltld -.Ill ~:ilfl ii Qttl;"lflC,11,e (;J <Ons~nt 10 ~"~·~ k,, WU,~~· «lffl~SIIUOlt l)fOYJClcd ~ .stttio. 3100 of thl: I :illl'lr n,a~. lM ~ Pfl'l<ltttU,tlfl! (ti l ho:-w<1"' ""'ilh tllk permit k-im1~ l>ollcyNO __ _ Ga• h;,ve '1nd-.ill ln,Wl(11ln _, .. n f.QMl)tl\Sil""°"'" 1'j '"""·~ bv St:~1i<,11 3100 ur lf,e u.t,o, (Olk, '°' lhe perfo,111,.,_ °' tl>c~ '7-.K(JI tt);s rf'!'!'i\'11'. i\\u,.•d ,.,, ""'"·"~· w •~iun '"1-~1 t arrier al)d p:lllty nu~ ;)fe Insur ;:N"l(.C~ N¥ric: _ I n ::,, C 0::-0 L th" we~.1 Poley No •• ~V~,•D I ,{)1¼ Q 1 {) 0 ~• &pirrion ();rte: _;i•!-iJ_,7-,cQ-,7<c-,L/ ______ _ • □ Ct.ntl'ic.xll (If ~Ott I l;tt1ily (N,t ill ~ ~,IOffN:1~ of th,e wort fw wl!K:h ~ pcJl!llt ~ ·~~it. I ~hal noT cl'l)S:lcy ilrtl Pl'l~II sl ;iny (1'1/111111!( $(1 ~~ l o ti.it-. w bj,:U IO th,: wul:,:r{ com~tion t~ « (:.:illbnl:i. WAR:Nlt.lG: Failure to s.ocurll ~, (btnpto~ ..-~ ~ wi~ •nd ,bli.11 $1.b)ect en employer w u llftl&al ~lcs. .:and d,,ll flllllf. .._ M> $100,000.00,.., -.iclitoon the to tho: (-»t of conioensation, d•-ccs as orO\Adcd foo-111 se«lo11 3106 ot the ubof•<.ott.,. lnte"'1t el'>(I .nomey's f.xs. ~QMfilfillg,!ON LENDING AGENQ, IF ANY: I tt(:f(t// d'l1M QIM IN:•C IS~ «)11$\r'-'CIJ(I,\ lc:ndtnjl .ag,!ll(y fo, ti\!! pe,form>ne" of 1hf-WQtl( ttll\ P,-ffl'lll i\ ~ t:.eic XQ1(,JVwllC.«1tl l«lclor'J flbmct: l cndU~ Ad~: comRAcroR PRINT, \6 ar r,H Bt111'nsiGN, V,;fJl .1.11"\ • ._) () /) DATI:: _,_.I'~! R"'-f,"'1_.(,_) _ (OPTION 8): OWNf.R-8UllOER Of.<LARATION: t heret,yoffi,m rhot I om t1tem(){ fmm Comu,t(at·'s Lit.'t.."flS<' !""' fer th~ following ,eoson: 0 I, 11& .,,,mer cl ffloi" propc·ny or t'l!'I CfflfJb,c~ ..ith Wl~ ~ 1Mlf $Qt(! (Ot'Dl)MS111$on, -..iCI <IO l~ wo•lt :.no \he JVutturc: ts no1 1n1ffldt<I OI oHc:re<I lor ~ ISOt. ""44, llu~n~i ~ Pt'Ql~$1(ln~ COOc:1 'I'll,: (0Mr-1t101•~ U~ l-d ll<'\ Mt '"'1'{ 10 1111 OWfltf 0, l)f(J(l('ftV wlll) b.)il(IH)f hlOIOVt:$ OlcfC:o,\. ilflO who 0~ lUttl wo, k lllmv.lf or IN~ hi\ OWll ~Ol(m:~ pr(lv'i;ted (Plt l )U('.h WT\l)r(M:mC'n!J ;,1~ l>O'I In~ o• dler«l lor ~ If. '-• it,_.~ fl• l"""W"~ I) l(Jli,: wl.,... (111,: ye1;1, or (oo,,pleotlun, the ownc:r ~ 111411 ~e ~ tudcn nl p1,,.,111e 11!,11 rw-11111 001 r1uild flt illtp,O.:WI! 11N tl'lt' w~ .,t ""'°} □I,~~ """nc:r 01! 1tlic: Dtop:ltY, :l!TI C<chl::lW"Jf{Ol'ICr.:11Ul"IIJ •.th l.c~/IW'd C~tfol(l,:W$ l0 ((lf~•Ul.l (J,.e p,1,1.i,.-tt (~. ,OU, 81.uinen W P)o6ezioru (ode: The CONt/llUOt'i Ii<~ I .'IWd(l@S (I()( l!Pl)tr 10 <Ill (lwnfl'' ~ PIO~ who built!~ or irllP!OYi:~ d'lc:~ .lnd ffltltr::.W for t.i.t!h OtCjflCU 'frlitn (CntfMCl~I 1;c~l'IS(<(I IX/flll,ll'lt u, tne C:OMQQ:i,,'$ tltCM C t:,w). 0-0-, eunoer •l:ncwlod1;to-•nd YOtifo<:fliOn toffll· N6 bttn r.ne11-0111.. $'c,1ed :,11d :,11lll.hc:(J to tN:. :,/>l)ll~o1non, 0 (lwn11ti "Authoflled "fllllt Fo,,.... h~ ~ l1l"dc"'1,, f-~ "'''-' "twc.11,:\J W tM~ w iillt~.h.,n Q!i.1""1 the~ o~ t:o oe.:otn rtic .oc,mlf on I/le c:wtv'rs llf'Jlol/. l!v my Sien•i...-e ~b-1 ill.lintndi!\Je,: thdt. ,:',lln'C)I: f0< mv oc,,so,,;,J r~ c: In whim I m\.Q 11:ive rc:;.id,cd k!r ,:it i.m on-, yoM p'illr 1,0 ((ltllalll'IM:l'\ cl \ht impro,,e-nc:nb «M"toe<I by this pcrrnlf, I c:inno: lelµl1( sd ;i nn.,rn.,,o ~ I fl~ bllilt ;is M q _...lo@r~ lf fl hi!i not bm, tOtMnJtk°d In It:; c:MlletY 1!V lken~C'l! (Offl(XU),S. I UlldcrSl«:-CI Viar C (""f"/ fM ~kJa; St,:.r/on )(H,: of rli,: ~'Send PwfC'WOIU {elk, Is 11\o..bb'e v,,ofl ,~r W,,1'.,11 !hk ~(Ir~ iS svtmltttt r,r QI tJ~ ~·110 W:-b f«f': lirtsr/fat.._.,., ~,to.OfN/co:v,-,,11r1111 OWNER PI\INT: _________ _ SIGN: _________ DATE: _____ _ AP'PUCANT Ct:RnACATION: SIGNATURE R§g,UIRW AT THE TIME OF SUBMITTAL 9y my sitJllaMC bobw, J r.Qrljy tnar: I (1M (h~ plo,petty OWnf?' IX Store-cf (olif «r•ia Li<.~ Corwoct« or ®rhori:cd to act OIi t;t,,c property Olllllel Ot (O(IVOraOl'Sbtoolf. i ,-.:rti{y thot 11-111:.ad:hc!applk,otior,and sr.m'C that t~ ~ in/()lmotiOII iS(Olrtt.t OM lM! t/1,t irt/tJr'rr,a!it.mor, the plon:. ir: OU:1.11'1tC. I 09'~ to t;(J(flf)ly .... (11 '1H 01)' ()(din<m<'e$ Ofld Stote laws ,datittg to btJifdin9 COltStTuUi()II. i h<r<:by 0//thow~ t't!fXe,,,:,,,tJstiw: of tile {lty of CfJf,'$bO(J to enter "J)('lft Che~ inentit>r,ed p,~ fo, ~ pur~:;. I AJ.SOAGMC 10 $Avt, iNOCMh'tf.Y A>JD ,:up ~lRMJ F.SS TH.f (ffY OF ('ARl.!JJAOA(;A/N$T AU (IA/Jlf.ll'ffS, .IIJOG,a,t(NT.t C05TS AND CXPCltStS WHK}I MAY t.V ANY WAY AC(."R(,t AGAINST 5Nl)(.'f1YIIICOHSEQVf:NCEt» TH£ (Jk.AN11NG ()( 'fHt$1'£kMJT, OSHA:Att OSHA ()CNli( iS (f:Wil'c:d fOI ~t,ion$0V('I s·cr dct:f} afld tkmoti(t()II ()I ((lll'Sfrll((iOrt Of Stru<"Md tJw:r" J $(0tie$ IT! hcitJ',t APP UCANT PI\INT: <.M.1 I (l S t) la rcz... s1GN: -"Y."'"00-=-"la:c.ctJc--''---DATE: ( \ (T 2 Building Permit Inspection History Finaled PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBR2020-2916) BLDG-Residential 11/09/2020Application Date:Permit Type:Owner: P/M/E 11/09/2020Work Class:Issue Date:Subdivision:CARLSBAD TCT#97-14 UNIT#01 MARIANO 05/19/2021Expiration Date:Status: IVR Number: 29866 Closed - Finaled 1254 MARIPOSA RD CARLSBAD, CA 92011-4206 Address: Scheduled Date Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Status Primary Inspector Reinspection InspectionActual Start Date 11/20/2020 11/20/2020 BLDG-43 Air Cond./Furnace Set 144288-2020 Passed Tony Alvarado Complete COMMENTS PassedChecklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency November 20, 2020: 1. Change-out existing hvac system FAU/AC condenser units. 2. (2) qty., changed out, like for like, same size and same location-approved. 3. HERS report verified. Yes BLDG-Final Inspection 144289-2020 Passed Tony Alvarado Complete COMMENTS PassedChecklist Item BLDG-Mechanical Final November 20, 2020: 1. Change-out existing hvac system FAU/AC condenser units. 2. (2) qty., changed out, like for like, same size and same location-approved. 3. HERS report verified. Yes Friday, November 20, 2020 Page 1 of 1 {cityof Carlsbad