HomeMy WebLinkAbout1212 OAK AVE; ; CB091465; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday AV Ca 1sad, CA 92008 11-10-2009 - Residential Permit Permit No: CB091465 Building Inspection Request Line (760)602-2725 Job Address: 1212 OAK AV CBAD Permit Type: RESDNTL Sub Type: 2DU Status: ISSUED Parcel No: ' 1561804700 . Lot #: 0 ' Applied: 09/03/2009 Valuation: $182,198.00. Construction Type: NEW Entered By: JMA Occupancy Group: . Reference #: -. . Plan Approved: 10/07/2009 # Dwelling Units: 1 Structure Type: MF5+ . ' Issued: 10/07/2009 Bedrooms: 0 Bathrooms: 0 Inspect Area: Project Title: FISHBACH: & 1214//480SF REC RM . Orig PC#: NEXT TO EXIST. HOME//1340 SF DET. GARAGE W/ 640SF Plan Check # 2DU ' ABOVE//494SF ROOF DECK/i 60SF STAIR INTOWER Applicant: . ., -. . PAUL LONGTON . - -. BUSBY FAMILY TRUST10-26-01' , A~RSBAD Cj92008 760-722-4904 - . * Building Permit /" $948.05..) Meter Size,,, \ Add'l Building Permit Fee / $0.00' .Add'I Red. Water Con. Fee "'3 . - $0.00 Plan Check . / / $616.23 Meter Fee .. \ . \ - $0.00 Add'I Plan Check Feel / $0.00' SDCWA Fee , r \ $0.00 Plan Check Discount / / . $0.00 -_-.----.-CFD Pa9off Fee $0.00 Strong Motion Fee j - I . $1822PFF_(3105540) \$1,188.2 Park in Lieu Fee S j 4 $0.00 PFF(4305540) , $1,096.80 Park Fee $0.00 License Tax (3104193) 1 $0.00 LFM Fee I $0.00 [i'e Tax(4304193)JA $0.00 Bridge Fee . $000 '\ Traffic lmact Fee (3105541) 1 $1,590.00 Other Bridge Fee % l MOO Traffic Impact Feë'(4305541) J . I $0.00 BTD #2 Fee $0.00 Sidewalk Ee4\ i tl / I $0.00 BTD #3 Fee $0.00 \ PLUMBING TOTAL1JJ' / / $125.00 Renewal Fee 0.00 . ELECTRICALTOTALV / / $60.00 Add'l Renewal Fee \ $0.00 MECHANICAL TOTAL / / $46.00 Other Building Fee \ \ $0.00 H6tising lnpct Fee / / $0.00 HMP Fee \ $000046uinglnLieu Fee / / $0.00 Pot. Water Con. Fee \ . $000 Hoing Ciedit Fee / $0.00 Meter Size . Master Drainage Fee . $0.00 Addi Pot. W ter Con. Fee \ Red. Water Con. Fee $ $0.00 S(5wer Fee O ees 'AN '°• Green Bldg Stands (SB1473) Fee $4.00 STOTAL PERMFES' ATTACHED . $6,788.50 Total Fees: $6,788.50 Total Payments To Date.. at $6,788.50 Balance Due: . $0.00 FINAL APPROVAL .. - Inspector: I'fl Date: &v1 -( 10 Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. . You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any K S .A CQ9 Plan Check No ) 4 c Building Permit Application . 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA92008, Est. ValUe ('7Z &-' \I C IT Y 0 F 760-602-2717/2718/2719 Plan Ck.De rA Fix: 760 pOSit Z,57 CARL-S .DMLJ DMLJ www carlsbadca gov Date c ( o : JOB ADDRESS t•(4 C6k SUITES/SPACES/UNITS APN CT/PROJECTS LOTS - PHASES S OF UNITS S BEDROOMS S BATHROOMS TENANT BUSINESS NAME '- ' CONSTR. TYPE FOC , . GROUP. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Include Square Feet of Affected Area(s) , ' iWitjv f 4 ' . 'Rw,— +J .4 12. c G4D s EXISTING USE - PROPOSED USE . GARAGE (SF) PATIOS (SF) DECKS (SF) FIREPLACE AIR CONDITI ONING FIRE SPRINKLERS YES 0 II NOD YES 0 NOD YES 0 NOD CONTACT NAME, (if Different Fom Applicant) . ...' - APPLICANT NAME ADDRESS-.. . , . . Kin a te ADDRESS . S ii CITY ' STATE ZIP' PHONE - . CITY . . . STATE ZIP 1to_•rz_4o4.. FAX • -, lt_1.4flt PHONE ,. . FAX _____________________________ " • EMAIL . I , -, ''- L3 M EMAIL u PROPERTY 0 N R NAME ONTRACTOR . BUS. NAME . : •, ADDRESS' . . . .. I\ (OCLtk&,(J.. --'-S ADDRESS .. •. .',. '- S. " •' CITY . •., . . , STATE . J ,-. ZIP ' CITY . •, , STATE ZIP PHONE .........: •. . . . .' . FAX. •. - , PHONE . . ' FAX EMAIL EMAIL ARCH/DESIGNER NAME & ADDRESS , STATE tiIC. S STATE LIC.11 ... . , CLASS 'CITY BUS. UC.# (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to Construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any strucfure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of.the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, Commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code).or that.he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption.Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a Subjects the applicant to . c.- civil penalty of notmore than five hundred dollars ($500)).......... permit a . . .-.,. - Workers Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penally of perjur/ one of the following declarations: 0 .1 have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 ot the Labor Code, for the performance of the workfor which this permit is issued. O I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as (equired by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, tor,lhe performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Co. Policy No. -. -' ,Expiration Date ' This section need not be completed it the permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) or less 'Certificite of Exemption: I certify that in the performance 01 the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner.só as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars (&100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706,of the Labor code, interest and attorney's fees, CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE . ' ' . . •' ' DATE ., -• -' fl . I hereby affirm that lam euernpt from ContractOr's License'Law fOr lhb following reason: ' . . . . . S '. ' •' 0 .1, as owner of the properly or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does hot apply to an owner of property shho builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided thOl such improvements are not intended or offered for ale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale) ,;. I, as owner of the properly, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to 'construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions COde: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of " property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law), .0 ,-1 am exem'pt under Section ' . ' Business and Protessions Code for this reason: 1 I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction 01 the proposed property improvement 0 Yes 0 No 2 I (have have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work 3 I have contracted with the tollowing person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name address/phone! contractors license number) 4 I plan to provide portions ot the work butt have hired the tollowing person to coordinate supervise and provide the major work (include name/ address! phone/ contractors license number) 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the workindicated (include name / address / phone / type of work): - .PROPERTY OWNER StGNATURE ..' _- :DATE- - -S • - . :' - -,- - S . - I _ Ø .Jj1i ii 1; -' Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials reistrafon form or risk management .and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? 0 Yes 0 No Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air qulity management district? 0 Yes 0 No Is the facility lobe constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? 0 Yen 0 No IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT, BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS METSOR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work Uh sued (Sec. 3097 (i) Civil Code). Lender hI3me ' ' ,. : Lender's Address 'r-' r---:, , , •:,;---.-,' I certify that i have read the appltcatjon and state that the above information iscorrect and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply all City wthnancesand State Iaee ielatingto build tngconstruction. I hreby authorize representative of fIne City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. -. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required fo xcava var 50' dee emolition nstn.icfion of structures over 3sf odes in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by th Building Offici d e visions of this a shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within days from the date of such permit or e but ing or au ad by such permit suspended or abandoned at any time after the work ::nimenced for apenod of 160 days (Section 10644 Uniform Building Coda) I f City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 02/11/2010 Permit# CB091465 Inspector Assignment: MC Title: FISH BACH: & 121411480SF RECRM Description: NEXT TO EXIST. HOME//1340 SF DET. GARAGE W/ 640SF 2DU ABOVE//494SF ROOF DECKJI60SF STAIR IN TOWER Type: RESDNTL Sub Type: 2DU Phone: 7605806616 Job Address: 1212 OAK AV Suite: Lot: 0 Location: Inspector: APPLICANT PAUL LONGTON Owner: OAK AVE VENTURE L L C Remarks: Total Time: CD Description 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Requested By: CHARLIE WILSON Entered By: CHRISTINE Act Comments 4toL tZt- g 4 I .M (' ?d4X2o1Lt O L24Q Comments/Notices/Holds Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# CV01 0284 CLOSED TRSH,JNK IN YRDIDILAPIDATED HS; CV020343 CLOSED BLDG-NO PERMIT FOR RE-ROOF; CV020437 CLOSED CONSTRUCTION W/OUT A PERMIT; ELECTRICAL ADDITIONS PCR09145 ISSUED NEW TOWER TO CONNECT HOUSE; GARAGE PCR09163 ISSUED FOUNDATION REVISIONS; PCR09170 ISSUED DEFERRED TRUSS SUBMITTAL FOR; BOTH 1212 & 1214 (SECOND DWELLING UNIT Inspection History Date Description Act Insp Comments 02/04/2010 89 Final Combo CO MC COMPLETE PICK UP, NEED ENGINEERING SIGN OFF 02/03/2010 89 Final Combo PA MC SEE CHARLIE FOR PICK UP LIST. NEED FIRE & ENGINEERING SIGN - OFF. OK TO RELEASE GAS FOR 1214 01/14/2010 82 Drywall/Ext Lath/Gas Test AP MC BOTH 1212 AND 1214 COMPLETED 01/13/2010 16 Insulation AP MC 1212 ONLY - 01/13/2010 17 Interior Lath/Drywall PA MC 1ST LAYER AT GARAGE LIDS, INT LATH & DRYWALL AT 2ND UNIT - 1214 ONLY 01/13/2010 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall AP MC 1214 ONLY City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 12/09/2009 Permit# CB091465 Inspector Assignment: MC Title: FISHBACH: & 1214//480SF REC RM Description: NEXT TO EXIST. HOMEIII340 SF DET. GARAGE W/ 640SF 2DU ABOVE!/494SF ROOF DECK/I60SF STAIR IN TOWER Type: RESDNTL Sub Type: 2DU Phone: 7605806616 Job Address: 1212 OAK AV Suite: Lot: 0 Location: Inspector: APPLICANT PAUL LONGTON Owner: BUSBY FAMILY TRUST 10-26-01 Remarks: Total Time: Requested By: CHARLIE WILSON Entered By: CHRISTINE CD Description Act Comments 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers A? Ut'- 4 j%.PS / @vi OLL6 * Comments/Notices/Holds Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# CV01 0284 CLOSED TRSH,JNK IN YRD/DILAPIDATED HS; CV020343 CLOSED BLDG-NO PERMIT FOR RE-ROOF; CV020437 CLOSED CONSTRUCTION W/OUT A PERMIT; ELECTRICAL ADDITIONS PCR09145 ISSUED NEW TOWER TO CONNECT HOUSE; GARAGE PCR09163 ISSUED FOUNDATION REVISIONS; Inspection History Date Description Act Insp Comments 12/07/2009 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers NR MC RAIN 12/07/2009 98 BMP Inspection PA MC ON GOING 12/03/2009 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers WC MC 12/03/2009 21 Underground/Under Floor AP MC WASTE ONLY @ REC ROOM (1212) 12/03/2009 32 Const. Service/Agricultural AP MC 1214 OAK AV ONLY TSPB 12/02/2009 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PA MC REAR FOUNDATION WALL ONLY PER S5/121214 OAK 12/02/2009 12 Steel/Bond Beam PA MC 11/23/2009 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers CO MC 1ST COMPLETE ALL WORK 11/23/2009 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP MC 2ND STOP RECEIVED FORM CERT AND SOILS REPORT 11/20/2009 21 Underground/Under Floor AP MC WASTE ONLY NO P.O.C. r M City of Carisijad. . . .RECEIVLjJ Final Building Inspection FEB - 2 .2010 Planning CMWD St Lute Fire MCARLSBAD PARTMIENT Plan Check #: Dai 10.4 Permit #: CB091465 Permit Type: RESDNTL Project Name: FISHBACH: & 1214//480SF REC RM - Sub Type: 2DU NEXT TO EXIST. HOME//1340 SF DET. GARAGE W/ 640 .Address: 1212 OAK AV . . . Lot: 0 Contact Phone: Sewer Dist: . CA . . Water Dist: -CA Inspecte t3' d Date .. / ho By: / c 'f4 Inspected: 2'IJ Approved: Disapproved: Inpected Date 'By: -Inspected:. 2/#//O Approved: Disapproved: Inspected - - Date . By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: Comments: &/j //, /5( tJ1R7 NCZVJ m 66 C '0 - City of Carlsbad Final Building Inspection r.pla:n~:ng Dept: Building Engineerin MWD St Lite Fire Plan Check#: Date: 02/01/2010 Permit #: CB091465 Permit Type: RESDNTL Project Name: FISHBACH: & 1214//480SF REC RM Sub Type: 2DU NEXT TO EXIST. HOME//1340 SF DET. GARAGE W/ 640 Address: . 1212 OAK AV Lot: 0 Contact Person:cf_\\ Phone: 1 / * (_ (12 (o Sewer 01st: CA Water Dist: CA Inspeced . Date . . By: /41 InsPected./IL? Approved: Disapproved: Inspected Date ' By:. Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: Inspected Date . By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: Comments: (o9I4 TAYLOR GROUP, INC. DAILY FIELD REPORT PROJECT NAME: 12 2 O4/ Az& 0 PROJECT NUMBER: Oo I DATE: 7 .... BY: 4 TRAVEL TIME: From: T7/c MILEAGE: From: To: oO From: To: From: To: To: FIELD TIME: From: To: From: To: . TE CONTRACTOR(S)/SUBCONTRACTORS ON SITE: /1/7 f/I (tT,2,, I .4 A J 0 CONTRACTOR EQUIPMENT IN USE: TIME NOTES/DESCRIPTION OF WORK ___ OAIS, /6 A-c /7 u74) , • b-?? fl7-jC, /c/ o 0 i\Aj /,d7 C A 7AJT FL I '1A47//4 L 00 A A 6- A7l\ ullicA lesL/LhAJ (r A E( nA.4 AJA(i\, F 1iiJ(r< >kW )6 AT 771 tdi(77 4 7777/ 5/zcI J ¶/-6 Iwo 1/ (:f jLAvi SHEET j OF' TGI FIELD INSPECTOR 11429 pty BLDGCOR 15. I EX. WOOD I ni WOOD FRAME TO REMAIN I PAR 'I PARCEL 1 CA LU I I > 1- 16.09' -, /'ILi3FCUR / ihca._______________ j —110.24' : OAR G4R 118.81 118.83 - 9.27 -I I I icaR STAIR GAR 1 5 STAIR JJ P1 I - 10.25 __________ • : 1 ii896 118,82 N, gir t6,85 / 116.85 I C!JR BL DGC1JR 7j r., ,p F __ - I EX. WOOD WOOD FRAME TOREMAIN PARCEL 1 8.42'[- &AR 11821 GAR 11823 x STAIR 118.35 PARCEL 1 GAR IIRO ip _j 118.36 .41 118.82 11880 0 9, EX AC BERM AK AVENuE S - 4 EX. HOUSE PM 1057 PAR B EX. - GARAGE R) (C F / ---. -- -- --" 4' •-' Loan TAYLOR GROUP, INC DAILY FIELD REPORT PROJECT NAME: A 2 ()41;< ,41 j1c PROJECT NUMBER: 00 5, q DATE: I I 2O - O I BY: . (V TRAVEL TIME: From: To: X From: O 0 To: . MILEAGE: From: To: From: To: O M / ct FIELD TIME: From: To: FrOm: To: /.2 /LJ 5 CONTRACTOR(S)/SUBCONTRACTORS ON SITE: M. k- ('p. iZ 1 A , • CONTRACTOR EQUIPMENT IN USE: • TIME NOTES/DESCRIPTION OF WORK , v'77, O F ,x6Ay,4-77Jc e; -7- rno17,j z A'1 l0(i)j --7tJr //LL IA-1— / p ó&i(r 44E'1\ A F6 7T4Z-S k/726 7 Ci CTi/ /VZ • ç7777' 6f1/\17OJ 5f f/E7MJ //7cA • (2L4AL "• SHEET OF TGI FIELD INSPECTOR (Signatur an TA*LOR GROUP, INC. DAILY FIELD REPORT PROJECT NAME: 2 2 OAK ftf PROJECT NUMBER: ( OO DATE: - C BY: TRAVEL TIME: From: ooTo: From: To: -Pkl IL MILEAGE: From: To: From: To: FIELD TIME: From: <7 To: From: To: CONTRACTOR(S)/SUBCONTRACTORS ON SITE: A / I CONTRACTOR EQUIPMENT IN USE: TIME NOTES/DESCRIPTION OF WORK 0/001F ççRFOU -c7i) ôt Fx5TTi(r cu77YJ, FFrEt"Sf TIJ ___ 6XCA i,i,f77) 13T Cc,v1DE 7Y Fi i, fv\A:7 j-L pçF7 IM 4(E, ~ 3 FooTi,& 77e/)cc ,127 pc J3e j77 ___ ,c7j pL £577ô , 11 ~s 4 OA)Qll~~U 6A~: s pre jmo SHEET OF TGI FIELD - EsGi.I Corporation In(Partnership with Government for Building Safety DATE: SEPT. 28, 2009 : ICANT - JURIS. JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD U PLAN REVIEWER U FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 09-1465 / SET: II PROJECT ADDRESS: 1212 & 1214 OAK AVENUE PROJECT NAME: A 2-CAR &A 3-CAR Garage with Unit above & a Rec. Room The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. El The check list transmitted herewith is for your informatib. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. LI The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Paul Longton 2909 Mesa Dr., Oceanside',CA 92054 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed El Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Paul . . Telephone #: 1-760-722-4904. Date contacted (by: ) Fax #: 1-760-722-4903 Mail Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS:# 1): Show tempered glass in window # 1, on 2/A-3.0, within 5' of stairs. Sec. 2406. # 2): Show 20"x30" access panel for each building with pitched roof. By: AL! SADRE . . Enclosures: EsGil Corporation E GA LII MB II] EJ . LI] Pc 9/22 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation In Partnership with government forBui(ding Safety DATE: SEPT. 14, 2009 ANT JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD .• LI PLAN REVIEWER U FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 09-1465 SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1212&1214 OAK AVENUE PROJECT NAME: A 2-CAR &..A 3-CAR Garage .with Unit-above & a Rec. Room LI The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below, are resolved and checked by building department staff. LI The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and-resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Paul Longton 2909 Mesa Dr., Oceanside, CA 92054 Esgil Corporation staff did not dvise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Paul Telephone #: 1-760-722-4904 Date contacted: (b,&) Fax #: 1-760-722-4903 MaiIvTeIephone Fax VIn Person . LII REMARKS: .. . . By: ALl SADRE Enclosures: EsGil Corporation' Li GA [1 MB E EJ fl PC 9/8 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 CARLSBAD 09-1465 . SEPT. 14, 2009 : PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS AND DUPLEXES PLAN CHECK NO.: 09-1465 JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD PROJECT ADDRESS-- 1212 & 1214 OAK AVENUE FLOOR AREA: GARAGE= 1,340 LIVING AREA =640, Rec. Roo = 480 REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY. JURISDICTION: 9/3 DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: SEPT. 14, 2009 .-.STORIES: TWO HEIGHT 23'. . DATE PLANS RECEIVED. By ESGiL.COPORATION: 9/8 PLAN REVIEWER: ALl SADRE FOREWORD (PLEASE RE.AD): . .' This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the. InternatiOnal Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation-and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced. by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and .ordinance by. the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearahc fom thosO departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit... Present California law mandates that construction complywith 'the 2007 edition of the California Building Code (Title 24), which adopts the following model codes: 2006 IBC, 2006 UPC, 2006 UMC and 2005 NEC. The above regulations apply, regardless Of the•code editions adopted by ordinance. The following items listed need clarification, modification .or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the-cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 105.4 of the 2006 International Building Code, the approval (if the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet. number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the, revised plans. CARLSBAD 09-1465 SEPT. 14, 2009 . PLANS The following note should: be given with each correction list: Please make all corrections, as requested in the correction list. Submit three new complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: S Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculatiops/reportsdiréctly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Deiiartments.' Bring one corrected set of. plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, .9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858)560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department fçr routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete.. .. A reminder that the plans deviating, from conventional wood frame construction shall have the structural portions signed'and sealed by the California state licensed engineer or architect responsible for their preparation, along with structural calculations.. (California Business and Professions Code). - Please dimension the building set backs to the property lines on the cover sheet of plans as well as distance between buildings.- GENERAL RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTS Cross reference.a wall partitibnonJkor plans-with minimUm ST. 50 rating for the common wall between the rec. building and the adjacent SFR. Show tempered glass in window,#1', within 5' of stair, or their landings. Section 2406. . . . -. ROOFING. . . Show attic ventilation required and that provided for eacft building with 22"x30" access for each building ,on plans.. . GARAGE-- Cross reference the one hour rated floor assemblies between the garage and unit above as well as between the rec.,.building. and the adjacent SFR for the common wall Section 406.1-.3. CARLSBAD 09-1465 SEPT. 14, 2009 . STRUCTURAL 7. Provide a copy of the soils report for this project to Esgil for review. . MECHANICAL 8. Show the location of the washer/dryer hook up on floor plans for the unit above garage. • 9. Detail the dryer exhaust duct design from the dryer to the exterior. The maximum length is 14 feet with a maximum of two 90-degree elbows. CIVIC Section 504.3. . ELECTRICAL Show the size and location of all the electrical panels for all buildings under this permit. . MISCELLANEOUS To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. -The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact ALl SADRE at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. CARLSBAD 09-1465 SEPT. 14, 2009 [DO .NOTPAY— THIS-IS NOTANINVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD . PLAN CHECK NO.: 09-1465 PREPARED BY: AL! SADRE. DATE: SEPT. 14, 2009 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1212 &1214 OAK AVENUE BUILDING OCCUPANCY: R3/U/B TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VB BUILDING PORTION AREA (Sq. Ft.) Valuation Multiplier Reg. . Mod. VALUE ($) LIVING AREA 640 GARAGE •. 1340 REC ROOM . 480 Air Conditioning ' Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE 172,388 Jurisdiction Code ICB ' By Ordinance 63 Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance . ' . I $841.1 Plan Check Fee by Ordinance I . I $546.99 Type of Review: Complete Review ' Structural Only ' Li Repetitive Fee Li Other Repeats Li Hourly Hr. © * EsGil Fee $471 .261 Comments: , .4•• • 1. Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc + City of Carlsbad I Publ ic Works 4— - Engi neeri ng IIJgIiL BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DATE: PLANCHECK NO.: CB BUILDING ADDRESS: X PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 31114 !flAJ 3 6AX- CWIA6+~IAWR 2< ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: (57, -( V- £I(-'7 EST. VALUE:t7 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by. this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to build. DENIAL Please se the attached report of deficiencies marked wit 0. Yake necessary corrections to plans or specifi s for compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. B*1' Date: LI A Right-of-Way permit is required prior to construction of the following improvements: By: Date: By: Date: UrVK %JrruuRI. USE ONLY . ENGINEERING AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE BUILDING PERMIT/ Date: 54' /O) ATTACHMENTS LI Dedication Application/Checklist LI Encina Wastewater Sôreening Survey LI Encroachment Application/Checklist LI Final Map (Reference) U Grading Plan Application/Checklist LI Improvement Application/Checklist LI Neighborhood Improvement Agreement LI Right-of-Way Permit Submittal Checklist and Information Sheet Water Compliance Forms :WD9-27 o Other ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CONTACT PERSON Name: . Linda Ontiveros City of Carlsbad Address: 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA92008 Phone: (760) 602-2773 Fax: (760) 602-1052 Email: Llnda.Ontiveroscarlsbadca.gov CFD INFORMATION Reference No(s): M ' Lot No.: Recordation: 2v if q-1 Subdivision/ Carlsbad Tract: 1635 Faraday Avenue . Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-2720 • FAX (760) 602-8562 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST SITE PLAN 1ST ,2ND 3RD LJY 0 0 1. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: North Arrow F. Right-of-Way Width & Adjacent Streets Existing & Proposed Structures G. Driveway widths Existing Street Improvements H. Existing or proposed sewer lateral Property Lines I. Existing or proposed water service Easements J. Existing or proposed irrigation service 0 0 2. Show on site plan: A. Drainage Patterns Building pad surface drainage must maintain a minimum slope of one percent towards an adjoining street or an approved drainage course. ADD THE FOLLOWING NOTE: "Finish grade will provide a minimum positive drainage of 2% to swale 5' away from building." B. Existing & Proposed Slopes and Topography C. Size, type, location, alignment of existing or proposed sewer and water service (s) that serves the project. Each unit requires a separate service, however, second • dwelling units and apartment complexes are an exception. D. Sewer and water laterals should not be located within proposed driveways, per standards. • Di" 0 0 3. Include on title sheet: • A. Site address 0 Assessor's Parcel Number Legal Description For commercial/industrial buildings and tenant improvement projects, include: total building square footage with the square footage for each different use, existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufacturing, warehouse, office, etc.) previously approved. 0 EXISTING PERMIT NUMBER • DESCRIPTION 2 Rev. 2/02/09 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST ST 2ND 3RD DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE Project does not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of approval for Project No.______________________________ All cTónditions are in compliance. Date: DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS 5: Dedication for all street Rights-of-Way adjacent to the building site and any storm drain or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding $_17.000 , pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.030. Dedication required as follows: Dedication required. Please have a registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor prepare the appropriate legal description together with an 8 1/2fl x 11" plat map and submit with a title report. All easement documents must be approved and signed by owner(s) prior to issuance of Building Permit. Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the dedication process. Submit the completed application form with the required checklist . items and fees to the Engineering Department in person. Applications will not be accept by mail or fax. Dedication completed by: Date: IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS 0 0 0 6a. All needed public improvements upon and'adjacent to the building site must be constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $ 82,000 , pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.040. Public improvements required as follows: Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the public improvement requirements. A registered Civil Engineer must prepare the appropriate improvement plans and submit them together with the requirements on the attached checklist to the Engineering Department through a separate plan * check process. The completed application form and the requirements on the checklist must be submitted in person. Applications by mail or fax are not accepted. Improvement plans must be approved, appropriate securities posted - and fees paid prior to issuance of building permit.. Improvement Plans signed by: . Date: .. . Rev. 2/02/09 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 1ST 2ND 3RD IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS continued El El El Construction of the public improvements may be deferred pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40. Please submit a recent property title report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee of $441 so we may prepare the necessary Neighborhood Improvement Agreement. This agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the City prior to issuance of a Building permit. Future public improvements required as follows: El El El Enclosed please find your Neighborhood Improvement Agreement (NIA). Please return agreement signed and notarized to the Engineering Department. Completed by: Date: El El No Public Improvements required. SPECIAL NOTE: Damaged or defective improvements found adiacent to building site must be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Inspector prior to occupancy. - GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that invoke the need for a grading permit are found in Section 15.16.010 of the Municipal Code. El El El. Inadequate information available on Site Plan to make a determination. on grading - requirements. Include accurate grading quantities in cubic yards (cut, fill import, export). This information must be included on the plans. El El El Grading Permit required. A separate grading plan prepared by'a registered Civil Engineer must be submitted together with the completed application form attached. NOTE: The Grading Permit must be issued and rough grading approval obtained prior to issuance of a Building Permit. Grading Inspector sign off by: Date: - El El El Graded Pad Certification required. (Note: Pad certification may be required even if a grading permit is not required.) J El 7d .No Grading Permit required. - • El El El. - 7e. If grading is not required, write "No Grading" on plot plan. 0D BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 1ST 2" 00 - MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS 3R0 U RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT 8. A Right-of-Way permit is required to do work in City Right-of-Way and/or private work adjacent to the public Right-of-Way. Types of work include, but are not limited to: street improvements, tree trimming, driveway construction, tying into public storm drain, sewer and water utilities. To see requirements, visit our website: www.carlsbadca.gov/engineering Right-of-Way permit required for: INDUSTRIAL WASTE PERMIT 9. If your facility is located in the City of Carlsbad sewer service area, you need to contact the Carlsbad of Carlsbad, Development Services Division, located at 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008. City Staff can provide forms and assistance. You may telephone (760) 602-2750 for assistance - O 0 0 NPDES PERMIT 10. Complies with the City's requirements of the National. Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The applicant shall provide best management practices to reduce surface pollutants to an acceptable level prior to discharge to sensitive areas. Plans for such improvements shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of grading or building permit, whichever occurs first. /Fj STORM WATER COMPLIANCE 10a. I gires Project Storm Water Permit: PSP Z?tki Vri - (TieJ rier II (Requires SWPPP) - Please complete attached forms (~Q~'Nco threat - Please complete attached Storm Water. Exemption form Se E7 warE~+S ;; ADDITONAG JP17pi\J, O 0 DEVELOPMENT E S 11. 10 Required fees 0 More information needed •. - No fees required - • 'p. J. BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 2ND 3" WATER METER REVIEW U 0 12a. Domestic (potable) Use Ensure 'that the meter proposed by the owner/developer is not oversized. Oversized meters are inaccurate during low-flow conditions. If it is oversized, for the life of the meter, the City will not accurately bill the owner for the water used. ,., All single family dwelling units receive "standard" 1" service with 5/8" meter. All residential units that need to be fire sprinkled receive a 1" meter. See Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 17.04.230 for Automatic fire extinguishing systems criteria. If owner/developer proposes' a size other than the "standard", then ,owner/developer must provide potable water demand calculations, which include total fixture counts and maximum water demand in gallons per minute' (gpm). Once the gpm is provided, check against the "meter sizing schedule" to verify the anticipated meter size for the unit. Maximum service and meter size is a 2" service with a 2" meter. If a developer, is proposing.a meter greater than 2", suggest the installation of multiple 2" services as needed to provide the anticipated demand. (manifolds are considered on case by case basis to limit multiple trenching 'into the street). NOTE: Upon declaration of Drought Response Level 3 condition, no new potable water service shall be provided and no new temporary meters or permanent meters shall be provided. See Ordinance 44 for more information. U LI 12b. Irrigation Use (where recycled water is not available) All irrigation meters must be sized via irrigation calculations (in gpm) prior to approval. The developer must provide these calculations. Please follow these guidelines: If the project is a newer development (newer than 1998), check the recent improvement plans and observe if the new irrigation service is reflected on the improvement sheets. If so, at the water meter station, the demand in gpm may be listed there. Irrigation services are listed with a circled "I", and potable water is typically a circled "W"., The irrigation service should look like: r'I ' STA 1+00 Install 2" service and. ' 1.5: meter (estimated 100 gpm) If the improvement plans do not list the irrigation meter and the service/meter ' , • will be installed via another instrument such as the building plans or grading plans (w/ a right of way permit of 'course), then the applicant must provide irrigation calculations for estimated worst-case irrigation demand (largest zone with the farthest reach). Typically, the landscape consultant has already reviewed this if landscape plans have been prepared, but the applicant must provide the calculations to you for your use. 6 - ' ' ' Rev. 2/02,09 ( BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST ST 1 2ND 3RD WATER METER REVIEW continued 12b. Irrigation Use (continued) Once you have received a good example of irrigation calculations, keep a set for your reference. In general the calculations will include: Hydraulic grade line Elevation at point of connection (POC) Pressure at POC in pounds per square inch (PSI) Worse case zone (largest, farthest away from valve Total Sprinkler heads listed (with gpm use per head) Include a 10% residual pressure at point of connection In general, all major sloped areas of a subdivision/project are to be irrigated via separate irrigation meters (unless the project is only SFD with no HOA). .As long as the project is located within the City recycled water service boundary, the City is in the process of switching these irrigation services/meters to a new-recycled water line 12c. Irrigation Use (where recycled water is available) Recycled water meters are sized the same as the irrigation meter above. If a project fronts a street with recycled water, then they should be connecting to this lineto irrigate slopes within the development. For subdivisions, this should have been identified, and implemented on the improvement plans. Installing recycled water meters is a benefit for the applicant since they are exempt from paying the San Diego County Water Capacity fees. However, if they front a street which the recycled water is there, but is not live (sometimes they are charged with potable water until recycled water is available), then the applicant must pay the San Diego Water Capacity Charge. If within three years, the recycled water line is charged with recycled water by CMWD, then the applicant can apply for a refund to the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) for a refu.nd. However, the City of Carlsbad cannot guarantee the refund. The applicant must deal with the SDCWA for this. 3• 4 13. Additional Comments: C4oM1'L TE , icz wL(n1cr ?L-itWJ C3s(I:\1<bFpJ) FO1A4) kOr( xtlrs- (cctcath) i fl (T N6mWOTO J El 7 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEE CAL CULA TION WORKSHEET. Q Estimate based on unconfirmed information from applicant. la" Calculation based on building plancheck plan submittal. Address: OAK /" A4. Permit No. CbO' L(/j Prepared by: Date: Checked by: Date: EDU CALCULATIONS: List types and squa otagesforalluses. EDU's: ThII7 Types of Use: Sq. Ft. flits: EDU's: Types of Use: Sq. .Ft./Units: EDU's: Types of Use: Sq. Ft./Units: EDU's: ADT CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses.—- ?- Types of Use: ,21X) Sq. Ft./Units: ADTs: Types of Use: Sq. Ft./Units: ADT's: Types of Use: Sq. Ft./Units: ADT's: Types of Use: Sq. Ft./Units: ADTs: FEES REQUIRED: WITHIN CFD: DYES (no bridge & thoroughfare fee in District #1, reduced Traffic Impact Fee) 2('NO 1. PARK-IN-LIEU FEE: NW QUADRANT NE QUADRANT SE QUADRANT SW QUADRANT FEE/UNIT: X NO. UNITS: =$ 12. TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE ADT's I x FEE/ADT: (,590 3. BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE FEE (DIST. #1 01ST. #2 01ST. #3 ADT's/UNITS: X FEE/ADT: =$____________ 4. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FEE ZONE:_________ UNIT/SQ.FT.: X FEE/SQ.FT./UNIT: =$____________ SEWER FEE EDU's: 1 X FEE/EDU: BENEFIT AREA: EDU's: - X FEE/EDU: =$__- 6. DRAINAGE FEES PLDA : HIGH /LOW______ ACRES: X FEE/AC:_________ 7: POTABLE WATER FEES • • V UNITS CODE CONNECTION FEE METER FEE SDMAE IRRIG TIO Th-ii 11 c& V I F:\FARMER\KATHY\MASTERS\FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET.d0c2008doc Rev. 7/14/00 L. 0 -z CITY OF CARLSBAD STANDARD FORM - TIER 1 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN PROJECT INFORMATION Sitc Addrcss: IZL OPtL.. t)12. Asscssor's Parcel Number: ;4 Project lD: MSoLI-o) at) D6 Construction Permit No.: &A Estimated Construction Start Date LI I 9 Project Duration (0 Months Emergency Contact: Name: c4vve W1600 24 hourThonc(7C) 5 oI' Pcrcci rcat to Water Quality Mcdiu Low If medium bo , must attach a site plan sheet showing proposed work area and location of proposed structural BMPs (U>ô9-f rse For City Only STORM WATER COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE " My project is not in a category of permit types exempt from the Construction SWPPP requirements My project is not located inside or within 200 feet of an environmentally sensitive area with a significant potential for contributing pollutants to 'nearby receiving waters by way of storm water runoff or non-storm water discharge(s). -i--- -M pretest does net requires a grading plan -pursuant te the Carlsbad Grading Ordinanee (Chepter-15.16 Of-the Cadsbad-Municlpsl-da) My project will not result In 2,500 square feet or more of soils disturbance including any associated construction staging, stockpiling, pavement removal, equipment storage, refueling and maintenance areas that meets one or more of the additional following criteria: . --located within 200 feet of an enviionmentatly sensitive area or the PacificOcean; and/or, disturbed area is located on a slope with a grade at or exceeding 5 horizontal to I vertical; and/or disturbed area is located along or within 30 feet of a storm drain inlet, an open drainage channel or watercourse; and/or construction will be Initiated during the rainy season or will extend into the rainy season (Oct. 1 through April 30). I CERTIFY TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE THAT ALL OF THE ABOVE CHECKED STATEMENTS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT. I AM SUBMITTING FOR CITY APPROVAL A TIER 1 CONSTRUCTION SWPPP PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF CITY STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I MUST: (I) IMPLEMENT BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) DURING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PRACTICABLE TO MINIMIZE THE MOBILIZATION OF POLLUTANTS SUCH AS SEDIMENT AND TO MINIMIZE THE EXPOSURE OF STORM WATER TO CONSTRUCTION RELATED POLLUTANTS; AND, (2) ADHERE TO, AND AT ALL TIMES, COMPLY WITH THIS CITY APPROVED TIER 1 CONSTRUCTION SWPPP THROUGHTOUT THE DURATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES UNTIL THE CONSTRUCTION WORK IS COMPLETE AND APPROVED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. D- Fl o2ER(S T NAM (PRINT) Ifa 3Z7/1 OWNER(S)WNER'S GENT NAME (SIGNATURE) ATE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION NOTES .1. ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS SHALL BE AVAILABLE ON SITE TO FACILITATE RAPID INSTALLATION OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS WHEN RAIN IS EMINENT. - 2. THE OWNER/CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL EROSION -- CONTROL DEVICES TO WORKING ORDER TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY ENGINEER AFTER EACH RUN- OFF PRODUCING RAINFALL. 3. THE OWNER/CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ADDITIONAL - EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE CITY ENGINEERING OR BUILDING INSPECTOR DUE TO .-•' UNCOMPLETEDGRADING OPERATIONS OR UNFORESEEN - ,-• CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH MAY ARISE. ALL REMOVABLE PROTECTIVE DEVICES SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY WHEN THE FIVE (5) DAY RAIN PROBABILITY FORECAST EXCEEDS FORTY PERCENT (40%). SILT AND OTHER DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED AFTER EACH RAINFALL. ALL GRAVEL BAGS SHALL BE BURLAP TYPE WITH 3/4 INCH MINIMUM AGGREGATE. ADEQUATE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL AND PERIMETER PROTECTION BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE MEASURES MUST BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED. SPECIAL NOTES CITY OF CARLSBAD STANDARD TIER I SWPPP Approved By:'c— Date: 3-t7 -0 Page 1 of ME Managemen t and ls Control r Erosion Control __________ aste ____________________ Tracking Non-Sto ater vAY Pollution Best Management Practice (BMP) Description 4 Designation , CASOA oiluIuuuIuDDuuuuI Construction Activity • -__•___ ••• __• • RA -- - •• UEAA .___._...•.__a. -___•._i-N__--.__ - __• • ____--• __ - __•__•____ ___________ ••••• • • ____ __ ____ __ • ____ NO __- ____•__ __ _________ N III! .. .•_..•. - a __- -__-__-_• • ____• - -__• __- • ---•- - • ••__•u •••__•__- - - _ - - • -..__••._..___N__a a__• • -_. a_N__Na -.__._ __ a - .a---_ --.a______ - U- --a...... __ ___ N__ - _ • N. __ • - __ _._____ . . a N • a. Instructions: Begin by reviewing the list of construction activities and checking the box to the left of any activity that will occur during the proposed construction. Add any other activity descriptions in the blank activity description boxes provided for that purpose and place a check in the box immediately to the left of the added activity description. For each activity descrribed, pick one or more best management practices (BMPs) from the list located alon the top of the form. Then place an X in the box at the place where the activity row intersects with the BMP column. Do this for each activity that was checked off and for each of the selected BMPs selected from the list. For Example - If the project includes site access across dirt, then check the box to the left of "Site Access Across Dirt". Then review the list for something that applies such as "Stabilized Construcion Ingress/Egress" under Tracking Control. Follow along the "Site Access Across Dirt" row until you get to the "Stabilized Construction Ingress/Egress" column and place an X in the box where the two meet. As another example say the project, included a stockpile that you intend to cover with a plastic sheet. Since plastic sheeting is not on the list oiBMPs, then write in "Cover with Plastic" in the blank column under the heading Erosion Control BMPs. Then place'an X in the box where "Stockpiling" row intersects the new "Cover with Plastic" column. To learnmore about what each BMP description means, you may wish to review the BMP Reference Handout prepared to assist applicants in the selection of appropriate Best Management Practice measures. The reference also explains the California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) designation and how to apply the various selected BMPs to a project. T, pagc 2 of 2- I- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE DL ACIPNT. Exi AC rwwT.i H EROSION CONTROL NOTES .EROSION CONTROL NOTEScontinued.) I I. IN CASE EMERGERCY WORK ISREQUIRED, CONTACT GENE BIJSSTAT7BO-845-2679. * 3. FERnuzER cowsmm OF AMMONIUM PH09WTE SULFATE. 16-20-0, WITH I - I 15X SULPHUR APPLIED AT THE RATE OF 500 ft. PER ACRE. 2. EQUIPMENT 4O WORKERS FOR EMERGENCY WORK SHALL BE MADE AVAILABLE AT A. D. AREAS TO BE HTDROEEEDCD SHALL BE PREPARED PRIOR TO HDROBEEO*IO BY: PAR A TIMES DURING THE RAINY SEASON. ALL NECESSARY MATERIALS SHALL BE I. ROUGHENING THE SURFACE TO BE PUNTED BY ANY OR A COMBINATION Of PM 3204 I / I / I . '. STOCKPILED OR SITE AT CONVENIENT LOCATIONS TO FACILITATE RAPID 0. TRACK WALAIING SLOPES STEEPER THAN 6:1 I - / . I I I CONSTRUCTION OF TEMPORARY DEVICES WHEN RAIN IS EMINENT. 6. HARROWING AREAS 6l OR FLATTER THAT ARE SUFFICIENTLY FRIABLE. I / / . I I . TRA i ii ., C. RIPPING AREAS THAT Vdlti. NOT BREAK UP USING 11566 a OR b ABOVE. ,i P4. I I 3. DEVICES SHTHWIONPtANSSHALLNOTBEMOVEOORUQOFTEDWITHOUTIHEAPPROVAL . t DU I i is i p I I MA 1661 OF m ENGINEERING INSPECTOR 2 coflomoNlsG THE SOILS SO THAT IT IS SUITABLE FOR PLANTING BY-6 I ~IWA , ,iRc-ERs-m-T-RITWI6 I I I . I I I - a. AD.JUSTINGTHTSURFACESOILMOIS1URETOPROVTDEADAMPWJTNOT rwl 6' 11984 I I I I 4. THE COHTRHCTOP SHALL RESTORE AU EROSION CONTROL DEVICES TO WORKING ORDER .SATURATED SEED BED. OR Pm I Ipp I(IØ I I TO NE SATISFAC11ONOF 19W CTTY ENGINEER AFTER EACH RUN-OFF PROOUG*IG . - b. ThE ADDITION Of SOIL ANAENDNIENIS. PH ADRJSTIAENT. LEACHING OR P - I I 1 R.PJARALL COVERING SALINESOILSTO PROVIDED WBI.ECONDTflOPGFOR GROWTH. N 555525 E 9Z.S - - . . . ._ .... . -7:: - - :7_7 5.THE SHALL INSTALL ADOTTOK-L EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS MAY BE E. IrYDROSEEDED AREAS SHALl. BE MAINTAINED 10 PROVIDE A VIGOROUS GROWTH UNTIL REQUIRED BY THE CITY ENGINEER DUE TO UNCOMPLETED GRADING OPERATIONS OR THE PROJECT IS PERMANENTLY LANDSCAPED OR. FOR AREAS WHERE IfYVROSEEDING IS I i I I I I UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES THE PERMANENT LANDSCAPING. UNI1L THE PROJECT IS COAWLETED AND ALL BONDS ID3H IRON PIPE RELEASED. I l'T I 'i / - • I LS 4611 B. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE AND SHALL TAKE NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS ID I I V I 'E 121..t9O ' -- .P' I PER DI 22982 PREVENT PLABJC -TRESPASS ONTO AREAS WHERE IMPOUNDED WATERS CREATE A HAZARDOUS CONDITION. I. SET POSTS AND EXCAVATE A 2. STAPLE BIKE FENCING 10 HIGH • . a! I ' '4 I d' ' ' . T I I) THE POSTS I . . 7. ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES PRONGED PER TIlE APPROVED GRADING PUN SHALL . . . 4 YF 10 8NO 8 - I I .••I ; '9' J 'J BE INCORPORATED HEREON. ALONG OW LINE OF POSTS - II J II ARCL 3 ' -7 AD 111120.5 I B. GRADED AREAS AROUND THE PROJECT PERIMETER MUST DRAIN AWAY FROM THE FACE Of I1lp5 l AD 4112.5 I SLOPE AT THE CONCLUSION OF EACH WORKING DAY. I J 911 I'j'i WORKING DAY WHEN THE FIVE (5) DAY RAIN PROBABILITY FORECAST EXCEEDS FORTY ,t 6AI I PERCENT (4019. SILT AND OTHER DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED AFTER EACH RAIWALL i 9. ALL REMOVABLE PROTECTIVE DEVICES SHOWN SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE 040 Ii) OF EACH ; • • 40. ALL GRAVEL BRED 6LL BE RIJRLAP TYPE WITH 3/4 INCH MINIMUM MIGRECRATE NA (:0 cm) Ii. SHOULD GERAW461IOR Of I4YOROSEEDED SLOPES FAIL TO PROVIDE EFFECINE COVERAGE THE NW FENCE AND EXTEND IT TRACT 115 • I . 4 I' l\ - _I 7 . OF GRADED SLOPES (90% COVERAGE) PRIOR TO NOVEMBER IS. THE SLOPES SHALL BE * . 1 ATTACH THE 1511K FABRIC 10 4. BAOIFTU. AND COMPACT INC 1 I I - - - - STABILIZED BY PUNCH STRAW INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 35.023 OF TO HAP 1661 YHE TRENCH. EXCAVATED SCIL q S+4\ . • - -- .. HOUSEEX STATEEROOfSIONADIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK OF THE DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION,. . 4' HIGH IXBSIX I \ I RETABW - I ' 4 , ' , \ PH 10573 TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL II Ij L - Ii tILL PLANTING AND IRRIGATION . . FIE MR FAC- 'no SMALL ALL PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL PLANING AND (RRIGA N BE - - 1'. Ak.. INSTALLED AND MARITAINED AS REGUIRED IN SECTION 212 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND T14E FOLLOWING: EX 3 CAR GWAGE PROP. (41046 LIED TO: 5 PAT (IRAINI& I 1 I II I 11000 FRAME I - 1.. ALL 5.0 AARE 'GRADED 6:l (HORIZONTAL TO VERTICAL) OR STEEPER ( SILT FENCE AM I I I MI , \ PAR B WVCATHEYARE :55_I.) I I 035 4 I a. THREE FEET OR 11044€ IN HEIGHT AND ADJACENT TO A PUBLIC WALL OR ., - NOT TO SCALE I ARIA I I - GARAGE STREET. SUPPLY WATER TO WASH b. ALL SLOPES 4 FEET OR MORE IN HEIGHT. WHEELS wNECESSARY lg;LLI I ASCL I 2. A8S GRADED FLATTER THAN 6:1 WHEN ANY OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS IflJ44 I . I I. irk - . >< ... 0. NOT SCHEDULED FOR IMPROVEMENTS(CONSIRIJCTION OR GENERAL U USE GRAVEL RAGS, SWAM BALES CIL HOUSE 1' U - - LANDSCAPING) WITHIN 60 DAYS OF ROUGH GRADING. - Il - u:ICx VEB BEfl( PARCEL b. IDENTiFIED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR AS HIGHLY £V I BASIN AS ROB.11210) OU 04W182121 BlOT 11] I I I . T6 LL AkVE ANY SPECIAL CONDITION VTSABi.E TO THEPUOUC. IDENTIFIED BY THE CITY ENGINEER Fr-) 8 I 911.1 I , - THAT WARRANTS IMMEDIATE TREATMENT. Owm I i I -. B I PARCEL MAP B. EDED AREAS SHALL BE IRRIGATED BA ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING - • 'Ta FLOW' 3OURS&DATE OBSTRIATED ________ /WIIIDNBL OPAX 3 DAYS 6)( 10573 - 1. ALL SLCPES THAT ARE GRADED 6:1 OR STEEPER AND THAT ARE. • PANELS PALM 12' THICK - FLIER FA98IC I I TIIREE TO EIGHT FEET IN HEIGHT SHALL BE IRRIGATED BY HAND SECT ON A A >• I I I I 4 . ID. 2 IRON PIPE FROM T2UIOR COUPI.ERS/HOSE BIRD OR A CONVENTIONAL SYSTEM U WI: TO SCALE \MW D. 1..S 4250 - LOW PRECIPITATION SPRINKLER HEADS PROVIDING 1002 COVERAGE - -------- I - VPER P.M. 10573 b. GIEATEK THAN 8 FEET IN HEIGHT SIIAJJ. BE WATERED BY A COPNEP4flDII- II 555(41' STEEl. W - -' - -- - -- -- - -' - 1.STSltM Of LOW PRECIPITATION SPRINKLER HEADS PROVIDING 100% DIVERSION RIDGE - - - - • ' -4 '.$ ID 2' . . 1K' MIN GRADE - . 2. AREAS S .OPXD LESS THAN 6:4 SHALl. BE IRRIGATED AS APPROVED BY THE CITY • • FLIER - - - • - • Ilk ENCIIWET. PRIOR TO HTI)ROSEEDINC. THE DEVELOPER SHALL SUBMIT A PROPOS,;D SCHEME TO PROVIDE IRRIGATION TO THE CITY ENGINEER. THE ALL AREAS (IF SMFMW VEHICLE TRAFFIC GET IDITRANCES SECTION 'W-'Ir PROPOSk SK41L BE SPECIFIC REGARDING THE MUWBERS.TYPES AND COSTS OF > K 4 - I L- IIZL. SITE DBTRMEES MB EXITS ARE CIPECIALLY 3 IRRIGATKIsI SHALL MAINTAIN THE MOISTURE LEVEl. OF THE SOIL AT THE DWIWTNIT. USE GRAVEL A°P0IVOCS III LDIIT TRACKING I 0 LEVEL FOR THE GROWTH OF THE HYDROSEEDED GROWTH. SI SCOTIENT (ITSITE - I I I I . LX. 8' • HYDROSEEDIIB. 611 SHALL CONSIST OF ALL OF THE FOLLOWING- lov,1- I' I '. 'S a. 2Ibs.PERACREOFROSECLøIAER - CYTABIUZEI) CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE- / EXFr - - - - - - -s--- - - - - , -.•( \ _' ST • b. 2A Iba. PER ACRE OF ZORRO FESCUE 3 NOT To SCALE 3 Ib.. PER ACRE OF E SCHOOL CIA CALIFORNICA S *55 • - *5* j j d. 4 b,. PER ACRE OF ACH1LLEA MILLEFOUA a. 3 lbs. PER ACRE OF ALYSSUM (CARPET OF SNOW) I PmIT •,, - 4. :/2-1b. PER ACRE OF DIMORPIIOLECA PREP E#LRAXR TNC RVISI01I OF - 9. TTEIAS Cal,.. AND I OF THIS SUBSECTION MAY BC OMITTED ON - I EROSION CONTROL P N OCAITONS WHERE NE AREA BEING KYTIROSEEDED IS NOT VISIBLE FROM S ,THER A PUBLIC STREET OR RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES.- EX. nil SCALE i"520 6. ITEM a OF THIS SUBSECTBJAI Mt/ST BE INOCULATED WITH A :EN *__ - ___DATEJJ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'SING BACTERIA AND APPLIED DRY EITHER BY DRILLING OR GARY L(PSKA BCE 23081 EXPIRES 12/3110i SYMBOLLECENO - -------- - 6ROADCASTING BEFORE HYCRIOSEEOING. - CONSTRUCTION LEGEND I. ALL SEED MATERIALS SHALL BE TRANSPORTED TO THE JOBSITEIN - _____ ELEVATION TOP OF FOO1TNG__.T • -- -- - UNOPENED CONTAINERS WITH THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT Of FOOD * ELEVATiON: TOP Of - cF2II'B' I 0 (4BLT a -3-'j: CJ'BA • • - .4*) AGRICULTURE CERTiFICATiON TAG ATTACHED TO. OR PRINTED 084 'AS BUILT ELEMXT1DVI. - C0EJ AID CONTAINERS ELEVATION TOP Of BERM ______. . BE BE TO BUT 3. 1 I NUN PHTTO TOXIC WETTING AGENTS MAY BE ADDED TO THE NYOROSEED ELEVATION. FINISH SURFACE_............JS C SLURRY AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CONTRACTOR. ELEVATION. FiNISH GRADE FC 2. P.E. DATE -BUSI kBL Y OBU) ELEVATION. TOP Of CRATE__TO - - - • HIGH POINT HIP TYPE a MULCH (STRAW) MAY BE SUBSTITUTED. ALL OR PART. FOR REVIEWED BY- ELEVATION * LOW POINT IP NO!aHED NEftOOR__j; WA414 our to f4 P, HYDRAJfUCALLY APPLIED FIBER MATERIAL WHEN STRAW IS USED IT MUST HE ATHE SITRAW WTO THE SOIL NCNIJ,EDTOTHESLOPEBY MECHANICALLY PUNCHING NO LESS 50% INSPECTOR DATE ELEVATION. TOP OF STRUCTURE 0 TOP gum ELEVATiON. EXIS1TNG ____'.50 - ICr'cFln ELEVATION . INVERT ELEVATION ----- I I I J I I I ELEVATION. PROPOSED 950 .SO DETAIL REFERENCE C ETAL LABEL 2 NEETNO. CIVIL DICIIAELYBE • I LVII PUMITIW Tale: (780) 439-2602 1fl CITY OF CARLSBAD 11 terra tnglneenrn7 Inc. 1843 Campesino PTace Oceanside, CA 92054 __ RUNOFF - •'55 - BETWEENCAP THREE LAYERS OF GRAVEL SAGS w ACTS AS SPILLWAY %ITN ENDS OVERLAPPED 2O D 20 40 • AAG'CI1EVRONS - , . BENCH MARK Scale' I' 20' NOT 10 SCALE • DESCRIPTITRI CE -.LOqATICft L_.._I ENGIPEERIPAIL EROSION CONTROL PLAJIS FOR BUSBY PARCEL MAP 12.12 041 AVENUE I APPROVED IJ!/za/o. I9 Aa • CITY EN01I4R PS 33081 099855 6/301DB DATE IDW11 BY: 2L._i PROJECT Na IIDRAWING NO. IO4KD 81111 NS - p g 4386A IRVID BY: - O -1 I ¼ PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Plan Check No. C1309- 1465 Address 1212 & 1214 OakAv Planner Chris Sexton Phone (760) 602- 4624 APN: 156-180-47 Type of Project .& Use: addition/sdu Net Project Density:1 .0DU/AC Zoning: R-1 General Plan: RM Facilities Management Zone: 1 CFD (in/out) #_Date of participation:_____ Remaining net dev acres:_____ (For non-residential development: Type of land used created by this permit: Circle One Legend: 0 Item Complete LI Item Incomplete - Needs your action Environmental Review Required: YES LI NO M TYPE DATE OF COMPLETION: Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action Conditions of Approval: LI LI Discretionary Action Required: YES LI NO Z TYPE APPROVAL/RESO. NO. DATE PROJECT NO. OTHER RELATED CASES: Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone? YES Li NO Li CA Coastal Commission Authority? YES Li NO Li If California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact them at - 7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego, CA 92108-4402; (619) 767-2370 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): LI. LI Habitat Management Plan Data Entry Completed? YES LI NO LI If property has Habitat Type identified in Table 11 of HMP, complete HMP Permit application and assess fees in Permits Plus (A/.P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, HMP Fees, Enter Aàres of Habitat Type impacted/taken, UPDATE!) LI LI Inclusionary Housing Fee required: YES [-] NO E] (Effective date of Inclusionary Housing Ordinance - May 21, 1993.) Data Entry Completed? YES LI NO LI (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, Housing Fees, Construct Housing YIN, Enter Fee, UPDATE!) H:\ADMIN\Template\Building Plancheck Review Checklist.doc Rev 4/08 Site Plan: .. Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines (including all side and rear yard slopes). Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number. Policy 44— Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines LI LII 1. Applicability: YES LI NO LI Li LI LI 2. Project complies: YES LI NOR . Zoning: 1. Setbacks: Front: Required Shown Interior Side: Required 10' Shown 10, Street Side: Required Shown Rear: Required 20' Shown 20' Top of slope: Required Shown Z F-1 F1 • 2. Accessory structure setbacks: Front: Required Shown • Interior Side: Required icY Shown jQ. • Street Side: Required Shown Rear: Required Shown Structure separation: Required 10L Shown 10' LI LII 3., Lot Coverage: Required <40% Shown LI LI 4. Height: Required sdu above garage $. Shown • Detached 2 car garage <14' Shown $14. LI LI 5. Parking: Spaces Required 2 Shown 2 (breakdown by uses for commercial and industrial projects required) • * Residential Guest Spaces Required 1 for sdu Shown 1 LI LI Additional Comments 1) Please note the correct parcel number on the site plan. 2) Please note the correct address on the site plan. 3) Please sign and submit the attached Affadavit of Compliance for a Second Dwelling Unit. OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTEt DATE iofb/ H:\ADMIN\Template\Building Plancheck Review checklist.doc . • Rev 4/08 - CITY OF CARLSBAD - AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE FORA SECOND DWELLING UNIT Instiuctions to Property Owner (Affiant) Please type or print complete and accurate answers in all blank.spaces in Section I. Please read carefully, particularly Section II. Please read, sign and date Section III, indicating that you understand and agree with the conditions of compliance. SECTION I - INFORMATION Pr6pewner(s). Ue U Name(s) Property Address: . tzit./iv _OaJc- Stre t Address - q2 Ci State Zz Code * Assessor Parcel No I I )- 7-00 Subdivision / or Name Lot/Block Parcel No. • Project-Number: SECTION II- CONDITIONS FOR COMPLIANCE PLEASE READ CAREFULLY 1 A second dwelling unit is an attached or detached dwelling unit which is located on the same lot as an existing owner occupied single-family detached dwelling unit and is - a Suitable for use as a complete living facility with provisions within the facility for cooking, eating sanitation and sleeping b Occupied by one or more,persons and C. Subordinate to the main dwelling unit 2 The Property Owner(s) listed above hereby certifies that he/she owns the above referenced property, as of the date of this affidavit and to his/her belief and knowledge there are no conditions covenants or restrictions on the property prohibiting a second dwelling unit apartment 3 The Property Owner(s) agrees to the following terms and conditio7is ' - t FRM0006 6/03 PAGE T OF 2 4- - - S S • 'S '• - ,, " 5. S •E a. The property and residence referenced above must not contain a second residential dwelling unit unless it is in compliance with the second dwelling unit provisions of the 'Zoning Ordinance of the City.ofCarlbad. The Property Own(s) shall ideireithr the iáin dwelling unit or second dwelling unit described above, now, and for the life of this agreement, unless a lessee leases both the main dwelling unit and the second dwelling unit. C. The Second Dwelling Unit may only'be rented and shall not be sold.separately from th S , . main dwelling unit, unless.the lot On which. such units are located is subdivided. The: Property Owner(s) agree to rentthe Second Dwelling Unit at a fnonthly rental rate which shall not exceed an amount equal to 30% of the gross monthly income of a low- income household, adjusted for household size at 80% of the San Diego County median - ,income. S ' ë. A copy of this agreement and Affidavit must be given by the Property Owner(s) to prospective purchasers of the property prior to entering into a sales contract for said property. S S SECTION III — AFFIRMATION AND AGREEMENT- ., ' I HEREBY DECLARE AND AFFIRM, under penalty of perjury, that all matters and facts set 'forth in this agreement are true and correct to the best of -my knowledge, information and belief, and that I (we) understand, accept and will abide by the regulations, requirements, and standaids governing the Second Dwelling Unit S. BY Date BY Property Owner - , . '. Date Owner's Telephone Number(S): (17Q)453 44 7 (P Q) Ski') 235-10 2- - Home Office - - -' 5 - •5 S '' qI 5' 5 - 5555 5.. •ss - 5,. 5 S .5 ' S. S S S5$S •5'S - -. .- -S •-:- S --S • FRM0006 6/03 PAGE 2 OF 2 -. ,_ -. -- .__.5____,__t_,._,_,,..__ A_5 _. .. .,. -• S - I]' Roof Loads psf Roofing (tile) -• --U' Sheathing'- 95 1.4 , Rdfters or trusses ' - 3.2 Ceiling 2.2 Misc. & insulation - 1.7 Total Roof DL ............................................ ................ .18,0 psf Roof Live Load (legs than 6:12 pitch) ....................20 psf Roof Live Load (6:12 and 7:12 pitch) ..................18 psf Roof Live Load (8:12 pitch or steeper)' ...........16 psf Exterior Walls . ' psf Stucco or siding 8.0 Studs - 11 Gypsum board ' . ' .' , . - 2.2 Misc. & insulation . '. . 2.7 Total Wall bL 14.0 psf Floor Loads , -. . sf Lt. wt. topping. Floor Finish (carpet) ,.i.2 1.2 - Sheathing Joists f... - - .. 2:0 2.0 2.6 , 2.6. Ceiling 4 ,:2.6 2.6' Misc. & insulation - " 3.6 - 3.6 12.0 psf , Floor Live Load .........................40 psf - Balcony Live Load ................ . ... 60 psf Exit Live Load ........ ............... ....'lOO psf - psf - - Interior Walls -- : psf . Shear panel , . .,. Studs' Gypsum board 4.4 - 2.5 4.4 Misc. & insulation psf - . 2.5 - 10.0 psf Total Wall DL .............................8.0 - -# .1 -- . - : • - CS STRUCTURAL LU _ 11 SSUE DATE Aug 3 2009 I STATE . Description: (2) Story R3 Dwelling / Parking Client: Oak Avenue Ventures, LLC Name: Oak Ave Lot 1 - - . Detached 2 Car Garage Mutual Partners Carlsbad CA Addition to existing Charlie Wilson: Agent Pudding Type: Bearing wall system Construction Stud walls sown lumber wood timbers plywood sheathing Codes 2007 California Building Code Concrete 2,500 psi at 28 days U.N.O. 2006 IBC ASCE 07-05, 2005 Nb5 • Higher strength where noted Wood Studs Stud grade Standard btr. Posts - Standard & better Beams - bF#2 or better . . . . - .. I '. -' Joists - I-Joists . . Soils & bearing: GLBs 24F-1.8E - laminated strand rims and beams 1 2500 psf Soil Bearing 1)+L LSL P Taylor Group - LVL - laminated veneer rnicrolam beams and joists •. project T&L 60.00519 --. PSL parallel strand beams Swanson & Associates 17055 Via bel Cai - -- Suite 100, San CA 92127 - (858) 487-7600 ba 10Ff k;+ I Section Properties &•bèsign Loads -. - - 2007 CC Moment Roof Loads Floor Loads (w) Allowable Uniform Loads Nominal Actual Area Section of LbF = 1.25 LbF = 1.00 (plf) Allowable Allowable Span in feet for beam or joist sizes Size Size Modulus Inertia (b) x (d) (A) (5) (I) Shear Moment Shear Moment Normal duration, Laterally fully braced, repetitive member increase for 2x members. inches -in2 1n3 in4 (Ibs) (lb-ft) (Ibs) (lb-It) 3ft. 4ft Lf 7't 't 9" 10 ft, lift. 12 ft. 13 ft. 14 ft. 15 ft. 16 ft. 17 ft. 18 ft. 19 ft. 2x4 1.5x3.5 5.25 3.06 5.36 788 211 630 169 i5O 11 8 7 5 4 3 3 2 2 2x6 _1555 825 5 2080 1238 1060 9O 848 5-54 4R 37 29 23 19 15 13 ii 9 2x8 1.5 x 7.25 10.88 13.14 47.63 1,631 1,700 1,305 1,360 1,09 53 43 35 30 25 21 2xiO_ 15 x9 25- 188 2139 .-9193 2'Ô8f2 537 1665 2 02J 1094 820 .649 451 331 _254,2QO l34 83, c72 56 5O 44 1094 820 656 547 446 341 '270 _-~ -18O715 -129 111 97 '85-=--76=- -67 6C 2x12 15 xli 25 1688 3164 17798 2,531 3,411 2,025 2,729 273 225T5-18 139', -106 94.84 T2x14 - 15f135 1988, "43 89 9078 2981 4 259 2385 -'34O' 1094820 656 547 469 410 336 _121 4x4 3.5 x 3.5 12.25 7.15 12.51 1,838 1,005 1,470 804 ili5922.57E 176 ill 74 52 38 29 22 17 14 ii 9 8 7 6 4x6. 35 ,j925 1765 A85 888-f 151 ?3lO1726 1528 iii 86 67 54 44 36 30 25 22 4x8 3.5 x 725 2538 3066 11115 3,806 3,737 3,045 2,989 - '188 1495 -957'. "64'-'488'5' '-166 14,122 1 100 83 69 58 49 4x10'-' 35x925 3238 4991 23084 856 615 38 4492 199 2246 1437 998 733 .562 444359297250 213 th3 16O 140l24 111 100 442 3.5 ,c 1125 3938 - 7383 - 41528 -- 5,906 8,459 - 4,725 6,768 -.,- -- 4375 3 281 2 166 1504 1105 846 668 ,.541 447-'376 .32O 276 241 21i' 181% -167 150 -- -.-. ,--- 4xi4 - 351325 4638 10241 67848 6956 10668- 5 565_ 8 534 4375 3 281 2625 1 897 1 33 04 348 303 f26223 211i89 4x16 3 5 x 15 25 53 38 135 66 1 03442 8 006 14 131 6 405 11 305 43753281 2625 2 188 1 846 i413L1 li 904 r74728 535461 402353 13_9%-479 6x4- -55x35- 1925 1123. 1965 2888 -i47 2310 '115O 1022 575-368255 175 117 82 60 45 35 27 22 18 1512 i0 9 6x6 55x55 3025 2773 7626 4285 3466 3428 2773 24613B 88Y 61 53 6 4- 347 24 222 175 134 106 85 69 57 47 40 34 --16x8 55x7 5 41 25 5156 19336 5844 645c 4671' 3438 l Rom tj46/ 842'. 645 O9 . 413 3i86 244 210 -' 175 144 120 101 86 - 6x10 55 x 95 52.25 8273 392.96 111 7,402 11 ,634 5,922 9 307 6 875 4654 2 978'2 068 1 50 1163' 919-7_45-'.6i5 5i7441 38O, 331.,9fl 244 205 175 6xT2 L9Z 8 96017648 7i38 4 125 3 6875 5156 03V2 22 170 191 90Z fr55j485 67337'302 6x14 5,5 x 13.5 7425 16706 112767 23,188 8415 18 550 6 875 5 156 4,125 3,438 2,946 231 82l 48411 .3458 41j - - 2i6 1 10,519 12E875 lO25710O, 6875 5156 4125 3438 2946 25782292 2063 1792 01 1216 6'4'847, 750-' 669 &ÔI 4 6x16 5ex165 9075 2058 1k"_Timberstrand LSL rim board & ii" Timberstrand LSL 1*11* LSL1 L xll 81 0484 2938 174 43, 26 372 7J6j5 1,108 1,356 1,085 904 775 678 592 432 325 250 197 157 128 105 88 74 63 1*x14 LSL 1.25 x 14.0 17.50 40.83 285.83 10.865 13,168 8,692 10,534 1,808 1,356 1,085 904 775 678 603 543 493 410 322 258 210 173 144 121 103 11x16L51f 125'160 O00 5333 42667 124i16989 9339i- 1,80'8 1,356 1,085 904 775 678 603 543 493 452 417 385 313 258 215 181 154 14411 LSL 1.75 x11.88 20.78 41.13 244.21 5,368 9,971 - 4,295 7,977 1,633 1,225 980 817 700 613 544 490 445 404 318 254 207 170 142 120 102 l+x14L5L 175 x140 250 Rgm 40017'Fi 6329 13650 506 O920 1,633 1,225 980 817 700 613 544 490 445 408 377 350 327 279 233 196 167 1x16 LSL 1.75 x 16.0 28.00 74.67 1 597.33 17,233 17,611 15,787 14,089 11,633 1,225 980 817 700 . 613 544 1-..490 445 408 .377 350 ...327 306 288 272 249 3+" Timberstrand LSL 3x41 LSL 3.5 x 4.38 15.31 11.17 24.42 5,104 2,170 4,083 1,736 3çi868!i 484 280 176 118 83 60 45 35 28 22 18 15 12 10 9 34TSl? 5'Z5 5 i?25 6'4iYjT- 5l3j 2,380 1 34385 556 350 235 165 120 90 70 55 44 36 29 24 21 18 3+x7* LSL 3.5 x 7.25 25.38 30.66 111.15 8,458 5,687 6,767 4,550 2,380 1,785 1,428 538 378 275 207 159 125 100 82 67 56 47 40 J8fiTSL7 5J863 01 439 Lf87'1 2 380 1 785 1 428 1190 1,020 -'6 463 348 268 211 169 137 113 94 79 68 l063 7-7j22., 34x9+ LSL 35x95 3325 5265 25007 8,590 13,027 6,872 10,422 5,600 4200 333523161702T3O33 980 714 537 413 325 260 212 174 145 123 104 jLSL- "$5i125 .'39 5600 4200 3360 2800 2349 9JiiT5ii 891 687 540 432 352 290 242 203 173 3+x11k LSL 35 x 1188 4156 82.26 48841 10,737 19,941 8,590 15,953 5,600 4,200 3,360 2,800 2,400 1048 808 635 509 413 341 284 239 203 14'LSL- i14O 0:1 1141 8ö'3 122b iOi'f"T40 5,600 4,200 3,360 2,800 24002,100 1867 1680?444f1213 1034 833 678 558 465 392 333 3+x16 LSL 3.5 x 16.0 56.00 - 149.33 1,194.67 14,467 35,222 11,573 28,178 '.'.4• 5,600 4,200 3,360 2,800 2,400 2,100 1,867N1,680 1,527 1,400 1,292 Lii5 ib2i 833 695 585 498 At roof loading conditions where shear or bending governs, use a 1.25 LDF adjustment to the above values. At roof loading conditions where deflection governs, use a 1.15 deflection adjustment factor to the above values. Shading in the span / allowable uniform load table indicates that bending (F'b) governs. Shear governs to the left of the shading, and deflection governs to the right. H - . SectionProperites& besign. Loads 2007 CBC Moment Roof Loads Floor Loads (w) Allowable Uniform Loads Nominal Actual Area Section of LbF = 1.25 LF: 1.00 Allowable Allowable Span in feet for beam or joist sizes Size Size Modulus Inertia (b) x (d) (A) (5) (I) Shear Moment Shear Moment Normal duration, Laterally fully braced, repetitiv member increase for 2x members. inches in in in' (Ibs) (lb-ft) (Ibs) (lb-ft) 10 ft. lift. 12 ft. 13 ft. 14 ft. 15 ft. 16 ft. 17 ft. 18 ft. 19 ft. 20 ft. 21 ft. 22 ft. 23 ft. 24 ft. 25 ft. 26 ft. li' Microllom LVL 119FLVL'1. 2c 2503. 340 262 206 165 134 110 92 78 66 57 49 42 37 33 29 26 11xllf LVL 1175 x 1188 2078 4113 24421 4936 11155 3 948 8 924 402 322 262 216 180 152 129 110 95 83 73 64 57 50 I r7)4b z57 £61 1 i __453 429 354 295 248 211 181 156 136 119 105 93 82 1+x16 LVL 11.75 x 16.0 28.00 74.67 597.33 6,650 19,446 5,320 15,557 371 315 270 233 203 178 156 138 123 f*x1!t'L 1 x'18 3150 50 850 5O? 37 1 531 1148 919 766 656 574 510 459 418 383 353,..328 289 253 223 197 175 .69 (2 11/16") Parallam PSL 4942 92j 731 550 423 333 267 217 179- 149 125 107 91 79 69 60 53 47 42 2 69x11f PSL 269 x 1188 3191 63.16 37503 7,713 19,103 6,170 15 282 231010 827 650 521 423 349 291 245 208 179 154 134 117 103 91 81 '9jPl 269 9T 8)$ 694572 _..477401341293253220192169150133 2.6946 PSL 2.69 x 160 4300 11467 91733 10,392 33,550 8,313 26,840 '2 l4-4151- 096 54-83j 711 599 509 437 377 328 287 253 224 199 (,tL--. _18b -,,, f30613 11_6914i_9il ---.-. -,..- ,935333_528 2_69x18PSl 69,3 A838 145_13 _2__6822217i,1_863.pl_587.,-l_3691192i1_O928828725622 ___537__467409360318283 3k"Parollam P5L 13 ~Z3C ¶52 803 16,31i- _347282233__1941631391191038978696154 3x11* PSL 3.5 x 11.88 41.56 82.26 488.41 10,04424,878 8,035 19,902 1592411316 1,077 847 678 551 454 379 319 271 233 201 175 153 135 119 106 34i4,5L jj f33 _953716551434 903 7.4 621 523 445 381 329 286 251 221 195 173 3x16 PSL 35x160 5600 _____ 14933 119467 13,533 43,693 10,827 34,955 "" " " ' "5I1cZ7 jl'O92 926 780 664 569 491 427 374 329 291 259 oy ij8O' ibo ibo i.7di'Ot L5II i805 945 810 700 609 533 469 415 369 318 PL 5' Parallam PSL 5*xftPSL- --!25x95 98 282Z i10 1074 827 650 521 423 349 291 245 208 179 154 134 117 103 91 81 5x11f PSL 525 x 1188 62.34 123.39 73262 15,066 37,317 12,053 29,854 212i 974 1615 1,270 1,017 827 681 568 479 407 349 301 262 229 202 179 159 5'x14PSL 25Ii4O joo Z.50L8 b 4r __1429 1 355 1117 931 784 667 572 494 430 376 331 293 260 5x16 PSL 5.25 x 16.0 84.00 224.00 1,792.00 20,300 65,540 16,240 52,432 Ir -', ..4 6JW9I 1,390 1,171 995 853 737 641 561 494 437 388 OHI 622 553 5-x18 PSL .O 4'1 3'SO 2fö 38i1i~ 1,417 1,215 1,050 913 799 703 7 Parallam PSL 79PSL '70- 660 9 .-59j- 607132642.' 905 1,431 1,103 867 694 565 465 388 327 27 238 206 179 157 138 122 108 7xllf PSL 70 x 1188 8313 16452 97683 20,089 49,756 16,071 39,805 3'1842 632 2,153 1,694 1,356 1,103 909 757 638 543 465 402 349 306 269 238 212 1i fio j7 _1 1807 1 1241 1046 889 762 658 573 501 441 390 347 7x16 PSL 70 x 160 11200 298.67 2389,33 27067 87 387 21 653 69 909 24889 5934~2-' ! 8433O9 85Z865 18 5 3 1 561 1,327 1,138 983 855 748 658 583 518 1889 1 620 1,399 1,217 1,065 938 829 737 ,7xl8PSL 118' 0 iG 459 54 Glu-lam Girders d Beams (24F-1.8E or 24F-V4 with standard camber) .. - ..- -. - -. 61x16GLB EIR?JiL '1 &1 H1-1263 1083 935 814 712 627 554 493 675j6 61x16GLB 6.75x 18.0 121.50 364.50 3,280.50 26,831 84,732 21,465 67,786 146' 1,214 1,056 924 814 720 640 2á3 4 .,61)2rGLB 6 75 210 1417'S JP9 49613 5 209'31 31 O3113 565 - , ô4390'852 2 on 7 26 0075 C 474 3( 1.3 708 3 3( 2 B 9 ' 15 22 p20i3i 648 1'502374I262 1143 1016 [-Joists, Single use as headers & beams .. .. 11.iJI21O 106x1188 Er283 225425i' 10089j 79 67 58 51 44 39 34 31 14' TJI 210 2.06 x 14.0 - EI:415 1,225 5,350 9803 620k_ 980 4,260 . 0 ON 57 51 45 At roof loading conditions where shear or bending governs, use a 1.25 LbF adjustment to the above values. At roof loading conditions where deflection governs, use a 1.15 deflection adjustment factor to the above values. - 3. Shading in the span / allowable uniform load table indicates that bending (F'b)governs. Shear governs to the left of the shading, and deflection governs to the right. Oak Ave Lot 1 Aug 3 2009 Typical Framing Elements Roof Framing Trusses @24" 0/c (bL = 18 psf, LL = 20 psf) Factory Manufacturers design by others 2x Convetional Rafters & Fill Framing w (24/12) (18 psf + 20 psf) = 76 psf 2x4 @ 24" o/c spans to 4'-8" 2x6 @ 24" a/c spans to 9-10" 2x8 @ 24' a/c spans to 13-0" 240 @ 24" o/c spans to 16-4" 242 @ 24" o/c spans to 18'-11" f Floor Framing I-Joist floor joists (TrusJoist by Level or equal) (Allowable spans per the latest.span -tqblesfrom iel,.seethe, atest catalog& ICCESE5R-i387&ESR-1153) Alternates such as Boise Cascad&BCI and Louisiana Pacific LPRoists are allowed per;plans. see catalogs. w (16/12) (12 + 40 psf) 69 psf w (19.2/12)(12 psf + 40 psf) 83 psf Opening Headers & Misc. Beams Hi w:5170plf Roof Floor 4x4 (Max. Span:) 6'-4" 6-0" 4x6 10-0" 8-11" 4x8 13'-2" 11'40' 4x10 16'-3" 14-6" 444 22-4" 20'-0" H2 w5370p1f Roof Floor 4x4 (Max. Span:) 4'-7" 4'-2" 4x6 6-9" 6111 4x8 8-11" 8'-0" 440 11,-a" 9-10" H3 w!5570p1f Roof Floor 4x4 (Max. Span:) 3'-9" 3'-4" 4x6 5'-5" 4'-10" 4x8 7-2" 6-5" 440 840" 442 10,4" 9-8" 34x11f LSL 16 14-2" 13-5" H4 w!5770p1f Roof Floor 4x4 (Max. Span:) 3-2" 2-10" 4x6 4-8" 4'-2" 4x8 6'-2" 5-6" 440 7'-7" 6-9" 4x12 9-4" 8'4" 34x94 LSL 10-3" 9'-9" 34x11f LSL 12'-10" 12'-2" H5 w5970p1f Roof Floor 4x4 (Max. Span:) 2'-10" 2'-6" 4x6 4-2" 3-9" 4x8 5'-6" 440 6'-9" 64" 442 84" 7'-5" 34x94 LSL 9-6" 9-0" 34x11f LSL 11,40" H6 w :5 1,170 plf Roof Floor 440 (Max. Span:) 6-2" 3x9 LSL 8-11" 8-5" 3!X1 4x11f LSL 11'-!" 10'-5" See uniform loads table on page 2 and 3 for additional spans or load conditions not specifically addressed here. Oak Ave Lot 1 Aug 3 2009 Stud Column Capacity 2007 CBC 34" Stud Wall Nominal Size Sill/Top Plate Max. Load 6 Ft. 7 Ft. 8 Ft. Stud Height 9 Ft. 10 Ft. 12 Ft. 14 Ft. 16 Ft. 2x4 Standard 3,281 lbs 4,136 lbs 3,288 lbs N/A 2x4 Standard 6,563 lbs 8,272 lbs 6,577 lbs N/A 2x4 Standard 9,844 lbs 12,409 lbs 9,865 lbs N/A 2x4 Stud 3,281 lbs 3,401 lbs 2,890 lbs 2,413 lbs 2,010 lbs 1,683 lbs N/A 2x4 Stud 6,563 lbs 6,801 lbs 5,781 lbs 4,826 lbs 4,019 lbs 3,367 lbs N/A 2x4 Stud 9,844 lbs 10,202 lbs 8,671 lbs 7,239 lbs 6,029 lbs 5,050 lbs N/A 2x4 bF#2 3,281 lbs 4,666 lbs 3,721 lbs 2,983 lbs 2,424 lbs 1,999 lbs 1,419 lbs 1,055 lbs N/A 2x4 bF#2 6,563 lbs 9,331 lbs 7,441 lbs 5,965 lbs 4,847 lbs 3,999 lbs 2,838 lbs 2,110 lbs N/A 2x4 DF#2 9,844 lbs 13,997 lbs 11,162 lbs 8,948 lbs 7,271 lbs 5,998 lbs 4,257 lbs 3,165 lbs N/A (1) 4x4 Standard 7,656 lbs 9,651 lbs 7,673 lbs 6,141 lbs 4,985 lbs 4,110 lbs 2,914 lbs 2,166 lbs N/A (1) 4x4 0F#1 7,656 lbs 11,783 lbs 9,353 lbs 7,479 lbs 6,068 lbs 5,001 lbs 3,545 lbs 2,635 lbs N/A (1) 4x6 bF#1 12,031 lbs 18,252 lbs 14,565 lbs 11,681 lbs 9,494 lbs 7,833 lbs 5,560 lbs 4,134 lbs N/A (1) 4x8 bF#1 ° 15,859 lbs 23,676 lbs 19,005 lbs 15,294 lbs 12,454 lbs 10,288 lbs 7,312 lbs 5,441 lbs N/A (1) 4x10 bF#1 20,234 lbs 29,670 lbs 23,972 lbs 19,363 lbs 15,804 lbs 13,073 lbs 9,306 lbs 6,931 lbs N/A (1) 4x12 bF#1 24,609 lbs 36,085 lbs 29,155 lbs 23,550 lbs 19,221 lbs 15,900 lbs 11,318 lbs 8,429 lbs N/A 54" Stud Wall Nominal Size Sill/Top Plate Max. Load 8 Ft. ° 9 Ft. 10 Ft. Stud Height 12 Ft. 18 Ft. 20 Ft. 22 Ft. 24 Ft. 2x6 bF#2 5,156 lbs 8,683 lbs 7,653 lbs 6,669 lbs 5,035 lbs 2,430 lbs 1,989 lbs 1,655 lbs N/A 2x6 bF#2 10,313 lbs 17,367 lbs 15,306 lbs 13,338 lbs 10,070 lbs 4,860 lbs 3,977 lbs 3,311 lbs N/A 2x6 bF#2 15,469 lbs 26,050 lbs 22,959 lbs 20,007 lbs 15,106 lbs 7,290 lbs 5,966 lbs 4,966 lbs N/A (1) 6x4 bF#1 12,031 lbs 22,097 lbs 19,379 lbs 16,821 lbs 12,641 lbs 6,074 lbs 4,968 lbs 4,134 lbs N/A (1) 6x6 bF#1 18,906 lbs 24,795 lbs 22,955 lbs 20,918 lbs 16,823 lbs 8,657 lbs 7,134 lbs 5,966 lbs N/A (1) 6x8 bF#1 25,781 lbs 33,812 lbs 31,303 lbs 28,525 lbs 22,941 lbs 11,804 lbs 9,728 lbs 8,136 lbs N/A (1) 6x10 bF#1 32,656 lbs 40,425 lbs 37,734 lbs 34,689 lbs 28,322 lbs 14,837 lbs 12,251 lbs 10,259 lbs N/A (1) 6x12 bF#1 39,531 lbs 1 48,936 lbs 45,678 lbs 41,992 lbs 34,285 lbs 17,960 lbs 14,830 lbs 12,419 lbs N/A LSL Studs Sill/Top Plate Stud Height Nominal Size Max. Load 8 Ft. 9 Ft. 10 Ft. 12 Ft. 18 Ft. 20 Ft. 22 Ft. 24 Ft. (1) 34x34 1.3E LSL 7,656 lbs 7,444 lbs 6,108 lbs 5,069 lbs 3,622 lbs N/A N/A N/A N/A (1) 34x44 1.3E LSL 9,570 lbs 9,304 lbs 7,635 lbs 6,336 lbs 4,527 lbs N/A N/A N/A N/A (1) 34x54 1.3E LSL 12,031 lbs 11,697 lbs 9,598 lbs 7,966 lbs 5,691 lbs 2,609 lbs 2,122 lbs 1,759 lbs N/A (1) 34x7* 1.3E LSL 15,859 lbs 15,419 lbs 12,652 lbs 10,500 lbs 7,502 lbs 3,439 lbs 2,798 lbs 2,319 lbs N/A (1) 34x84 1.3E LSL 1 18,867 lbs 1 18,343 lbs 15,051 lbs 12,492 lbs 8,925 lbs 4,091 lbs 3,328 lbs 2,759 lbs N/A PSL Studs Sill/Top Plate Stud Height Nominal Size Max. Load 8 Ft. 9 Ft. 10 Ft: 12 Ft. 18 Ft. 20 Ft. 22 Ft. 24 Ft. (1) 34x34 1.8E PSL 7,656 lbs 10,730 lbs 8,702 lbs 7,169 lbs 5,081 lbs N/A N/A N/A N/A (1) 34x54 1.8E PSL 11,484 lbs 16,095 lbs 13,052 lbs 10,754 lbs 7,622 lbs 3.466 lbs 2,816 lbs 2,333 lbs N/A (1) 34x7 1.8E PSL 15,313 lbs 21,460 lbs 17,403 lbs 14,339 lbs 10,162 lbs 4,621 lbs 3,755 lbs 3,110 lbs N/A (1) 51x5+ 1.8E PSL 17,227 lbs 44,269 lbs 38,114 lbs 32,63916s 24,142 lbs 11,432 lbs 9.336 lbs 7.760 lbs N/A (1) 54x7 1.8E PSL 22,969 lbs 59,026 lbs 50,818 lbs 43,519 lbs 32,189 lbs 15,243 lbs 12,448 lbs 10,347 lbs N/A (1) 7x7 1.8E PSL 30,625 lbs 100,192 lbs 92,677 lbs 84,376 lbs 67,757 lbs 34,806 lbs 28,678 lbs 23,982 lbs N/A Lot 1 8/10/2009 SEISMIC ANALYSIS 2007CBC,Alt. BasicLoad Comb IN Seismic Loads SS 1.284 min I 1.00 T = Ta 0.22 s (max.) Si: 0.484 min Design Category: b T5 = 0.50 s Sms (1.00)(1.28): 1.284 Site Class: C TL = 8.0 s 5M1 (1.32)(0.48): 0.637 P, 6.5 C5 = 0.132 Eq. 12.8-2 St,s (2/3)(128) 0.856 flo 2.5 C5 ~ 0.292 Eq. 12.8-3/4 51)1 (2/3)(0.64): 0.425 Cd 4.00 C5 0.038 Eq. 12.8-5/6 Design Loading, Allowable Stress besign Base Shear aiig p:l.3 p:l.3 Used Eh = (p)(C5 )(W) 0.132W 0.171W : Eh/1.4: 0.094W 0.122W 0.163W Ev (0.2)(S 5)(b) 0.171W 0.171W Ev/1.4 0.122W 0.122W 0.140W Component Interconnection :. 0.133p(5b5)W 0.114W 0.148W E/1.4: 0.081W 0.106W Distribution of Forces 1-Story Weight Roof 26.4 psf x 0.163 4.30 psf mm. force 2-Story k:1.00 Weight Height (Wx)(Hxk) Roof 26.4 psf 26.1 ft 689.04 Floor 21.5 psf 16.0 ft 343.81 1032.9 Vbase: 47.9 psf x 0.163 z 7.80 psf % Force Force to element 67% 5.20 psf 33% 2.60 psf 7.80 psf Wind Pressures Floor Height Eave Height Roof Height (h) Width (B) Length(L) Roof Angle (0) qh Note: P1 has internal pre P2 has internal suc Roof Elements Left Overhang Left Sloping Flat Section Right Sloping Right Overhang Oak Ave Lot 1 8/10/2009 \A/INb ANALYSIS, Worst Case 2007 CBC. Alternate Basic Load Combinations Wind Speed 85 Importance 1.0 z9 Exposure B Kd 0.85 a Enclosure Enclosed K.t 1.0 & Element Z K,&K, Windward Walls 25.6 0.67 16.5 Windward Walls 16.5' 0.59 25.6 (not used) 26.8 Leeward Wall 26.8 0.68 36.0' Roof to ridge (a) 26.8 0.68 24.0 Roof to ridge (b) 26.8' 0.68 18.40 Roof-Leeward 26.8 0.68 10.67 (not used) (not used) Windward overhang bottoms 25.6 0.67 (not used) :ssure (not-.used) tion Interior Pressure 26.8' 0.68 Wind Left to Right Length P1a(plf) P1b(plf) P2o(plf) P2b(plf) 1.1 -19.7 -15.2 -19.7 -15.2 11.6 -137.4 -88.6 -79.5 -30.7 0.0' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.6 -128.0 -128.0 -70.2 -70.2 1.1' -2.8 -2.8 -2.8 -2.8 1,200 7.0 0.85 (l.3)p1 (l.3)p2 C) (i) 10.53 0.80 6.81 11.80 9.28 0.80 5.71 10.70 10.67 -0.50 -8.39 -3.40 10.67 -0.79 -11.85 -6.86 10.67 -0.44 -7.64 -2.65 10.67 -0.73 -11.04 -6.05 10.53 0.80 9.31 9.31 10.67 ±0.18 (2.50) (-2.50) Wind Right to Left P1a(plf) P1b(plf) P2a(plf) P2b(plf) -2.8 -2.8 -2.8 -2.8 -128.0 -128.0 -70.2 -70.2 0.0 - 0.0 0.0 0.0 -137.4 -88.6 -79.5 -30.7 -19.7 -15.2 -19.7 -15.2 Roof Totals Plo (Left to Rt) Pib (Left to Rt) P2a (Left to Rt) P2b (Left to Rt) Plo (Rt to Left) Pib (Rt to Left) P2o (Rt to Left) P2b (Rt to Left) Horiz. Vert. -8.3 -273.1 8.5 -222.6 -8.3 -163.3 8.5 -112.8 -8.3 -273.1 8.5 -222.6 -8.3 -163.3 8.5 -112.8 Code Mm. Horizontal Forces (10 psf) This section 260 plf Vertical-Elements Left to Right Right to Left Length P1 (plf) P2 (plf) P1 (plf) P2 (plf) Left Walls-Upr 4.1' 27.9 48.4 34.4 13.9 Left Walls-Lwr 15.5' 88.5 165.9 130.0 52.7 (not used) Rt Walls-Upr 4.1' 34.4 13.9 27.9 48.4 Right Walls-Lwr 15.5' 130.0 52.7 88.5 165.9 (not used) (not used) (not used) From Roof 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 Total Horiz. Forces 289 289 289 289 Summary of Results Wind Load besign Force = (1.3)W Left to Right 289 plf RighttoLeft= 289 plf Seismic Force = E/1.4: (24.00) (7.80) 187 plf Wind Governs Transverse only Oak Ave Lot 1 Aug 3 2009 Typical Shear Panel 2007 CRC YP/CAL ELEMEAlr5 OF RE5/577VE MOMENTA I HEAR PANEL,: immossammamme FLLJ.H DEAM. OR HOR. - III I I III ,,Ww CONI. 0i91. TOP P1. WHERE OCC1IR' 'I' 'I, 7WHEREOCCLJR. OROP'O 5M OR HOR. Wf OCCLI95 II - !;LLLft_AI_4rI. / \ /.\ \ 'I / I E] P = L OA P FROM HEA PER' OR BEAM Wr = Li/s//FORM LOAD OF ROOF ABOVE Ww = UN/FORM LOAD OF WALL ABOVE WI = UN/FORM LOAD OF FLOOR ABOVE W5 = Li/V/FORM LOAD OF WALL .5ELF WE/6H1 LI = /JPL /FT FROM 0. 7E, W, Eli, 4, OR wW WALL ,ROOF& PART/I/ON WIEGHT5 (iv) ROOF rRL155 .5PA N 72 PL F Dl P1 F 90 P1 F EXIEK/OR 112 FL 126 P1 F 140 PLF INTER/OR WOOD 72 PL Dl PL 90 FL INTER/OR GYP. 64 FL F 72 P1 F DO P1 F Oak Ave Lot 1 Aug 3 2009 Shearwall Schedule 2007 CBC 9. I ----® SM WMJ. YE & BELOW OPEJG. 'OG. SEE ROOF FRAMING PLAN SCALE - he 0 F o/c TAFERED -----C t6 61 40 L SMACE ABOVE GARAGE DOORS v/ SHEAR r PEM FLOOR FRAMING PLAN SC.IW 'Ii'- SHFA ENW WMJ. C tUC ABDVE & OW OPD1G. \\ EX IROtW 'ENN. SEE DETM 23 ) ?s52 t l ---t BATH 18.01. 3.01 0 wow WA WW WAU T t3L1SEC AWVE & EaOW OPIMr. EJL MO(K WDU, SEE KTOL 23 Jl 4 1 ROOM 50 l2. la.uSE 8O'E & mow OPENlE. WNSEW cb FLOOR FRAMING PLAN SC&L '/• Oak Ave 08/10/09 ROOF FRAMING, Lot 1 Ho Typical Roof Framing: Factory Trusses @ 24" 0/c 2007 CBC, Basic Load Combinations Typical Conventional Framing: 2x rafters 24" a/c, see calcs pg. 4 TYPICAL BEAMS & HEAbEIS AT OPENINGS Grid line Uniform load Header (See pg. 4) 2nd Story (roof) (wall) (floor) (misc.) 1 / 2 (4)(38) + 10 = 162 plf Hi b (11)(38) +10 = 428 plf H3 3 (garage) (4)(38) +'10 = 162 plf 4x14 G.( addition) (8)(38) +10 = 314 plf H2 HbR A Span 6.0' Sliding Goor (roof) (wall) (floor) (misc.) w1 (x2): (4)(38) +10 162plf lip xw2 w2 (x~2) (11)(38) +:I0 '428plf I ,,,1'llllltlllllIl P1 (x2) (22/2x9/2)(38) 1,881 lbs IRl 1R2 lx Ri (Critical RI /1.25 LbF = 1,676 lbs) RI (max.) = 2,095 lbs R2 (Critical R2 / 1.25 LbF = 11458 lbs) R2 (max.) = 1,822 lbs Moment (Critical M / 1.25 LbF = 3,092#f t) Moment (max.) = 3,865#ft 4x10 beflection (LL L/2,212) 14/I 0.06" = L/1,149 Oak Ave 08/10/09 FLOOR FRAMING, Lot 1 11 Typical Floor Framing: 14" I Joists at 16" / 19.2" 0/c. 2007 CBC, Basic Load Combinations See plans & calcs pg. 4 for options B-i Span 13.0' . Flush Beam Grid B (roof) (wall) . (floor) (misc.) wi (x6) (8)(14) + (11/2+10/2)(52)..+20 678plf . PPP2 w2 (x6) (8)(8) + (11/.2~10/2)(52) +'20 630 lf 'Il liii II IlIIl,, P1 (x6) 2094.7 [Reaction at Header Above] 2,095 lbs IRl 1R2 P2 (x12) 1822.3 [Reaction at Header Above] . 1,822 lbs J' X Ri (Critical Ri /1.00 LbF = 4,927 lbs) RI (max.) = 5,067 lbs R2 (Critical R2 / 1.00 LbF 5,438 lbs) R2 (max.) = 6,191 lbs - Moment (Critical M / 1.00 LbF = 17,358#f t) Moment (max.) = 19,393#ft . 3144 LSL beflection (ALL L/668) .351/I 0.44 L/355 B-2 .. Span = 20.7' Above Garage 1 (roof) (wall) (floor) (misc.) wi (xi0.9) (5)(38) +.(8)(14) +(1)(52) +20 374 plf . P. 41 w2 (x10.9) . (8)(8) +(1)(52) + 20 . 136 plf JI Ill 1111111 r ,,, P1 (x10.9) 6191 [B-i Reaction] 6,191 lbs IRl IR2 Ri = (Critical Ri / 1.00 LbF = 5,090 lbs) RI (max.) = 6,261 lbs (Critical R2 / 1.00 LbF = 4,667 Ibs) R2 (max.) = 5,384 lbs Moment = . (Critical M / 1.00 LbF = 39,207#ft) Moment (max.) = 46,019#ft 3 2x8 PSL beflection (ALL L/649) 1,465/1 0.86 L/288 B-3 Span 16.2' . Garage boor Header (roof) (wall) (floor) (misc.) wi (x8) (10)(14) +(1.2)(52) +20 . 222 plf p w2 (xi8) (4)(38) +(14)(14) +(1.2)(52) +20 430 plf W1,'lllllllllllll P1 (x=8) = 5067.2 [B-i Reaction] 5,067 lbs IRl 1R2 lx K Ri (Critical RI / 1.00 LbF = 4,561 lbs) Ri (max.) = 4,911 lbs R2 (Critical R2 / 1.00 LbF = 5,018 lbs) R2 (max.) = 5,688 lbs Moment (Critical M / 1.00 LbF = 29,371#f t) Moment (max.) = . 31,718#ft 5-1 4x S Deflection (ALL = L/949) 600/I 0.50,, L/389 Oak Ave 08/10/09 FLOOR FRAMING, Lot 1 (Continued) B-4 Span = 6.0 12 Garage 2 at stairs (roof) (wall) (floor) (misc.) (11)(38) -(8)(14) + (6)(52) +20 862 plf llllllllllllllllllllllllU tRi tR2 R1 (Critical Ri / 1.00 LbF = 1,926 lbs) RI (max.) = 2,422 lbs R2z (Critical R2 / 1.00 LbF = 1,926 lbs) R2 (max.) = 2,422 lbs Moment (Critical M / 1.00 LbF = 2,889#f t) Moment (max.) = 3,633#ft 4x12 Deflection L/5,053) 13/I 0.03"= L/2,334 Lot 1 08/10/09 Seismic Discontinuity-Supporting Beam Check 12.1 2007 CBC, Special Seismic Combinations (LRFb) Shearwall Effect to Framing Grid Line B Shearwall Length 6 ft Shearwall Height 8 ft Shearwall Loading (0.7E ASb per calcs) 282 plf (shear length) (force x conversion from 'used O.7E' to code required E) Eh: (6 ft) x (282 plf) x (0.094W / 0.163W) 976 lbs Em i f2o x Eh (2.5) x (976 lbs) i 2,439 lbs <--Governs Emi Max. force from shearwall i (6 ft) x (2.0)x(380 plf) i 4,560 lbs F i ± (2439 lbs)(8 ft tall) / (6 ft wide) 1 31253 lbs c--Governs Span: 13.0' Flush Beam Grid B (roof) (wall) (floor) (misc.) wi (xth): (8)(14) + (11/2+10/2)(52) +20 678 plf w2 (xth): (8)(8) + (11/2+10/2)(52) +20 630 plf P1 (x:6): 2094.7 [Reaction at Header Above] 2,095 lbs P2 (x12): 1822.3 [Reaction at Header Above] 1,822 lbs Fl (x:0.2): ± 3,253 lbs F2 (x:5.8) ± 3,253 lbs 1.21)+0.5L+Em 0.91)+Em Max. Reaction Max. Uplift 5,860 lbs 3,058 lbs 3,129 lbs 327 lbs 5,860 lbs 0 lbs R2: 3,938 lbs 6,741 lbs 743 lbs 3,545 lbs 6,741 lbs 0 lbs Moment: 26,682#ft 'Check 34x14 LSL Beam KF: 2.16 / c (Fb) : 0.85 (Fv) = 0.75 A: 1.0 Allowable Actual Allowable Shear: (2.16/0.75)x(0.75)x(i.0) x (10,127) 21,874 lbs > 6,7411 bs 0. K. Allowable Moment: (2.16/0.85)x(0.85)x(1.0) x (21,840) : 47,175#ft > 26,682#ft O.K. 344 LSL o.k. at seismic discontinuity, no uplift Oak Ave Lot 1 8/10/20( LATERAL bISTRIBUTION-SEISMIC, Lot 1 13 Seismic Base Shear— bwellinq unit over 3 Car Garage Vupper - 650 sf x 5.2 psf = 3,382 lbs Vlower 830 sf X 2.6 psf = 2,155 lbs 5,537 lbs DISTRIBUTION Upper Lower Load Grid Roof Floor Roof From Total Line Area Area Area Above Force (5.2 psf) (2.6 psf) (4.3 psf) (lbs) (lbs) DWELLING UNIT UPPER LEVEL A 61 315 B 325 1,691 b 264 1,374 1 295 1,532 2 356 1,850 LOWER A -- 252 1,160 1,815 C -- 402 846 1,889 -- 180 1,374 1,841 1 -- 408 1,532 2,592 2 -- 408 J,850 2,909 bETACHEb GARAGE ElF 264 1,135 3 264 1,135 4 264 1,135 ONE STORY AbbIUON & 240 1,032 5 240 1,032 6 240 1,032 SHEARWALL ANALYSIS-SEISMIC Grid Line Shear Force (Ibs) Wall Lengths ~(feet) Net Length (feet) Wall Wall Shear Height (plf) . (feet) Wall H/B Ratio Pier WALL H/B TYPE Ratio O.T. Moment (#-FT) Resisting Self I Wt. Elements (plf) Roof Walls Floor Above Above Above End Loads (Ibs) (0.9-0.14)x Uplift Resisting from Moment Above Uplift (plf) Holdown Uplift Hardware (Ibs) (Simpson or Eq.) DWELLING UNIT UPPER LEVEL A 315 6 B 1,691 6 . b 1374. 10.5 2.3 6.0 6.0 4.9 52 282 279 8 8 8 1.3 1.3 0.8 2.7 5 6 6 2,519 13,529 10,990 115 115 115 72 72 198 240 . 3,650. 2,555 13,105 (189) 1,829 (201) none MSTC none 1 2 1,532 1,850 4 4 11.6 8.0 11.6 192 159 LOWER ___________ 8 8 2.0 0.7 5 5 6,130 14,799 115 115 72 72 . 1,136 9,552 117 1,249 452 C516 C516 A C D 1,815 1.889 1,841 12 12 8 12.0 12.0 8.0 151 157 230 15.5 15.5 15.5 1.3 1.3 IJ 6 7 6 28,128 29,285 28,537 210 154 210 72 112 132 70 204 72 112 72 200 28,783 25,244 11,333 84 (55) 337 2,150 HTT4 HT74 HTT4 Z 1 2,592 3.3 3.9 3 4 2 2,909 20 DETACHED GARAGE 10.5 20.0 246 145 I . 8 15.5 . 2.4 b. : 6 5 7,880 45,093 210 210 72 112 12 36 . 280 2,468 41,648 26 1,353 HTT4 Sill Anchorage -< (f ElF 3 4 1,135 1,135 1,135 8 2.3 2.3 12 8.0 3.0 12.0 142 376 95 8 7 8 1.0 3.0 0.7 5 7 5 9,082 3,973 9,082 112 112 112 198 72 72 260 9,120 370 10,068 (5) 1,567 (82) none HTTI6 none ONE STORY ADDITION & 1,032 16 5 1,032 12 23 8.6 5.8 119 179 8 8 0.5 0.7 2.7 2.7 5 5 . 8,256 8,256 112 112 144 45 24,904 8,591 (1,040) none (28) none 6 1,032 11.6 2.3 6.5 160 8 0.7 2.7 5 8,256 112 45 260 10,320 (178) none I- 0 -f Footnotes: (1) Net Length reduced-Force Transfer Around Opening(s) (2) Net Length reduced-Perforated Sheorwall (3) Net Length reduced-H/B between 2:1 and 34:1 Comments: I . - Oak Ave Lt i 8/10/2009 LATERAL bISTRIBUTION-WIND, Lot 1 WINE) bISTRIBUTION First Section Grid Lineal Tributary Line Force Width (plf) (ft) Second Section Lineal Tributary Force Width (pif) (ft) Load From Above (Ibs) Wind Total Force (Ibs) Siesmic Force (pg. 13) (Ibs) Maximum Lateral Force (Ibs) DWELLING UNIT UPPER LEVEL A 71 5.5 391 315 391 B 71 5.5 71 16.5 1,562 1,691 1,691 b 71 11.0 781 1,374 1,374 1 71 12.0 852 1,532 1,532 2 71 12.0 852 .1,850 1850 LOWER A 219 10.5 1,172 3,471 1,815 3,471 C 219 16.5 781 4,395 1,889 4,395 D 219 . 5.8 781 2,040 1;841 2,040 1 219 12.0 852 3,480 2,592 3,480 2 219 120 '852 113480 ,2909 3,480 DETACHED GARAGE kseismic governs E/F 1,135 1,135 3 . 1,135 1,135 4 1,135 1,135 ONE STORY ADDITION seismic governs G 1,032 1,032 5 1,032 1,032 6 . .1,032 1,032 SHEARWALL ANALYSIS—WIND Grid Line 5hear Force (Ibs) • Wall Lengths ~(feet) Net Length (feet) Wall 5hear (plf) Wall Height (feet) Wall H/B Ratio Pier WALL HISTYPE Ratio O.T. Moment (#-FT) 0.67 x Resisting Elements Self Roof Walls Floor Wt. Above Above Above (plf) (plf) (plf) (plf) End Loads (Ibs) 0.67 x Uplift Resisting from Moment Above Holdown Uplift Uplift Hardware (plf) (lbs) (Simpson or Eq.) (,fl DWELLING UNIT UPPER LEVEL A 391 6 8 1,562 6 C) 781 10.5 2 6.0 6.0 6.6 65 260 119 8 8 8 1.3 1.3 0.8 2.7 5 6 6 3,124 12,496 6.248 77 48 77 48 77 133 161 3,218 2,253 11,553 (16) 1,707 (505) none MSTC none 1 2 852 852 4 4 11.6 8.0 11.6 107 73 . LOWER 8 8 2.0 0.7 5 5 3,408 6,816 77 48 77 48 1,001 8,420 602 (138) C516 C516 . A C C) 3,471 4,395 2,040 12 12 8 12.0 120 8.0 289 366 255 15.5 155 15.5 1.3 13 1.9 16 6 7 53,801 68,115 31,624 141 48 75 103 47 141 48 75 88 137 48 134 25,374 22,255 9,991 2,369 3,822 2,704 HTT4 HTT4 HTT4 Z 1 2 3,480 3,480 3.3 3.9 4 20 11.2 20.0 311 174 8 15.5 2.4 0.8 6 5 8,203 53,940 141 48 75 141 8 24 188 1,481 36,716 2,037' 129 HTT4 Sill Anchorage CJ' • • I-I - S z 0 —f Footnotes: (1) Net Length reduced-Force Transfer Around Opening(s) (2) Net Length reduced -Perforated 5hearwall Comments: S 0' CONVENTIONAL FOUNDATIONS UNIFORM LOAD CAPACITY BASEb ON SOIL BEARIN' (200 psf INCREASE FOR 24" DEEP) 1500 2000 12" WIbE x UP TO 18" DEEP 1,500 plf 2,000 plf 24" DEEP 1,700 plf 2,200 plf 15" WIDE x UP TO 18" DEEP 1,875 plf 2,500 plf 241 DEEP 2,125 plf 2,750 plf CONCENTRATED LOADS TO FTGS FTG SIZE h BRG. AREA 1500 psf 2000 psf 12"x12" 18 3.33 5,000 lb 6,666 lb 12"xl5" 21 b 71666 lb 12"x18" 24 433 6,500 lb 8,66 1211x24" 30 5.33 8,000 lb 10,666 lb 1511X18" 24 479 7,185 lb 9,580 lb 1511x24" 30 6.67 10,001 lb; 13,334 lb. BEARING AREA b(L) ft2 144 b(2h+4) 2 144 ft 18" SQ PAD 18 2.25 3,375 lb. 24"SQ PAD 18 4.00 6,000 lb. 30"SQ PAD 1 18 6.25 9,375 lb. 36"SQ PAD 18 9.00 13,500 lb. 42"SQ PAD 18 12.25 18,375 lb. FROM REPORT, SOILS BEARING 2000 psf BEAM DESCRIPTION 1 B-2 intersecting beams at grid B/3 2 B-3 Garage boor Header 4,500 lb. 8,000 lb. 12,500 lb. 18,000 lb. 24,500 lb. LOAD FTG 6,300 lbs Cont. Ftg 5,700 lbs Cont. Ftg IL VA am M ILIN 6114mb- -;q TRUSS CALCS N REVISION(S) T.. 4 2 I -,-- - - -.- - . -TAYLOR GROUP, INC. 719 Pier View Way - _•' - GEOSCIENCE & ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS . Oceanside -- ,__ .-• ". I * - California 92054 tel 760 721 9990 April 271 2009 • --C fax: 760.721.9991 TGI Project No G.09.00519 www vsztTGI corn 1 4 - - ,- •. - Mutual Partners, Inc 2 ; 1821 South Coast Highway Oceanside CA 92054 11 Attn: Dr. David Fischbach I 4 t 2 z- -1 Subject: Updated Geotechnical Report •- --- - Busby Subdivision 1212 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad California I )- - •__•I_ . 7 - . 4 ,__ - References "Geotechn,cal Investigation, Proposed Busby Parcel Map 1212 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, California -- •prepared by Western Soil and Foundation Engineering, Inc., Job No. 03-73, dated December 31, 2003. - - -. - - - "Addendum Number One to our Report of Geotechnical Investigation dated December 31, 2003, Busby Parcel Map, 1212 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, California" prepared by Western Soil and Foundation Engineering, lnc.,Job No. 03-73, dated November 12, 2007. : -- . . -• * .- & . Grading Plans for Busby Parcel Map, 1212 Oak Avenue, MS 04-01,-'PCD 05-02, Drawing No. 438- % ". 6A. Prepared by Aquaterra Engineering Inc. dated November 2, 2007 (Approved December 20, t L . 2007)-,. . .- . Dear Dr. Fischbach - *. .,•- - . Taylor Group, Inc. (IGI) has prepared this letter to update the above-referenced geotéchnical report for a proposed - '- • -. residential condominium project located at 1212 Oak Street in Carlsbad California (the project") By submitting this report TGI is assuming responsibility as the Geotechnical Engineer of Record for the project TGI s services associated with the preparation of this Updated Geotechnical Report have included the following tasks - •, -. . - - - . - • •- - .: a) Review of the above-referenced geotechnical reports prepared by Western Soil and Foundation Engineering, Inc.; * l, 'b) Review ofthe ab'ove-referenced grading plan, - - •: c) Performance of a visual reconhaissance of the Site and observation of initial grading operation; - • r -, .• d) Discussions with the owner's representatives and the project architect regarding conceptual building plans' for proposed single family residences on the graded lots * e) Evaluation of updated design parameters based on current code requirements and the proposed- improvement, and CL) Updated Geotechnical Report Busby Subdivision, 1212 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, California TGI Project No. G09.00519 April 27, 2009 Page 2 f) Preparation of this letter report. Based on our review of the referenced reports, TGl's site reconnaissance and our observation of subsurface conditions as exposed by the initial grading operations, it is our professional opinion that the site and subsurface conditions at the Site are generally consistent with those described in the referenced reports. Based on our review, observations and evaluations, it is our professional opinion that the recommendations contained in the above-referenced reports remain applicable with the modifications and revisions described in the following sections. Earthwork Recommendations The "Specifications for Construction of Controlled Fills" that were included in the original geotechnical report are hereby replaced by the earthwork and grading recommendations/specifications included as Attachment A to this letter report. Building Code All references to the Uniform Building Code (UBC) and/or California Building Code (CBC) in the earlier reports should be assumed to refer to the current 2007 CBC, which became effective as of January 1, 2008. - Seismic Design Parameters The 2007 California Building Code (CBC) differs from the building code that was applicable at the time of the previous reports with regard to seismic design parameters and procedures. Therefore, the seismic design parameters presented in the referenced report are updated and replaced by the parameters presented below. The proposed structure should be designed to resist earthquake loads in accordance with the minimum standards of §1613 of the 2007 CBC and ASCE 7. Seismic design parameters for the Site were evaluated using the USGS Earthquake Ground Motion Parameter Calculator (Version 5.0.9). Seismic design parameters were calculated based on the following input parameters: Site Location: • Latitude = 33.16356940 Longitude = -117.33983330 V Site Class: • C (very dense soil/soft rock, 1,200 <v <2,500 ft/sec) Site Coefficients: Fa = 1.00 F=1.316 The following table lists the relevant seismic design parameters, including the mapped and design spectral response accelerations for 0.2 second and 1 second periods. F* -' -Pncd . Mapped Spectral . .: Max Spectral Response Design Spectral Response Response Acceleration Acceleration . Acceleration 0.2 Second -, Ss = 1.284 g . SMS = 1.284 g . SDS 0.856 g •-- 1.0 Second . S=0.4Mg SMI =O.637g . SDI O.424g 5. '5 Foundation Design Parameters 5. 4 Based on the soil conditions at the Site, it is our opinion that conventional shallow foundations and slab-on-ground foundations are suitable and will probably provide the most cost-effective foundation system..We understand that You are considering alternatives to conventional shallow footings and slabs for the proposed development Our recommendations associated with the alternatives are summarized below. - •5 . is . . . . _5_ • 5, . -S a •. '. _I_ • . -S.. •* 55 . ••s ' - Conventional Footings 1 •- • TGl agrees with the design recommendations for footings and slabs on grade contained in the original:. geotechnical report Footing design parameters for conventional shallow footings are summarized below '- • •• = . . . •- - •- ''F • -•'•• a5' •• (4. 5• 5, ,••': •.. 5. ; SS T . '.; - -. . - : . -, - -- . • S.. • • . .. - •. *7 !' .,_, I5 • - -. - . -- S * • #5 - S . - •..'. -4- '.5.-. ,-.- • ''- -:- Floor Slabs on Grade :,--. - S . . • . • 5 • 5Y •,5 '- . - •i-. New slab-on-grade floors should be a minimum 5-inch thick concrete slab reinforced with at least No 3 reinforcing bars 18 inches on center in both directions.'The slab section and reinforcement should be F yerified by the project structural engineer. New slabs-on-grade should be constructed on a prepared F - •5• • • ' . • , - •; . •'- S -" • • •- • - . , 5--. • • -5 -'-5- 5- -- .5 .5 -. S • - -, --- 'I' I - 5 -- 5_ . .' _.•.I 4•4? I. - S •, • F '.. •• - - • _ • - • '' • - '5' • • S , • • ,' - • -• '" - - S • , . ' - . •L • - - .. . - - • .5 4 - • I. • • - - - * 4 1 .' Continidus - Cotinous olatedpread? , aramer -'- footingsforlstory ootingsfo2story F, fo6tings2 . ,.. ___________________ ________ ________ _________ Minimum width . 12 inches 12 inches . 24" x 24" .' ,-..• .; 5,. ______________________________________ ________________ ________________ __________________ Minimum embedment ., . - 12 inches 18 inches '- 18 inches Allowable bearing capacity . • 2,000 lb/ft2 2,500 lb/ft2 . 2,500 lb/ft2 Increase in allowable bearing capacity per -. 500 lb/ft2 .p600 lb/ft2 5•F -\ '' ' _______________________________________ ________________ ________________ __________________ 6-inch increment of increased depth . . Increase in allowable bearing capacity per . — . 200 lb/ft2 . , 500 lb/ft2. 6-inch increment of increased width ' .4 Friction coefficient . 0.35 0.35 0.35 Passive EFP for lateral resistance 350 lb/ft3 350 lb/ft3 375 lb/ft3 S. . Ignore upper 6" Ignore upper 6• . lnore upper 6" unless confined unless confined unless confined by g by slab or by slab or slab or pavement 1 • pavement - pavement Minimum Reinforcing steel : 1 — No. 4 bar 2— No. 4 bars Ttop No. 4 bars at 12" top and bottom and bottom top and bottom - ..r,, •' - I- S . • . r. * .. - '. -, - • Updated Geotechnical Report - .. . Busby Subdivision, 1212 Oak Avenue,. Carlsbad, California . • ", TGI Project No. G09.00519 '. April 27, 2009 - Page '•- - - AllowábléBèanhgCàpacit. feet) (lb/ft2) 10 450 30 500 50 575 -. <.4 ••--• . . I -I Updated Geotechnkal Report . .• ' Busby Subdivision, 1212 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, California TGI Project No. G09.00519 ' April 27, 2009 Page4 '. subgrade consisting of .a minimum of 4 inches of clean concrete sand or crushed rock over certified compacted fill. Slabs should have control joints extending at least 25% of the slab thickness spaced at intervals of no more than 15 feet. Control joints should be constructed using grooving tools (in fresh concrete) or by saw cutting as soon as the concrete is hard enough that the edges abutting the cut don't chip from the saw blade - (generally 6-12 hours after finishing concrete) Exterior slabs for flatwork and walkways should be at least 4 inches thick with minimum reinforcement consisting of No 3 reinforcing bars spaced 24 inches on center in both directions The reinforcing steel . should be placed in the upper 1/3 of the slab with at least 1 inch of concrete cover. Exterior blabs may be placed directly on a properly compacted subgrade consisting of on-site soils or approved compacted fill - - .. . . • •- -., _4. Mat Slabs 4 If the proposed structures are supported bi mat slabs, we recommend that the slabs should be designed as flat concrete slabé with continuous two-way reinforcement top and bottom. The minimum embedment of the slab should be 6 inches below the lowest adjacent finished grade Allowable bearing capacity of mat foundations with an 8 inch embedment may be interpolated from the following table 4 - r, • .•- -t- •: ____________ '• .1 I - - 4 Mat foundations designed using a discrete element method should use a soil modulus of subgrade reaction of 175 poundslin3 (47,500 kN/rn3) for certified compacted fill. Resistance to lateral loads may be calculated '4 using a coefficient of friction of 0.35 acting on the base of the mat slab. Passive resistance on the edge of ,' , • : the.mat slab may be combined with frictional resistance for the portion of the slab that has an embedment of • . -more than 6 inches or where the ground surface is covered by hardscape. An equivalent fluid pressure of . -• , 350 pcf may be used for calculating passive resistance. -' - • _i• •1 - . Post-Tensioned Slabs: . .• . • • . - . . ' - -4 - .. If post-tensioned slabs on grade are utilized, we recommend that they be designed using the procedures - - -, -_ recommended by the Post-Tensioning Institute (P11) based on the working stress method. The following .• design parameters are recommended: . - '4 . - •• - • < . .• Edè:L.ift 4. * • • . • * Edge Moisture Variation Distance, em 2.0 feet . 4.5 feet . . . Differential Soil Movement, ym 0.05 inch • - 0.10 inch Updated Geotechnical Report Busby Subdivision, 1212 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, California TGI Project No. G09.00519 April 27, 2009 Page 5 It is noted that the above recommendations are based on typical climatic conditions as described by the PTI recommendations and does not account for factors not related to climate. Such factors might include pré- existing vegetation, surface water drainage, irrigation of landscaping planted next to the foundation, subsurface drainage, and other factors related to homeowner maintenance. All of these factors should be considered by the designer as recommended by PTI. For "waffle" type PT slabs, edge beams should extend to at least 18 inches below the nearest adjacent grade and interior beams should extend at least 15 inches below the finished floor elevation. Resistance to lateral loads may be calculated using a coefficient of friction of 0.35 acting on the base of the mat slab. Passive resistance for PT slabs may be combined with frictional resistance for the center stiffening beams and for the portion of edge stiffening beams that have an embedment of more than 6 inches or where the ground surface is covered by hardscape. If constant section PT slabs are used, passive resistance on the edge of the slab may be combined with frictional resistance for the portion of the slab that has an embedment of more than 6 inches or where the ground surface is covered by hardscape. An equivalent fluid pressure of 350 pcf may be used for calculating passive resistance. Vapor Transmission through Slabs It is normal for the soil moisture content beneath slabs-on-ground to increase over time. Concrete slabs are permeable and moisture beneath the slab will eventually penetrate through the slab unless protective measures are taken. Capillary break layers and vapor barriers are commonly placed below slabs to limit vapor transmission through floor slabs where moisture sensitive flooring will be present. Appropriate design considerations and construction methods can reduce the amount of moisture beneath the slab. Specification of these items is not a geotechnical issue and should be addressed on the foundation plans by the structural engineer or architect. Minimum underlayment per §1910A.1 of the 2007 CBC shall consist of a 6-mil polyethylene vapor retarder with joints lapped not less than 6 inches. We recommend that where moisture sensitive flooring is planned, the structural engineer or architect should consider specifying slab underlayment that is consistent with current recommendations and guidelines published by the American Concrete Institute (ACI) and Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI). Items that should be considered include the following: Placement of a capillary break layer consisting of compacted clean concrete sand or %° crushed rock beneath slabs. Placement of a plastic vapor retarder below the slab. Whether the slab will be poured directly on the vapor retarder or on a layer of sand placed above the vapor retarder'. We suggest that if slabs are poured directly on the vapor retarder, the slab designer should consider using a 15-mil plastic membrane meeting all criteria of Class A per ASTM E 1745. Example products meeting these requirements include Reef Industries "Guffolyn 15 Mil Green", Stego Updated Geotechnical Report Busby Subdivision, 1212 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, California TGI Project No. G09.00519 April 27, 2009 Page 6 Use of concrete admixtures, application of a curing compound and/or, temporary covering of plastic sheeting to minimize the potential for differential drying and slab curl. Concrete and Steel Corrosion Soil chemical parameters in the near-surface soils on the building pads related to steel and concrete corrosion should be evaluated following completion of the grading. Based on the site conditions, we preliminarily recommend that concrete to be used for footings, slabs, stem walls and other concrete on or below grade should have an average 28- day compressive strength of 2,500 psi. Due to the potential for varying site conditions, Type llN alkali-resistant cement should be specified. Care should be taken to provide adequate concrete placement (using vibratory methods, where approved) and embedment of reinforcing steel to reduce the potential for corrosion. Geotechnical Observation and Testing Earthwork associated with this project should be performed under the observation of a qualified geotechnical professional from our office to assure that the recommendations presented in this report are followed. Inspection and testing of the following items are of particular importance: Keying and benching of fill into competent native deposits; Temporary excavations and bottom of excavations prior to subgrade preparation and fill placement; Subgrade preparation and compaction; Placement and compaction of engineered fill; Placement and compaction of utility backfill; Excavation bottoms for footings; Subgrade preparation, base placement and compaction and placement of asphalt concrete pavement in roads. Plan Review TGI should review the project plans and specifications to evaluate conformance with the recommendations presented in this report and to assess whether additional analyses or recommendations are necessary based on the final design of the planned improvements. § Industries Stego Wrap, Raven Industries Vapor Block 10, and WR Meadows Terminator. The vapor retarder should be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications, including overlapping and sealing of all penetrations and seams. Updated Geotechnical Report Busby Subdivision, 1212 Oak AvenUe, Carlsbad, California TGI Project No. G09.00519 Apnl 27, 2009 Page TGI appreciates the opportunity to be of service to you. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, OFESSIO •: TAYLOR GROUP, INC. ft No. 2602 M 06.30.2010 E. • Principal Engineer GE 2602, Expires 06.30.10 OF CP-° Attachments: Attachment 1 - Earthwork Guidelines and Standard Details cc: Paul Longton, Studio 4 Architects Mark Swanson A1TACHMENT1 EARTHWORK GUIDELINES AND STANDARD DETAILS Busby Subdivision, 1212 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, California 1.0 GENERAL These guidelines and the attached standard details provide general procedures to be utilized in conjunction with the project grading plans during earthwork construction. These guidelines are a part of TGI's geotechnical report. Where conflicts exist between these guidelines and the recommendations presented in the text of the geotechnical report, the recommendations presented in the text of the geotechnical report shall take precedence. 1. 1. Evaluations performed by the consultant during the course of grading may result in new recommendations which could supersede these guidelines and/or the recommendations of the geotechnical report. If, during the grading operations, geotechnical conditions are encountered which were not anticipated or described in the geotechnical report, the geotechnical consultant shall be notified immediately and additional recommendations, if applicable, may be provided. 1.2. It is the responsibility of the contractor to read and understand these guidelines as well as the geotechnical report and project grading plans. The contractor shall perform the grading operations in accordance with these guidelines, and shall be responsible for the quality of the finished product notwithstanding the fact that grading work will be observed and tested by the geotechnical consultant. The contractor shall not vary from these guidelines without prior recommendations by the geotechnical consultant and the approval of the client or the client's authorized representative. Recommendations by the geotechnical consultant and/or client shall not be considered to preclude requirements for approval by the jurisdictional agency prior to the execution of any changes. 1.3. It is the responsibility of the grading contractor to notify the geotechnical consultant and the jurisdictional agencies, as needed, prior to the start of work at the site and at any time that grading resumes after interruption. Each step of the grading operations shall be observed and documented by the geotechnical consultant and, where necessary, reviewed by the appropriate jurisdictional agency prior to proceeding with subsequent work. 1.4. A licensed land surveyor or civil engineer shall be retained, if required, to evaluate quantities of materials excavated during grading and/or to locate the limits of excavations. 1.5. An as-graded report should be prepared by the geotechnical consultant and signed by a Registered Engineer and/or Certified Engineering Geologist. The as-graded report will document the geotechnical consultant's observations, and field and laboratory test results, and provide conclusions regarding whether or not earthwork construction was performed in general accordance with the recommendations provided by the geotechnical consultant. Recommendations for foundation design, pavement design, subgrade treatment, etc., may also be included in the as-graded report. TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page E-1 Typical Earthwork Guidelines - Rev. 01-01-2008 2.0 DEFINITIONS The following definitions of terms are utilized in the remainder of these guidelines. CIVIL ENGINEER: CLIENT: COLLUVIUM: COMPACTION: CONTRACTOR: OEBRIS: ENGINEERED FILL: ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST: EROSION: EXCAVATION: The Registered Civil Engineer or consulting firm responsible for preparation of the grading plans and surveying, and evaluating as-graded topographic conditions The developer or a project-responsible authorized representative. The client has the responsibility of reviewing the findings and recommendations made by the geotechnical consultant and authorizing the contractor and/or other consultants to perform work and/or provide services. Generally loose deposits, usually found on the face or near the base of slopes/ and brought there chiefly by gravity through downhill movement (see also Slopewash). The densification of a fill by mechanical means. A person or company under contract or otherwise retained by the client to perform demolition, grading, and other site improvements. The products of clearing, grubbing, and/or demolition, or contaminated soil material unsuitable for reuse as compacted fill, and/or any other material so designated by the geotechnical consultant. A fill which the geotechnical consultant or the consultant's representative has observed and/or tested during placement, enabling the consultant to conclude that the fill has been placed in substantial compliance with the recommendations of the geotechnical consultant and the governing agency requirements. A geologist registered by the state licensing agency who applies geologic knowledge and principles to the exploration and evaluation of naturally occurring rock and soil, as related to the design of civil works. The wearing away of the ground surface as a result of the movement of wind, water, and/or ice. The mechanical removal of earth materials. EXISTING GRADE: The ground surface configuration prior to grading. Also referred to as original grade. FILL: Any deposit of soil, rock, soil-rock blends, or other similar materials placed by man. FINISH GRADE: The as-graded ground surface elevation that conforms to the grading plans. GEOFABRIC: An engineering textile utilized in geotechnical applications such as subgrade stabilization and filtering. GEOTECHNICAL The geotechnical engineering and engineering geology consulting firm retained CONSULTANT: to provide technical services for the project. For the purpose of these guidelines, observations by the geotechnical consultant include observations by the geotechnical engineer, engineering geologist and other persons employed by and responsible to the geotechnical consultant. GEOTECHNICAL A licensed civil engineer and geotechnical engineer, registered by the state ENGINEER: licensing agency, who applies scientific methods, engineering principles, and professional experience to the acquisition, interpretation, and use of knowledge of materials of the earth's crust to the resolution of engineering problems. Geotechnical engineering encompasses many of the engineering aspects of soil TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page E-2 Typical Earthwork Guidelines - Rev. 01-01-2008 mechanics, rock mechanics, geology, geophysics, hydrology, and related sciences. GRADING: Any operation consisting of excavation, filling, or combinations thereof and associated operations. LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS: Material, often porous and of low density, produced from instability of natural or manmade slopes. OPTIMUM MOISTURE: The moisture content that is considered optimum to compaction operations as obtained by ASTM D-1557-07 or other standard test method recommended by the geotechnical engineer. RELATIVE COMPACTION: The degree of compaction (expressed as a percentage) of a material as compared to the dry density obtained from ASTM D 1557-07 or other standard test method recommended by the geotechnical engineer. ROUGH GRADE: The ground surface configuration at which time the surface, elevations approximately conform to the approved rough grading plan. SHEAR KEY: Similar to a subsurface buttress; however, it is generally constructed by excavating a slot within a natural slope in order to stabilize the upper portion of the slope without encroaching into the lower portion of the slope. SITE: The particular parcel of land where grading is being performed. SLOPE: An inclined ground surface, the steepness of which is generally specified as a ratio of horizontal units to vertical units. - SLOPE WASH: Soil and/or rock material that has been transported down a slope by gravity assisted by the action of water not confined to channels (see also Colluvium). SLOUGH: Loose, uncompacted fill material generated during grading operations. SOIL: Naturally occurring and manmade deposits of sand, silt, clay, etc., or combinations thereof STABILIZATION FILL: A fill mass, the configuration of which is typically related to slope height and is specified by the standards of practice for enhancing the stability of locally adverse conditions. A stabilization fill is normally specified by a key width and depth and by a backcut angle. A stabilization fill may or may not have a back drainage system specified. SUBDRAIN: Generally a pipe-and-gravel or similar drainage system placed beneath a fill along the alignment of buried canyons or former drainage channels. TAILINGS: Non-engineered fill which accumulates on or adjacent to equipment haul roads or disposed in an uncompacted state in connection with mining and quarry operations. TERRACE: A relatively level bench constructed on the face of a graded slope surface for drainage and mainteance purposes TGl: Taylor Group, Inc. TOPSOIL: The upper zone of soil or bedrock materials, which is usually dark in color, loose, and contains organic materials. WINDROW: A row of large rocks buried within engineered fill in accordance with guidelines set forth by the geotechnical consultant. TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page E-3 Typical Earthwork Guidelines - Rev. 01-01-2008 3.0 OBLIGATIONS OF PARTIES The parties involved in the projects earthwork activities shall be responsible as outlined in the following sections. 3.1. The client is ultimately responsible for the aspects of the project. The client or the client's authorized representative has a responsibility to review the findings and recommendations of the geotechnical consultant. The client shall authorize the contractor and/or other consultants to perform work and/or provide services. During grading the client or the client's authorized representative shall remain on site or remain reasonably accessible to the concerned parties to make the decisions that may be needed to maintain the flow of the project. 3.2. The contractor is responsible for the safety of the project and satisfactory completion of grading and other associated operations, including, but not limited to, earthwork in accordance with the project plans, specifications, and jurisdictional agency requirements. During grading, the contractor or the contractors authorized representative shall remain on site. The contractor shall further remain accessible during non- working hours times, including at night and during days off. 3.3. The geotechnical consultant shall provide observation and testing services and shall make evaluations to advise the client: on geotechnical matters. The geotechnical consultant shall report findings and recommendations to the client or the client's authorized representative. 3.4. Prior to proceeding with any grading operations, the geotechnical consultant shall be notified two working days in advance to schedule the needed observation and testing services. 3.4.1. Prior to any significant expansion or reduction in the grading operation the geotechnical consultant shall be provided with two working days notice to make appropriate adjustments in scheduling of on-site personnel. 3.4.2. Between phases of grading operations, the geotechnical consultant shall be provided with two working days notice in advance of commencement of additional grading operations. 4.0 SITE PREPARATION Site preparation shall be performed in accordance with the recommendations presented in the following sections. 4.1. The client, prior to any site preparation or grading, shall arrange and attend a pre-grading meeting between the grading contractor, the design engineer, the geotechnical consultant, and representatives of appropriate governing authorities, as well as any other involved parties. The parties shall be given two working days notice. 4.2. Clearing and grubbing shall consist of the substantial removal of vegetation, brush, grass, wood, stumps, trees, tree roots greater than 1/2-inch in diameter, and other deleterious materials from the areas to be graded. Clearing and grubbing shall extend to the outside of the proposed excavation and fill areas. 4.3. Demolition in the areas to be graded shall include removal of building structures, foundations, reservoirs, utilities (including underground pipelines, septic tanks, leach fields, seepage pits, cisterns, etc.), and other manmade surface and subsurface improvements, and the backfilling of mining shafts, tunnels and surface depressions. Demolition of utilities shall include capping or rerouting of pipelines at the project perimeter, and abandonment of wells in accordance with the requirements of the governing authorities and the recommendations of the geotechnical consultant at the time of demolition. TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page E-4 Typical Earthwork Guidelines - Rev. 01-01-2008 4.4. The debris generated during clearing, grubbing and/or demolition operations shall be removed from areas to be graded and disposed of off site at a legal dump site. Clearing, grubbing, and demolition operations shall be performed under the observation of the geotechnical consultant. 4.5 The ground surface beneath proposed fill areas shall be stripped of loose or unsuitable soil. These soils may be used as compacted fill provided they are generally free of organic or other deleterious materials and evaluated for use by the geotechnical consultant. The resulting surface shall be evaluated by the geotechnical consultant prior to proceeding. The cleared, natural ground surface shall be scarified to a depth of approximately 8 inches, moisture conditioned, and compacted in accordance with the guidelines presented in Section 6 of these guidelines. 4.6. Where fills are to be constructed on hillsides or slopes, topsoil, slope wash, colluvium, and other materials deemed unsuitable shall be removed. Where the exposed slope is steeper than 5 horizontal units to 1 vertical unit, or where otherwise recommended by the geotechnical consultant, the slope of the original ground on which the fill is to be placed shall be keyed and benched as shown on Typical Detail A of this document and the manufactured slope shall be constructed by .the contractor in accordance with the guidelines, presented in Section 8 of this document. The benches shall extend into the underlying bedrock or, where bedrock is not present, into suitable compacted fill as evaluated by the geotechnical consultant. 5.0 REMOVALS AND EXCAVATIONS Removals and excavations.shall be performed as recommended in the following sections. 5.1. Removals 5.1.1. Materials which are considered unsuitable shall be excavated under the observation of the geotechnical consultant in accordance with the recommendations contained herein. Unsuitable materials include, but are not necessarily limited to: dry, loose, soft, wet, organic and compressible soils; fractured, weathered and soft bedrock; and undocumented or otherwise deleterious fill materials. 5.1.2. Materials deemed by the geotechnical consultant to be unsatisfactory due to moisture conditions shall be excavated in accordance with the recommendations of the geotechnical consultant, watered or dried as needed, and mixed to generally uniform moisture content in accordance with the guidelines presented in Section 6 of this document. 5.2. Excavations 5.2.1 Temporary excavations in firm fill or natural materials may be made with vertical side slopes not more than 5 feet high or deep unless otherwise recommended by the geotechnical engineer. To satisfy CAL OSHA requirements, any excavation deeper than 5 feet shall be shored or laid back at a 1: 1 inclination or flatter, depending on material type, if construction workers are to enter the excavation. 6.0 COMPACTED FILL Fill shall be constructed as specified below or by other methods recommended by the geotechnical consultant. Unless otherwise specified, fill soils shall be compacted to 90 percent or greater relative compaction, as evaluated in accordance with ASTM Test Method D1557-07 or other standard test method recommended by the geotechnical engineer. TAYLOR GROUP, INC. .Page E-5 Typical Earthwork Guidelines - Rev. 01-01-2008 6.1. Prior to placement of compacted fill, the contractor shall request an evaluation of the exposed ground surface by the geotechnical consultant. Unless otherwise recommended, the exposed ground surface shall then be scarified to a depth of approximately 8 inches and watered or dried, as needed, to achieve generally uniform moisture conditions at or near the optimum moisture content. The scarified materials shall then be compacted to 90 percent or greater relative compaction. The evaluation of compaction by the geotechnical consultant shall not be considered to preclude any requirements for observation or approval by governing agencies. It is the contractor's responsibility to notify the geotechnical consultant and the appropriate governing agency when project areas are ready for observation, and to provide reasonable time for that review. 6.2. Excavated on-site materials which are in general compliance with the recommendations of the geotechnical consultant may be utilized as compacted fill provided they are generally free of organic or other deleterious materials and do not contain rock fragments greater than 6 inches in dimension. During grading, the contractor may encounter soil types other than those analyzed during the preliminary geotechnical study. The geotechnical consultant shall be consulted to evaluate the suitability of any such soils for use as compacted fill. 6.3. Where imported materials are to be used on site, the geotechnical consultant shall be notified three working days in advance of importation in order that it may sample and test the materials from the proposed borrow sites. No imported materials shall be delivered for use on site without prior sampling, testing, and evaluation by the geotechnical consultant. 6.4. Soils imported for on-site use shall preferably have very low to low expansion potential (based on UBC Standard 18-2 test procedures). Lots on which expansive soils may be exposed at grade shall be undercut 4 feet or more and capped with very low to low expansion potential fill. Details of the undercutting are provided in Typical Detail B of these guidelines. In the event expansive soils are present near the ground surface, special design and construction considerations shall be utilized in general accordance with the recommendations of the geotechnical consultant. 6.5 Fill materials shall be moisture conditioned to near optimum moisture content prior to placement. The optimum moisture content will vary with material type and other factors. Moisture conditioning of fill soils shall be generally uniform in the soil mass. 6.6. Prior to placement of additional compacted fill material following a delay in the grading operations, the exposed surface of previously compacted fill shall be prepared to receive fill. Preparation may include removal and/or scarification, moisture conditioning, and recompaction. 6.7. Compacted fill shall be placed in horizontal lifts of approximately 8 inches in loose thickness. Prior to compaction, each lift shall be watered or dried as needed to achieve near optimum moisture condition, mixed, and then compacted by mechanical methods, using sheepsfoot rollers, multiple-wheel pneumatic- tired rollers, or other appropriate compacting rollers, to the specified relative compaction. Successive lifts shall be treated in a like manner until the desired finished grades are achieved. 6.8. Fill shall be tested in the field by the geotechnical consultant for evaluation of general compliance with the recommended relative compaction and moisture conditions. Field density testing shall conform to current standardized test methods such as. ASTM D 1556 (Sand Cone method), ASTM D 2937 (Drive-Cylinder method), and/or ASTM D 2922 and D 3017 (Nuclear Gauge method). Generally, one test shall be provided for approximately every 2 vertical feet of fill placed, or for approximately every 1000 cubic yards of fill placed. In addition, on slope faces one or more tests shall be taken for approximately every 10,000 square feet of slope face and/or approximately every 10 vertical feet of slope height. Actual test intervals may vary as field conditions dictate. Fill found to be out of conformance with the grading recommendations shall be removed, moisture conditioned, and compacted or otherwise handled to accomplish general compliance with the grading recommendations. TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page E-6 Typical Earthwork Guidelines - Rev. 01-01-2008 6.9. The contractor shall assist the geotechnical consultant by excavating suitable test pits for removal evaluation and/or for testing of compacted fill. 6.10. At the request of the geotechnical consultant, the contractor shall "shut down" or restrict grading equipment from operating in the, area being tested to provide adequate testing time and safety for the field technician. 6.11. The geotechnical consultant shall maintain a map with the approximate locations of field density tests. Unless the client provides for surveying of the test locations, the locations shown by the geotechnical consultant will be estimated. The geotechnical consultant shall not be held responsible for the accuracy of the horizontal or vertical location or elevations. 6.12 Grading operations shall be performed under the observation of the geotechnical consultant. Testing and evaluation by the geotechnical consultant does not preclude the need for approval by or other requirements of the jurisdictional agencies. 6.13. Fill materials shall not be placed, spread or compacted during unfavorable weather conditions. When work is interrupted by heavy rains, the filling operation shall not be resumed until tests indicate that moisture content and density of the fill meet the project guidelines. Re-grading of the near-surface soil may be needed to achieve the specified moisture content and density. 6.14. Upon completion of grading and termination of observation by the geotechnical consultant, no further filling or excavating, including that planned for footings, foundations, retaining walls or other features, shall be performed without the involvement of the geotechnical consultant. 6.15. Fill placed in areas not previously viewed and evaluated by the geotechnical consultant may have to be removed and recompacted at the contractors expense. The depth and extent of removal of the unobserved and undocumented fill will be decided based upon review of the field conditions by the geotechnical consultant. 6.16. Off-site fill shall be treated in the same manner as recommended in these guidelines for on-site fills. Off-site fill subdrains temporarily terminated (up gradient) shall be surveyed for future locating and connection.' 6.17. Prior to placement of a canyon fill, a subdrain shall be installed in bedrock or compacted fill along the approximate alignment of the canyon bottom as recommended by the geotechnical consultant. Details of subdrain placement and configuration have been provided in Typical Detail C of these guidelines. 6.18. Transition (cut/fill) lots shall generally be undercut 4 feet or more below finished grade to provide a generally uniform thickness of fill soil in the pad area. Where the depth of fill on a transition lot exceeds 15 feet, overexcavation may be increased as recommended by the geotechnical consultant. Details of the undercut for transition lots are provided in Typical Detail B of these guidelines. 7.0 OVERSIZED MATERIAL Oversized material shall be placed in accordance with the following recommendations. 7.1. During the course of grading operations, rocks or similar irreducible materials greater than 6 inches in dimension (oversized material) may be generated. These materials shall not be placed within the compacted fill unless' 'placed in general accordance with the recommendations of the geotechnical consultant. 7.2. Where oversized rock (greater than 6 inches in dimension) or similar irreducible material is generated during grading,. it is recommended, where practical, to waste such material off site, or on site in areas designated as "Nonstructural Rock Disposal Areas:" Rock designated for disposal areas shall be placed with sufficient TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page E-7 Typical Earthwork Guidelines - Rev. 01-01-2008 sandy soil to generally fill voids. The disposal area shall be capped with at least 8 feet of fill which is generally free of oversized material. 7.3. Rocks 6 inches in dimension and smaller may be utilized within the compacted fill, provided they are placed in such a manner that there is no nesting of rock. Fill shall be placed and compacted over and around the rock. The amount of rock greater than 3/4-inch in dimension shall generally not exceed 40 percent of the total dry weight of the fill mass, unless the fill is specially designed and constructed as a "rock fill." 7.4. Rocks or similar irreducible materials greater than 6 inches but less than 4 feet in maximum dimension generated during grading may be placed in windrows and capped with fill materials in accordance with the recommendations of the geotechnical consultant, the approval of the governing agencies, and Typical Detail D of these guidelines. Selected native or imported granular soil (Sand Equivalent of 30 or higher) shall be placed and flooded over and around the windrowed rock such that voids are filled. Windrows of oversized materials shall be staggered so that successive windrows of oversized materials are not in the same vertical plane. Rocks greater than 4 feet in dimension shall be broken down to 4 feet or smaller before placement, or they shall be disposed of off site. 8.0 SLOPES The following sections provide recommendations for cut and fill slopes. 8.1. Cut Slopes 8.1.1. Unless otherwise recommended by the geotechnical consultant and accepted by the building official, permanent cut slopes shall not be steeper than 2:1 (horizontal:vertical). The recommended height of a cut slope shall be evaluated by the geotechnical consultant. Slopes in excess of 30 feet high shall be provided with terrace drains (swales) in accordance with the recommendations presented in the Uniform Building Code, Section 3315 and the details provided in Typical Detail E of these guidelines. 8.1.2. The geotechnical consultant shall observe cut slopes during excavation. The geotechnical consultant shall be notified by the contractor prior to beginning slope excavations. 8.1.3 If excavations for cut slopes expose loose, cohesionless, significantly fractured, or otherwise unsuitable materials, overexcavation of the unsuitable material and replacement with a compacted stabilization fill shall be evaluated and may be recommended by the geotechnical consultant. Unless otherwise specified by the geotechnical consultant stabilization fill construction shall be in general accordance with the details provided on Typical Detail E of these guidelines. 8.1.4. If, during the course of grading, adverse or potentially adverse geotechnical conditions are encountered in the slopes which were not anticipated in the preliminary evaluation report, the geotechnical consultant shall evaluate the conditions and provide appropriate recommendations. Earthwork operations may be temporarily suspended during the geotechnical evaluation. 8.2. Fill Slopes 8.2.1. When placing fill on slopes steeper than 5:1 (horizontal:vertical), topsoil, slope wash colluvium, and other materials deemed unsuitable shall be removed. Near-horizontal keys and near-vertical benches shall be excavated into sound bedrock or firm fill material, in accordance with the recommendation of the geotechnical consultant. Keying and benching shall be accomplished in general accordance with the details provided on Typical Detail A of these guidelines. Compacted fill shall not be placed in an area subsequent to keying and benching until the area has been observed by the geotechnical consultant. Where the natural gradient of a slope is less than 5:1, TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page E-8 Typical Earthwork Guidelines - Rev. 01-01-2008 benching is generally not required. However, fill shall not be placed on compressible or otherwise unsuitable materials left on the slope face. 8.2.2. Within a single fill area where grading procedures dictate two or more separate fills, temporary slopes (false slopes) may be created. When placing fill adjacent to a temporary slope, benching shall be conducted in the manner described in Section 8.2.1. A 3-foot or higher near-vertical bench shall be excavated into the documented fill prior to placement of additional fill. 8.2.3. Unless otherwise recommended by the geotechnical consultant and by the building official, permanent fill slopes shall not be steeper than 2:1 (horizontal:vertical). The height of a fill slope shall be evaluated by the geotechnical consultant. Slopes in excess of 30 feet high shall be provided with terrace drains (swales) and backdrains in accordance with the recommendations presented in the Uniform Building Code, Section 3315 and the details provided in Typical Detail E of these guidelines. 8.2.4. Unless specifically recommended otherwise, compacted fill slopes shall be overbuilt and cut back to grade, exposing firm compacted fill. The actual amount of overbuilding may vary as field conditions dictate. If the desired results are not achieved, the existing slopes shall be overexcavated and reconstructed in accordance with the recommendations of the geotechnical consultant. The degree of overbuilding may be increased until the desired compacted slope face condition is achieved. Care shall be taken by the contractor to provide mechanical compaction as close to the outer edge of the overbuilt slope surface as practical. 8.2.5. If access restrictions, property line location, or other constraints limit overbuilding and cutting back of the slope face, an alterative method for compaction of the slope face may be attempted by conventional construction procedures including backrolling at intervals of 4 feet or less in vertical slope height, or as dictated by the capability of the available equipment, whichever is less. Fill slopes shall be backrolled utilizing a conventional sheepsfoot-type roller. Care shall be taken to maintain the specified moisture conditions and/or reestablish the same, as needed, prior to backrolling. 8.2.6. The placement, moisture conditioning and compaction of fill slope materials shall be done •in accordance with the recommendations presented in Section 6 of these guidelines. 8.2.7. The contractor shall be ultimately responsible for placing and compacting the soil out to the slope face to obtain a relative compaction of 90 percent or greater (as evaluated by ASTM D 1557 or other standard test method recommended by the geotechnical engineer) and at the recommended moisture content in accordance with Section 6. The geotechnical consultant shall perform field moisture and density tests at intervals of at least one test for approximately every 10,000 square feet of slope face and/or approximately every 10 feet of vertical height of slope. 8.2.8. Backdrains shall be provided in fill slopes in accordance with the details presented on Typical Detail A of these guidelines, or as recommended by the geotechnical consultant. 8.3. Top-of-Slope Drainage 8.3.1. Surface water runoff shall not be permitted to flow over the tops of slopes. For pad areas above slopes, positive drainage shall be established away from the top of slopes; This may be accomplished constructing a berm at the top of slopes and grading the pad to achieve a gradient of 2 percent or steeper away from the top of slopes. 8.3.2. Gunite-lined brow ditches shall be placed at the topof cut slopes to redirect surface runoff away from the slope face where drainage devices are not otherwise provided. TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page E-9 Typical Earthwork Guidelines - Rev. 01-01-2008 8.4. Slope Maintenance 8.4.1. In order to enhance surficial slope stability, slope planting shall be accomplished as soon as practical following the completion of grading. Slope plants shall consist of deep rooting, variable root depth, and drought-tolerant vegetation. Native vegetation is generally desirable. Plants native to semiarid and areas may also be appropriate. Large-leafed ice plant should not be used on slopes. A landscape architect shall be consulted regarding the actual types of plants and planting configuration to be used. 8.4.2. Irrigation pipes shall be anchored to slope faces and not placed in trenches excavated into slope faces. Slope irrigation shall be maintained at a levej just sufficient to support plant growth. Property owners shall be made aware that over watering of slopes is detrimental to slope stability. Slopes shall be monitored regularly and broken sprinkler heads and/or pipes shall be repaired immediately. 8.4.3. Periodic observation of landscaped slope areas shall be planned and appropriate measures taken to enhance growth of landscape plants. 8.4.4. Graded swales at the top of slopes and terrace drains shall be installed and the property owners notified that the drains shall be periodically checked so that they may be kept clear. Damage to drainage improvements shall be repaired immediately. To reduce siltation, terrace drains shall be constructed at a gradient of 3 percent or steeper, in accordance with the recommendations of the project civil engineer. 8.4.5. If slope failures occur, the geotechnical consultant shall be contacted immediately for field review of site conditions and development of recommendations for evaluation and repair. 9.0 TRENCH BACKFILL The following sections provide recommendations for backfllling of trenches. 9.1. Trench backfill shall be placed in accordance with local agency requirements and the recommendations of the geotechnical report. In general, trench backfill shall consist of granular soils (bedding) extending from the trench bottom to I or more feet above the pipe. On-site or imported fill which has been evaluated by the geotechnical consultant may generally be used above the granular backfill. The cover soils directly in contact with the pipe shall be classified as having a very low expansion potential, in accordance with UBC Standard 18-2, and shall contain no rocks or chunks of hard soil larger than 3/4-inch in diameter. 9.2 Trench backfill shall, unless otherwise recommended, be compacted by mechanical means to 90 percent or greater relative compaction as evaluated in accordance with ASTM D 1557 or other standard test method recommended by the geotechnical engineer. Backfill soils shall be placed in loose lifts 8-inches thick or thinner, moisture conditioned, and compacted in accordance with the recommendations of Section 6 of these guidelines. The backfill shall be tested by the geotechnical consultant at vertical intervals of approximately 2 feet of backfill placed and at spacing along the trench of approximately 100 feet in the same lift. 93: Jetting or flooding is generally not recommended for densification of trench backfill and shall not be done unless approved by the geotechnical engineer. Jetting or flooding may only be allowed if trench backfill soils are sufficiently free-draining and provisions have been made for adequate dissipation of the water utilized in the jetting or flooding process. 9.4. If it is decided that jetting may be utilized, granular material with a sand equivalent greater than 30 shall be used for backfilling in the areas to be jetted. Jetting shall generally be considered for trenches 2 feet or TAYLOR GROUP, INC. • Page E-10 Typical Earthwork Guidelines - Rev. 01-01-2008 narrower in width and 4 feet or shallower in depth. Following jetting operations, trench backfill shall be mechanically compacted to the specified compaction to finish grade. 9.5. Trench backfill which underlies the zone of influence of foundations shall be mechanically compacted to 90 percent or greater relative compaction, as evaluated in accordance with ASTM D 1557 or other standard test method recommended by the geotechnical engineer. The zone of influence of the foundations is generally defined as the zone defined by a 1:1 downward projection from the inner and outer edges of the foundation. 9.6. Trench backfill beneath slab areas shall be compacted by mechanical means to a relative compaction of 90 percent or greater relative compaction, as evaluated in accordance with ASTM D 1557 or other standard test method recommended by the geotechnical engineer. For minor interior trenches less than 3 feet deep, density testing may be omitted or spot testing may be performed, as deemed appropriate by the geotechnical consultant. 9.7. When compacting soil in close proximity to utilities, care shall be taken by the grading contractor so that mechanical methods used to compact the soils do not damage the utilities. If the utility contractors indicate that it is undesirable to use compaction equipment in close proximity to a buried conduit, then the grading contractor may elect to use light mechanical compaction equipment or, with the approval of the geotechnical consultant, cover the conduit with clean granular material. These granular materials shall be jetted in place to the top of the conduit in accordance with the recommendations of Section 9.4 prior to initiating mechanical compaction procedures. Other methods of utility trench compaction may also be appropriate, upon review by the geotechnical consultant and the utility contractor, at the time of construction. 9.8 Clean granular backfill and/or bedding materials are not recommended for use in trenches on slopes unless provisions are made for a drainage system to mitigate the potential for buildup of seepage forces or piping of backfill materials. 9.9. The contractor shall exercise the specified safety precautions, in accordance with OSHA Trench Safety Regulations, while conducting trenching operations. Such precautions include shoring or laying back trench excavations at 1: 1 or flatter, depending on material type, for trenches in excess of 5 feet in depth. The geotechnical consultant is not responsible for the safety of trench operations or stability of the trenches. 10.0 DRAINAGE The following sections provide recommendations pertaining to site drainage. 10.1. Canyon subdrain systems recommended by the geotechnical consultant shall be installed in accordance with the Canyon Subdrain Detail, Typical Detail C, provided in these guidelines. Canyon subdrains shall be installed to conform to the approximate alignment and details shown on project plans. The actual subdrain location shall be evaluated by the geotechnical consultant in the field during grading. Materials specified in the attached Canyon Subdrain Detail shall not be changed or modified unless so recommended by the geotechnical consultant. Subdrains shall be surveyed by a licensed land surveyor/civil engineer for line and grade after installation. Sufficient time shall be allowed for the surveys prior to commencement of filling over the subdrains. 10.2. Typical backdrains for stability, side hill, and shear key fills shall be installed in accordance with the details provided on Typical Detail A and Typical Detail E of these guidelines. 10.3. Roof, pad, and slope drainage shall be directed away from slopes and structures to suitable discharge areas by non-erodible devices (e.g., gutters, downspouts, concrete swales, etc.). TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page E-11 Typical Earthwork Guidelines - Rev. 01-01-2008 10.4. Positive drainage adjacent to structures shall be established and maintained. Positive drainage may be accomplished by providing drainage away from the foundations of the structure at a gradient of 2 percent or steeper for a distance of 5 feet or more outside the building perimeter, further maintained by a graded swale leading to an appropriate outlet, in accordance, with the recommendations of the project civil engineer and/or landscape architect. 10.5. Surface drainage on the site shall be provided so that water is not permitted to pond. A gradient of 2 percent or steeper shall be maintained over the pad area and drainage patterns shall be established to remove water from the site to an appropriate outlet. 10.6. Care shall be taken by the contractor during finish grading to preserve any berms, drainage terraces, interceptor swales or other drainage devices of a permanent nature on or adjacent to the property. Drainage patterns established at the time of finish grading shall be maintained for the life of the project. Property owners shall be made very cleay aware that altering drainage patterns may be detrimental to slope stability and foundation performance. 11.0 SITE PROTECTION The site shall be protected as outlined in the following sections. 11.1. Protection of the site during the period of grading shall be the responsibility of the contractor unless other provisions are made in writing and agreed upon among the concerned parties. Completion of a portion of the project shall not be considered to preclude that portion or adjacent areas from the need, for site protection, until such time as the project is finished as agreed upon by the geotechnical consultant, the client, and the regulatory agency. 11.2. The contractor is responsible for the stability of temporary excavations. Recommendations by the geotechnical consultant pertaining to temporary excavations are made in consideration of stability of the finished project and, therefore, shall not be considered to preclude the responsibilities of the contractor. Recommendations by the geotechnical consultant shall also not be considered to preclude more restrictive requirements by the applicable regulatory agencies. 11.3. Precautions shall be taken during the performance of site clearing, excavation, and grading to protect the site from flooding, ponding, or inundation by surface runoff. Temporary provisions shall be made during the rainy season so that surface runoff is away from and off the working site. Where low areas cannot be avoided, pumps shall be provided to remove water as needed during periods of rainfall. 11.4. During periods of rainfall, plastic sheeting shall be used as needed to reduce the potential for unprotected slopes to become saturated. Where needed, the contractor shall install check dams, desilting basins, riprap, sandbags or other appropriate devices or methods to reduce erosion and provide the recommended conditions during inclement weather. 11.5. During periods of rainfall, the geotechnical consultant shall be kept informed by the contractor of the nature of remedial or precautionary work being performed on site (e.g., pumping, placement of sandbags or plastic sheeting, other labor, dozing, etc.). 11.6. Following periods of rainfall, the contractor shall contact the geotechnical consultant and arrange a walk- over of the site in order to visually assess rain-related damage. The geotechnical consultant may also recommend excavation and testing in order to aid in the evaluation. At the request of the geotechnical consultant, the contractor shall make excavations in order to aid in evaluation of the extent of rain-related damage. TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page E-12 Typical Earthwork Guidelines - Rev. 01-01-2008 11.7. Rain- or irrigation-related damage shall be considered to include, but may not be limited to, erosion, silting, saturation, swelling, structural distress, and other adverse conditions noted by the geotechnical consultant. Soil adversely affected shall be classified as "Unsuitable Material" and shall be subject to overexcavafion and replacement with compacted fill or to other remedial grading as recommended by the geotechnical consultant. 11.8. Relatively level areas where saturated soils and/or erosion gullies exist to depths greater than 1 foot shall be overexcavated to competent materials as evaluated by the geotechnical consultant. Where adverse conditions extend to less than 1 foot in depth, saturated and/or eroded materials may be processed in-place. Overexcavated or in-place processed materials shall be moisture conditioned and compacted in accordance with the recommendations provided in Section 6. If the desired results are not achieved, the affected materials shall be overexcavated, moisture conditioned, and compacted until the specifications are met. 11.9. Slope areas where saturated soil and/or erosion gullies exist to depths greater than 1 foot shall be overexcavated and replaced as compacted fill in accordance with the applicable specifications. Where adversely affected materials exist to depths of 1 foot or less below proposed finished grade, remedial grading by moisture conditioning in-place and compaction in accordance with the appropriate specifications may be attempted. If the desired results are not achieved, the affected materials shall be overexcavated, moisture conditioned, and compacted until the specifications are met. As conditions dictate, other slope repair procedures may also be recommended by the geotechnical consultant. 11.10 During construction, the contractor shall grade the site to provide positive drainage away from structures and to keep water from ponding adjacent to structures. Water shall not be allowed to damage adjacent properties. Positive drainage shall be maintained by the contractor until permanent drainage and erosion reducing devices are installed in accordance with projectplans. TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page E-13 Typical Earthwork Guidelines - Rev. 01-01-2008 A. BENCHED FILL OVER NATURAL SLOPE Fill slope per grading plan M PA C..T ED..: L . Original ground surface Unsuitable material S (e.g., slopewash) —'LZJ///>,. S Setback per grading code 8 p bench Competent ground •.. . ... :( 7-,. (as determined by Geotechnical Engineer) Kèyway. -. 7 F1O' mm. width I Inclined 2% into slope 2' mm. B. BENCHED FILL OVER EXISTING FILL SLOPE Benching shall be required when existing fill slopes are equal to or exceed 5:1 (209/6) or when otherwise recommended by the Geotechnical Engineer or Geologist ,— Fill slope per grading plan M P AC TED ....., ..: Original fill slope S.. S . Setback e ac per Unsuitable material I S grading code (e.g., slopewash) / 4'typ. S.. S j S. •S Competent ground (as determined by Geotechnical Engineer) I 10' mm. width 3' mm n. Inclined 2% into slope TYPICAL DETAIL A BENCHING AND KEYWAY FOR FILL SLOPES TAYLOR GROUP, INC. GEOSCIENCE & ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS MAXIMUM FILL THICKNESS BENEATH STRUCTURE LESS THAN 15 FEET Original ground surface ULILI 4 feet min Overexcavate to provide a minimum fill cap thickness of 4 feet or 2 feet below the base of footings, whichever is greater. The lateral limits of the fill cap shall extend at least 5 feet beyond the footprint of structures. ILJLJ LJLJ JUEP,EJLJm COMPACTED Unsuitable material (e.g., slopewash) Competent ground (as determined by Geotechnical Engineer) MAXIMUM FILL THICKNESS BENEATH STRUCTUREMORE THAN 15 FEET Original ground surface mm IIIIL•IIIII D13 \ (8 feet max) Overexcavate to provide a minimum fill cap thickness of D13 feet, up to a maximum thickness of 10 feet. Lateral limits of fill cap to extend at least 10 feet beyond footprint of structures. COMPACTED /D>15et Unsuitable material (e.g., slopewash) Competent ground (as determined by Geotechnical Engineer) TYPICAL DETAIL B OVEREXCAVATION OF CUT/FILL TRANSITION BENEATH STRUCTURE TAYLOR GROUP, INC. GEOSCIENCE & ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS SI IRflPAIN Final grade per grading plan A- C 9M PACT D FILL / Original ground surface Cc (as determined by ground GeotechnIcal Engineer) Unsuitable material (e.g., slopewash) Perforated PVC pipe. Mm. 1% slope See subdrain c this sheet Subdrain Pipe Requirements Run Length Minimum Pipe Diameter <500 feet 4 inches 500-1250 feet 6 inches >1,250 feet 8 inches NOTE: Downstream 25' of subdrain pipe shall be solid (non-perforated) pipe and downstream 25 feet of subdrain trench shall be backfilled with fine-grained soil to be approved by Geotechnical Engineer. SUBDRAIN TRENCH DETAILS Geotextile filter fabric as recommended .12 by Geotechnical Engineer 24 min. (3' typ.) : . - Crushed rock as recommended by 6 ". .6' .., Geotechnical Engineer . .6' mm...' Mm. 4" diameter SCH 40 PVC perforated pipe. Perforations on bottom of pipe. 18" mm. (3' typ.) TYPICAL DETAIL C . CANYON SUBDRAIN TAYLOR GROUP, INC. GEOSCIENCE & ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS A. TYPICAL PAD SECTION SHOWING OVERSIZED ROCK ZONES IH 0 IVII I\I1L I I -4 ZONE 'A: COMPACTED FILL WITH ROCKS 6 INCHES OR LESS IN MAXIMUM DIMENSION OR AS DIRECTED BY THE - GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. ZONE 'B': COMPACTED FILL WITH OVERSIZED ROCKS AND/OR CONCRETE FRAGMENTS BETWEEN 6" AND 48' IN MAXIMUM DIMENSON MAY BE PLACED IN WINDROWS AND SURROUNDED BY GRANULAR FILL WITH SAND EQUIVALENT OF 30 OR MORE DENSIFIED BY FLOODING. WINDROWS MAY BE UP TO 100 FEET IN LENGTH AND SHALL BE STAGGERED AS ILLUSTRARED. B. WINDROW - • Oversized rock 6" to 48" (max) Granular fill with mm. Sand Equiiv. of 30 compacted by flooding 3 feet min Firm natural ground or compacted fill TYPICAL DETAIL D OVERSIZE ROCK OR CONCRETE PLACEMENT IN FILLS TAYLOR GROUP, INC. GEOSCIENCE & ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS I 15mm. Compacted Fill 30 max. Drainage terrace on slopes more than 30' high Non perforated outlet pipe ----- Arse-Being__/ - TIij] 4? ABS or PVC non-perforated outlet pipe orWeakPlan— .-•---.. - ax. o.c.honz./30'max.o.c.vert. (as determined b) Geo.tchnical Engineer.) .. -. E /EminE See subdrain I backdrain detai eyway Width Depth of Keyway this sheet (15 mm. width) (5' mm.) Inclined 2% into slope NOTES: Dimensions of all buttress or stabilization fills shall be specied by the Geotechnical Engineer. Dimensions as shown on plans may be changed by the Geotechnical Engineer based on conditions observed in the field during construction. BACKDRAIN I SUBDRAIN DETAIL I 6" mm. overlap r— T Filter fabric 6" min.l _J_ a e 3/4 crushed rock 2% min. 4 mInI slope at lo°/ mm L 4 solid pipe 4" perforated pipe (perforations facing down) NOTES: Subdrain shall be ABS, PVC or approved equivalent. Use Class 125/SDR 32.5 or Schedule 40 PVC pipe for burial depth of 40 feet or less. Use Class 200/SDR 21 or Schedule 80 PVC pipe for burial depth up to 100 feet. Subdrain pipe shall be surrounded by 3/4" crushed rock wrapped in a filter fabric envelope consisting of Mirifi 140N or approved equivalent. Filter fabric envelope may be deleted if material meeting the requirements forCaltrans Class 2 Permeable Material is used in place of 3/4" crushed rock. Volume of gravel shall be at least 4 cu. ft. per ft. ( TYPICAL DETAIL E BUTTRESS OR STABILIZATION FILL TAYLOR GROUP, INC. GEOSCIENCE & ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS I I VI .. l• • V }l #4 I V_s •l: * / WESTERN I SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. P)-IONE: (760) 746-3553 423 HALE AVENUE 'F-AX: (760) 746-4912 EscoNol DO, CALIFORNIA 92029 - •-• -•- - - V November 12, 2007 I -' -: . •* 0 - •,_ - V ¼, 4 - 4 00 V. %, I - , 0 - - • p Mr. Gene Busby 1212 Oak Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 I .•':. . ;...V 4 - V •*' •, -- - - 0 -¼ • Vt . • . - V - - . • V * Project Our Job No 03-73 t Busby Pacel Map . 1212 Oak Avenue Carlsbad, California '4 0 4 • . I - •., V 1 -. * - I_ 4. Subject Addendum Number One to our Report of 1 - Geotechnical Investigation dated December 31 2003 - 4 V V 'l - 5 4 V • VVVV • V :. V.. - V V V M r . • V V Dear Mr. Busby 'V In accordace with your request, we are presenting this Addendum Number One sfor the. '_I •. '- - - • V • : above referenced project The purpose of this Addendum is to evaluate the current site conditions, the applicability of previous recommendations to the proposed project and to provide additional V recommendations as necessary The results of our prior investigation were presented in our report entitled R epo; t of Geotechnical I;zvestzgatzon Proposed Busby Pai cel Map 1212 Oak Avenue Carlsbad, California, Job No.-03-73, dated December 31, 2003 Other documents used for this V 5 * . .. -. V V V •. • Addendum included The Grading Plans for Busby Parcel Map Drawing No 4.38-6A is rued by V V - V - V - : •*. IV Aquatei ra Engineering, Inc on Noveinber 2 2007 ¼ V In summary, our services for this Addendum consisted of the following . 1) Review of the above referenced grading plan, geotechmcal report and our project file, V. - V' * V V - V I. - •" ••V•I V V - - 1 • V . . -V V `2) V Performance of a visual surface reconnaissance of the site by our engineering staff and - V — 3)Preparationoftlusietter . Addendum Number One , Job No.. 03-73 November 12, 2007 Page 2 The conclusions and recommendations presented in this letter are based in part on data developed and documented by our firm during previous field explorations and laboratory, testing. We also relied upon our recent surficial observations and our experience with the soil and geologic conditions in the site vicinity. No additional subsurface exploration or laboratory testing was performed in connection with this update letter. This letter has been prepared for Mr. Gene Busby and his design consultants to be used solely in the evaluation and design of the proposed project This letter has not been prepared for use by other parties, and may not contain sufficient information for purposes of other parties or other uses. The information in this letter represents professional opinions that have been developed using that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by reputable geotechnical consultants practicing in this or similar localities. No other warranty, express or implied, is made as to the professional advice included in this letter, Recent Observations: A surficial reconnaissance of the property was conducted on November 9, 2007. We observed that the site conditions were essentially unchanged since the previous field services that were documented within our referenced report. Conclusions and Recommendations: Based on our review of the project file, our brief site visit and our observation of the referenced grading plan, it is our professional opinion that the recommendations presented in our original Report are applicable to the project as we understand it. Any field or laboratory test methods (ASI'M etc.) or building codes placed in the construction documents should be listed in accordance with the latest approved edition. WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. Addendum Number One Job No.. 03-73 November 12, 2007 Page 3 LIMITATIONS The recommendations and opinions expressed in this letter reflect our best estimate of the project requirements based on recent surficial observations as well as our previous evaluation of the subsurface soil conditions encountered at the subsurface exploration locations, and the assumption that the soil conditions do not deviate appreciably from those encountered. It should be recognized that the performance of the foundations and/or cut and fill slopes may be influenced by undisclosed or unforeseen variations in the soil conditions that may occur in the intermediate and unexplored areas. It is recommended that Western Soil and Foundation Engineering, Inc. be retained to provide continuous geotechnical engineering services during the earthwork operations.. This is to observe compliance with the design concepts, specifications and recommendations and to allow design changes in the event that subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to start of construction. Western Soil and Foundation Engineering, Inc. and/or our consultants, will not be held responsible for earthwork of any kind performed without our observation and testing This office should be advised of any changes in the project scope so that it may be determined if the recommendations contained herein are appropriate. This should be verified in writing or modified by a written addendum. WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. Addendum Number One . Job No.. 03-73 November 12, 2007 . Page 4 It is the responsibility of the Client or the Client's representative to ensure that the information and recommendations contained herein are brought to the attention of the engineer and architect for the project and incorporated into the project's plans and specifications. It is further the responsibility of the Client to take the necessary measures to ensure that the contractor and subcontractors carry out such recommendations during construction. Respectfully submitted, WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. D Of 11V JOY No. 1755 ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST Vincent W. Gaby, CEG 1755, Expires 7/31/09 . Engineering Geologist , rvs Q No. 928 Dennis E. Zimmerman, C 26676, GE 928, Expires 3/31/08 >1* 1 Geotechiucal Engineer Distribution: (3) Addressee VWG DEZfmb WESTERN .. . SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC PHONE: (760) 746-3553 423 HALE AVENUE FAX: (760) 746-4912 ESCONDIDO, CALIFORNIA 92C December31, 2003 Mr. Gene Busby 1212 Oak Avenue . Carlsbad, CA 92008 Project: Job No. 03-73 Proposed Busby Parcel Map 1212 Oak Avenue Carlsbad, California Subject: Report of Geotechnical Investigation Dear Mr. Busby:. In accordance with your request, we have completed a geotechnica l i n v e s t i g a t i o n f o r t h e proposed project. We are presenting to you, herewith, our findings an d r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s f o r t h e proposed improvements of this site. . The findings of this study indicate that the site is suitable for the intende d d e v e l o p m e n t i f t h e recommendations provided in the attached report are incorporated into t h e d e s i g n a n d c o n s t r u c t i o n o f this project. . Proposed Busby Parcel Map December 31, 2003 Our Job No. 03-73 Page 2 If you have any questions after reviewing the findings and recommendations con t a i n e d i n t h e attached report, please do not hesitate to contact this office This opportunity to b e o f p r o f e s s i o n a l service is sincerely appreciated. Respectfully submitted, WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGrNEBRING, INC. -f psi CMITIFIED EOLOGIST Vincent W. Gaby, CEG 1755, Expires 7/31/05 Engineering Geologist . 928 j Dennis E. Zimmerman, C 26676, GE 928, Expires 3/31/04 Geotechnical Engineer Distribution: (2) Addressee (3) Reynolds Civil Engineering, Inc. VWG:DEZ/kmg I . WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PROPOSED BUSBY PARCEL MAP 1212 OAK AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Prepared For: Mr. Gene Busby 1212 Oak Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 JOB NO. 03-73 DECEMBER 31, 2003 WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. rd TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction and Project Description................................................................................................1 Project Scope..................... 2 Site Description ................ .......... ........................ ............................................................... ......... 3 SubsurfaceConditions ................ .... ...................... .............. .... ............................................ 4 BayPoint Formation......................... ........ .... ....... .............. ............................................... .....4 Colluvium.......................................................................................................... .....................5 ArtificialFill ........... ...................... ..... ......... ......... ............................................ ...................... 5 Rippability...................................................................................5 Groundwater.................... .. ......... ............................................................ ...................................... 6 GeologicHazards................................................................................................ ................... ................ ..6 Faults and Seismic Hazards ....................................................................................................... .6 Seismicity of Major Faults ............... ......................................................................................... 7 Liquefaction..........................................................................................................................8 Landslides and Slope Stability ......... ............ ........................................ ............ ......................... 8 Recommendations and Conclusions .. .................................................................... ......... .......... .......9 SitePreparation............................................................................. ..... ...................................... ...9 ExistingSoil....... ..................... ........................... ........... ........................................... ...9 ExpansiveSoil................................................................ ........................................10 ImportedFill ..........................................................................................................11 Earthwork ............................................. .............. . ............. ............................ ............11 CutSlopes .................................................................................................................12 FillSlopes..................................................... ................... .. ........ ............... ......... ......... 12 SurfaceDrainage ........................................ ........... ............ .................. .................... 13 Subdrains............ ................... .................... ... .... ................................. --- ................... 14 WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. TABLE OF CONTENTS - Cont. Page Foundation Recommendations...................................................... .......... ...................... ..........15 Seismic Site Categorization .......................................... .................... . ...................... 15 Footings..... ............. ...................... ......................................... . .................................. ...16 ConcreteSlabs-On-Grade......... ......... .................................. .................................... 17 ImpermeableMembrane ........................................................................................18 Transition Areas ......................... .............................................. ........ ............... ......... 18 Lateral Resistance.............. ..................... ...................... .......................................... 19 Lateral Resistance Values................................................. ..........................................19 FootingObservations...................................................... ....... ................... ................ 19 Pavement Recommendations ............................ ........... ............... ......... .................................. 20 Preliminary Pavement Design .............. ... .......................... ........20 BaseMaterials................ ................... ......... ................................................................ ..21 FieldExplorations....... ............ ....... ............................ .............. .................. ................................ ......... 21 LaboratoryTesting ...... .................... ............................................................... ............... ........... ....22 PlanReview ................ ............................................. ........... .............. ..................... ............................ 22 Limitations.... ......................................... .............................................................................................22 WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. ATTACHMENTS Plate No.1 Plate No. 2 Plate No. 3 through Plate No. 7 Plate No. 8 and Plate No.9 Plate No.. 10 Plate No. II Site Plan (In back pocket) Unified Soil Classification Chart Exploratory Excavation Logs Laboratory Test Results Table I: Removal Depths Fill Slope Key APPENDIX I Specifications for Construction of Controlled Fills APPENDIX II References WESTERN JIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PROPOSED BUSBY PARCEL MAP 1212 OAK AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Introduction and Project Description This report presents the results of our geotechnical investigation performed on th e a b o v e referenced site. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the existing s u r f a c e a n d s u b s u r f a c e conditions from 'a geotechnical perspective and to provide recommendations for site prepa r a t i o n , grading, foundation design and floor slab support: This investigation and report s h o u l d n o t b e considered as an evaluation of any existing structures or foundation system s . The proposed project ill be the development of a 4-lot residential parcel ma p . A 2 4 - f o o t - wide private driveway will provide access to the rear lots from Oak Avenue. A s i n g l e - f a m i l y d w e l l i n g will be placed on three of the newly created lots- It is anticipated that each new dw e l l i n g w i l l b e a o n e - or two-story wood-framed structure supported by continuous and pad sprea d f o o t i n g s w i t h a c o n c r e t e slab-on-grade. The existing multi-level residence will remain on proposed "Par c e l 1 " . A n a n a l y s i s o f this existing structure was not within the scope of our investigation. Based on the preliminary grading plan prepared by Reynolds Civil Engineering , I n c . , t h e earthwork is expected to result in maximum cuts and fills on the order of ( i t o 7 f e e t . The conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are based on concep t u a l d r a w i n g s and verbal descriptions provided by our client and the project engineer. We s h o u l d b e a l l o w e d t h e opportiinityto update our recommendations, if necessary, when final drawings a r e c o m p l e t e d . The site configuration and the approximate locations of our subsurface explo r a t i o n s a r e shown on the enclosed Site Plan, Plate No I WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. Proposed Busby Parcel Map Our Job No. 03-73 December 31, 2003 Page 2 Project Scope This investigation consisted of a surface reconnaissance coupled with a subsurface exploration.. Representative samples of soil material were obtained from the site and returned t o o u r laboratory for observation and testing. The results of the field and laboratory data colle c t e d a r e presented in this report. Specifically, the intent of this investigation was to: Explore the subsurface conditions to the depths that could be influenced by the proposed construction; Evaluate, by laboratory tests, the pertinent static physical properties of the various soil and rock stratigraphic units which could influence the development of this project; Describe the site geology, including potential geologic hazards and their effect upon the proposed development; Provide recommendations for site preparation and grading; and Present recommendations for foundation design, including bearing capacity, estimated settlements, lateral pressures, and expansion potential of the on-site soils. This report has been prepared for Mr. Gene Busby and his design consultants to be used in the evaluation of the referenced site. This report has not been prepared for use by other part i e s , a n d may not contain sufficient information for purposes of other parties or other uses. The inform a t i o n in this report represents professional opinions that have been developed using that degree of c a r e and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by reputable geotechnical consu l t a n t s practicing in this or similar localities.. No other warranty, express or implied, is made a s t o t h e professional advice included in this report.. WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. Proposed Busby Parcel Map Our Job No. 03-73 December 31, 2003 Page 3 Findings Site Description: The subject site is located on the north side of Oak Avenue, between P i o P i c o Drive and Highland Drive, in the city of Carlsbad, California. The site vicinity can be f o u n d i n t h e northwest quarter of grid F-5, page 1106 of the Thomas Brothers Guide for San D i e g o C o u n t y , 2 0 0 3 edition. The site is rectangular in configuration and encompasses approximately I.. 1 acre s . I t i s bounded to the north, east and west by single-family residences. Approximately 2 0 0 f e e t f r o n t O a k Avenue along the southern property line. WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. Proposed Busby Parcel Map December 31, 2003 Our Job No. 03-73 Page 4 The property is situated on a west-facing slope. The terrain varies from moderately ste e p t o v e r y gently inclined. Drainage is by sheet flow in a westerly direction. Elevations range from 1 2 2 f e e t a b o v e mean sea level (rnsl) at the east side of the site, to 102 feet msl near the southwest pro p e r t y c o r n e r . Improvements on the property at the time of our investigation consisted of a wood- f r a m e d , single-family residence with a below-grade garage and a detached shed. Vegetation consisted of lawns and shrubs around the existing residence and a vegetable garden in the southwest quarter o f t h e p r o p e r t y . Subsurface Conditions: The subject site is underlain by marine terrace deposit s t h a t h a v e b e e n mapped by Tan and Kennedy (1996) as belonging to the Bay Point Formation. The f o m i a t i o n a l m a t e r i a l s are mantled by colluvium and artificial fill- Each unit is described below beginning wit h t h e o l d e s t . Bay Point Formation: In the vicinity of our exploratory trenches, the forniational materials can be characterized as an interbedded sequence of clayey to silty, fine to medium and fine gr a i n e d s a n d s t o n e . These sediments are well indurated, medium to massively bedded and moderately well c e m e n t e d . T h e i r color varies from orangish-brown to reddish-brown, pale yellowish-brown to pale brow n a n d , l e s s frequently, greenish-brown. According to the available geologic literature, the Bay Po i n t F o u h a t i o n a t this location is horizontally stratified and uncomformably underlain by the Santiago F o r m a t i o n . The Bay Point Formation was encountered at depths of 1 to 3 feet below the cur r e n t l y existing grade and extended beyond the vertical limits of our explorations. Near the c o n t a c t w i t h the overlying materials, the bedrock is weathered into 'a soil identified in the exploratory logs as residuum. It consists of uncemented, clayey to silty sands. The transition to the d e n s e f o r m a t i o n a l sandstone is gradational. The dense, Bay Point Formation is considered suitable f o r t h e s u p p o r t o f foundations or properly compacted fill. WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. Proposed Busby Parcel Map December 31, 2003 Our Job No. 03-73 Page 5 Colluvium: At the locations explored, poorly consolidated colluviurn ranging f r o m '/z to 2 feet in thickness was observed mantling the formational materials. For the purpose s o f t h i s a n a l y s i s , t h e term colluvium is used to identify topsoil and slope wash as well as in-si t u d e v e l o p e d s o i l . I t generally consisted of brown, silty, fine to medium grained sand. At the tim e o f o u r i n v e s t i g a t i o n , i t was damp to moist, loose and very porous. In its present condition, the colluvium i s n o t c o n s i d e r e d suitable for the support of foundations or fill. Artificial Fill: Artificial fill covers the naturally occurring soils in exploratory t r e n c h e s T - 1 t h r o u g h T-4. It is composed of dark brown to brown, silty, fine to medium grained s a n d . I t i s l i k e l y d e r i v e d . from the on-site colluvium and, at some locations, may be difficult to distinguish f r o m t h e c o l l u v i u m . The fill contains minor amounts of refuse and decomposing vegetation It is m o i s t a n d a p p e a r s t o b e very poorly compacted. In the exploratory excavations, the fill ranges from /2 to 3 feet in thickness In its present condition, it is not considered suitable for the support of founda t i o n s , p a v e m e n t s o r n e w f i l l Rippability The exploratory trenches were excavated with little to moder a t e d i f f i c u l t y b y a F o r d 555C backhóe. The trenches ranged from 7V2 to 9 feet in depth. Refusal was not encountered in any of the exploratory excavations. For the purposes of our study, refusal w a s d e f i n e d a s t h e inability to deepen the exploratory excavation with the equipment used. Based on our field observations, it is our professional opinion that the materi a l s e x p o s e d i n the exploratory trenches maybe excavated to the depths explored using conve n t i o n a l e a r t b m o v i n g equipment. It is possible that resistant bedrock and/or boulders that require pneum a t i c c h i p p i n g o r o t h e r extraordinary means of excavation will be encountered at locations that were not expl o r e d . WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. Proposed Busby Parcel Map Our lob No. 03-73 December 31, 2003 Page 6 Groundwater: Free groundwater was not observed in our exploratory excavations It s h o u l d b e noted that for the previous three years, rainfall totals reported for San Diego County have be e n b e l o w average. Furthermore, the recently completed "precipitation yçar" (July 2002 through Ju n e 2 0 0 3 ) marginally reached average levels. Fluctuations of subsurface water will be affected by variat i o n s i n annual precipitation and local irrigation. Moreover, it has been our experience that perio d i c ' e v e n t s o f seepage will occur in areas of significant "cut" or any "below-grade" structures. Often, t h i s s e e p a g e accumulates at the stratigraphic contact between soil materials of differing permeability (b e d r o c k overlain by colluviurn). Therefore, consideration should be given to appropriate surface and subsurface drainage systems, such as underdrains and swales, as recommended further i n t h i s r e p o r t . Geologic Hazards Faults and Seismic Hazards: The numerous fault zones in southern California include active , potentially active, and inactive faults.. Active faults are those which display evidence of mov e m e n t within Holocene time (from the present to approximately ii thousand years). Faults that h a v e ruptured geologic units of Pleistocene age (Ii thousand to 2 million years) but not Holocen e a g e materials, are considered potentially active. Inactive faults are those which exhibit movement t h a t i s older than 2 million years. According to available published information, there are no know n a c t i v e or potentially active faults which intercept the project site. The site is not located within an Aiquist-Priolo Special Studies Zone. Therefore, the potential for ground rupture at this site is considered low. There are, however, several faults located i n c l o s e proximity that movement associated with them could cause significant ground motion at the s i t e . WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. Proposed Busby Parcel Map Our Job No. 03-73 December 31, 2003 Page 7 The table below presents the maximum credible and maximum probable e a r t h q u a k e magnitudes and estimated peak ground accelerations anticipated at the site. T h e s e a c c e l e r a t i o n s a r e based on the assumption that the maximum probable earthquake occurs on s p e c i f i c f a u l t s a t t h e closest point on that particular fault to the site. The maximum credible e a r t h q u a k e i s d e f i n e d a s t h e maximum earthquake that appears to be reasonably capable of occurrin g u n d e r t h e c o n d i t i o n s o f t h e presently known geologic framework. The probability of such an earth q u a k e o c c u r r i n g d u r i n g t h e lifetime of this project is considered low. The maximum probable earthqu a k e i s c o n s i d e r e d t o b e a n event having a return period of 100 years. Scismicitv of Major Faults Maximum Maximum Estimated Credible Probable Bedrock Distance Magnitude Magnitude Acceleration (1) Fault (Miles) (Richter) (Richter) (g) Coronado Banks 26 7.6 L. (2) 6.71. 0.15 Elsinore. 23 7.5 [(3) 66L 0.15 Rose Canyon 7 7.01 (2) 5.9. 0.29 San Andreas 73 8.3 8.0i 0.07 San Jacinto 47 7.8 1. (3) 7.0 L. 0.07 L = Local Magnitude (1) Seed and Idriss, 1982 Slemmons, 1979 Greensfelder, CD.M.G, Map Sheet 23, 1994 The preceding table suggests that the Elsinore and Rose Canyon fault zo n e s w o u l d h a v e t h e predominant influence on the site. The postulated design earthquake an d g r o u n d a c c e l e r a t i o n s a r e presented in the table below. WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. Proposed Busby Parcel Map December 31, 2003 Our Job No. 03-73 Page 8 ••' Design Earthcivaic Fault Maximum Probable Peak Ground 41Sustained Zone Magnitude Acceleration Acceleration Source (Richter) (g) (g) Rose Canyon 5.9 0.29 0.19 *Sustained Acceleration considered 65% of peak ground acceleration Liquefaction The potential for seismically induced liquefaction is greatest where shallow ground- water and poorly consolidated, well-sorted, fine grained sands and silts are present. Liquef a c t i o n potential decreases with increasing density, grain size, clay content and gravel content. C o n v e r s e l y , liquefaction potential increases as the ground acceleration and duration of seismic shaki n g i n c r e a s e . Groundwater was not observed within any of our subsurface explorations, and the site i s underlain by moderately well indurated, variably cemented, sandstone Furthermore, if the e a r t h w o r k and site preparation recommendations provided in this report are strictly followed during c o n s t r u c t i o n , poorly consolidated overburden soils will be removed Based on the consistency of th e u n d e r l y i n g materials, the anticipated i ecompaction of overburden soils and the lack of shallow groundwater, the potential for generalized liquefaction in the event of a strong to moderate earthquake o n n e a r b y f a u l t s is considered low. Landslides and Slope Stability: No evidence indicating the presence of deep-seated lands l i d e s w a s / observed on the site or in the immediate site vicunty. No fractures, Joints or clay se a m s w e r e n o t e d i n the exploratory excavations. However, the observation of any significant cut slopes by the e n g i n e e r i n g geologist during and after grading will be important to identify potential shallow slope f a i l u r e s WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. Proposed Busby Parcel Map Our Job No. 03-73 December 31, 2003 Page 9 It is anticipated that any incompetent soil materials encountered during the earthwork would be mitigated as recommended further in this report. Based on the preliminary grading plans, s l o p e s exceeding 10 feet in height are not proposed for this site. Therefore, it is our opinion that t h e potential for slope failure on this project is very low. Recommendations and Conclusions : Site Preparation Existing Soil: The overburden soils (fill and colluvium) encountered during our subsurface exploration are not considered suitable for the support of foundations, floor slabs or new f i l l i n their present condition To provide more uniform support for the proposed structures and p r i o r t o the placement of any new fill, we recommend that any existing fill, colluviuin, excessiv e l y weathered bedrock or otherwise unsuitable material be completely removed to firm, undist u r b e d , natural ground at locations where improvements are planned. The horizontal limits of removal and recompaction shall include the entire areas of proposed structures, pavement, hardscape, fill or any proposed fill slopes. All soil remov a l a n d replacement should extend at least 8 feet beyond the footprint of any features as described a b o v e and shall be accomplished in accordance with the earthwork and foundation recommendatio n s presented in this report. . S WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. Proposed Busby Parcel Map December 31, 2003 Our Job No. 03-73 Page 10 Based on the results of our field explorations, it appears that the depth of removal may vary fi-orn 2 to 41/2 feet. Table I (Plate No. 10) of this report presents anticipated removal depths in the area of our subsurface explorations. Thicker and/or less competent materials may be encountered at locations that were not explored. Unsuitable soils that occur beneath areas to receive retaining walls, asphalt or concrete pavements, driveways, patio slabs or sidewalks shall be treated similarly. The on-site soils minus any debris or organic material may be used as controlled fill. All fill shall be compacted to at least 90% of its maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D 1557-00. The moisture content at the time of compaction should be within 2% of optimum for granular soils and between 2% and 4% over optimum for clayey materials. All debris, organic matter or oversized materials (greater than 6 inches in maximum dimension) encountered must be removed and legally disposed of at a licensed disposal site. Large rock may be used as decorative landscape material if placed and secured properly. Nested boulders and/or boulder/rock piles should not remain permanently on the site. If groundwater is encountered during the removal and recompaction of the soil, or if difficulty is experienced in achieving the minimum of 90% relative compaction (ASTM D 1557-00), then this office shall be consulted for 'further recommendations. Expansive Soil: Detrimentally expansive soils (Expansion Index of 21 or greater) were not observed in our subsurface explorations. The materials exposed in the exploratory excavations consisted primarily of silty, fine to medium grained sands. Nevertheless, the Geotechnical Consultant should be notified if potential expansive soils are exposed during the grading procedures. WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. Proposed Busby Parcel Map December 31, 2003 Our Job No. 03-73 Page 11 Potentially expansive soil should not be placed within 4 feet of finish grade. Expansive soils should not be used as wall backfill or within 2 feet of finish subgrade in concrete pavements or hardscaped areas. Imported Fill: Imported fill, if required at this site, shall be approved by our office prior to importing. The Soils Engineer should be provided ample notification so that sampling and testing of potential soils may be performed prior to importing. Approximately 3 to 5 working days may be necess a r y t o sample and evaluate potential import soils. Imported fill material shall have an Expansion Ind e x o f 20 or less with not more than 25 percent passing the No 200 U.S. standard sieve. Eai thwork All earthwork performed on must be accomplished in accordance with the attached Specifications for Construction of Controlled Fills (Appendix 1).. All special site preparation recommendations presented in the sections above will supersede those in the Specifications for Construction of Controlled Fills. All embankments, structural fill, and utility trench backfill shall be compacted to no less than 90% of its maximum dry density. The moisture content of the granular fill soils should be within 2% of optimum moisture content at the time of compaction. The moisture content of the clayey soil materials should be maintained between 2% and 4% over optimum moisture content. The maximum- dry density of each soil type shall be determined in accordance with test method ASTM D 1557-00. Prior to commencement of the demolition/brushing operation, a pre-grading meeting shall be held at the site.. The Developer, Surveyor, Grading Contractor, and Soil Engineer should attend. Our finn should be given at least 3 days notice of the meeting time and date. WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. Proposed Busby Parcel Map December 31, 2003 Our Job No. 03-73 Page 12 Cut Slopes: According to the preliminary grading plans, cut slopes could approaeh maximum vertical heights on the order of 10 feet.. OUT analysis indicates that slopes up to iS feet in height, excavated completely within dense, unfractured bedrock at an inclination of 2:1 (horizontal to v e r t i c a l ) o r flatter, would exhibit a safety factor greater than the generally accepted standard o f 1 . 5 . N e v e r t h e l e s s , i t should be noted that localized adverse geologic conditions exposed during the grading p r o c e d u r e s m a y detrimentally reduce this safety factor. These adverse geologic conditions could in c l u d e , b u t w o u l d n o t b e limited to, fractures and joints dipping out of slope, poorly consolidated overburden s o i l , e x c e s s i v e l y weathered bedrock or heavy groundwater seepage. Observation of the cut slopes during construction should be performed by the E n g i n e e r i n g Geologist so that adverse geologic features might be identified- Additional remedial actions may be required to mitigate the effects of detrimental slo p e c o n d i t i o n s . This may include buttressing, regrading of the slope, or the construction of a retaining w a l l s y s t e m . Remedial slope construction should be evaluated and recommended by the Soil Engine e r a n d Engineering Geologist. Fill Slopes: It is our opinion that fill slopes constructed at at inclination of 2:1 (ho r i z o n t a l t o vertical) or flatter will be stable to a maximum height of 15 feet. Fill slopes shall be keyed into dense natural ground The key shall extend through all in c o m p e t e n t soiL It shall be established at least 2 feet into dense, competent material for slopes greater t h a n 4 f e e t i n vertical height; or 1 foot into dense, competent material for slopes up to 4 feet in heigh t . T h e k e y s h a l l b e a minimum of 2 feet deep at the toe of slope and fall with 5% grade toward the interior of the proposed fill areas. Where feasible, the bottom of the key shall have a width of at least 15 f e e t ( P l a t e N o . 1 1 ) . WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. Proposed Busby Parcel Map Our Job No. 03-73 December 31, 2003 Page 13 All keys must be inspected by the Soil Engineer, Engineering Geologist or their representative in the field. If feasible, soil material placed within the outer iS feet of any fill slope, as mea s u r e d i n w a r d horizontally from the face of the slope, shall consist of on-site or importe d g r a n u l a r , n o n - e x p a n s i v e soil material (Expansion Index of 20 or less). Fill slopes constructed with clayey o r e x p a n s i v e s o i l s may experience creep and/or surficial failure. We recommend that slopes be compacted by backrollihg with a loaded sheep s f o o t r o l l e r a t vertical intervals not to exceed 4 feet and should be track walked at the comp l e t i o n o f e a c h s l o p e . T h e face of the slopes should be compacted to no less than 90 % relative compaction ( A S T M D 1 5 5 7 - 0 0 ) . This can best beaccomplished by over building the slope at least 4 feet and t r i m m i n g t o d e s i g n finish slope grade. Surface Drainage: Surface drainage shall be directed away from structu r e s a n d p a v e d a r e a s . T h e ponding of water or saturation of soils should not be allowed adjacent to any of t h e f o u n d a t i o n s . W e recommend that planters be provided with drains and low flow irrigation s y s t e m s . G u t t e r , r o o f drains and other drainage devices shall discharge water away from the structur e i n t o s u r f a c e d r a i n s and storm sewers. Surface water must not be allowed to drain in an uncontrolled manner over t h e t o p o f a n y slope or excavation. WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. Proposed Busby Parcel Map December 31, 2003 Our Job No.. 03-73 Page 14 The exterior grades should be sloped to drain away from the structures to minimize ponding of water adjacent to the foundations. Minimum site gradients of at least 2% in the landscaped areas and of 1% in the hardscaped areas are recommended in the areas surrounding buildings. These gradient s should extend at least 10 feet from the edge of the structure. To reduce the potential for erosion, the slopes shall be planted as soon as possible after grading. Slope erosion, including sloughing, ruling, and slumping of surface soils may be anticipated if the slopes are left unpianted for a long period of time, especially during rainy seasons. Swales or e a r t h berms are recommended at the top of all permanent slopes to prevent surface water runoff from overtopping the slopes. Animal burrows should be controlled or eliminated since they can se r v e t o collect normal sheet flow on slopes, resulting in rapid and destructive erosion. Erosion contro l a n d drainage devices must be installed in compliance with the requirements of the controlling agencies . Subdrains: A subdrain system shall be installed at the toe of slopes draining into the property, within buttress or stability fills or where fill is proposed over canyons or drainage areas. The final determination for the location of the subdrains shall be made by the Soil Engineer or Engineering Geologist during the site grading. Based on our understanding of this project, it is not likely that subdrains will be necessary with the exception of retaining wall back drains. However, we are providing these recommendations should future conditions or design requirements indicate a need for sub drains. WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. Proposed Busby Parcel Map Our Job No. 03-73 December 31, 2003 Page 15 The subdrain shall consist of a trench at least 36 inches deep and 18 inches wide. M i r a f i 140N or Amoco 4547 non-woven geotextile fabric, or an approved equivalent, shall line the bottom and sides of the trench. Four inches of 3/4-inch rock bedding shall be placed on the geotextile at the bottom of the trench. A perforated pipe with a diameter of at least 4 inches shall b e p l a c e d i n t h e trench with the perforations down; A 6-inch diameter pipe may be necessary where la r g e r v o l u m e s o f water are anticipated. The pipe shall be ABS schedule 40 (ASTM-D1785) or an approve d e q u a l . The drainpipe shall have a minimum I % gradient and shall be centered within the t r e n c h horizontally. A minimum of 1 cubic feet of 3/4-inch rock per linear foot of subclra i n s h a l l b e p l a c e d over and around the pipe within the geotextile lined trench. The geotextile shall lap at l e a s t 1 2 i n c h e s over the top of the rock. The subdi-ain shall outlet away from any structures or slopes in a n a p p r o v e d legal manner. Foundation Recommendations Seismic Site Categorization: The following seismic site categorization parameters may be used for foundation design. These design parameters are based on the information pr o v i d e d i n C h a p t e r 16 of the 1997 Uniform Building Code- Soil Profile Type = S y iear source ractor IN, = 1.0 Near Source Factor N = 1.0 Seismic Source Type = B I,, WESTERN' SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. Proposed Busby Parcel Map Our Job No. 03-73 December 31, 2003 Page 16 Footings: To provide more uniform support, we recommend that proposed structures be su p p o r t e d entirely on very low-expansive compacted fill. Conventional footings supported on fill sho u l d b e underlain by at least 2 feet of soil having an expansion index of 20 or less Footings shal l b e d e s i g n e d with the minimum dimensions and allowable dead plus live load soil bearing values given i n t h e t a b l e below. The soil load bearing values of any imported soil should be determined after its sel e c t i o n b u t prior to its delivery on-site. Footings Established on Compacted Fill Minimum Minimum Allowable Building Footing Depth Width Soil Bearing Height Type (inches). (inches) Value p.s.f.) One Story Continuous 12 1.2 2,000 Two Story Continuous 18 15 2,500 One- or Square 18 24 2,500 Two-Story The minimum depth given shall be below lowest adjacent finish subgrade. If foundations are proposed adjacent to the top of any slope, we recommend that the footings be deepened to pro v i d e a horizontal distance of 8 feet between the outer edge of the footing and the adjacent slop e f a c e . The soil load bearing values presented above maybe increased by one-third for short-term loads, including wind or seismic. e WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. Proposed Busby Parcel Map Our Job No. 03-73 'December 31, 2003 Page 17 All continuous footings shall be reinforced in accordance with recommendations provided by a Structural Engineer. Settlements under building loads are expected to be within tolerable limits for the proposed structure. Concrete Slabs-On-Grade: If the soils are prepared as recommended in this report, concrete s l a b s - on-giade shall be supported entirely on compacted fill Soil material placed within 4 feet of finis h subgrade should have an expansion index of 20 or less. No cut/fill transitions should be allowed to occur beneath the structures. To provide protection against vapor or water transmission through the building and floor slabs, we recommend that the slabs-on-grade be underlain by a 4-inch layer of Caltrans Class 2 permea b l e material or gravel. •A suggested gradation for the gravel layer is as follows: Sieve Size Percent Passing 90-100 No. 4 0-10. No. 100 0-3 If the slab-on-grade is underlain by at least 4 feet of granular compacted fill, the gravel, laye r maybe replaced by 4 inches of clean sand. An impermeable membrane as described below shoul d be placed at the midpoint of the sand layer WESTERN SOIL 'AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. Proposed Busby Parcel Map December 31, 2003 Our Job No. 03-73 Page 18 If sand bedding is used, care should be taken during concrete placement to prevent displacement of the sand. A low-slump concrete (4-inch maximum slump) should be used to further minimi z e possible curling of the slabs. The concrete slabs should be allowed to cure properly before placi n g vinyl or other moisture-sensitive floor covering. Optimum curing maybe accomplished using burlap covers kept continuously moist for at least seven days. The flooring contractor should tes t the slab for moisture vapor transmission requirements. Slab reinforcing and thickness shall be designed in accordance with the anticipated use and loadings on the slab and as recommended by the Structural Engineer. Construction and weake n e d plane joint spacing and placement shall be provided by the Structural Engineer, Impermeable Membrane: In areas where vinyl or other moisture-sensitive floor coverings are planned or where moisture may be detrimental to the structure's contents, we recommend that the 4-inch- t h i c k gravel layer be overlain by a 10-mu-thick impermeable plastic membrane (Stego Wrap or approved equal) to provide additional protection against water vapor transmission through the slab. The v a p o r barrier should be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.. We recommend that the edges be sealed. To protect the membrane during later concrete work, to facilitate curing of the concr e t e , and to reduce slab curling, a 2-inch-thick layer of clean sand shall be placed over the membrane. Transition Areas: Any proposed structures should not be allowed to straddle a cut-fill transition line. Footings and floor slabs should be entirely supported on cut or entirely on fill. The found a t i o n system should not consist of one where footings are embedded into naturally occurring materi a l a n d the slab is supported on fill. WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. Proposed Busby Parcel Map December 31, 2003 Our Job No 03-73 Page 19 The tendency of cut and fill soils to compress differently can frequently result in differential settlement, cracking to portions of the structure and in severe cases structural damage. T o r e d u c e t h e pàtential for damage due to differential settlement in transition areas, we recommend th a t c u t a r e a s b e over-excavated to a depth of at least 2 feet below the bottom of the deepest footing and replac e d w i t h non-expansive soil, material compacted to at least 90% of its maximum thy density (ASTM D 1 5 5 7 - 0 0 ) . The compacted fill should extend at least 8 feet beyond the building foot plan. Lateral Resistance: Resistance to lateral loads may be provided by friction at the base of the fo o t i n g s and floor slabs and by the passive resistance of the supporting soils. Allowable values of f r i c t i o n a l and passive resistance are presented for the fill soils in the table below. The frictional resist a n c e a n d the passive resistance of the materials may be combined without reduction in determining t h e t o t a l lateral resistance. Lateral Resistance Values Allowable Coefficient Passive Pressure Soil Type of Friction (psf/ft of depth) Compacted Fill 0.35 350 Footing Observations: Prior to the placement of reinforcing steel and concrete all foundation excavations should be observed by the Soil Engineer, Engineering Geologist or their repre s e n t a t i v e . Footing excavations shall be cleaned of any loosened soil and debris before placing steel or conc r e t e . . WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. Proposed Busby Parcel Map Our Job No. 03-73 December 31, 2003 Page 20 Footing excavations should be observed and probed for soft areas. Any soft or disturbed soils shall be over-excavated prior to placement of steel and concrete. Over-excavation of soils should not be performed in locations that were undercut for transition areas. This would compromise the thickness of the soil supporting the footings. In undercut transition areas loose soils should be recompacted. Pavement Recommendations Preliminary Pavement Design: The sampling of soil for resistance (R-value) testing was not within the scope of our investigation. If final pavement design is required for the private driveway, it should be based upon representative R-value samples taken after rough grading. The required paving thickness and base thickness will depend on the subgrade soils and on the Traffic Index applicable to the intended usage. The subgrade soils should be prepared as recommended in the previous sections describing site preparation and earthwork. Compaction of the subgrade to at least 95%, including trench backfihls, will be important for paving support. The preparation of the paving subgrade should be done immediately prior to the placement of the base course. Adequate drainage of the paved surface must be provided to reduce infiltration of water into the subgrade soils.. WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. Proposed Busby Parcel Map Our Job No. 03-73 December 31, 2003 Page 21 Base Materials: The aggregate base course should meet the specifications for Class 2 Aggrega t e Base as defined in Section 26 of the State of California, Department of Transportation, Standard Specifications, latest edition. Alternatively, the base course could meet the specifications for untreated base as defined in Section 200-2 of the 1994 Edition of the Standard Specifications f o r Public Works Construction. The base course should be compacted to at least 95%. Careful inspecti o n i s recommended to verify that the specified thickness, or greater, are achieved and that proper construction procedures are used. Areas that will receive aggregate base shall be properly moistened and recomp acted to no less than 95 percent of their maximum dry density to a depth of at least 12 inches below sribgrade. The preceding recommendations are preliminary only. They should be confirmed by sampling and performing R-value tests on the soil material at subgrade elevation on completio n o f the earthwork. These recommendations are subject to the review and approval of the governing agencies Field Explorations Subsurface conditions were explored by our observation of five (5) backhoe trenches on November 14, 2003. The exploratory trenches were 24 inches in width, approximately 8 to 10 feet long and extended to depths ranging from 7Y2 to 9 feet. No seepage or caving was observed in the excavation walls. The locations of the exploratory excavations are depicted on the Site Plan, Plate No. 1, in the back of this report. WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. Proposed Busby Parcel Map Our Job No. 03-73 December 31, 2003 'Page 22 The surface reconnaissance and subsurface exploration were conducted by our geology and soil engineering personnel. The soils are described in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System as illustrated on the attached simplified chart (Plate No 2). In addition, a verbal textural description, the wet color, the apparent moisture and the density or consistency are presented. The density of granular material is given as either very loose, loose, medium dense, dense or very dense. The consistency of silts or clays is given as either very soft, soft, medium stiff, stiff, very stiff or hard. The sampling and logging of our exploratory excavations were performed using standard geotechnical methods. The logs are presented on Plate No. .3 through Plate No. 7. Samples of typic a l and representative soils were obtained and returned to our laboratory for observation and testing. Laboratory Testing Laboratory tests were performed in accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) test methods or suggested procedures. Test results are shown on Plate No. 8 and Plate No. 9.. Plan Review Western Soil and Foundation Engineering, Inc. should review the final grading and building plans for this project Limitations The recommendations and opinions expressed in this report reflect our best estimate of the project requirements based on an evaluation of the subsurface soil conditions encountered at the subsurface exploration locations and the assumption that the soil conditioiis do not deviate appreciably from those encountered. WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. Proposed Busby Parcel Map Our Job No. 03-73 December 31, 2003 Page 23 It should be recognized that the performance of the foundations, pavements and constructed slopes may be influenced by undisclosed or unforeseen variations in the soil conditions that may o c c u r in the intermediate and unexplored areas.. Any unusual conditions not covered in this repor t t h a t a r e encountered during site development should be brought to the attention of the geotech n i c a l consultant so that modifications can be made, if necessary. It is recommended that Western Soil and Foundation Engineering, Inc. be retained to provi d e continuous geotechnical engineering services during the earthwork operations. This is t o o b s e r v e compliance with the design concepts, specifications or recommendations and to allow design c h a n g e s i n the event that subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prim to start of cons t r u c t i o n Western Soil and Foundation Engineering, Inc. and/or our consultants, will not be held resp o n s i b l e for earthwork of any kind performed without our observation, inspection and testing This office should be advised of any changes in the project scope so that it may be determined if the recommendations contained herein are appropriate. This should le verified in w r i t i n g or modified by a written addendum The findings of this report are valid as of this date. Changes in the condition of a property can, however, occur with the passage of time, whether they be due to natural processes o r t h e w o r k of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in the State-of-the-Art and/or Go v e r n m e n t Codes may occur. Due to such changes, the findings of the report may be invalidated w h o l l y o r i n part by changes beyond our control. Therefore, this report should not be relied upon after a p e r i o d of one yeai without a review by us verifying the suitability of the conclusions and recommenda t i o n s WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC Proposed Busby Parcel Map December 31, 2003 Our Job No. 03-73 Page 24 We will be responsible for our data, interpretations, and recommendations, but shall n o t b e responsible for the interpretations by others of the information developed. Our services c o n s i s t o f professional consultation and observation only, and no warranty of any kind whatsoever , e x p r e s s o r implied, is made or intended in connection with the work performed or to be perform e d b y u s , o r b y our proposal for consulting or other services, or by our furnishing of oral or written rep o r t s o r f i n d i n g s . It is the responsibility of the Client or the Client's representative to ensure that the informa t i o n and recommendations contained herein are brought to the attention of the engineer and ar c h i t e c t f o r t h e project and incorporated into the project's plans and specifications. It is further the respon s i b i l i t y o f the Client to take the necessary measures to ensure that the contractor and sub-con t r a c t o r s c a r r y o u t such recommendations during 6onstruction. Respectfully submitted, WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. CRTiF1ED ENGINEiEflING .),Ila Vincent W. Gaby, CEG 1755, Expires 7/31/05 Engineering Geologist Dennis E. Zimmerman, C 26676, GE 928, Expires 3/31/04 Geotechnical Engineer VWG:DEZ/knig WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. ATTACHMENTS WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC.. SITE PLAN (Plate No. 1) In Back Pocket WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LEGEND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART Group Soil Description Symbol Typical Names 1. COARSE GRAINE'D: More than half of material is jMggi than No. 200 sieve size Gravels: More than half of coarse fraction is larger than No. 4 sieve size but smaller than 3". CLEAN GRAVELS GW Well graded gravels, gravel sand mixtures, little or no fines. OP Poorly giaded gravels, gravel sand mixtures, little or no fines GRAVEL W/FINES GM Silty gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand-silt mixtures. OC Clayey gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand, clay mixtures Sands: More than half of coarse fraction is smaller than No 4 sieve size CLEAN SANDS SANDS W/FJNES U. FINE GRAINED: More than half of material is smaller than No 200 sieve size Silts & Clays: Liquid limit less than 50 Silts & Clays: Liquid limit greater than 50 HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS SW Well graded sand, gravelly sands, little or no fines. SP Poorly graded sands, gravelly sands, little or no fineà. SM Silty sands, poorly graded sand and silt mixtures. SC Clayey sands, poorly graded sand and clay mixtures. ML. Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flout, sandy silt or clayey-silt-sand mixtures with slight plasticity. CL Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gsavclly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays. OL. Organic silty and organic silty clays of low plasticity MI-I Inorganic silts, niicaccous or diatomaceous fine sandy ot silty soils, elastic silts. Cl-I Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat. OH Organic clays of medium to high plasticity. PT Peat and other highly organic soils. Plate No. 2 WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. Z TRENCH NO. T-1 WEST >- -* LUW LLI 0 51 ELEVATION ±110 w • L I a.2 SAMPLING 0.0 METHOD FORD 555C BACKHOE CL 0 DESCRIPTION - : FILL - Brown, Silty, Fine to Medium Grained Moist Loose SM Sand with Minor Refuse To - - Medium Dense 1- -1 -2 - RESIDUUM -Dark Brown, Silty. Fine to Medium Damp -3 Grained Sand To Medium - . SM:.- Moist Dense - • \ To 4.- C Dense 1055 40 -4 Grades To - c ..: 114.6 8.4 - 5. C ;SM..- 108.6 31 -5 TERRACE DEPOSITS -Pale Brown, Silty, Fine to Damp Medium Medium Grained Sandstone, Dense - . Moderately Cemented, Porous To - - Dense 6- •• -6 7- -;s -7 - Grades To - 8- SMISC. -8 Reddish-Brown with Gray Mottling, Moist Dense Silty, Clayey, Fine to Medium Grained To - Sandstone, Well Cemented Very - Dense 119.7 11.7 9-- -.- _________________________ _____ _____ ___ ___ ___ -9• BOTTOM OF TRENCH @ 9 FEET 10- -10 JOB NUMBER - BUSBY PARCEL MAP DATE LOGGED LOGGED BY SUBSURFACE EXPLORATORY LOG Plate No.3 Z TRENCH NO. T-2 >- ..- Uj ELEVATION ±103 j O U. SAMPLING a.a. UJ M < CL cn cn METHOD FORD 555C BACKHOE o WE o. C, C) 0 c DESCRIPTION FILL- Pale Brown, Silty, Fine to Medium Moist Loose Grained Sand - SM COLLUVIUM - Pale Brown, Silty, Fine to Medium Damp Medium Grained Sand, Poorly Cemented, Dense - - Porous 2- ..' -2 1 -3 — sm.:" RESIDUUM -Dark Brown, Silty, Fine to Medium Damp Dense 1160 33 Grained Sand c Grades To -4 - TERRACE DEPOSITS - Reddish-Brown withSM/S Moist Dense - C Gray Mottling, Silty, .. 5... Clayey, Fine to Very . 5 Medium Grained Dense Sandstone, Cemented, - Interlayered with Pale Brown, Slightly Silty, Fine Grained Sandstone -6 - -7 - _..ç 134.7 6.7 BOTTOM OF TRENCH @ 71/2 FEET - 8- .. -8 9- . -9 10- -10 JOSNUMBER . I BUSBY PARCEL MAP DATE LOGGED LOGGED BY 03-73. 11-14-03 NSBN SUBSURFACE EXPLORATORY LOG Plate No.4 TRENCH NO. T-3 >- . LU 0. 0 ELEVATION ±102 LU Ou SAMPLING co METHOD FORD 555C BACKHOE InL o 0 U)DESCRIPTION 0 0 - - TSM FILL - Dark Brown, Silty, Fine to Medium Moist Loose Grained Sand with Decomposed - Organic Debris I I- - -1 2- B : -2 -- RESIDUUM - Dark Brown with Gray Mottling, Moist Medium ' Silty, Clayey, Fine to Medium Dense 3- -- . Grained Sand, Porous To Dense - • C Grades To 4l 41•1 II :E TERRACE DEPOSITS - Orangish-Brown with Moist Dense Gray Mottling, Silty, To - Clayey, Fine to Medium Very - Grained Sandstone, Dense C :. -.4 Interiayered with 120.3 130 Greenish-Brown, Silty, Slightly Clayey - SMiSC Sandstone, Well - Cemented • 6— - -O -f-.'.• - ......... _______ __________________________________________________ _________ _________ _11!4 11.1 _______ 8011DM OF TRENCH @ 81A FEET —9 S —lo JOB NUMBER BUSBY PARCEL MAP DATE LOGGED LOGGED BY 03-73 111403 NSB SUBSURFACE EXPLORATORY LOG Plate No.5 Z TRENCH NO, T-4 >- o- z UJ ELEVATION ±114 Ou..(a (L u!1 V5 2 SAMPLING cL METHOD FORD 555C BACKHOE O DESCRIPTION SM COLLUVIUM - Dark Brown, Silty, Fine to Medium Moist Loose - Grained Sand with Roots - • .•I.. - t-SIVIL RESIDUUM —Pale Yellowish-Brown, Silty, Fine to Damp Loose Medium Grained Sand, Porous To - - -'.:- Medium Dense - .2—, . —2 B Becomes 3 C ' Dense 119.1 4.7 —3 - Grades To 4— . - —4 SMSC TERRACE DEPOSITS - Orangish-Brown, Silty, Moist Dense Clayey, Fine to Medium 5— . . Grained Sandstone, —5 - Well Cemented, Interlayered with Pale SP .t . Brown, Slightly Silty Moist Medium A . Sand , Dense 6T —6 Grades To 7.-. C ' . . Moist Dense 113.0 11.3 —7 Orangish-Brown, Silty Sand BOTTOM OF TRENCH @ 7 /2 FEET 9— . , —9 10— ' . —10 JOB NUMBER BUSBY PARCEL MAP 1 DATE LOGGED LOGGED BY 11 -14-03 NSB SUBSURFACE EXPLORATORY LOG Plate No.6 Z TRENCH NO. T-5 > - l ELEVATION ±120 i: -J U,SAMPLING o- S~ I tL METHOD FORD 555C BACKHOE W CL e .' U) DESCRIPTION — COLLUVIUM - Dark Brown, Silty, Fine to Medium Moist Loose — Ii Grained Sand with Roots SM!SC RESIDUUM -Yellowish-Brown, Silty, Clayey, Fine Moist Medium to Medium Grained Sand Dense Grades To 2- C .•1; TERRACE DEPOSITS - Reddish-Brown, Damp Dense 4.7 -2 • Silty, Clayey, To Fine to Medium Very - Grained Sandstone, Dense • -:: Moderately Well -3 Cemented - - 4.... B 'p lnterlayered with Pale Yellowish- Damp Dense Brown, Slightly Silty, Fine to Medium Grained Sandstone - 6- C 114.4 8.4 -5 ...... 6- - -6 - 7- c --, . 114.2 7.8 -7 BOTTOM OF TRENCH © 71/2 FEET 8- -8 9- -9 -10 JOB NUMBER BUSBY PARCEL MAP DATE LOGGED LOGGED BY 03-73 11-14-03 NSB SUBSURFACE EXPLORATORY LOG Plate No. 7 SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CONTROLLED FILLS General Description: The construction of controlled fills shall consist of adequate geotechnical investigations, and clearing, removal of existing structures and foundations, preparation of land to be filled, excavation of earth and rock from cut area, compaction and control of the fill, and all other work necessary to complete the grading of the filled area to conform with the lines, grades, and slopes as shown on the accepted plans. Clearing And Preparation Of Areas To Be Filled: All fill control projects shall have an investigation or a visual examination, depending upon the nature of the job, performed by a qualified soil engineer prior to grading. All timber, trees, brush, vegetation, and other rubbish shall be removed, piled and burned, or otherwise disposed of to leave the prepared area with a finished appearance free from unsightly debris.. Any soft, swampy or otherwise unsuitable areas, shall be corrected by drainage or removal of compressible material, or both, to the depths indicated on the plans or as directed by the soil engineer.. The natural ground which is detennined to be satisfactory for the support of the filled ground shall then be plowed or scarified to a depth of at least six inches (6") or deeper as specified by the soil engineer, and until the surface is free from ruts, hummocks, or other uneven features which would tend to prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to be used. No fill shall be placed until the prepared native ground has been approved by the soil engineer. Where fills are made on the hillsides with slopes greater than 5 (horizontal) to 1 (vertical), horizontal benches shall be cut into firm undisturbed natural ground to provide lateral and vertical stability. The initial bench at the toe of the fill shall be a least 10 feet in width on finn undisturbed natural ground at the elevation of the toe stake. The soil engineer shall determine the width and frequency of all succeeding benches which will vary with the soil conditions and the steepness of slope. (After the natural ground has been prepared, it shall be brought to the proper moisture content and compacted to not less than 90% of maximum density, ASTM D 1557-00. Expansive soils may require special compaction specifications as directed in the report of geotechnical investigation by the soil engineer. The cut portions of building pads may require excavation and recompaction for density compatibility with the fill as directed by the soil engineer. WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. Materials: The fill soils shall consist of select materials graded so that at least 40 percent of the material passes the No.4 sieve. The material maybe obtained from the excavation, a borrow pit, or by mixing soils from one or more sources. The material used shall be free from vegetable matter, and other deleterious substances, and shall not contain rocks or lumps greater than 6 inches in diameter. If excessive vegetation, rocks, or soils with unacceptable physical characteristics are encountered, these materials shall be disposed of in waste areas designated on the plans or as directed by the soil engineer. If soils are encountered during the grading operation which were not reported in the report of geotechnical investigation, further testing will be required to ascertain their engineering properties. Any special treab.uent recommended in the preliminary or subsequent soil reports not covered herein shall become an addendum to these specifications. No material of perishable, spongy, or otherwise unstable nature shall be used in the fills. Placing, Spreading And Compacting Fill Material: The selected fill material shall be plaóed in layers which shall not exceed six inches (6) when compacted. Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be thoroughly blade-mixed during the spreading to insure uniformity of material and moisture in each layer. When the moisture content of the fill material is below that specified by the soil engineer, water shall be added until the moisture content is near optimum as determined by the soil engineer to assure *thorough bonding during the compacting process. When the moisture content of the fill material is above that specified by the soil engineer, the fill material shall be aerated by blading and scarifying, or other satisfactory methods until the moisture content is near optimum as determined by the soils engineer. After each layer has been placed, mixed and spread evenly, it shall be thoroughly compacted to not less than the specified maximum density in accordance with ASTM D 1557-00. Compaction shall be by means of tamping or sheepsfoot rollers, multiple-wheel pneumatic-tired rollers, or other types. of rollers.. Rollers shall be of such design that they will be able to compact the fill to the specified density. Rolling of each layer shall be continuous over its entire area and the roller shall make sufficient passes to obtain the desired density. The entire area to be filled shall be compacted to the specified density. Fill slopes shall be compacted by means of sheepsfoot rollers or other suitable equipment. Compacting operations shall be continued until the slopes are stable and until there is no appreciable amount of loose soil on the slopes. Compacting of the slopes shall be accomplished by backrolling the slopes in increments of 3 to 5 feet in elevation gain or by other methods producing satisfactory results. WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. (6) Field density tests shall be made by the soil engineer for approximately each foot in elevation gain after compaction, but not to exceed two feet in vertical height between tests. The location of the tests in plan shall be spaced to give the best possible coverage and shall be taken no farther than 100 feet apart. Tests shall be taken on corner and terrace lots for each two feet in elevation again. The soil engineer may take additional tests as considered necessary to check on the uniformity of compaction. Where sheepsfoot rollers are used, the tests shall be taken in the compacted material below the disturbed surface. No additional layers of fill shall be spread until the field density tests indicate that the specified density has been obtained. (7) The fill operation shall be continued in six inch (6") compacted layers, as specified above, until the fill has been brought to the finished slopes and grades as shown on the accepted plans. Supervision: Supervision by the soil engineer shall be made during the filling and compacting operations so that he/she can certify that the fill was made in accordance with accepted specifications. The specifications and soil testing of subgrade, subbase, and base materials for roads, or other public - property shall be done in accordance with specifications of the governing agency. Seasonal Limits: No fill material shall be placed, spread, or rolled during unfavorable weather conditions. When the work is interrupted by heavy rain, grading shall not be resumed until field tests by the soil engineer indicate that the moisture content and density of the fill are as previously specified. In the event that, in the opinion of the engineer, soils unsatisfactory as foundation material are encountered, they shall not be incorporated in the grading, and disposition will be made at the engineer's discretion. WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. H .10 APPENDIX II a' LABORATORY TEST RESULTS 'Maximum Density/Optimum Moisture Maximum Optimum Dry Moisture Sample. Density Content Location Description (pcf) (percent) T-1 @ 1' to 3' Brown, Silty, Fine to Medium Grained Sand 134.5 8.0 T-5 ® 3' to 6' Yellowish-Brown, Slightly Silty, Fine to 126.0 , 10.0 Medium Grained Sand Direct Shear Angle of Apparent Internal Sample Cohesion Friction Location (psf) (degrees) *T4 1' to 3' 100 40 :T_5@3t to 6' 250 31 *Samples remolded to 90% of maximum dry density and 3% over optimum moisture content. Samples were saturated prior to testing. Plate No. 8 WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. a,. LABORATORY TEST RESULTS - Cont. Expansion Index Sample Initial Final Expansion Expansion Location Moisture Moisture Index Potential* . Content (%) Content (/o) T-3@4 8.7 15.0 19 Very Low *Very Low Expansion Potential Ranges From an Expansion index of 0 to 20. In-Situ Moisture and Density Dry Moisture Sample Density Content Location (pcf)(%) T-1@4' . 105.5 4.0 T-1 @4W 114.6 8.4 T-1@5' 108.6 3.1 ,''. . T-1 @9' 119.7 11.7 . T-2@3W 116.0 3.3 T-2 @ 71/-,' 134.7 8.7 T-3@4' . 116.3 11.1 T-3 @ 5' 120:3 13.0 T-3@81/2' 118.5 11.1 T-4 @' 119.1 4.7 T-4@7' 113.0 - 11.3 : T-5®2' 119.5 4.7 T-5@5' 114.4 8.4 T-5@7' .114.2 7.8 Plate No. 9 WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. -J TABLE I Depth of Soil Removal Below Trench Existing Grade Number T-1 4V2 T-2 3 T-3 3V2 T-4 3 T-5 2 NOTE: It should be recognized that variations in soil conditions may occur between exploratory excavations that will require additional removal. In areas where fill slope toe keys are proposed, add a minimum of 2 feet to removal depths • • presented above. Exploratory trenches encountered in the removal process should be recompacted an additional 2 feet below the depths shown in the above table, Plate No. 1O WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. FILL SLOPE KEY PROJECTED PLANE I TO MAXIMUM FROM TOE OF SLOPE TO NATURAL GROUND APPROVED GROUND FILL / . E OF SLOP _ 00 L 00 100 / 8' MINIMUM BENCH - 00 00 00 COMPETENT EARTH MATERIAL z 5% MINIMUM TYPICAL BENCH MINIMUM DOWNSLOPE MINIM WIDTH 15' UM BASE KEY (HEIGHT VARIES) KEY DEPTH BACKDRAINS MAY BE REQUIRED PER RECOMMENDATIONS OF SOILS ENGINEER BUSBY PARCEL MAP JOB NO.: 03-73 1 DATE: 12-31-03 . Plate No. II WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. REFERENCES CITED Kennedy, M. P., 1973, Bedrock Lithologies, San Diego Coastal Area, California: Studies of the Geology and Geologic Hazards of the Greater San Diego Area, San Diego Association of Geologists Kennedy, M. P., 1975, Geology of The San Diego Metropolitan Area, California, California Division of Mines and Geology, Bulletin 200 Rockwell, T.K. 1989, Holocene Activity of the Rose Canyon Fault in San Diego Based on Trenching Studies.- Evidence of M6+ Surface Rupturing Earthquakes, in: The Seismic Risk in the San Diego Region: Special Focus on the Rose Canyon Fault System Seed, H.B. and Idriss, IM., 1982, Ground Motions and Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes, EERI Monograph Series Slenirnons, DB., 1979, Evaluation of Geomorphic Features of Active Faults for Engineering Design and Siting Studies, Association of Engineering Geologists Short Course. Tan, S.. and Kennedy, M.P., 1996, Geologic Maps of the Northwestern Part of San Diego County, California: California Division of Mines and Geology, Open-File Report 96-02. Weber, Harold F. Jr., I 982, Recent Slope Failures, Ancient Landslides, and Related Geology of The North-central coastal Area, San Diego county, California: California Division of Mines and Geology, Report 82-12- Wilson, Kenneth L., 1972, Eocene and Related Geology of a Portion of the San Luis. Rey and Encinitas Quadrangles San Diego county, calfornia: Masters Thesis, U.C. Riverside WESTERN SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC. OCT01-2009 THU PN CITY OFRSLBAD FAX NO, 760 602 8558 P. 02 This form must be completed by the City, the applicant, and the approp r i a t e s c h o o l d i s t r i c t s a n d r e t u r n e d t o t h e C i t y prior to issuing a building permit, The City will not issue any building p e r r n i t w i t h o u t a c o m p l e t e d s c h o o l f e e f o r m . Project Name: SPEC HOME ADDITION Building Permit Plan Check Number: C8091465 Project Address: 1212/1214 OAK AVE A.P.N.: 1561804700 /J CITY OF CARLSBAD CERTIFICATION OF SCHOOL FEES PAID B34 Development Services Building Department 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov Project Applicant OAK AVENUE VENTURE LLC (Owner Name): Project.Dèscription; 2 No DWELLING UNIT & ADDITION Building Type: RESIDENTIAL Residential: New Dwelling Unit(s) / Square Feet oftiving Area in New Dwelling Second Dwelling Unit: 640 Square Feet-of Living Area in SDU - .Residential Additions: 480 Net Square Feet New Area Commercial/Industrial: Net Square Feet New Area City Certification of Applicant lnformationQ. (A.a... -,'&94cIA_t Date: 10/01/2009 SCHOOL DISTRICTS WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD f,çarJsbad unified School Dietrict El Vista Unified School District 0 San Marcos Unified School District 6225 El Camino Real .- - .1234 Arcadia Drive 215 Mate Way Carlsbad CA 92009 (331-5000) Vista CA 92083 (726.2170) San Marcos, CA 92069 (290-2619) Contact: Nancy Dolce (By Appt. Only) Encinitas Union School District San Dioguito Union High School District 101 South Rancho Santa Fe Rd 710 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024 (944.4300 ext 168) Encinitas, CA 92024 (753.6491) - Certification of Applicant/Owners. The person executing this d e c l a r a t i o n ( " O w n e r " ) certifies under penalty of perjury that (1) the information provided,above iscorrect and true to the best o f t h e O w n e r s k n o w l e d g e , a n d t h a t t h e O w n e r • will fife an amerrdedcertificationof payment and pay the additional f e e i f O w n e r r e q u e s t s a n i n c r e a s e i n t h e n u m b e r of dwelling units or squarG fôotageafter the building permit-is issued or-if the initial determination of units or square ' footage is found to be Incorrect and, that, (2) the Owner Is the o w n e r / d e v e l o p e r o f t h e a b o v e d e s c r i b e d p r o j e c t ( s ) , o r that the person executing this declaration is authorized to sign o n b e h a l f o f t h e O w n e r . Signature: Date; ___________ iO+D9 V /á4i OI( Ai 8-34 - Page 1 of 2 Rev, 03/09 DEC-05-2005 MON 10:06 AN CITY OF CARSLBAD FAX NO. 760 602 8558 P. 01 SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the school district(s)) THIS FORM INDICATES THAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED. SCHOOL DISTRICT: The undersigned, being duly authorized by the applicable School District, certifies that the tvjBIo iper builder, or owner has satisfied the obligation for school facilities.This is to certify that applicant listed on page 1 has paid all amounts or completed other applicable school A. mitigation determined by the School District. The City may issue building permits for this project. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED SCHOOL I I DISTRICT OFFICIAL IJ (Ai') WALTERIREEMAN : ASSISTANT SIJP1RIN'1NDET CARLSBADUNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICF NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT 6225 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBADCA SIM09 PHONE NUMBER (733(_c000 Revised 4/20/00 CITY OF CARLSBAD - AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE FOR A SECOND DWELLING UNIT Instructions to Property Owner (Affiant): Please type or print complete and accurate answers in all blank spaces in Section I. Please read carefully, particularly Section II. Please read, sign and date Section III indicating that you understand and agree with the conditions of compliance. SECTION I - INFORMATION Property owner(s): (i4iL *J LL C_ Property Address: Name(s) /w( 04(C do Street.Addres ctib4 ci (24 92,00 — City State Zip Code Assessor Parcel No. Subdivision: / or Na m e? N Lot/Block . Parcel No. Project Number SECTION II- CONDITIONS FOR COMPLIANCE PLEASE READ CAREFULLY 1. A second dwelling unit is an attached or detached dwelling unit which is located on the same lot as an existing owner-occupied single-family detached dwelling unit and is: Suitable for use as a complete living facility, with provisions within the facility for cooking, eating, sanitation and sleeping; Occupied by one or more persons; and. ô. Subordinate to the main dwelling unit. 2. The Property Owner(s) listed above hereby certifies that he/she owns the above referenced property, as of the date of this affidavit, and to his/her belief and knowledge, there are no conditions, covenants or restrictions on the property prohibiting a second dwelling unit apartment. 3. The Property Owner(s) agrees to the following terms and conditions: FRM0006 6/03 PAGE lOF 2 The property and residence referenced above must not contain a second residential dwelling unit unless it is in compliance with the second dwelling unit provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad. The Property Owner(s) shall reside in either the main dwelling unit or second dwelling unit described above, now, and for the life of this agreement, unless a lessee leases both the main dwelling unit and the second dwelling unit. c.x The Second Dwelling Unit may only be rented and shall not be sold separately from the main dwelling unit, unless the lot on which such units are located is subdivided. The Property Owner(s) agree to rent the Second Dwelling Unit at a monthly rental rate which shall not exceed an amount equal to 3.0% Of the gross monthly income of a low- income household, adjusted for household size; at 80% of the San Diego County median income. . A copy of this agreement and Affidavit must be given by the Property Owner(s) to prospective purchasers of the property prior to entering into a sales contract for said property. SECTION III - AFFIRMATION AND AGREEMENT . I HEREBY DECLARE AND AFFIRM, under, penalty of peu y,thatall matters and facts set forth in. this agreement are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, and that I (we) understand, accept and will abide by the regulations, requirements, and standards governing the Second Dwelling Unit BY: 0 &;A4k Lcf 0 Date BY: Property Owner Date Owner's Telephone Number(s): (O ) /( Home Office FRM0006 6/03 PAGE 2 OF 2 CB091465 1212 OAKAV FISHBACH: & 121411480SF REC RM NEXT TO EXIST. HOMEIII340 SF DET. GARAGE WI (3(o- q(%14(oq S(aIL C&.rn 99- 1s sW 19 bc tit SUE cw3) 2 LL I Annroved -. II - 70.t. Building Planning _____________ Engineering wT - h/ç69 Fire HazMat APCD Health orms/ Fees Sent Recd Due, CFD Fire _L_.! FOG _L HazMaVAPCD _L__! Health _!_J PFF VI PE&M l2)-p9 (O(SY'O9If 1 . School_( IOI.IO0f 1O-(.—o' j Sewer Stormwatér VI VI :omments Date Date Date Building J 9)i l4)QI Planning q-0 g Engineering Fire ri Application Complete? N - Fees Complete? V N 4. I / 3J - / PORATED / 952 7' (ç \ City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 11-10-2009 Plan Check Revision Permit No:PCR09145 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: 1212 OAK AV CBAD Permit Type: PCR Status: ISSUED Parcel No: 1561804700 Lot #: 0 Applied: 10/28/2009 Valuation: $0.00 Construction Type: 513 Entered By: JMA Reference #: CB091465 Plan Approved: 11/10/2009 PC #: Issued: 11/10/2009 Project Title: NEW TOWER TO CONNECT HOUSE Inspect Area: GARAGE Applicant: PAUL LONGTON 2909 MESA DR OCEANSIDE 92054 760-722-4904 Owner:- ---.-BUSBY FAMILY TRUST 10-26-01 '2OAVE ' CARLSBAD CA"92008 , f LI/f T Plan Check Revision Fee Additional Fees 120.00 \$0.O0 Total Fees: $12000_ Total Payments To Date: $120.00 Balance Due: \ \ $0.00 I / __/ \ \ 7/ \ FINAL APPROVAL Inspector: Date: Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as fees/exactions. You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other simila(application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any CITY OF CARLSD/-%D PLAN CHECK REVISION APPLICATION B-15 Development Services Building Department 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov Plan-Check Revision No. — 1 S Original Plan Check No. Coo (q Project Address I2l2. 4) 12.14. 06.k.. AJQ. Date 10 -Oct Contact P Lot Ph1'. 1U 4'jo4 Fax 112 4ftO3, Email dFCA( WUt'. (p.y Contact Address _'l1't t'tC&A tC'. City Zip General Scope of Work COrQ4jae. 4o 6S4z 5o as o o.& t-c (42cSa. .Original plans prepared by an architect or engineer, revision u ,ed & stamped by that person. 1 Elements revised: Plans X Calculations Soils Energy Other_____________________________ 2 Describe revisions in detail . 3 List page(s) where each revision is shown 4' List revised sheets that replace existing sheets oeAsoh Jz c6nuk-1 o as , f caaasa.L kaL / Q WS & ivp 5 Does this revision, in any way, alter the exterior of the project? Yes E] No 6 Does this revision add ANY new floor area(s)? Yes F-1 No 7 Does this revision affect any fire related issues? fl Yes No 8 Is this a comRIete set. fl No 15Signature / 1635 Faraday/venue, CA 92008 Phone: 760-602-2717/ 2718 2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 .1 www.carlsbadcagov OCT-29-2009 THU 01:56 PM CITY OF ChRSLBAD FAX NO, 760.602 8558 'P. 01 City -of CaRsba'd •- ri 1.635 Faraday Avenue, CarIbad, CA 92008 . Phone, 780602.7e4i. Fax: 760402458$ I Plan Check Comments / 2007 Codes I I . . i-I To:.OA y~A ve-From: Steve Borouay . • I i F -G52 - 12?.- 1-o3 Pmges . • Phone Date: 1 ) /o -- w CO NTACT Ly iat&sAddreas J~. 2 r 1.. 'ciM ILT.ItuH.,n* Pismo Md me we on PIS" 99 .2 Pwt Of this Pkn Check r"Ponse Ple"s reUirn red marked eat with the new prkd& Statue Of aimProval frown odw d"mmUmenta plan" L ) - 44• — a. S 4) ct - aftr T/(s /4 ctOCA d5Pcf LAJcb1 ( 1&i.Pt - copt c 'rcc 1'e d QC ( ce. -k ZiS.4-4 • A. I fYa D$ e if i4$t Icp -•fo-L•) ktc Jac r-&M 441- s- - 247 rQ rQ.Rse& / k,4o's 4 *cc, CJ U L- 4JQJS. 11 STRUCTURAL RESPONSE TO PLAN CHECK Oak Ave Lot 1 City of Carlsbad Building Inspection, P/C # 09-145 (Reviewer: Steve Borossay) 11/2/2009 Item Number Response Electronically signed as allowed by business and professions code Trusses deferred submittal No design change necessary see explanation below. Engineers Commentary:. The Aspect ratio at grid 3 is based on a shearwall height of 7.5 ft. The aspect ratio is A shown on calcs page 14 ("wall h/b ratio" colUmn in the table). The rigidity of the wall above the header ( fully sheathed) and the continuous header over the shear panel, allows for the height th be established to the opening, not to the top plate. The aspect ratio of 2.9 is greater than 2, which is allowed by table 2305.3.4 footnote 1. The shear capacity (or effective shear length) is adjusted by 2w/h. This adjustment is shown on calcs page 14 "net length" column. For grid 3, only 16 ft of 5.2 ft. is "effective". This adjustment results in tighter nail spacing ( stiffer shearwalls) Finally, the shear system is essentially the same as the shear wall system at grid I that was approved by esgil. The glass rail system has already been approved by esgil, see manufactuies letter for strength of the assembly. & f - PLANNING/ENGINEERING APPROVALS PERMIT NUMBEB (q • (((( o/. ADDRESS I2 £ (2dL{ AV RESIDENTIAL TENANT IMPROVEMENT RESIDENTIAL ADDITION MINOR PLAZA CAMINO REAL (<$17,000.00) rAIcRAn rnMPANY cTnRcc COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDING OTHER fZ6V (3 / "6'F _ PLANNER DATE • ENGINEEft-v" DATE /i(i%a ItJDevuIm., S.M ut. Alciticns Gcsrt.rIPt.th,g EnI,b Arms • • • • : PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW. CHECKLIST Plan Check No. PCR 09-145 Address 1212 & 1214 Oak Av 0 Planner Chris Sexton Phone (760) 602- 4624 APN: 156-180-47 Type of Project & Use: Net Project Density: DU/AC O Zoning: _____ General Plan: Facilities Management Zone: V) CFD (in/out) #_Date of participation:_____ Remaining net dev acres:_____ . . (For non-residential development: Type of land used created by this permit: Circle One U W . Legend: Item Complete LI Item Incomplete - Needs your action LI LI Environmental Review Required: YES LI NO LI TYPE DATE OF COMPLETION: Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: LI LI Discretionary Action Required: YES LI NO [I] TYPE APPROVAL/RESO. NO. DATE PROJECT NO. OTHER RELATED CASES: Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: LI LI Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone? YES LI NO LI CA Coastal Commission Authority? YES LI NO LI If California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact them at - 7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego, CA 92108-4402; (619) 767-2370 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): Habitat Management Plan Data Entry Completed? YES LI NO LI If property has Habitat Type identified in Table 11 of HMP, complete HMP Permit application and assess fees in Permits Plus (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, HMP Fees, Enter Acres of Habitat Type impacted/taken, UPDATE!) LI LI Inclusionary Housing Fee required: YES LI NO LI (Effective date of lnclusionary Housing Ordinance- May 21, 1993.) Data Entry Completed? YES LI NO LI • • (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, Housing Fees, Construct Housing Y/N; Enter Fee, UPDATE!) H:\ADMIN\Template\Building Plancheck Review Checklist.doc Rev 4/08 - SLte Plan': El, El ... Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines (including all side and rear yard slopes). Provide legal description of prOperty and assessor's parcel number. Policy 44— Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines Applicability: YES fl NO LI Project complies: YES LI NOD Zoning: Setbacks: Front: Required 20' Shown 26'4" Interior Side: Required 10' Shown 1011" Street Side: Required Shown Rear: Required 20' Shown 25'4" Top of-slope: Required Shown Accessory structure setbacks: Front: Required Shown 26'4" Interior Side: Required jQ Shown 162" Street Side: Required Shown Rear: Required 20' Shown 20' Structure separation: Required Shown Lot Coverage: Required <40% Shown Height: Required Shown OEM [I•I•l LI LI 5. Parking: Spaces Required 2, Shown (breakdown by uses for commercial and industrial projects required) / Residential Guest Spaces Required Shown 94 F! Additional Comments 1) Please put the correct parcel number on the plans. 2) Please change the 9 proposed lot coverage on the site plan from 39% to 40%. OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER DATE vv wv ONO - \ H:\ADMIN\TempIateBuiIding Piancheck Review Checklist.doc Rev 4/08 Respectfully Swanson 0(~ (I 25. 4 1 (fM b.sso: a.l - :. .• 'I. (harlie Wilson lutu l-'arulcrs, Inc. 1821 S. Coast Highway Oceamkle, CA 92054 Ut.: Charlie Wilson Sbjet: Class Railing Detail Paci10 Street Lot 13 and 14 Febru:cy 25 2Q(l4 - / 7M DeruSLr, 1 uoderstaiid you have made a change of marnifaciurers for your ga.ss r/WJ.ag ssteta. {OUWj.LU like to use C.R. LawTeoce Co. Inc. glass balustrade rail system. The system will use glaz panis 42.1/2 x GO" segtnents. The glass panels will be separated by a 1/2 to 3/4' gi.p bc'cn the paneis. I have reviewed the testing documents frozi the manulacturer. The wet-set chora/e w the c±a!w.:i and the 1/2° tempered glass can resist the code applied forces, with adequate safety levels a 42 hgL guardrail height. If ycu have any further cjuestions, feel free io contact me. sociates Ho228i P4 c - 4 on \J of Tethig I 4 c 3i cts Aai3ab1e fcc oth 1ec€) Ery 6laze Sysern rt Wet Uaie ysm2 * .- rr' j 36 il bflTtJCfl i!,'!4J B owi41 fom PiF ijir corn HI L'p i€sj"ts Also AvajWNP w'rtl to Engcr2e's $e-all anti S'gre Ic. Mi tFim.e -3,46 .iImç - 0.0a) 430-1071 Fax (708) 410.98154 INC C Laurence Co., in /5 - / 2100 38 ta Street Los Acgeles, Ca 90053 Im.O.EP'oject'10 B-262. i Rorlzoual Losd twm o(CR Laur4pc 68 by 42 i.c4 O1a.s Ltr Asmb I- ••• • * 1' '. ? f•- - - .- ' 't€. . -r cr3j -'-.- ' - JAI yoiuuquettd. wehaecompIetod thc.itaug f the CL Laurew.e (CR1.) 3 LC.n y znci Glut BàIuasumb1 110zont4 6r4eo 200 pnØs, the 16ad.n ui oflr tung prugraa 4 the CRL ameu'1:s 25 U 41 h8xg criteria.. Tht essimbUes teste.d 11Aid4 both ufld h inch tempered gta, riuunted w mft pc Lbasboo pxpic In GMEs :eport )o E2626-.% ofl?cbnaar) S, 2004 tai..S I%a... a et.1fla - -..t.I......S (¶01 I .t.. L..1....... I_ .It' t ...I..I . - - - — - - — - - __ '. •. . vw: LJ&I5 PV1UM W4lL1. U'MJUV VL %L'..L* t I4 4 J.45j9•*$Q L7 '$.. LW..0 - — - '' ' assxnbh, to a nteutrated bArzonta1 Loading eppliod to the uppe o'-ncr of th ga ' Tbi glass mumtiag syis o the ioc ictudc both '/d SCL Sys tuzns 3n4 C1L '. Glass Wedg Systes The alumlniun sh we ted to the tst filiry hour uing re mowi - thise methods These three methods incltdtd direct oucang wtth i%esed JLCO DC tts ni444oa]248ch thc1cstco1p1ate, and atde agm-3-X3 4K. by AS 'o.1Lttrgic ". • GL,., Bistriide M4mb1t.s. Dspcudm an. the useniby details tbc Joizovtz1 36 I minram4 fWim niixl# ranZed from tODpouad mtb thrt 3,54 irc1i we CRL' GLaa Wedges. • 'Si.iterë1y -.-• ' L . • • • •-.• - -. - •. 1 -PL GrM=?P bb EA ter PROM - - .• I •- W1LUM $ scan . eiRatJJM ii LJfl FL ThOMC$RWfr,EMA.Rs. - —s-_--_ • ----.-- - - •----•- ----•___-_. •• •• -:-• 1 -; 1YOy262-3z99- L1U1RENCEcOM - it J - - • I'. - - - - 0 -S SHEARWALL ANALYSIS-SEISMIC - Grid Line Shear Wall Force Lengths (Ibs) ~(feet) ' Net Wall Length Shear (feet) (plf) Wall Height (feet) Wall H/B Ratio Pier WALL H/B TYPE Ratio O.T. Moment (#-FT) Resisting Self I Wt. Elements (pif) Roof Walls Floor Above Above Above End Loads (lbs) (0.9-0.14)x Uplift Resisting from Moment Above Uplift (plf) ~Ho Idown Uplift Hardware (Ibs) (Simpson or Eq.) > DWELLING UNIT A 315 UPPER LEVEL 6 - 6.0 52 8 1.3 - 5 2,519 115 72 240 3,650 (189) none B D 1,691 1.374 6 10.5 6.0 4.9 282 279 8 8 1.3 0.8 2.7 6 6 13,529 10,990 115 115 72 198 2,555 13,105 1,829 (201) MSTC none 1 2 - 1,532 1,850 4 4 11.6 8.0 11.6 192 159 8 8 2.0 0.7 5 5 6,130 14,799 115 115 72 . 72 1,136 9,552 117 1,249 452 C516 C516 LOWER A 1,815 12 12.0 151 15.5 1.3 6 28,128 210 72 112 132 28,783 (55) HTT4 Z C b 1,889 1,841 12 , 1 8 12.0 8.0 157 230 15.5 15.5 1.3 1.9 7 6 29,285 28,537 154 1 210 70 204 72 112 72 200 25,244 11,333 84 337 2,150 HTT4 HTT4 1 2,592 3.3 3.9 4 10.5 246 8 2.4 6 7,880 210 72 112 12 2,468 1,353 HTT4 2 2,909 1 20 20.0 145 15.5 0.8 5 45,093 210 36 280 41,648 26 Sill Anchorage (f TALL GARAGE/ONE STORY AbbITION E 1,459 12 12.0 122 15.5 1.3 i3377 52 5 22,621 4554 224 56 132 260 24,916 41TT4 Sill Anchorage (A 4- 1,459 12 12.0 122 15 1.3. 5 21,891 224 72 112 24 23,639 (146) none F G 5 1,104 1,556 16 23 7 22.00 8.6 7.0 128 222 15 8 8 0.5 1.1 2.7 3 5 7 8,832 12,448 112 112 144 45 24,904 2,923 (1,004) none 1,361 HTT4 6 1,104 11.6 2,3 6.5 171 8 0.7 2.7 5 8,832 112 45 260 10,320 (128) none I- 0 I . Footnotes: (1) Net Length reduced-Force Transfer Around Opening(5 (2) NetLength red-Perforated Shearwall (3) Net Length reduced-H/B between 2:1 and 3+:1 - Comments: I, r-. - V' . • : - - '' •, ••i - V.' '4- * V. V. • - + •• STRUCTURAL V CALCULATIONS 1 ISSDA Aug 3 2009 -. '- •- - /J-. tO/2o/(Yi I ROCT\~ii`011*1112 Him= Description: (2) Story R3 bwelling / Parking Client: Oak Avenue Ventures, LLC Name: Oak Ave Lot 1 V V •V Detached 2 Car Garage •Mutual Partners V Carlsbad CA Addition to existing Charlie Wilson Agent QK Inaw, 40 Building Type Bearing wall system - A IV. * V V - - -•. V Construction Stud walls sawn lumber wood timbers plywood sheathing Codes 2007 California Building Code - Concrete 2,500 psi at 28 days U.N.O. 2006 IBC ASCE 07-05 2005 NOS Higher strength where noted Wood Studs - Stud grade Standard & btr I V V . Posts - Standard & bettr •' . • V V V - - V Beams - bF#2 or better. 4 Joists - I-Joists " Soils & bearing * . GLBs - 24F-1 8E 2500 psf Soil Bearing b+L . . . LSL - laminated strand rims and beams V - • . Taylor Group V V •V • V V V V' [V V LVL - laminated veneer microlam beams and joists V V project T&I G09.00519 V V V V V V PSL - parallel strand beams V V V V V BtTILDING joArisc 1 I hI Roof Loads V V• psf . Floor Loads psf V Lt. wt. topping Roofing (tile) 9.5 Floor Finish (carpet) 1.2 1 2 V Sheathing 1.4 Sheathing 2.0 - 2.0 V V Rafters or trusses 32 Joists 26 26 .Ceiling V' V VV 2.2, • . .Ceiling . 2.6 .2.6 V V Misc. & insulation V • V V V• •V 1.7 •' Misc. & insulation V[ 36 36 V Total Roof DL 18.0 psf 12.0 psf I [V. Roof Live Load (less than 6:12 pitch) ....................20 psf : Floor Live Load ......................... f. .40 ps . V VI V• V Roof Live Load (6:12 and 7:12 pitch) 18 psf Balcony Live Load 60 psf Roof Live Load (13:12 pitch or steeper) 16 psf Exit Live Load 100 psf V. 1 , Exterior Walls psf Interior Walls psff psf Stucco or siding , 8.0 Shear panel 20 Studs 11 Studs 11 11 V V V, V.; V V V . V . 4. V • V Gypsum board . - ::V . -. . . 2.2 V V Gypsum board 4.4 4.4 V Misc. Vilti • V 2.7 • • . V Misc. & insulation 2.5 Total Wall DL ...........................................................V 14.0 psf Total Wall bL ...............V. f F 5# & Associates V VJV 17055 Via Del Campo, Suite 100, San Diego, CA 921 çSJf& -I ti - ,Section Properties & besign Loads' 2007 CBC I - - Moment Roof Loads Floor Loads - . .' - - .(w) Allowable Uniform Loads Nominal Actual Area Section of LbF 1.25 LbF: 1.00 ' - . . - -. (plf) - Size . Size -, Modulus Inertia Allowable Allowable - ' - Span in feet for beam or joist sizes • (b) x (d) (A) (5) - (I) Shear Moment Shear Moment - Normal duration, Laterally fully braced, repetitive member increase for 2x members. in in3 'in4 (Ibs) (lb-ft) (lbs) (lb-ft) 3ft. 4Lt 5Lt £t 7t R't £s loft, lift: l2ft. 13ft.- 14ft. 15ft. 16ft. 17 ft. 18 ft. 19 ft. 2x4 inches' MON 1.5x3.5 5.2 3.06 5.36 NMI 788 211 630 169 11 8 7 5.4 3 3. 2 2 12&M " 13O o" 63 48 37 23 19 15 13 11 9 2x8 1.5 x 7.25 10.88 13.14 47.63 1,631 1.700 - 1,305 1,360 1.094 53 43 35 30 - 25 21 iW 210 r.f"5f5 T8 39 X989 537- 12 6W2Th29A 1 094 öU 649451i331. 83 0 44 - 2x12 1.5 x 11.25 16.88 31.64 177.98 2,531 3,411 2,025 2,729 1,094 820 656 547 7 VIE ---.- T2xl4 151325 1988 :4389. 29cc78 2 385t3O74 1,094 820 656 547 469 410 4 76 4x4 3.5 x 3.5 12.25 7.15 12.51 1,838 1,005 1,470 804 IZ 257A 176 111 74 52 38 29 22 17 14 11 9 8 7 6 J151 9 111 86 67 54 44 36 30 2522 2 188 18 16614*122 100 83 69 - 58 49 4x8 3 5 x 725 2538 3066 111 15 3 806 3 737 3 045 2 989 __ REW--- a. ___________________________ _ _ _ _ 442 3.5 x 11.25 3938 73.83 41528 5,906 8,459 4,725 6,768 4,375 3 281 4,375 3,281 2,625 4x16 3.5 * 15.25 53.38113566 103442 8,006 14,131 6,405 11,305 4,375 3,281 2,625 2,188 1 155x3 '192 21123. ti965 2888Sq7 231Qi15 10~2 575 68 55 175 117 82 60 45 35 27 22 18 15 12 10 9 6x6 5 5 * 5 5 3025 2773 76 26 4 285 3 466 3 428 2 773 465i 386887-616 453.347[2 22 175 134 106 85 69 57 47 40 34 6* LEE 5f4T 933 i4 7J1 3 438 28i 175 144 120 101 86 6x10 55 x 95 52.25 8273 392.96 7,402 11,634 5,922 9,307 6,875 _4-654a,9782 681)52 1 163-i 4561 517 244 205 175 644 - 55*135 7425 16706 112767 1051923188 8,415 18,550 6,875 5,156 4,125 3,438 2,946 = 6x16 . 5 5j165 O75 24956 205889 12856' 33 87 10 28 27,4d 6,675 5,156 4,125 3,438 2,946 2 578 2 292 2063 79115Q6,4 Z50669 601 1*" Timberstrand LSL rim board di 1*' Timberstrand LSL 14xl1J5 12511-88 148- IME gj7443 372-795 1,808 1,356 1,085 904 775 678 592 432 325 250 197 157 128 105 88 74 63 14*14 LSL 1.25*14.0 17.50 40.83 285.83 10,865 13,168 8,692 10,534 1,808 1,356 1,085 904 775 678 603 543 493 410 322 258 210 173 144 121 103 mime LPI. WA -.111M 1,808 1,356 1,085 904 775 678 603 543 493 452 417 385 313 258 215 181 154 1*x11 LSL 1.75 x 11.88 20.78 41.13 244.21 5,368 9,971 4,295 7,977 1,633 1,225 980 817 700 613 544 490 445 404 318 254 207 170 142 120 102 - 1 633 1 225 980 817 700 613 544 490 445 408 377 350 327 279 233 196 167 1+46 LSL 1 1.75 x 16.0 28.00 74.67 597.33 17,233 17,611 5,787 14,089 1,633 1,225 980 817 700 613 544 490 445 408 377 350 327 306 288 272 249 34" T'imberstrand LSL - 34x43LSL 3.5*4.38 15.31 11.17 24.42 5,104 2,170 4,083 1,736 59 484 280 176 .. 118 83 60 45 35 28 22 - 18 15 12 10 9 +ciSL- 135 ffJJ 2380.f 556 350 235 165 120 90 70 55 44 36 29 24 21 18 34x7+ LSL 35*725 2538 3066 11115 8,458 5,687 6,767 4,550 2,380 1,785 1428 0.1Ol173 538 378 275 207 159 125 100 82 67 56 47 40 34*84Iif -3583 3- 33% 2,380 1,785 1428 1190 1020 463 348 268 211 169 137 113 94 79 68 792j 34x94 LSL 3.5 x 9.5 33.25 5265 25007 8,590 13,027 6,872 10,422 5,600 4,2 0 0 -7 113.0980 714 537 413 325 260 212 174 145 123 104 -411*J5L 9i i'j72 7_ i43F9- 5 600 4200 3 360 2 800 891 687 540 432 352 290 242 203 173 34*114 LSL 3.5 * 1188 4156 82.26 48841 10,737 19,941 8,590 15,953 5,600 4,200 3,360 2,800 2,400 66~1048 808 635 509 413 341 284 239 203 3414L5Lr '-1 j9 19 5600 4200 3360 2800 2400 2100 1,867 1680i 3fb4 833 678 558 465 392 333 34*16 LSL 3.5 * 16.0 56.00 149.33 1,194.67 14,467 35,222 11,573 28,178 5,600 4,200 3,360 2,800 2,400 2,100 1,867 1,680 1,527 1,400 1,292 833 695 585 498 - 1. At roof loading conditions where shear or bending governs, use a 1.25 LbF adjustment to The above values. . - • -• . '2. At roof loading conditions where deflection governs, use o 1,15 deflection adjustment factor to the above values. - : ' • • - r 3 Shading in the span / allowable uniform load table indicates that bending (F b) governs Shear governs to the left of the shading and deflection governs to the right 'I, '• I' - HH - -.. -, . .- ,.- ....,, ' . N •- - '- _, -- .E. .- - , - - . -'4 - . . - - SectionProperites & besign Loads ;-:: - 2007CBC Moment Roof Loads Floor Loads. (w) Allowable Uniform Loads Nominal Actual Area Section of LbF = 1.25 .LbF 1.00 . . . - . 0 Size Size Modulus Inertia Allowable Allowable Span in feet for beam or joist sizes (b) x (d) (A) (5) (I) Shear Moment Shear Moment Normal duration, Loteroll fully braced, repetitive member increase for 2x members. - inches 'j n2 in2 in3 in4 (Ibs) (lb-ft) (Ibs) (lb-ft) 10 ft. lift. 12 ft. 13 ft. 14 ft. 15 ft. 16 ft. 17 ft. 18 ft. 19 ft. 20 ft. 21 ft. 22 ft. 23 ft. 24 ft. 25 ft. 26 ft. 0 11" Microllam LVL 1663- j 587I 453 340 262 206 165 134 110 92 78 66 57 49 42 37 33 29 26 14411 LVL' 175x1188 2078 4113 24421 4,936 11,155 3,948 8,924 PtANIOWW 00 402 322 262 216 180 152 129 110 95 83 73 64 57 50 - I1'? 4J94 429 354 295 248 211 181 156 136 119 105 93 82 En 1*x16 LVL 175 x 160 2800 7467 59733 6,650 19,446 5,320 15557 371 315 270 233 203 178 156 138 123 - -- -- - - - - . 'i*i8 LVL- 175 i80 iI o o7 8505 48ii2Zij 2 1 531 148 919 766 656 574 510 459 418 383 353 328 289 253 223 197 175 2.69' (2 11/16") Parallam PSL' - - ( - - z-699*SLf2695 Z53 T OI-1253j 4,961002..__731 550 423 333 267 217 179 149 125 107 91 79 69 60 53 47 42 (A 2 69x11j PSL I 2.69 x 1188 3191 63.16-L 37503 7,713 19,103 6,170 15 282 1223j101O 827 650 521 423 349 291 245 208 179 154 134 117 103 91 81 0 2TM 694 572 477 401 341 293 253 220 192 169 150 133 2.69x16 PSL I 2.69 x 16.0 43.00 114.67 917.33 10,392 33,550 8,313 26,840 1 g q8395 711 599 509 437 377 328 287 253 224 199 o 2 69d8 PSLJ, 29 180 4i'8 14513 I06i3 4614i9li 2i?86 1119 2828 725 622 537 467 409 360 318 283 75 W-40 3k" Porallam PSL - _______ _____________ , .• FjPsL 3i5-515 ;5265' 2500 803 16-32.1: 628 1305Z _953' 716 551 434 347 282 233 194 163 139 119 103 89 78 . 69 61 54 h*fI SrUije surs*sa.e,taa, r 3+x11 PSL 35 xli 88 4156 82.26 48841 10,044 24,878 8035 19 902 1t316. 1077 847 678 551 454 379 319 271 233 201 175 153 135 119 106 5. .' 114PS1 3140 49b 1 9 "3?Z 912 -110 903 744 621 523 445 381 329 286 251 221 195 173 3146 PSL 3.5 x 16.0 56.00 149.33 1,194.67 13,533 43,693 10,827 3 780 664 '569 491 427 374 329 291 259 33 469 415 369 5+" Parollom PSL - - • _-- • - - - 5x9+PL 5.-9 "498 7897- l 24482- _142910748276505214233492912452081791541341171039181 5+x11f PSL 525 x 1188 62.34 12339 73262 15,066 37317 12,053 29,854 88i97_4 1,615 1,270 1,017 827 681 568 479 407 349 301 262 229 202 179 159 5+k14P5C- 55 17150 f E71 120"'bt 63 O98 f"i"1A r ir9;14r 1 355 1117 931 784 667 572 494 430 376 331 293 260 5*x16 PSL 525 x 160 8400 22400 179200 20 300 65 540 16 240 52 432 1,39 0 1,171 995 853 737 641 561 494 437 388 n-W ' 3ffi 15C 2B3881 _i392t002_J 47 ;6 lf)141712151050913799703622 _553 - 7"ParallamPSL • -• __- x94PSL 665O It052 JOOl4-. 16071342- 1285 6,114 _190514311103867694565465388 _327278238206 _179157138 _122108 7xl1f PSL 70 xli 88 8313 16452 97683 20,089 49,756 16,071 39805 14W3 2,153 1,694 1,356 1,103 909 757 638 543 465 402 349 306 269 238 212 7x14PS i4O 86 'h0Th?- 9Q1 1 807 1489 1 241 1046 889 762 658 573 501 441 390 347 746 PSL 70x160 11200 29867 238933 27067 87387 21653 69909 1,853 1561 1,327 1,138 983 855 748 658 583 518 7x18 Psi -" 11O. 3O 4bb 450"-409 162- 246 870 1.889 1,620 1,399 1,217 1,065 938 829 737 6+ Glu-fam Girders * Beams (24F-1.8E or 24F-V4 with standard camber) • - ______________________________________________________________________ • 6*c16+GLB J5iTi65. 245978 19 j _ 043 1,263 1,083 935 814 712 627 554 493 61x18GLB I675x 180 12150 36450 328050 26,831 84,732 21,465 67786 3!44276'62C 1214 1056 924 814 720 640 I-Joists, Single use as headers 6 beams -- - • - - - - • i1JJI1O 20611.88 &E 4i 9L 7114812 310089i- 79 67 58 51 44 39 34 31 (U 14 TJI 210 206 x 140 EI415 1,225 5 350 980 4 280 342L 2 57 51 45 - - - . • 1. At roof loading conditions where shear or bending governs, use a 1.25 LDF adjustment to the above values. -. • - - - - - -• - * 2 At roof loading conditions where deflection governs use a 115 deflection adjustment factor to the above values 3 Shading in the span / allowable uniform load table indicates that bending (F b) governs Shear governs to the left of the shading and deflection governs to the right - Oak Ave Lot 1, Aug 3 2009 Typical Framing Elements Roof Framing Truses @ 24" 0/c (bL 18 psf, LL: 20 psf) Factory Manufacturer's design by others 2x Convetional Rafters & Fill Framing w (24/12) (18 psf + 20 psf) 76 psf 2x4 @ 24" o/c spans to 4-8" 2x6 G 24" o/c spans to 9'-lO" 2x8 @ 24" o/c spans to 13'-0" 2x10 @ 24" o/c spans to 16'-4" 2x12 @ 24" o/c spans to 18'-11" Floor Framing I-Joist floor joists (TrusJoist by iLevel or equal) (Allowable spans per the latest span tables from iLevel, see the latest catalog & ICC-ES ESR-1387 di ESR-1153) Alternates such as Boise Cascade BCI and Louisiana Pacific LPR joists are allowed per plans, see catalogs. w:(16/12)(12+40psf) 69 psf w = (19.2/12)(12 psf + 40 psf): 83 psf Opening Headers & Misc. Beams Hi w:5170plf Roof Floor 4x4 (Max. Span:) 6'-4" " 6'-0" 4x6 10-0" 8-11" 4x8 13'-2" 11-10" 4x10 16'-3" 14'-6" 4x14 22'-4" 20'-0" H2 w5370plf Roof Floor 4x4 (Max. Span:) 4'-7" 4-2" 4x6 6'-9" 6,-i" 4x8 8'-11" 8-0" 4x10 11-0" 9'-10" H3 w_-5570plf Roof Floor 4x4 (Max. Span:) 3-9" 3'4" 4x6 5-5" 4'-10" 4x8 7'-2" 4x10 • 8'-10" 4x12 10-10" 9-8" 34x11f LSL 14'-2" 13-5" H4 w:5770plf Roof Floor 4x4 (Max. Span:) 3-2" 2'-10" 4x6 4'-8" 4'-2" 4x8 6-2" 5'-6" 4x10 7'-7" 4x12 9'4" 8-4" 34x9 LSL 10'-3" 9-9" 34x11f LSL 12-10" 12-2" H5 w :5 970 plf Poof rnoor. 4x4 (Max. Span:) 2'-10" 2'-6" 4x6 4'-2" 3-9" 4x8 T-611 , 440 6-9" - 6'-1" 442 8'4" 7-5" 34x94 LSL 9'-6" 9-0" 3441f LSL 11-10" 11'-3" H6 W :5 11170 plf Roof Floor 4x10 (Max. Span:) 6'-2" 5'-6" 34x94 LSL 8-11" 3441* LSL 11,-i" 10-5" See uniform loads table on page 2 and 3 for additional spans or load conditions not specifically addressed here. Oalc Ave Lot 1 LStud Column Capacity 2007 CBC 31" Stud Wall Nominal Size Sill/Top Plate Max. Load 6 Ft. 7 Ft. 8 Ft. Stud Height 9 Ft. 10 Ft. 12 Ft. 14 Ft. 16 Ft. 2x4 Standard 3,281 lbs 4,136 lbs 3,288 lbs N/A 2x4 Standard 6,563 lbs 8,272 lbs 6,577 lbs N/A 2x4 Standard 9,844 lbs 12,409 lbs 9,865 lbs N/A 2x4 Stud 3,281 lbs 3,401 lbs 2,890 lbs 2,413 lbs 2,010 lbs 1,683 lbs N/A 2x4 Stud 6,563 lbs 6,801 lbs 5,781 lbs 4,826 lbs 4,019 lbs 3,367 lbs N/A 2x4 Stud 9,844 lbs 10,202 lbs 8,671 lbs 7,239 lbs 6,029 lbs 5,050 lbs N/A 2x4 bF#2 3,281 lbs 4,666 lbs ' 3,721 lbs 2,983 lbs 2,424 lbs 1,999 lbs 1,419 lbs 1,055 lbs N/A 2x4 bF#2 6,563 lbs 9,331 lbs 7,441 lbs 5,965 lbs 4,847 lbs 3,999 lbs 2,838 lbs 2,110 lbs N/A 2x4 bF#2 9,844 lbs 13,997 lbs 11,162 lbs 8,948 lbs 7,271 lbs 5,998 lbs 4,257 lbs 3,165 lbs N/A (1) 4x4 Standard 7,656 lbs 9,651 lbs 7,673 lbs 6,141 lbs 4,985 lbs 4,110 lbs 2,914 lbs 2,166 lbs N/A (1) 4x4 ()F#1 7,656 lbs 11,783 lbs 9,353 lbs 7,479 lbs 6,068 lbs 5,001 lbs 3,545 lbs 2,635 lbs N/A (1) 4x6 bF#1 12,031 lbs 18,252 lbs 14,565 lbs 11,681 lbs 9,494 lbs 7,833 lbs 5,560 lbs 4,134 lbs N/A (1) 4x8 bF#1 15,859 lbs 23,676 lbs 19,005 lbs 15,294 lbs 12,454 lbs 10,288 lbs 7,312 lbs 5,441 lbs N/A (1) 4x10 bF#1 20,234 lbs 29,670 lbs 23,972 lbs 19,363 lbs 15,804 lbs 13,073 lbs 9,306 lbs 6,931 lbs N/A (1) 4x12 bF#1 24,609 lbs 1 36,085 lbs 29,155 lbs 23,550 lbs 19,221 lbs 15,900 lbs 11,318 lbs 8,429 lbs N/A 54" Stud Wall Nominal Size Sill/Top Plate Max. Load 8 Ft. 9 Ft. 10 Ft. Stud Heiht 12 Ft. 18 Ft. 20 Ft. 22 Ft. 24 Ft. 2x6 bF#2 5,156 lbs 8,683 lbs 7,653 lbs 6,669 lbs 5,035 lbs 2,430 lbs 1,989 lbs 1,655 lbs N/A 2x6 bF#2 10,313 lbs 17,367 lbs 15,306 lbs 13,338 lbs 10,070 lbs 4,860 lbs 3,977 lbs 3,311 lbs N/A 2x6 bF#2 15,469 lbs 26,050 lbs 22,959 lbs 20,007 lbs 15,106 lbs 7,290 lbs 5,966 lbs 4,966 lbs N/A (1) 6x4 DF#1 12,031 lbs 22.097 lbs 19,379 lbs 16,821 lbs 12,641 lbs 6,074 lbs 4,968 lbs 4,134 lbs N/A (1) 6x6 bF#1 18,906 lbs 24,795 lbs 22,955 lbs 20,918 lbs 16,823 lbs 8,657 lbs 7,134 lbs 5,966 lbs N/A (1) 6x8 DF#1 25,781 lbs 33,812 lbs 31.303 lbs 28.525 lbs 22,941 lbs 11,804 lbs 9,728 lbs 8,136 lbs N/A (1) 6x10 bF#1 32,656 lbs 40,425 lbs 37,734 lbs 34,689 lbs 28,322 lbs 14,837 lbs 12,251 lbs 10,259 lbs N/A (1) 6x12 bF#1 39,531 lbs 1 48,936 lbs 45,678 lbs 41,992 lbs 34,285 lbs 17,960 lbs 14,830 lbs 12.419 lbs N/A L.SL Studs Sill/Top Plate Stud Height Nominal Size Max. Load 8 Ft. 9 Ft. 10 Ft. 12 Ft. 18 Ft. 20 Ft. 22 Ft. 24 Ft. (1) 3-1x3-11.3E LSL 7,656 lbs 7,444 lbs 6,108 lbs 5,069 lbs 3,622 lbs N/A N/A N/A N/A (1) 34x4* 1.3E LSL 9,570 lbs 9,304 lbs 7,635 lbs 6,336 lbs 4,527 lbs N/A N/A N/A N/A (1) 3fx5f L3E LSL 12,031 lbs 11,697 lbs 9,598 lbs 7,966 lbs 5,691 lbs 2,609 lbs 2,122 lbs 1,759 lbs N/A (1) 3+x7* 1.3E LSL 15,859 lbs 15,419 lbs 12,652 lbs 10,500 lbs 7,502 lbs 3,439 lbs 2,798 lbs 2,319 lbs N/A (1) 3-,kx8..!I.3EL5Lj 18,867 lbs 1 18,343 lbs 15,051 lbs 12,492 lbs 8,925 lbs 4,091 lbs 3,328 lbs 2,759 lbs N/A Psi. Studs Sill/Top Plate Stud Heit Nominal Size Max. Load 8 Ft. 9 Ft. 10 Ft. 12 Ft. 18 Ft. 20 Ft. 22 Ft. 24 Ft. (1) 3+x312 1.8E PSL 7,656 lbs 10,730 lbs 8,702 lbs 7,169 lbs 5,081 lbs N/A N/A N/A N/A (1) 3x5 1.8E PSL 11,484 lbs 16,095 lbs 13,052 lbs 10,754 lbs 7,622 lbs 3,466 lbs 2,816 lbs 2,333 lbs N/A (1) 3x7 1.8E PSL 15,313 lbs 21,460 lbs 17,403 lbs 14,339 lbs 10,162 lbs 4,621 lbs 3,755 lbs 3,110 lbs N/A (1) 514x5j 1.8E PSL 17,227 lbs 44,269 lbs 38,114 lbs 32,639 lbs 24,142 lbs 11,432 lbs 9,336 lbs 7,760 lbs N/A (1) 51x7 1.8E PSL 22,969 lbs 59,026 lbs 50,818 lbs 43,519 lbs 32,189 lbs 15,243 lbs 12,448 lbs 10,347 lbs N/A (1) 7x7 1.8E PSL 1 30,625 lbs 1 100,192 lbs 92,677 lbs 84,376 lbs 67,757 lbs 34,806 lbs 28,678 lbs 23,982 lbs N/A Seismic Loads Ss -1.284 min I 1.00 T: Ta 0.22 s (max.) 0.484 min Design Category b T5 = 0.50 s 5M5 (1.00)(1.28): 1.284 Site Class C TL = 8.0 s 5M1 = (1.32)(0.48): 0.637 R 6.5 C5 = 0.132 Eq.12.8-2 5b5 = (2/3)(1.28) 0.856 S'20 2.5 CS 0.292 Eq. 128-3/4 5b1 = (2/3)(0.64) 0.425 Cd 4.00 C5 ?: 0.038 Eq. 12.8-5/6 Design Loading, Allowable Stress Design Base Shear pl.0 p1.3 pjQ p:l.3 Used Eh = (p)(C5)(W) 0.132W 0.171W Eh/1.4: 0.094W 0.122W 0.163W E (0.2)(Sbs)(b) 0.171W 0.171W Ev/1.4 0.122W 0.122W 0.140W Component Interconnection Fp : 0.133p(5b5)W 0.114W 0.148W E/1.4: 0.081W 0.106W Distribution of Forces 1-Story Weight Roof 26.4 psf x 0.163 4.30 psf mm. force • • 2-Story k1.00 Weight Height (Wx)(Hxk) % Force Force to element Roof • 26.4 psf 26.1 ft 689.04 67% 5.20 psf Floor 215psf 16.0 ft 343.81 33% 2.60 psf 1032.9 • 7.80 psf Vbase 47.9 psf x 0.163 7.80 psf Oak Ave,Lot 1. 8/10/2009 \AIINb ANALYSIS, Worst Case 2007 C9C. Alternate Basic Load Combinations Wind Speed 85 Importance 1.0 z9 Exposure a Kd 0.85 Enclosure Enclosed K, 1.0 G Wind Pressures Element Z Kh & K gh & a. Co Windward Walls 25.6' 0.67 10.53 0.80 Floor Heiaht 16.5' Windward Walls 16.5' 0.59 9.28 0.80 1,200 7.0 0.85 (l.3)pl (l.3)p2 ±) Lf) 6.81 11.80 5.71 10.70 Eave Height 25.6' (not used) Roof Height (h): 26.8' Leeward Wall 26.8' 0.68 10.67 -0.50 -8.39 -3.40 Width () = 36.0' Roof to ridge (a) 26.8' 0.68 10.67 -0.79 -11.85 -6.86 Length(L) = 24.0' Roof to ridge (b) 26.8' 0.68 10.67 -0.44 -7.64 -2.65 Roof Angle (0) 18.4° Roof-Leeward 26.8' 0.68 10.67 -0.73 -11.04 -6.05 qh 10.67 (not used) (not used) Windward overhang bottoms 25.6' 0.67 10.53 0.80 9.31 9.31 Note: (not used) P1 has internal pressure (not used) P2 has internal suction Interior Pressure 26.8' 0.68 10.67 ±0.18 (2.50) (-2.50) Wind Left to Right Wind Right to Left Roof Elements Length Pla(plf) P1b(plf) P2a(plf) P2b(plf) P1a(plf) P1b(plf) P2a(plf) P2b(plf) Left Overhang 1.1' -19.7 -15.2 -19.7 -15.2 -2.8 -2.8 -2.8 -2.8 Left Sloping 11.6' -137.4 -88.6 -79.5 -30.7 -128.0 -128.0 -70.2 -70.2 Flat Section 0.0' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Right Sloping 11.6' -128.0 -128.0 -70.2 -70.2 -137.4 -88.6 -79.5 -30.7 Right Overhang 1.1' -2.8 -2.8 -2.8 -2.8 -19.7 -15.2 -19.7 -15.2 Roof Totals Horiz. Vert. Vertical Elements Left to Right Right to Left Pla (Left to Rt) -8.3 -273.1 Length P1 (plf)' P2 (plf) P1 (plf) P2 (plf) Pib (Left to Rt) 8.5 -222.6 Left Walls-Upr 4.1' 27.9 48.4 34.4 13.9 P2a (Left to Rt) -8.3 -163.3 Left Walls-Lwr 15.5' 88.5 165.9 130.0 52.7 P2b (Left to Rt) 8.5 -112.8 (not used) Pla (Rt to Left) -8.3 -273.1 Rt Walls-Upr 4.1' 34.4 13.9 27.9 48.4 Pib (Rt to Left) 8.5 -222.6 Right Walls-Lwr 15.5' 130.0 52.7 88.5 165.9 P2a (Rt to Left) -8.3 -163.3 (not used) P2b (Rt to Left) 8.5 -112.8 (not used) (not used) Code Mm. Horizontal Forces (10 psf) From Roof 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 This section 260 plf Total Horiz. Forces 289 289 289 289 Summary of Results Wind Load besign Force: (1.3)W Left to Right 289 plf Right to Left = 289 plf Seismic Force = E/1.4 = (24.00) (7.80) 187 Of Transverse only OaI Ave Lot 1 Aug 3 2009 Typical Shear Panel 2007 CBC In TYPICAL ELEMEN7 OF RE./5T/VE MOMENTA I 5HEA9 PANEL5: ismasmsmammis 11111111111111 OROPV 13M OR WHERE OCCLJ95 Wf\ ( 1c1L IJJft T' I AL II II II II /\ / / / / I . F1L/5H 5EAM. OR HOR. 1' 111111111T] Ww C0N7. 08L. ro PL WHEREOCCLIR5.'ThJ 4, /WHEREOCCLJR.5 / \ \ I \ / \ I \ I. \ / W P = LOAL7 FROM HEAL7ER OR 5EA/vf Wr = UNIFORM LOAz9 OF ROOF A5011E Ww = UNIFORM LOAP OF WALL A 13011 Wf = UNIFORM LOA i7 OF FLOOR ABOVE W9 = U/V/FORM LOAI? OF WALL .ELF WEIGHT U = UPL IFT FROM 0, 7E, W, E/1. 4, OR wW WALL ROOF& PART/now W/EGHT5 (w) 9' 10' ROOF T91J.5 .5PA iv 72 PIL F 91 PL F 90 PILE EXTERIOR 112 PILF 126 PILE 140 PILE /NrER/ORW000 72 PILF e51 PILF 90 PIL F INTER/OR GYP. 64 Pt 72 PILE 80PILF Oak Ave Lt 1 Aug 3 2009 [ Shearwall Schedule 2007 CBC ROOF FRAMING PLAN FLOOR FRAMING PLAN cb 6 FLOOR FRAMING PLAN Ok. Ave,,,.08/10/09 ROOF FRAMING, Lot 1 Typical Poof Framing: Factory Trusses @ 24" 0/c 2007 CBC, Basic Load Combinations Typical Conventional Framing: 2x rafters @ 24" 0/c, see calcs pg. 4 TYPICAL BEAMS & HEADERS AT OPENINGS Grid line Uniform load Header (see pg. 4) 2nd Story (roof) (wall) (floor) (misc.) 1/2 (4)(3 8) + 10 162 plf Hi b (11)(38) +10 428 plf H3 3 (garage) (4)(38) - +10 = 162 plf 4x14 G(addition) (8)(38) +10 = 314 plf H2 HbR A Span 6.0 Sliding Goor (roof) (wall) (floor) (misc.) wi (x2) (4)(38) +10 162 plf P w2 (xk2) (11)(38) +10 428 plf ,,,,,'lllllllllllll P1 (x2): (22/2x9/2)(38) 1,881 lbs IRl TR2 Ri (Critical Ri / 1.25 LbF: 1,676 lbs) Ri (max.) = 2,095 lbs R2 (Critical R2 / 1.25 LbF = 1,458 lbs) R2 (max.): 1,822 lbs Moment: ,(Critical M / 1.25 LbF: 3,092#f t) Moment (max.) = 3,865#ft 440 beflection: . (LLL: L/2,212) 14/I: 0.06" = L/1,149 'I. Oak Ave 08/10/09 FLOOR FRAMING, Lot 1 Typical Floor Framing: 14" I Joists at 16" / 19.2" a/c 2007 CBC, Basic Load Combinations See plans ,& calcs pg. 4 for options B-i Span = 13.0' Flush Beam Grid B (roof) (wall) (floor) (misc.) wl (x6) (8)(14) + (11/2+10/2)(52) +20 678 plf , 1P1 P2 WI e i n w2 (x6) (8)(8) +(11/2+10/2)(52) +20 630 plf Illlllllllr,111 P1 (x:6): 2094.7 [Reaction at Header Above] 2,095 lbs IRi IR2 P2 (x:12) 1822.3 [Reaction at Header Above] 1,822 lbs J1__X RI : (Critical RI / 1.00 LbF = 4,927 lbs) RI (max.) = 5,067 lbs R2 (Critical R2 / 1.00 LbF = 5,438 lbs) R2 (max.) = 6,191 lbs Moment: (Critical PA / 1.00 LbF: 17,358#f t) Moment (max.) : 19,393#ft 3-2kXI4 LSL beflection (ALL = L/668) 351/I 0.44 : L/355 B-2 . Span 20.7' Above Garage 1 (roof) (wall) (floor) (misc.) wi (xI10.9) (5)(38) +(8)(14) +(1)(52) +20 : 374 plf W1 L P w2 (x10.9) (8)(8) +(1)(52) +20 136 plf IITffIlnIln,'. P1 (x:10.9) 6191 [B-i Reaction] 6,191 lbs IRl IR2 lX K Ri (Critical Ri / 1.00 LbF = 5,090 lbs) Ri (max.) = 6,261 lbs R2: (Critical R2 / 1.00 LbF = 4,667 lbs) R2 (max.) = 5,384 lbs Moment (Critical M / 1.00 LbF: 39,207#f t) Moment (max.) = 46,019#ft 348 PSL 2 beflection: (ALL L/649) 1,465/I: 0.86" = L/288 B-3 Span: 16.2' Garage boor Header (roof) (wall) (floor) (misc.) wi (x8): (10)(14) + (1.2)(52) +20 222 plf P w w2 (x8) (4)(38) +(14)(14) +(1.2)(52) +20 430 plf ,,,,,'lllllIllllllI P1 (x:8): 5067.2 [B-I Reaction] 5,067 lbs IRl 1R2 Ix K (Critical RI / 1.00 LbF: 4,561 lbs) Ri (max.) : 4,911 lbs R2: (Critical R2 / 1.00 LbF: 5.018 lbs) R2 (max.) = 5,688 lbs Moment (Critical PA / 1.00 LbF: 29,371#ft) Moment (max.) : 31,718#ft 4x S beflection: (E,LL: L/949) 600/I: 0.50 L/389 Oak Ave 10/20/09 FLOOR FRAMING, Lot I (Continued) 12 R J Span 6.0 Garage 2 at stairs (roof) (wall) (floor) (misc.) wl (11)(38) -(8)(14) -(6)(52) +20 862 plf l[Itl11lllllllllIllllllfl IRl IR2 Ri (Critical Ri / 1.00 LbF: 1,926 lbs) RI (max.) = 2,422 lbs R2: (Critical R2 / 1.00 LbF = 1,926 lbs) R2 (max.) = 2,422 lbs Moment: (Critical M / 1.00 LbF = 2,889#f t) Moment (max.) : 3,633#ft 442 beflection: (ALL U5,053) 13/I: 0.03" : L/2,334 B-5 Span: 7.0' Rec Room Addition Stairs to Garage (roof) (wall) (floor) (misc.) wi : (5)(38) +(16)(14) +20 : 434 plf 11111 tllllllllllll1lltll P1 (x:3.3): (8x3.5/2x2)(52) [6x6 Rim Beam at Stair] : 1,456 lbs IRl IR2 Ri: (Critical RI / 1.00 LbF 1,939 lbs) Ri (max.) : 2,255 lbs R2: (Critical R2 / 1.00 LbF: 1,855 lbs) R2 (max.): 2,185 lbs Moment : (Critical M / 1.00 LbF: 4,579#f t) Moment (max.) : 4,942#ft j 3 2 x beflection : (ALL : L/7,014) 24/1: 0.03 : L/2,759 ot 1 05/10/09 Seismic biscontinuity-Supporting seam Check Shearwall Effect to Framing 2007 CBC, Special Seismic Combinations (LRFb) Grid Line B Shearwall Length 6 ft Shearwall Height 8 ft Shearwall Loading (0.7E A5b per calcs) 282 plf (shear length) (force x conversion from used 0.7E to code required E) Eh (6 ft) x (282 plf) x (0.094W / 0.163W) 976 lbs Em i f2o x Eh i (2.5) x (976 lbs) i 2,439 lbs '--Governs Em i Max. force from shearwall i (6 ft) x (2.0)x(380 plf) i 4,560 lbs F i ± (2439 lbs)(8 ft tall) / (6 ft wide) i 3,253 lbs '--Governs Span 13.0 Flush Beam Grid B (roof) (wall) (floor) (misc.) wi (x6) (8)(14) + (11/2+10/2)(52) +20 678 plf w2 (xth) (8)(8) + (11/2+10/2)(52) +20 630 plf P1 (x:6): 2094.7 [Reaction at Header Above] 2,095 lbs P2 (x:12): 1822.3 [Reaction at Header Above] : 1,822 lbs -Fl (x:0.2) ± 3,253 lbs F2 (x:5.8) ± 3,253 lbs 1.21)+0.5L+Em 0.90+Em Max. Reaction Max. Uplift Ri: 5,860 lbs 3,058 lbs 3,129 lbs 327 lbs : 5,860 lbs 0 lbs R2: 3,938 lbs 6,741 lbs 743 lbs 3,545 lbs 6,741 lbs 0 lbs Moment: 26,682#ft Check 31x14LSLBeam KF: 2.16 / (Fb): 0.85 (Fv): 0.75 A: 1.0 Allowable Actual Allowable Shear: (2.16/0.75)x(0.75)x(1.0) x (10,127) : 21,874 lbs > 6,741 lbs O.K. '.Allowable Moment (2.16/0.85)x(0.85)x(1.0) x (21,840) : 47,175#ft > 26,682#ft O.K. 3x14 LSL o.k. at seismic discontinuity, no uplift - Oak Ave. Lot 1 LATERAL DISTRIBUTION-SEISMIC, Lot 1 Seismic Base Shear--bwellinq unit over 3 Car Garciqe Vupper= 650 sf x 5.2 psf Vtower 830 s f x 2.6 psf DISTRIBUTION Upper One Load Grid Roof Floor Story From Total Line Area Area Area Above Force (5.2 psf) (2.6 psf) (4.6 psf) (lbs) (lbs) 10/20/20 3,382 lbs 2,155 lbs 5,537 lbs DWELLING UNIT UPPER LEVEL A 61 315 B 325 1,691 E) - 264 1,374 295 2 356 LOWER * A -- 252 C -- 402 b -- 180 1 -- 408 1,532 1,850 1,160 1,815 846 1,889 1,374 1,841 1.532 2.592 2 -- 408 1,850 2,909 TALL GARAGE/ONE STORY AbbITION E 264 245 1,459 Includes additional force from tall stair tower 3 * 264 1,214 4 264 245 1,459 Includes additional force from tall stair tower F 264 285 1,499 Includes additional force from tall stair tower & 240 1,104 5 285 245 1,556 Includes additional force from tall stair tower 6 240 1,104 W, 0 0 0 0 '0 SHEARWALL ANALYSIS -SEISMIC S Grid Line Shear Wall Force Lengths (Ibs) (feet) Net Wall Wall Length Shear Height (feet) (plf) (feet) Wall H/B Ratio Pier WALL H/B TYPE Ratio O.T. Moment (#-FT) Resisting Elements (pif) Self Roof Walls Floor Wt. Above Above Above End Loads (Ibs) (0.9-0.14)x Uplift Resisting from Moment Above Uplift (plf) Holdown Uplift Hardware (Ibs) (Simpson or E(J) DWELLING UNIT UPPER LEVEL A 315 6 - 6.0 52 8 1.3 - 5 2,519 115 72 240 3,650 (189) none B 0 1,691 1,374 6 10.5 ' 6.0 4.9 282 279 8 8 1.3 0.8 2.7 6 6 13,529 10,990 115 115 72 198 2,555 13,105 1,829 (201) MSTC none 1 2 1,532 1,850 4 4 11.6 8.0 11.6 192 159 8 8 2.0 0.7 5 5 6,130 14,799 115 115 72 72 1,136 9,552 117 1,249 452 C516 C516 LOWER A 1,815 12 12.0 151 15.5 1.3 6 28,128 210 72 112 132 28,783 (55) HTT4 Z C 1,889 12 12.0 157 15.5 1.3 7 29,285 154 70 204 200 25,244 84 337 HTT4 D 1,841 8 8.0 1 230 15.5 1.9 6 28,537 210 72 112 72 11,333 2,150 HTT4 1 2,592 3.3 3.9' 4 10.5 246 8 2.4 6 7,880 210 72 112 12 2,468 1.353 HTT4 2 2,909 20 20.0 145 15.5 0.8 5 45,093 210 36 280 41,648 26 Sill Anchorage (I) TALL GARAGE/ONE STORY ADDITION E 1,459 J 12 . 12.0 122 15.5 1.3 5 22,621 224 56 132 260 24,916 Sill Anchorage (fl 3 4 1,214 1,45J 2.3' 2.3' 12 3.0 12.0 402 122 7 15 3.0 1.3 7 5 4,250 21,891 224 224 72 56 112 24 24 611 23,639 2,582 (146) HTT4 none F G 5 1,104 1,556 1 16 1-1 7 22.0 8.6 7.0 0 128 222 15 8 8 0.5 1.1 2.7 3 5 7 8,832 12,448 112 112 144 45 24,904 2,923 (1,004) none 1,361 )-4TT4 (j 6 1,104 11.6 1.,3 6.5 171 8 0.7 2.7 5 8,832 112 45 260 10,320 (128) none 0 Footnotes: (1) Net Length reduced-Force Transfer Around Opening(s) (2) Net Length reduced-Perforated Sheorwall (3) Net Length reduced-1-1/8 between 2:1 and 3:1 Comments: Oak Ave Lot i 8/10/2009 LATERAL bI5TRIBUTION-WINb, Lot 1 15J WIND DISTRIBUTION First Section Grid Lineal Tributary Line Force Width (plf) (ft) Second Section Lineal Tributary Force Width (pif) (ft) Load From Above (Ibs) Wind Total Force (Ibs) Siesmic Force (pg. 13) (Ibs) Maximum Lateral Force (Ibs) DWELLING UNIT UPPER LEVEL A 71 5.5 391 315 391 B 71 5.5 71 16.5. 1,562 1,691 1,691 71 11.0 781 1,374 1,374 1 71 12.0 . 852 1,532 1,532 2 . 71 12.0 852 1,850 1,850 LOWER A 219 10.5 1,172 3,471 1,815 3,471 C 219 16.5 781 4,395 1,889 4,395 b 219 5.8 781 2,040 1,841 2,040 1 219 12.0 852 3,480 2,592 3,480 2 219 12.9 852 3,480 2,909 3,480 DETACHED GARAGE seismic governs E/F 1,135 1,135 3 1,135 1,135 4 1,135 1,135 ONE STORY ADDITION seismic governs & 1,032 1,032 5 1,032 1,032 6 . 1,032 1,032 SHEARWALL ANALYSIS-WIND - Grid Line Shear Wall Force Lengths (Ibs) ~(feet) Net Wall Length Shear (feet) (plf) Wall Height (feet) Wall H/B Ratio Pier WALL H/B TYPE Ratio O.T. Moment (#-FT) 0.67 x Resisting Elements Self Roof Walls Floor Wt. Above Above Above (plf) (plf) (plf) (plf) End Loads (Ibs) 0.67 x Resisting Moment Uplift Holdown from Uplift Uplift Hardware Above (plf) (Ibs) (Simpson or Eq.) DWELLING UNIT UPPER LEVEL A 391 6 - 6.0 65 8 1.3 - 5 3,124 77 48 161 3,218 (16) none B O 1,562 781 6 10,5 1 6.0 6.6 260 119 8 8 1.3 0.8 2.7 6 6 12,496 6,248 77 77 48 133 2,253 11,553 1,707 (505) MSTC none 1 2 852 852 4 4 11.6 8.0 11.6 107 73 8 8 2.0 0.7 5 5 3,408 6,816 77 77 48 48 1,001 8,420 602 (138) C516 C516 LOWER A 3,471 12 12.0 289 15.5 1.3 6 - 53,801 141 48 75 88 25,374 2,369 HTT4 Z C 4,395 12 12.0 366 15.5 1.3 .7 68,115 103 47 137 134 22,255 3,822 HTT4 0 2,040 8 8.0 1 255 15.5 1.9 6 31,624 141 48 75 48 9,991 2,704 HTT4 1 3,480 3.3 3.9 4 11.2 311 8 2.4 6 8,203 141 48 75 8 1,481 2,037 HTT4 2 . 3,480 20 20.0 174 15.5 0.8 5 53,940 141 24 188 36,716 129 Sill Anchorage CJ I-I z 0 -I- I . Footnotes: (1) Net Length reduced-Force Transfer Around Opening(s) (2) Net Length reduced-Perforated 5hearwall Comments: I. CONVENTIONAL FOUNDATIONS 17l UNIFORM LOAD CAPACITY BASED ON SOIL BEARIN' (200 psf INCREASE FOR 24" DEEP) 1500 2000 12" WIbE x UP TO 18" DEEP 1,500 plf 2,000 plf 24" DEEP 1,700 plf 2,200 plf 15" WIDE x UP TO 18" DEEP 1,875 plf 2,500 plf 24" DEEP 2,125 plf 2,750 plf CONCENTRATE[) LOADS TO FTGS FTG SIZE h BRG. AREA 1500 psf 2000 psf / 12"x12" 18 3.33 5,000 lb 6,666 lb 121145" 21 3 83 53,750 lb.'7,666 lb. BEARING AREA 12"x18" 24 4.33 6,500 lb. 8,66 . b (L) ft2 4211x24" 30 5.33 8,000 lb. 10,666 lb. '144 15"X18" 24 4.79 7,185 lb. 9,580 lb. b (2h + 4) 2 ft ;15"x24" 30 6.67 10,001 lb. 13,334 lb. 144 18" SQ PAD 18 2.25 3,375 lb. 4,500 lb. 24"SQ PAD 18 4.00 6,000 lb. 8,000 lb. 30"SQ PAD 18 6.25 9,375 lb. 12,500 lb. 36"SQ PAD 18.• 9.00 13,500 lb. 18,000 lb. 42"SQ PAD 18 12.25 18,375 lb. 24,500 lb. FROM REPORT, SOILS BEARING 2000 psf I BEAM DESCRIPTION LOAD FTG 1 B-2 intersecting beams at grid B/3 6,300 lbs Cont. Ftg 2 B-3 Garage boor Header 5,700 1 b Cont. Ftg [Criteria Retained Height = 3.00 ft Wall height above soil = 0.50 ft Slope Behind Wall = 0.00: 1 Height of Soil over Too = 0.00 in Water height over heel = 0.0 It Wind on Stem = 0.0 psf Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure options: NOT USED for Soil Pressure. NOT USED for Sliding Resistance. NOT USED for Overturning Resistance. [Surcharge Loads Surcharge Over Heel = 0.0 psf Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning Surcharge Over Toe = 0.0 psf Used for Sliding & Overturning [ial Load Applied to Stem Axial Dead Load = 440.0 lbs Axial Live Load = 80.0 lbs Axial Load Eccentricity = 1.8 in [Design Summary Wall Stability Ratios Overturning = 3.31 OK Slab Resists All Sliding Total Bearing Load = 1,083 lbs ...resultant ecc. = 0.63 in Soil Pressure @ Toe = 455 psf OK Soil Pressure © Heel = 627 psf OK Allowable = 2,500 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable AC! Factored @ Toe = 560 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 771 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 3.3 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 0.0 psi OK Allowable = 67.1 psi Sliding Calcs Slab Resists All Sliding Lateral Sliding Force = 318.5 lbs LSoII Data Allow Soil Bearing = 2,500.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure = 42.0 psf/ft Toe Active Pressure = 35.0 psf/ft Passive Pressure = 250.0 psf/ft Soil Density, Heel = 110.00 pcf Soil Density, Toe 0.00 pcf FootingSoil Friction = 0.300 Soil height to ignore for passive pressure = 0.00 in [lateral Load Applied to Stem • Lateral Load = 0.0 #Jft ...Height to Top = 0.00 ft ...Height to Bottom - = 0.00 ft To specify your own Title : 3 ft. Retaining Oak Ave lot I Page: special title block here, Job # : Dsgnr: M. Swan Date: OCT 16,2009 use the "Settings" screen Description.... and enter your title block Cast-in-place concrete wall. information. i This Wall n File: t:engrneering\retwallpro docs\oak ave lot Retain Pro 2007 16-Apr-2008, (C) 1989-2008 /A, www.retalnpro.comlsupport for latest release Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Code: IBC 2006 Registration #:RP-1121555 2007013 Load Factors Building Code IBC 2006 Dead Load 1.200 Live Load 1.600 Earth, H 1.600 Wind, W 1.600 Seismic, E . 1.000 Footing Dimensions & Strengths Toe Width = 1.50 ft Heel Width = 0.50 Total Footing Width = 2.00 Footing Thickness = 12.00 in Key Width = 0.00 in Key Depth = 0.00 in Key Distance from Toe = 1.00 ft ft = 2,000 psi Fy = 60,000 psi Footing Concrete Density 150.00 pcf Min. As% = 0.0018 Cover @ Top = 2.00 in © Btm.= 3.00 in Adjacent Footing Load 1 Adjacent Footing Load = 0.0 lbs - Footing Width = 0.00 ft Eccentricity = 0.00 in Wall to Ftg CL Dist = 0.00 ft Footing Type Line Load Base Above/Below Soil - 0.0 ft at Back of Wall Poisson's Ratio = 0.300 [Stem Construction 11 Top Stem Stern OK Design Height Above Ftc ft= 0.00 Wall Material Above "Ht" = Concrete Thickness = 6.00 Rebar Size = # 4 Rebar Spacing = 12.00 Rebar Placed at = Center Design Data fb/FB + fa/Fa = 0.233 Total Force @ Section lbs = 302.4 MomenL..Actual ft4= 398.1 MomenL...Allowable = 1,705.6 Shear ..... Actual psi = 8.4 Shear.....Allowable psi = 75.0 Wall Weight = 75.0 Rebar Depth 'd' in= '3.00 LAP SPLICE IF ABOVE in= 12.48 LAP SPLICE IF BELOW in = HOOK EMBED INTO FTG in = 6.26 Masonry Data fm psi= Fs psi Solid Grouting = Use Full Stresses = Modular Ratio 'n' Short Term Factor = Equiv. Solid Thick. = Masonry Block Type = Medium Weight Masonry Design Method = ASD Concrete Data ft psi= 2,500.0 Fy psi= 40,000.0 19 To specify your own Title : 3 ft. Retaining Oak Ave lot I Page: _____ special title block here, Job # : Dsgnr: M. Swan! Date: OCT 16,2009 ) use the "Settings" screen Description.... and enter your title block Cast-in-place concrete wall. information. This Wall in File: t:\engIneeringretwaIlpro docsoak ave lot Retain Pro 2007 ,16-Apr-2008, (c) 1989-2008 www.retainpro.com/supportforlatestrelease Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Code: IBC 2006 Registration #: RP-1121555 2007013 Lpoting Design Results - Toe Heel Factored Pressure = 560 771 psf Mu': Upward = 0 0 ft-# Mu': Downward = 0 0 ft-# Mu: Design = 398 oft-# Actual 1-Way Shear = 3.27 . 0.00 psi Allow 1-Way Shear = 67.08 0.00 psi Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe Reinforcing = None Spec'd Toe: Not req'd, Mu <S * Fr Heel Reinforcing = None Speed Heel: Not reqd, Mu < S * Fr Key Reinforcing = None Speed Key: No key defined Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments OVERTURNING RESISTING..... Force Distance Moment Force Distance Moment Item lbs ft ft-# lbs ft ft-# Heel Active Pressure = 336.0 1.33 448.0 Soil Over Heel = 2.00 Toe Active Pressure = -17.5 0.33 -5.8 Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Toe = - Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = . Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem= 440.0 1.60 705.8 Load @ Stem Above Soil = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = - Stem Weight(s) = 262.5 1.75 459.4 Earth @ Stem Transitions. -. Total = 318.5 O.T.M. = 442.2 Footing Weight = 300.0 1.00 300.0 Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 3.31 Key Weight = 1.00 - - Vert. Component - Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 1,082.5 lbs - - = Vertical component of active pressure NOT used for soil pressure Total 1,002.5 lbs R.M.= 1,465.2 DESIGNER NOTES: H H TABLE OF CONTENTS TOC 77- Project Title ..........LOT # 1 OAK AVE. Date. .10/27/09 09:42:33 Project Address ........1214 OAK AVE. CARLSBAD,CA 92008 *v7.10* I I Documentation Author HADI MAHZARI I Building Permit 4 I Energy Consulting Group 8015 Balboa Avenue I Plan Check / Date I San Diego, CA 92111 858-268-0660 I Field Check/ Date I ClimateZone ...........07 Compliance Method......MICROPAS7 v7.10 for 2005 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. -------------- I MICROPAS7 v7.10 File-12120A1B Wth-CTZ07SO5 Program-TOC I User*-MP1964 User-Energy Corsulting Group Run-LOT # 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- Report Page FORM CF-1R ................1 FORM MF-1R ................6 FORM WS-5R ................10 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL COMPUTER METHOD CF-lR Page 1 Project Title.; ......... LOT # 1 OAK AVE. Date. .10/27/09 09:42:33 Project Address ........1214 OAK AVE. CARLSBAD,CA 92008 *v7.10* I I Documentation Author... HADI MAHZARI I Building Permit 4 I Energy Consulting Group 8015 Balboa Avenue I Plan Check / Date I San Diego, CA 92111 858-268-0660 I Field Check/ Date I. Climate Zone ...........07 Compliance Method......MICROPAS7 v7.10 for 2005 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. I MICROPAS7 v7.10 File-1212OAlB Wth-CTZ07SO5 Program-FORM CF-1R I I User#-MP1964 User-Energy Consulting Group Run-LOT 4 1 I = MICROPAS7 ENERGY USE SUMMARY = = Energy Use ---------------------------- Standard Proposed Compliance = = (kTDV/sf-yr) Design Design Margin = Space Heating ........... 8.47 6.12 2.35 = = Space Cooling ...........5.30 4.64 0.66 = = Water Heating..........28.50 22.99 5.51 = = Total 42.27 33.75 8.52 = = *** Building complies with Computer Performance *** = GENERAL INFORMATION HERS Verification ..........Not Required Conditioned Floor Area .....632 sf Building Type ..............Single Family Detached Construction Type .........New Fuel Type .................NaturalGas . Building Front Orientation Front Facing 180 deg (5) Number of Dwelling Units 1 Number of Building Stories 1 Weather Data Type ...........FullYear Floor Construction Type.... Number of Building Zones... Conditioned Volume ......... Slab-On-Grade Area ......... Glazing Percentage ......... Average Glazing. U-factor... Average Glazing SHGC ....... Average Ceiling Height ...... Slab On Grade 1 5688 cf 632 sf 15.3 % of floor area 0.34 Btu/hr-sf-F 0.35 9 ft CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL COMPUTER METHOD CF-1R Page 2 Project Title ..........LOT 4 1 OAK AVE. Date. .10/27/09 09:42:33 I MICROPAS7 v7.10 File-1212OAlB Wth-CTZ07SO5 Program-FORM CF-lR I User#-MP1964 User-Energy Consulting Group Run-LOT 4t 1 I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION ------------------------- Floor * of # of Cond- Thermo- Vent Vent Verified Area Volume Dwell Peop- it- stat Height Area Leakage or Zone Type (sf) (cf) Units le ioned Type (ft) (sf) Housewrap Residence 632 5688 1.00 4.0 Yes Setback 2.0 Standard No OPAQUE SURFACES U- Sheath- Solar Appendix Frame Area fact- Cavity ing Act Gains IV Location! Surface Type (sf) or R-val R-val Azm Tilt Reference Comments 1 Wall Wood 409 0.102 13 0 0 90 Yes IV.9 A3 2 Wall Wood 240 0.102 13 0 0 90 No IV.9 A3 3 Wall Wood 202 0.102 13 0 180 90 Yes IV.9A3 4 Door Other 20 0.500 0 0 180 90 Yes IV.5 A4 5 Wall Wood 398 0.102 13 0 270 90 Yes. IV.9 A3 6 Roof Wood 632 0.049 19 0 n/a 0 Yes IV.1 A4 PERIMETER LOSSES ---------------- Appendix Length F2 Insul Solar IV Location! Surface (ft) Factor R-val Gains Reference Comments 7 SlabEdge 83 0.730 R-0 No IV.26 Al 8 SlabEdge 30 0.560 R-7 No IV.26 C7 FENESTRATION SURFACES - Exterior Area U- Act Shade Orientation (sf) factor SHGC Azm Tilt Type Location/Comments 1 Wind Back (N) 12.0 0.340 0.350 0 90 Standard N./Vinyl/Wood Low E 2 Wind Front (S) 23.0 0.340 0.350 180 90 Standard S/Vinyl/Wood Low E 3 Wind Left (W) 62.0 0.340 0.350 270 90 Standard W!Viriyl!Wood Low E CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL COMPUTER METHOD CF-1R Page 3 Project Title ..........LOT # 1 OAK AVE. Date. .10/27/09 09:42:33 I MICROPAS7 v7.10 File-1212OAlB Wth-CTZO7SO5 Program-FORM CF-1R I User#-MP1964 User-Energy Consulting Group Run-LOT # 1 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THERMAL MASS Area Thick Heat Conduct- Surface Mass Type (sf) (in) Cap ivity UIMC R-value Location/Comments 1 SlabOnGrade 632 3.5 28.0 0.98 4.60 R-0.0 Exposed FIVAC SYSTEMS ------------ Verified Number Verified Verified Verified Verified Maximum System of Minimum Refrig Charge Adequate Fan Watt Cooling Type Systems Efficiency EER or TXV Airflow Draw Capacity Furnace 1 0.780 AFUE n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ACSplit 1 13.00 SEER No No No N6 No HVAC SIZING Verified Total Sensible Design Maximum Heating Cooling Cooling Cooling System Load Load Capacity Capacity Type (Btu/hr) (Btu/hr) (Btu/hr) (Btu/hr) Furnace 16847 n/a n/a n/a ACSp1it n/a 16477 18382 n/a Sizing Location ............00EANSIDE Winter Outside Design ......33 F Winter Inside Design .......70 F Summer Outside Design ......78 F Summer Inside Design.......75 F Summer Range ...............10 F DUCT SYSTEMS ------------ Verified Verified Verified System Duct Duct Duct Surface Buried Type Location R-value Leakage Area Ducts Furnace Attic R-4.2 No No No ACSplit Attic R-4.2 No No No CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL COMPUTER METHOD CF-1R Page 4 Project Title ..........LOT # 1 OAK AVE. Date. .10/2'7/09 09:42:33 I MICROPAS7 v7.10 File-1212OAlB Wth-CTZ07SO5 Program-FORM CF-lR I User#-MP1964 User-Energy Consulting Group Run-LOT # 1 WATER HEATING SYSTEMS --------------------- Number Tank External Heater in Energy Size Insulation- Tank Type Type Distribution Type System Factor (gal) R-value 1 Instantaneous Gas Standard 1 n/a n/a R-n/a WATER HEATING SYSTEMS DETAIL Standby Internal Tank Recovery Rated Loss Insulation Pilot System Efficiency Input Fraction R-value Light : 1 Iristantan • 0.80 n/a n/a R- n/a 500 SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS k ----------------------------------------- Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** verified during plan check and field inspection. Thisbuilding incorporates a High Mass Design. This building incorporates a non-standard Water Heating System. REMARKS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL COMPUTER METHOD CF-1R Page 5 Project Title ..........LOT # 1 OAK AVE. Date. .10/27/09 09:42:33 MICROPAS7 v7.10 File-12120A1B Wth-CTZ07SO5 Program-FORM CF-1R User#-MP1964 User-Energy Consulting Group Run-LOT 4t 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPLIANCE STATEMENT -------------------- This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title-24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. DESIGNER or OWNER DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR Name.... Name.... HADI MAHZARI Company. Company. Energy Consulting Group Address. Address. 8015 Balboa Avenue San Diego, CA 92111 Phone... Phone... 858-268-0660 License. Signed.. Signed.. (date) (date) * ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Name.... - Title... Agency.. Phone... Signed.. - (date) MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST: RESIDENTIAL MF-1R Page 6 Project Title ..........LOT if 1 OAK AVE. Date. .10/27/09 09:42:33 Project Address ........1214 OAK AVE. CARLSBAD,CA 92008 *v710* Documentation Author... HADI MAHZARI Building Permit if Energy Consulting Group 8015 Balboa Avenue Plan Check / Date San Diego, CA 92111 858-268-0660 Field Check! Date Climate Zone ...........07 - Compliance Method......MICROPAS7 v7.10 for 2005 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS7 v7.10 File-1212OA1B Wth-CTZ07SO5 Program-FORM MF-1R I I Userit-MP1964 User-Energy Consulting Group Run-LOT if 1 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. More stringent compliance requirements from the Certificate of Compliance supersede the items marked with an asterisk (*) . When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. BUILDING ENVELOPE MEASURES De- En- sign- force- n/a er ment *150(a): Minimum R-19 insulation in wood framed ceiling or equivalent U-factor in metal frame ceiling 150(b): Loose fill insulation manufacturer's labeled R-Value *150(c): Minimum R-13 wall insulation in wood framed walls or equivalent U-factor in metal frame walls (does not apply to exterior mass walls) *150 (d) : Minimum R-13 raised floor insulation in framed floors or equivalent U-fabtor 150(e): Installation of Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Logs 1. Masonry and factory-built fireplaces have: Closeable metal or glass door covering the entire opening of the firebox Outside air intake with damper and control, flue damper and control 2. No continuous burning gas pilot lights allowed 150(f): Air retarding wrap installed to comply with Sec. 151 meets requirements specified in ACM Residential Manual 150(g): Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate Zones 14,16 only 150(1): Slab edge insulation - water absorption rate for the insulation material without facings no greater than 0.3%, water vapor permeance rate no greater than 2.0 perm/inch 118: Insulation specified or installed meets insulation quality standards. Indicate type and include CF-6R form 116-17: Fenestration Products, Exterior Doors and Infiltration! Exfiltration Controls Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage Fenestration products (except field-fabricated) have MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST: RESIDENTIAL • MF-1R Page 7 Project Title ..........LOT # 1 OAK AVE. Date. .10/27/09 09:42:33 I MICROPAS7 v7.10 File-12120A1B Wth-CTZ07SO5 Program-FORM MF-1R I I Useri(-MP1964 User-Energy Consulting Group Run-LOT i 1 I label with certified U-factor, certified Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC), and infiltration certification 3. Exterior doors and windows weatherstripped; all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed SPACE CONDITIONING, WATER HEATING AND PLUMBING SYSTEM MEASURES n/a 110-113: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads and faucets certified by the Energy Commission 150(h): Heating and/or cooling loads calculated in accordance with ASHRAE, SMACNA or ACCA 150(i): Setback thermostat on all applicable heating and/or cooling systems 150(j): Water system pipe and tank insulation and cooling systems line insulation 1. Storage gas water heaters rated with an Energy Factor less than 0.58 must-be externally wrapped with insulation having an installed thermal resistance of R12 or greater____ 2. Back-up tanks for solar system, unfired storage tanks, or other indirect hot water tanks have R-12 external insulation or R-16 internal and indicated on the exterior of the tank showing the R-value 3. The following piping is insulated according to Table 150-A/B or Equation 150-A Insulation Thickness: First 5 feet of hot and cold water pipes closest to water heater tank, non-recirculating systems, and entire length of recirculating sections of hot water pipes shall be insulated to Table 150B Cooling system piping (suction, chilled water, or - brine lines), piping insulated between heating source and indirect hot water tank shall be insulated to Table 150-B and Equation 150-A 4. Steam hydronic heating systems or hot water systems >15 psi, meet requirements of Table 123-A 5. Insulation must be protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance and wind 6. Insulation for chilled water piping and refrigerant suction piping includes a vapor retardant or is enclosed entirely in conditioned space 7. Solar water-heating systems/collectors are certified by the Solar Rating and Certification Corporation *150(m): Ducts and Fans 1. All ducts and plenums installed, sealed and insulated to meet the requirements of the CMC Sections 601, 602, 603, 604, 605 and Standard 6-5; supply-air and return-air ducts and plenums are insulated to a minimum installed level of R-4.2 or enclosed entirely in conditioned space. Openings shall be sealed with mastic, tape, or other duct-closure system that meets the applicable requirements of UL 181, De- En- sign- force er ment MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST: RESIDENTIAL - MF-1R Page 8 Project Title ..........LOT # 1 OAK AVE. Date. .10/27/09 09:42:33 MICROPAS7 v7.10 File-1212OAlB Wth-CTZ07SO5 Program-FORM MF-1R Useri -MP1964 User-Energy Consulting Group Run-LOT i 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UL 181A, or UL 181B or aerosol sealant that meets the requirements of UL 723. If mastic or tape is used to seal openings greater than 1/4 inch, the combination of mastic and either mesh or tape shall be used Building cavities, support platforms for air handlers, and plenums defined or constructed with materials other than sealed sheet metal, duct board or flexible duct shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Building cavities and support platforms may contain ducts. Ducts installed in cavities and support platforms shall not be compressed to cause reductions in the cross-sectional area of the ducts Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be sealed with cloth backed rubber adhesive duct tapes unless such tape is used in combination with mastic and draw bands Exhaust fan systems have back draft or automatic dampers____ Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned space have either automatic or readily accessible, manually operated dampers Protection of Insulation. Insulation shall be protected from damage due to sunlight, moisture, equipment mainten- ance and wind. Cellular foam insulation shall be protected as above or painted with a coating that is water retardant and provides shielding from solar radiation that can cause degradation of the material Flexible ducts cannot have porous inner cores 114: Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment 1. A thermal efficiency that complies with the Appliance Efficiency Regulations, on-off switch mounted outside of the heater, weatherproof operating instructions, no electric resistance heating and no pilot light 2: System is installed with: At least 36 inches of pipe between filter and heater for future solar heating Cover for outdoor pools or outdoor spas. 3. Pool system has directional inlets and a circulation pump time switch 115: Gas-fired central furnaces, pool heaters, spa heaters or household cooking appliances have no continuously burning pilot light (Exception: Non-electrical cooking appliances with pilot < 150 Btu/hr) 118(1): Cool Roof material meets specified criteria RESIDENTIAL LIGHTING MEASURES De- En- sign- force n/a er ment 150(k)l: HIGH EFFICACY LUMINAIRES OTHER THAN OUTDOOR HID: contain only high efficacy lamps as outlined in Table 150-C, and do not contain a medium screw base socket (E24/E26) . Ballast for -lamps 13 watts or greater are electronic and have an output frequency no less than-20 kHz 'MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST: RESIDENTIAL MF-1R Page 9 Project Title ..........LOT t 1 OAK AVE. Date. .10/27/09 09:42:33 MICROPAS7 v7.10 File-1212OAlB Wth-CTZ07SO5 Program-FORM MF-lR User#-MP1964 User-Energy Consulting Group Run-LOT # 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 150(k)l: HIGH EFFICACY LUMINAIRES - OUTDOOR HID: contain only high efficacy lamps as outlined in Table 150-C, luminaire has factory installed HID ballast 150(k)2: Permanently installed luminaires in kitchens shall be high efficacy luminaires. Up to 50 percent of the wattage, as determined in Sec. 130(c), of permanently installed luminaires in kitchens may be in luminaires that are not high efficacy luminaires, provided that these luminaires are controlled by switches separate from those controlling the high efficacy luminaires 150(k)3: Permanently installed luminaires in bathrooms, garages, laundry rooms, utility rooms shall be high efficacy luminaires OR are controlled by an occupant sensor(s) certified to comply with Section 119(d) that does not turn on automatically or have an always on option 150(k)4: Permanently installed luminaires located other than in kitchens, bathrooms, garages, laundry rooms, and utility rooms shall be high efficacy luminaires (except closets less than 70 ft2), OR are controlled by a dimmer switch OR are controlled by an occupant sensor(s) that complies with Section 119(d) that does not turn on automatically or have an always on option 150(k)5: Luminaires that are recessed into insulated ceilings are approved for zero clearance insulation cover (IC) and are certified air tight to ASTM E283 and labeled as air tight (AT) to less than 2.0 CFM at 75 Pascals 150(k)6: Luminaires providing outdoor lighting and permanently mounted to a residential building or to other buildings on the same lot shall be high efficacy luminaires (not in- cluding lighting around swimming pools/water features or other Article 680 locations) OR are controlled by occupant sensors with integral photo control certified to comply with Section 119(d) ____ 150(k)7: Lighting for parking lots for 8 or more vehicles shall have lighting that complies with Sec. 130, 132, and 147. Lighting for parking garages for 8 or more vehicles shall have lighting that complies with Sec. 130, 131, and 146 150(k)8: Permanently installed lighting in the enclosed, non- dwelling spaces of low-rise residential buildings with four or more dwelling units shall be high efficacy luminaires OR are controlled by an occupant sensor(s) certified to comply with Section 119(d) RESIDENTIAL KITCHEN LIGHTING WORKSHEET WS-5R Page 10 Project Title ..........LOT # 1 OAK AVE. Date. .10/27/09 09:42:33 I MICROPAS7 v7.10 File-1212OAlB Wth-CTZ07S05 Program-FORM MF-lR I I User#-MP1964 User-Energy Consulting Group Run-LOT 4t 1 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At least 50% of the total rated wattage of permanently installed luminaires in the kitchen must be in luminaires that are high efficacy luminaires as defined in Table 150-C. Luminaires that are not high efficacy must be switched separately. KITCHEN LIGHTING SCHEDULE ------------------------- High High Efficacy Efficacy Other Luminaire Type (Yes/No) Watts Quantity Watts Watts x = or x = or x = or x = or x = or Total A= B= Complies if A >= B Yes No Rules for Determining Residential Kitchen Luminaire Wattage Screw Base Sockets - Section 130(c) 1 (Not containing permanently installed ballasts) The maximum relamping rated wattage of the luminaire, as listed on a permanent factory-installed label (luminaire wattage is not based on type or wattage of lamp that is used). Permanently or Remotely Installed Ballasts - Section 130(c) 2 The operating input wattage of the rated lamp/ballast combination based on values published in manufacturerfls catalogs based on independent testing lab reports. Line Voltage Track Lighting (90 through 480 volts) - Section 130(c) 3 Volt-ampere (VA) rating of the branch circuit(s) feeding the tracks; or For tracks equipped with an integral current limiter, the higher of - The wattage (or VA) rating of an approved integral current limiter controlling the track sy. - 15 watts per linear foot of the track; or For tracks without an integral current limiter, the higher of - 45 watts per linear foot of the track or - The total wattage of all of the luminaires included in the system. Low Voltage Track Lighting (less than 90 volts) - Section 130(c) 4 Rated wattage of the transformer feeding the system, as shown on a permanent factory-installed label Other Lighting - Section 130(c) 5 (Lighting systems that are not addressed in Sections 130 (c) 1-4) The maximum rated wattage, or operating input wattage of the system, listed on a permanent factory installed label, or published in manufacturer's catalogs, based on independent testing lab reports. PCR09145 1212 OAKAV NEW TOWER TO CONNECT HOUSE -fv 4eFnjAed 5c (b(zzoq T- z - -42OULING -L EuNG;m FM PC-rz-- PADAATIAIROM - TO OTHER SEWER DOM, 647 ____ MSC '1f10/D7 ENO ;- -. j - It - S H - I ~ff We City,'-Of. Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Ày Carlsbad, CA 92008 12-03-2009 . Plan Check Revision Permit No:PCR09163 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: 1212 OAK AV CBAD Permit Type: PCR Status: ISSUED Parcel No: 1561804700 Lot #: 0 Applied: 12/03/2009 Valuation: $0.00 Construction Type: 5B Entered By: JMA Reference #: CB091465 Plan Approved: 12/03/2009 PC #: Issued: 12/03/2009 Project Title: FOUNDATION REVISIONS Inspect Area: Applicant: Owner:. PAUL LONGTON —BUSBY FAMILY TRUST 10-26-01 760-722-4904 /c WBDC92OOa7 Plan Check Revision Fee/ $6Q.00 Additional Fees /000 i Total Fees: $60 /(00 -Tota / Payments To Date: $60.00 Balance $0.00 ' FINAL APPROVAL Inspector: Date: Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any PLAN CHECK REVISION• Development Services << Building Department C I T Y 0 F APPLICATION S ' 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 CARLSBAD B-I www.carlsbadca.gov Plan Check Revision No._TCQ Q'1 (G23 Original Plan Check No. Project Addre ss I242 'uvJ- 214- Dc-\. A-Q-- Date___________________ Contact uiV Lovc, PhlcO i'2 44 Fax11c01Z2A3EmaiI ? r\4c Contact Address_ RQS- 'i3c3-Q-. CitymScQc- ZI97D5& General Scope of Work o- 2. cwYC eoor- Original plans prepared by an architect or engineer, revisions must be signed & stamped by that person. 1 Elements revised: LI Plans LI Calculations LI Soils [I] Energy 0 Other 2 Describe revisions in detail 3 List page(s) where each revision is shown 4 List revised sheets that replace existing sheets - - f S 5 Does this revision, in any way, alter the exterior of the project? 6 Does this revision add ANY new floor area(s).? LI Yes 7 Does this revision affect any fire related issues? LI Yes 8 Is this a comptet? Yes No E] Yes No No No •,,,• r ,"Signature 1635 Faraday Aythue, 92008 Phone: 760-602-2717/ 2718/ 2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 www.carlsbadca.gov I SWANSON & ASSOCIATES 17055 Via Del Campo SUITE 100 SAN DIEGO, CA 92127 (858) 487-7600 I STUD WALL PER PLAN 3x6 P.T.D.F. s @ 18" o/c VERT. w/ %"xlO" A.B. NO. 16" o/c HORIZ. @ 16" 0/c @ LANDING 4 L-BARS @ 18" o/c wl 20" LEGS /GRANULAR BACKFILL ALL VERT. STEEL CENTERED 'I IN WALL—s\ . SLAB j ( PER PLAN ~, 7u~ =1 I 1= 0 1 J. BELOW GRADE WATERPROOFING MIRAFI SYSTEM OR EQUAL 5Y21' WIDE CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL 1-11.4 DRAIN -, '6 lo (2) NO. 4's CONT. TOP DOT & BTM. IN FOOTING COLD JOINT (2) STAGE POUR NO. 4 L-BARS @ 18" o/c w/ 20" LEGS 91 FO j 12 FOUNDATION WALL p SCALE V2" = i OF REVISIONS I I " "' I I - I "' '" ITEM NO. CUEUE' DAVID FISCHBACH ITEM TITLE PROJECT' 20070292 ATTN TO' €HSARLIE WILSON OAK AVE LOT I I PHONE' 060) 560-6616 REVISE DETAIL 12 TO SHEET DATE' 11/20/2009 I ''-' (-charIiaiI.com)e5OOOOOgm 2 - STAGE POUR scw N.T.S. 1 OF 2 TD f3 4 I SWANSON & ASSOCIATES 17055 Via Del Campo SUITE 100 SAN DIEGO, CA 92127 (858) 487-7600 -, 4 4 •1 '3 CENTERED IN SLAB,TYP. * - 4 -.- -. I P DOOR THRESHOLDS,TYP. oo~ TDF jHRE SUBSILL@ ("1 :'. •:: _••*_, • CONCRETE . 4 . •, •,. •- STOOP 12 ______ ••, 2 S5 - S5 ' - Y2" WIDE i I 4 ELEV. 117.0' ELEV.0 04 ESsi0EEPENED FIG • . -' SEE DETPJI 1/S5 FOR -: LAB & FOOTING DIME YPICAL NSIONS I 34. REVISIONS i DESCRIPTION DATE ° DESCRIPTION DATE ITEIVI NO cuwr DAVID FISCHBACH ITEM TITLE I PROJECT 2007-0202 ATTN To-.CHARLIE WILSON - - - - OAK AVE LOT 1 I. 44 REVISE DETAIL 12 TO SHEET PHONE' ,(760) 580-6616 * . DATE. 11/20/2009 4charllad com>e5O0O00gm 2 - STAGE POURS SCALE N IS 2 OF 2 3. •.* . 4.. -,- 4 - I •• . • .4 ' .3 . .4 4 - .4 • 4* •.. 4 -' • I• -- 3 .- - .4' 3 4 1 • 34 -. - 44 4.4 '3 .4. .1, • - 4 4 I SWANSON & ASSOCIATES 17055 Via Del Campo SUITE 100 SAN DIEGO, CA 92127 (858) 487.7600 I PCR09163 1212 OAKAV FOUNDATION REVISIONS aL (10- Cft,ótCarIsbad • 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 12-30-2009 Plan Check Revision Permit No:PCRO917O Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: 1212 OAK AV CBAD Permit Type: PCR Status: ISSUED Parcel No: 1561804700 Lot #: 0 Applied: 12/24/2009 Valuation: $0.00 Construction Type: 5B Entered By: RMA Reference #: Plan Approved: 12/30/2009 PC #: CB091465 Issued: 12/30/2009 Project Title: DEFERRED TRUSS SUBMITTAL FOR Inspect Area: BOTH 1212 & 1214 (SECOND DWELLING UNIT) OAK AV Applicant: Owner: FICHBACH BUSBY FAMILY TRUST 10-26-01 1821 S COAST HGWY 1212 OAK AVE OCEANSIDE CA 92054 CARLSBAD CA 92008 760 580-1986 Plan Check Revision Fee $217.50 Additional Fees $0.00 Total Fees: $217.50 Total Payments To Date: $217.50 'Balance Due: $0.00 FINAL APPROVAL Inspector: Date: Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions. You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, not planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired. A!5Signature I CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK REVISION APPLICATION B-15 Development Services Building Department 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov Plan Check Revision No. fi / 7p Original Plan Check No. Project Address 12— 12 + (Z('f O4t 4'- Date Contact _Ph_ Fax _Erna il L01Ld k4Y' Contact Address _[--'Cø1 4"Ak/ City Zip W4 General Scope of Worl Original plans prepared architect or engineer, revisions must be signed & stamped by that person. .1 Elements revised: 0 Plans LI lations E1 Soils LI Energy Other _/eO( 7O&9 7/ 2 Describe revisions in detail • • 3 List page(s) where each revision is shown 4 List revised sheets that replace existing sheets uf2jô Tflii J,ecZ ______ /~- fZ-(a'a141Je r 5 Does this revision, in any way, alter the exterior of the project? Yes 'No ri Does this revision add ANY new floor area(s)? Does this revision affect any fire related issues? 8 Is this a complete set? LI Yes No LI Yes 560 LI Yes '(f;Jo 4 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: 760-602-2717/2718/2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 www.carlsbadca.gov EsGil Corporation In Partnership with government for gui(&ng Safety DATE: DEC. 28, 2009 JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NO.: 09-1465 (REV. # 1) - PCR 09-170 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1212 & 1214 OAK AVENUE IEl ANT ENtR)EVIEWER U FILE SET: I PROJECT NAME: A 2-CAR & A 3-CAR Garage with Unit above & a Rec. Room The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list 'and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation untilcorrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's cbpy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to - - Paul Longton 2909 Mesa Dr., Oceanside, CA 92054 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Paul .. Telephone #: 1-760-722-4904. Date contacted: (by: ) Fax #: 1-760-722-4903 Mail Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS: ROOF TRUSS DEFERRED SUBMITTAL UNDER THIS PLAN REVISION. By: AL! SADRE Enclosures: EsGil Corporation LIGA LIMB LI EJ LI] PC 12/24 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • Sin Diego, California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax(858)560-1576 LARLSBAD 09-1465 (REV. # 1) - PCR 09-170 DEC. 28, 2009 [DO NOT PAY— THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NO.: 09-1465 (REV. # 1)-PCR09-170 PREPARED BY: AL! SADRE DATE: DEC. 28, 2009 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1212 & 1214 OAK AVENUE BUILDING OCCUPANCY: R3/U/B TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VB BUILDING PORTION AREA (Sq. Ft.) Valuation Multiplier Reg. Mod. VALUE ($)' ROOF TRUSS DEFERRED PACKAGE Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code ICB BY Ordinance Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance [J Plan Check Fee by Ordinance I . $217.501 Type of Review: Lii Complete Review LI Structural Only fl Repetitive Fee Repeats * Based on hourly rate LI Other Hourly 1.5 Hrs. @ * EsGil Fee $116.00 I $174.00I Comments: Sheet lof 1 macvalue.doc + OAK AVENUE, LLC OAK AVENUE SFR LOT #1 CARLSBAD1 CA 12/8/2009 CL t •_•o•- tL1 0.-I Figure 2(a) sheathing Compression web-Sloping or vertical Continuous lateral bracing. Ground stab Diagonal brace nailed to opposite side of web prevents lateral nreaenrent and should be repeated or approximately 20 reel Intervals. Ground brace be well braced In of additional Lateral—,, // II ._- eeoring to, trusses End diagonals to ground stakes BRACING WOOD TRUSSES: In recognition of the inherent safety of a properly braced roof system, the apparent lack of knowledge of how, when, and where to install adequate bracing, and in the interest of public safety, the Truss Plate Institute, Inc., in consultation with its Component Manufacturers Council membership, has undertaken the preparation of these recommendations. Substantial concentrated study and deliberative review by the TPI Technical Advisory Committee (comprising a membership of the chief structural engineers of member plate manufacturing companies, representatives of the academic community, and independent consulting engineers) have devoted to this effort. Consultation with the TPI Component Manufacturers Council has resulted in bringing practical field handling and erection problems into a sharper focus. Inclusion of the tentative recommendations for on-site handling and erection procedures is one direct result of the conultations. It is planned to study further and enlarge upon these tentative recommendations. 0. While the recommendations for bracing contained herein are technically sound, it is not intended that they be considered the only method for bracing a roof system. Neither should these recommendations be interpreted as superior to or a standard that would necessarily be preferred in lieu 01 an architect's or engineer's design for bracing for a particular roof system. These recommendations for bracing wood trusses originate from the collective experience of leading technical personnel in the wood truss industry, but must, due to the nature of responsibilities involved, be presented only as a guide for the use of a qualified building designer, builder, or erection contractor. Thus, the Truss Plate Institute expressly disclaims any responsibility for damages arising from the use application, or reliance on the recommendations and information contained herein by building designer or by erection contractors. ,,ZA0 Figure I (d) bracing as requil (pan of truss design) g.. I (b) (c) Figure 1(8) Compression webs: before and after bucklin g . 100] It is recommended that diagonal bracing (minimum 2-inch thick nominal lumber) be installed at approximately a 45 degree angle to the lateral brace. Diagonal bracing should be attached to the opposite side of the same member required lateral bracing. This bracing may be continuous or intermittent at the building designer's option; however, it is recommended that intermittent spacing not exceed 20 feet, or twice the horizontal run of the diagonal bracing. The ground braces should be located directly in line with all rows of top chord continuous lateral bracing. Otherwise, the top chord of the first truss can bend sideways and allow the trusses to shift. This shift, however slight, puts a tremendous strain on all connections of the bracing system, i.e., the weight of the trusses would then be added to any wind force or construction toad such as bundles of plywood or roof shingles tending to tip the trusses over. All nailing of bracing should be done so that if the trusses should tend to buckle or tip, the nails will be loaded laterally, not in withdrawal. It is not recommended to nail scabs to the end of the building to brace the first truss. These scabs can break off or pull Out, thus allowing a total collapse. As trusses are set in place, the builder or erection contractor must apply sufficient temporary bracing to hold the trusses plumb, in alignment and in a safe condition until the permanent bracing, decking and/or sheathing can be installed. Temporary bracing should be not less than 2x4 dimension lumber and should be as tong as practical for handling. The use of short spacer pieces of lumber between adjacent trusses is not recommended, unless used temporarily in preparation for immediate installation of longer continuous bracing (84eet minimum length). Temporary bracing lumber should be nailed with two double headed 16d nails at every intersection with the braced member. Pre-assembly of groups of trusses, on the ground, into structurally braced units which are then lifted into place as assemblies is an acceptable alternate to the one-at-a-time method. Exact spacing between trusses should be maintained as bracing is installed to avoid the hazardous practice of removing bracing to adjust spacing as sheathing is applied. This act of adjusting spacing" can cause trusses to topple if a key connection is removed at the wrong time. Truss bracing must be applied to three planes of reference in the roof system to insure stability: 1. Top chord (sheathing) plane, 2. web member plane or vertical plane perpendicular to trusses, and 3. bottom chord (ceiling) plane. 1. Top Chord Plane. Most important to the builder or erection contractor is bracing in the plane of the top chord. Truss top chords are susceptible to lateral budding before they are braced or sheathed. It is The Truss Plate Institute "Design Specifications for Light Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses" are recommended for the design of individual wood trusses as structural components Only. Lateral bracing, as may be required by design to reduce buckling length of individual truss members, is a part of the wood truss design and is the only bracing that will be specified on the truss design drawings. Lateral bracing is to be supplied in the size specified and installed at the location specified on the truss design drawings by the builder or erection contractor. The building designer or inspector must ascertain that the specified lateral bracing is properly installed and that this bracing is sufficiently anchored or restrained by diagonal bracing to prevent its movement. Special design requirements, such as wind bracing, portal bracing, seismic bracing, diaphragms, shear walls, or other load transfer elements and their Connections to the wood trusses must be considered separately by the building designer. He shall determine size, location, and method of connecting for diagonal bracing as needed to resist these forces. Diagonal or cross bracing is recommended in the plane formed by the top chords, in the plane formed by the bottom chords and perpendicular to the truss web members, as needed for the overall stability of the entire structure. Truss bracing and connection details should be shown on the building designer's framing plan as part of the design drawings. Bracing materials are not usually furnished as part of the wood truss package, and should be provided by the builder or erection contractor. The builder or erection contractor is responsible for proper wood truss handling and for proper temporary bracing. He must assure that the wood trusses are not structurally damaged during erection and that they are maintained in alignment before, during, and after installation. Temporary or erection bracing may follow, but not necessarily be limited to, the building designer's framing plan. It is recommended that erection bracing be applied as each truss is placed in position. Anchorage (Ip balding designer) into solid end 0011-restrains lateral bracing. thereby preventing web hackling. STAGE TWO: During Truss Erection the builder or erection contractor must take adequate precautions to assure that the wood trusses are not structurally damaged. Proper rigging, including the use of spreader bars and multiple pick-up points, where required, is necessary to prevent damage during handling; tentative recommendations are presented in the Appendix hereto. It is most important to brace the first truss at the end of the building securely. All other trusses are tied to the first truss, thus the Recommended that continuous lateral bracing be installed within 6 inches of the ridge line or centerline and at approximately 8 feet to 10 feet intervals between the ridge line of sloped trusses or centerline of fiat trusses and the eaves. For double member trusses this spacing between laterals may be increased to 12 feet to 14 feet. Diagonals, located between the lateral bracing and set at approximately 45 degree angles, form the triangles required for stability in the plane of the top chord. NOTE: Long spans or heavy loads may require closer spacing between lateral bracing and closer intervals between diagonals. Figure 3(a) illustrates temporary bracing in the plane of the top chord for gable trusses If possible, the continuous lateral bracing for the top chord should be placed on the underside of the lop chord so that it will not have to be removed as the plywood decking is applied. The trusses are then held securely even during the decking process. It is equally important for the builder or erection contractor to install bracing in the plane of the top chord for flat roof or floor trusses. The use of a similar bracing pattern is recommended for all flat trusses. Particular attention is directed to bracing at the end of fiat trusses as shown in Figure 3(b). 2. Web Member Plane. It is also necessary to install temporary bracing in the plane of the web members. This bracing is usually For single member truss Ir 'di Inch thickness) - For doubts member lrssS 13 inch thickness) ,.— Located within 6 Inches 01 ridge line /t//V7V 2-16d double NOTE spea . g. ~Lafo lateral bracing over I Top 011, at least two trusses. Typical nailing Figure 3(8) The design of wood trusses in accordance with TPI design criteria assumes: Truss members are initially straight, uniform in cross section, and uniform in design properties. Trusses are plane structural components, installed vertically, braced to prevent lateral movement, and parallel to each other at the design spacing. Truss members are pinned at joints for determination of axial forces only. There is continuity 01 chord members at joints for determination of moment stresses. Compression members are laterally restrained at specific locations or intervals. Superimposed dead or live loads act vertically, wind loads are applied normal to the plane of the top chord, and concentrated loads are applied ata point. In addition to the lateral bracing specified by the truss designer, the building designer will specify sufficient bracing at right angles to the plane of the truss to hold every truss member in the position assumed for it in design. The building designer (not the truss designer) will specify sufficient bracing and connections to withstand lateral loading of the entire structure. The theory of bracing is to apply sufficient support at right angles to the plane of the truss to hold every truss member in the position assumed for it in design. This theory must be applied at three stages. STAGE ONE: During Building Design and Truss Design individual truss members are checked for buckling, and lateral bracing is specified as required for each truss member. The building designer must specify how this lateral bracing is to be anchored or restrained to prevent lateral movement should all truss members, so braced, tend to buckle together as shown in Figure 1(b). This may be accomplished by: Anchorage to solid end walls (Figure 1(c)). Diagonal bracing in the plane of web members (Figure 1(d)). Other means as determined by the building designer. NOTE: Locate ground braces for first truss directly in line will, all rows of rep chord continuous lateral bracing (either temporary or permanent) Figure 2(b) bracing system depends to a great extent on how well the first truss is braced. One satisfactory method is for the first truss lop chord to be braced to a stake driven into the ground and securely anchored. The ground brace itself should be supported as shown in Figure 2 or it is apt to buckle. Additional ground braces, in the opposite direction, inside the building are also recommended. Figure 3(b) installed at the same locations specified on the architectural plan for permanent bracing, and may become part of the permanent bracing. It is recommended that diagonal bracing be added at each web member requiring continuous lateral bracing. It none is specified, it is recommended that it be placed at no greater than 16 feet intervals along the truss length for roof trusses and 8 feet intervals for floor trusses. Ills not generally necessary for diagonal bracing to run continuously for the full length of the building but it is recommended that the spacing between sets of diagonal bracing not exceed 20 feet, or twice the horizontal run of the diagonal bracing. Rows of 2x6 strong-backs may also be used to brace floor trusses where diagonal bracing is impractical. Figure 4(a) illustrates diagonal bracing in the plane of the web members; Figure 4(b) illustrates the lateral movement that may occur if lateral bracing is used without diagonal bracing. 3. Bottom Chord Plane. In order to hold proper spacing on the bottom chord, temporary bracing is recommended in the plane of the bottom chord. Continuous lateral bracing at no greaterthan 8 feel to 10 feet on centers along the truss length is recommended full length of the building, nailed to the top of the bottom chord. Diagonal bracing COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ©TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE, INC., 1976 However carefully wood trusses are designed and fabricated, all this is at stake in the final erection and bracing of a roof or floor system. It is at this critical stage of construction that many of the really significant design assumptions are either fulfilled or ignored. If ignored, the consequences may result in a collapse of the INTRODUCTION structure, which at best is a substantial loss of time and materials, and which at worst could result in a loss of life. sheathing V Figure 1(6) Continuous lateral bracing II 'k maintains spacing, but permits lateral budding 01 all web members 01 the satIre time Beating for trusses Figure I (d) Repealed diagonals or uppreelnrorety 20 feel intervals Lap latent bracing over at least two busses. Repeat diagonals at approximately /20 feet intervals. 0 0 fl _l\ N r IN 21ma= T ri bk U U _ N CO R.PO R A E. D DEVELOPER: OAK AVENUE, LLC PROJECT NAME: OAK AVENUE SFR LOCATION: CARLSBAD, CA LOT 1 TRACT No: DATE: AUGUST 24, 2009 JOB No: ES 09-1 69 REVISIONS: TRUSS ENGINEERING DESIGNED PER THE 2007 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE PLATES: TP-500 - I.C.0 ESR REPORT #2765 L. A. CITY RESEARCH REPORT #23996 MT-20- I.C.0 ESR REPORT #1988 L. A CITY RESEARCH REPORT # 25370 MINIMUM PLATE DESIGN-VALUES HAVE BEEN USED IN THE DESIGN OF THE TRUSSES FES CO ( No. 38409 EXP. 3/31/11 Jj civ OF c DATE: SAl WAN Li P.E 13950 YORBA STREET CHINO, CA 91710 909/ 591-9256 FAX: 909/628-7352 1 10 04081 CALLE TESORO, SUITE A Daoszo RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD 04476 SKYWAY DRIVE CAMARILLO, CA 9301 2 SUITE 107-75, TEMECULA, CA 92591 OLIVEHURST, CA 95901 80 5/388-2055 951/240-7686 530/740-7750 FAX: 805/388-1913 FAX: 951/240-7837 FAX: 530/740-7754 REACH US ON THE WEB AT WWW.HANSONTRUSS.COM THE ATTACHED SHOP DRAWINGS, CALCULATIONS AND LAYOUT PLANS ARE DESIGNED FOR THIS SPECIFIC PROJECT AND ARE VALID ONLY IF BOUND, AND THE COVER SHEET BEARS THE ORIGINAL SIGNATURE OF SAl WAN Li P.E ANY LOOSE SHEETS THAT ARE PART OF THIS SUBMITTAL MUST ALSO BEAR HIS ORIGINAL SIGNATURE 'S S ,.,,::I 5•, 0 HANSON TRU° INC. S GENERAL NOTES Panel point locations shall be equal divisions unless noted or dimensioned otherwise. . Gusset plates shall be installed on each side of all joints and shall not be installed where knots or wane are greater than 10% of plate area. 1. Gusset plates shall be centered on joints Unless noted or dimensioned otherwise. Truss designs shall comply with ANSI/T.P.I - 1-2002 unless noted otherwise. All gusset plates are 20 gauge and stamped TP. Unless noted otherwise. All hangers specified are Simpson strong-tie-or equal and are providedby others unless noted otherwise. All trusses are spaced at 24 on center unless dimensioned otherwise. Moisture content in the' lumber used may exceed 19% at the time of fabrication. A 20% reduction in plate values has been used. The Hanson Truss, Inc., engineering program is in compliance with section 2303.4 of the 2007 C.B.C. All heel joint connections are desi(II-16CI using an analysis considering the vector sum of concentric and eccentric loads. All nails specified are to be box nails or better. ABBREVIATIONS B.C. Bottoni Chord' MGOV. Mono gble over BIO By Others O.A.H.S. Overall heel stand 13KG Backing OC On Centel- 'BILK Blocking . PLF Pound per linear foot BM. Beam Ply One truss of a ni till iple-Iruss assembly BRG. Bearing Rbclg Repetitive bending factor CBO Conventional framing by others S.F3 Setback DBL. Double member Sc. Scissor (sloped or vaulted) DR. ,BM. Drop Beam . ScBKG Scissor Backing FILL Vertical @ 16" o.c ScGET Scissor gable end truss FL. BM. FlLlsh Beam . 0 $OF. Soffit (Non-structural) GET Gable end truss . SPL. Splice GIR Girder truss STEI. Stub GOV. Gable over T.C. Top chord. l-IGR Hanger(s) U.N.O. Unless noteçl otherwise INV. GOV. Inverted gable over wl With tJKS Jacks w/o With out MBKG Mono Backing MGET Mono gable end truss BASE DESIGN VALUES FOR VISUALLY GRADED LUMBER SPECIES & COMMERCIAL GRADES SIZE CLIFICATlON bending F0 . Tension Parallel To grain F1 Shear Parallel to grain F0 : CoiipressIon Perpendicular 10 graIn F0 , Compression Parallel to grain F0 Modulus of Elasticity E GRADING RULES AGENCY X25.4 for mm DOUGLAS fl t LARCH Select Sl,'ucl. 1,500 1000 180 625 1,700 1.900,000 Not & Better 2" to 4" thick '1200 800 180 625 1550 1,,800O Not • 1,000 LL ____5 JQQ__. 2.QQQL WCLIB W2 2" and wider 900 575 186--925 1350 WNPA Skid 700 -. 450 '180 625 850 400.000 Construction 2" to 4" thicker 'I 000 650 180 625 '1650 1,500,000 Standard 375--J 180 J 625 • 1400 l40000 Afl/flO TO SI0 lob or 20 07 0 FE WA z No. 38409 2 Exp. 3/31/11 i;u - >- II H '1 Z U G. 0 IX < I /111 z - I 00 z '-2-PLY 'I I 2-PLY w 9 FF IIH:2 IL _ .. 33'-6" Mmmffm~mwm IJ alaIL!1ffilml 1I 1ry441 II 5'-6 SEE DEl li SPAN • • _Ji— 10 _J 1.100 I D ZLJ O 4 C•J -o iL I_i — > NOTE: hiD - 4:12 PITCH, TYP " Z < C Z - 18" OVERHANG, TYP 'LIJ 4 (1) FAU IN THE ATTIC - SIMPSON HNCRS OR EQ B/O • - ALL BEAMS TO BE 8/0 Cr,w - SEE STRUCTURAL PLANS FOR i RIDGE & SHEAR BLKG Z 1'-65/8" I. Multiple Load Cases: Rcts, Forces & Csi's are worst case Code: CBC07 Rbdg:N 1-Ply TC 1-2 NO2 DFL 2x4: P=832C 0.008 Min=899 Mp= 107 0.180= 0.188 BC 14 NO2 DFL 2x4: P=7561 0.134 Mm=467 Mp=407 0.090= 0.224 WB 4-2 STDB DFL 2x4: P=611 0.025 TC AXIAL: 1-2 -832, 2-3 -832 BC AXIAL:. 1-4 756, 4-3 756 WBAXIAL: 4-2 61 31-811 12 4 It: X,Y 1: 1,0.3 3:-1,0.3 lii = 1 BASE LOADS: 1.25: 20 14 105 PSF Wind: Exp B, Spd 85 1.25: 4028 14: 2246 1.6: 0 19 9: 270,1-3 S-39 wind 2 7.04 RCTS: MXVRT: 417 417 *2x4 Bracing UNO GRAD SPEC SIZE By Others TC: NO2 DFL 2X4 BC: NO2 DFL 2X4 - WEB: STDB DFL 2X4 (I) SPCG: PLF OC TCLL: 40 PLF TCDL: 28 xl.05 Z BCLL: . 0 14 . . Z DUR LDG FCTR: 1.25- 3.5" Min Brg Wdth UNO Plates: TP500 20gun0 W Centered on joint UNO I—. OF SI0 <<9AN - LU CE 4 m * Exp. 3-31-11 LL l,CIVIL OF CAC 0 z Hanson Truss, Inc. and Ii. signing engineer accept - no responsibility for the accuracy, structural ad- equacy or any other fea-ture of this design unless 0 specifically fabricated by Hanson Truss, Inc. HANSON TRUSS, INC. DATE: 12/3/09 KYU DRWG #s - Al . ji not to exceed lO'oc Lot 70 OAK AVENUE LLC - LOT I - CARLSBAD\WORKING\AI Defi @4: TL= .04in L1999 LL= .Olin L1999 Kcr=1.5 Laterally brace B/C with gypsum shtg. or cant, lateral sur BASE LOADS: 1.25: 20 14 105 PSF Wind: Exp B, Spd 85 1.25: 4028 19:2574 1.6: 0 19 13: 2 162,1-3 S-39 wind 2 10.71 RCTS: 1 3 MXVRT: 761 761 12 57-611 12 4J 2'-1 15I16 3X4 Multiple Load Cases: Rcts, Forces & Csi's are worst case Code: CBC07 Rbdg:N 1-Ply IC 2-3 NO2 DFL 2x4: P= 1677C 0.057 Mm=2107 Mp=730 0.489= 0.546 BC 4-3 NO2 DFL 2x4: P=1535T0.271 Mm=1059Mp=9420.205= 0.476 WB 4-2 STDB DFL 2x4: P= 146T 0.059 IC AXIAL: 1-2 -1677, 2-3 -1677 BC AXIAL: 14 1535, 4-3 1535 WB AXIAL: 4-2 146 Jt: X,Y 1: 1,0.3 3: -1,0.3 3/4=1' OAK AVENUE LLC - LOT I - CARLSBAD\W0KING\B1 *lx Bracing UNO GRAD SPEC SIZE **2x4 Bracing TC NO2 DFL 2X4 By Others BC: NO2 DFL 2X4 WEB: STDB DFL 2X4 SPCG: PLF OC TCLL: 40 PLF TCDL: 28 x1.05 BCLL: BCDL: 19 DUR LDG FCTR: 1.25 3.5' Min Brg Wdth UNO Plates: TP500 20gun0 Centered on joint TJNO /ØSI,e (('( C38409 Exp. 3-31-11 1*11 Nr Cl v— OF CAL Hanson Truss, Inc. and signing engineer accept no responsibility for the accuracy, structural ad- equacy or any other fea- ture of this design unless specifically fabricated by Hanson Truss, Inc. HANSON TRUSS, INC. DATE: 8/24/09 LE DRWG #s Defl@4: TL= .12in L/999 LL= .04inL/999 Bi Laterally brace B/C with gypsum shtg. or cont. lateral support not to exceed 10' oc Lot 1 Ll S Multiple Load Cases: Rcts, Forces & Csi's are worst case Code: CBC07 Rbdg:N 2-Ply TC 2-3 NO2 DFL 2x4: P=2949C 0.097 Mm= 1587 Mp= 1620 0.335= 0.432 BC 1-7 NO1 DFL 2x6: P=2812T0.311 Mm=4513 Mp=41360.367= 0.678 WB 7-3 STDB DFL 2x4: P= 1907T 0.775 TC AXIAL: 1-2 -2976, 2-3 -2949, 3-4 -1458, 4-5 -1471 BC AXIAL: 1-7 2812, 7-6 1233, 6-5 1382 WB AXIAL: 7-2 81, 7-3 1907, 3-6 198, 6-443 5'-6" 12 2'-! 15/16" 6X6 Jt:X,Y 1: 1,0.3 5: -1,0.3 3/411 OAK AVENUE LLC - LOT I - CARLSBAD\WORKING\B2 10.71 RCTS: 1 5 MXVRT: 3008 1158 MXHOR: 4 0 1 +1000H 1.4000H 2-Ply: Nail TCw/16d @ 9in oc Nail BC w/16d @ 4in oc NOTE: TRUSS TO TRANSFER 1000 LBS MAX LATERAL FORCE 12 UNO GRAD SPEC SIZE **2x4 Bracing TC: NO2 DFL 2X4 By Others BC: NO1 DFL 2X6 WEB: STDB DFL 2X4 SPCG:.. PLF• OC 2-PLY TCLL: 40 PLF TCDL: 28 x1.05 BCLL: (26) BCDL: 452 DUR LDG FCTR: 1.25 3.5' Min Brg Wdth UNO Plates: TP500 20g uno Centered on joint UNO V 14 - C38409 Exp. 3-31-11 \\ 4/ Defi @ 7: TL= .17in L/756 LL= .07in L/999 - Laterally brace B/C with gypsum shtg. or cont. lateral Hanson Truss, Inc. and signing engineer accept no responsibility for the accuracy, structural ad- equacy or any other fea- ture of this design unless specifically fabricated by Hanson Truss, Inc. HANSON TRUSS, INC. DATE: 8/24/09 LE DRWG #s B2 not to exceed 10' oc Lot 1 BASE LOADS: 1.25: 20 14 10 5 PSF Wind: Exp B, Spd 85 LC 1: 1.25: 40 28 452: 7-5 24,7 1998 1.6: 025198:7-522,7905,1-5 +-93H,1 -+1000H 1.25: 0 28 26 24: 1-7 246,7 1998 1.6: 0 19 147: 7-5 16,7 670,1-5 S-39 wind LM Multiple Load Cases: Rcts, Forces & Csi's are worst case Code: CBC07 Rbdg:N 2-Ply TC 2-3 NO2 DFL 2x4: P=2707C 0.096 Mm= 1075 Mp=741 0.242= 0.338 BC 9-8 NO2 DFL 2x4: P=2855T 0.505 Mm=771 Mp=331 0.149= 0.654 WB 9-3 STDB DFL 2x4: P=317T 0.129 TC AXIAL: 1-2 -2819, 2-3 -2707, 3-4 -2550, 4-5 -2550, 5-6 -2707 6-7-2819 BC AXIAL: 1-9 2660, 9-8 2855, 8-7 2660 WB AXIAL: 2-9 -97, 9-3 317, 9-4 -360, 4-8 -360, 8-5 317, 8-6 -97 8'-O" 12 2X3 Jt:X,Y 7: -1,0.3 3/8=1' OAK AVENUE LLC - LOT I - CARLSBAD\WORKING\CI BASE LOADS: 1.25: 20 14 10 5 PSF Wind: Exp B, Spd 85 1.25: 40 28 25: 3-5 174,3 566,5 566 1.6: 0 19 17: 3-5 49,3 160,5 160,1-7 S-39 wind / 3.5" Min Brg Wdth UNO Plates: TP500 20g uno Centered on joint UNO 4 ESSIoN (('( C38409 Exp. 3-31-11 1*11 OF A Hanson Truss, Inc. and signing engineer accept no responsibility for the accuracy, structural ad-equacy or any other fea-ture of this design unless specifically fabricated by Hanson Truss, Inc. HANSON TRUSS, INC.. (panel pts equal division uno) DATE: 8/24/09 LE 221-6" DRWG #s S Defi @4: TL= .44in L/606 LL= . l8in L/999 Camber 1/4in C 1 Lot 1 Laterally brace B/C with gypsum shtg. or cont. lateral support not to exceed 10' oc - 22.21 1 RCTS: 1 7 MX YRT: 2000 2000 @ Carrier 2-Ply: Nail TC w/16d @ 9in oc Nail BC w/16d @ 12in oc 2-8 1/4" 3X10 3X 3X10 12 HFL H2- 4X8 143 3X 4X8 3X UNO GRAD SPEC SIZE **2x4 Bracing TC: NO2 DFL 2X4 By Others nr,r .,,y WEB: SUB DFL 2X4 SPCG: PLF oc 2-PLY TCLL: 40 PLF TCDL: 28 x1.05 BCLL: BCDL: 25 DUR LDG FCTR: 1.25 V. Multiple Load Cases: Rcts, Forces & Csi's are worst case V V BASE LOADS: 1.25: 2014 105PSF Wind: Exp B, Spd 85 V V TJNO GRAD SPEC SIZE Code: CBC07 Rbdg:N 1-Ply LCI: 1.25: 4028 10: 10-9 FAS100 **2x4 Bracing TC: NO2 DEL 2X4 TC 2-3 NO2 DFL 2x4: P=1831C 0.046 Mm=4224 Mp=4235 0.916= 0.962 LC2: UNBALANCED LIVE LOADS. By Others BC 9-8 NO2 DEL 2x4: P= 1682T 0.297 Mm=2219 Mp=2851 0.552= 0.849 LC3: 1.25: 0 28 20 10: 10-9 FAS100 BC NO2 DFL 2X4 WB 9-7 STDB DFL 2x4: P608C 0.227 LC4: 1.6: 0 19 7: 10-9 FAS67,1-8 S-39 wind WEB: STDB DEL 2X4 TC AXIAL: 1-2 -2382, 2-3 -1831, 3-4 -1636, 4-5 -1658, 5-6 -1636 V 6-7 -1831 7-8 -2382 V 3 4 5 6 V V SPCG: 24 OC BC AXIAL: 1-102225, 10-9 1658, 9-82225 WB AXIAL: 2-10 -615, 10-3 401, 9-6 401, 9-7 -615 V V 1 8 TCLL: 40 PLF V A o TCDL. 28 xl.05 I 10 9 V 22.21 1 BCLL: (20) RCTS: 1 8 V BCDL: 10 MXVRT: 930 930 V 10-9 NO2 DEL 2x4SC V V V V DUR LDG FCTR: 125 MX UPL: -101 -101 V V : 3.5' Min Brg Wdth UNO Plates: TP500 V V V• 20guno Centered on joint UNO 'I - 10'4 1/2" :. V V V V 343/4 V Jt: X,Y 1 1,0.3 8: 1,0.3 3/8=1' OAK AVENUE LLC - LOT 1 - CARLSBAD\WORKING\C2 E DATE: 8/24/09 DRWG #s Defi @ 9: TL= .65in L/410 LL= .37in L/720 Camber 5/16in C2 Laterally brace B/C with gypsum shtg. or cont. lateral support not to exceed 10' oc Lot 1 '( C3E409 *\ Exp. 3-31-11 J* Hanson Truss, Inc. and signing engineer accept no responsibility for the accuracy, structural ad-equacy or any other fea-ture of this design unless specifically fabricated by Hanson Truss, Inc. HANSON TRUSS, INC. LE BASE LOADS: 1.25: 20 14 10 5 PSF Wind:- Exp B, Spd 85 1.25: 4028 10: 11-10 FAS100 UNBALANCED LIVE LOADS. 1.25:028 20 10: 11-10FAS100 1.6: 0 197: 11-10 FAS67,1-9 S-39 wind RCTS: 1 9 MXVRT: 949 949 MX1JPL: -88 -88 12 - 2X3 i4. Multiple Load Cases: Rcts, Forces & Csi's are worst case Code: CBC07 Rbdg:N 1-Ply TC 4-5 NO2 DFL 2x4: P=424T 0.075 Mm=3473 Mp=3967 0.768= 0.843 BC 1-11 NO2 DFL 2x4: P= 1774T 0.314 Mm= 1382 Mp= 1694 0.328= 0.641 WB 10-8 STDB DFL 2x4: P=534C 0.199 TC AXIAL: 1-2 -2422, 2-3 -1927, 3-4-1741, 4-5424, 5-6424 6-7 -1741, 7-8 -1927, 8-9 -2422 BC AXIAL: 1-112260, 11-10 1763, 10-92260, 46-2210 WB AXIAL: 2-11 -592, 11-3 377, 10-7 377, 10-8 -592 11-10 NO2 DFL 2x4SC 12 4 2X3 9:4,03 3/8=1' OAK AVENUE 'LLC - LOT I - CAPLSBAO\WORKING\C UNO GRAD SPEC SIZE **2x4 Bracing By Others TC: NO2 DFL 2X4 BC: NO2 DFL 2X4 WEB: STDB DFL 2X4 SPCG: 24 OC TCLL: 40 PLF TCDL: 28 xl.05 BCLL: (20) BCDL: . 10 3X6 3X8 3X8 2X3 2X3 30 in "~ VF SPACE 3X4 STACK 2x@ FAU 3X 3X4 - (panel pis equal division uno) 22'-6" . •DUR LDG FCTR: 1.25 3.5" Min Big Wdth UNO - - Plates: TP500 20gun0 Centered on joint UNO ESSI 1(( C38409 Exp. 3-31-I1 1*)) zVD- OF CA - Hanson Truss, Inc. and signing engineer accept - no responsibility for the accuracy, structural ad- 3X8 • equacy or any other fea- ture of this design unless specifically fabricated by Hanson Truss, - Inc HANSON .. - TRUSS, INC. DATE: 8/24/09 LE - - DRWG#s Defi © 11: TL= .5in L/533 LL= .22in L/999 Camber 5/16in C3 Ltérally brace B/C with gypsum shtg. or cont. lateral support not to exceed 10' oc Lot 1 ' Multiple Load Cases: Rcts, Forces & Csi's are worst case BASE LOADS: 1.25: 20 14 10 5 PSF Wind: Exp B, Spd 85 *4 Bracing UNO GRAD SPEC SIZE Code: CBC07 Rbdg:N 1-Ply LC1: 1.25: 4028 10: 10-9 FAS100 By Others NO2 DFL 2X4 0 TC 2-3 NO2 DFL 2x4: P=1775C 0.045 Mm=4144 Mp=4041 0.903= 0.948 LC2: UNBALANCED LIVE LOADS. TC: z BC NO2. DR 2X4 BC 1-10NO2 DFL 2x4: P= 1562T 0.276 Mm=2439 Mp=3030 0.586= 0.862 LC3: 1.25: 0 28 20 10: 10-9FASI00 - WB 9-7 STDB DFL 2x4: P611C 0.228 LC4: 1.6: 0 19 7: 10-9 FAS67,1-8 S-39 wind WEB: STDB DR 2X4 (I) TCAXIAL 12-2223 231775, 3-4 1594, 45 1614, 5-6 -1594 (1) 6-7 1783 7-8 -2337 3.4 '. 5 SPCG 24 oc BC AXIAL: 1-10 2058, 10-9 1614, 9-8 2184 . .. 2. . 7 .. . WB AXIAL 2-10494, 10-3369, 9-6387, 9-7-617 1 8 TCLL 40 PLF I- xl 05 102194 9 (20) RCTS: 1 8 . BCDL: 10 Z MXVRT: 920 919 . DUR LDG FCTR: 125 10-9 NO2 DR 2x4SC MX IJPL: -99 -100 3.5" Min Brg Wdth UNO Plates: TP500 . 10'-9 1/4" 20gun0 . Centered ojomt UNO LU . . . ØESSIO 10'-11/2" . 0 . 34 3/4fl . . . . Cr C38409 Exp. 3-31-11 LL * 2X3 2X3 . . CrV p H 12 .. 12 Of' cA 0 '.. JFL. 2X3I Hanson Truss, Inc. and - - 30 in . LL 'WORK' SPACE . 0'-3 1/fi X6 F Li signing engineer accept no responsibility for the - 0 . . " . . . 3X8 . accuracy, structural ad- equacy or any other fea- LA) I ture of this design unless fabricated Q . specifically . Jt: x,y . by Hanson Truss, Inc. HANSON. 1:1,0.3 . . . . . 0 8:4,03 STACK 2x" FAU W 3X4 INC. TRUSS,____________________ . LUS26 2Ply K6BC . T rrc i)l ionr . . . 3/8" = 1' LUU kLi ton . . - (panel pts equal division uno) DATE: 12/3/09 KYU DRWG #s LIJS28 2P1y2 10BC . . 22'76" - . Defi @ 9: TL .75in L/351 LL= .39m L/675 Camber 3/8in Kcr=1.5 - 1 Z OAK AVENUE LLC LOT I - CARLSBAD\WORKING\C4. . - . . . LaterallybraceB/Cwithgypsumshtg. orcont. lateralsupportnottoexceed 10' oc -- lAJt I p 3X10 011 12 JtX,Y 1:10.3 7:-1,0.3 J 3X llI{US26-2 2Ply26BC 3/8' = 11111US26-2 2Ply28BC H11US26-2 2Ply910BC OAK AVENUE LLC LOT I - CARLSBAO\WOPKING\C5 Multiple Load Cases: Rcts, Forces & Csi's are worst case Code: CBC07 Rbdg:N 2-Ply TC 1-2 NO2 DFL 2x4: P=2589C 0.065 Mm=2205 Mp=2868 0.555= 0.619 BC 9-8 NO2 DFL 2x4: P=2794T 0.494 Mm=922 Mp=443 0.178= 0.672 WB 8-5 STDB DFL 2x4: P=307T 0.125 TC AXIAL: 1-2 -2589, 2-3 -2600, 3-4 -2461, 4-5 -2517, 5-6 -2672 6-7 -2783 BC AXIAL: 1-9 2423, 9-8 2794, 8-7 2627 WB AXIAL: 2-9 89, 9-3 258, 9-4 -393, 4-8 -327, 8-5 307, 8-6 -97 BASE LOADS: 1.25: 20 14 105 PSF Wind: Exp B, Spd 85 1.25: 4028 25: 3-5 174,3 566,5 566 1.6:019 17: 3-5 49,3 160,5 160,1-7S-39 wind 21.94 RCTS: 1 7 MXVRT: 1998 1976 @Carrier 2-Ply: Nail TC w/16d @ 9in oc Nail BCw/16d@l2inoc UNO GRAD SPEC SIZE **2x4 Bracing TC: NO2 DFL 2X4 By Others BC: NO2 DFL 2X4 WEB: STDB DFL 2X4 SPCG: PLF OC 2-PLY TCLL: 40 PLF TCDL: 28 x1.05 BCLL: BCDL: 25 DURLDGFCTR: 1.25 3.5' Min BrgWdthUNO Plates: TP500 20g uno Centered on joint UNO ((ia4o9 28 114'X4 FL 3X10 Nr 14 12 ** ** ** OF CA\_ 2X3 . Hanson Truss, Inc. and signing engineer accept noresponsibility for the 4X structural ad- 8 equacy or any other fea- ?3- ture of this design unless specifically fabricated by Hanson Truss, Inc. H 3X8 3X ANSON TRUSS, INC. (panel pts equal division uno) . DATE: 8/24/09 LE 221-6" DRWG #s - Defi @ 4: TL= .46in L/572 LL= .19th L1999 Camber 1/4th c5 Laterally brace B/C with gypsum shtg. or cont. lateral support not to exceed 10' oc I. Lot 1 31 1/2' KA- 11 m w 711 ~u C13 Qu, CL c_a)- c cc - 0)- oza Z Ui Li FRO Z zu zI I- U z 1-1 Ilk TOP & BOTTOM CHORDS if T 2X4 HEAD- OUT 0 T&B 2X4 RAFTER OR CJ. \/ ATK 2x4 HEA0\ (2) 16d's © I EA. END, TYP. - / OUT IThETA H -ZflV -Zr\ ATTIC' LJLI/—\IL SJUAJU /\I I' D) - 0 w ii I-. ESSi Lii (( No. 38409 1)J w a Exp. 3/31/11 jJJ LO z z LU 0 0 C., I, [] Ll C LOOSE JACK RAFTER S FIRST COMMON TRUSS 2 2x4 BLOCK x4 BL' HIP TRUSS 2x4 RAFT7 SECTION SEE SECTION 'A 2x4 RAFTER LINE OF PLATED 2X4's © ALTERNATE STACKED HIP RAFTER. CONTINUOUS HIP BEAM WJTAIL RIPPED TO 2x4 L.L. PLUS D.L. < 36 PSr USE #2 DFL 2x6 FOR SET BACK OF 7-2" OR LESS USE #1 DEL 2x6 FOR SET BACK OF 7-3" TO —5" USE #2 DEL 2x8 FOR SET BACK OF 7'-6' TO 8'-0' BLK w/(4)16a TO TRUSS (ALTERNATE BA (2)16d END NAILS DOUBLE TRUSS AT 1ST HIP ONLY WHEN REQUIRED, REFER TO ENGINEERING SET BACK VARIES TO 80° (WITH 2x4 TOP CHORD) BOTTOM CHORD ONLY V WHEN REQUIRED JACKS W/BOUOM CHORDS (WHEN REQUIRED) OR 2x4 RAFTERS S/0 FES IP TRUSS ATTACH B.C. TO TOP PLATE W/3-12d NAILS ' OOSE JACK RAFTER No 38409 Exp. 3/31f11 PLAN VIEW .C. OF r ma 11 2X4 CONT. LATERAL BRACING BY OTHERS AT 24 ON CENTER -uzc (2)16d NAILS 09 TYPICAL ca 0 TRUSS fl zDili JACK TRUSS TOP CHORD 4 0z 5 SECTION—"C" I I- (DO z F- I Z w a. - ° C) 2X BILK. B/O UNDER HIP LL RAFTER 16d (BLK NOT REQUIRED © Z 0 STACKED 2X4s) Z o L. - HIP RAFTER 1ST HIP TRUSS U> 0 2X BLKG.B/O (ALT. BAYS)' o SECTION 'A' WA/V 0 2x4 VALLEY RAFTERS W/(3) 16d NAILS - TOE NAIL TO RIDGE (TYP) 'cc05/:!,° 2x6 #3 DFL RIDGE SUPPORTED AS SHOWN Exp. 3/31 on z CIVs. oxz NOTE! FOR SHORTER VALLEY OF CM I z FILLS ESTIMATE LONGER MEMBERS' - _ _ U>. AND RESPECTIVE DETAILS __ 1' Uzo - CL o, . Lii 1 m Cl N ii L ZU GABLE OVERSTACK VALLEY FILL TO 36'-0 —0' MAX 01 01 7 L..... 2x4 POST TO PURLIN UNDER RAFTER AT 8—O" 2x4 POST TO BEARING. GABLE END OR GIRDER (TYP) 2x4 SCAB ON IF RAFTER BEARS ON TOP CHORD AND IS 2'-0 OR GREATER FROM THE PANEL POINT NOTCH POST FOR PURLIN (TYP) 2X FULL BEARING WIDTH NAILER w/(2)16d NAILS PER TRUSS BELOW RIDGE NOTES: 1 ROOF LIVE LOAD + DEAD LOAD = 34 PSF. VALLEY RAFTERS TO BE MIN. 2x4 NO2 GRADE DOUG—FIR. CLEAR SPANS NOT TO EXCEED 7'-0" FOR 34 PSF LOADING. ALL NAILING PER C.B.C. 2007 EXCEPT AS NOTED. PROVIDE SOLID BLOCKING BETWEEN TRUSSES TO SUPPORT RIDGE ALL POST & PURLIN MATERIALS TO BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS. HIP COMMON SOFFIT RETURN IF GREATER THAN 2-0" -c- 2X SLEEPERS HIP OVERSTACK " I .11. RLINE (ON JOI // .. 91 I( No. 38409 IIJ Ep. 3/31/11 J}J Ln MY omz N\ UZO < z OU kD LLJ z Ar. OFF SET CONDITIONS . . (n .. .. LU 0 0 LLJ 00 to LLI ui ry 0 U L -. v / 7 I I . L U .i (3_- .1/ . Wz Li / Jg * Li> TYPICAL CENTERLINE ON JOINT OFF SET CONDITIONS *1x Bracing II LINO GRAD SPEC SIZE By Others IC: NO2 DFL 2X4 ILC2: 1.33: 032 10:111-3 12011.3-5 120H,118-5 17 LOAD CASE 2 (LATERAL CALCSJ DURATION LOADING FACTOR & LOADS IN PLF HORIZONTAL LOADS APPLIED TO TOP CHORDS UNIFORM & CONCENTRATED LOADS (WITHOUT LIVE BC: NO2 DFL 2X8 WEB: STDB DFL 2X4 SPCG: PLF 2-PLY ICLL: 32 TCDL: 32 BCLL: BCDL: 10 Em Multiple Load Cases: Rcts, Forces & Csi's are worst case 5 FORCE IN COMPRESSION Code: PSA Rbdg:Y 2-Ply TOP CHORD AXIAL STRESS INDEX ?AID PANEL MOMENT TC 4-5 NO2 DFL 2x4: IP=4415 PANEL POINT MOMENT _____ OP CHORD BENDING STRESS INDEX BC 6-5 NO2 DFL 2x8: IP=4072T110.4341 Mm=7759 Mp=2518 0.4501 _____ 0.884 OMBINED STRESS INDEX BOT CHORD BENDING STRESS INDEX L____BOT. CHORD AXIAL STRESS INDEX TC AXIAL: 1-2 -3721, 2-3 -3049, 3-4 -3057, 4-5 -4415 FORCE IN TENSION BC AXIAL: 1-8 3412, 8-7 3412, 7-6 4072, 6-5 4072 1VB AXIAL: 8-2 541, 2-7 -769, 7-3 2136, 7-4 -1397, 6-4 900 LOAD CASE I nrrflAq'Tlnr 1AAflJMI' 1'Iisq'Afl UU[UiitUI1 L.Ut'tuUUJ r fit, lvft & LOADS IN PLF UNIFORM LOADS FROM JOINTS 8 TO 5 CONCENTRATED LOADS AT JOINT 8— 2-Ply: Nail TC w/16d @ 12in oc OUR LOG FCTR: 125 Nai BC w/16d @ 61n oc . 3.5" Min 8rg Width UNO NOTE: TRUSS TO TRANSFER 120 PLF LATERAL FORCE Plates: IP- 500 ICBO:5039 1*2.3996 Centered on joint UNO J ESS/ON 5 -1 9/16"" R No. 38409 1 \ Ep. 3/31/11 3 2 > 4 22.71 ,r. RCTS: 1 5 MX VRT: 3164 4610 'MX HOR: -2724 0 S S 3/8"=i' PANEL POINT LOCATIONS SHALL BE EQUAL DIVISIONS UNLESS NOTED OR DIMENSIONED OTHERWISE Hanson Truss, Inc. and signing Engineer accept no responsibility for the accuracy, structural adequacy or any other lecture of this design unless specifically fabricated (5 by Hanson Truss, Inc. HANSON TRUSS, INC. DATE: 8/23/00 PD DRWG#s TL Dell ® 7= .3fl SAMPLE CAL Ll TRUSS BOTTOM CHORD Sslo CD TRUSS CLIP OR (1)16d A TRUSS BOTT CH OM RD 1X PLATE No. 38409 R U LIP 2X PLATE \EPl/.j . cz oocz I OFCA\ A fi .. I cl Z : I IN\//II C. NON-BEARING. PARTITION PERPENDCUR TO TRUSS SECTION A-A I H H 2X BLKG. AT 2'-0 D.C. '1' TYPICAL I B f- Z I I I z TRUSS BOTTOM CHORD 40 (1) 16d NAILS .-----/ . . - . X—BRACING EVERY THIRD Q . O.C. - LK BAYATO—O .-. u_ 0 (TYP.) Z . 0 BLK ATTACH w/(2)16d . 0 o NAILS AT EACH END . o z NON-BEARING PARTITION PARALLEL TO TRUSS SECTION B-B C.) 14 TRUSSES SPACED AS REQUIRED CHAMFERED OR QUAREBQUAREBLOCK F- ®NAIL TRUSS C PER ARCH. PLANS Im o cr TO BLOCK ONAIL SPACER 0 IL Lli .(3)6dTYP_4_________ 0 ________ ________ Z IL \ . I O° \ - I 0 EXTERIOR WALL - 0 0 . .0 of U-i 0 - jSET NEXT TRUSS - 0 • 4 SAÔ( NAIL. AFTER . - im U.. ui ALL TRUSSES ARE PLATE C f- FOR FLAT TRUSSES w/SPANS ERECTED 0 . 0 . 0 GREATER THAN 2O'Qi' TRUSS AT EXTERIOR WALL 0 SECTION C-C . SSION Ll NOTE: COMPRESSION WEBS MAY OCCUR AT ANY ANGLE, THEREFORE THE 45 DIAGONAL IS NAILED TO THE WEB ON THE SAME PLANE THAT THE WEB OCCURS. PLEASE SEE FIGURE 1(d) IN THE COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR BRACING WOOD TRUSSES BY T.P.I Inc. FOUND IN THE INSIDE FRONT COVER OF OUR SHOP DRAWINGS. ESS/ In a z I 0 ll No. 38409 .1II J' Eip. 3/31/11 2X4 SCAB____ OF !H COMPRESSION WEB EL Ix D —t" h A A SECTION 0 • - I z -• -. U 2X4SCA TRUSS WEB 16 ©12 O.C. 0 al ILI SECTION A—A • O) (I) • ci 0 IRACING CL -• o I No. 38409 E. 3/31/11 CP SHEAR VALUES DIRECTION OF LOAD WITH RESPECT TO LENGTH GAGE no .0° qQo 1700 1500 a a *NOTE: FULL COPY AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST 20 DFL 153 1 151 91 108. 20 HF _11_ 117 87 87 20 SPF 120 1 113 88 T 98 20 LVL 118 96 112 1 134 18 DEL 114 126 85 102 18 HF 108 103 71 68 18 SPF j128 119 85 70 20 1246 880 18 1367 1086 -Values are pounds per inch per pair of plates 20 545 650 11064 1 6261 357 I 401 18 654 676 1228 649 1438 497 -Values are pounds per inch per pair ci plates TIMBER PRODUCTS INSPECTION, INC. dba GENERAL TESTiNG AND INSPECTION AGENCY 1O SB 2c"AVBN1ie VANCUVEB WAMR4 Timber Prow= Inspection (TP) and General Teeang and lnspetun are code r ogntano by the lalemnI Coninca of Building Officials (ICEO ES.) whcl, as :f .anuar I, became lila Iflieniaronat Acoedaalion SerwceInc (LAS) with the new assignnd number of M-664. Tha is tovenfythat MANSON TRUSS, INC CHINO. CA Is cursenty an actro member in good standing in Ifla IP Third Parry Truss Auditing Program and han been site JUL'r 1991 BRIAN l-4ENSLY TRUSS MANAGER - WESTERN DIVISION L.A.CITY R.R 23996 I .C.C. ESR-2765 *SUMMARY OF I.C.C. EVALUATION REPORT ESR-2765 REISSUED ON NOVEMBER 1, 2008 TP-500 TRUSS PLATES LATERAL RESISTANCE VALUES DIRECTION OF GRAIN & LOAD WITH RESPECT TO LENGTH (AGF SPECIES M EA AE EE -Values are pounds per square inch of plate contact area -mates are installed in pairs on opposite faces of truss member -Values are based on cross area method TENSION VALUES DIRECTION OF LOAD WITH RESPECT TO LENGTH GAGE QO 900 . = I Bottom chordal trusses (typical) Reef purlin (typical) l-Top chords can buckle despite frequent pathos . S S S 'S Diagonals form braced bay at approximately 201001 intemals, repeal at both ends. 1 Fr Continuous lateral bracing I I I 4=I, 'it - All lap chords -'poim. spaced 8 fee, 10 .a, I can buckle together it there tacaled at or new a panel Is no diagonal bracing h Ridge line 6 S S Added diagonal bracing In the plane of the web members, prevents lateral Space: 12 feel to 18 feet On center across building for mots. Space: 0 feet on center across ba11d1n5 for fleets Figure 4(8) Trusses (typical) lateral retains I permits Figure 4(b) between laterals placed at approximately 45 degrees is recommended for stability of the bottom chord. Diagonal bracing in the plane of the bottom chord is generally not required throughout the length of the building, but it is recommended that it be located at least at each end of the building. In most cases, temporary bracing in the plane of the bottom chord is installed at the locations specified on the architectural plan for permanent bracing, and is, therefore, left in place as permanent bracing. Figure 5 illustrates bracing in the plane of the bottom chord. Full bundles of plywood should not be placed on trusses. This construction load should be limited to 8 sheets of plywood on any pair of trusses and should be located adjacent to the supports. No excess concentration of any construction materials (such as gravel or shingles) Diagonals bracing sailed 10 under side 01 top chord prevents lateral mouomenf of top chord. Ridge line Top chord (typical) Figure 6(b) If purlins are used, spaced not exceed the buckling length of the top chord, and adequately attached to the fop chord, if is recommended that diagonal bracing be applied to the underside of the top chord to prevent lateral shifting of the purlins. Figures 6(a) illustrates the necessity for applying diagonal bracing in the plane of the top chord despite the use of closely spaced purlins. - It is recommended that this diagonal bracing, as shown in Figure 6(b), be installed on both sides of the ridge line in all end bays. If the building exceeds 60 feet in length, this bracing should be repeated at intervals no greater that 20 feet. 2. Web Master Plane. The purpose bracing is to hold the trusses in a vertical position and to maintain the design spacing. In addition, this lateral bracing maybe required to shorten the buckling 13 Figure 5 should be placed on the trusses in any one area; they should be spread out evenly over a large area so as to avoid overloading any one truss. All mechanical equipment should be located only on the trusses specifically designed to support it. It should not be dropped or even set temporarily any other area unless the trusses are adequately shored. All floor trusses should be adequately shored if pallets of masonry materials are to be stored temporarily until the next higher walls are finished. STAGE THREE: Permanent Bracing is designed and specified by the architect or engineer for the structural safety of the building. It is the responsibility of the building designer to indicate size, location, and attachments for all permanent bracing as required by design analysis. In general, it is desirable to design and locate all bracing so that it may work together with other structural parts of the building (such as shear walls, portal frames, bearing walls, columns, beams, etc.) to achieve total integrity. length of a web member. As described earlier in the discussion of building design and truss design (STAGE ONE), diagonal bracing or end anchorage is essential to stabilize the lateral bracing. Diagonal bracing in the plane of the web members is also used to distribute unequal loading to adjacent trusses and to spread lateral forces to diaphragms or shear walls. Spacing of rows of diagonal bracing in the plane of the webs is matter of judgment to be made by the building designer, and will depend upon the truss span, truss configurations, type of building, and the loading. Generally, for roof trusses, the spacing ranges from 12 feet to 16 feet depending upon how it relates to the bracing in the plane of the top chord. For floor trusses the cross bracing should be approximately 8 feet on centers. Lateral 2x6 strong-backs may also be used for some floor systems. Figure 1 and Figure 4 illustrate bracing in the plane of the webs. For multiple bearing trusses or cantilever conditions, portions of the bottom chord become compression members and should be braced laterally to resist buckling in the same manner as the top chord of simple span trusses. Bracing in the plane of the bottom chord is also designed to transfer lateral forces due to wind or seismic loads into side walls, hear walls or other resisting structural elements. Diagonals between continuous lateral bracing serve to stabilize the bottom chord. It is recommended that one complete bay of diagonal bracing be installed at each end of any building, and additional such bays be located at specified intervals no to exceed 20 feet. Figure 5 illustrates the use of bracing in the plane of the bottom chord. These recommendations for bracing wood trusses have been derived from the collective experience of leading technical personnel in the wood truss industry but must, due to the nature of responsibilities involved, be presented only as a guide for the use of a qualified building designer, builder, or erection contractor. Figure 6(e) Permanent bracing must provide sufficient support at right angles to the plane of the truss to hold every truss member in the position assumed for it in design. In addition, permanenfbracing must be designed to resist lateral forces imposed on the completed building by wind or seismic forces. Permanent bracing may be subdivided into three logical components: 1. Top Chord Plane. This bracing is designed to resist lateral movement of the lop chord. If plywood floor or roof sheathing is properly applied with staggered joints and adequate nailing, a continuous diaphragm action is developed and additional bracing in the plane is generally not required. Some metal roofing materials may be depended upon to act as a diaphragm when properly lapped and nailed. Selection and use of these materials is at the discretion of the building designer. APPENDIX It is intended that this appendix contain only tentative recommendations that may be used as a guide for on-site handling and erection until a more complete statement can be prepared. There may be some instances in which additional precautions will be necessary. UNLOADING. If possible, trusses shall be unloaded on relatively smooth ground. They shall not be unloaded on rough terrain that would cause undue lateral strain that might result in distortion of truss joints. Dumping of trusses is an acceptable practice provided that the trusses are not damaged or excessively stressed in the act of dumping. The builder shall provide protection from damage that may be caused by on-site construction activity. STORAGE. Care shall be taken so as not to allow excessive bending of trusses or to allow tipping or toppling while the trusses are banded or when the banding is removed. If trusses fabricated with fire retardant treated wood must be stored prior to erection, they should be stored in a vertical position to prevent water containing chemicals leached from the wood from standing on the plates. A further precaution may be taken by providing a cover for the trusses that will prevent moisture from coming in direct contact with the trusses and which can be ventilated to prevent condensation. ERECTING TRUSSES. The truss erector or builder shall take the necessary precautions to insure that handling and erection procedures do not reduce the load-carrying capacity of the truss. Trusses shall be installed plumb, at specified spacing and in- plane (i.e., trusses will be property aligned). 3. Bottom Chord Plane. This bracing is required to maintain concouoas the truss design spacing and to provide lateral support to the bottom chord to resist buckling forces in the event of reversal of stress due to wind uplift or unequal roof or floor loadings. Tagline Ta5line Figure A(1) A suggested procedure for lifting trusses is illustrated in Figure A(1) if the truss span does not exceed 30 feet. Figure A(2) For truss spans between 30 feel and 60 feet a suggested lifting procedure is shown in Figure A(2). It should be noted that the lines from the ends of the spreader bar toe-in." If these lines should "toe- out," lhuywilltend to cause buckling of the (was. Figure A(3) For lifting trusses with spans in excess of 60 feet, it is recommended that a strong-back be used as illustrated in Figure A(3). The strong-back should be attached to the top chord and web members at intervals of approximately 10 feet. Further, the strong- backs should be at or above the mid-height of the truss so as to prevent overturning. The strong-back can be of any material with sufficient rigidityto adequately resist bending of the truss. PCR09170 1212 OAK AV C DEFERRED TRUSS SUBMITTAL FOR H BOTH 1212&1214(sEcoNoDWELuNGuNIr) OAK AV at 7/7 : E AhL NM - I - , :2:;1:: :. • - - - -