HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-12-17; Municipal Water District; ; Purchase of one 2020 HV44 wet/dry hydro-excavator from GapVax, Inc., Sourcewell Contract No. 122017-GPV, in an amount of $475,712.Staff has been utilizing an 11-year old piece of equipment that is beyond its useful life and is designed to remove sewage from wastewater pipelines, rather than rocks and debris from construction site pits. The hydro-excavator will be utilized three to four times weekly. The rental price for a hydro-excavator is $3,000 weekly or $10,000 monthly. Purchasing a hydro- excavator yields a four-year payback period. The anticipated lifespan of the new hydro- excavator is expected to be a minimum of 10 years. Fiscal Analysis Funding in the amount of $415,000 for this purchase was approved as a capital outlay during the FY 2019-20 budget process. The cost of the hydro-excavator ($475,712) will be shared between the potable water and recycled water divisions, as the equipment can be used to make repairs to both systems. During the FY 2019-20 budget process, $365,000 was approved in potable water funding and $50,000 was approved in recycled water funds towards the purchase of the hydro-excavator as a capital outlay item, for a total of $415,000. As authorized in CMC Section 3.28.100 and found to be in CMWD's best interest by the purchasing officer, staff utilized the cooperative bidding process via Sourcewell to obtain the quote. When the final quote came in for $475,712, additional funding was carried forward from the FY 2018-19 Water and Recycled Water Budget Surplus to the FY 2019-20 Operating Budget to make up the difference. Potable water share of the total cost will be $410,712, and recycled water share will be $65,000, for a total of $475,712. Next Steps Fleet staff will process a purchase order for the purchase of one hydro-excavator from Sourcewell. Delivery of the equipment will take approximately eight months. Fleet staff will send the reserve piece of equipment to be auctioned and any funding received will be returned to the Potable Water Operations Revenue Account. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning, of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Exhibit 1. CMWD Resolution Dec. 17, 2019 Item #12 Page 2 of 11 RESOLUTION NO. 1626 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF ONE 2020 HV44 WET/DRY HYDRO-EXCAVATOR FROM GAPVAX, INC., SOURCEWELL CONTRACT NO. 122017-GPV, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $475,712. WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) has evaluated the need for purchasing and has been appropriated the funds to purchase a hydro-excavator in the fiscal year (FY) 2019-20 Operating Budget; and WHEREAS, as authorized by Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.28.100, the purchasing officer has determined it is in CMWD's best interest to utilize a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement through Sourcewell to purchase the hydro-excavator; and WHEREAS, CMWD has procured a bid, attached hereto as Attachment A, from GapVax, Inc., Sourcewell Contract No. 122017-GPV, to provide one 2020 HV44 wet/dry hydro-excavator in an amount not to exceed $475,712; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors ofthe Carlsbad Municipal Water District has determined that funds in the amount of $475,712 appropriated in the FY 2019-20 potable water and recycled water division budgets for purchase of one hydro-excavator are available ($410,712 from potable water and $65,000 from recycled water). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That CMWD is authorized to purchase one hydro-excavator from Sourcewell in an amount not to exceed $475,712. Dec. 17, 2019 Item #12 Page 3 of 11 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad, California on the 17th day of December 2019, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. (SEAL) Dec. 17, 2019 Item #12 Page 4 of 11 STD STD STD STD STD STD STD STD C320 C321 C330A C370 D300HA D25B STD D334 D1 8 D34 D35B 12" LIQUID SHUTOFF STAINLESS STEEL FLOAT BALL SINGLE MODE WET/DRY FILTRATION WITH 4 BOLT-ON EZ-DECON CYCLONES BAGHOUSE WITH 30 POLYESTER FILTER BAGS AIR-POWERED PULSATORS FOR CLEANING FILTER BAGS NOISE AND VIBRATION DAMPENING MOUNTS ULTRA QUIET EXHAUST/INTAKE SILENCERS STAINLESS STEEL VEE-WIRE SCREEN RATED TO 60 MICRONS 6" MANUAL VACUUM RELIEF VULKAN VIBRATION DAMPENER ON BLOWER 8" VACUUM RELIEF VALVE UPGRADE FILTER BAGS TO 285 DEGREE ACRYLIC BAGS REMOTE PULSATOR TANK DRAINS WATER SYSTEM OPTIONS 12 GPM / 3,000 PSI GIANT MP4124 HYDRAULIC DRIVE VIA AUTO TRANS PTO HEAVY DUTY SPRING RETRACT HOSE REEL WITH 1/2" X 100' HOSE CURBSIDE MOUNTING PLATE FOR HX CONTROLS UPGRADE WATER ON/OFF VALVE TO 1/2" IN LIEU OF 3/8" AIR PURGE SYSTEM -PUMP, REGULATOR, HOSE REEL BURNER SYSTEM -MOUNTS ONLY 1/2" HX LANCE WITH RIPSAW NOZZLE BOOM OPTIONS E300B TUBE IN TUBE BOOM - EXTENDABLE-14' -18' REACH FROM CENTER OF TRUCK E321A E323 E324 STD G2B G6 G16 G312B G340A G330B STD STD STD HOA H1 UPGRADE TO REINFORCED BOOM ELBOW (TUBE-IN-TUBE STYLE ONLY) 3" CLEANOUT DOOR ON BACK OF BOOM CANNON BOOM DOCKING PORT CONTROLS, GAUGES, ACCESSORIES OPTIONS BLOWER TACHOMETER DM430 DISPLAY MOUNTED ON SIDE CONTROL PANEL, SAFETY SYSTEM INCLUDES WATER PUMP ENGAGE SWITCH WATER LEVEL, LOW WATER SHUT DOWN, WATER PUMP FLOW AND HOURS ENGINE/ PUMP OVER SPEED SHUT DOWN, LOW PTO OIL PRESSURE INTERLOCK WATER TEMPERATURE SENSOR WITH SHUT DOWN BLOWER TEMPERATURE GAUGE WIRED TO VACUUM RELIEF BOOM UP LIGHT & ALARM IN CAB AARCOMM WIRELESS REMOTE WITH BOOM, VACUUM AND WATER FUNCTIONS 25' GROUNDING CABLE 16" X 20" STAINLESS CONTROL BOX WITH WINDOW ON CURBSIDE LIGHTING TRUCK-LITE LED STOP, TURN, AND TAIL LIGHTS TRUCK-LITE LED RUNNING (MARKER) LIGHTS UPGRADE STOP/TAIL/TURN LIGHTS TO LED UPGRADE STOP/TAIL/TURN LIGHT BOX TO POLISHED STAINLESS STEEL ONE STROBE LIGHT FRONT -WHELEN L 10 SUPER LED STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD HIGHLY RECOMMENDED 1 HIGHLY RECOMMENDED 1 1 HIGHLY RECOMMENDED 1 REQUIRES J303 1 1 STANDARD REQUIRES G302 OR G312 1 1 1 1 REQUIRES E300 STANDARD REQUIRES G330B 1 INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED 1 1 1 HIGHLY RECOMMENDED 1 1 STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD 1 Dec. 17, 2019 Item #12 Page 7 of 11 H2 H5C H6C H15 H22 I300B I8C-CS I8C-DS 114 119 STD STD STD STD STD STD J300 J303A J4A J16D STD STD K6 K9 K13 K14 M3 M29C M11 M334 M35 M37 ONE STROBE LIGHT REAR -WHELEN L 10 SUPER LED (2) BOOM WORK LIGHTS-HIGH INTENSITY HELLA PB1500 LED WORK LIGHTS (PN: LHT022406\ (2) REAR WORK LIGHTS -HIGH INTENSITY HELL PB1500 LED WORK LIGHTS (PN: LHT022406l WHELEN ION SUPER LED FLASHERS -16 LIGHT HEADS REAR ARROW LIGHT -LED 44" WIDE STORAGE OPTIONS TWO FOLD-DOWN TUBE TRAYS INCLUDES SUBFRAME (J302), WASH OUT HOLES, STAINLESS MUD FLAPS AND WHEEL CHOOCKS & HOLDERS ON EACH SIDE 30" TOOL BOX -STAINLESS STEEL, 30" WIDE X 24" HIGH X 24" DEEP, CURBSIDE 30" TOOL BOX -STAINLESS STEEL, 30" WIDE X 24" HIGH X 24" DEEP, DRIVER'S SIDE TRAFFIC CONE HOLDER ON DRIVER'S SIDE 25' HOSE RACK CHASSIS OPTIONS INSTALLATION AND INTEGRATION OF BODY ONTO CHASSIS DOT LIGHTING/ FENDERS/ MUD FLAPS/ TAILGATE SAFETY PROP, ICC LIGHTS BODY SAFETY PROP 60 GALLON HYDRAULIC OIL TANK REAR BUMPER TRIANGLE KIT, FIRE EXTINGUISHER, BACKUP ALARM OMSI TRANSFER CASE WITH TOP DISCONNECT ADD TWO HYDRAULIC OIL COOLERS TO CIRCUIT TOW HOOKS -REAR -HEAVY DUTY -WELDED 3/4" WELDED PINTLE PLATE WITH DUAL GUSSETS AND REMOVABLE REAR STEP BUMPER PAINT OPTIONS PAINT BODY WHITE FLEET FINISH CONSPICUITY REFLECTIVE TAPE PAINT FRAME ANY COLOR OTHER THAN BLACK PAINT PARTS ANY COLOR OTHER THAN BLACK PAINT BOOM ANY COLOR OTHER THAN BLACK MISCELLANEOUS OPTIONS FILL HOSE 25' X 2 1/2" THREE CAMERA -BACK-UP CAMERA SYSTEM WITH 7" COLOR MONITOR -INCLUDES REAR AND SIDES. SIDES TO ACTIVATE WITH TURN SIGNALS -(1) TV-505A AND (2) PC- HYDRAULIC TOOL CIRCUIT WITH 50' X 1/2" HOSE REEL HEAVY DUTY ALUMINUM HX TUBE, 8" X 5' X 0.090" WALL WITH PRESSED IN STEEL ENDS 8" TUBE CLAMP, EACH HEAVY DUTY ALUMINUM HX TUBE, 8" X 5' X 0.090" WALL WITH PRESSED IN STEEL ENDS AND SOFT TIP END ONE PAPER OPERATOR'S MANUAL ADDITIONAL PAPER OPERATOR'S MANUAL CD-ROM OPERATOR'S MANUAL ONSITE FACTORY TRAINING (1 DAY) CUSTOM OPTIONS 1 1 1 1 1 1 INCLUDED 1 1 INCLUDES CONES 1 1 STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD REQUIRED 1 REQUIRES J16 1 1 STANDARD STANDARD 1 REQUIRES PAINT CODE# 1 REQUIRES PAINT CODE# 1 REQUIRES PAINT CODE# 1 1 1 1 5 6 1 STANDARD 1 1 STANDARD Dec. 17, 2019 Item #12 Page 8 of 11 TAILGAT.E LL INDICATOR TO HAVE SS 1/2'.' ROD INSIDE TAILGATE 1 STANDARD -8" TO 6" RINGLOCK REDUCER 1 STANDARD -6" IN-LINE SAFETY VACUUM BREAK TEE 1 SALES TAX@ 7.75% = $34,216.00 1 SALES TAX IS INCLUDED IN FINAL PRICE OF $475,711.67 1 Dec. 17, 2019 Item #12 Page 9 of 11 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. GapVax Incorporated Terms and Conditions of Sale ORDERS. Aili orders are subjed to acc.eptanee by an officer of Gap Vax Inc. Orders for products not regularly carried in stock or requking special engineering ,or manufacture are in every case subject to approval b'/ an officer of Gap\/ax.. PERFORMANCE. Gap Vax Inc. shall not be liable for failure to complete the contract in ,accordance >M!h its terms if failure is d'u:e to war.;;, strikes, fues, lloods, acciden!s, detit,s in transportation or other causes beyood its reasonable control. EXPERlt>. ENTAL WORK Work performed al customer's request such as sketches, drawings, design, lesling, fabrication am:! materials shall be charged at cumer1t rates. SKETCHES, ENGINEER! NG DRAWINGS, MODELS and all preparatOl"'J 'AIOrk created or furnished b'/ GapVax Inc. shall remaiTI its exclusive property; and no use of same shall be made, nor may ideas obtained therefrom be used, exc~t with th.e c onsen! of and on terms ace epta:ble to GapVax Inc. CANCELLATION. Order,;; regularly enle~ed cannot be canceled except upon terms that viii compensate GapVax lllC. for any lo.ss or damage sustained. SHIPMENT All proposals are based on continuous and uninterrupted delivery of the order upon completion, unless specifications dils!inctly stale other.vise. In the event that agreemerrt is reached for GapVax .Inc. to store completed items, they vlin: be immediatefy invoiced to-the customer and become due aoo payable. Storage shall be ail the risk of the customer and GapVax Inc. shall be liable on'ly tor ordi-r1ary care of the property. CUSTOMER'S PROPERTY. GapVax lllC. shall charge the customer al current rates, for handling and storing customers property (e.g. truck chassis) held tor more than thirl'j (30) da'JS after notification of availability for shipment. All customers property, or lhird party's property, I.hat is stored by Gap Vax Inc. is at the customer's or other party's risk. GapVax is not liable for any loss or damage thereto caused by fire, water, corrosion, .th.ef!, negligence, or any cause beyood its reasonable conlroL PRICES. All orders are subject to curTent prices in effect at the time of order acknowledgment F.O.B_ POINT. Unless othe'fwise. stated, all prices listed are F.O. B. point of manufacrure. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. TAXES. Unless specifically stated, prices listed do not indude Federal, Stale, City or other excise occupation, sales, use or similar taxes which are extra and are to be added at rates in -effect at time of shipment If federal Excise Taxes are inch;ded or fisted on I.he reverse side of this paper, the~ are stared at the ra es and regulations in effect al the lime this order is written, -and are subject to revision in accordance with rates and regulations in effect at "lime of shipment PRODUCT IMPRO\IEMENT. GapVax tnc. reserves the right to change manufacturing specifications and procedures 1Mthoul incurring any responsibility for modifying previously sh·pped products. MOUNTING PRICES. Mounting prices assumes oormal factory installation on a truck chassis suitable for !he unit p=hased. Re!ocalion of batteries; gas tanks, mufflers, air tan'ks, etc. will be an additional charge, billed at the standard factory labor rate. WARRANTY. GapVax Inc. warrants its products to be free from defects in material and workmanship, subject to the limitations and conditions .sel forth in its current published warranty but makes no warranty of merchantabilfty or fitness for any particular purpose. GapVax Inc_ does not assume liahil[ty for any loss of product, time or any direct, indirect, or consequential damage, ·Iosses or dela'/ or any nature 'Whatsoever. No warranty, express or implied, is made or authorized to be made and no obligation is assumed or autihorized to be assumed with respect to products of Gap Vax Inc. other than that set forth in the current, published warralll'j. It is to be under.;;tood that the acceptance th.is order is expressly conditioned upon 'JOUr acceptance of GapVa.x Inc. standard w ritten warranty tor the products sold hereunder Gap Vax Inc. hereby disc I aims any responsibility or nabi[ity tor any conseq:uenlial losses delays or dO'ATitime resul!i ng from orders hereunder the use of its products. GapVax does not and wm not warranty any tank coating or tank llning. This agreement shall be c,onstrued according to the laws of the state of Pennsylvania Our failure at anytime to exercise any right we may have under the agreement shaD not constitute a waiil/er ttiefeof oor prejudice oor right to enfOirce same thereafter. This order, including the above terms and conditions contains the comple,te and final agreement between the :parties hereto and no other agreement irn an'j way modifying any of said terms and conditions will be binding on us unles:s in writing and agreed t,o b'j authorized representative of thJs company. Dec. 17, 2019 Item #12 Page 11 of 11