HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 99-20; CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER LOT 10; FINAL REPORT OF PRECISE GRADING AND SITE IMPORVEMENTS OBSERVATIONS AND TESTING; 2001-05-25w S CHRISTIAN WHEELER ENGINEEKING FINAL REPORT OF PRECISE GRADING AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS OBSERVATIONS AND TESTING LOT 10 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER OWENS AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR: BUIE IRISH VENTURES do SMITH CONSULTING ARCHITECTS 12220 EL CAMINO REAL, SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92130 PREPARED BY: CHRISTIAN WHEELER ENGINEERING 4925 MERCURY STREET SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 4925 Mercury Street •4 San Diego, CA 92111 + 858-496-9760 + FAX 858-496-9758 Ip I CHRISTIAN WHEELER EN.GINEEftING May 25, 2001 Buie Irish Ventures CWE 199.620.12 do Smith Consulting Architects 12220 El Camino Real, Suite 200 San Diego, California 92130 Attention: Scott Cairns SUBJECT: FINAL REPORT OF PRECISE GRADING AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS OBSERVATIONS AND TESTING, BUILDING PADS, LOT 10 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER, OWENS AVENUE, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Reference: "Report of Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Office Park, Lot 10 Carlsbad Airport Center, Owens Avenue, Carlsbad, California," Report No. 199.620.1R, by Christian Wheeler Engineering, dated August 22, 2000 Ladies/Gentlemen, In accordance with your request, and with the requirements of Section 1701.5.13 of the Uniform Building Code, Christian Wheeler Engineering has prepared this report to summarize our observations of the earthwork operations at the subject site, and to present the results of field and laboratory tests performed during the site development. The observation and testing services addressed by this report were coordinated by Mr. Dan Crouch of Lusardi Construction Company, and were provided during the period of November 9, 2000 through May 17, 2001. INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION SITE DESCRIPTION: The subject site is an irregular shaped parcel located at the southwest terminus of Owens Avenue in Carlsbad, California. The site is bounded on the north a east by developed commercial properties, on the west by a natural canyon, and on the south by Palomar Airport Road. Prior to ihe earthwork addressed by this report, the site had been rough-graded, with an ascending slope to the north, a descending slope to the south, and a relatively level surface, sheet- graded-to drain to the west. Soils encountered during the earthwork were generally as anticipated in 4925 Mercury Street + San Diego, CA 92111 + 858-496 -9760 + FAX 858-496-9758 CWE199.620.12 May 25,2001 Page the referenced geotechnical report, with shallow silty and clayey sand fills underlain by dense to very dense silty sands of the DelMar Formation. The site supported a sparse growth of native grasses and weeds. PLAN REFERENCE: In order to augment our understanding of the designed configuration of the project, our firm was provided with an undated grading plan for the site prepared by JP Engineering, Inc., of San Diego California. The plan has been modified by our firm to show the approximate locations of our field tests, and is reproduced as Plate No. 1 of this report. SCOPE OF SERVICE Services provided by Christian Wheeler Engineering, Inc. during the course of the earthwork consisted of the following: Periodic observation of the earthworking operations, Providing field recommendations for elements of the earthwork not specifically addressed by the referenced geotechnical report, Recording the approximate elevations and limits of significant geotechnical elements, Providing periodic observation and testing of the utility trench backfllls and structural-section preparations, Providing continuous observation and testing of the construction of the reinforced earth retaining walls and asphalt paving operations, Performance of laboratory maximum density and optimum moisture determinations, and water soluble sulfate content tests on the soils encountered in the earthwork, Preparation of this report. - SITE PREPARATION AND GRADING GRADING CONTRACTOR: The earthwork addressed by this report was performed by F.J. Willert contracting Co., Incorporate, of San Diego, California, Contractor's License No. 402473. The primary equipment utilized by the contractor in the work consisted of the following- 1 Caterpillar D6 crawler dozer 1 Caterpillar D8H crawler dozer 1 Caterpillar 633 self-elevating scraper CWE 199.62012 May 25, 2001 Page 3 1 - Fiat-Allis self-elevating scraper 1 4' X 4' sheeps foot roller 1 Caterpillarar 977L track-loader 1-1 Water truck SITE PREPARATION: Preparation of the site began with the clearing of vegetation from the areas of the site to be graded. Materials generated by the clearing operations were stockpiled onsite for future removal. The area of the building to be constructed on Lot 5 was then excavated to at least four feet below the finish-grade elevation in order to remove clayey soils that had been identified near the existing surface of the pad. The horizontal extent of the excavation extended to typically five feet beyond the perimeter of the proposed Lot 5 building. The excavated soils were combined with non-detrimentally expansive soils obtained from other onsite cuts, and were used to construct shallow fills on other areas of the site, or stockpiled for future use as baclthll. Prior to the placement of fill, the floor of the excavated area, and the surface of other areas on the site to receive fill, were scarified to shallow depths, watered to near optimum moisture content, and compacted. Fill soils, taken from onsite cuts, were then placed in thin lifts, watered to at least optimum conditions, and were compacted in place by rolling with the sheeps foot roller or heavy construction equipment. REINFORCED EARTH RETAINING WALLS: The reinforced earth retaining walls were constructed by Soil Retention Systems of Oceanside, California, State Contractor's License No. 516900. The walls, wall subdrains, geogrid reinforcement, and compacted backfllls were constructed using effective methods, and in substantial conformance with the approved plans. UNDERGROUND UTILITY TRENCHES: The underground utility trenches were backfilled by the various sub-contractors of Lusardi Construction Company. The trenches were typically backfllled using the native soils, and the backfllls were compacted using backhoe mounted sheepfoot rollers and reciprocating compactors. PARKING AND DRIVEWAY IMPROVEMENTS: Subgrade, aggregate base, and asphaltic concrete courses in the parking and driveway areas were prepared by Marathon General Paving. Prior to the application of the aggregate base course, the native subgrade soils were prepared by pre- watering to attain uniform moisture contents and densification using vibratory rollers. Localized areas of the subgrade coixrse were found to be yielding to wheel loads after the compactive effort had been applied. The yielding areas were excavated to typically 12 inches below the subgrade elevations, CWE 199.620.12 May 25, 2001 Page 4 and the subgrade was reconstructed using the imported aggregate base materials. The subgrade soils were observed to be stable prior to the placement of the overlying aggregate base course. FIELD AND LABORATORY TESTING FIELD TESTS: Field tests to measure the relative compaction of the fills were conducted in accordance with ASTM Test Designation D 2922-91; "Standard Test Methods for Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods." The compaction of the asphaltic concrete pavement was measured by "Test Method for Density of Bituminous Concrete in Place by Nuclear Method," ASTM D 2950-91. The locations of the field tests were selected by our technician in areas discerned to exhibit relative compaction that was generally representative of that attained in the fills, backfills, subgrade and base courses, and asphaltic concrete courses. The results and approximate locations of the field tests are shown on the attached plate Nos. 2 through 7. LABORATORY TESTS: The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of the predominate soils encountered in the earthwork and the imported aggregate base materials were performed in our laboratory by ASTM Test Designation D 1557-91, "Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort." The tests were conducted in accordance with the methodology prescribed for the grain-size distribution of the soils tested. The results of these tests are presented on the attached Plate No. 7. The sulfate content of the foundation soil on each building pad was conducted in accordance with CALTRANS method 417, "Method for Testing Soils and Waters for Sulfate Content." The results of the sulfate tests are presented on the following table: LOT NUMBER SOLUBLE SULFATE % 1 0.057 2 0.093 3 0.117* 4 0.054 5 0.063 Re-sample of No 3 0.159 * Re-sample of No 3 0.180 * * Soluble sulfate levels greater than 0.099% are considered potentially reactive with normal porthnd cement concrete. It is our understanding that concrete mixes designed for resistance to sulfates were used in the foundation of Lot no. 3. CWEI99.620.12 May 25,2001 Page 5 The maximum theoretical density of the asphaltic concrete was determined in accordance with "Standard Test Method for Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixtures Using Marshall Apparatus," ASTM D 1559-89. The results of the laboratory test is presented on Plate No. 7. CONCLUSIONS GENERAL: It is the opinion of Christian Wheeler Engineering that the earthwork and site improvements addressed by this report were performed substantially in accordance with the recommendations presented in the referenced geotechnical report, the City of Carlsbad grading requirements and the Uniform Building Code. This opinion is based upon our observations of the earthwork operations, the results of the density tests taken in the field, and the results of the tests performed in our laboratory. It is our further opinion that the site is suitable for the proposed construction. FOUNDATION OBSERVATION The foundation excavations for the reinforced earth retaining walls and office buildings were observed by our representative prior to the placement of concrete. The foundation soil conditions were found to be as anticipated and considered suitable for the support of 3000 psf. The dimensions and reinforcing in the footings were observed to meet or exceed the minimum recommendations presented in the referenced report. LIMITATIONS The descriptions, conclusions and opinions presented in this report pertain only to the work performed on the subject site during the period from November 9, 2000 to May 17, 2001. As limited by the scope of the services which we agreed to perform, the conclusions and opinions presented herein are based upon our observations of the work and the results of our laboratory and field tests. Our services were performed in accordance with the currently accepted standad of practice in the region in which the earthwork was performed, and in such a manner as to provide a reasonable measure of the compliance of the described work with applicable codes and specifications. With the submittal of this report, no warranty, express or implied, is given or intended with respect to the services performed by our firm, and our performance of those services should not be construed to relieve the grading contractor of his responsibility to perform his work to the standards required by the applicable building codes and project specifications. CWE 199.620.12 May 25, 2001 Page 6 Christian Wheeler Engineering sincerely appreciates the opportunity to provide professional service on this project. If you should have any questions after reviewing this report, please do not hesitate to contact our firm. Respectfully submitted, CHRISTIAN WHEELER ENGINEERING Charles H. Christian, R.G.E. 00215 CHC/DH: dli cc: (2) Submitted (4) Lusardi Construction, Attn.: Dan Crouch 1570 Linda Vista Drive San Marcos, CA 92069 SUMMARY OF TESTS Project:, Lot 10, Carlsbad Tract No. 99-2 J Earthwork and Site Improvements im EAR. HWOtRK M", 111~~KXW.ANKAKI " ç Test No. Date 1 Location Elev. (feet)* Dry Density (pcf) Moisture (%) Soil Type % Rel. Comp. 1 11-13-00 Lot '. 187.5 '105.2 16.3 1 90.0 2 11-14-00 Lot 5 . 189.0 .106.1 13.6 .1 90.8 3 11-14-00 Lot 4. 188.0 110.0 12.4 1 94.1 4 11-14-00 Lot 189.0 105.3 -' 15.5 1 90.1 5 11-15-00 Lot 5 [ 189.7 FG 106.9 r 13.9 1 91.4 - 6 11-15-00 Lot 4 189.2 FG 106.0 14.0 1 '90.7 7 11-15-00 Lot 3 [ 190.2 FG 107.4 14.6 1 91.9 8 11-15-00 Lot . 190.7 FG 105.2 17.0 '1 90.0 9 11-15-00 Lot 1 191.2 FG 106.3 - 16.1 '1. 90.9 10 04-05-01 Lot 6 (parking area) 193.0 108.7 . 13.3 1 93.0 11 04-05-01 Lot 6 (parking area) 195.0 111.2 . 11.1 1 1 95.1 12 04-05-01 Lot 6 (parking area) 197.0 109.5 12.6 1 1 93.7 FG - Finish Grade -c I: Test No. Date Location 1. Elev. (feet)* ,Dry Density (pcf)_' Moisture (%) , -. Soil yp_omp. L Rel. WB 1 11-29-00 East Wall 196.0 - 105.2 . 17.2 .1 90.0 WB2 11-29-00 East Wall 200.0 105.3 18.3 11. 90.1 WB 3 11-29-00 East Wall 2020 105.5 . 16.7 'l 90.2 WB 4 11-29-00 East Wall 204.0 105.4 14.5 1' 90.2 WB 5 11-30-00 East Wall 200.0 109.2 16.1 1 93.4 WB 6 11-30-00 East Wall . 202.0 110.4 15.7 1 94.4 WB 7 11-30-00 East Wall 212.0 107.9 18.0 1 92.3 WB 8 11-30-00 East Wall 207.0 107.1 16.6 .1 91.6 WB 9 12-01-00 East Wall 212.0 108.8 16.5 1 93.1 WB 10 -12-01-00 East Wall -' 212.0 107.7 14.8' 1- 92.1 WB 11 12-04-00 West Wall 192.5 112.2 14.0 1 96.0 WB 12 12-04-00 West Wall 192.5 110.6 T 18.9 -. 1 94.6 WB 13 12-04-00 West Wall j 192.5 109.3 17.4 1 93.4 WB 14 12-05-00 West Wall T 195.5 111.3 17.3 1 - 95.2 WB 15 12-05-00 West Wall -• 195.5 110.0 16.6 . 1 - 94.1 WB 16 12-06-00 West Wall . 198.5 ' 113.0- 15.1 1 96.7 WB 17 12-06-00 West Wall - 198.5 112.0 17.4 1 -. 95.8 WB 18 12-06-00 f ' West Wall 198.5 108.9 15.9 1 - 93.2 ,WB 19 ]_12-06-00 T ' West Wall 200.5 113.6 15.0 1 97.2 CWE 199.620.12, Plate 2 - . •-- : Test No. Date Location Elev. (feet* Dry Density Jpcf Moistur~~T (%) Soil pe % Re!. Comp. WB 2O 12-06-00 West Wall 200.5 107.0 17.4 1 91.5 WB 2I 12-06-00 West Wall 202.5 108.9 15.9 1 93.2 WB 22 12-06-00 West Wall 203.0 113.1 15.7 1 96.7 WB 23 12-07-00 West Wall 204.0 113.0 15.6 1 96.7 WB 24 12-07-00 West Wall 206.0 110.1 18.1 1 94.2 WB 25 12-08-00 West Wall 206.0 110.0 14.6 1 94.1 WB 26 112-08-00 West Wall 206.0 108.4 13.3 1 95.6 WB 27 12-08-00 West Wall 198.0 111.8 16.3 1 95.6 WE 28 12-08-00 West Wall 190.0 109.8 15.2 1 93.9 SL 1 12-05-00 Slope, East Wall 203.0 108.9 15.6 1 93.2 SL 12-05-00 Slope, East Wall 216.0 110.1 17.2 1 94.2 SL 12-05-00 Slope, East Wall 220.0 106.8 15.0 1 91.4 SL 12-05-00 Slope, East Wall 1 209.0 106.8 1 17.4 1 91.4. SL 5 12-07-00 Slope, East Wall 205.0 110.9 13.2 1 94.9 SL 12-07-00 Slope, East Wall 210.0 105.1 11.9 1 89.9 SL 12-07-00 Slope, East Wall 212.0 98.8 13.7 1 84.5 SL 8 12-07-00 Slope, East Wall 206.0 110.5 13.8 1 94.5 SL 9 12-07-00 Re-test of SL 6 210.0 106.2 14.3 1 1 90.8 SL 10 J 12-07-00 Re-test of SL 212.0 107.1 15.2 1 1 91.6 Test No. Date Location Elev. (feet)* Dry Density (pcf) Moisture (%) Soil Type % Re!. Comp. S1 12-29-00 East of Lot 185.5 107.7 14.3 1 92.1 S2 12-29-00 Eastof Lot1 187.0 113.9 12.4 1 97.4 S3 12-29-00 Eastof Lot1 184.0 106.2 18.1 1 90.8 S4 01-03-01 Eastof Lot5 187.0 105.2 13.0 1 90.0 S5 01-03-01 Eastof Lot5 189.0 106.7 1 10.8 1 91.3 56 02-09-01 North of Lot 11189.0 110.9 16.3 1 94.9 Test No. Date Location Elev. (feet)* Dry Density (pcf) Moisture (%) Soil Type % Re!. Comp. WI 01-08-01 Main Drive 204.0 109.712.1 1 93.8 W2 01-08-01 Main Drive 193.5 107.0 13.4 1 91.5 -W3 02-05-01 Owens Avenue 204.0 130.7 6.1 3 95.3 W4 03-26-01 West of Lot 3 189.0 1108.5 14.2 1 92.8 -W5 03-26-01 West of Lot 3 189.0 106.3 11.8 1 90.9 W 6 04-13-01 Lot 6 Area, Irrigation 192.0 - 07.3 14.2 2 94.6 W 7 04-13-01 Lot 6 Area, Irrigation 194.0 105.7 12.6 2 93.2 W 8 .04-13-01 Lot 6 Area, Irrigation 197.0 107.1 15.4 2 94.4 W 9 1 04-13-01 Lot 6 Area, Irrigation 202.0 103.8 j 15.0 2 -.91.5 CWE 199.620.12 Plate 3 FAR A, "IN WHOM Test No. Date Location. - Elev. (feet)* Dry Density (pci) Moisture (%) Soil Type % Rel. Comp. CG 1 04-12-01 See Plate No. I Subgrade 109.6 15.0 1 93.8 CG' 04-17-01 " Cc CC 106.0 16.1 1 90.7 CG 3 04-12-01 CC " " 105.7 144 1 90.4 CG 4 04-12-01 cc " 106.6 147 1 91.2., CG 5 04-12-01 " '. " " 1 105.9 19.5 1 90.6 CG 6 '04-17-01 " cc cc 110.5 20.3 1 94.5 CG 7 04-19-01 CC CC cc CC 109.8 I 15.4 1 93.9 CG 8 04-12-01 " ' cc " " . 109.6 13.9 1 93.8 CG 9 04-12-01 CC CC "' 105.8 '12.7 1 90.5 CG 10 04-12-01 CC CC CC CC 105.4 14.6 1 90.2 CG 11 04-12-01 CC . CC CC CC 106.5 15 0 1 91.1 CG 12 04-17-01 CC CC CC CC 107.7 20.5 1 92.1 CG 13 04-17-01 CC , CC CC CC 107 20.4. 1 91.7 CG 14 04-12-01 CC CC CC CC 1120 18.1 1 95.8 CG 15 04-12-01 CC CC CC CC 1118 144 1 '95.6 CG 16 04-17-01 CC CC CC CC 1089 - I 187 ' 1 93.2 CG 17 04-12-01 CC CC CC CC 106.9 13.4 1 91.4 CG 18 04-12-01' CC CC CC CC 1129 150 1 965 CG 19 04-12-01 CC CC CC CC 9 17-7 - 1 `95.7 CG 20 04-17-01 - CC CC CC CC 114.1 111 97.6 CG 21 04-17-01 CC CC CC CC 105.5 - 16.5 cj 1 90.2 CG 22 04-1-01 CC CC CC CC 107.3 184 '1 91.8 CG 23 04-17-01 CC CC CC CC 1054 17.2 1 90.2 CG 24 1 04-12-01 CC CC CC CC 107.8 16.3 f 92.2 Dry Test Date Location - Elev. Density Moisture Soil % Rel. No. (feet)* (pci) (%) Type Comp. W10 04-16-01 Lot 3 [ 185.0 106.2 134 2 93.7 W 11 04-16-01 Lot 3 185.0 105.3 15.4 2 .92.9 Test No. Date * . ' .. Location .' Elev. (feet)* Dry Density (pci) Moisture " (%) Soil Type % Rel. Comp. SD 1 12-04-01 See Plate No. 1 187.0 108.3 19.5 1 92.6 SD 2 12-04-01 CC 187.0 106.8 19.1 1 91.4. SD ' 12-04-01 ' CC CC Subgrade ' 111.2' 17.3 1 95.1 SD 4 12-04-01 CC CC J_ Subgrade 106.2 19.7 1 90.8 SD 5 12-05-01 , CC Subgrade 106.2 .16.8 1 90.8' SD 6 1"-05-01 CC CC Subgrade 106.0 13.7 Y 1 ' 90.7 SD 7 12-05-01 CC CC Subgrade 110.1 16.6' 1 -.94.2 - - . - - • CW.E 199.620.12 ' ,• ' -- ' Plate 4 Test No. Date Location Elev. (feet)* Dry Density (pcf) Moisture (%) Soil Type % Rel. Comp. SD 8 12-05-01 See Plate No. 1 Subgrade 109.0 13.7 1 93.2 SD 9 12-05-01 Subgrade 108.6 14.3 j 1 92.9 SD 10 12-05-01 Subgrade 109.2 16.4 1 93.4 SD 11 12-07-01 " 1890 1080 148 1 924 SD 12 12-07-01 " 201.0 111.0 13.0 1 95.0 SD 13 T 12-07-01 cc " I 193.0 109.7 12.0 1 93.8 SD 14 12-28-01 cc 49______________ T 185.0 107.3 11.2 1 91.8 SD 15 12-28-01 ________ 187.5 105.4 9.9 1 90' SD 6 12-98-01 cc 189.5 108.0 6.7 1 92.4 SD 17 04-16-01 "cc 1850 1075 125 2 948 SD 18 04-16-01 cc cc _______ 188.0 105.8- 13.2 2 93.3 SD 19 04-16-01 cc 187.0 108.2 15.1 2 95.4 cc cc 190.0 108.8 12.7 - 2 95.9 Test No. Date Location Elev. (feet) * Dry Density (pci) Moisture (%) Soil Type % Re!. Comp. JT1 03-15-01 Main Drive,S/W of Owens 198.5 104.0 17.8 1 89.0 JT2 0345-01 MainDrive,S/W of Owens 204.5 }_105.7 12.1 1 90.4 IT 3 03-15-01 Re-test ofJT1 198.5 I 105.6 15.4 1 I 90.3 JT4 03-16-01 Main Drive, S/W of Owens 195.0 106.6 12.9 1 91.2 JTS 03-21-01 Southof East Retaining Wall 206.0 107.1 15.2 1 91.6 JT6 03-21-01 Southof East Retaining Wall 199.0 109.3 13.4 1 93.5 IT 03-21-01 South of East Retaining Wall 193.0 106.9 16.7 1 1_91.4 JT8 03-21-01 South of East Retaining Wall . 190.0 107.5 15.1 1 1 92.0 JT9 03-28-01 South of West Retaining Wall 190.0 105.9 14.6 1 90.6 JT 10 03-28-01 South of West Retaining Wall 190.0 I 108.8 15.9 1 93.1 T11 03-28-01 South of West Retaining Wall 189.0 1 107.3 13.7 1 91.8 JT 12 03-29-01 West of Bldg. 3 188.0 106.7 12.2 1 91.3 JT 13 03-30-01 West of Bldg. 4 188.0 110.2 15.2 [ 1 j 94.3 JT 14 04-03-01 North of Bldg. 1 189.0 107.8 16.2 [ 1 J 92.2 JT 15 04-03-01 North of Bldg. 1 189.0 106.1 14.8 1 90.8 JT 16 04-03-01 North of Bldg. 1 189.0 108.4r 13.5 1 92.7 JT 17 04-03-01 North of Bldg. 1 189.0 106.5 ]_14.4 1 91.1 JT 18 04-04-01 Westof Bldg3 186.0 109.4 15.3 1 93.6 JT 19 04-04-01 {_West of Bldg 3 [ 187.0 110.1 j 12.8 J 1 94.2 Dry Test Date Location Elev. Density Moisture Soil % Re!. No. (feet)* (pci) (%) Type Comp. SW SW _05-07-00 Adjacent to Lot 1 _Subgrade _105.6 I_12.8 }_2 _-.93.1 CWE 199.620.12 Plate 5 Test No. Date Location Elev. (feet* Dry Density (pcf Moisture (%) Soil Type % Rel. Comp. SW 2 05-07-00 Adjacent to Lot 2 Subgrade 103.4 13.7 2 91.2 SW 3 05-07-01 Adjacent to Lot 3 Subgrade 103.9 15.0 - 2 91.6 SW 4 05-07-01 Adjacent to Lot 4 Subgrade 106.3 12.5 2 93.7 SW 5 05-07-01 Adjacent to Lot 5 Subgrade 104.2 14.2 2 91.2 SW 6 05-07-01 Adjacent to Lot 2/3 Subgrade 108.8 11.9 2 95.9 Test No. Date Location Elev. (feet)* Dry Density (pcf) Moisture (%) Soil Type % Rel. Comp. SG 1 05-07-01 See Plate No. I Subgrade 110.2 13.3 2 97.2 SG 2 05-07-01 C' cc Subgrade 108.5 1 14.1 2 95.7 SG 3 05-07-01 " cc Subgrade 109.3 11.8 2 96.4 SG 4 05-07-01 "cc Subgrade 109.7 13.6 2 96.7 SG 5 05-07-01 " cc Subgrade 111.0 14.1 2 97.9 SG 6 05-07-01 " " Subgrade 110.4 13.0 2 1 97.4 SG 7 05-07-01 cc cc ______________ Subgrade 109.6 14.3 2 96.6 SG 8 05-07-01 Subgrade 1 108.9 13.9 2 1 96.0 : EJ &I &3iii Test No. Date Location Elev. (feet) * Dry Density (pcf) Moisture (%) Soil Type % Rel. Comp. B 1 02-15-01 Owens Ave. Water Tie-in Base 133.7 7.3 Bi 97.4 B2 02-16-01 Owens Ave. Water Tie-in CC CC 131.4 8.6 BI 95.8 -B3 02-16-01 Owens Ave. Water Tie-in " " 133.8 6.9 Bi 97.5 B 4 02-16-01 Owens Ave. Water Tie-in " " 133.0 J 7.2 BI 96.9 B 5 03-01-01 Lot 3 Water Tie-in " " 132.5 7.8 Bi 96.6 B 6 03-01-01 Lot 3 Water Tie-in " " 132.1 8.0 BI 96.2 B 7 03-01-01 Lot 3 Water Tie-in cc cc _____ 36.2 6.9 BI 99.3 B 8 05-10-01 See Plate No. 1 cc cc 115.4 13.2 B2 96.7 B9 05-10-01 CC CC CC CC 116.7 11.9 B7 97.8 B 10 05-10-01 CC CC CC CC 1145 T 12.3 B2 960 B 11 05-10-01 CC CC CC CC 117.3 13.7 B2 98.3 B 12 05-10-01 CC CC CC CC 1166 13.0 B2 97.7 B 13 05-10-01 CC CC CC 117.1 15.0 B2 98 B 14 05-10-01 CC CC CC CC 1170 141 B2 98.1 B 15 05-10-01 cc " cc CC 115.2 147 B7 96.6 B 16 05-17-01 "cc " " 1147 13.5 B9 96.1 B 17 05-17-01 " " cc CC 1149 12.9 B9 96.3 B 18 05-17-01 cc CC j_CC CC 116.2 14.0 B2 97.4 CWEI99.620.12 Plate 6 Test No. Date Location Elev. (feet) * Density (pcf) Sample No. % Rel. Comp. AC 1 [ 05-11-01 See Plate No. 1 F S 140.9 AC 1 99.2 AC 2 05-11-01 CC CC " 138.8 AC 1 97.7 AC 3 05-11-01 CC cc CC 139.6 AC 1 98' AC 4 05-11-01 cc cc _________________ cc ___ 139.5 AC 1 98.2 AC 5 05-11-01 cc 138.5 AC 1 97.5 AC 6 05-11-01 cc cc CC 139.8 AC 1 98.4 AC 7 05-11-01 cc 'C " 137.9 AC 1 97.0 AC 8 05-11-01 cc CC cc 139.0 AC 1 97.8 AC 9 05-11-01 " CC 135.3 AC 1 95.2 AC 10 1 05-14-01 CC CC CC 138.6 AC 1 97.5 AC 11 05-14-01 CC CC CC 137.2 AC 1 96.6 AC 12 05-14-01 " 'C CC 135.8 AC 1 95.6 AC 13 05-14-01 CC CC CC 138.8 AC 1 97.7 AC 14 CC CC " 138.3 AC 1 97.3 AC 15 05-14-01 cc CC cc 138.7 AC 1 97.6 AC 16 05-14-01 CC CC CC 136.3 AC 1 95.9 AC 17 05-14-01 CC CC CC 138.1 AC 1 97.2 AC 18 05-14-01 T CC CC CC 140.0 AC 1 98.5 AC 19 1 05-14-01 CC CC CC 139.4 AC 1 98.1 FS - Firished Surface Maximum Soil USCS Optimum Dry Type Description Class. Moisture Density - (%) (pcf) 1 Light brown, silty fine SAND SM 12.6 116.9 2 Tan, slightly clayey, silty fine SAND SM 13.5 113.4 B1 Gray sandy GRAVEL / Aggregate Base GW 7.5 1 137.2 EB Gray sandy GRAVEL / Recycled Aggregate Base GW 10.8 1 119.3 r 142.lpcf CWE 199.620.12 Plate 7