HomeMy WebLinkAbout1630 FARADAY AVE; ; CB973804; Permit03/25/98 15:09 Page 1 of 1 B U I L D I N G P E R M I T Permit No: CB973804 Proiect No: A9704905 Develop1nent No: Job Address: 1630 FARADAY AV Suite: Permit Type: COI~~ERCIAL BUILDING Parcel No: 212-130-22-00 Valuation: . 1,059,611 Lot#: 97 Occupancy Group: Reference#: 5406 03/25/98 0001 01 02 C-PRMT 132515a00 Construction Type: NEW Status: ISSUED Applied: 12/12/97 Apr/Issue: 03/25/98 Entered By: JM 546-0110 Description: NEW COMMERCIAL TILT-UP BLDG : 32,717 SF SHELL Appl/Ownr: AUSTIN DESIGN GROUP 9605 SCRANTION ROAD 619 . SAN DIEGO CA 92121 --------. ......_ *** Fees Required *** _,......,-*** F'ee-s Collected & Credits *** ___________________________ / ----...c··"""r~---":::,. ·-------------------------- F • 13 4 5 2 4 /.o_,, r, /:) ( ( I J\ \ F". "' ees. , ,, . v/.:.. \ '._,,.·, \ ~. / 1,: \ j (): .-, ':, Adjustments: / . o,q-""'\~. ( "'-· ·.c./-,"T~_~cti/s:;:redi"ts: . oo Total Fees: 134/524,lJ~,---::/"' Total.~~~~p.t\.: 2,009.00 I . :\ --/,,,.,·-;;:::./ ::.Ea,J'.an'de ,,Due\ 132,515. oo Fee description / ,..-~-"', '/ "'7,;;/ , . .,'S°Uhi t~s\'-:·?R@~/U:hi t Ext fee Data ..1,·, .......,, , I' k ,, : "' ·: . . \ v ,-\ -------------------1-;~~~--;---------~q-<-------\~~----~------------------ Bui lding Permit / .r··<:., /' ~~,"-· . ,-·.::::: --~·::.:-.-:-::-:· ,;,.··'/ \\ \."· ~) \ 3 6 6 0 . O O Plan Check : \,.~s,:.·"'~·~:.:-..-"'"""'"".'::--;;y ,,/', '1 2379.00 I ' -""",t... -~~ -· / ' ~.,.... t Strong Motion Fee; :'( f} / '\,-..,. .£1 ~ 'r :· .. /·· /[j\ (~:::;\ \ 223. oo Additional Plan C~ecRy~es t,~'i';'· ~ ",(S::: .~48_,'.. OOV<f-/ ~J . 2148. 00 Enter "Y" to AutoG::alc t1dense/~ ;<) 1;,-:J. l ~, /~, / 1 19285. oo Y ) \ ' "'-1. '1 i ,f· , r ~ ~i ~ t f Enter Traffic Impqct Fee \ <.:::...., ,j;/_.-_...._ >\' : /36 ~A{~\'-'· / / 3608. oo Pass-Thru Fees ( Y/N\} or Wa:twedJW~> ,,.;:i,f y W / N Payoff Fee for CFD' \ ;/ .....i.> r;;;.'f7'3'8.9~:-oo/ / 73894.00 Enter LFM.Fee(Zone \,11,fl~" Li tN~o~J;,;jgs7.9,.0 r / 13087.00 Enter #Units & Code-'1;(ot~~IE1_/~ ... ~!" > 1?s2 // l, \0 / 15360. 00 D2 Enter "Y" for Plumbing: l'z,$-~;~e ··-->-31.---~·· ... ~\\\ \( 20. 00 Y Each Building Sewer "----"""', /// ,-)., (<-_ .( .. ;,·,-..)\ ~ 1\ ') /15. O O 15. O o "'-'-• { " I r.--" 'f, , \ -.;;:_; / Each Roof Drain ",..., .....;-//>· (Y·\"._,>.,,\)4 / 7.00 28.00 Each Install/Repair Water t·ir:i..~ '· > <:;) ', ..... .J.,,..,/ 7. 00 7. 00 Enter "Y" for Electric Issue Fe·e-_ .. ~-----/ 10. 00 Y Three Phase Per AMP > 1600 ,50 800.00 Enter 'Y' for Mechanical Issue Fee> N __________ _,,, _____ _ I Fl APPPOVAL · INS~--DAI:.?· ( f 1 lcLEARANCE ____ _ ,_. a ;a w:z ;, na:itz;:..wwww um:: cauw CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 v'I O~& PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad (760) 438-1161 CA 92009 £-1· , . .v~ .. Av:~---------o . . . . .. """" ,w .. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN CH ECK NO ·--1--i~~~~- EST. VAL. _..><-;]::;...._"-I-"'~-½..,....,..~-,~- Validated By---""'--"-___;;'--::,---r-.,,..--7'=--- Date _______ .,,_,,'4'~-.w;,,_+--+-- Business Name (at this address) Unit No. Phase No. Total # of units 97 0001 01 C-·PRMT 02 2009u()() # of Bedrooms # of Bathrooms (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by ,1ny applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$500)). ~ Be tJto/%1r#/~L2 Name ' Address City State/Zip Telephone# State License# _________ _ License Class _________ _ City Business License # _______ _ Designer Name Address City State/Zip Telephone State License # --"--------- \~ .. °'i'l{Ol\l<.!;.~~~:gp~f&N$,AJI.Q~ ........ : :,,_ . . .. :.. .. .. ... ,. ..... :. .. .. . ... .... · .. · . ~-. ~--~---.: . :·--. . ; ·:. .: · .. ·. Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: 0 I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. 0 I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company_____________________ Policy No.____________ Expiration Date _______ _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$100] OR LESS) 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorney's fees. SIGNATURE ______________________________ DATE _________ _ ::,, ·;owNERfBUll:;DER DECLABA:TION; .. >: ·-_. . . ". . . • _,:..·,_. ---~---...... -· ...... ~-~ ~-·-----:.:.~ :,---l:~ -~ __ ,::·.~ ;.---·," ',::r -< ...... , I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: 0 I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is ~ Id · hin one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). -I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The ontractor' s License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). 0 I am exempt under Section ______ Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. 0 YES ~ 2. I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3. I h 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following pers number/ contractors license numberl=--~------------------------------------------- 5. I will provide some of the work, but I of workl=----------,,7'--+-----------\;;6-.---------------=-+-----,-,<-;,;-,o;,<----------- Is the applicant or future building occupa required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? 0 YES O NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? 0 YES O NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? 0 YES O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. l80,CQNsffiOc;r10~1;:nN<f'AGEl')!Cv' . ·-•.• :, . ~ ~-_-;, -·~· :·.,. ;::~~~·.:·.~-~~ --:~:·---·--"'' ._.'. ..... _ --- 1 hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097(i) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME 3!.,: ~.-APPbJJ::~1\1.r~.Pi;R:TIFICAJtQ~:' · .:.'.·.''.."_,·:··:::--;--:-: ·:-i. I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the Citt of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenc ithin 365 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is ~nll'!l~·ed for 10d of 180 days (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE ---7""-=---::_.,...~~..::__C4:.~£~::....!::::_ _____________ _ YELLOW: Applicant PINK: Finance \ 03/25/98 15:07 Page 1 of 1 Job Address: 1630 FARADAY AV S E W E R P E R M I T Suite: Permit No: SE980003 Bldg Planck#: CB973804 Permit Type: SEWER -OFFICE/WAREHOUSE Parcel No: 212-130-22-00 5406 03/25/98 0001 01 02 C-PRMT 17586-00 Description: NEW COMMERCIAL TILT-UP BLDG Status: ISSUED Applied: 01/12/98 Apr/Issue: 03/25/98 Expired: Permitee: AUSTIN DESIGN GROUP 619 546-0110 9605 SCRANTION ROAD Prepared By: MAM SAN DIEGO CA 92121 ------:~:.::::-;:-;---FINAL APPP.OVAL 1 INSPh-_ DAf.·: ___ _ lcLEARAN~E------~-------=-=--=-l... . CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 07/23/98 16:19 J?a,;re 1 of 1 B U I L D I N G Job Address: 1630 FARADAY AV Perrni t 'Type: WATER METER PERMIT Parcel No: 212-130-22-00 Valuati0n: o P E R M I T Suite: Lot#: 97 Permit Noi WI.,,[980062 Project No: A970490$ Developm,s,nt No: Occupancy Group: Reference#: Construction Type: NEW Status: ISSUED Applied: 07/23/98 Apr/Issue: 07/23/98 Entered By: ,JM ~,46-0110 D,?script ion: 1" METER CONNECT FEE 619 I I ' INSP.c==m===::::a DATE c::::c:::====== CLEARANCE CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 09/12/98 DATE 09/08/98 09/04/98 09/01/98 09/01/98 08/31/98 08/31/98 08/25/98 08/25/98 08/25/98 08/25/98 08/24/98 08/24/98 08/12/98 08/12/98 07/09/98 07/09/98 07/07/98 07/07/98 07/06/98 07/02/98 07/02/98 06/30/98 06/30/98 06/29/98 06/29/98 06/26/98 06/26/98 06/26/98 06/26/98 06/26/98 06/26/98 06/23/98 06/23/98 06/22/98 06/22/98 06/22/98 06/18/98 06/18/98 06/17/98 06/16/98 06/16/98 06/15/98 06/12/98 06/12/98 06/11/98 06/11/98 06/11/98 06/11/98 06/05/98 06/05/98 05/26/98 05/26/98 05/20/98 INSPECTION HISTORY LISTING FOR PERMIT# CB973804 INSPECTION TYPE Final Combo Final Combo Final Combo Final Combo Final Combo Final Combo Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel Rough Electric Rough/Ducts/Dampers Final Combo Final Combo Final Combo Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Rough Electric Rough Electric Interior Lath/Drywall Interior Lath/Drywall Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel Roof/Reroof Roof/Reroof Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel Interior Lath/Drywall Interior Lath/Drywall Rough Electric Rough Electric Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel Underground/Conduit-Wir Rough Electric Rough Electric Underground/Conduit-Wir Underground/Conduit-wir Roof/Reroof Roof/Reroof Roof/Reroof Roof/Reroo-f Roof/Reroof Roof/Reroof Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers steel/Bond Beam steel/Bond Beam Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Steel/Bond Beam Steel/Bond Beam Ftg/Foundation/Piers INSP ACT PD AP RI RI PD CO RI RI PD CO RI RI TP CO TP CO TP CO TP NR PD NS RI RI PD NR RI RI PD AP RI RI PD PA RI RI PD PA PD NS RI RI PD PA RI RI PD CO RI RI PS AP RI RI PS AP RI RI PS WC RI RI RI RI TP NR TP NR RI RI TP WC RI RI PD AP PD PA RI RI PD NS PD NR RI RI PD NS RI RI PD AP RI RI PD AP RI RI PD AP RI RI PD AP RI RI HIT <RETURN> TO CONTINUE •.. COMMENTS C/ROBERT SEE NOTICE ATTACHED C/CLIFF/ R/CLIFF/619-520-9129 T-BAR CEIL T-BAR CEIL T-BAR CEIL C/CLIFF/619/520-9129 C/CLIFF/918-9432 C/DAN/619/520-8732 AT STAIRS C/DAN/619/520-8732 STAIRS C/DAN/619/520-8732 PM PLEASE MEZZ FLR SHEATHING C/DAN/ FLOOR NAILING INSP FLR SHEATHING C/DAN/438-8429 ELEC & PHONE RMS C/DAN/438-8429 ONE SIDE ON ELEC & PHONE C/DAN/438-8429 C/DAN/438-8429 C/DAN/438-8429 PM PLEASE MEZ SHTING SITE U/G B/DAN/438-8429 C/DAN/438-8429 PARKING LOT PROCESS REVISIONS C/DAN/438-8429 C/DAN/438-8429 RAINING 12PM C/DAN/438-8429 C/DAN/438-8429 C/DAN/438-8429 POUR STRIP C/DAN/438-8429 PANELS C/DAN/438-8429 PM PLEASE ,, 09/12/98 INSPECTION HISTORY LISTING FOR PERMIT# CB973804 DATE INSPECTION TYPE INSP ACT COMMENTS 05/20/98 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD co 05/08/98 Steel/Bond Beam RI RI C/DAN/438-8429 05/08/98 Steel/Bond Beam PD AP PANELS 05/07/98 Steel/Bond Beam RI RI C/DAN/438-8429 05/07/98 Steel/Bond Beam PD PA PANELS 04/17/98 Ftg/Foundation/Piers RI RI C/DAN/438-8429 04/17/98 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD PA SLAB 04/14/98 Ftg/Foundation/Piers RI RI B/DAN/438-8429 04/14/98 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD AP 04/10/98 Ftg/Foundation/Piers RI RI C/DAN/438-8429 04/10/98 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD PA 04/10/98 Sewer/Water Service RI RI C/DAN/438-8429 04/10/98 Sewer/Water Service PD PA CONNECTION & B.W. VALVE 04/08/98 Ftg/Foundation/Piers RI RI C/DAN/438-8429 04/08/98 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD PA 04/08/98 Sewer/Water Service RI RI C/DAN/438-8429 PM PLEASE 04/08/98 Sewer/Water Service PD AP 04/07/98 Ftg/Foundation/Piers RI RI C/DAN/438-8429 04/07/98 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD PA 04/02/98 Underground/Under Floor RI RI C/DAN/438-8429 04/01/98 Sewer/Water Service PD co NO TEST 03/31/98 Underground/Under Floor PD PA AIR TEST 03/31/98 Sewer/Water Service RI RI C/DAN/438-8429 03/31/98 Sewer/Water Service PD co 03/27/98 Underground/Under Floor RI RI C/DAN/619/557-8961 AM PLEASE 03/27/98 Underground/Under Floor PD co UNDER MUD/WATER HIT <RETURN> TO CONTINUE ... CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT# CB973804 FOR 09/04/98 INSPECTOR AREA PD PLANCK# CB973804 OCC GRP DESCRIPTION: NEW COMMERCIAL TILT-UP BLDG 32,717 SF SHELL TYPE: COM JOB ADDRESS: 1630 FARADAY AV APPLICANT: AUSTIN DESIGN GROUP CONTRACTOR: OWNER: REMARKS: C/ROBERT SPECIAL INSTRUCT: TOTAL TIME: --RELATED PERMITS--PERMIT# SE980003 CB981514 FS980029 AS980102 SE980124 WM980062 RW980234 FAD98022 TYPE swow ITI FIXSYS ASC swow WMETER ROW FADD STE: CONSTR. TYPE NEW LOT: 97 PHONE: 619 546-0110 ::~::~ /2 /_ 7) /J~ INSPECTO~--~"'---=__..._~--- STATUS ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED CD LVL DESCRIPTION ACT COMMENTS 19 ST Final Structural 29 PL Final Plumbing 39 EL Final Electrical 49 ME Final Mechanical ------------------------------------------------------ ***** INSPECTION HISTORY***** DATE 090198 083198 082598 082598 082598 082598 082498 081298 070998 070798 070698 070298 063098 062998 062698 062698 062398 062298 061898 DESCRIPTION Final Combo Final Combo Rough/Ducts/Dampers Rough Electric Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Final Combo Final Combo Ftg/Foundation/Piers Rough Electric . Interior Lath/Drywall Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Roof/Reroof Interior Lath/Drywall Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Underground/Conduit-Wiring Underground/Conduit-Wiring ACT co co co co co NR NS NR AP PA PA NS PA co AP AP NR NR AP INSP PD PD TP TP TP TP PD PD PD PD PD PD PD PD PS PS TP TP PD COMMENTS SEE NOTICE ATTACHED T-BAR CEIL T-BAR CEIL T-BAR CEIL AT STAIRS STAIRS MEZZ FLR SHEATHING FLR SHEATHING ONE SIDE ON ELEC & PHONE ELEC & PHONE RMS MEZ SHTING SITE U/G PARKING LOT FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION DEPT: BUILDING ENGINEERING FIRE PLANNING CMWD ST LITE PLAN CHECK#: CB973804 PERMIT#: CB973804 PROJECT NAME: NEW COMMERCIAL TILT-UP BLDG 32,717 SF SHELL ADDRESS: 1630 FARADAY AV LOT# 97 CONTACT PERSON/PHONE#: C/CLIFF/619/520-9129 SEWER DIST: CA WATER DIST: CA INSPECTED~ BY: d INSPECTED BY: INSPECTED BY: COMMENTS: DATE g/e.1/Jg INSPECTED: • DATE INSPECTED: DATE INSPECTED: APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED DATE: 08/24/98 PERMIT TYPE: COM I DISAPPROVED DISAPPROVED DISAPPROVED FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION DEPT: BUILDING ENGINEERING FIRE {FLANNIN.G -------..; CMWD ST LITE PLAN CHECK#: CB973804 PERMIT#: CB973804 PROJECT NAME: NEW COMMERCIAL TILT-UP BLDG 32,717 SF SHELL ADDRESS: 1630 FARADAY AV LOT# 97 CONTACT PERSON/PHONE#: C/CLIFF/619/520-9129 SEWER DIST: CA WATER DIST: CA DATE: 08/24/98 PERMIT TYPE: COM INSPECTED BY: DATE INSPECTED: Cf ~4 % APPROVED 7 DISAPPROVED INSPECTED BY: INSPECTED BY: COMMENTS: DATE INSPECTED: DATE INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED APPROVED DISAPPROVED ., -· ' PLANNING DEPARTMENT FINAL INSPECTION CHECKLIST Project Name: ~ ~0> ,:J.:jJ-o/~/-<_,Plan Check No. CB 9? 3 o~ t..../ Address:/ 1=. :So ~~ Av t--f 97 Project Number: .:Fde{tellJtl..-~ f- Project Planner: 6'c-&--~ --::J..; s~ Extension Contact Person Phone o. Drawing No. Inspections Final Inspection Items 1st 2nd Approved All Items below Conform with Approved Site Plan VW7 1. Project Planner confirms conditions are met 2. Building elevations 3. Building materials V1 4. Building colors 5. Rooftop equipment screens ~ 6. Fence/wall height, location, and materials 7. Size, number and location of parking spaces ~ compact, regular, handicap 8. Outdoor recreation facilities 9. Employee eating areas ~ 10. Trash enclosure and location 11. Pavement treatment ~ 12. Street Addresses and mailboxes V\)g. 13. Landscaping installed (under separate contract) LIST BELOW ANY ADDITIONAL ITEMS REQUIRING SPECIAL ATTENTION BY MIKE BLACK: 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Project complies with all conditions, including above-listed items. Final inspection is complete. IM ,\it (J/LMi / q.~ -~-6 .. Mike Black Date (H:\ADMIN\COUNTER\Final Insp Check) 08/24/98 FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION DEPT: BUILDING ENGINEERING (FIRE PLANNING CMWD ST LITE PLAN CHECK#: CB973804 PERMIT#: CB973804 PROJECT NAME: NEW COMMERCIAL TILT-UP BLDG 32,717 SF SHELL ADDRESS: 1630 FARADAY AV LOT# 97 CONTACT PERSON/PHONE#: C/CLIFF/619/520-9129 SEWER DIST: CA WATER DIST: CA INSPECTED /l BY: L ·, INSPECTED BY: INSPECTED BY: COMMENTS: DATE INSPECTED: DATE INSPECTED: DATE INSPECTED: q/({ftr DATE: 08/24/98 PERMIT TYPE: COM 11 1 ,r.; 2 G 1998 APPROVED_& DISAPPROVED APPROVED DISAPPROVED APPROVED DISAPPROVED FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION DEPT: BUILDING ENGINEERING FIRE PLANNING CMWD· ST LITE PLAN CHECK#: CB973804 PERMIT#: CB973804 PROJECT NAME: NEW COMMERCIAL TILT-UP BLDG 32,717 SF SHELL ADDRESS: 1630 FARADAY AV LOT# 97 CONTACT PERSON/PHONE#: C/CLIFF/619/520-9129 SEWER DIST: CA WATER DIST: CA ''" .,, DATE: 08/24/98 PERMIT TYPE: COM ·--·-- BY: :;__--==::::-:::::;::.... __ INSPECTED: ~ ~ APPROVED 'V" DISAPPROVED IN~ DATE 9=3 7!'4 , / IN E ED~TE ---- BY: __________ INSPECTED: ___ APPROVED DISAPPROVED INSPECTED BY: COMMENTS: DATE INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION DEPT: BUILDING ENGINEERING FIRE PLANNING CMWD tST LITE PLAN CHECK#: CB973804 PERMIT#: CB973804 PROJECT NAME: NEW COMMERCIAL TILT-UP BLDG 32,717 SF SHELL ADDRESS: 1630 FARADAY AV LOT# 97 CONTACT PERSON/PHONE#: C/CLIFF/619/520-9129 SEWER DIST: CA WATER DIST: CA INSPECTED Uu.-DATE 8'\2LP{ctt BY: INSPECTED: INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: COMMENTS: l APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED ~ DATE: 08/24/98 PERMIT TYPE: COM r/ DISAPPROVED DISAPPROVED DISAPPROVED· AUSTIN DESIGN GROUP "N!ER!Ot1 DESIGN D«il:llat H. /ullfl, FAIA ClvfaJCFlha, f, V,i,.n, ~""4'/S,l!,;i;l;,lnf.Aj/1 >affld/ J, f0<1Mlk!, AIA 9W5 SCAAITTON flD &Ulll!200 9ANDll!GOCA 92121 610 ~ 0110 6111 6•6 CM<;OfAIC t(I 391;;/d z;0 39'vld Mcirch31,1998 Peter Drelbleols C.lly ot Carlsbad aulldlng DepQrtment ln~eoflons Division 2075 Las Polmos Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 RE: Lot 97, CRC Forodoy Ave Permit Number: CB 97 ·3804 Pear Mr Drelbtebls. //p3D .F 11-tt-II-o it--7 lhfs letter Is to ·olarlfy Nota #6 on the Plumbing Drawing (P· 1) dated 3~ 10·98. : ~ the architect o1 record, 1he Austin Design Group w!U accept o substitution of A.B.S. pipes ond fittings 1r you hove orw questions, Please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenienc~. Slncerel;;,,.P ~ C:-~-·'" Carlos Omron Job Captain AUSTIN DESIGN GROUP CO:l<h fc: ·Ker'! Satterlee, Kelley Corporatlor.458-0665 Gene Grleshober,Jr, KMP Plumbing Co. lnc.259-031 8 Peta Hunter, Roel Constructton 297-5208 cc: Jeff PctrS11e111e,ADG F:v\00\Standord Fotrm\!.ell~rs,Treinsrnlltols and Mtg. ~Qt!Tl£\l,ette1 templcte.coc i I i i f f f I 031311110 clnDl:l!:) NSIS."-,G HilSf1\1 9NI8:Wn7d dW>l 0~PB-9vS-G19 c.P,/T. ~h~Tl~~I~~ 8tE069G6t9 50:90 866t/t0/P0 IS5Y30·7 Wyman Testing Laboratories COVERING WORK PERFORMED WHICH 0 REINFORCED CONCRETE REQUIRED APPROVAL BY THE SPECIAL 0 PRE-STRESSED CONCRETE INSPECTOR OF 0 REINFORCED MASONRY JOB ADDRESS t c,. s O c==-A-{<~ v ~--/ OWNER OR PROJECT NAM~\2 ~ fS ·l) :.(_·r-t4-l 1?:.es , CONSTR. MAT'L (TYPE, GRADE, ETC.) £:f'o/.._'{ - DESIGN STRENGTH I SOURCE OR MFGR. DESCRIBE MAT'L (MIX DESIGN, RE-BAR GRADE & MFGR. (619) 675-0270 0 FIELD WELDING D FIR OFING 0 SHOTCRETE 0 H.S. BOLTING D T D OTHER 0 SHOP WELDING D/B ANCHp RAGE NO. qg-_ ~~ l G.':) I FOR WEEK :;y / .z l ENDING l9Cj,·f BLDG. PERMIT NO. I PLAN FILE NO. ARCHITECT ENGINEER GENERAL CONTRACTOR ~~ CONTR. DOING REPORTED WO? 12-· vt-Tt:-e.LO '5-f"""le C,...~~ '17,, INSP 1N LOCATIONS OF WORK INSPECTED, TEST SAMPLES TAKEN, ETC., includes information about amounts of material placed DATE or work performed; number, 1ype, and identify numbers of test samples taken; structural connections (welds, h.t. bolts I torques) checked; etc. t"/:2-o Ct4,i.lLL£L u*tr-,~ v\. , SH-6~D t..)v\O G \A s-tTf:_ @. if: If. 0 -C-. ~~q--,-«c ~(t..,cY:D 0J"s1.Zi<,' . NONE COMPLIANCE I - .. Sbt<ovJ '(:,{,~ ~Lvv..e.., APPROVAL SIGNATURE: TIME IN: t.J,oo G,oc TIME OUT: PRINTED NAME: INSPECTOR -e~ ~~--i:..t.v- r:;;::r_ -CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE ~/l I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS ~/ ~~,u"~ ~ "~~,v ~"~~ uw, ~~•~• OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS. h!EGIS I Eh! I\IUIVIBEJ< I . I f 1 I ,. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC. 6280 Riverdale Street, P.O. Box 600627, San Diego, CA 92160, (619) 280-4321 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT LOCATION: ARCHITECT: GEN. CONTRACTOR: G. Pitonyak S.D. #255 Level !I 6/08/98 6/08/98 6/09/98 R. Wolf 94061021 AWS/CWI DISTRIBUTION: (1) CRC Lot 97 Interior Specialists, Lot 97, Carlsbad l§3©,,Fa·rada:y:Ax_e.:-;-,e:arl::;j;)9p~ Austin Group SCS&T FILE NO: 9812137 PERMIT NO: ENGINEER: Jeffrey Chan I.R.NO: PLAN FILE NO: Roel SUBCONTRACTOR: Gary's Welding/Designs In Iron REINFORCED CONCRETE WELDING Concrete: Design #1345, 3000 specified, 4500 psi used Electrodes: NR 232 .072" Diameter 8 (Pg 1 of 3) Certified Welders Herbert D. Bloom #7805 (LA} Reinforcing Steel and #98919 (LA) Structural Steel Time Arrived: 0700 Time Departed: 1000 Provided inspection of placement of approximately 20 cubic yards of concrete contained in the pour strip panel locations, 3, 28, 29, 30, 31, 36 and 37. Made one set of cylinder samples from area of the pour strip at Panel #37, Slump test taken -5". Inspected the following field welding: Hold down connection at Panel 31, per 13/S6.1, wing wall connection at Panels 33 and 34, per 10/S6. 1. Modified beam seat connection at Panel 1 9 (reference 9A/S6.3 and RFI #40) splice of new 1/4" plate lacking approximately 3" to be full width of the existing bucket, presently not welded to embed plate, pending Engineer's approval. Time Arrived: 1000 Time Departed: 1600 Inspected the fillet welding of (TS} braced frame on Line 3 foundation elevation completed, per 9/S6.2. Braced frame partially welded at C-3, mezzanine elevation. At the roof elevation, U bucket fillet welded to (TS} column at 8-3, reference Detail 13/S6.3 Certified Welders: Jesse Berrelleca and Martin Ayala #950892 TSI, FCAW 3G.1 WELDING Time Arrived: 0715 Structural Steel: ASTM A36 Reinforcing Steel: ASTM A500, Grade B Electrodes: FCAW NR211 5/64" Certified Welder: Martin Ayala , #950892 Time Departed: 1430 Performed continuous special inspection of the welding on the following: 1. Braced frame: Line 3 between Lines B and C; Details 9 Sheet 6.2/11 /S6.2 2. Corner saddle (beam connection at concrete wall}: Line B between Lines 1 and 2, Detail 8, Sheet 6.3 (3/16" fillet weld 3 sides}. All welding was done per job specifications and A.W.S. 01 .1-96 Welding Code. Final visual inspection was accepted on the Corner Saddle. Welding on the Braced Frame is not complete. No final visual welding inspection was performed on the Braced Frame. (1) Roel Construction ( 1 } City of Carlsbad Michael B. Wheeler, R.C.E. #45358 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC. 6280 Riv~rdale Street, P.O. Box 600627, San Diego, CA 92160, (619) 280-4321 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT LOCATION: ARCHITECT: GEN. CONTRACTOR: R. Wolf 94061021 AWS/CWI 6/10/98 6/11 /98 6/12/98 C. Hand #C495 DISTRIBUTION: (1) CRC Lot 97 Interior Specialists, Lot 97, Carlsbad 1630 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad Austin Group SCS&T FILE NO: PERMIT NO: 9812137 973804 ENGINEER: Jeffrey Chan l.R. NO: PLAN FILE NO: Roel SUBCONTRACTOR: Gary's Welding/Designs In Iron WELDING Structural Steel: ASTM A36 Reinforcing Steel: ASTM A500, Grade B Electrodes: FCAW NR211 5/64" Certified Welder: Martin Ayala , #950892 Time Arrived: 1000 Time Departed: 1530 Performed continuous special inspection of the welding on the following: 8 (Pg 2 of 3) 1. Braced frame: Line 3 between Lines B and C; Details 9 Sheet 6.2 and 11 /S6.2. Welding on the braced frame is not complete . . All welding was done per job specifications and A. W.S. D1. 1-96 Welding Code. Time Arrived: 0700 Time Departed: 1530 Performed continuous special inspection of the welding on the following: 1. Braced frame: Line 3 between Lines B and C; Details 9 Sheet 6.2 and 11 /S6.2. Welding is still in progress. 2. Wall imbedded plate to beam connection: Lines A-4 and 5.8 Detail 6/S6.2, visually accepted. 3. Wall imbedded plate to beam connection: Lines A-4 between 5.8 and 6.6 Detail 5/S6.2. Visually accepted. 4. Wall imbedded plate to beam connection: Line A-4 and 6.6, Detail 5/S6.2, visually accepted. 5. Wall imbedded plate to beam connection: Line D and 7, Detail 5/S6.2, visually accepted. 6. Wall imbedded plate to beam connection: Line D.3 and 6.6, imbedded plate is in the wrong location welded on one side only, one vertical weld visually accepted. 7. Plug welded, base plate to the bolt at D.2 and 6.9, visually accepted. Certified Welders: Martin Ayala #950892 and Mark Y Turralde #97-0440 All welding was done per job specifications and AWSD1 .1-96 welding code. Verbal okay on the plug welding at Location D2 and 6.9, RFI #46 Certified Welder: Jesus Reyes #DT J-57 6 and #6 RFI #45 not complete as of this date. CONCRETE Time Arrived: 0730 Arrived on site, as requested, for concrete inspection. Upon arriving was informed by the Contractor that no concrete would be placed this date. He had not canceled. (1) Roel Construction ( 1 ) City of Carlsbad REVIEWED BY: Michael B. Wheeler, R.C.E. #45358 .. '' SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC. 6280 Riverdale Street, P.O. Box 600627, San Diego, CA 92160, (619) 280-4321 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT LOCATION: ARCHITECT: GEN. CONTRACTOR: 6/12/98 R. Wolf 94061021 AWS/CWI 6/13/98 R. Wolf 94061021 AWS/CWI DISTRIBUTION: (1) CRC Lot 97 Interior Specialists, Lot 97, Carlsbad 1630 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad Austin Group SCS&T FILE NO: PERMIT NO: 9812137 973804 ENGINEER: Jeffrey Chan I.R. NO: PLAN FILE NO: Roel SUBCONTRACTOR: Gary's Welding/Designs In Iron WELDING Time Arrived: 0700 Time Departed: 1530 Strl!ttl,Jral. Steel: ASTM A36 Electrodes: SMAW E7018, NYR 1/8" Certified Welder: Jesus Reyes #OT J-576 The Welder showed up at 1000. The job was scheduled for 0700. Performed continuous special inspection on the welding on the following: 8 (Pg 3 of 3) 1. RFI #43, Location D-3, vertical weld, visually accepted; horizontal weld welded full length, visually accepted. All welding was done per AWSD1 .1-96 welding code and visually accepted on final inspection. WELDING Time Arrived: 0800 Time Departed: 1630 Structural Steel: ASTM A36 Reinforcing Steel: ASTM A500, Grade B Electrodes: FCAW NR 211 5/64"; SMAW E7018 HYR 1/8" Certified Welders: Jesus Reyes OT J-576 and Martin Ayala #950892 Performed continuous special inspection on the welding for the following: 1. Brace frame: Line 3 between Lines B and C; Details 9/S6.2 and 11 /S6.2, welding and final visually accepted. 2. RFI #44: Location B-3/5.8 -6.6, full penetration, visually accepted, UT accepted two welds. Location C-2/5.8 -6.6, full penetration, visually accepted, UT accepted two welds. Location C-4/5.8 -6.6, full penetration, visually accepted, UT accepted two welds. 1/4" fillet welds, welded three sides, visually accepted at the above locations. 3. RFI #40: Addendum A, Location E-6 roof, 3/16" fillet welds, visually accepted. 4. Connection plate: Location D-5, visually accepted. 5. Wall imbedded plate to beam connection: Location E1-6, visually accepted. 6. Wall imbedded plate to beam connection: Location A-4/between 5.8 and 6.6, Detail 5/S6.2, visually accepted. All welding was done per job specifications, W.P.S. and AWSD1.1-96 welding code ULTRASONIC TESTING Ultrasonically tested 100% of the repaired field welded complete joint penetration welds at beam to column connections and column splices, per the plans and specifications. See the attached report for details. (1) Roel Construction (1) City of Carlsbad REVIEWED BY: ~~ Michael B. Wheeler, R.C.E. #45358 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TEffi~6~AO 6280 Riverdale Street, P.O. Box 600627, San Diego, CA 92160, (619) 280-4321 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT SEP 1 5 1998 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT LOCATION: ARCHITECT: GEN. CONTRACTOR: 8/12/98 D. Neyens ICBO #73396 DISTRIBUTION: (1) CRC Lot 97 Interior Specialists, Lot 97, Carlsbad ~~ay~~~~, G~~~ad-_ ~~ Austin Group Roel SCS&T FILE NO: PERMIT NO: ENGINEER: SUBCONTRACTOR: 9812137 ~~_Q_'f', Jeffrey Char I.R. NO: PLAN FILE NO: EPOXY ANCHORS Time Arrived: 0900 Time Departed: 1 000 Epoxy: Simpson SET 22 ICBO# ER5279 10 (Pg 1 of 1) Observed the placement of epoxy set dowels, per the architects revision 3/A, dated 7 /17 /98, in the predrilled holes for the window at Gridline A.4:6.2. To the best of my knowledge, the work observed was in substantial compliance with the governing construction requirements. ( 1 ) Roel Construction ( 1 ) City of Carlsbad REVIEWED BY: Michael B. Wheeler, R.C.E. #45358 ~ e o tech n i cs Incorporated FIELD MEMO PAGE 9951 Business Park Ave .• Suite B San Diego, California 92131 Phone (619) 536-1000 Fax (619) 536-8311 OF I CLIENT: c.2-!Z-r-, 0-·.:rr '1 l / .• L-C -. ' I PROJECT NO.: .~~-·.5 ' i SJ -(.)(.) i --D MEMO BY: -'}-'/ /t /! F ... ~ / .,../l. ....::> SUBJECT:. __ ~1~r·~J_--_7~~--·-_,-:;:.:_:_·,_...,_r·i_Z..._' __ r._···~.:.._-'_C/_··,1 __ ~_)~(=~?T'--'S=·--~-'~f~;~~~,_{-_,~_!~v_,t._·T_7_/./_~_2~--~S _______________ __ • . I / --;:-../::. c.,n--,,C {~ f-1 ,'\). (._ /\ I /\) -···.:~' .... , ! --r;...::J:_· . . ~ ' ,--,,,-. ,, .. , _,, _ _!_' -'.lv, .,/4_;.;. ,-:'._\ 11, /f ..,...-.... ,__,.,.. r--, ,.,--, L : ·l,.. •i.._) ~-; · -Y..:__..t::'l"': · _,,.,· :;; _,,,.,, r-: r----. 1 .... I •• -7-,~-::._.r-f .... v_ --, ) , __ _-.· .... -.---,::.:,-. ..,p ___ .11.) ··,..,/ ,. _: ,-.-·7 ,,.-v-.', ,A I --~--.: r · l.\c f ·' .,:{\ .. )· I.A --· -,h;, /-;',1,_-·/-i --,-) ( : ; r-.• __ .• ,.. -. , ~ "',,J ' . j ;-.__,.-- ··-~ .. -·:-/ .• / .. ( .~1 ... , I, l ... / ' . t·. r ·. ~ ,, ·) -:~~ _.... , --·? I ---------------------------,--==---,----------------------, / I --f·.r:1 . ~ __ .,___ _____ . GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED, BY: -·,. ; ·1·' . . ,.-) ,, / /, I.-: . / ·· ., , J .,.·· I ., ~ ;..-I • ,,,,. ,, • • SIGNATURE Page _1_of __ INSPECTION REPORT Project Name Loft. 'it ,k"'-r"f!i'Y~i't... Sf-'l:vt P4 <.. r, Gs TESD Project # ct'o,. . 3 l 0 Address CC:,")€) yA~9~"( t General/ Subcontractor -~ ..... l::........;_l.A.._:_.\Z_G_ci<-__ _._/_~_v\,,_;ra:_--'--'l~·~---$-~~~~-_t4-t-' __ 1s_r __________ _ Building Permit# _tl_.,.,8=----_I_S"°_f_'j.,_________ DSA # ______________ _ Plan File#_________________ OSHPD # _______________ _ Government Contract# ____________ _ Other _________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST ___ Concrete __ Soil --__ Cone.: Mix #/psi __ Plans __ Prestress Cone --Base --___ Cone.: Mix #/psi __ Specifications __ Masonry _. _ Subgrade --__ Cone.: Mix #/psi __ Sizes __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Rini.: Rebar __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders --Rini.: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rini.: Ter:1dons __ Temperature __ Non-Destructive __ Rein!. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) __ __ Mortar: Type/psi __ Consolidation __ Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples --__ Units: Block __ Electrode Storage __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples ----Units: Block __ Torque Applied __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --__ Steel __ Load (Pounds) __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block ----H.S. Bolts __ Thickness __ Roofing __ Steel --__ Metal Decking -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts ----Electrodes -- __ DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- __ OSHPD __ Roofing --__ Other __ Corrective action required __ __ Specialty __ Other --__ Corrections completed __ -Remarks __ J__V\;---=$::........:....~-=-::::;_,_-""""-""'----,14l'[___.___...;._:_,,,=------'--F_~....:..~--"--=-'c;:__---"------'6=---ye---E;=...;_~--'--'-Y--()cM.-<E~--~=S=-- / rl'--v o s ,6-,&. Q, CA-~,--"R--N~ ~A--<5:-e..,s . Field. Representative ~k 4 do<> ;~su CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of my knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. INSPECTOR'S NAME ~~ .4~/,~ri~arly) INSPECTOR'S SIGNATUR~ _ __,.__.~=-.~-~-----------DATE_~~/4-~ ______ _ I 09/01/1998 20:22 519-545-0440 AUSTIN DESIGN GROUP AUST! N DESIGN GROUP ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN PlANMING ENGINEERING C<;uglos 1-1. Au;tlri. FAIA Clulstopti,;r T. VBUlll Randy S. llobbins, /Ill\ Jeftrey J. Pai~holte, AIA 9605 SCRANTON llD SUllE 200 &\N Cli:GO CA 92121 619 546 0110 619 546 0~40 rN< September 2, 1998 Peter Drelblebis City of Carlsbad Building Department Inspections Division 2075 Las Polmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 BY FACSIMILE: (760l 438 -0894 RE: Lot 97, CRC Faraday Ave Permit Number: CB 97-3804 Dear Mr. Drelblebls, This letter will seNe as my approval of lnstallatton of drywall, one side only, on the partition separating the warehouse and the future lease space at the subject project. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. Jeffrey J. Parshalle A.I.A. Principal / Architect of Record AUSTIN DESIGN GROUP fc. Rusty Frye, Interior Specialists F:\97334 Interior Speclallsts\lETTERS\PDrelbleblsCO090298kh,ltr.doc PAGE 01 """111111111 Jfl7 l'J 3(,,,cuYi 09/01/98 06/29/1998 16:05 619-546-0440 AUSTIN DESIGN GROUP AUSTIN DESIGN GROUP ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN PLANNING ENGINEERING Douglas H, Austin, FAIA Randy s. Robbins. AIA Ct'>rlstopharT. V"um Jedfray J, Pcrsholle, AIA 9605 SCRANTON RD SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO CA 92121 619 546 0110 619 545 0440 FAX June 29, 1998 Peter Dreibiebis City of Carlsbad Building Department Inspections Division 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 RE: Lot 97, CRC Faraday Ave Permit Number: CB 97-3804 Dear Mr. Dreibiebis, ,his letter Is to accept 2x6 DF/L No.2 studs, as substitution for 2x6 DF/L No.1 studs noted on drawing no. S2.2 for wall running east west between grid lines 4 & 5. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience. ~~ arlos Omran Job Captain AUSTIN DESIGN GROUP CO:gc fc: co: Ken Satterlee, Kelley Corporation 458-0665 ser-te CFieshabeF,Jr, l<MP Plt1ml:iing -Go. lnQ...255l 9348 Pete Hunter, Roel Construction 297~5208 Jeff Parshalle, ADG \\AUSTIN_NT\PROJECTS\97334 Interior Speclallsts\LETTERS\PDreib!ab!sCO062998kh.ltr.doc PAGE 02 06/29/98 ~eotechnics Incorporated 9951 Business Parle Ave .• Suite B San Diego, California 92131 Pbone(619)S36-1000 Fax (619) 536-8311 FIELD MEMO loATE ,4~ 1 f.. £C) i)3 I loAY ,._:-fZ..(i:¥\ ,_J I I PAGE J OF L I -J ' PROJECT: I", 'fl. <' i.,;.;1 C-)'-:j-CLIENT: /;12L'. t-!7r CJ1 ac PROJECT;O.: i7 ~qlf -00 )-~-? J MEMO BY: N1Alt ~~) SUBJECT: n t )t-S:>1-\-n ()(0 D ?-, Sr-2" J A-1"1),~ CotvTi,v vcm F~)-n ,,_;~S-:5 \ ,4/3 ~ A/5·:~. 1:,, J/l~ ~ jJJ-//4 A. :i..l~i 5 f 1-Jl'..lC _.., A . ~ / ,::; . ~ . . . /'?A I <~ As 'i?EOJ t L;i"d] . 7b (.·;>,< s-a\ )JC_ :7iJ?; 1 Gc:::r r-£;, ·i-~,i-5 , . '7'. •. , f -...; r;:'-..J.. 1:.JJ.1,jl\ ·, )Or.JS r3.· -;.]:)12,$'{:; Ci/2 .rl\ t..bMPA('Tl5::J Pl/A--.. f ··, J ,-.Y::'J· 5 1'6---.J ·1-· ·.,) I . :>. ' --n i A---_i:,(: ~,c(2.1 c,t-D ,. ,..J .z.c«~tf,(J 72k ?"'0 r. ";--; J_>1~_4rz I ,,.)(:;- I SO; L-~ .A /Z:,,,. ,. '}1 1...7n G,.,z.A:f: t.--, 1 r:.~~S·v~ .. Jh-r ( Or--> .... >· Jr;~:/) . -br:-I .... :~ ... -', --:-k3:::>1 ,~· r.:1..-)(c..-· · ;, .f.f' _;; 1:., , -r· _::;,r"d;::=t:, Sr.0 ::j-rr Jr,u _,. ,r.;:· 5\_1,~ I c: ---~ ... \ . ..... .... ., C,' ~i:, ..I t,j ·:_:)A ·-i )r-....>.:S /V;f-: ·-,YJ I ,\) l /YI VIV'\ f~r--r-£r ~-4--.,1 ,·.tJ.L_ 7>~-;-_r--1: ff LA.) ' · ·":,w,.. ;l-f --t;¥ Cu, e . ..crvi ~.s. ;).{;: •,J;?, .-r7···, _,_,, -·-;:;. ,:,4 ( ':v( .""' C .J."): ,i;:,'..;.e I .,,-,J< .;6 .p L··· L-..;,;_}. j>. ;,_r· __ ") _-:~--,e .3,r· ! <,) -5 ~-io)l f) 7,s~ (1 i/:, t1:1· r _. ·) ·--••• J ?'Rl-1, Vl J r· /....c1-1r...1C, ,--,~, . > ~ ,:~-f'(tiY\. r ~ .. -. !: ·;' .-:-1.·~ ~1 r .... , .. i "=--~," .. i ! ( 'I -.J /{";"'j"'l\ -DoC.. tr· 7-<;57{~.; , GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED, BY: SIGNATURE ''A Quality Assurance Firm 11 INSPECTION REPORT TESTING SERVICES & KNSPECTION me. 3030 Main Street San Diego, CA 92113 (619) 234-9904 (619) 234-4931 Fax Project Name ___ C:::.A.;;..R:.:L,:c;SB::.:.A.:.;:;D_R'-"E==S=-=E:....,ARc:.:C:;;.Ha...C.=;E:::.N'-'-T-=-E"'-R ________________ Page ______ of ___ _ Project Address __ L_OT~9_7~, _F~~~nk~Y_A_V~E=N~UE~,~C~AR=L~S~BA-D........cC~A ..... ____________ Permit # ____ C_B9=-7_-___ 38 ___ 0'"-4'------ Architect --~AU .... S-T-I_N ___ D~E=S-IG'"-N~GR~O~U~P ____ Engi neer __ ~AU ___ S-T---I'"-N .... D~E---S-IG~N~GR~O~U~P ___ Fi le # _________ _ General Contractor _--:.,:R.:c;OE==La....a.CO:::.N.:.:S;.:.T~RU""C'"'T..::.IO:::.N.:....::C..::.0=-• ..::I:.:.;N..::.C=-. -----~--------DSA/OSHPD ________ _ Contractor Doing Reported Work _____ D_ES""I""G"'"N"""'I"""N'--"'IR""O""'N'----------------Other _________ _ Lab. Receiving & Testing Constr. Mat'l Samples ___________________________ _ INSPECTION Field ..1... Shop Concrete { Structural Steel _ Masonry _ Fireproofing _ Pile Driving _ Roofing _ Specialty Soils Technician Bolt Pull-Out Prestress Cone. _ Waterproofing OSHPD OSA Mechanical Electrical Batch Plant Inspection Date 06/02/98 MAT'L SAMPLING _ Cone. Cyl. Mortar Grout Mas. Prisms Mas. Block Reinf. Stl. _ Fireproofing _ Asphalt Cone. _· Roofing Steel H.S. Bolts Other __ _ Other __ _ Other __ _ Other __ _ Other __ _ QTY MAT'L DESCRIPTION Reinf. Stl -~----Cone. Mix/PSI ____ _ Cone. Mix/PSI ____ _ -Cone. Mix/PSI -Grout Mix/PSI-----= Mortar Type/PSI ___ _ H.S. Bolts _____ _ { Electrode E-7018/NR211 ..1... Steel A-36/A-500 _Fireproof _____ _ Units-Block _____ _ Units-Brick _____ _ Metal Deck _____ _ Reinf. Tendons ___ _ Other _______ _ Other _______ _ INSPECTION CHECKLIST { Plans/Specs SHEET 11 T Clearances T Positions ----- { Sizes ______ _ _Laps ______ _ Consolidation ___ _ _ Torque Applied __ _ Other ______ _ Other ______ _ Other ______ _ Corrective Action _ Corrections Complete_ PERFORMED CONTINUOUS VISUAL WELDING INSPECTION OF FILLET CONNECTIONS IN THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: • TWO 8 X 8 X 1/4 TS COLUMNS, BASE PLATES, BUCKETS, CLIPS, STRAPS, CAPS GUSSETS. PIECES MK 11A AND 11B. OBSERVED CERTIFIED WELDERS FOR PROPER.WELDING PROCEDURES & TECHNIQUES. CQ~PLETED WELDS WERE INSPECTED FOR SIZE, LENGTH, LOCATION, AND UNLESS NOTED ARE FREE OF VISIBLE DEFECTS AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS. NOTE: INSPECTION SCHEDULED FOR THE MORNING WAS CANCELED AND RE-SCHEDULED FOR 3:00 PM. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: All of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report only covers the locations of the work inspected and does not constitute engineering opinion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME (PRINT) __ S ___ T __ AN=L=E-'-Y __ S=CH=L ..... AG=E=R ____ _ CERTIFICATE NUMBER 455 NOTE: Inspections based on 4-hour minimum; actual time after 4 hours; 2 hour show-up minimum for job cancellations. Overtime effective on Saturday, double time on Sunday. ~~~~~~EON T~~ON CITY OF CARLSBAD TESTING SERVICES & INSPECTION LNC. ''A Quality Assurance Firm'' INSPECTION REPORT 3030 Main Street San Diego, CA 92113 (619) 234-9904 (619) 234-49.Jl Fax of 1 Project Name ___ C::.:.A""R"'LS""'B_A"'D-'Rc::E::.::S::EA'""R""'C""H'-C=-:E==-N:.:.T=ER"------------------Page __ l __ ---- Project Address --"L""'O"'"T"""9""'7..,_,-'F~A""R""'AD=A=Y....:..:.AV.:.:E==-N""U=E,'---"C'-'AR'""L::.;:S::B:..aAD"-"C'-'A.,_. ____________ Permit# __ C~B9~7_--'-38~0~4 ___ _ Architect __ ... AU::.:S'-'T""'IN:.:....::D=E=SI::.:G~N:...G.a;;Rc:;:O'""U..:...P ____ Engi neer __ Aa..:;U::.:Sa.aT.:.IN:.:....::Dc:E"'"SI::.:G~N=-G=Rc::0=-=U..:...P ___ Fi le # _________ _ General Contractor -----'-RO""'E::.;:L'--"-CO=N--=S"'"T .... RU::.:Ca.aT""'IO;::.:N"'---"C=O'--. """I""'N"'"C.=----------------DSA/OSHPD ________ _ Contractor Doing Reported Work --"-D=ES""'I ___ G ___ N"""I ___ N---"-'IR=O"-N ________________ Other _________ _ Lab. Receiving & Testing Constr. Mat'l Samples ___________________________ _ INSPECTION MAT' L SAMPLING QTY MAT'L DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST -Field L Shop Concrete _ Cone. Cyl. ---Reinf. Stl _1_ Plans/Specs r Structural Steel -Mortar ---Cone. Mix/PSI { Clearances _ Masonry -Grout --_Cone.Mix/PSI T Positions _ Fireproofing -Mas. Prisms --_ Cone. Mix/PSI { Sizes _ Pile Driving -Mas. Block --_ Grout Mix/PSI _ Laps _ Roofing -Reinf. Stl. --_ Mortar Type/PSI -Consolidation _ Specialty _ Fireproofing --H.S. Bolts _ Torque Applied -Soils Technician _ Asphalt Cone. --T Electrode E-701BLNR211 -Other -Bolt Pull-Out _ Roofing --r Steel A-36LA-500 -Other -Prestress Cone. -·-Steel --_ Fireproof -Other _ Waterproofing -H.S. Bolts ---Units-Block -Corrective Action ---OSHPD -Other ---Units-Brick -··-OSA -Other ---Metal Deck -Mechanical -Other ---Reinf. Tendons _ Corrections Complete_ Electrical Other Other ------Batch Plant -Other ---Other Inspection Date 06/03/98 PERFORMED CONTINUOUS VISUAL WELDING INSPECTION OF FILLET CONNECTIONS IN THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: • TWO 6 X 6 X 1/4 TS COLUMNS, PIECE MKS 12A & 138, CAPS, BUCKETS, STRAPS, AND BASE PLATES. • GUSSET TO 16 X 24 BEAM MK 13A • STUDS TO FOUR ·a X 10 BEAMS MK ·14A OBSERVED CERTIFIED WELDERS FOR PROPER WELDING PROCEDURES & TECHNIQUES. COMPLETED WELDS WERE INSPECTED FOR SIZE, LENGTH, LOCATION, AND UNLESS NOTED ARE FREE OF VISIBLE DEFECTS AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: All of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report only covers the locations of the work INSPECTOR NAME (PRINT) STANLEY SCHLAGER INSPECTOR SIGNATUR~ ~~~ inspected and does not constitute engineering opinion or project control. ~ ~/J.Jl. CERTIFICATE NUMBER ______ 45 ___ 5__________ / NOTE: Inspections based on 4-hour minimum; actual time after 4 hours; 2 hour show-up minimum for job cancellations. Overtime effective on Saturday, double time on Sunday. '~ Quality Assurance Firm'' INSPECTION REPORT TESTING SERVICES & INSPECTION INC. 3030 Main Street San Diego, CA 92113 (619) 234-9904 (619) 234-4931 Fax Project Name ___ C"'"A"""R=L=SB""A""D~RE=S=E'""AR""Ca:..H:...C=E""N'"'"T""'E"""R __________________ Page --=----of----=--- Project Address --=L"'-OT-'--"9'-'-7..,_1 """F .... A;.;.;R:..:.AD;.-',A""'Y--'A:..:.V;.::E""N"'"UEaa..r"-"C'""ARc.:.:L::.;;;S-=-BA'""D"-"C'-'-A=-. ____________ Permit # ---=-C=B9:...:7_--=-38=-0=-4'------ Architect __ '"'"AU ___ S'""T""'I"'"N-=D-=E'---S=-IG'""N---"-GR""'O:..:.U~P ____ Engi neer __ '"'"AU ___ S'""T""'I"""N-=D-=E=S=IG'""N---"-GR""O:..:.U~P ___ Fi le # _________ _ General.Contractor -~RO~E=L~CO=-N ___ S .... T"'"RU .... C:...:T=IO=-N~C .... O=-. __ I ___ N .... C=-. ______________ DSA/OSHPD ________ _ Contractor Doing Reported Work ---=-D=ES=I:..:.Gc...N ... I"'"N---=IR""O""N'--__ ----" __________ Other _________ _ Lab. Receiving & Testing Constr. Mat'l Samples ___________________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING Field ..L Shop Concrete _ Cone. Cyl. r Structural Steel -Mortar _ Masonry Grout _ Fireproofing Mas. Prisms _ Pile Driving Mas. Block _ Roofing Reinf. Stl. _ Specialty _ Fireproofing Soils Technician _ Asphalt Cone. Bolt Pull-Out _ Roofing Prestress Cone. Steel _ Waterproofing H.S. Bolts OSHPD Other OSA Other Mechanical Other Electrical Other Batch Plant Other Inspection Date 06/04/98 QTY MAT'L DESCRIPTION Reinf. Stl _____ _ Cone. Mix/PSI ____ _ -Cone. Mix/PSI ____ _ -Cone. Mix/PSI = Grout Mix/PSI----- -Mortar Type/PSI ___ _ H.S. Bolts---.,---- [ Electrode E-7018/NR211 ..L Steel A-36/A-500 _Fireproof _____ _ Units-Block _____ _ Units-Brick _____ _ Metal Deck _____ _ Reinf. Tendons ___ _ Other _______ _ Other _______ _ INSPECTION CHECKLIST [ Plans/Specs ____ _ } ~~=~:~:~:s ----- [ Sizes ______ _ _Laps ______ _ Consolidation ___ _ _ Torque Applied __ _ _l_ Other PREHEATED 300 DEG Other ______ _ Other -------Corrective Action _ Corrections Complete_ PERFORMED CONTINUOUS VISUAL WELDING INSPECTION OF FILLET CONNECTIONS IN THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: • TWO 8 X 8 X 1/4 TS COLUMNS, BASE PLATES, CAPS, BUCKETS, STRAPS, GUSSETS, AND PIECE MKS 11A & 11B. BASE PLATES 2" PREHEATED. • BEt,M STIFFNERS W14 X 30 MKS 16C, 16D, 16F, W18 X 40 MK 17B, AND W10 X 46 MK 17C. OBSERVED CERTIFIED WELDERS FOR PROPER WELDING PROCEDURES & TECHNIQUES. COMPLETED WELDS WERE INSPECTED FOR SIZE, LENGTH, LOCATION, AND UNLESS NOTED ARE FREE OF VISIBLE DEFECTS AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: All of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report only covers the locations of the work inspected and does not constitute engineering opinion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME ( PRINT) __ S~T~AN=L=E~Y ... S-=-CH"""L~AG=E=R ____ _ CERTIFICATE NUMBER 455 NOTE: Inspections based on 4-hour minimum; actual time after 4 hours; 2 hour show-up minimum for job cancellations. Overtime effective on Saturday, double time on Sunday. RECJBI\lTID SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC. 6280 Riverdale Street, P.O. Box 600627, San Diego, CA 92160, (619) 280-4321 AUG 2 4 1998 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT LOCATION: ARCHITECT: GEN. CONTRACTOR: G. Pitonyak S.D. #255 ICBO 0856156- 88 Level II 5/20/98 5/21/98 DISTRIBUTION: (1) CRC Lot 97 Interior Specialists, Lot 97, Carlsbad 1630 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad Austin Group Roel WELDING Structural Steel: ASTM A36 Reinforcing Steel: A615, Grade 60 Electrodes: NR232 5/64" Diameter SCS&T FILE NO: PERMIT NO: 9812137 973804 I.R.NO: PLAN FILE NO: ENGINEER: Austin Design Group SUBCONTRACTOR: Gary's Welding 5 (Pg 1 of 1) Certified Welder: Herbert D. Bloom #7805 (L.A.), Reinforcing Steel and 18919 (L.A.) Structural Steel Kirk L. Werner, #74195 (L.A.) Structural Time Arrived: 1130 Time Departed: 1330 Provided inspection of the following field welding: Typical corner connections at mid-level, Panels 17 to 18 and 26 to 28 and roof connections, Panels 15 to 17, 22 to 24 and 26 to 28, as per Detail 10/S6.1 The following connections completed prior to arrival: Plate or angle at mid-level and roof, Panels 12 to 13, 13 to 14 and 1 9 to 21 , #9 reinforcing steel connection, Panels 14 to 1 5, 13 to 14 and 11 to 12 and roof elevation at Panels 10 to 11, 24 to 25, 25 to 26, Reference Details 10/S6.1 and 7 /S6.3. Note: Wt 5 x 15 connection needed at mid-level, Panels 10 to 11, per 6/S6.2, flat plate currently installed. Time Arrived: 0945 Time Departed: 1400 Provided inspection of A615, grade 60 reinforcing steel (3) number 4's continuous in 2'6" pour strip installed from Panel 27 to Panel 9 and Panel 8 to Panel 40, per reference Details 2, 3, 4, 5/S6.1, the Contractor is aware of discrepancies. East cleanout drain to be raised to provide coverage of reinforcing steel and the last three dowels in South end of Panel 21 are set too high. (1 l Roel Construction (1) City of Carlsbad REVIEWED BY: Michael 8. Wheeler, R.C.E. #45358 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TES1f!l@dfVED 6280 Riverdale Street, P.O. Box 600627, San Diego, CA 92160, (619) 280-4321 AUG 2 4 1998 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT ENGINEERING PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT LOCATION: · ARCHITECT: GEN. CONTRACTOR: 6/15/98 C. Hand #C495 DISTRIBUTION: (1) CRC Lot 97 Interior Specialists, Lot 97, Carlsbad 1630 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad Austin Group Roel SCS&T FILE NO: PERMIT NO: ENGINEER: SUBCONTRACTOR: 9812137 973804 Jeffrey Char I.R. NO: PLAN FILE NO: REINFORCED CONCRETE Time Arrived: 0730 Time Departed: 0930 Concrete: Nelson & Sloi:m, Design #1345, 4500 psi Reinforcing Steel: ASTM A615 Observed the placement of concrete at slab infills for column bases and the remaining pour strip. The reinforcing steel was inspected and was found to be placed, per plan. A mechanical vibrator was used for consolidation of concrete. Fabricated one set of four test cylinders. Slump = 3 112· Unless noted otherwise, the work inspected is, to the best of my knowledge, in compliance with the approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the governing building laws. (1) Roel Construction ( 1 ) City of Carlsbad REVIEWED BY: ~~ Michael 8. Wheeler, R.C.E. #45358 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET, P. 0. Box 600627, SAN DIEGO, CA 92160 (619) 280-4321 Concrete Compressive Strength Test Report File Number: ' 9812137 Project Title: Lot #97 Project Location: Architect: Engineer: Contractor: 1630 Faraday Avenue Austin Group Jeffry Chou ,Roel Location In Structure: Grade Beams 1 and 2 Material Supplier: Nelson & Sloan Mix Designation: 593 Admixture(s): WRDA64 Time In Mixer (Minutes): 60 Slump, Inches: 4 Truck Number: 375 Ticket Number: 688838 Samples Fabricated By: CJH Samples Tested By: NH Laboratory Number: 1636 1637 1638 Mark: Date Made: 04-09-98 Date Received 04-10-98 Date Tested 04-16-98 05-07-98 05-07-98 Diameter, Inches 6.00 Area, Square Inches 28.27 Maximum Load, Pounds 75,750 108,250 106,000 Compressive Strength, psi 2,680 3,830 3,750 Age Tested, Days 7 28 28 Required 28 Day Strength, psi 3,000 Permit No: 973804 Plan File No: CC Temp: Air Temp: Air Content: 1639 Discard 0 0 % Specimen sampling, transportation and compressive strength testing were performed by this agency in accordance with the applicable ASTM standards. This agency makes no other warranties express or implied. Distribution: Reviewed By: 04-09 517/98 TESTING SERVICES & INSPECTION INC. 3030 Main Street San Diego, CA 92113 ''A Quality Assurance Firm 11 (619) 234-9904 (619) 234-4931 Fax INSPECTION REPORT Project Name ___ C::cA.::.cR:.:L.::;SB"'"A.:.::D~RE::.:S:.::E""'ARc:.:C::..H:...C.::;E:::.N.:...:.T.:.ER:..:._ ________________ Page --'---of----'-- Project Address _.:L;;OT.;......:9:.:.7..,_1 ....:F-'-A"'R""'AD:..:.A.:..:.Y_A:.:.V:.:E::.:N=-UE=-1L-.;:;C""'ARc:.:L::.:S;.:;:;BA'""D:,._::C.:...:.A=--. ____________ Permit # ________ _ Architect __ A ___ U ___ S ___ T=IN~D~ES ... I ... G .... N __ G""'R .... O __ U __ P ____ Engi neer ___ AU_S_T_I .... N_D_E_S_IG_N_GR __ O_U_P ___ Fi le # _________ _ General Contractor -~R .... OE=L~CO .... N .... S ___ T __ RU .... C .... T""'I=ON~C~O"'"". -"I=N~C .... ______________ DSA/OSHPD ________ _ Contractor Doing Reported Work _ _..::;D.:.;ES:c.:I:.::G::.:N....:I:..:.N:....:.IRc:.:O::..N:_... _____________ Other _________ _ Lab. Receiving & Testing Constr. Mat'l Samples ___________________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MAT'L DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST Field _j_ Shop Concrete _ Cone. Cyl. r Structural Steel Mortar _ Masonry Grout _ Fireproofing Mas. Prisms _ Pile Driving Mas. Block _ Roofing Reinf. Stl. [ Reinf. Stl A-706 -Cone. Mix/PSI ____ _ -Cone. Mix/PSI ____ _ -Cone. Mix/PSI ____ _ -Grout Mix/PSI ____ _ = Mortar Type/PSI ___ _ _ Plans/Specs ____ _ Clearances ____ _ Positions ____ _ Sizes ______ _ _Laps ______ _ Consolidation ___ _ _ Specialty _ Fireproofing Soils Technician _ Asphalt Cone. H.S. Bolts _____ _ T Electrode E-7018 _ Torque Applied __ _ Other ______ _ Bolt Pull-Out _ Roofing [ Steel A-36 Other ______ _ Prestress Cone. Steel _Fireproof _____ _ Other ______ _ _ Waterproofing H.S. Bolts Units-Block _____ _ Corrective Action OSHPD Other Units-Brick _____ _ OSA Other Metal Deck _____ _ Mechanical Other Reinf. Tendons ___ _ _ Corrections Complete_ Electrical Other Other _______ _ Batch Plant Other Other _______ _ Inspection Date 05/01/98 MONITORED WELDING OF THE FOLLOWING STUDS TO PLATE: • THIRTY-TWO 3/4" DIAMETER STUDS TO 1/2" X 6" X 811 PLATE MK 1K, (REF DET. 10/S6.1). • TWO 3/4" DIAMETER STUDS TO 1/2" X 10" X 1'8" PLATE MK 1A, (REF. DET. 5/S6.2). • FOUR 3/4" DIAMETER STUDS TO 1/2" X ro" X 1'211 PLATE MK 1B, (REF. DET. 5/S6.2). • TWO 3/4" DIAMETER STUDS TO 1/2" X 5" X 1'811 PLATE MK K. • ONE 3/4" DIAMETER STUDS TO 1/2" X 7" X 2' PLATE MK 1D, (REF. DET. 15/S6.2). • ONE 3/4" DIAMETER STUDS TO 1/2" X 7" X 2' PLATE MK 1F, (REF. DET. RF! # 17). • TWO 3/4" DIAMETER STUDS AND #7 REBAR TO 1/2" X 7" X 2' PLATE MK 5H, (REF. DET. 2-ASSY-5H). • TWO 3/4" DIAMETER STUDS AND 3/16" X 7" X 1' X 7 1/4" PLATE TO 1/2" X 10" X 1'4" PLATE MK 1H, (REF. DET. 9/S6.3). CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: All of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, compli s wit approved pl specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report only cov s the ocations o inspected and does not constitute engineering opinion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME (PRINT) ----'JU~A .... N __ R ......... D'"""I .... AZ~------ CERTIFICATE NUMBER -~19 __ 0 _________ _ NOTE: Inspections based on 4-hour minimum; actual time after 4 hours; 2 hour show-up minimum for job cancellations. Overtime effective on Saturday, double time on Sunday. £ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC. w Qllll RIVEIWALE S'l'IIEET, P.O. BOX 600"'7, SAN DIEGO, CA!1216tMJ&7, J'hone (61'>) 280-4321, FAX (61') 280-4717 FIELD !NSPECTION REPORT FOR: REINFORCED CONCRETE 0REINFORCED MASONRY [JWELDING C FIREPROOFING 0 1 ttereby certify that I have Inspected the above reported work. Unlces noted oth0n11ieo, the work ll\$pocted Is to lhe beot of my know,edge In compliance with the approved plane, ~olffclltlons and applleable a~clfons .of the governing bulkllrlg laws. C EPOXY ANCHORS CIH. s. BOLTING SCS&T FILE No.9 fj/ .fl/ PLAN FILE No, REGISTRATION No. .,,_ / r, { 2 -& -*' TESTLNG SER.VICES & mSPECTKON llNC. 3030 Main Street San Diego, CA 92113 '½ Quality Assurance Firm" (619) 234-9904 (619) 234-4931 Fax INSPECTION REPORT Project Name ___ C"'"A--'R=LS~B~A=D-'R=E"-S=EA ___ R ___ C'"'H_C~E~N=T=ER-'----________________ Page --~-of __ ~_ Project Address -~L=O~T~9=7~, -'F=A=R~AD""'A ___ Y"""'""'"AV~E=N=U=E,~C'""AR'""L""S=B ... AD~C~A ..... ____________ Permit # ________ _ Architect __ A=U~S'""'T=IN~D=E~SI=G=N=G-R ___ O~U .... P ____ Engi neer __ A=U~S'""'T=IN~D~E~SI=G_N_G-'R ___ O~U=P ___ Fi le # _________ _ General Contractor -~R~OE=L~C~ON ___ S'""'T ... RU __ C~T=I=ON~C~O ..... ~I=N=C ..... ______________ DSA/OSHPD ________ _ Contractor Doing Reported Work -~D~ES_I~G-N_I_N~IR=O=N~-------------Other _________ _ Lab. Receiving & Testing Constr. Mat'l Samples ___________________________ _ INSPECTION Field ..£.... Shop Concrete { Structural Steel _ Masonry _ Fireproofing _ Pile Driving _ Roofing _ Specialty Soils Technician Bolt Pull-Out Prestress Cone. _ Waterproofing OSHPD OSA Mechanical Electrical Batch Plant Inspection Date 04/24/98 MAT'L SAMPLING _ Cone. Cyl. Mortar Grout Mas. Prisms Mas. Block Reinf. Stl. _ Fireproofing _ Asphalt Cone. _ Roofing Steel H.S. Bolts Other __ _ Other __ _ Other __ _ Other __ _ Other __ _ QTY MAT'L DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST Reinf. Stl _____ _ Cone. Mix/PSI ____ _ -Cone. Mix/PSI ____ _ -Cone. Mix/PSI ____ _ -Grout Mix/PSI ____ _ = Mortar Type/PSI ___ _ { Plans/Specs ____ _ T Clearances ____ _ T Positions [ Sizes ----- -Laps ______ _ Consolidation ___ _ H.S. Bolts _____ _ T Electrode E-7078 _ Torque Applied __ _ Other ______ _ { Steel A-36 Other ______ _ _ Fireproof _____ _ Other ______ _ Units-Block _____ _ Corrective Action Units-Brick _____ _ Metal Deck _____ _ Reinf. Tendons ___ _ _ Corrections Complete_ Other _______ _ Other _______ _ PERFORMED CONTINUOUS VISUAL WELDING INSPECTION TO STRUCTURAL STEEL FABRICATION OF CONCRETE EMBED PLATES PER DWG S6.7/ DET. 70; PER DWG S6.2/DET.6 AND WELDED WOOD BEAM ANCHOR BOLTS PER DWG. S.2/DET. 12. INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED FORTY-SEVEN (47) EMBED PLATES PER DWG S6.1/DET. 10; TWO (2) EMBED PLATES PER DWG.S.2/DET. 6, AND SEVEN (7) PIECES (2H, 3A, 3B, 3H, 3K, 3M, 3W) PER DWG. S.2/DET. 12. MONITORED QUALIFIED WELDERS FOR PROPER PROCEDURE AND WELDING TECHNIQUE. WELDS CONFORM TO SPECIFICATION AWS D1.1. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: All of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, compl ·es w· specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report only co erst inspected and does not constitute engineering opinion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME (PRINT) -~JU=A--'-N""'"· R="-'D'""I"-'AZ=------- CERTIFICATE NUMBER -~19--'-0 _________ _ NOTE: Inspections based on 4-hour minimum; actual time after 4 hours; 2 hour show-up minimum for job cancellations. Overtime effective on Saturday, double time on Sunday. . ·. ·,1/,,-',i_::J-:.'(\{.\''.. .• ·::1\t:\}f-;<;::<,.\:'> . . . . · ... • SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SQJ{J&-~-f~STING, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET, P.O. BOX 600627, SAN DIEGO, CA.921:60-0627;,_ :Phone (619) 280-4321, FAX (619) 280-4717 ' . FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FOR: }ig REINFORCED CONCRETE OREINFORCED MASONRY OWELDING . a P. T. CONCRETE a EPOXY ANCHORS [J H. s. BOLTING 0 FIREPROOFING a j PLAN FILE No. GENERAL coNrn11croR ;;,.;; e I · suB coNTRAc.toR--.;;;;:;;,, MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION A-<r -.t-j .f11:, ( ~ /? ";,:}/_].. ~ Q. Ii< , 1, n . _ (7/',. -,,e. «? • DATE DESCRIPTION OF WORK INSPECTED ~<'.kl--/ 4ou , --/ , ., : '-,_, -,_'. -:.., / / .,' ·-, I hereby certify that I have lnspect:d (he above report~ ---, ~ · / _,.,,zf? /J -./ · >11 work. Unless noted otherwise, the work Inspected Is to I\ . ..#'l/, i/z:;l.l' .h~ ,[,,_/....-,, the beat of my knowledge In compliance with the approved "' . 1 Iv: ~TORlv:GNATURE t1/ lu$b '36?1'6· ... ' REGISTRATION No, plans, specifications and applicable sections of the / ,. , ,, J \ 11 ·, · · governing building laws. , v'I /i ,-, v, ,,_,) . v fA A. I\ .. ·,-.,; " SUPEF INTENDANTS SIGNATURE 4 r-[J ~-t?l . DATE' TESTLMG SERVICES & INSPECTION me. 3030 Main Street San Diego, CA 92113 '11 Quality Assurance Firm'' (619) 234-9904 (619) 234-4931 Fax INSPECTION REPORT Project Name ___ C:;.:.A""R""LS""B:;.:.Aaa.D-'R""E=-=S;.::;E:..:;AR""'C"'"H'"'"C""E:;.:.N,..T.;ER'-'------------------Page _____ _ of __ ~_ Project Address _ __.L=-=0-'-T--'9""'7.,_,-'F"""A""R::..:Aaa.aDA""'Y--'-'AV"-'E:;.:.N""U"'"E,a.......aC.:..;A:..aaRL=S'-"'B'""AD"---"C"""A ..... ____________ Permit# ---"-C=B9'""7_-"""38=0'-4'------ Architect --'-"AU""'S'"'T"""I .... N__.D=E=S=IG ... N......._GR""'O"'"U .... P ____ Engi neer __ '"'"AU""'S'"'T"""I .... N __.D=E=S=IG ___ N~GR""'O"'"U ___ P ___ Fi le # _________ _ General Contractor ----'-RO ___ E=L ....... CO""'N"'"S .... T .... RU"""C""'T"""IO"""N ....... C~O ..... __.I ___ N~C. _________________ DSA/OSHPD ________ _ Contractor Doing Reported Work __ D_ES~I-G_N_I_N~IR~O~N ______________ Other _________ _ Lab. Receiving & Testing Constr. Mat'l Samples ___________________________ _ INSPECTION Field _j_ Shop Concrete { Structural Steel _ Masonry _ Fireproofing _ Pile Driving _ Roofing _ Specialty Soils Technician Bolt Pull-Out Prestress Cone. _ Waterproofing OSHPD OSA Mechanical Electrical Batch Plant Inspection Date 05/21/98 MAT' L SAMPLING _ Cone. Cyl. Mortar Grout Mas. Prisms Mas. Block Reinf. Stl. _ Fireproofing _ Asphalt Cone. _ Roofing Steel _ H.S. Bolts Other __ _ Other __ _ Other __ _ Other __ _ Other __ _ QTY MAT'L DESCRIPTION Reinf. Stl _____ _ Cone. Mix/PSI ____ _ Cone. Mix/PSI ____ _ Cone. Mix/PSI ____ _ Grout Mix/PSI ____ _ = Mortar Type/PSI ___ _ H.S. Bolts _____ _ { Electrode E-7018/NR211 _j_ Steel A-36/A-500 GRB _Fireproof _____ _ Units-Block _____ _ Units-Brick _____ _ Metal Deck _____ _ Reinf. Tendons ___ _ Other _______ _ Other _______ _ INSPECTION CHECKLIST { Plans/Specs ____ _ T Clearances ____ _ T Positions-----,.-- { Sizes 3/16",1/4" FILLET _j_ Laps ______ _ Consolidation ___ _ _ Torque Applied __ _ Other ______ _ Other ______ _ Other ______ _ Corrective Action _ Corrections Complete_ PERFORMED CONTINUOUS VISUAL WELDING INSPECTION TO STRUCTURAL STEEL FABRICATION OF 20 FILLET WELDED COLUMNS. THE FOLLOWING COLUMNS WELDED PER SHOP DRAWINGS: • TWO 6A, THREE 6B, 6C, 7A, 7B, 7C, 6D, 8A, 8B, TWO 9A, 9B, 9C, 10A, 10B, 10C, 10D. ALL WELDS INSPECTED WERE ACCEPTABLE AND CONFORM TO SHOP DRAWINGS, AWS D1.1, AND APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES. MONITORED FOUR QUALIFIED WELDERS FOR PROPER TECHNIQUE AND WELDING PROCEDURE. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: All of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, complies th pprove plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report only cover the inspected and does not constitute engineering opinion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME (PRINT) __ J=U=A=N..:.R;.;.•...:D'""I"""AZ=-------- CERTIFICATE NUMBER __ 19_0 _________ _ NOTE: Inspections based on 4-hour minimum; actual time after 4 hours; 2 hour show-up minimum for job cancellations. Overtime effective on Saturday, double time on Sunday. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET, P. 0. Box 600627, SAN DIEGO, CA 92160 (619) 280-4321 Concrete Compressive Strength Test Report File Number: 9812137 Project Title: Project Location: Architect: Lot #97 -Interior Specialists 1630 Faraday Avenue Austin Group Permit No: CB97-3804 Engineer: Jeffrey Chou Contractor: Roel Construction Location In Structure: Material Supplier: Mix Designation: Admixture(s): Time In Mixer (Minutes): Truck Number: Samples Fabricated By: Laboratory Number: Mark: B Date Made: Date Received Date Tested Diameter, Inches Area, Square Inches · Maximum Load, Pounds Compressive Strength, psi Age Tested, Days Slab-on-grade Nelson & Sloan -Plant #6 1345 WRDA 64/Air/Calcium 50 Slump, Inches: 346 DH 2337 04-20-98 04-22-98 04-27-98 6.00 28.27 116,250 4,110 7 Ticket Number: 691223 Samples Tested By: NH 2338 2339 05-18-98 05-18-.:98 148,000 145,750 5,240 5,160 28 28 Required 28 Day Strength, psi 4,500 Plan File No: CC Temp: 0 Air Temp: 0 Air Content: % 2340 Discard ~ --~- Specimen sampling, transportation and compressive strength testing were performed by this agency in accordance with the applicable ASTM standards. This agency makes no other warranties express or implied. Distribution: (1) Interior Specialist/c/o Roel Construction ( 1) Roel Construction (1) City of Carlsbad 04-20b 5118/98 Reviewed By: George Gavit, RCE #56564 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET, P. 0. Box 600627, SAN DIEGO, CA 92160 (619) 280-4321 Concrete Compressive Strength Test Report File Number: 9812137 Project Title: Project Location: Architect: Lot #97 -Interior Specialists 1630 Faraday Avenue Austin Group Permit No: CB97-3804 Engineer: Jeffrey Chou Contractor: Roel Construction Location In Structure: Material Supplier: Mix Designation: Admixture(s): Time In Mixer (Minutes): Truck Number: Samples Fabricated By: Laboratory Number: Mark: A Date Made: Date Received Date Tested Diameter, Inches Area, Square Inches Maximum Load, Pounds Compressive Strength, psi Age Tested, Days Slab-on-grade Nelson & Sloan -Plant #6 1345 WRDA 64/Air/Calcium 45 Slump, Inches: 4 Ticket Number: 691197 Samples Tested By: NH 332 DH 2333 2334 2335 04-20-98 04-22-98 04-27-98 05-18-98 05-18-98 6.00 28.27 118,500 162,000 160,750 4,190 5,730 5,690 7 28 28 Required 28 Day Strength, psi 4,500 Plan File No: CC Temp: 0 Air Temp: 0 Air Content: % 2336 Discard Specimen sampling, transportation and compressive strength testing were performed by this agency in accordance with the applicable ASTM standards. This agency makes no other warranties express or implied. Distribution: (1) Interior Specialist/c/o Roel Construction (1) Roel Construction ( 1) City of Carlsbad 04-20a 5118/98 Reviewed By: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC. 6280 Riverdale Street, P.O. Box 600627 , San Diego, CA 92160, (619) 280-4321 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT LOCATION: ARCHITECT: GEN. CONTRACTOR: 5/11 /98 D. Neyens ICBO #73396 DISTRIBUTION: Interior Specialists, Lot 97, Carlsbad \_'1630 F_ar~~r3'l~f.~, Carlsbad Austin Group Roel SCS&T FILE NO: PERMIT NO: ENGINEER: SUBCONTRACTOR: 9812137 973804 Jeffrey Chan Roel I.R.NO: PLAN FILE NO: REINFORCED CONCRETE Time Arrived: 0700 Time Departed: 1300 Concrete: Nelson & Sloan, Design #1345, 4500 psi 4 (Pg 1 of 1) Observed the placement of approximately 190 cubic yards of concrete into panels 1 through 4, 10, 11, 12, 21, 25, 26, 28 and 40. Two slump tests (4", 5 1/2") and two sets of cylinder samples (11-A, 11-8) were taken. To the best of my knowledge, and except as noted, the work observed was in substantial compliance with the governing construction requirements. (1) Interior specialist (1) Roel Construction (1) City of Carlsbad REVIEWED BY: ~~~ Michael B. Wheeler, R.C.E. #45358 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET, P. 0. Box 600627, SAN DIEGO, CA 92160 (619) 280-4321 Concrete Compressive Strength Test Report File Number: Project Title: Project Location: Architect: Engineer: Contractor: Location In Structure: Material Supplier: Mix Designation: Admixture(s): 9812137 Lot #97 -Interior Specialists 1630 Faraday Avenue Austin Group Jeffrey Chou Roel Construction Time In Mixer (Minutes): Truck Number: Samples Fabricated By: Pour Strip Nelson & Sloan 1345 WRDA64/Air 75 622 ON Slump, Inches: 3-1/4 Ticket Number: 700758 Samples Tested By: NH Laboratory Number: 4527 4528 4529 Mark: 28-A Date Made: 05-28-98 Date Received 05-29-98 Date Tested 06-04-98 06-25-98 06-25-98 Diameter, Inches 6.00 Area, Square Inches 28.27 Maximum Load, Pounds 92,000 127,250 124,250 Compressive Strength, psi 3,250 4,500 4,400 Age Tested, Days 7 28 28 Required 28 Day Strength, psi 4,500 .. Permit No: 973804 Plan File No: CC Temp: Air Temp: Air Content: 0 0 % Specimen sampling, transportation and compressive strength testing were performed by this agency in accordance with the applicable ASTM standards. This agency makes no other warranties express or implied. Distribution: (1) Interior Specialist/c/o Roel Construction (1) Roel Construction (1) City of Carlsbad (1) Nelson & Sloan 05-28 6125198 Reviewed By: George SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET, P. 0. Box 600627, SAN DIEGO, CA 92160 (619) 280-4321 Concrete Compressive Strength Test Report File Number: Project Title: Project Location: Architect: Engineer: Con.tractor: 9812137 Lot #97 -Interior Specialists 1630 Faraday Avenue Austin Group Jeffrey Chou Roel Construction Location In Structure.; Material Supplier: Panel 31 at 3' from left edge and 5' from top Nelson & Sloan Mix Designation: Admixture(s): Time In Mixer (Minutes): Truck Number: Samples Fabricated By: Laboratory Number: Mark: 27A D<;1te Made: Date Received Date Tested Diameter, Inches Area, Square Inches Maximum Load, Pounds Compre_ssive Strength, psi Age Tested, Days 1345 WRDA64/Air 348 DN 4476 05-27-98 05-28-98 06-03-98 6.00 28.27 104,500 3,700 7 Required 28 Day Strength, psi 4,500 Slump, Inches: 4-1/2 Ticket Number: 700326 Samples Tested By: NH 4477 4478 06-24-98 06-24-98 138,250 135,750 4,890 4,800 28 28 Permit No: 973804 Plan File No: CC Temp: Air Temp: Air Content: 4479 Discard 0 0 % Specimen sampling, transportation and compressive strength testing were performed by this agency in accordance with the applicable ASTM standards. This agency makes no other warranties express or implied. Distribution: (1) Interior Specialist/c/o Roel Construction (1) Roel Construction (1) City of Carlsbad (1) Nelson & Sloan 05-27 6124/98 Reviewed By: George Gavit, RCE #56564 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET, P. 0. Box 600627, SAN DIEGO, CA 92160 (619) 280-4321 Concrete Compressive Strength Test Report File Number: 9812137 Project Title: Project Location: Architect: Lot #97 -Interior Specialists 1630 Faraday Avenue Austin Group Permit No: CB97-3804 Engineer: Jeffrey Chou Contractor: Roel Construction Location In Structure: Material Supplier: Panel 11 at 4' from top and 15' from right edge Nelson & Sloan Mix Designation: Admixture(s): Time In Mixer (Minutes): Truck Number: Samples Fabricated By: Laboratory Number: Mark: 11-8 Date Made: Date Received Date Tested Diameter, Inches Area, Square Inches Maximum Load, Pounds Compressive Strength, psi Age Tested, Days 1345 WRDA64/Air 40 610 ON 3802 05-11-98 05-13-98 05-18-98 6.00 28.27 99,750 3,530 7 Required 28 Day Strength, psi 4,500. Slump, Inches: 5-1/2 Ticket Number: 697106 Samples Tested By: NH 3803 3804 06-08-98 06-08-98 135,750 137,750 4,800 4,870 28 28 Plan File No: CC Temp: 0 Air Temp: 0 Air Content: % 3805 Discard Specimen sampling, transportation and compressive strength testing were performed by this agency in accordance with the applicable ASTM standards. This agency makes no other warranties express or implied. Distribution: (1) Interior Specialist/c/o Roel Construction ( 1) Roel Construction (1) City of Carlsbad (1) Nelson & Sloan 05-11 b 6/8/98 Reviewed By: George Gavit, RCE #56564 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET, P. 0. Box 600627, SAN DIEGO, CA 92160 (619) 280-4321 Concrete Compressive Strength Test Report File Number: 9812137 Project Title: Project Location: Architect: Lot #97 -Interior Specialists 1630 Faraday Avenue Austin Group Permit No: CB97-3804 Engineer: Jeffrey Chou Contractor: Roel Construction Location In Structure: Material Supplier: Panel 2 at 1 0' from top and 5' from left edge Nelson & Sloan Mix Designation: Admixture(s): Time In Mixer (Minutes): Truck Number: Samples Fabricated By: Laboratory Number: Mark: 11-A Date Made: Date Received Date Tested Diameter, Inches Area, Square Inches Maximum Load, Pounds Compressive Strength, psi Age Tested, Days 1345 WRDA64/Air 45 403 ON 3798 05-11-98 05-13-98 05-18-98 6.00 28.27 102,250 3,620 7 Required 28 Day Strength, psi 4,500· Slump, Inches: 4 Ticket Number: 697041 Samples Tested By: NH 3799 3800 06-08-98 06-08-98 143,750 146,250 5,080 5,170 28 28 Plan File No: CC Temp: 0 Air Temp: 0 Air Content: % 3801 Discard Specimen sampling, transportation and compressive strength testing were performed by this agency in accordance with the applicable ASTM standards. This agency makes no other warranties express or implied. Distribution: (1) Interior Specialist/c/o Roel Construction ( 1) Roel Construction ( 1) City of Carlsbad (1) Nelson & Sloan 05-11a 6/8198 Reviewed By: George Gavit, RCE #56564 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET, P. 0. Box 600627, SAN DIEGO, CA 92160 (619) 280-4321 Concrete Compressive Strength Test Report File Number: 9812137 Project Title: Project Location: Architect: Lot #97 -Interior Specialists 1630 Faraday Avenue Austin Group Permit No: CB97-3804 Engineer: Jeffrey Chou Contractor: Roel Construction Location In Structure: Material Supplier: Panel 5 at 5' from right edge and 15' from bottom Nelson & Sloan Mix Designation: Admixture(s): Time In Mixer (Minutes): Truck Number: Samples Fabricated By: Laboratory Number: Mark: 8-A Date Made: Date Received Date Tested Diameter, Inches Area, Square Inches Maximum Load, Pounds Compressive Strength, psi Age Tested, Days 1345 WRDA64/Air 75 403 ON 3794 05-08-98 05-13-98 05-15-98 6.00 28.27 96,000 3,400 7 Required 28 Day Strength, psi 4,500 Slump, Inches: 4-1/2 Ticket Number: 696527 Samples Tested By: NH 3795 3796 06-05-98 06-05-98 134,250 133,750 4,750 4,730 28 28 Plan File No: CC Temp: 0 Air Temp: 0 Air Content: % 3797 Discard Specimen sampling, transportation and compressive strength testing were performed by this agency in accordance with the applicable ASTM standards. This agency makes no other warranties express or implied. Distribution: (1) Interior Specialist/c/o Roel Construction (1) Roel Construction (1) City of Carlsbad (1) Nelson & Sloan 05-0Ba 6/5198 Reviewed By/fief George Gavit, RCE #56564 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET, P. 0. Box 600627, SAN DIEGO, CA 92160 (619) 280-4321 Concrete Compressive Strength Test Report File Number: "9812137 Project Title: Project Location: Architect: Lot #97 -Interior Specialists 1630 Faraday Avenue Austin Group Permit No: CB97-3804 Engineer: Jeffrey Chou Contractor: Roel Construction Location In Structure: Material Supplier: Panel 20 at 2' from top edge and 3' from left edge Nelson & Sloan Mix Designation: Admixture(s): Time In Mixer (Minutes): Truck Number: Samples Fabricated By: Laboratory Number: Mark: 8-B Dat~ Made: Date Received Date Tested Diameter, Inches Area, Square Inches Maximum Load, Pounds Compressive Strength, psi Age Tested, Days 1345 WRDA64/Air 50 403 DN 3611 05-08-98 05-11-98 05-15-98 6.00 28.27 92,000 3,250 7 Required 28 Day Strength, psi 4,500 Slump, Inches: 5 Ticket Number: 696634 Samples Tested By: NH 3612 3613 06-05,-98 06-05-98 130,250 132,500 4,610 4,690 28 28 Plan File No: CC Temp: 0 Air Temp: 0 Air Content: % 3614 Discard Specimen sampling, transportation and compressive strength testing were performed by this agency in accordance with the applicable ASTM standards. This agency makes no other warranties express or implied. Distribution: ( 1) Interior Specialist/c/o Roel Construction ( 1) Roel Construction (1) City of Carlsbad (1) Nelson & Sloan 05-08b 615198 Reviewed By: I RECENED SOUTHERN _CALIFORNIA $OIL & TESTING, INC. --, I 6280 Riverdale Street, P.O. Box 600/iZ:7 ·, San Diego, CA 92160, (619) 280-4321 MAY 2 6 1998 !, ,---\ ' ' \ '1\~ •· i ,-, FIELD INSPECTION REPORT '1 \ \/ri(, \ \ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PROJECT TITLE: Interior Specialists, Lot 97, Carlsbad SCS&T FILE NO: I.R.NO: 1 (Pg 1 of 1) PROJECT LOCATION: "".Jc6'3"0."EaraaaY.::Av:e,., Carlsbad PERMIT NO: 9812137 973804 Jeffrey Chan PLAN FILE NO: ARCHITECT: GEN. CONTRACTOR: 4/8/98 J. Blakely ICBO #79299 4/9/98 C. Hand #C495 DISTRIBUTION: Austin Group Roel ENGINEER: SUBCONTRACTOR: REINFORCED CONCRETE Time Arrived: 1200 Reinforcing Steel: ASTM A615, Grade 60 Time Departed: 1400 Inspected the reinforcing steel at the grade beams, GB-1 and GB-2 as per details on S2.1 of plans. To the best of my knowledge, all work was in accordance with the approved plans. REINFORCED CONCRETE Time Arrived: 0700 Time Departed: 1015 Concrete: Nelson & Sloan, Design #593, 3000 psi Observed the placement of concrete, which was tailgated into grade beams 1 and 2. The concrete was consolidated by means of a mechanical vibrator. The reinforcing steel was previously inspected and found acceptable for the concrete placement. Fabricated one set of four test cylinder and slum was 4". Unless noted otherwise, the work inspected is, to the best of my knowledge, in compliance with the approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the governing building laws. (1) Interior specialist ( 1 ) Roel Construction (1) City of Carlsbad REVIEWED BY: Michael B. Wheeler, R.C.E. #45358 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC. 6280 Riverdale Street, P.O. Box 600627 , San Diego, CA 92160, (619) 280-4321 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT LOCATION: ARCHITECT: GEN. CONTRACTOR: 6/05/98 K. Embrey #534 DISTRIBUTION: (1) CRC Lot 97 Interior Specialists, Lot 97, Carlsbad 1630 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad Austin Group Roel WELDING Reinforcing Steel: #9 Electrodes: 072, NR 232 SCS&T FILE NO: PERMIT NO: 9812137 973804 l.R. NO: PLAN FILE NO: ENGINEER: Austin Design Group SUBCONTRACTOR: Gary's Welding Certified Welder: Herbert Bloom, #N98919 and N78085 7 (Pg 1 of 1) Provided inspection for welding of beam connections for tilt-up walls at Line 1 between C to D and at D2, E 2 and E3. The welds were proper size and length. (1) Roel Construction (1) City of Carlsbad Michael 8. Wheeler, R.C.E. #45358 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET, P. 0. Box 600627, SAN DIEGO, CA 92160 (619) 280-4321 Concrete Compressive Strength Test Report File Number: Project Title: Project Location: Architect: Engineer: Contractor: Location In Structure: Material Supplier: Mix Designation: Admixture(s): 9812137 Lot #97 -Interior Specialists 1630 Faraday Avenue Austin Group Jeffrey Chou Roel Construction Pour Strip @ panel Nelson & Sloan 1345 WRDA64/Air Time In Mixer (Minutes): Truck Number: Samples Fabricated By: 50 68688 ON Slump, Inches: 5 Ticket Number: 703405 Samples Tested By: NH Laboratory Number: 5148 5149 5150 Mark: Date Made: 06-08-98 Date Received 06-09-98 Date Tested 06-15-98 07-06-98 07-06-98 Diameter, Inches 6.00 Area, Square Inches 28.27 Maximum Load, Pounds 100,500 137,250 135,000 Compressive Strength, psi 3,560 4,850 4,780 Age Tested, Days 7 28 28 Required 28 Day Strength, psi 4,500 Permit No: 973804 Plan File No: CC Temp: Air Temp: Air Content: 0 0 % Specimen sampling, transportation and compressive strength testing were performed by this agency in accordance with the applicable ASTM standards. This agency makes no other warranties express or implied. Distribution: (1) Interior Specialist/c/o Roel Construction (1) Roel Construction (1) City of Carlsbad (1) Nelson & Sloan 06-08 716/98 Reviewed By: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET, P. 0. Box 600627, SAN DIEGO, CA 92160 (619) 280-4321 Concrete Compressive Strength Test Report File Number: Project Title: Project Location: Architect: Engineer: Contractor: Location-In Structure: Material Supplier: Mix Designation: Admixture(s): 9812137 Lot #97 -Interior Specialists 1630 Faraday Avenue Austin Group Jeffrey Chou Roel Construction Column bases Nelson & Sloan 1345 Polarset Time In Mixer (Minutes): Truck Number: Samples Fabricated By: 75 306 CJH Slump, Inches: 3-1/2 Ticket Number: 705628 Samples Tested By: NH Laboratory Number: 5574 5575 5576 Mark: Date Made: 06-15-98 Date Received 06-16-98 Date Tested 06-22-98 07-13-98 07-13-98 Diameter, Inches 6.00 Area, Square Inches 28.27 Maximum Load, Pounds 104,000 135,250 137,250 Compressive Strength, psi 3,680 4,780 4,850 Age Tested, Days 7 28 28 Required 28 Day Strength, psi 3,000 Permit No: 973804 Plan File No: CC Temp: Air Temp: Air Content: 5577 Discard 0 0 % Specimen sampling, transportation and compressive strength testing were performed by this agency in accordance with the applicable ASTM standards. This agency makes no other warranties express or implied. Distribution: (1) Interior Specialist/c/o Roel Construction (1) Roel Construction ( 1) City of Carlsbad (1) Nelson & Sloan 06-15 7116/98 Reviewed By: George Gavit, RCE #56564 neueivea: 4/lU/98 3:27PM; 02/09/1994 02:15 619-536-8311 619 536 8311 -> ROEL QUALCOMM; Page 2 GEOTECHNICS INC. PAGE 02 Geotechnics I n c o r p o r ~ t e d· April 10, 1998 CRC Parcel 97 LLC 4510 Executive Drive~ Plaza S San Diego, California 92121 Attention: Mr. Ken Satterlee SUBJECT: UNDERSLAB MOISTURE PROTECTION Interior Specialists, CRC Lot 97 Carlsbad,. Calitomia Principals: Anthony F. Bcliatt Michael P, lmbriglio W. Lee Vanderhun,t Project No. 0394-001-01 Document No. 8-0274 References: "Report of Geotecbnical Investigation, Proposed Interior Specialists Facilities, Carlsbad Research Center, Lot 97, Carlsbad, California'\ by Geotechnics Incorporated. Project No. 0394-001-00, September 12, 1997. Gentlemen: "Grading and Foundation Plan Review, Interior Specialists~ CRC Lot 971 Carlsbad, California", by Geotechnios Incorporated, Project No. 0394-001-00, Document No. 8-0016, January 12, 1998. In accordance with the ~st of Mr. Dan Reems with Roel Construction, we are reiterating herein our opinions reaarding the underslab moisture protection proposed for the subject site. It is our wtderstanding that 6-inches of minus 3/4--inch crushed rock has been proposed for use throughout the entire building pad area. This alternative was presented in paragraph 3 of Section 7.8.l of the . · referenced geotechnical report. It i$ our opin.io~ that 6-inches of crushed rock will provide a suitable moisture barrier without using a plastic membrane, assuming that a water--cement ratio of 0.5 or less is used for the concrete in the building slab .. and that the concrete is moist cured for at least 5 days in accordance with the methods recommended by the American Concrete Institute. 9951 Bu,ineea Puk An., Ste. B • San Diego California • 91131 Phone (dl9) Slfi..1000 • Fu (619) 536-8311 Received: 4/10/98 3:28PM; 02/09/1994 02:15 619-536-8311 CRC Parcel 97 U.C . April 10, 1998 . 619 536 8311 -> ROEL QUALCOMM; GEOTECHNICS INC. Page 3 PAGE 03 Projcc:t No. Ol94•00 l •O l Document No, 8-0274 Page2 It is our opinion that the crushed rock unders]ab system will transmit less moisture than the clean sand and visqueen system commonly used in southern California. As discussed in the referenced plan review letter, we estiinate that the crushed rock system will transmit approximately 3 to 6 pounds of moisture per l 000 square feet per day_ However~ this may be e:&cessive for some flooring applications. In order to completely eliminate moisture transmission, a legitimate moisture barrier, such as •'paraseal'' could be used directly on the native compacted subgrade soil. These issues have been brought to the attention of the owner and project architect, and as stated in the April 13 memorandum from Mr. Jeff Parshalle with the Austin Design Group, 1he underslab membxane will not be inst.ailed due to cost considerations. Consequently, it is our understanding that the owner and architect have determined that the moisture transmission rates we estimated are suitable for the proposed flooring application at the site, or that the risks associated with that amount of moisture transmission is acceptable. We appreciate this opportunity to be of continued service. Please caU at your convenience if you should have any questions or comments. GEOTECHNICSJNCORPORATED Anthony F. Belfast, P.E. 40333 Principal AFB/maf Distribution: (4) Addressee (2) Austin Design Group, Mr. Gwy Lipska (FAX: 546-0440) (l) Roel Coru;tructi~ Mr. Dam Reems (FAX: 457-9899) Geoteebnfcs .Ineo:rporated DATE: 3/ 18/98 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-3804 EsGil Corporation '1.n Partnersft.ip Witft. {]ovemment for 'Builifing Safetg SET: III PROJECT ADDRESS: Lot 97, Faraday Ave. PROJECT NAME: Carlsbad Research Center, Lot 97 D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. • The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitteo for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: • Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax In Person / DtJv~ • REMARKS: Each sheet of the plans must be signed and sealed by the engtfieer or architect assuming design responsibility for the project. By: Chuck Mendenhall Esgil Corporation D GA D CM D EJ D PC 3/10/98 Enclosures: trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 DATE: 2/3/98 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-3804 EsGil Corporation Professional Pftm. !l(.eview 'Engineers SET: II PROJECT ADDRESS: Lot 97, Faraday Ave. PROJECT NAME: Carlsbad Research Center, Lot 97 N REVIEWER D FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. • The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person . • The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Austin Design Group, Att' n: Carlos Om ran 9605 Scranton Rd., Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92121 • Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant (except by mail) that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Chuck Mendenhall Esgil Corporation 0 GA O CM O EJ O PC Enclosures: 1/28/98 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 ''=--- Carlsbad 97 -3804, Set II 2/3/98 NOTE: The correction items listed below refer to the items from the previous list. These remaining items have not been adequately addressed. The correction in bold print following the previous correction is to clarify what is incomplete. 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list. Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92009, (619) 438-1161. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (619) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments ·until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. PLANS 2. All sheets of the plans are required to be signed by the California licensed architect or engineer responsible for the plan preparation. Please include the California license number, seal, date of . . . license expiration and the date the plans are signed. Business and Professions Gode. Plans must be signed and sealed. This may be done at the city building dept. office. STRUCTURAL 13. Include in the plans a roof and floor diaphram nailing schedule. See sheets S2.2 & S5.1 of the p,lans. The diaphram must be cap~ble of resisting the loads outlined in the design calc's. Clarify the dimension where the nailing of the floor diaphram shown on sheet 52.2 changes. See the diaphram nailing between grid 4.5 and 7 on sheet S2.2. 15. Include in the calc's the design of the connection of the GLB's to the tilt up panels. See detail 8/S6.3. reference this detail to the appropriate location on the roof framing plan sheet S5.1. Reference detail 9/SG.3 along gri~ line 1 to the beam support point. How did you arrive at the allowable shear and tension for the headed studs on pages 9, 21, & 22 of the most recent design calc's. UBC Section 1925.1, which I believe you are using to show that the connection is adequate, requires the use of the bolt values in Table 19-E. Also, Include on the plans the connection detail at grid location E-2.7-. 22. Include in the design calc's the floor and roof ledger bolting. Clarify where you arrived at the allowable shear values for the headed studs in the revised design calc's on page 12. The design is using 4500# for tension and 3560 for shear. 23. Include in the calc's the chord sizes for the roof and floor diaphrams & the chord splice as shown in detail 7/S6.3.-Detail 13/SG.2 references detail 14/SG.3 as the splice connection for the angle ledger. The reference should be to 14/SG.2 , ' V •"! 25. Include· in the tilt up panel continuous footing design. I could not locate this in the most recent design calc's. Specify on which page of the most recent design calc's this can be found. 27. Include in the design the panels supporting the concentrated GLB loads. Additional calc's for panel 37a & 37b on sheet W49 thru W52 of the most recent calc's did include the concentrated loads to this panel. Note that this panel and panel 39 requires a min. Of #5 horiz at 12" OC in the lower section. The plans show that the horiz steel is #4 @12" OC. Specify o which page of the design calc's do I find the panel design for all the other concentrated loads. 30. Detail the connection of panel 19 to 21 at grid location 6-E.6. Note that if you intend to use mechanical fasteners they must be designed to comply with UBC 1631. The connection must be designed in accordance with UBC 1631.2.4.'2 which requires that the body of the connection be designed for 1 1/3 X the design force. The embedded fasteners must be design for 4X the design force. Reinforcing steel must be hooked around the studs to engage the bolts. 35. Include as part of the design calc's the panels that act as shear walls and any hold downs required for these shear walls. Expand the design on pages 32 & 33 of the most recent calc's for panels 29 and 31 to show the following: A. How you arrived at the vertical DL of 3510 PLF for panel 29. B. Include in the design ties between the shear walls and the foundation. C. Design the shear walls along line 1 and 7. C. Design the shear wall piers along line 1 lower floor, panels 36,37,38 & 39, for the reduced allowable shear as outlined in UBC Section 1921.6.4.3. D. Detail on the plans the horiz steel terminating in standard hook for the shear wall piers along line 1. UBC 1921.6.2.2 35A. The design of the braced frame on page 35 of the calc's may not use reduced lateral loads because of the different Rw value. See UBC Section 1628.3.4. Revise the design using the full lateral loads as required by the UBC. NOTE: Resubmit plans. A complete structural recheck will be made when the above items have been addressed and resubmitted for review. END OF DOCUMENT DATE: 12/29/97 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-3804 EsGil Corporation Professional Pftm !l{.eview 'E.ngineers . SET:I PROJECT ADDRESS: Lot 97, Faraday Ave. PROJECT NAME: Carlsbad Research Center, Lot 97 0 APPLICANT ~JURIS. D PLAN REVIEWER 0 FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. • The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected pl~ns are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. • The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Austin Design Group, Att'n: Carlos Omran 9605 Scranton Rd., Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92121 l»-'~ • Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant (except by mail) that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Mail Telephone ·Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Chuck Mendenhall Esgil Corporation • GA O CM • E..I O PC 12/16/97 Fax#: Enclosures: trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 I . I Carlsbad 97-3804 12/29/97 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST COMMERCIAL PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-3804 OCCUPANCY: B TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VN ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA: .·48,000 SPRINKLERS?: Yes REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: JURISDICTION: Carlsbad USE: Office/ Industrial Shell ACTUAL AREA: 35411 STORIES: two HEIGHT: 30' OCCUPANTLOAD: 354 DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 12/16/97 DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: 12/29/97 PLAN REVIEWER: Chuck Mendenhall FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Code sections cited are based on the 1994 UBC. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited code_s and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1994 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. LIST NO. 22, GENERAL COMMERCIAL WITHOUT ENERGY OR POLICY SUPPLEMENTS (1994 UBC) comforw.dot Carlsbad 97-3804 12/29/97 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list. Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92009, (619) 438-1161. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring one corrected set of plans anq calculations/reports to EsGil Corporc;1tion, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (619) 560- 1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. • PLANS 2. All sheets of the plans are required to be signed by the California licensed architect or engineer responsible for the plan preparation. Please include the California license number, seal, date of license expiration and the date the plans are signed. Business and Professions Code. 3. Provide a Building Code Data Legend on the Title Sheet. Include the following code information for each building proposed: 4. Justification to exceed allowable area in Table 5-8. (if applicable) 5. Clearly designate any side yards used to justify increases in allowable area based on Section 505. 6. Clearly not on the cover sheet of the plans that the plans are for a shelf building only. Future tenant improvements are subject to permits and approval by the city. 7. At least one of the disabled parking spaces must be van accessible. This requires that the loa~ing space be a min. of 8' wide. See detail 3/A 1.1 on the plans. • EXITS 8. Note on the plans: "All exits are to be openable from inside without the use of a key or special knowledge." • ROOFS Carlsbad 97-3804 12/29/97 9. A Class "B" roof covering is required. Table 15--A. The specifications do not indicate the rating of the roof covering. • FOUNDATION 10. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soil report are properly incorporated into the plans. (required by the soil report). • STRUCTURAL 11. On the "Special Inspection" section of sheet S1 .0 specify the following in addition to what is already listed REQUIRED • SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSPECTION 12. When special inspection is required, the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program which shall be submitted to the building official for approval prior to issuance of the building permit. Please review Section 106.3.5. Please complete the attached form. 13. Include in the plans a roof and floor diaphram nailing schedule. See sheets S2.2 & S5.1 of the plans. The diaphram must be capable of resisting the loads outlined in the design calc's. 14. Detail on the plans the connection of the roof purl ins to the tilt up walls. 15. Include in the calc's the design of the connection of the GLB's to the tilt up panels. See detail 8/S6.3. reference this detail to the appropriate location on the roof framing plan sheet S5.1. 16. detail on the plans the size and reinforcing of the continuous interior bearing wall footings. 17. Foundation details 3/S6.1 & 4/S6.1 indicate that the reinforcing and thickness are per the plan. There is nothing on sheet S2.1 of the plans indicating the thickness and reinforcing of the perimeter continuous footings. 18. The column schedule on sheet S2.1 has a column listed as footing size. I believe this should be listed as base plate size. 19. Detail 1/S6.3 indicates "Simpson CCO" cap. Specify the dimensions of the CCO caps you intend to use. --·--··· Carlsbad 97-3804 12/29/97 20. Detail the floor framing for the stairs between B-C along line 4.5 and D-D.5 along line 5. 21. Design and detail the drag connection to the braced frame along grid line 3 at the roof. Also, detail the connection of the roof diaphram to the braced frame. 22. Include in the design calc's the floor and roof ledger bolting. 23. Include in the calc's the chord sizes for the roof and floor diaphrams & the chord splice as shown in detail 7/S6.3. 24. Detail 6/S6.3 indicates "See detail 15/S6.3 for splice". The reference should be to detail 7/S6.3. 25. Include in the tilt up panel continuous footings. 26. Reference detail 8/S6.3 to the elevations of panels 13, 14, 15,37 & 38 where the GLB are supported. 27. Include in the design the panels supporting the concentrated GLB loads. 28. Design and detail the foundations for panels 27a & 27 which are acting as retaining walls. 29. How do you intend to provide out-of-plane lateral support for the free standing panels 1, 7, 16 & 23? 30. Detail the connection of panel 19 to 21 at grid location 6-E.6. Note that if you intend to use mechanical fasteners they must be designed to comply with UBC 1631. 31. Detail the mechanical fasteners at the panels where they join at the corners. See detail 1 0/S6.1. 32. The seismic load on panel #1 appears to be incorrect. The load should be 107 X 0.3=32 PSF for the 81/2" thick panel. ______ .. 33. Panel 16 must be 12" thick as designed. The plans show this panel to be 1 0" thick. 34. Show on the elevation of panel 21 the support location for the second floor steel beam. Design and detail this connection and the panel at the concentrated load. 35. Include as part of the design calc's the panels that act as shear walls and any hold downs required for these shear walls. NOTE: a complete structural recheck will be made when the above items have been addressed and resubmitted for review. Carlsbad 97-3804 12/29/97 • ELECTRICAL PLAN REVIEW NEC PLAN REVIEWER: Eric Jensen 36. The architectural and the electrical floor plans should match for layout: the architectural is correct, the phone equipment may not be accessible only from the service room. 37. Please specify the wiring methods that will be used at this facility. Local ordinance restricts the use of armored and NM cables to residential uses only. Clearly specify on the electrical plans that AC and NM cable shall not be used as a wiring method. (AC cable may be installed if a full sized equipment grounding conductor is installed interior of the cable). 38. Provide details for the "direct earth burial" style of pole. Note: If you have any questions regarding this electrical plan review list please contact the plan reviewer listed above at (619) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list ( or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. PLUMBING, MECHANICAL AND ENERGY CORRECTIONS PLAN REVIEWER: Glen Adamek 39. Each sheet of the plans must be signed by the licensed designer. • PLUMBING (1994 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 40. The restrooms shown on the plumbing plans do not show on the building floor plans. 41. Correct the water fixture unit shown on sheet P-1. The kitchen sinks are 4 fixture units each, not 2 fixture units. The drinking fountains are 2 fixture units each, not one fixture unit. The janitors sinks ar-e 4 fixture units each, not 2 fixture units. Note: If you have any questions regarding this plan review list please contact Glen Adamek at (619) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. SPECIAL INSPECTION PROGRAM ADDRESS OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PLAN CHECK NUMBER: _____ OWNER'S NAME: I, as the owner, or agent of the owner (contractors may not employ the special inspector), certify that I, or the architect/engineer of record, will be responsible for employing the special inspector(s) as required by Uniform Building Code (UBC) Section 1701.1 for the construction project located at the site listed above. UBC Section 106.3.5. Signed _________________ _ I, as the engineer/architect of record, certify that I have prepared the following special inspection program as required by UBC Section 106.3.5 for the construction project located at the site listed above. Signed _________________ _ 1. List of work requiring special inspection: D Soils Compliance Prior to Foundation Inspection D Structural Concrete Over 2500 PSI D Prestressed Concrete D Structural Masonry D Designer Specified D Field Welding Enginee(s/Archltect's Seal & Signature Here D High Strength Bolting D Expansion/Epoxy Anchors D Sprayed-On Fireproofing D Other _____ _ 2. Name(s) of individual(s) or firm(s) responsible for the special inspections listed above: A. 8. C. 3. Duties of the special inspectors for the work listed above: A. 8. C. Special inspectors shall check in with the City and present their credentials for approval prior to beginning work on the job site. SIP 4997 ............ --.. " Carlsbad 97-3804 12/29/97 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-3804 PREPARED BY: Chuck Mendenhall BUILDING ADDRESS: Lot 97, Faraday Ave. DATE: 12/29/97 BUILDING OCCUPANCY: B/Fl TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VN BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE (ft. 2) MULTIPLIER ($) shell bldQ 35,411 60 X 0.8 * 1,699,778 Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers 35,411 1.70 60,198 TOTAL VALUE 1,759,976 • 1991 UBC Building Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ 8099.50 • 1991 USC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 5264.67 Type of Review: • Complete Review D Structural Only D Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 4211.74 Comments: * Valued as an office type Ill N which the actual contraction more closely approximates. Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5196 I i .. ___ J ·- T ii ',( 41 City of Carlsbad M ¥i h· iih44iih~i •l4·Si ii ;,J§hl BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DATE: }-/~-12( PLANCHECKNO.: cs9°73go{- BUILDINGADDRE$S: /...(1_-f:. 'f/2 C,J!;,.~ ~ ,. , ,-/2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION:· Gl.Jd :g~ 3 :J., 7 7 7 Y-1 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: c2/g -/c_300;i_ EST. VALU~: ___ _ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL. DENIAL The item you have submitted for review has been approved. . The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to build. A Right-of-Way permit is required prior to construction of the following improvements: Please se~l _ attached report of deficiencies marked with Make necessary corrections to plans or specific tion for compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. s{)]OJ~ate: f{rJ/7? p(}J ~ Date );z~p By: Date: FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ENGINE~THO~ON TO ISSUE BUILDING PE~ ~ By7Y2c m ~ Date:'2o{q~:ZJ? ATTACHMENTS . Dedication Application Dedication Checklist Improvement Application Improvement Checklist Future Improvement Agreement Grading Permit Application Grading Submittal Checklist Right-of-Way Permit Application Right-of-Way Permit Submittal Checklist ·and Information Sheet Sewer Fee Information Sheet ENGINEERING DEPT.-CONTACT PERSON Name: Michele Masterson City of Carlsbad Address: 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 Phone: (619) 438-1161, ext. 4315 CFD INFORMATION Parcel Map No: Lots: Recordation: Carlsbad Tract: A-4 \\LASPALMASISYSILIBRARY\ENGIWORD\DOCS\CHKLST\Bulkflng Plancheck Cklst BP0001 Fann MM.doc A Rev.oe,o3,~075 Las Palmas Dr.• Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 • (619) 438-1161 • FAX (619) 438-0894 l, f 0 ~~ 0 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST SITE PLAN 1. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: A. North Arrow B. Existing & Proposed Structures C. Existing Street Improvements D. $. Property Lines h rr,s Easements-.-5 Ou.J lt..:J::l.-f.er e,asem-ui Right-of-Way Width & AdJac~nt Streets G. Driveway widths 2. Show on site plan: (Mrainage Patterns tp Building pad surface drainage must maintain a minimum slope of one percent towards an adjoining street or an approved drainage course. @DD THE FOLLOWING NOTE: "Finish grade will provide a minimum positive drainage of 2% to swale 5' away from building." B. Existing & Proposed Slopes and Topography 3. Include on title sheet: A. Site address B. Assessor's Parcel Number C. Legal Description For commercial/industrial buildings and tenant improvement projects, include: total building square footage with the square footage for each different use, existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufacturing, warehouse, office, etc.) previously approved. -EXISTING PERMIT NUMBER DESCRIPTION DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE 4a. Project does not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of approval for Project No. _______________________ _ ~~--------- 0 0 0 4b. All conditions are in compliance. Date: __________ _ \\lASPALMAS\SYSII.IBRARYIENGIWORDIOOCS\CHKLST\Bullding Plancheclt Cklsl BP0001 Fonn MM doc Rev. 09/03/97 2 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS 5. Dedication for all street Rights-of-Way adjacent to the building site and any storm drain or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding $ ______ , pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.030. Dedication required as follows: ________________ _ Dedication required. Please have a registered Civil Engineer or Land SL!rveyor prepare the appropriate legal description together with an 8 ½" x 11" plat map and submit with a title report. All easement documents must be approved and signed by owner(s) prior to issuance of Building Permit. Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the dedication process. Submit the completed application form with the required checklist items and fees to the Engineering Department in person. Applications will not be accept by mail or fax. Dedication completed by: ___________ _ Date: ----- IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS 6a. All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the building site must be constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $ _______ , pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.040. Public improvements required as follows: _____________ _ Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the public improvement requirements. A registered Civil Engineer must prepare the · appropriate improvement plans and submit them together with the requirements on the attached checklist to the Engineering Department through a separate plan check process. The completed application form and the requirements on the checklist must be submitted in person. Applications by mail or fax are not accepted. Improvement plans must be approved, appropriate securities posted and fees paid prior to issuance of building permit. Improvement Plans signed by: _________ _ Date: ----- 6b. Construction of the public improvements may be deferred pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40. Please submit a recent property title report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee of $ _______ so we may prepare the necess~ry Future Improvement Agreement. This agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the City prior to issuance of a Building permit. Future public improvements required as follows: \ILASPALMAS\SYS\LIBRARYIENG\WORDIDOCS\CHKLST\Bullding Plancheck°Cklst BP0001 Form MM.doc Rev. 09/03/97 3 a 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 .a a 0 a 0 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 6c. Enclosed please find your Future Improvement Agreement. Please return agreement signed and notarized to the Engineering Department. Future Improvement Agreement completed by: Date: 6d. No Public Improvements required. SPECIAL NOTE: Damaged or defective improvements found adjacent to building site must be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Inspector prior to occupancy. GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that invoke the need for a grading permit are found in Section 11.06.030 of the Municipal Code. ?a. Inadequate information available on Site Plan to make a determination on grading requirements. Include accurate grading quantities (cut, fill import, export). Write "No Grading" on plot plan if none is required. ?b. Grading Permit required. A separate grading plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer must be submitted together with the completed application form attached. NOTE: The Grading Permit must be issued and rough grading approval obtained prior to issuance of a Building Permit. Grading Inspector sign off by: Date: ?c. Graded Pad Certification required. (Note: Pad certification may be required even if a grading permit is not required.) ?d.No Grading Permit required. ?e.lf grading is not required, write "No Grading" on plot plan. MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS 8. A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in City Right-of-Way and/or private work adjacent to the public Right-of-Way. Types of work include, but are not limited to: street improvements, tree trimming, driveway construction, tieing into public storm drain, sewer and water utilities. , Right-of-Way rermit required for:~ ~ {JJ~ c ~ L---=----. \\LASPALMASISYSILIBRARY\ENGIWORD\OOCS\CHKLST\Building Plancheck Cklst BP0001 Fom, MM.doc Rev. 09/03/97 4 0 0 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 9. A SEWER PERMIT is requir.ed concurrent with the building permit issuance. The fee is noted in the fees.section on the following page. 0 · 10. INDUSTRIAL WASTE PERMIT If your facility is located in the City of Carlsbad · sewer service area, you need to contact the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, located at 5950 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008. District personnel can provide forms and assistance, and will check to see if your business enterprise is on the EWA Exempt List. You may telephone (760) 438-2722, extension 153, for assistance. tC ~Complies with the City's requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge (JP l ~ L--Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The applicant shall provide best C,,; 1 management practices to reduce surface pollutants to an acceptable level prior to 0-(l discharge to sensitive areas. Plans for such improvements shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of grading or building permit, whichever 0 occu~st. 12. "'Required fees are attached 0 No fees required Of-,~ Ptoo,w£----i:rn,·:2>h-e& Pa.ct ele va-4to~ /!11/A ol[e-.~) Drivewat3 1 oc.a_"-tovt.~ are... ne+ p€-r f;1tl> T-etlk t-11-lQ_ vY1 ~ p C See... a .. :Ha_c.J,e.d). ot;;;/(:J.') C'...', v: I .$/i-e,e_,,fS lnust-I rckd e.--e;-os I on... (!t:ivrf,a, I ~-ee_,,TS , ~e) Civ;/ se.f-f/eqs.e..., -sADu..J fopos-ec/ w,v+er ea Se m-eA.T'S" ~~ii':~~:tSYS\LIBRARY\ENGIWORDIOOCS\CHKLST\Bullding Plancheck Cklst BP0001 Form MM.d_oc 5 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET ~ Estimate based on unconfirmed informafion from applicant. ~ Calculation based on building plancheck plan submittal. Address:bg_T '77 Clic < Bldg. Permit No. cL3 9 73J'CJ4- Prepared by:/n:IJ. /)\..__, Date: j;c2./ '-l~ Checked by: ____ Date: ----~ EDU CALCULATIONS: List types and square footag!'?'J;~):,8~ ta) ~ Types of Use: diJ / Sq. Ft.A:k-tit.s:~// ·• ~ EDU's:,,,.:.~c...,----=---/ ... / ADT CALCULATIONS: List types and square f:':§:Jts f7/II uses~C) Types of Use: ~e// Sq. Ft.Afnits":'" ~ ADT's: ~;.__i,_~-- -/ . FEES REQUIRED: WITHIN CFD~YES (no bridge & thoroughfare fee, reduced Traffic Impact Fee) ~K-IN-L~U FEE PARK AREA: __ _ . / FEE/UNIT: 7 /L.--X NO. UNITS: ip/2. TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE d'T ~ / ADT's/UNIT~ X FEE/ADT: ~ d-"\a~ BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE FEE / ADT's/UNITS:._____ X FEE/ADT: uf 4. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FEE ZONE:_5-=--- / 1tJM-T/S<l.Ff-:CS,35,3:l[ X FEE/SQ.FT./UNIT: 0 4-0 V 5. SEWER FEE 3~/ I /7 PERMIT No . .5 E qg C)CJ6.3 (o0 .5~DU's: ] ... 0 8 -X FEE/EDU: Jf/L) B~fjEl:JT AREA: Fr-') DRAINAGE BASIN: se (o, 5~DU's: -:;J ~ X FEE/EDU: cg7 c; ~NAGE FEES PLDA. ___ _ HIGH ___ /LOW __ _ ACRES: · X ~WER LATERAL ($2,500) FEE/AC: __ _ ONO =$ -& 3;toos> =$ 3, gq4-- =$ -&- !3J687 ~-$-1 *> I e+ lh '6 3 7 ~~ti,~ =$ -0 =$ -e-- 34-);;?J'/ TOTAL ~FABOVE FEES*: $"?.J7) Q CJ to *NOTE: This calculation sheet is NOT a complete list of all fees which may be due. Dedications and Improvements may also be required with Building Permits. P:\DOCS\MISFORMSIFEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET REV 01/28/97 AUS~IN t)ESIGN GROUP Dare: 1 \22\98 TO: Michele Masterson City of Carlsbad, Engineering Dept. FROM: Gary Lipska Memorandum RE: Lot 97, Carlsbad Research Center, Interior Specialists - Driveway location, Camino Hms Drive It was noted on the first plan check comments that the "driveway locations are not per the Tentative Map". In re59onse to this item we met with you at the City office on January 21, 1998. The follow statements have been prepared to memorialize that meeting. Of particular concern was the driveway apron location shown our plans at Camino Hills Drive entrance. The dr:ve way apron at the Faraday Avenue entrance was not a point of discussion. During our meeting we discussed our design consideration; driveway slope, adjacent slope. We also reviewed the impacts of our driveway locanon on a future driveway for Lot 96 (east side of Camino Hills Drive). We noted the existing fire hydrant and the ex:sting street light fixture would be obstructions to the Tentative Map driveway locations. TI:e result of our discussion was that the Camino Hills Drive driveway apron was acceptable as shown on the soomitted plan and relocation was not needed. Sl:ould you have addition comments on this issue, please comact this office at your earliest convenience. CC: Carlos Omran 9005 SCRANTON ROAD SlJTE 200 SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 TEL: 619-546-0110 FAX: 619-546-0440 ... .,. Attention: Ms. Michelle Masterson Engineering Department Site Plan: 1) See C-1 for location of water easements. 2) See C-1 note #5 for finish grade. Grading Permit Requirements: 7c) Graded pad certifications will be provided when grade is complete. Miscellaneous Permit: 8) Right-of -Way Permit: Document shall be submitted by awarded general contractor. 9) Sewer Permit: 10) NPDES Permit: Provided specifications for catch basin filtration inserts on drawings C-1 & C-2. Additional Comments: a) Water improvements: b) Finished Pad Elev.: c) Driveway Locations: d) Erosion Control: e) Water Easements: As noted As noted in civil drawings C-l. See Memo addressed to Michelle Masterson. See Civil drawing C-3 See Civil drawing C-l Carlos Omro~ L f.c. Ken Satterlee, Keely Corporation c.c. Jeff Parshalle City of Carlsbad l#ih•ihf441hi•i•l4•kiiii,t4hl February 17, 1998 CRC Parcel 97, LLC 4510 Executive Drive Plaza San Diego, CA 92121 RE: Permission to grade on property located at 1630 Faraday Avenue and more particularly described as Lot 97 of Map 12815, recorded in the County of San Diego on May 16, 1991. In accordance with Building Plan CB 973804, on file with the City of Carlsbad Building Department, the City finds that: 1) a grading permit is not required for grading of the aforementioned property per Section 15.16.060(A)(8) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and 2) all issues from all departments concerned have been satisfied regarding said application for building permits with the exception of obtaining graded pad certification. Therefore, authorization is hereby granted to CRC Parcel 97, LLC, property owner of the above described property, to grade said property in conformance with Building Plan CB 973804. As a condition of said grading, the person or company doing the grading shall maintain all safety and erosion control measures until the grading work is complete and stabilized against erosion in accordance with City Standards. Sincerely, ~J;b"~ -ROBERT J. ~OJCIK, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer c: Engineering Department -Inspection Division Building Department -Inspection Division Docs\Misforms\Permission to Grade on Property Letter 1/23/98 2075 Las Palmas Dr. • Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 • (760) 438-1161 • FAX (760) 431-5769 AUSTIN DESIGN GROUP March 24, 1998 City of Carlsbad, Building Dept. 2075 Palmer Way Carlsbad, CA 92009 Attn: Mike Peterson RE: Building Pad Grade Certification -Lot 97, CRC, Project No. 97-3804, 1630 Faraday Avenue Dear Mr. Peterson; Based upon field survey data provided by Project Design Consultants on March 20, 1998, we certify that the building pad grades are in substantial conformance with the approved Grading and Drainage Plan. It should be noted that the approved grading plan provides for different building floor slab / base thicknesses. Subsequently, this condition has been revised to be a single slab and base thickness of 1 foot. · , - We certify that the Pad Grade Elevations are within O. l' ( one tenth of foot) as required for the finish floor elevations shown on the Grading Plan. The design P~? _wade ~levation is· 213.4. Project Owner: CRC Parcel 97 LLC 4510 Executive Drive, Plaza 5 San Diego, CA 92121 Contact: Virginia Lane Should you need additional information, please contact us· at any time at the below listed telephone number. 9605 SCRANTON ROAD SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 TEL: 619-546-0110 FAX: 619-546-0440 No.23060 File: wpwin60\austindg\lot97pad.cer . ~ s ~ .. .. 0 C . ~ .. "' ii: ii: !! "' C >, .0 "' ~ ·...: u a, B C "' ii: ~DD ~DD PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Plan Check Ya: CB q '1 3 Bo <f. Planner . 3 ':s he,µ APN: d"/ :2-~ I '3>0 , ~:;i. Address lof 91; cf_(_ Phone {619) 438-1161, extension l.f??B Type of Project and Use: ~ o ((. Project Density: ______ __,. __ Zoning: c-~ General Plan: ____ Facilities Management Zone: __ 5 __ _ CFO lin/n11tl # __ Date of participation: ____ Remaining net dev a~res: _____ _ Circle One (For non-residential development: Type of land used created by this permit: ___________________ ) Legend:· rg:j lter11 Complete Ciz:J Item Incomplete -Needs your action YES Environmental Review Required: NO TYPE ---- DATE OF COMPLETION: _____ _ Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: Discretionary Action Required: YES NO TYPE ---- APPROVAL/RESO. NO. _____ DATE ___ _ PROJECT NO. _______ _ OTHER RELATED CASES: ________________ _ Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: --,--,--------------------- ~ D D Coastal Zone Assessment/C::ompliance \ Project site located in Coastal Zone? YES NO~ CA Coastal Commission Authority? YES NO · If California Coastal Commission Authority: Co act them at -3111 Camino Del Rio North, Suite 200, San Diego CA 92108-1725; (619) 521-36 Determine status (Coastal Permit Re uired or Exempt): Coastal Permit Determination For already completed? YES NO If NO, complete Coastal Permit Dete ·nation Form now. Coastal Permit Determination og #: Follow-Up Actions: 1) Stamp Building Pia s as· "'Exempt" or "Coastal Permit Required 11 (at minimum Floor Plans). 2) Complete Coast Permit Determination Log as needed. Rt! ~:o: . · --o: :~ ·: ,_, -~:--oo·· .. . ' . . : ' . ' . ' . :·~OD I .1 ui'o .o ! ;'~-DD .. / 'lnclusionary :Housing Fee reql,iired: YES . . . NO (Effecti~e date. of' lnch,isioriary Housing Ordinance -,May ~ 1, Hl93.) ~' ' ! bata,'.En~ry ,9omp1et~d-? YES----"-:~NQ -L \. · . . ... JE~ter CB .~\UAC'1::1~Ef.12; C~n#ruct•housing Y/N; EhterJ=ee Amount_l~ee foe schedule for amount); Retur~), '. ' '-'\ . ' Site Plan: .. . t. Provid~ c, f-..dly c;fil'Tlt;UJ'~!9f1.BI ,sit~ .P,lan d1;awn to scale. Show: North arrow, -property lines, e~s~tnen1;~, ,e':'i's.tili~ and prop·oseq !structures, strf;!ei$, existing: , street improvements, .right,;.of;.WaV · width, dimensional setbacks :and existing .: topographical lines. 2. Provid$ le9al description. of property and assessor's parcel number .. Z·qning: 1 . Setback.s: Fron.t: ~: Requited _______ Shown--........,--......,.. Interior Side: · Re:quired Shown ___________ _ Strec;,t Side: Rear: Req_uired Shown Required .. ':::~.: ... : :;._;,-;-,,·: SboWli.----------- ccessQry structure· setb$ck$: Front: Required . Shown -------------------1 n t er i or Sicie.: Required ·· . Shown --------Street Side::-. Requ_ired . Shown _____ ____ ·Rear: Required Shown ___________ .;..;.;:.. · Structure separation: Requir~d.· .. · Shown _______ .....,. . ' '3:. Lot Coverage: . · Reqvired J::1:)a/{) . -----.......... ----Shown "!-'f$_ ___ .. -. ri O O . 4. Height: . . :flequited L' . ./30 ----.----,,-Shown 301· ------ @~o ~ro C)k-I Pl 1,---' /0 '1 Shown -1-1:rr ... · r March 12, 1998 City of Carlsbad Planning & Engineering Department Building Plan Check Review Checklist 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 RE: Lot 97, CRC APN: 212-130-22 Plan Check No: CB973804 Attention: Greg Fisher Planning Deparinient 5) See Site Plan ALO for parking stall calc1,1Iations. The total parking stalls have been revised to 94, due to the decrease of square footage at the 2nd floor Non-leased space. The total of on site parking stalls shown is 102 stalls. Additional comments. 1) See revised square footage on Al.O. Total parking stalls required is 94. The total of on site parking stalls shown is 1'02 stalls. Comments 1 thru 6 and# 8: Per our phone conversation these comments have been addressed on the previous submittal (1-22-98) and approved by you Comment#7. Landscape plan have been approved by Mr. Larry Black, of the City of Carlsbad. Please confirm with him. CarlosOmr~ f.c. Ken Satterlee, Kelly Capital Corporation c.c. Jeff Parshalle, ADG City of Carlsbad 97210 Fire Department • Bureau of Prevention Plan Review: Requirements Category: Building Plan Check Date of Report: Monday, February 2, 1998 ,/. Reviewed by: <J. ~J.-,, Contact Name Gary Lipska /'\ -'--'-'---"-----'-------------- Address 9605 Scranton Rd Ste 200 City, State San Diego CA 92121 B No. CB97-3804 Planning No. Job Name Spec Building ---'-----=--------------- Job Address Camino Hills Qr/Faraday IC~o ~~ /"z Ste. or Bldg. No. ____ _ ~ Approved -The item y/u have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans; information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifica- tions, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. D Disapproved -Please see the attached report of deficiencies. Please make corrections to plans or specifications necessary to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. For Fire Department Use Only Review 1st. __ _ 2nd __ _ 3rd. __ _ Other Agency ID CFD Job# _ _:_97c..c..2'-'-1--'---0 __ File# ___ _ 2560 Orion Way • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (619) 931-2121 C.iW of Carlsbad 97210 .,.. Fire Department • Bureau of Prevention Plan Review: Requirements Category: Building Plan Check Date of Report: Monday, December 29, 1997 Reviewed by: ________ _ Contact Name Gary Lipska Address 9605 Scranton Rd Ste 200 City, State San Diego CA 92121 Bldg. Dept. No. CB97-3804 Planning No. Job Name Interior Specialists Job Address Camino Hills Dr/Faraday Ste. or Bldg. No. ____ _ D Approved -The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans; information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifica- tions, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. ~ Disapproved -Please see the attached report of deficiencies. Please make corrections to plans or specifications necessary to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. For Fire Department Use Only Review 1st __ _ 2nd __ _ 3rd. __ _ Other Agency ID CFDJob# __ 97_2_1_0 __ File# ___ _ 2560 Orion Way • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (619) 931-2121 Requirements Category: ,,-'" Building Plan Check 97210 ~· Deficiency Item: Pending 14 Provide Technical Report Page2 To determine the acceptability of technologies, processes, products, facilities, materials and uses attending the design, operation or use of a building or premises subject to the inspection of the department, the chief is authorized to require the owner or the person in possession or control of the building or premises to provide, without charge to the jurisdiction, a technical opinion and report. The opinion and report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer, specialist, laboratory or fire-safety specialty organization acceptable to the chief and the owner and shall analyze the fire-safety properties of the design, operation or use of the building or premises and the facilities and appurtances situated thereon, to recommend necessary changes. 12/29/97 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR INTERIOR SPECIALIST CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY AUSTIN DESIGN GROUP 9605 SCRANTON ROAD, SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 TEL (619) 546-0110 FAX (619) 546-0440 ADG # 97334.01 lffj;7Wf l2-t2.,q7 . -. . AUSTIN DESIGN GROUP SHEET NO __ OF __ SCALE _________ _ CALCULATED BY G C DATE ____ _ CHECKED BY ___________ DATE ____ _ / . ~o;:-_ f:w.Jt' , .. ~;. .. @ $ '1?1C_._ . · t,-v. I .. -;:.-· ( I b + .. Z--lo? ).( R' )._ .: '2..J: f ,P(r . __ ... ,VL. _:. .. ( I 6_ .. f:_ /_b._).(J") :. 2..~b.f?Cr ..... (.pi,~ R: 25 1 4-';v:o· LGss) .(h~ .e. 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T... .. .... : ........ : .. --... ~ ................. ·-·-· -· .................. _... ........ . ........ ~ ......... . .... ··----· ... .. ...... ;".. ........... . . ......... . .. . ........ . ......... ................ ·;-..... " ......... ' ............................. -·7··· ............ : ... _.,,. ........ · ...................... : .... -......... .. •n • <,!,_ o< ,_!,..,· • ... H< •:•••• < -~·-...... •• -• • -•••-••_,_.;., • -,,;.,., •• •--_, 0 .. H < _.: • < n•• < .......... : "'' • .. ,;. 0 >N H<•• ,.._,._, '"' ...... • •o • << . . ... _,.,. ...... ' ... ·-......... _.,.,,. ........... ' ./ 9605 SCRANTON RD • SUITE 200 • SAN DIEGO CA 92121 • 619 546 0110 • 619 546 0440 FAX CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 1 PANEL ALONG GRID LINE A NORTH OF LINE 1 Total Panel Height 9.00 ft. f'c 3000 psi Fy 60000 psi Unsupp. Panel Height (hi 18.00 ft. Panel Thickness (ti 8.50 in. h/ 25 e =0 0.00 in. Vertical Reinf. # 5 @ 14.0 in. o. c. As = 0.27 sq. in./ft p = As/12d 0.0056 < 0.0128 OK Horizontal Reinf. # 5 @ 14.0 in. o. c. As(h) = 0.27 sq. in./ft p = 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 106.3 psf Panel Wt. (P2) = 956.25 plf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.29 sq. in. a = 0.565 in. c = a/0.85 0.665 in. d = t/2 -5/16" 3.94 in. Mn = 63177 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 56859 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee lcr = Dn = 3122019 psi 9.3 29.84 3.3 in. Seismic Force (E) = 21.3 psf Mu = 18871 < 56859 OK Design Roof Dead Load O psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION : ---Tributary Width ___ O_ft. fr = 274 psi _R_o_of_D_ea_d_L_o_a_d __ (_P_1 __ l _= ____ O __ p_lf __________ -1 lg = 614 _U_L_T_IM_A_T_E_LO_A_D_S_: ________________ --iMcr = 39573 in-lbs. Pu1 = 1.4xP1 0 plf Der= 0.100 in. Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 1339 plf Assume Os = h/150 = 1.44 in. Max. Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4D 1339 plf Ms = 11705 > 39573 Eu = 1.4 x E 29.8 plf Os = -3.67 < 1.44 OK Total Re inf. Wt. 1.81 psf Page 1 CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 3a PANELS ALONG GRID LINE A NORTH 5' PIER BETWEEN LINES 2 & 3 Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c 3000 psi Fy 60000 psi Unsupp. Panel Height (hl 25.92 ft. · Panel Thickness (tl 8.50 in. h/ 37 e = t/2 + 3.5" 7.75 in. Vert. Reinf. @ Center # 5 @ 9.0 in. o. c. As = 0.41 sq. in./ft p = As/12d 0.0087 < 0.0128 OK Horiz. Reinf. # 5 @ 14.0 in. o. e. As(h) = 0.27 sq. in./ft p = 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 106.3 psf Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 2408 plf (x1 .33) NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = a = e = a/0.85 d = t/2 -5/16" Mn= 0.48 sq. in. 0.936 in. 1.102 in. 3.94 in. 99399 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 89459 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee ler = Dn = 3122019 psi 9.3 41.02 7.8 in. Seismic Force (El = 37.3 psf (x1 .17) Mu = 84540 < 89459 OK Design Roof Dead Load 15 psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION : ---Tributary Width 22.61 ft. (x1 .33) fr = 274 psi _R_o_o_f _D_ea_d_Lo_a_d ___ (.,..P ___ 1 l_-_-___ 3_3_9-'-p_lf _________ lg = 614 ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer = 39573 in-lbs. ----------------------Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 474.81 plf Der = 0.208 in. Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 3371 plf Assume Os = h/150 = 2.07 in. Max. Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 3846 plf Ms = 44594 > 39573 Eu = 1 .4 x E 52.2 plf Ds = 0.85 < 2.07 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 4.62 psf Page 1 --~ CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 3b PANELS ALONG GRID LINE A CENTER 13.67' PIER BETWEEN LINES 2 & 3 Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c 3000 psi Fy 60000 psi Unsupp. Panel Height (h) 26.50 ft. Panel Thickness (t) 8.50 in. h/ 37 e = t/2 + 3.5" 7.75 in. Vert. Reinf. @ Center # 5 @ 9.0 in. o. c. As = 0.41 sq. in./ft p = As/12d 0.0087 < 0.0128 OK Horiz. Reinf. # 5 @ 14.0 in. o. c. As(h) = 0.27 sq. in./ft p = 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 106.3 psf Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 2349.2 plf (x1 .32) NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.48 sq. in. a = 0.933 in. e = a/0.85. 1.098 in. d ,= t/2 -5/16" 3.94 in. Mn = 99141 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 89227 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= 3122019 psi n = Es/Ee lcr = Dn = 9.3 40.95 8.2 in. Seismic Force (E) = 37.0 psf (x1 .16) Mu = 87070 < 89227 OK Design Roof Dead Load ___ 15_psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width 22.44 ft. (x1 .32) fr = 274 psi .;.R.;.;;;o..;;.o.;...f .;;..D..;;..ea;....d;....L....;o;;.;;;a;.;;d....:(.;...P.;..,1 )'-= ____ 3;;..;3"-'7-"'-pl_f ________ ---11g = 614 ...;U;....L_T_IM_A_T_E_LO.;;..A;...;;;..D..;;..S.;...: ______________ ---1Mer = 39573 in-lbs. Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 471.24 plf Der= 0.217 in. Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 3289 plf Assume Ds = h/150 = 2.12 in. Max. Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 3760 plf Ms = 45947 > 39573 Eu= 1.4xE 51.8 plf Ds = 1.07 < 2.12 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 4.62 psf Page 1 CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 3c PANELS ALONG GRID LINE A SOUTH 2.5' PIER BETWEEN LINES 2 & 3 Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness {t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. Each Face As= p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. Each Face As(h) = p = 3000 psi 60000 psi 26.83 ft. 8.50 in. h/ 38 7.75 in. # 5 @ 0.41 sq. in./ft 9.0 in. o. c. 0.0070 < 0.0128 OK # 4 @ 12.0 in. o. c. 0.40 sq. in./ft 0.0039 > 0.0025 OK 106.3 psf 3700.5 plf (x2.1) NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.51 sq. in. a = C = a/0.85 . d = t-3/4"-2"-1/2"-5/16 Mn= 1.004 in. 1.182 in. 4.94 in. 136319 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 122687 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee 3122019 psi 9.3 lcr = 73.72 Dn = 6.4 in. Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Half Panel Wt. {P2) = Seismic Force (El = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 49.4 psf (x1 .55) Mu = 115519 < 122687 OK Roof Dead Load (P1) = ULTIMATE LOADS: ___ 15_psf 35.7 ft. (x2.1) 536 plf Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 749.7 plf Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 5181 plf Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 5930 plf Eu = 1.4 x E 69.2 plf Total Reinf. Wt. 5.51 psf Page 1 CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: fr = 274 lg = 614 Mer= 39573 Der = 0.223 Assume Os = h/150 = 2.15 Ms= 64515 Ds = 1.81 ,/ psi in-lbs. in. in. Max. > 39573 < 2.15 OK CONCRETE TILT-UP.WALL PANEL NO. 4a PANELS ALONG GRID LINE A NORTH 14.81' PIER BETWEEN LINES 3 & 3.6 Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c Fy 3000 psi 60000 psi 27.08 ft. Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) 8.50 in. h/ 38 e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center As= 7.75 in. # 5 @ 0.41 sq. in./ft 0.0087 < 0.0128 # 5 9.0 in. o. c. OK 14.0 in. o. c. p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. As(h) = @ ------0.27 sq. in./ft p = 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 106.3 psf Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 2273.5 plf (x1 .30) Seismic Force (El = 36.7 psf (x1 .15) Design Roof Dead Load 15 psf --- NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.47 sq. in. a = 0.930 in. c = a/0.85 1.094 in. d = t/2 -5/16" 3.94 in. Mn = 98802 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 88921 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee lcr = Dn = 3122019 psi 9.3 40.85 8.5 in. Mu = 89325 < 88921 OK CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width 22.1 ft. (x1 .30) fr = 274 psi 614 _R_o_o_f _D_ea_d_Lo_a_d __ (_P __ 1 )"--= ___ 3_3_2__,_p_lf _________ lg = ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer = ------------------------1 Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 464.1 plf Pu2 = 1 .4 x P2 3183 plf Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 3647 plf Eu = 1 .4 x E 51 .3 plf Total Reinf. Wt. 4.62 psf Page 1 Der = Assume Ds = h/150 = Ms= Ds = 39573 in-lbs. 0.227 in. 2.17 in. Max. 47250 > 39573 1.30 < 2.17 OK CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 4b PANELS ALONG GRID LINE A SOUTH 10.15' PIER BETWEEN LINES 3 & 3.6 Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. Each Face 3000 psi 60000 psi 27.75 ft. 8.50 in. 7.75 in. # 5 NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.50 sq. in. h/ 39 a = 0.973 in. c = a/0.85 1.144 in. @ 9.0 in. o. c. d = t-3/4"-2"-1 /2"-5/16 4.94 in. As= 0.41 sq. in./ft Mn = 132487 in-lbs. p = As/12d 0.0070 < 0.0128 OK 0.9 x Mn = 119239 in-lbs. Horiz. Reinf. Each Face # 4 12.0 in. o. c. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: @ ------As(h) = p = 0.40 0.0039 sq. in./ft > 0.0025 Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 106.3 psf OK Ee= 3122019 psi n = Es/Ee 9.3 lcr = 72.29 Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 3083.9 plf (x1 .8) in. Dn = 6.8 Seismic Force (El = 48.5 psf (x1 .52) Mu = 114471 < 119239 OK Design Roof Dead Load ___ 15_psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width 30.6 ft. (x1 .8) fr = 274 psi _R_o_o_f _D_ea_d_L_o_a_d....;(_P....;1 )_= ____ 4_5_9.....:..p_lf ____________ lg = 614 ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer = 39573 in-lbs. ------------------------! Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 642.6 plf Der = 0.238 in. Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 4317 plf Assume Ds = h/150 = 2.22 in. Max. Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 4960 plf Ms = 65608 > 39573 Eu = 1 .4 x E 67 .8 plf Os = 2.07 < 2.22 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 5.51 psf Page 1 CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. Sa PANELS ALONG GRID LINE A NORTH 11.5' PIER BETWEEN LINES 3.6 & 4.3 Total Panel Height f'c Fy .· Unsupp. Panel Height (hi Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. Each Face As= p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. Each Face As(h) = p = h/ 40 30.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 28.08 ft. 8.50 in. 7.75 in. # 5 @ 11 .0 in. o. c. 0.34 sq. in./ft 0.0057 < 0.0128 OK # 4 @ 12.0 in. o. c. 0.40 sq. in./ft NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.40 a= 0.790 C = a/0.85 0.929 d = t-3/4"-2"-1 /2"-5/16 4.94 Mn= 109806 0.9 X Mn = 98825 FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= 3122019 0.0039 > 0.0025 OK n = Es/Ee 9.3 63.33 106.3 psf lcr = sq. in. in. in. in. in-lbs. in-lbs. psi Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (El = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 2408 plf (x1 .42) On = 6.6 in. 42.1 psf (x1 .32) Mu= 97106 < 98825 OK ___ 15_psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: 24.14 ft. (x1 .42) fr = 274 psi Roof Dead Load (P1 l = 362 plf lg = 614 ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer= 39573 in-lbs. Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 506.94 plf Der= 0.244 in. Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 3371 plf Assume Ds = h/150 = 2.25 in. Max. Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 3878 plf Ms= 57389 > 39573 Eu= 1.4 x E 58.9 plf Ds = 1.85 < 2.25 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 5.00 psf Page 1 CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 5b PANELS ALONG GRID LINE A CENTER 5' PIER BETWEEN LINES 3.6 & 4.3 Total Panel Height f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. Each Face As= p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. Each Face As(h) = p = 30.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 27.92 ft. 8.50 in. h/ 39 7.75 in. # 5 @ 10.0 in. o. c. 0.37 sq. in./ft 0.0063 < 0.0128 OK # 4 @ 12.0 in. o. e. 0.40 sq. in./ft 0.0039 > 0.0025 OK 106.3 psf 3067.7 plf (x1 .8) NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.45 sq. in. a = 0.891 in. c = a/0.85 1.048 in. d = t-3/4"-2"-1 /2"-5/16 4.94 in. Mn = 122460 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 110214 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= 3122019 p~ n = Es/Ee 9.3 lcr = 68.45 Dn = 6.7 in. Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Half Panel Wt. (P2l = Seismic Force (El = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 44.6 psf (x1 .4) Mu = 108624 < 110214 OK Roof Dead Load (P1 l = ULTIMATE LOADS : ___ 15_psf 30.6 ft. (x1 .8) 459 plf Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 642.6 plf Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 4295 plf Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 4937 plf Eu = 1.4 x E 62.5 plf Total Reinf. Wt. 5.23 psf Page 1 CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: fr = 274 lg = 614 Mer= 39573 Der = 0.241 Assume Os = h/150 = 2.23 Ms= 61835 Ds = 1.98 psi in-lbs. in. in. Max. > 39573 < 2.23 OK CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. Sc PANELS ALONG GRID LINE A SOUTH 2.5' PIER BETWEEN LINES 3.6 & 4.3 Total Panel Height f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (hi Panel Thickness (tl e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. Each Face As= p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. Each Face As(h) = p = 30.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 27.67 ft. 8.50 in. h/ 39 . ) 7.75 in. # 5 @ 10.0 in. o. c. 0.37 sq. in./ft 0.0063 < 0.0128 OK # 4 @ 12.0 in. o. c. 0.40 sq. in./ft 0.0039 > 0.0025 OK 106.3 psf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.45 a= 0.892 C = a/0.85 1.049 d = t-3/4"-i"-1/2"-5/16 4.94 Mn= 122596 0.9 X Mn= 110336 FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= 3122019 n = Es/Ee 9.3 68.50 sq. in. in. in. in. in-lbs. in-lbs. psi Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (El = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 3091.6 plf (x1 .8) lcr = Dn = 6.6 in. Roof Dead Load (P1) = ULTIMATE LOADS : 44.6 psf (x1 .4) ___ 15_psf 30.6 ft. (x1 .8) 459 plf Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 642.6 plf Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 4328 plf Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 4971 plf Eu = 1.4 x E 62.5 plf Total Reinf. Wt. 5.23 psf Page 1 Mu= 106963 CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: fr = 274 lg = 614 Mer= 39573 Der = 0.237 Assume Ds = h/150 = 2.21 Ms= 60887 Os= 1.87 < 110336 OK psi in-lbs. in. in. Max. > 39573 < 2.21 OK CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 7 PANEL ALONG GRID LINE A SOUTH OF LINE 5 Total Panel Height f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) e =0 Vertical Reinf. As= p = As/12d Horizontal Re inf. As(h) = p = Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (El = Design Roof bead Load Tributary Width Roof Dead Load (P1 I = ULTIMATE LOADS: Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 Pu= Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4D Eu = 1.4 x E Total Reinf. Wt. 9.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 18.00 ft. 8.50 in. h/ 25 0.00 in. # 5 @ 14.0 in. o. c. 0.27 sq. in./ft 0.0056 < 0.0128 OK # 5 @ 14.0 in. 0. e. 0.27 sq. in./ft 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK 106.3 psf 956.25 plf 21.3 psf ___ O_psf 0 ft. ---0 plf 0 plf 1339 plf 1339 plf 29.8 plf 1.81 psf Page 1 NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.29 sq. in. a = 0.565 in. c = a/0.85 0.665 in. d = t/2 • 5/16" 3.94 in. Mn = 63177 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 56859 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee = 3122019 psi n = Es/Ee lcr = 9.3 29.84 Dn = 3.3 in. Mu = 18871 < 56859 OK CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: fr = 274 psi lg= 614 Mer= 39573 in-lbs. Der= 0.100 in. Assume Os = h/150 = 1.44 in. Max. Ms= 11705 > 39573 Os= -3.67 < 1.44 OK ,/ CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 16 PANEL ALONG GRID LINE 8 BETWEEN LINES 4.8 & 5.3 Total Panel Height 22.00 ft. f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) e =0 Vert. Reinf. E.F. As= p = As/12d Horizontal Reinf. E.F. As(h) = p = Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (E} = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width Roof Dead Load (P1) = ULTIMATE LOADS: Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 Pu= Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4D Eu = 1.4 x E Total Reinf. Wt. 3000 psi 60000 psi 44.00 ft. 12.00 in. h/ 44 0.00 in. # 6 @ 12.0 in. o. c. 0.45 sq. in./ft 0.0041 < 0.0128 OK # 4 @ 12.0 in. o. e. 0.40 sq. in./ft 0.0028 > 0.0025 OK 150.0 psf 3300 plf 30.0 psf ___ O_psf 0 ft. ---0 plf , 0 plf 4620 plf 4620 plf 42.0 plf 2.87 psf Page 1 NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.52 sq. in. a= 1.026 in. c = a/0.85 1.208 in. d = t -3" · 9.00 in. Mn = 266562 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 239906 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee lcr = On= 3122019 psi 9.3 302.31 8.2 in. Mu= 159860 < 239906 OK CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: fr = 274 psi lg= 1728 Mer= 78872 in-lbs. Der= 0.425 in. Assume Os = h/150 = 3.52 in. Max. Ms= 98736 > 78872 Os= 1.25 < 3.52 OK CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 23 PANEL ALONG GRID LINE 5 WEST OF LINE F Total Panel Height 9.00 ft. f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) e =0 Vertical Reinf. As= p = As/12d Horizontal Reinf. As(hl = p = Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (El = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width Roof Dead Load (P1) = ULTIMATE LOADS: Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 Pu = Pu 1 + Pu2 = 1 .4D Eu = 1.4 x E Total Reinf. Wt. 3000 psi 60000 psi 18.00 ft. 8.50 in. h/ 25 0.00 in. # 5 @ 14.0 in. o. c. 0.27 sq. in./ft 0.0056 < 0.0128 OK # 5 @ 14.0in. o.c. 0.27 sq. in./ft 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK 106.3 psf 956.25 plf 21.3 psf 0 psf ---0 ft. ---0 plf 0 plf 1339 plf 1339 plf 29.8 plf 1.81 psf Page 1 NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.29 sq. in. a = 0.565 in. c = a/0.85 0.665 in. d = t/2 -5/16" 3.94 in. Mn = 63177 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 56859 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee 3122019 psi 9.3 lcr = 29.84 Dn = 3.3 in. Mu = 18871 < 56859 OK CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: fr = 274 psi lg= 614 Mer= 39573 in-lbs. Der = 0.100 in. Assume Ds = h/150 = 1.44 in. Max. Ms= 11705 > 39573 Os= -3.67 < 1.44 OK CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 24c PANEL ALONG GRID LINE F NORTH 2.5' PIER BETWEEN LINES 4 & 5 Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (ti e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. Each Face As= p = As/12d Horiz. Ties As(hl = p = 3000 psi 60000 psi 27.92 ft. 10.00 in. h/ 34 8.50 in. # 6 @ 14.0 in. o. e. 0.38 sq. in./ft 0.0050 < 0.0128 OK # 4 @ 12.0 in. o. c. 0.40 sq. in./ft 0.0033 > 0 .. 0025 OK 125.0 psf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.52 sq. in. a= C = a/0.85 1.029 in. 1.210 in. d = t -3/4" -2" -1/2" -6.38 in. Mn = 184514 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 166063 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee = 3122019 psi n = Es/Ee 9.3 lcr = 137.10 On= 5.0 in. Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (El = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 5614 plf (x1 .5) 71.3 psf (x1 .251 Mu= 162408 < 166063 OK Roof Dead Load (P1 l = ULTIMATE LOADS: ___ 13_psf 36.4 ft. (x1 .50) 473 plf Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 662.48 plf Pu2 = 1 .4 x P2 7860 plf Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4x0 8522 plf Eu = 1 .4 x E 99.8 plf Total Reinf. Wt. 5.31 psf Page 1 CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION : fr = 274 lg= 1000 Mer= 54772 Der= 0.205 Assume Ds = h/150 = 2.23 Ms= 98919 Os= 1.85 psi in-lbs. in. in. Max. > 54772 < 2.23 OK CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 25a PANEL ALONG GRID LINE F SOUTH 2.5' PIER BETWEEN LINES 3.4 & 4 Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (hi Panel Thickness (ti e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. Each Face As= p = As/12d Horiz. Ties As(hl = p = . 3000 psi 60000 psi 27.92 ft. 10.00 in. h/ 34 8.50 in. # 6 @ 14.0 in. o. e. 0.38 sq. in./ft 0.0050 < 0.0128 OK # 4 @ 12.0 in. o. e. 0.40 sq. in./ft 0.0033 > 0.0025 OK 125.0 psf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.52 sq. in. a = 1.029 in. e = a/0.85 1.210 in. d = t-3/4"-2"-1/2"-3/8" 6.38 in. Mn = 184514 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 166063 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee = 3122019 psi n = Es/Ee ler = Dn = 9.3 137.10 5.0 in. Panel Wt. = 1 50 x (t/1 21 Half Panel Wt. (P21 = Seismic Force (El = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 5614 plf (x2.81 71.3 psf (x1 .9) Mu= 162408 < 166063 OK Roof Dead Load (P1 I = ULTIMATE LOADS: 13 psf 36.4 ft. (x2.81 473 plf Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 662.48 plf Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 7860 plf Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 8522 plf Eu = 1.4 x E 99.8 plf Total Reinf. Wt. 5.3054 psf Page 1 CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: fr = 274 lg= 1000 Mer= 54772 Der = 0.205 Assume Ds = h/150 = 2.23 Ms= 98919 Os= 1.85 psi in-lbs. in. in. Max. > 54772 < 2.23 OK CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 25b PANEL ALONG GRID LINE F CENTER 1.5' PIER BETWEEN LINES 3.4 & 4 Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c 3000 psi Fy 60000 psi NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : Unsupp. Panel Height (h) 27.58 ft. As (effective) = Ase = 1.15 sq. in. Panel Thickness (t) 10.00 in. h/ 33 a = 2.264 in. e = t/2 + 3.5" 8.50 in. C = a/0.85 2.664 in. Vert. Reinf. Each Face # 6 @ 6.0 in. o. c. d = t-3/4"-2"-1/2"-3/8" 6.38 in. As= 0.89 sq. in./ft Mn= 363245 in-lbs. p = As/12d 0.0117 < 0.0128 OK 0.9 X Mn= 326921 in-lbs. Horiz. Ties # 4 @ 12.0 in. o. c. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: As(h) = 0.40 sq. in./ft Ee= 3122019 psi p = 0.0033 > 0.0025 OK n = Es/Ee 9.3 Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 125.0 psf lcr = 223.34 Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 10354 plf (x5.11 l Dn = 5.9 in. Seismic Force (El = 114.8 psf (x3.06) Mu= 281788 < 326921 OK Design Roof Dead Load 13 psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION : Tributary Width 66.43 ft. (x5.11 l fr = 274 psi Roof Dead Load (P1 l = 864 plf lg= 1000 ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer= 54772 in-lbs. Pu1 =· 1.4 x P1 1209 plf Der= 0.200 in. Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 14496 plf Assume Ds = h/150 = 2.21 in. Max. Pu= Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 15705 plf Ms= 159349 > 54772 Eu = 1.4 x E 160.7 plf Os= 2.15 < 2.21 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 8.78 psf ,/ Page 1 CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 25c PANEL ALONG GRID LINE F CENTER 2.83' PIER BETWEEN LINES 3.4 & 4 Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c 3000 psi Fy 60000 psi NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH: Unsupp. Panel Height (h) 27.58 ft. As (effective) = Ase = 0.78 sq. in. Panel Thickness (t) 10.00 in. h/ 33 a = 1.526 in. e = t/2 + 3.5" 8.50 in. c = a/0.85 1.795 in. Vert. Reinf. @ Center # 6 @ 8.0 in. o. c. d = t/2 -3/8". 4.63 in. As = 0.67 sq. in./ft Mn = 180349 in-lbs. p = As/12d 0.0121 < 0.0128 OK 0.9 x Mn= 162314 in-lbs. Horiz. Reinf. # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. c. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: As(h) = 0.31 sq. in./ft Ee= 3122019 psi p = 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK n = Es/Ee 9.3 Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 125.0 psf lcr = 81.04 Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 4295. 7 plf (x2.12) On = 8.1 in. Seismic Force (El = 58.5 psf (x1 .56) Mu = 148573 < 162314 OK Design Roof Dead Load ___ 13.;...psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width 27.56 ft. (x2.12) fr= 274 psi Roof Dead Load (P1 l = 358 plf lg = 1000 --------------------------ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer = 54772 in-lbs. -----------------------! Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 501.59 plf Der = 0.200 in. Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 6014 plf Assume Ds = h/150 = 2.21 in. Max. Pu=Pu1+Pu2=1.4xD 6516plf Ms= 78539 > 54772 Eu= 1.4 x E 81.9 plf Ds = 1.70 < 2.21 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 6.67 psf Page 1 CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 25d PANEL ALONG GRID LINE F NORTH 2.98' PIER BETWEEN LINES 3.4 & 4 Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center As= p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. As(h) = p = 3000 psi 60000 psi 27.50 ft. 10.00 in. 8.50 in. # 6 @ h/ 33 12.0 in. o. e. 0.45 sq. in./ft 0.0080 < # 5 0.0128 OK 12.0 in. o. e. @ ------0.31 sq. in./ft 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK 125.0 psf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH: As (effective) = Ase = 0.52 a = 1.026 C = a/0.85 1.208 d = t/2 -3/8" 4.63 sq. in. in. in. in. Mn = 129149 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 116234 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee = 3122019 psi n = Es/Ee 9.3 ler = 63.83 Dn = 7.4 in. Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (El = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 3046.9 plf (x1 .5) 46.9 psf (x1 .25) 13 psf Mu= 109919 < 116234 OK Roof Dead Load (P1) = ULTIMATE LOADS: 19.5 ft. (x1 .50) 254 plf Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 354.9 plf Pu2 = 1 .4 x P2 4266 plf Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 4621 plf Eu = 1.4 x E 65.6 plf Total Reinf. Wt. 5.15 psf Page 1 CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION : fr = 274 . lg= 1000 Mer= 54772 Der= 0.199 Assume Ds = h/150 = 2.20 Ms= 61512 Ds = 0.85 psi in-lbs. in. in. Max. > 54772 < 2.20 OK CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 26 PANEL ALONG GRID LINE F BETWEEN LINES 2.7 & 3.4 Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c 3000 psi Fy 60000 psi Unsupp. Panel Height (h) 27.50 ft. Panel Thickness (tl 8.50 in. h/ 39 e = t/2 + 3.5" 7.75 in. Vert. Reinf.@ Center # 5 @ 10.0 in. o. c. As = 0.37 sq. in./ft p = As/12d 0.0079 < 0.0128 OK Horiz. Reinf. # 5 @ 14.0 in. o. c. As(h) = 0.27 sq. in./ft p = 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 106.3 psf Half Panel Wt. (P2l = 1726.6 plf Seismic Force (E) = 31.9 psf Design Roof Dead Load ___ 15_psf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.42 sq. in. a = 0.817 in. c = a/0.85 0.962 in. d = t/2-5/'16" 3.94 in. Mn = 88270 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 79443 in-lbs. FACTORED UL Tl MATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee lcr = 3122019 psi 9.3 37.85 Dn = 8.5 in. Mu = 74474 < 79443 OK CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width 13 ft. fr = 274 psi 614 Roof Dead Load (P1) = 195 plf lg = ------------------------------ULTIMATE LOADS : Mer = ---------------------------1 39573 in-lbs. Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 Pu= Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4D Eu = 1.4 x E Total Reinf. Wt. 273 plf 2417 plf 2690 plf 44.6 plf 2.17 psf Der = 0.234 in. Assume Os = h/150 = 2.20 in. Max. Ms= 41141 > 39573 Ds = 0.50 < 2.20 OK Page 1 CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 28a PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 2.7 WEST 3.0' PIER BETWEEN LINES E & F Total Panel Height f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (hi Panel Thickness (tl e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center As= p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. As(h) = p = 30.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 27.20 ft. 10.00 in. 8.50 in. # 6 h/ 33 @ 8.0 in. o. c. 0.67 sq. in./ft 0.0121 < 0.0128 OK # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. c. -------0.31 sq. in./ft 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.79 sq. in. a = 1.554 in. c = a/0.85 1 .828 in. d = t/2 • 3/8" 4.63 in. Mn = 182945 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 164651 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= 3122019 psi n = Es/Ee 9.3 ler = 82.01 On= 7.9 in. Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (E) = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 125.0 psf 5125 plf 65.6 psf (x2.5) (x1 .75) Mu= 161069 < 164651 OK Roof Dead Load (P1) = ULTIMATE LOADS: ___ 13_psf 10 ft. 130 plf Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 182 plf Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 7175 plf Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 7357 plf Eu = 1.4 x E 91.9 plf Total Reinf. Wt. 6.67 psf (x2.5) Page 1 CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: fr = 274 lg = 1000 Mer= 54772 Der = 0.195 Assume Os = h/150 = 2.18 Ms= 84815 Os= 2.01 psi in-lbs. in. in. Max. > 54772 < 2.18 OK CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 28b PANEL ALONG GRID LINE 2.7 WEST 12' SECTION BETWEEN LINES E & F Total Panel Height f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (hi Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center 30.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 27.00 ft. 10.00 in. h/ 32 8.50 in. # 5 @ 12.0 in. O. C. As = 0.31 sq. in./ft p = As/12d 0.0055 < 0.0128 OK Horiz. Reinf. # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. c. As(h) = 0.31 sq. in./ft p = 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH: As (effective) = Ase = 0.36 sq. in. a = 0.705 in. c = a/0.85 0.829 in. d = t/2 -5/16" 4.69 in. Mn = 93482 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 84134 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee 3122019 psi 9.3 Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 125.0 psf lcr = 51.98 Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 2062.5 plf On = 6.3 in. Seismic Force (El = 37 .5 psf Mu = 76365 < 84134 OK Design Roof Dead Load 13 psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION : ---Tributary Width ___ 4_ft. fr = 274 psi _R_o_of_D_ea_d_L_o_a_d ..... (_P_1 ) __ = ____ 5_2__._p_lf __________ -llg = 1000 ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer = 54772 in-lbs. --------------------------; Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 72.8 plf Der = 0.192 in. Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 2888 plf Assume Ds = h/150 = 2.16 in. Max. Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4D 2960 plf Ms = 45795 < 54772 Eu = 1.4 x E 52.5 plf Ds = 0.16 < 2.16 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 2.11 psf Page 1 CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 28b PANEL ALONG GRID LINE 2. 7 WEST 12' SECTION BETWEEN LINES E & F Total Panel Height f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (hi Panel Thickness (ti e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center As= p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. As(h) = p = 30.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 27.00 ft. 10.00 in. 8.50 in. # 5 h/ 32 @ 12.0 in. o. c. 0.31 sq. in./ft 0.0055 < 0.0128 OK # 4 @ 8.0 in. o. c. 0.30 sq. in./ft 0.0025 > 0.0025 OK 125.0 psf 2062.5 plf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.36 a = 0.705 C = a/0.85 0.829 d = t/2 -5/16" 4.69 Mn= 93482 0.9 x Mn= 84134 FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee = 3122019 n = Es/Ee 9.3 lcr = 51.98 Dn = 6.3 sq. in. in. in. in. in-lbs. in-lbs. psi in. Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (El = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 37.5 psf Mu = 76365 < 84134 OK Roof Dead Load (P1 I = ULTIMATE LOADS: Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.40 Eu = 1.4 x E Total Reinf. Wt. ___ 13_psf 4 ft. ---52 plf 72.8 plf 2888 plf 2960 plf 52.5 plf 2.07 psf Page 1 CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: fr = 274 psi lg= 1000 Mer= 54772 in-lbs. Der= 0.192 in. Assume Os= h/150 = 2.16 in. Max. Ms= 45795 < 54772 Ds = 0.16 < 2.16 OK . -. .. -- ·, CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 29a PANELS ALONG GRID LINE E SOUTH 10.0' SECTION BETWEEN LINES 2.4 & 2. 7 Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center As= p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. As(h) = p = 3000 psi 60000 psi 26.67 ft. 8.50 in. h/ 38 7.75 in. # 6 @ 9.0 in. o. c. 0.60 sq. in./ft 0.0128 < 0.0128 OK # 5 @ 14.0 in. o. c. 0.27 sq. in./ft 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK 106.3 psf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = a = C = a/0.85 d = t/2 -3/8" Mn= 0.70 sq. in. 1.371 in. 1.613 in. 3.88 in. 133838 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 120455 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee lcr = Dn = 3122019 psi 9.3 50.03 9.1 in. Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (El = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 4169 plf (x1.5+1513) 39.8 psf (x1 .25) Mu= 118206 < 120455 OK 15 psf ---CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: 19.5 ft. (x1 .5) fr = 274 psi Roof Dead Load (P1 l = 293 pit lg= 614 ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer= 39573 in-lbs. Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 409.5 plf Der= 0.220 in. Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 5837 plf Assume Os = h/150 = 2.13 in. Max. Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 6246 plf Ms= 53163 > 39573 Eu = 1.4 x E 55.8 plf Ds = 1.51 < 2.13 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 5.86 psf Page 1 ' CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 29b PANELS ALONG GRID LINE E NORTH 14.58' SECTION BETWEEN LINES 1.7 & 2.4 Total Panel Height f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (tl e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center As= p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. As(h} = p = 30.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 26.33 ft. 8.50 in. h/ 37 7.75 in. # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. c. 0.31 sq. in./ft 0.0066 < 0.0128 OK # 5 @ 14.0 in. o. c. 0.27 sq. in./ft 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK 106.3 psf 1788.7 plf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.36 sq. in. a = 0.699 in. c = a/0.85 0.822 in. d = t/2 -5/16" 3.94 in. Mn = 76717 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 69045 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee lcr = Dn = 3122019 psi 9.3 34.35 7.4 in. Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/1 2) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (El = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 31.9 psf Mu = 68124 < 69045 OK ___ 15_psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: 13 ft. fr = 274 psi Roof Dead Load (P1) = 195 plf lg= 614 ULTIMATE LOADS : Mer= 39573 in-lbs. Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 273 plf Der= 0.215 in. Pu2 = 1 .4 x P2 2504 plf Assume Ds = h/150 = 2.11 in. Max. Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 2777 plf Ms= 38081 < 39573 Eu = 1.4 x E 44.6 plf Ds = 0.21 < 2.11 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 3.92 psf ,/ Page 1 CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 29b PANELS ALONG GRID LINE E NORTH 14.58' SECTION BETWEEN LINES 1.7 & 2.4 Total Panel Height f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center As= p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. As(h) = p = 30.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 26.33 ft. 8.50 in. 7.75 in. # 5 @ 0.31 sq. in./ft h/ 37 12.0 in. 0.0066 < 0.0128 OK o. c. # 4 @ 9.0 in. o. c. 0.26 sq. in./ft 0.0026 > 0.0025 106.3 psf 1788.7 plf OK NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = ~se = 0.36 a = 0.699 C = a/0.85 0.822 d = t/2 -5/16" 3.94 sq. in. in. in. in. Mn = 76717 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 69045 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= 3122019 psi n = Es/Ee 9.3 lcr = 34.35 Dn = 7.4 in. Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (E) = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 31.9 psf Mu = 68124 < 69045 OK ___ 15_psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: 13 ft. fr = 274 psi Roof Dead Load (P1) = 195 plf lg= 614 ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer= 39573 in-lbs. Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 273 plf Der= 0.215 in. Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 2504 plf Assume Ds = h/150 = 2.11 in. Max. Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 2777 plf Ms= 38081 < 39573 Eu = 1 .4 x E 44.6 plf Ds = 0.21 < 2.11 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 3.91 psf Page 1 ... • CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 30a PANEL ALONG GRID LINE 1.7 WEST 2.5' PIER BETWEEN LINES D & E Total Panel Height f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center As= p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. As(h) = p = 30.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 26.00 ft. 10.00 in. 8.50 in. # 6 NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.81 sq. in. h/ 31 a = 1.594 in. c = a/0.85 1 .875 in. @ 8.0 in. o. c. d = t/2 -3/8" 4.63 in. 0.67 sq. in./ft Mn = 186692 in-lbs. 0.0121 < 0.0128 OK 0.9 x Mn = 168023 in-lbs. 12.0 in. o. c. FACTORED ULT[MATE MOMENT : ------# 5 @ 0.31 sq. in./ft Ee= 3122019 psi 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK n = Es/Ee 9.3 125.0 psf lcr = 83.46 On= 7.3 in. Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (El = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 5950 plf (x2.8) 71.3 psf (x1 .9) I Mu = 164597 < 168023 OK 13 psf ---CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: ___ 14_ft. (x2.8) fr = 274 psi Roof Dead Load (P1) = 182 plf lg= 1000 ULTIMATE LOADS : Mer= 54772 in-lbs. Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 254.8 plf Der= 0.178 in. Pu2 = 1 .4 x P2 8330 plf Assume Os = ;r/150 = 2.08 in. Max. Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 8585 plf Ms= 85776 > 54772 Eu = 1.4 x E 99.8 plf Ds = 1.84 < 2.08 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 6.668 psf Page 1 CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 30b PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 1. 7 CENTER 3.0' PIER BETWEEN LINES D & E Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c 3000 psi Fy 60000 psi NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : Unsupp. Panel Height (hl 25.75 ft. As ( effective) = Ase = 0.65 sq. in. Panel Thickness (tl 10.00 in. ( h/ 31 a= 1.279 in. e = t/2 + 3.5" 8.50 in. C = a/0.85 1.505 in. Vert. Reinf. Each Face # 6 @ 12.0 in. o. c. d = t-3/4"-2'"-1 /2"-3/8" 6.38 in. As = 0.45 sq. in./ft Mn= 224489 in-lbs. p = As/12d 0.0058 < 0.0128 OK 0.9 x Mn= 202040 in-lbs. Horiz. Ties # 4 @ 12.0 in. o. c. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: As(hl = 0.40 sq. in./ft Ee= 3122019 psi p = 0.0033 > 0.0025 OK n = Es/Ee 9.3 Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 125.0 psf lcr = 157.35 Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 8562.5 plf (x4.00l Dn = 4.5 in. Seismic Force (El = 93.8 psf (x2.50) Mu = 188224 < 202040 OK Design Roof Dead Load ___ 13_psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width __ 2_0_ft. (x4.00) fr = 274 psi 1000 _R_o_o_f _D_ea_d_L_o_a_d .... (_P .... 1 )_= ____ 2_6_0__,_p_lf _________ lg = ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer = 54772 in-lbs. ------------------------! Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 364 plf Pu2 = 1 .4 x P2 11988 plf Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 12352 plf Eu = 1 .4 x E 131 .3 plf Total Reinf. Wt. 5.74 psf Page 1 Der= 0.174 in. Assume Os = h/150 = 2.06 in. Max. Ms = 112523 > 54772 Os = 1.66 < 2.06 OK CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 30c PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 1. 7 EAST 3.58' PIER BETWEEN LINES D & E Total Panel Height f'c Fy 30.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 25.67 ft. Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) 10.00 in. h/ 31 e = t/2 + 3.5" 8.50 in. Vert. Reinf. @ Center As= # 6 @ 10.0 in. o.c. 0.54 0.0097 # sq. in./ft < 0.0128 5 OK 12.0 in. O. C. p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. As(h) = @ ------0.31 sq. in./ft p = 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 125.0 psf Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 4849.1 plf (x2.26) Seismic Force (El = 61.1 psf (x1 .63) Design Roof Dead Load 13 psf --- NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH: As (effective) = Ase = 0.65 sq. in. a = 1.279 in. c = a/0.85 1 .505 in. d = t/2 -3/8" 4.63 in. Mn = 155995 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 140396 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= 3122019 psi n = Es/Ee 9.3 lcr = 72.62 On = 6.8 in. Mu = 133024 < 140396 OK CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width 11.3 ft. (x2.26) fr = 274 psi 1000 _R_o_o_f _D_ea_d_L_o_a_d ..... l_P1 __ )_= ____ 1_4_7__._p_lf _________ 1g = ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer= 54772 in-lbs. ----------------------Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 205.66 plf Der= 0.173 in. Pu2 = 1 .4 x P2 6789 plf Assume Ds = h/150 = 2.05 in. Max. Pu = Pu 1 + Pu2 = 1 .4xD 6994 plf Ms = 71302 > 54772 Eu=1.4xE 85.6plf Os = 1.26 < 2.05 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 5.76 psf / Page 1 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR INTERIOR SPECIALIST CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY AUSTIN DESIGN GROUP 9605 SCRANTON ROAD, SUITE 200 SA.I\/ DiEGO, CA 92121 T::i __ (d,9) 546-0110 FAX (619) 546-0440 ADG # 97334.01 & ~E5i< BH IT TE. D 3'jtl/ 9 8 .8uPPLE:.UE:.lJT ,o f>R~\JlO US :boc.vM~T 7 AUSTIN DESIGN GROUP CALCULATED BY G c.. DATE / f £ SHEET NO __ OF __ SCALE. ________ ij_,,___ CHECKED BY -----"'~!!!!!::...------DATE A Lb/ft .TA--BLE.. o"/= CoAJ TiP/JTS R, 0 OF F!cA tY /.i'J Gr- ____ .... .'ft~ Tl'rJ..NI f..l{q .... _.w/2r_L_<._ ........ @ ... 1 . LoA·D J~G-... v..o~l<.- -'l}:l w ~~L- 1 p;;r+:r;, --.-. . i -· L---: . , : -·. -.. . . . ---·· ... f ...... ·: ...... ~ ... ,; . "'"' ; .......... = .... ; ...... -, ....... "' '"" ... [ .... " ... '",' -·-· i ... ;• ..... , .. "';.:;\" .... i." .. "·: .. : _ c5ffe1f<...J w4'??>;. 4Lt!ll'(G? .. 11/VG--5 _(J) i ~ . 1 : . '. · . I : ' '. i i . _ .. , -.. .... .. ............... -' ................ , .... -·" .. , ... , ...... ·-·. ·-........ -......... -- ...... ; ...... iv.kl-(,, .. : .f?,'«tv.G.:C.$: --·-.......... ; .... ·: ......... ; ....... ! ........ : ..... · ...... 1 ... J .. . . . . . 1··. ';. .. . . '"'": ·--•· .... · ................ : ...... ·-· .... ;_' . . ' . . : 0 i I ...... : .. --. : . . . . . ... . . -... 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"'". -· . . .... .. ...... ·-,. ........ . . ............. -.................. = ............... : .... , i. ................. .. . . : : . -.. -~ -.. ~ ..... -. : . ~ ;-· ~ : .. . ........ •,, -, ........... ,. .. I 2. -Zs -z c+ -34 . 4-./ .. w1..~w.s7 ... . ' : . . ~ --. . 9605 SCRANTON RD • SUITE 200 • SAN DIE_GO CA 92121 • 619 546 0110 • 619 546 0440 FAX i t I • I -· --·----·--- II AUSTIN DESIGN GROUP SHEETNO __ OF __ SCALE _________ _ CALCULATED BY __________ DATE , CHECKED BY DATJi\ ? 7 b ( f ( .. ----·-. . .. . . . --· ---... -. -·· . -. . ... : If . V t,· . . -:-:-: . f?~.Y.! T.?c::: . . . 3. . ,<. .. $, 1.2-. 5 "'?;:, a~T . . . . .. . ' : k. / . . (1/ . : ....... , ........... ·/-0,5·····.-1-(tJ.(J.:,r-J. ..... .-=. _{,3-7-.?.$/ ··-.4-. d.S--rc.. _ ~ ~.oof:_ . . . .: ... . .: . -'. --, .. , -i--··~ .. . . . , -: I 0S-O /?.SI · · : _ · JJ,,r ( -1) • /::... • ' • ..... ' ....... ,. iJ .. ,=-.. (t.>o).:(~J(..1) ... ~ J =_ / .. Cf, J,. .......... · .. _ ·-7·;--· .... ··t-r·J;)~--1·,J·<·}-;~~.--~·-)·:··1·-~·-,-._:.·----; .... r· ·; .... --·-·---: ... : .... ; . '. . ·:_ T/l _(·' . /<-., . .;t.. . f \' £. ·: _k ; .... : _ ..... ::'.'.": .; .... t;. o 1.-.. :· ... , ......... < .... (ze>e!..7SJ( >-~·:J =: ... ..1s-.. s.. . .. w t T . . : -1-• _,, ....... '. ·, .............. __ ,,. .... --....... ., ............. _. ... ·-·-·. -------·- ' .:, ... 5u;e,.(;.. '--TIIG; .... f~ec.. I> .... LA·:Tc?A:-~(.ty :.. -.. 3~1 1-Bi": : · · : ' . ./// Ir · ........ · .. ·, .... 5&-vf'f'?q.:-,e,rc-o .... : ... s.y ... kYA-1..,l. A-:~?~~~ @·.r-o q,c, ... · ... ~ ..... _;€,oop. ........ ~~L.. .......... _; ......... :....... ..... . . _ _ -· .. _ .. ·-. _ : .. I: .: .. : .. ·: __ : ... ·:·:.~~··.· .. :.(_s.;ic1:/e)L:f.0·e_qJ{._¥J .. _i·~:_:·. i,:·btk·. ~>i.i~. ~i .. _ : • ' : : = • • • • . ' . ~ .. ' ... -.. ~. -; . ' : : ... '!" ......... ; ...... : ........ , ... . 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'\I,.=-_ I~ 6'15:7 t-1<P 9 f:1 -. 3-~, 6 .k ______ -···· _. l/~--=-{JIJ}(l~o)(#)(3/._z)(3.s). --Z/,-Z I'< -----·· ---···-· · ··· ·-· · ··1~, · · ·· · ········-· ··· · · z .. 6 · -. . . . 0.) :. ( I~)(-;:;:) (; /,2) -I-( 1-t) {-:;;) .. -... __ .. -==-SS10_ ?lF _ . or,4· = (;t,.,-.6J(z_t,,1) 3f/:l/C. -----J 21. z: 1 _·-.,....· _3_s-_1-+·o_)'l_F___,.._,. ~ L i----? ,.....1. .... ,, __ _.i-._____..J11L- ... .-... __ , __ .............. ____ . + ( 2:1,_z)( (S:.6.) ...... - -· ... : -·-··-··· .. :::_ -/Z.7~ #-1 -. . _________ M/4 -,--_.(.Rs-_) (3,s1~)($J.6vX: .. _ ........ .,........ .. : .. :.__ 1. tt-f.6 _if,_>:. /.#s.<r __ :11y .. p. K N. 'J> )(A· . '- ND-~p.t.,LFT . . .... -· .. : ·--·· . ., __ ···-.. -·---·. t----~··· --·--·-"'" .. ·-. ~ ......... : ... -···:· --·-:. . -'.-5/-112kl<.. 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AUSTIN DESIGN GROUP JOB _...._/..._/.,-+,7 ..... &. ..... ;,e-=l',--=~ ....... ye-"--_z<+-'.p-'~~tftte'-'---"'r+-r--------- SHEETNO __ OF __ SCALE __________ _ CALCULATED BY G C. DATE J CHECKED BY ___________ DATED\ 3 /~/fi -t...,,0r .. ~v. . ~r· ;P%4g--c.,_ . #-;. 6_. -· (f J. SD)( t;;J)/10· =-. 5;/ kt,;= I -:,," 17~,,,.~~e=-3 W/,!?~ ,..z:1)07 ... .-vo/ .-. ~ ... ~--~-· ... ·-·~--·;,;.: ~. ·-· -#-(sc-G-/', ~?) ....... ----·--f3~/'w6.<?N. ... _ .... /?, td.,,_ ......... J. , .. &:,_ ..... 3 7-· ,,t,,,-·Ct-&· t.1v,;.·t-.0A'O -(tJJ;~J( i;:;J+(77·&f)(1~;2) -1-~z .................. _;__,_ .... ·57,3 ... l< ..... : .. ~ ·p~-,;;"D& ··i\iot :· ·;::-~,r"'~~ .... • ... ~. 8-ri.7"&.J.c?.??AI.. .. ,P~_(__ .. ~37 Jr. , .. #._..s.J-... { 5&G--. ~ lfi.. l-¥-ti) "'"·.· · · ... ( 7--7,.tpi)( 11.;_ft .)+-( ~~;3)(1~ J ·-f-f4 2... · ..... : .... _;_--.·;_/t:y. I< .. · ·~· 17~ovtb'r;-7' 1'~. r.007-~~~ ·-·--. -··----··-· ... _,,_. -· -,·' ·-... -..... -· . . ·-, .. -·---·. _, ·-. :-·-·· : ··--·· .......... --· .. ·-. . , . ...... ./3 G:TR-G:G--'At---P4-,.y·~L -: #: J !-;Z #-.J f : . ( '7 v-G-p. lrf i) . . . c;, a;-, . . \ : '9-$&-3 . ..... : .... :. · ..... /&f, .?·}( .. _.__L _,.__.'Li_)· +··( ·b 7--7 7) .. (-..... --;-) ' ; . l· :.:, 2--,::, • . ( 7 . _; ........... .:. .... : .......... ,. ..... : .... • .... _: ... '. ....... ' ........ , ............. : ............. · .... ·....... .. .. . J '~ / 07 ;_ f: <.._ ~ .... f %.oY?~G-'. '6 ( f&.-1pil>T///o/ 1 : • i . . ...... -~ ..... : ..... ,, . i. 'i'. .... . ,· ............... , ....... " ... . ..... ··-· -· ·. _,..,.__ .. ....... .,, ___ -.... -· . . . .. . . . . . -. ·- -... ...: .. ~ ...... ~4-1 .. f; .... £AIJ?._; ... t!f'J;__ ... /?A?V&.4 ; ... :/!J. j' ............... (;_5'.Grr.. 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'".' .. , "!' ................. . 9605 SCRANTON RD • SUITE 200 • SAN DIEGO CA 92121 • 619 546 0110 • 619 546 0440 .FAX AUSTIN DESIGN GROUP SHEET NO __ OF __ SCALE __________ _ CALCUIATED BY ___ __,6~C.~-----DATE , CHECKED BY DATE/i\ 5/ ~Hi h-4-l..l..-,P'-4"/vG-L Fr::,.o.T,//./& At.. "N&,· Lr,4G, {J) -·;::.·-;,;~·~·_' -_#-(!, ... · ... ( ~.~ .. tr fl· !,z) · .. · ... ~.t..j. ::. J; 7, fl. -. { ti£. . b/>,"7) _ . _ ·-· tv//t-n,~--l/.~·.L.rc,k.12 --...... . . ..... -· . . . . . - ..... -..... ~.L) ... :, .. _1.1.7, __ 1/. .. r-... (b)(¾J.( z.7i.tJ-·-·~-· .. 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" ··-.. -··,. -. -----~ ·--; .. --~ ... 9605 SCRANTON RD • SUITE 200 • SAN DIEGO CA 92121 • 619 546 0110 • 619 546 0440 FAX CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 2a PANELS ALONG GRID LINE A NORTH 5.0' SECTION BETWEEN LINES 1 & 2 Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. Each Face As= p = As/12d Horiz. Ties As(h) = p = 3000 psi 60000 psi 25.50 ft. 8.50 in. h/ 36 7.75 in. # 6 @ 8.0 in. o. c. 0.67 sq. in./ft 0.0114 < 0.0128 OK # 4 @ 12.0 in. o. c. 0.40 sq. in./ft 0.0039 > 0.0025 OK 106.3 psf 5498 plf (X3) NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.82 sq. in. a= 1.601 in. e = a/0.85 1.883 in. d = t-3/4"-2"-1/2"-3/8" 4.88 in. Mn = 199590 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 179631 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee 3122019 psi 9.3 lcr = 94.59 in.4 Dr. = 6.6 in. Panel Wt. = 1 50 x (t/1 2) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (El = Design Roof Dead Load 63.8 psf (X2) Mu = 149336 < 179631 OK 15 psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width fr = 52.5 ft. (X3) 274 psi 788 plf _R_o_o_f _D_e_ad_L_oa_d ___ (P_1 __ ) _= _____ ......_ ________ --i lg = 614 in.4 39573 in-lbs. ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer = ------------------------l Pu1=1.4xP1 1103 plf Der = 0.201 in. Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 7698 plf Assume Ds = h/150 = 2.04 in. Max. Pu = Pu 1 + Pu2 = 1 .4x0 8800 plf Ms = 78055 > 39573 Eu = 1.4 x E 89 plf Os= 1.74 < 2.04 Total Reinf. Wt. 3.63 psf Page 1 OK CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 2b PANELS ALONG GRID LINE A SOUTH 5.0' SECTION BETWEEN LINES 1 & 2 Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. Each Face As= p = As/12d Horiz. Ties As(h) = p = 3000 psi 60000 psi 25.92 ft. 8.50 in. h/ 37 7.75 in. # 6 @ 8.0 in. o. c. 0.67 sq. in./ft 0.0114 < 0.0128 OK # 4 @ 12.0 in. o. c. 0.40 sq. in./ft · 0.0039 > 0.0025 OK 106.3 psf 5432 plf (X3) NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.81 sq. in. a = 1.598 in. c = a/0.85 1.880 in. d = t-3/4"-2"-1/2"-3/8" 4.88 in. Mn = 199283 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 179355 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee lcr = 3122019 psi 9.3 94.47 in.4 Dn == 6.8 in. Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Half Panel Wt. (P2) == Seismic Force (El = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 63.8 psf (X2) Mu = 153500 < 179355 OK Roof Dead Load (P1) = ULTIMATE LOADS: Pu1 = 1 .4 x P1 Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 Pu = Pu 1 + Pu2 = 1 .4xD Eu = 1.4 x E Total Reinf. Wt. 15 psf 52.5 ft. (X3) 788 plf 1103 plf 7604 plf 8707 plf 89 plf 3.63 psf Page 1 CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: fr = 274 psi lg = 614 in.4 Mer= 39573 in-lbs. Der= 0.208 in. Assume Ds = h/150 = 2.07 in. Max. Ms= 80193 > 39573 Os= 1.89 < 2.07 OK CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 31 PANELS ALONG GRID LINED SOUTH 9.5' BETWEEN LINES 1 & 1.7 Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c 3000 psi Fy 60000 psi Unsupp. Panel Height (hl 25.50 ft. Panel Thickness (t) 8.50 in. h/ 36 e = t/2 + 3.5" 7.75 in. Vert. Reinf. @ Center # 5 @ 9.0 in. o. e. As = 0.41 sq. in./ft p = As/12d 0.0087 < 0.0128 OK Horiz. Reinf. # 5 @ 14.0 in. o. e. As(hl = 0.27 sq. in./ft p = 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 106 .3 psf Half Panel Wt. (P2l = 2965 plf ( + 10753/9.5) Seismic Force (El = 31 .9 psf Design Roof Dead Load ___ 15_ psf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.49 sq. in. a = 0.955 in. e = a/0.85 1.124 in. d = t/2 -5/16" 3.94 in. Mn = 101127 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 91015 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee = n = Es/Ee ler = 3122019 psi 9.3 42 in.4 On = 7.6 in. Mu = 78260 < 91015 OK CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width 13 ft. fr = 274 psi 614 in.4 39573 in-lbs. 0.201 in. _R....;.o_o_f _o_ea_d_Lo_a....;.d-'('-P....;.1 ):...-= ____ 19....;.5;....:;;.p_lf ________ --1 lg = ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer = ------,-------------------1 Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 273 plf Der= Pu2 = 1 .4 x P2 4151 plf Assume Os = h/150 = Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 4424 plf Ms = Eu = 1.4 x E 44.6 plf Os = Total Reinf. Wt. 4.62 psf Page 1 2.04 in. Max. 38292 < 39573 0.19 < 2.04 OK CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 36a PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 1 WEST 10' SECTION BETWEEN LINES C.2 & D Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c 3000 psi Fy 60000 psi NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : Unsupp. Panel Height (h} 25.50 ft. As (effective) = Ase = 0.55 sq. in. Panel Thickness (t} 8.50 in. h/ 36 a = 1.078 in. e = t/2 + 3.5" 7.75 in. c = a/0.85 1 .268 in. Vert. Reinf. Each Face # 6 @ 12.0 in. o. c. d = t-1 .5 "-0.5 "-3/8" 6.13 in. As = 0.45 sq. in./ft Mn = 184289 in-lbs. p = As/12d 0.0061 < 0.0128 OK 0.9 x Mn = 165860 in-lbs. Horiz. Ties # 4 @ 12.0 in. o. c. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: As(h) = 0.40 sq. in./ft Ee = 3122019 psi p = 0.0039 > 0.0025 OK n = Es/Ee 9.3 Panel Wt.= 150 x (t/12) 143.8 psf (t=11.5") lcr = 129 in.4 Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 4339 plf (X1 .75) Dn = 4.5 in. Seismic Force (E} = 59.5 psf (X1 .38) Mu = 109522 < 165860 OK Design Roof Dead Load ___ 13_psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width 7 ft. (X1 .75) fr = 274 psi --,--- Roof Dead Load (P1) = 91 plf lg = --------------------------t ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer = ------------------------t Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 127 plf Der = Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 6075 plf Assume Ds = h/150 = Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 6203 plf Ms = Eu = 1 .4 x E 83 plf Ds = Total Reinf. Wt. 2.87 psf Page 1 614 in.4 39573 in-lbs. 0.201 in. 2.04 in. Max. 67438 > 39573 1 .02 < 2.04 OK CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 36b PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 1 EAST 2.5' SECTION BETWEEN LINES C.2 & D Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c Fy 3000 psi 60000 psi 25.33 ft. 8.50 in. 7.75 in. # 6. NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : Unsupp. Panel Height (hl Panel Thickness (t) e == t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. Each Face @ h/ 36 6.0 in. o. e. As (effective) = Ase = a= C = a/0.85 d = t-1 1/2"-1/2"-3/8" 1 .13 2.216 2.608 6.13 sq. 1n. in. in. in. As == 0.89 sq. in./ft Mn = 340257 in-lbs. p == As/12d Horiz. Ties As(h) = 0.0121 < 0.0128 OK 0.9 x Mn = 306231 in-lbs. # 4 @ 12.0 in. o. e. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: 0.40 sq. in./ft p = 0.0039 > 0.0025 Panel Wt.= 150~(t/12J 143.8 psf (t=11.5") Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 9968 plf (X4) OK Ee= n = Es/Ee lcr = Dn = 3122019 psi 9.3 200.83 in.4 5.2 .,_ Seismic Force (El = 105.7 psf (X2.45) Mu= 217891 < 306231 OK Design Roof Dead Load ___ 13_ psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width ___ 16_ ft. (X4) fr = _R_o_o_f _D_ea_d_L_o_a_d....;.(_P1.....:)_= ____ 2_0_8___,__p_lf ________ ----l lg = ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer = -----------------------1 Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 291 plf Der= Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 13955 plf Assume Os = h/150 = Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 14246 plf Ms = Eu = 1.4 x E 148 plf Ds = Total Reinf. Wt. 4.39 psf Page 1 274 psi 614 in.4 39573 in-lbs. 0.199 in. 2.03 in. Max. 123111 > 39573 1.59 < 2.03 OK CONCRETE TILT-U.P WALL PANEL NO. 37a PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 1 WEST 2.5' SECTION BETWEEN LINES B.2 & C.2 Total Panel Height f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (hl Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. Each Face As= p = As/12d Horiz. Ties As(h) = p = 30.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 25.00 ft. 8.50 in. h/ 35 7.75 in. # 6 @ 6.0 in. o. c. ----------0.89 sq. in./ft 0.0121 < 0.0128 OK # 4 @ 12.0 in. o. c. 0.40 sq. in./ft 0.0039 > 0.0025 OK 143.8 psf (t= 11.5") 6469 plf (X5) NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 1.11 sq. in. a = 2.167 in. e = a/0.85 2.550 in. d = t-1.5"-0.5"-3/8" 6.13 in. Mn = 334363 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 300926 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee = 3122019 psi n = Es/Ee ler = 9.3 198 in.4 Dn = 5.1 in. Panel Wt. = 1 50 x (t/1 2) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force ( El = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 126.4 psf (X2.93) Mu = 244930 < 300926 OK 13 psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: ---20 ft. (X5) fr = 274 psi Roof Dead Load (P1) = 2636 plf ( + 5941 /2.5 from GLB)) lg = 614 in.4 ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer= 39573 in-lbs. Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 3691 plf Der= 0.193 in. Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 9056 plf Assume Os = h/150 = 2.00 in. Max. Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 12747 plf Ms= 146885 > 39573 Eu = 1 .4 x E 177 plf Os= 1.97 < 2.00 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 4.39 psf Page 1 CONCRETE TILT~UP WALL PANEL NO. 37b PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 1 EAST 2.5' SECTION BETWEEN LINES 8.2 & C.2 Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c 3000 psi Fy 60000 psi Unsupp. Panel Height (h) 25.00 ft. Panel Thickness (t) 8.50 in. h/ 35 e = t/2 + 3.5" 7.75 in. Vert. Reinf. Each Face # 6 @ 6.0 in. o. e. As = 0.89 sq. in./ft p = As/12d 0.0121 < 0.0128 OK Horiz. Ties # 4 @ 12.0 in. o. e. As(h) = 0.40 sq. in./ft p = 0.0039 > 0.0025 OK Panel Wt.= 150x(t/12) 143.8 psf (t=11.5") Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 6469 plf (XS) Seismic Force (El = 126.4 psf (X2.93) Design Roof Dead Load ___ 13_psf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 1.06 a = 2.072 e = a/0.85 2.438 d = t-1.5"-0.5"-3/8" 6.13 sq. in. in. in. in. Mn = 322704 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 290434 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee lcr = 3122019 psi 9.3 191 in.4 On = 5.1 in. Mu = 218660 < 290434 OK CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width 20 ft. (X5) fr = 274 psi ---_R_o_o_f _D_ea_d_Lo_a_d-'(_P-'1 )_= ____ 5_5_7__,_p l_f ___ ( +_7 4_3_/_2_. 5_fr_o_m_G_L_B-'-l-i lg = 614 in.4 39573 in-lbs. _U_L_T_IM_A_T_E_LO_A_D_S_: _______________ ~Mer = Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 780 plf Der= 0.193 in. Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 9056 plf Assume Os = h/150 = 2.00 in. Max. Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 9836 plf Ms = 134670 > 39573 Eu = 1 .4 x E 1 77 plf Ds = 1.83 < 2.00 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 4.39 psf Page 1 CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 38a PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 1 WEST 2.5' SECTION BETWEEN LINES A.6 & 8.2 Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height {h) Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. Each Face As= p = As/12d Horiz. Ties As(h) = p = 3000 psi 60000 psi 25.08 ft. 8.50 in. 7.75 in. # 6 @ h/ 35 6.0 0.89 sq. in./ft 0.0121 < 0.0128 in. o. c. OK # 4 @ 12.0 in .. o. c. ___;;;.. __ _ 0.40 sq. in./ft 0.0039 > 0.0025 OK 143.8 psf (t=11.5") 7530 plf (X3) NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective} = Ase = 1.13 a = 2.211 C = a/0.85 2.601 d = t-1.5"-0.5"-3/8" 6.13 sq. in. in. in. in. Mn = 339635 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 305672 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee lcr = On= 3122019 psi 9.3 200 in.4 5.1 in. Panel Wt. = 1 50 x (t/12) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force {El = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 105.7 psf (X2.45) Mu = 225423 < 305672 OK 13 psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: ---12 ft. (X3) fr = ---274 psi Roof Dead Load (P1) = 2532 plf (+5941/2.5 from GLB)) lg= 614 in.4 ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer= 39573 in-lbs. Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 ·3545 plf Der= 0.195 in. Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 . 10541 plf Assume Ds = h/150 = 2.01 in. Max. Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 14087 plf Ms= 129689 > 39573 Eu = 1.4 x E 148 plf Os= 1.67 < 2.01 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 4.39 psf Page 1 CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 38b PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 1 EAST 2.5' SECTION BETWEEN LINES A.6 & B.2 Total Panel Height f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. Each Face 30.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 25.25 ft. 11.50 in. 9.25 in. # 6 h/ 26 @ 6.0 in. o. c. As = 0.89 sq. in./ft p = As/12d 0.0094 < 0.0128 OK Horiz. Ties # 4 @ 12.0 in. o. e. As(hl = 0.40 sq. in./ft p = 0.0029 > 0.0025 · OK NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 1.14 sq. in. a = 2.236 in. e = a/0.85 2.630 in. d = t-3/4"-2"-1 /2"-3/8" 7.88 in. Mn = 462263 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 416036 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee = 3122019 psi n = Es/Ee 9.3 Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 143.8 psf ler = 364.12 in.4 Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 9991 plf (X4) Dn = 3.9 in. SeismieForce(El = 105.7 psf (X2.45) Mu= 203054 < 416036 OK Design Roof Dead Load ___ 13_psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION : Tributary Width 16 ft. (X4) fr = 27 4 psi ---Roof Dead Load (P1) = 604 plf ( + 990/2.5 from GLB)) lg = 1521 in .4 ----------------------------------1 ULTIMATE LOADS : Mer = 72436 in-lbs. -----------------------i Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 846 plf Der = 0.146 in. Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 13987 plf Assume Ds = h/150 = 2.02 in. Max. Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 14832 plf Ms = 125238 > 72436 Eu = 1.4 x E 148 plf Ds = 0.65 < 2.02 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 4.39 psf Page 1 CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 39a PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 1 WEST 2.5' SECTION BETWEEN LINES. A & A.6 Total Panel Height f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (hl Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. Each Face As= p = As/12d . Horiz. Ties As(hl = p = 30,00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 25.25 ft. 11.50 in. 9.25 in. # 6 h/ 26 @ 9.0 in. 0, e. 0.60 sq. in./ft 0.0063 # 0.40 0.0029 < 4 0.0128 @ OK _..;::;___....;12.....; . ..;_o in. o. e. sq. in./ft > 0.0025 OK Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 143.8 psf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.81 sq. in. a = 1.597 in. c = a/0.85 1.878 in. d = t/2-3/4"-2"-1/2 -3/8 7.88 in. Mn = 345730 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 311157 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee = 3122019 psi n = Es/Ee 9.3 ler = 298.49 in.4 Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 9191 plf (X3.68) On = 3.5 in. Seismic Force (E) = 101.3 psf (X2.35) Mu = 183533 < 311157 OK Design Roof Dead Load ___ 13_psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION : Tributary Width 14. 7 ft. (X3 .68) fr = 2 7 4 psi _R_o_o_f _D_ea_d.,..L_o_a_d_(P_1 ___ )_= ____ 1_9_1-"-p_lf _________ lg = 1521 in.4 .U_L_T_IM_A_T_E_· _LO'""'A'--D'""'S....;: _______________ --1 Mer = 72436 in-lbs. Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 268 plf Der= 0.146 in. Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 12868 plf Assume Ds = h/150 = 2.02 in. Max. Pu=Pu1+Pu2=1.4xD 13136plf Ms= 116758 > 72436 Eu = 1.4 x E 142 plf Os= 0.70 < 2.02 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 3.38 psf .... Page 1 CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 39b PANELS ALONG GRID LINE t EAST 3.0' SECTION BETWEEN LINES A & A.6 Total Panel Height f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (hl Panel Thickness (tl e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. Each Face As= p = As/12d Horiz. Ties As(h) = p = Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 30.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 25.33 ft. 11.50 in. 9.25 in. # 6 NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.79 sq. in. h/ 26 a = 1 .544 in. c = a/0.85 1.817 in. @ 9.0 in. o. c. d = t/2-3/4"-2"-1/2 -3/8 7.88 in. 0.60 sq. in./ft Mn = 335664 in-lbs. 0.0063 < 0.0128 OK 0.9 x Mn = 302098 in-lbs. # 4 @ 12.0 in. o. c. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: -----0.40 sq. in./ft Ee= 3122019 psi 0.0029 > 143.8 psf 8074 plf 0.0025 OK (X3.24) n = Es/Ee lcr = Dn = 9.3 292.50 in.4 3.5 in. Seismic Force (El = 91.4 psf (X2.12) Mu = 165096 < 302098 OK Design Roof Dead Load 13 psf Tributary Width 13.0 ft. (X3.24) Roof Dead Load (P1 l = 168 plf ------------~----------; ULTIMATE LOADS : -----------------------; Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 236 plf Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 11303 plf Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 11539 plf Eu = 1.4 x E 128 plf Total Reinf. Wt. 3.38 psf Page 1 CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: fr = lg= Mer= Der= 274 psi 1521 in.4 72436 in-lbs. 0.147 in. Assume Os = h/150 = 2.03 in. Max. Ms = 105470 > 72436 Os= 0.57 < 2.03 OK ~ .. ·····. -·.---: ~ AUSTIN DESIGN GROUP SHEETNO __ OF __ SCALE __________ _ CALCULATED BV ____ c;"'-'· C:::::,..=------OATE--,.....-,--,.--,,- CHECKEO BY OATEA\ 7/{,,_/'Ji F= ---H ,e ... /3..CA-CG: ... U..&:M ~/e 5,__ . -·· . . ........... __ ... _ ...... ,F .. -=-... { I, s.J (j I, .... '/-)-.~ . 17,..o ,J /< . . fA 7 tt'-' C,.: 7..5. G.t<-?:,_x_.1/t b. g,e,,;1-e, ~ 5· ... _.'. ........... _/.-.=--. 1 .. 7,./..b-.. -.. /.;J J.· .:z .. I,; 2,[.:_ ....... -·--·--..... -·· -.1 · .. ~~· =-qz, r+ <-. Io(; __ .= ;.~/;;.;_ .... ·-\ ' .. ·-·--g· ~. . _· L~-;~·i./,,.... ·_·= ,7() 7' :::,..,c 11I, f.:,, .................. -r·-......... : · ·-·i-· ··:·-·-·;· -....... , . .,_, __ ·-·-· --··-... . ! : ' : ~1 <l I . ··t·" . ""' '-\ • ! .... -,_,..,~,,.,..,,.,., :.,,., ,,,,}_,,. ,..,.,,.,,.,.,,,.,.,,,, .,,.,,..,...,:., ,_,,.,.,: .. ,,,..,,,..,.,· .,..,,.,., :.,,._,,.,.:,.,..,, • .. 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L ..... .1 ............. : ............................................. • ...... f ········-... : ··-···---·-· ..... · .. ·----·-··-'···-·····• i . . .......... r······+············ ........ : ........ : ...... ·--··:··················· ... ( ............ ; ................................................. , .......... , ........... : .......... : ............................ : ... _ ....... . • ...... » .......................... ---... , -· ___ ., __ -................ .. ••• -1. : f' : ' . .. .... .... . . ,_,.,,. ....... -···· .......... __ ,.. ..... ..... . ···-·· , .............. _ ,_.,__ ................. _ .......... , ........................... '" ....... ... .. . . ..... ~ ........ i ___ ...... : ........... , ........... . 9605 SCRANTON RD • SUITE 200 • SAN DIEGO CA 92121 • 619 546 0110 • 619 546 0440 FAX AUSTIN DESIGN GROUP SHEErNO __ Oi=" __ SCALE __________ _ CALCULATED BY ~ C. DATE , CHECKED BY ____________ DATJi\ ; ( h I tJ! ... ~ ( ··-"' .. ·-... 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"··-··-.. ·-· ....... -.................. . • .,., ' • ~. • ' • " I "" • ' : ' • ' ....... 9605 SCRANTON RO • SUITE 200 •· SAN OIEG'O CA 92121 • 619 546 0110 • 619 546 0440 FAX Constructi"orr-Design-Data r Nelson® embedment properties of headed studs I ~----- Table-9. Single-Reduction Values. For· Various Edge Distances in· 3000 Psi Normal Weight Concrete Reduction To Tension Capacity (Kips) • Tension Distance From Center 01 Anchor To Free Edge (Inches) Anchor Radius Capacity12•1 De Size-N.w.c.11•1 Kips Ate 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 ¼ X 211/10 1.535 in. 2.65 14.2 1.18 .73 .24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ¼ x41/a 1.535 2.65 14.2 1.18 .73 .24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/8 X 41/a 2.305 5.96 32.0 3.02 2.32 1.65 .92 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/s X 61/a 2.305 5.96 32.0 3.02 2.32 1.65 .92 0 0 0 0 0 0 ½ X 21/a 2.188 3.75 20.1 1.58 1.05 .46 0 0 0 0 0 0 ½ X 31/a 3.188 8.20 44.0 4.02 3.30 2.52 1.68 .78 0 0 0 0 ½ X 41/a 3.070 .JJ),.60 56.9 4.72 3.85 2.94 1.97 .96 0 0 0 0 ½ X 55/15 3.070 10.60 56.9 4.72 3.85 2.94 1.97 .96 0 0 0 0 ½ X 61/a 3.070 10.60 -56.9 4.72 3.85 2.94 1.97 .96 0 0 0 0 ½x81/a 3.070 10.60 56.9 4.72 3.85 2.94 1.97 .96 0 0 0 0 5/a X 211/,s 2.813 6.22 33.3 2.95 2.31 1.60 .69 0 0 0 0 0 5/a X 69/15 3.843 16.56 88.9 7.89 6.82 5.72 4.57 3.38 2.13 0 0 0 5/a X 83/,s 3.843 16.56 88.9 7.89 6.82 5.72 4.57 3.38 2.13 0 0 0 ¾ X 33/,s 3.250 8.41 45.2 3.47 2.69 1.84 .92 0 0 0 0 ¾ X 311/,s 3.750 11.31 60.7 5.01 4.14 3.19 2.19 1.12 0 0 0 ¾ X 43/,s 4.250 14.62 78.5 6.81 5.84 4.81 3.71 2.55 1.33 0 0 ~31, X 53/15 5.250 22.48 120.6 11.14 9.98 8.76 7.48 6.13 4.72 3.25 1.72 ¾ X 63/15 4.610 23.BB i 28.1 10.61 9.32 7.99 6.61 5.i? 3.69 2.1::i \.) ¾ X 73/,s 4.610 23.86 128.1 10.61 9.32 7.99 6.61 5.17 3.69 2.15 0 ¾ X 83/15 4.610 23.86 128.1 10.61 9.32 7.99 6.61 5.17 3.69 2.15 0 7/a X 311/15 3.813 11.63 62.4 5.24 4.36 3.40 2.40 1.31 0 0 0 7/a x 43/,s 4.313 15.00 80.5 7.07 6.09 5.05 3.94 2.77 1.55 0 0 7/a x53/,6 5.313 22.96 123.2 11.48 10.32 9.09 7.80 6.44 5.04 3.56 2.02 7/a X 63/15 5.377 32.47 174.4 15.18 13.70 12.18 10.61 9.00 7.33 5.62 3.84 7/a X 73/1s 5.377 32.47 174.4 15.18 13.70 12.18 10.61 9.00 7.33 5.62 3.84 7/a X 83/1s 5.377 32.47 174.4 15.18 13.70 12.18 10.61 9.00 7.33 5.62 3.84 Notes: p .) Radius Or R From Table 6., Section 4.6. 0 (2.) Tension Capacity Puc Or Pue From Table 4., Section 4.5. Table 10. Single Reduction Values For Various . Edge Distances In 4000 Psi Normal Weight Concrete Reduction To Tension Capacity (Kips) Tension Distance From Center Of Anchor To Free Edge (Inches) Anchor Radius Capacity12.> De Size N.W.c.11_> Kips Ale 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 ¼ X 211/,s 1.330 in. 2.65 12.3 1.15 .65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ¼ X 41/a 1.330 2.65 12.3 1.15 .65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/s X 41/a 1.997 5.96 27.7 2.92 2.22 1.47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/s X 61/a 1.997 5.96 27.7 2.92 2.22 1.47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ½ X 21/a 2.188 4.33 20.1 1.82 1.22 .53 0 0 0 0 0 0 ½ X 31/a 3.188 9.46 44.0 4.64 3.81 2.91 1.94 .89 0 0 0 0 ½ X 41/a 2.661 10.60 49.3 4.59 3.63 2.62 1.55 0 0 0 0 0 ½ X 55/15 2.661 10.60 49.3 4.59 3.63 2.62 1.55 0 0 0 0 0 ½ X 61/a 2.661 10.60 49.3 4.59 3.63 2.62 1.55 0 0 0 0 0 ½ X 81/a 2.661 10.60 49.3 4.59 3.63 2.62 1.55 0 0 0 0 0 % x211/,s 2.813 7.18 33.3 -3.41 2.66 1.85 .80 0 0 0 0 0 5/a X 69/15 3.327 16.56 77.0 7.75 6.58 5.36 4.09 2.76 0 0 0 0 3/a X 83/15 3.327 16.56 77.0 7.75 6.68 S'.36 4.09 2.76 0 0 0 0 ¾ X 33/1s 3.250 9.71 45.2 4.00 3.10 2.12 1.06 o· 0 0 0 . .'9-~~ ,-~ ¾ X 311/,s 3.750 13.05 60.7 5.78 4.77 3.68 2.52 1.29 0 0 0 ¾ X 43/1s 4.250 16.87 78.5 7.85 6.73 5.54 4.28 2.94 1.52 0 0 ¾ X 53/15 3.992 23.86 111.0 10.35 8.92 7.44 5.91 4.33 0 0 0 ¾ X 63/,s 3.992 23.86 111.0 -)10.35 8.92 7.44 5.91 4.33 0 0 0 ¾ X 73/,s 3.992 23.86 111.0 10.35 8.92 7.44 5.91 4.33 0 0 0 ¾ X 83/,s 3.992 23.86 111.0 10.35 8.92 7.44 5.91 4.33 0 0 0 3/s X 311/10 3.813 13.43 62.4 6.04 5.02 3.92 2.76 1.51 0 0 0 • 7/a X 43/1s 4.313 17.30 80.5 8.15 7.03 5.83 4.54 3.20 1.79 0 0 7/a X 53/15 5.313 26.49 123.2 13.24 11.90 10.49 8.99 7.43 5.8.1 4.10 2.32 7/a X 63/10 4.657 32.47 151.0 14.88 13.24 11.55 9.82 8.03 6.19 4.29 0 7/a X 73/,s 4.657 32.47 151.0 14.88 13.24 11.55 9.82 8.03 6.19 4.29 0 7/a X 83/,s 4.657 32.47 151.0 14.88 13.24 11.55 9.82 8.03 6.19 4.29 0 Notes: (1.) Radius Or R From Table 6., Section 4.6, (2.) Tension Capacity Puc or Pue From Table 4., Section 4.5. 11· • • ! . "'= • Table· 1 T. Slngle, Reduction Values·, To Shear· Capacity· For· Various. Edge Distances In· 145 pct Normal Weight Concrete f'c = 3000 psi Reduction To Shear Capacity (Kips) Distance From Center or Shear 12.1 Anchor To Free Edge Anchor Radlus11.' Afc Capacity In Inches (DE) Size (In.) (Sq. In.) Kips 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 11.i X 211/15 0.5 2.4 2.22 0 0 0 0 1/4 X 41/g 0.5 2.4 2.22 0 0 0 0 ''a X 41/8 0.75 5.5 4.98 2.09 0 0 0 3/a X 61/s 0.75 5.5 4.98 2.09 0 0 0 1h X 21/a 1.00 9.7 8.87 4.27 0 0 0 'hx31/a 1.00 9.7 8.87 4.27 0 0 0 \l2 X 41/a 1.00 9.7 8.87 4.27 0 0 0 ½ X 55/1s 1.00 9.7 8.87 4.27 0 0 0 ½ X 61/s 1.00 9.7 8.87 4.27 0 0 0 'h x8'/s 1.00 9.7 8.87 4.27 0 0 0 5/a X 211/15 1.25 15.2 13.89 5.04 0 0 5/a X 69/16 1.25 15.2 13.89 5.04 0 0 5/a X 83/16 1.25 15.2 13.89 5.04 0 0 ¾ X 33/16 1.50 20.9 19.99 7.78 0 0 ~/4 X 311/,a 1.50 20.9. 19.99· 7.78 0 0 ¾ X 43/,a 1.50 20.9 19.99 7.78 0 0 --. ~1.x53/1a 1.50 20.9 19.99 7.78 0 0 : ~ X 63/15 1.50 20.9 19.99 -"ig IJ 0 ¾ X 73/16 1.50 20.9 19.99 7.78 0 0 ¾ X 83/16 1.50 20.9 19.99 7.78 0 0 7/a X 311/16 1.75 28.0 27.19 11.42 8.06 0 7fa X 43/,s 1.75 28.0 27.19 11.42 8.06 0 % X 53/,a 1.75 28.0 27.19 11.42 8.06 0 7/a x 631,s 1.75 28.0 27.19 11.42 8.06 0 7/a X 73/,a 1.75 28.0 27.19 11.42 8.06 0 7/a X 83/,e 1.75 28.0 27.19 11.42 8.06 0 Notes: 1. Radius Or R From Table 16., Section 5.2. 2. Shear Capacity Sue Or Sue From Table 15., Section 5.1 . Table 18. Single Reduction Values To Shear Capacity For Various Edge Distances In 145 pcf Normal Weight Concrete f'c = 4000 psi Reduction To Shear Capacity (Kips) Distance From Center Of Shear 12.1 Anchor To Free Edge Anchor Radlus11.1 Afc Capacity In Inches (Ce) Size (In.) (Sq. In.) (Kips} 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 ¼ X 211/,a 0.5 2.4 2.59 0 0 0 0 ¼X41/s 0.5 2.4 2.59 0 0 0 0 3/ax41/8 0.75 5.5 5.79 2.43 0 0 0 3/a X 61/a 0.75 5.5 5.79 2.43 0 0 0 ½ X 21/a 1.00 9.7 10.33 4.97 0 0 0 ½ X 31/a 1.00 9.7 10.33 4.97 0 0 0 ½X41/a 1.00 9.7 10.33 4.97 0 0 0 1h X 55/15 1.00 9.7 10.33 4.97 0 0 0 ½ x.61/a 1.00 9.7 10.33 4.97 0 0 0 ½ x81/a 1.00 9.7 10.33 4.97 0 0 0 5/a X 211/1e 1.25 15.2 16.19 5.66 0 0 5/ax6o/,e 1.25 15.2 16.19 5.66 0 0 5/a X 83/16 1.25 15.2 16.19 5.66 0 0 "¾ X 33/15 1.50 20.9 23.30 9.06 0 0 ¾ x311/,e 1.50 20.9 23.30 9.06 0 0 ¾ x43/,e 1.50 20.9 23.30 9.06 0 0 ¾ X 53/16 1.50 20.9 23.30 9.06 0 0 ¾ X 63/16 1.50 20.9 23.30 9.06 0 0 ¾ X 73/16 1.50 20.9 23.30 9.06 0 0 ¾ X 83/15 1.50 20.9 23.30 9.06 0 0 7/a X 311/,e 1.75 28.0 31.69 13.30 9.39 0 7/a X 43/16 1.75 28.0 31.69 13.30 9.39 0 7/a X 53/18 1.75 28.0 31.69 13.30 9.39 0 7/a X 63/,a 1.75 28.0 31.69 13.30 9.39 0 7/a X 73/,a 1.75 28.0 31.69 13.30 9.39 0 7/a x 83/,a 1.75 28.0 31.69 13.30 9.39 0 Notes: 1. Radius Or R From Table 16., Section 5.2. 2. Shear Capacity Sue Or Sue From Table 15., Sectio~ 5.1. 25 ~#QQa;;;J¼IM¥A!@H,4~~. 1:~:..~-~ ·. The behavior of this group of anchors should be checked by a group calculation. Using the same area approach as used with the tension group in Problem 2 .. the follow- ing shear group calculation can be made. Area = A1 + 2A2 + 2A3 + A4 A1 = Area of corners (4) = Afc from Table 17. for 3000 psi normal weight Afc = 20.9 sq. in. A2 = Area of end between anchors (2) (1) Y(1.5-.625)2 + 3.02 = 6.25 sq. in. Note: 3.0" = Le= Maximum of 4 x Dia. Stud A3 = Area of side -------(2) (4) 7/(1.5-.625)2 + 3.02 = 25.0 sq. in. A4 = Area of Base d. X 1 = 4.0 sq. in. 56.15 sq. in. Solution: Actual Area= 56.15 sq. in. Theoretical Area= 6 anchors x Ate 6 X 20.9 = 56.16 = 448 125.4 · 125.4 sq. in. .448 (6 anchors x 19.99 kips/ anchor) = 53.73 Kips Allowable Lca(j = 53.73 = 2 26.87 Kips The larger figure arrived at by woup cal- culation can only be acceptable when suf- ficient reinforcement in the form of bars or mesh is used to assure the group area development. Problem 4. Combined loading Determine the allowable load on the bracket shown. Anchors = ¾" x 73/16" Concrete= f'c = 3000 psi Normal weight = Su Shear force taken by each anchor 6 Bending taken only by the outside anchors Moment= 4 Su= 16 (2) Pu, where Pu is the tension component on the outside anchors, Pu =Su 8 from Table 6., spacing for full tension capacity = 4.610R 2 9.220" De= 4.0" from Table 9., tension reductions= 3.69 Kips RPuc =[23.86-(2),3.69]= 16.48 Kips from Table 17., shear reductions= 0 Kips · RSuc =[19.99-0] = 19.99 Kips 43 Tension Cone Controls ~8" (Since interior anchors are not stressed in tension, they are considered to have the same vaiue as the CL,3iGe anc:-.ors). Equation 16. ( :uuc) S/3 .,.. ( luuc) =/3 = 1 (Su/8 )5/3 + ( Su/6) 5/3 = 1 16.48 19.99 Su% (7.59 x 10·3)% + (8.34 x 10·3) % = 1 Su%= .000293 ~ .000344 Su%= 1569.86 Su = 82.8 Kips Allowable Load = 82.8 = 41.4 Kips -2- Failure mode indicated: Concrete. Additional reinforcement to bring the connection into the ductile failure range is indicated. Problem 5. Combined Loading Determine the allowable load' on the bracket shown. Anchors = ¾" x 73/16" Concrete = f'c = 3000 psi Normal weight Shear force taken by each anchor = fuL 6 Bending taken only by the outside anchors Moment= 4 Su= 16 (2) Pu, where Pu is the tension component on the outside anchors, Pu= fu! 8 Reduced edge distance on sides. Tension anchors, 2 reductions, De= 4.0", De= 3.0" From Table 6. spacing for full tension ca- pacity 4.610" =·R :.":.,~---~-~-------------------------...... -----·--·--·----------- 3" -8" COLUMN From Table 9., tension reductions De= 4.0, 3.69 Kips De= 3.0, 6.61 Kips RPuc = [23.86-(3.69 + 6.61)] = 13.56 Kips From Table 17., shear reductions (none) De= 4.0, 0 Kips De= 3.0, O Kips RSuc =[Sue]= 19.99 Kips Equation 16. (:ic )513 + (lic)513 = 1 (_§.!:!L§.)5/3+ (Su/6)5/3 = 1 13.56 19.99 Su% (9.22 X 10-3)% + (8.34 X 10-3)% = 1 Su%= 1 .000405 + .000344 Su Su%= 1335.11 Su = 75.2 Kips Allowable load= 75.2 = 37.6 Kips -2-_J Failure mode indicated: Concrete. Additional reinforcement to bring the connection into the ducti-le failure range is indicated. 8.0 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS Short Form Specification -Embedment an- chors shall be Nelson headed anchors with fluxed ends (or approved equal). Studs shall be automatically end welded with suitable Nelson Stud Welding equipment in the shop or field on spacings indicated on the draw- ings. All welds shall be made in accordance with recommendations of the Nelson Stud Welding Company, Lorain, Ohio. Welding Specifications -All we!d plate ma- terials shall be clean, dry and free of paint, rust, oil or other contaminants. Plating, if re- quired should be done after completion of welding. Two studs should be welded to plate material of the same type and thickness being used for embedment at the start of each shift to check for proper weld setup procedure. Test welding should be done in the same position being used for production. Test welds, after cooling, should be bent by ham- mer 45° from the vertical position without failure. Non-failure of both studs indicates that the weld setup is satisfactory and pro- duction welding may be started. Inspection Requirements -After welding, the ceramic ferrule should be removed from each stud and the weld fillet visually inspected. A fillet of less than 360° is cause for further inspection. Such studs shou!-::! be hammer tested, bending the stud 15° frorn the vertical toward the closest end of the embedment plate or steel member. Bending without fail- ure indicates a satisfactory weld. Bent studs may be left bent. When studs are welded to steel plates or members with temperatures below 32° F., one stud in each 100 should be tested by bending 15° -from the vertical. Warning - Welding should not be attempted when the base metal temperature is below 0° F. or when the steel surface is wet or exposed to falling rain or snow. TABLE 33. Steel Plate Weld Base Diameter .250 .375 .500 .625 .750 .875 Plate Thickness 1/s (.125) . 3/16 (.187) 3/16 (.187) ¼ (.250) s;,6 (.318) 3/a (.375) Minimum Plate Thickness Required For Full Strength Stud Weld 112., 44 ,- • STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR INTERIOR SPECIALIST CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY AUSTIN DESIGN GROUP 9605 SCRANTON ROAD, SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 TEL. (619) 546-0110 FAX (619) 546-0440 ADG # 97334.01 C ' .. AUSTIN DESIGN GROUP SHEET NO __ OF __ SCALE. _______ __,,_1 =-=-- CALCULATED BV ____ Ga--::,C-e,...._ ____ DATE __ ~-Z~?. ..... r,£~- CHECKED BY DATE ____ _ 12-z~ -·-. -·.· -·· -. -. -...... _ ..... ·-..... ---·. . . ·-"' . . . ·---. . . -. -' .. . -. ,-· -. ·-. . . . . . . .. --. ·~ .. . . ..... ..... : ....... · .. B.RacE:P ....... F-/e.kH..€ ...... _ .. @ __ · .... L1.1v .. :&... . ® .... . . ........ ,,._ ...... ·--... . --.. " ........ ,,. ... ' .......... . ' -. . ' . ... .. ' .. ' : .. ' . . .... -·: -. . . . . . . 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' .. -.. , " '* '- ~· ~ -<::::I. r..., '\.,_ ...:: c-\ ·O/C .. -· .... 9605 SCRANTON RD • SUITE 200 • SAN DIEGO CA 92121 • 619 546 0110 • 619 546 0440 FAX ., ' AUSTIN Lf-0 JoB /lvT?&i i:?:te 5,Pu-c.arw 'T DESIGN GROUP SHEET NO __ OF __ SCALE ________ _,L-:_'---- CALCULATED BY G c.. DATE _ __,l,,_1/_9_,_g..___ J CHECKED BY ____________ DATE ____ _ l?(c't?G 7/"4-Nt?l..vt, /vA~L PANG(., -z 3 ' SG.t..,t=-. 5~?()ere-p C,/41 {;.,,e,:,vNO / U5 G 71 Cr 1/.--·=-·. ( y.';)(,_ }'o). (In}( f:). ::, 2/. 3 ff P. H~ .. = (-1.tt-.X(z/1.3,.)( J/,f').1/z.:: / 9.33-#y.J .... c>/--... -=::. :½.:i .. t:. ! -· .... - ... f.~. -=: ..... 5.ooo~f!->:I-.............. ··-· ...... . . 1 .:: . 0 0 '2--0 . . ..... ,tk ... ~ .. ( I, 33)(. ~.o o. ., o). ( 12 )( 4{. ~ t) ::. .. , I 7' ;,'-. ~ ······ : .... · ······· ......... : .... · ....... ·····-·--··L· ·····-·· .... ?£P.l,/..IO?· .. ti~ .. @ ./t/-4 .?J C.,, I ·-·-·-... u-o/?N.t;, ...... ;.: ..... ;1c .. 2 ~,. P6Gr ··FOt>·F//4'.c; . . : . . 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DATE_--~/_,_~__,_'£..___ CHECKED BY ___________ DATE ____ _ K <ST ,{JY N/ N t, 4./4--u .. .£-@) LoA--P /,,.,, 4 ,;:;, o ,:;;IC -II= Lf.5 / . . ~ 1Nc:.Lu-01:: · -z' ~t(,,ee,,11A,ece -fit. -{ 3.r)C '-· r-);z . = 7.3 J r7c;=· .f1fA,.~ .(/.7)(.;s-J(6.,.r)1/6 .. ~ 272-3.71-j . .. . . . d ... -3. .... L/,.z.s.~ ....... . ··-· · {.~ .. ?-....... 3. e..o.o. .... f$ I 1 =-.. 00-z..7 . .... .. . k~ .. ::: ... ( /,33.)( :o(J-zJ)(t_70)( ~~r) .==.-., Z--07.11~ ......... : ............................. : ..... · .. -.... -.. --·--· ...................... UcJ&. ....... '# .1r..@.1f:-.~ ~,t .. Cr.) -· · ~ r-. :=:=. ( I 59) (..~-~ j (S-r); .. + ( /., r.) ( 5,33) ( I r.o) . . .. · ...... + (b,·r)(l-z;o)(t,o)+ (/-z.o)(/,6-:z) . : = z.. 2 7 #// . . .... . . ... ... . ....... ·-· .. 7.'0 : ... /f· . .... ......... .. ..... .. ... . · .... ~ .. t:_ kt .. ~.: ..... (-7.3..f)..{..~~~·. f: /f ... t) ·t. (L f'r.)(,.i.s-: ). .... , -·1 ") / -'I ( . ' / ~ ) .., / :#-1/ ., -. ( '7 <r r . 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(.~~~ .. +. t, fr ).. ... -1-: .(.j_r).{,. i &). · ........ :: ...... -__ ............... :. ·--·: ... -.~-.. C~<t-o)l, .. t .. 7). ..... .;t. (-3.72.)(.1 t) ... --... ; .... -~ .............. :. ~ ..... -.J.l ... 3.~"#:;4-...... : ..... ~ ............ £_··-····· .. , ....... : .. ___ .... e .... :=:-..... J "!,.,r. _ .1 s.1[ ... _ .. =:... ~ .~~ ... < T :: , 71 ..... ! ....... --f-.w-;:))( ..... f=--·-l-·.b. >:J-· ··\l.JF ...... :.:-· .. , .c.1 ... ~-~,o .. t-.s.;.. .. .. __ .. _ ; : ' ' ' -. . " ... ,. __ .,_ ----·----·---·-. _.,,. _., --·· .... . ' -~-----. -----. ' ' _ .. , .. i ... ~, _ _: __ ,., ----· -,!, ____ ·-_,,, __ ,.,._ __ ,_,.,.,_. _ ........ ; ····--.. ; .. -·-·-·-·---, .. ---,_,; ............ ___ ,. __ ._ .. --·-· ---... -" --~-•·----·--. --....... , . -· .............................. -... : ·--....... : .......... _., __ ,, ........ .. 9605 SCRANTON RD • SUITE 200 • SAN DIEGO CA 92121 • 619 546 0110 • 619 546 0440 FAX CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. PANEL ALONG GRID LINE A NORTH OF LINE 1 Total Panel Height 9.00 ft. f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (tl e =0 Vertical Reinf. As= p = As/12d Horizontal Reinf. As(h) = p = Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (E) = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width Roof Dead Load (P1) = UL Tl MATE LOADS : Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 Pu = Pu 1 + Pu2 = 1 .4D Eu = 1.4 x E Total Reinf. Wt. 3000 psi 60000 psi 18.00 ft. 8.50 in. h/ 25 0.00 in. # 5 @ 14.0 in. o. c. 0.27 sq. in./ft 0.0056 < 0.0128 OK # 5 @ 14.0 in. o. c. 0.27 sq. in./ft 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK 106.3 psf 956.25 plf 21.3 psf 0 psf ---___ O_ft. 0 plf 0 plf 1339 plf 1339 plf 29.8 plf 1.81 psf Page 1 \NI 1· NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.29 sq. in. a = C = a/0.85 d = t/2 -5/16" Mn= 0.565 in. 0.665 in. 3.94 in. 63177 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 56859 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= 3122019 p~ n = Es/Ee 9.3 lcr = 29.84 Dn = 3.3 in. Mu = 18871 < 56859 OK CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: fr = 274 psi lg= 614 Mer= 39573 in-lbs. Der= 0.100 in. Assume Os= h/150 = 1.44 in. Max. Ms= 11705 > 39573 Os= -3.67 < 1.44 OK w2 CONCRE-TE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 2b upper PANELS ALONG GRID LINE A UPPER SOUTH 2.5' SECTION BETWEEN LINES 1 & 2 Total Panel Height f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center As= p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. As(h) = p = 17.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 12.92 ft. 8.50 in. h/ 18 7.75 in. # 5 @ 14.0 in. o. c. 0.27 sq. in./ft 0.0056 < 0.0128 OK # 5 @ 14.0 in. 0, C. 0.27 sq. in./ft 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK 106.3 psf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = a = C = a/0.85 d = t/2 -5/16" Mn= 0.31 sq. in. 0.598 in. 0.704 in. 3.94 in. 66607 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 5994 7 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee = n = Es/Ee lcr = Dn = 3122019 psi 9.3 31.03 in.4 1.7 in. Panel Wt. = 1 50 x (t/12) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (El = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 1366 plf (X 1 .22) 38.9 psf (X1 .11 l Mu = 19434 < 59947 OK 15 psf ---CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: 21.35 ft. (X 1.22) fr = 274 psi Roof Dead Load (P1 l = 320 plf lg = 614 in.4 ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer= 39573 in-lbs. Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 448 plf Der = 0.052 in. Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 1913 plf Assume Os = h/150 = 1.03 in. Max. Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 2361 plf Ms= 12721 < 39573 Eu = 1.4 x E 54 plf Os= 0.02 < 1.03 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 1.81 psf Page 1 W3 CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 2b lower. PANELS ALONG GRID LINE A LOWER SOUTH 5.0' SECTION BETWEEN LINES 1 & 2 Total Panel Height f'c Fy 16.00 ft. Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) e=t/2+3.5" 3000 psi 60000 psi 13.00 ft. 8.50 in. 7.75 in. h/ 18 Vert. Reinf. @ Center # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. e. As = 0.31 sq. in./ft p = As/12d 0.0066 < 0.0128 OK Horiz. Reinf. # 5 @ 14.0 in. o. e. As(h) = 0.27 sq. in./ft p = 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 106 .3 psf Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 3028 plf (X3) NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = a = e = a/0.85 d = t/2 -5/16" Mn= 0.48 sq. in. 0.936 in. 1.101 in. 3.94 in. 99378 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 89440 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee 3122019 psi 9.3 lcr = 41.01 in.4 Dn = 2.0 in. Seismic Force (E) = 63.8 psf (X2) Mu = 48016 < 89440 OK Design Floor D + L Load 130 psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width ___ 2_ft. (.8X3) fr = _F_lo_o_r_D_+_L_Lo_a_d ___ (P_1 __ ) _= ____ 3_1_2~p_lf ________ -----1 lg = ULTIMATE LOADS : Mer = --------------------------l Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 1455 pit ( + 1018 from upper pier Der = Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 + 12886 8585 plf ( +4346 from upper pier Assume Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 10040 plf Ms = Eu = 1 .4 x E 89 plf Ds = Total Reinf. Wt. 1.96 psf Page 1 Ds = h/150 = 274 psi 614 in.4 39573 in-lbs. 0.052 in. 1.04 in. Max. 39573 20843 < 0.03 < 1.04 OK CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 3a PANELS ALONG GRID LINE A NORTH 5' PIER BETWEEN LINES 2 & 3 Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c 3000 psi Fy 60000 psi NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : Unsupp. Panel Height (h) 25.92 ft. As (effective) = Ase = 0.48 sq. in. Panel Thickness (t) 8.50 in. h/ 37 a = 0.936 in. e = t/2 + 3.5" 7.75 in. c = a/0.85 1.102 in. Vert. Reinf. @ Center # 5 @ 9.0 in. o. c. d = t/2 -5/16" 3.94 in. As= 0.41 sq. in./ft Mn = 99399 in-lbs. p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. As(h) = p = 0.0087 # 0.27 0.0026 < 0.0128 OK 0.9 x Mn = 89459 in-lbs. 5 14.0 in. o. c. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: @ ------sq. in./ft > 0.0025 OK Ee = 3122019 psi n = Es/Ee lcr = Dn = 9.3 41.02 7.8 in. Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (El = Design Roof Dead Load 106.3 psf 2408 plf 37.3 psf (x1 .33) (x1 .17) Mu = 84540 < 89459 OK Tributary Width Roof Dead Load (P1 J = ULTIMATE LOADS: ___ 15_psf 22.61 ft. 339 plf Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 474.81 plf Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 3371 plf Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 3846 plf Eu = 1.4 x E 52.2 plf Total Reinf. Wt. 4.62 psf (x1 .33) Page 1 CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: fr = 274 lg = 614 Mer= 39573 Der= 0.208 Assume Ds = h/150 = 2.07 Ms= 44594 Os= 0.85 psi in-lbs. in. in. Max. > 39573 < 2.07 OK .., CONCRETE. TILT-UP-WALL PANEL NO. 3b PANELS ALONG GRID LINE A CENTER 13.67' PIER BETWEEN LINES 2 & 3 Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (hi Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center As= p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. As(h) = p = 3000 psi 60000 psi 26.50 ft. 8.50 in. h/ 37 7.75 in. # 5 @ 9.0 in. o. c. 0.41 sq. in./ft 0.0087 < 0.0~ 28 OK # 5 @ 14.0 in. o. c. · 0.27 sq. in./ft 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK 106.3 psf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.48 a = 0.933 C = a/0,85 1.098 d = t/2 -5/16" 3.94 Mn= 99141 0.9 x Mn = 89227 FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= 3122019 n = Es/Ee 9.3 lcr = 40.95 Dn = 8.2 ws- sq. in. in. in. in. in-lbs. in-lbs. psi in. Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (El = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 2349.2 plf (x1 .32) 37.0 psf (xl.16) ___ 15_psf Mu = 87070 < 89227 OK Roof Dead Load (P1) = ULTIMATE LOADS: 22.44 ft. (x1 .32) 337 plf Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 471.24 plf Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 3289 plf Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 3760 plf Eu = 1 .4 x E 51 .8 plf Total Reinf. Wt. 4.62 psf Page 1 CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: fr = 274 lg= 614 Mer= 39573 Der= 0.217 Assume Ds = h/150 = 2.12 Ms= 45947 Os= 1.07 psi in-lbs. in. in. Max. > 39573 < 2.12 OK CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 3c PANELS ALONG GRID LINE A SOUTH 2.5' PIER BETWEEN LINES 2 & 3 Total Panel Height f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. Each Face As= p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. Each Face As(h) = p = 30.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 26.83 ft. 8.50 in. 7.75 in. # 5 h/ 38 @ 9.0 in. o. c. 0.41 sq. in./ft 0.0070 < 0.0128 OK # 4 @ 12.0 in. o. c. ----0.40 sq. in./ft 0.0039 > 0.0025 OK NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.51 sq. in. a= 1.004 in. c = a/0.85 1.182 in. d = t-3/4"-2"-1/2"-5/16 4.94 in. Mn= 136319 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 122687 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= 3122019 psi n = Es/Ee lcr = 9.3 73.72 On = 6.4 in. Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (El = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 106.3 psf 3700.5 plf 49.4 psf ___ 15_psf (x2.1) (x1 .55) Mu= 115519 < 122687 OK Roof Dead Load (P1) = ULTIMATE LOADS: 35. 7 ft. 536 plf Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 749.7 plf Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 5181 plf Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 5930 plf Eu = 1 .4 x E 69.2 plf Total Reinf. Wt. 5.51 psf (x2.1) Page 1 CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION : fr = 274 lg= 614 Mer= 39573 Der = 0.223 Assume Os = h/150 = 2.15 Ms= 64515 Ds = 1.81 psi in-lbs. in. in. Max. > 39573 < 2.15 OK w7 CONCRETE TILT~UP WALL PANEL NO. 4a PANELS ALONG GRID LINE A NORTH 14.81' PIER BETWEEN LINES 3 & 3.6 Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c Fy 3000 psi 60000 psi 27.08 ft. Unsupp. Panel Height (hi Panel Thickness (tl 8.50 in. h/ 38 e = t/2 + 3.5" 7.75 in. Vert. Reinf. @ Center As= # 5 @ 9.0 in. o. c. 0.41 sq. in./ft p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. As(h) = 0.0087 < 0.0128 OK # 5 @ 14.0in. o.c. 0.27 sq. in./ft p = 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (El = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width Roof Dead Load (P1 l = ULTIMATE LOADS: 106.3 psf 2273.5 plf (x1 .30) 36.7 psf (x1 .15) ___ 15'-psf 22.1 ft. (x1 .30) 332 plf Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 464.1 plf Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 3183 plf Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 3647 plf Eu = 1 .4 x E 51 .3 plf Total Reinf. Wt. 4.62 psf Page 1 NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = a = C = a/0.85 d = t/2 -5/16" Mn= 0.47 sq. in. 0.930 in. 1.094 in. 3.94 in. 98802 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 88921 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee. 3122019 psi 9.3 lcr = 40.85 Dn = 8.5 in. Mu = 89325 < 88921 OK CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: fr = 274 psi lg= 614 Mer= 39573 in-lbs. Der= 0.227 in. Assume Ds = h/150 = 2.17 in. Max. Ms= 47250 > 39573 Ds = 1.30 < 2.17 OK • CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL. NO. 4b PANELS ALONG GRID LINE A SOUTH 10.15' PIER BETWEEN LINES 3 & 3.6 Total Panel Height f'c Fy NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.50 sq. in. Unsupp, Panel Height (h) Panel -Thickness (t) 30.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 27.75 ft. 8.50 in. 7.75 in. # 5 h/ 39 a = 0.973 in. e = t/2 + 3.5" c = a/0.85 1.144 in. Vert. Reinf. Each Face As= @ 9.0 in. o. c. d = t-3/4"-2"-1 /2"-5/16 4.94 in. 0.41 sq. in./ft Mn = 132487 in-lbs. p = As/12d 0.0070 < 0.0128 OK 0.9 x Mn = 119239 in-lbs. # 4 12.0 in. o. c. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Horiz. Reinf. Each Face As(h) = @ ------0.40 sq. in./ft p = 0.0039 > 0.0025 Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 106.3 psf Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 3083.9 plf (x1 .8) Seismic Force (El = 48.5 psf (x1 .52) Design Roof Dead Load ___ 15_ psf OK Ee= 3122019 psi n = Es/Ee lcr = On= 9.3 72.29 6.8 in. Mu= 114471 < 1192390K CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width 30.6 ft. (x1 .8) fr = 274 psi 614 Roof Dead Load (P1) = 459 plf lg = ________ .;.;._:----------;......:...----------1 ULTIMATE LOADS : Mer = ______ ..;;..... _______________ -! 39573 in-lbs. Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 642.6 plf Der = 0.238 in. Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 4317 plf Assume Ds = h/150 = 2.22 in. Max. Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 4960 plf Ms = 65608 > 39573 Eu = 1 .4 x E 67 .8 plf Ds = 2.07 < 2.22 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 5.51 psf Page 1 ' ·- CONCRETE' TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. Sa PANELS ALONG GRID LINE A NORTH 11.5' PIER BETWEEN LINES 3.6 & 4.3 Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. Each Face As= p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. Each Face As(h) = p = 3000 psi 60000 psi 28.08 ft. 8.50 in. h/ 40 7.75 in. # 5 @ 11.0 in. o. c. 0.34 sq. in./ft 0.0057 < 0.0'128 OK # 4 @ 12.0 in. o. c. 0.40 sq. in./ft 0.0039 > 0.0025 OK 106.3 psf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.40 a = 0.790 C = a/0.85 0.929 d = t-3/4"-2"-1 /2"-5/16 4.94 Mn= 109806 0.9 x Mn = 98825 FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= 3122019 n = Es/Ee 9.3 63.33 sq. in. in. in. in. in-lbs. in-lbs. psi lcr = On= 6.6 in. Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (E) = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 2408 plf (x1 .42) 42.1 psf (x1 .32), Mu = 97106 < 98825 OK 15 psf ---CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: 24.14 ft. (x1 .42) fr = 274 psi Roof Dead Load (P1) = 362 plf lg= 614 ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer= 39573 in-lbs. Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 506.94 plf Der= 0.244 in. Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 3371 plf Assume Os = h/150 = 2.25 in. Max. Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 3878 plf Ms= 57389 > 39573 Eu = 1.4 x E 58.9 plf Os= 1.85 < 2.25 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 5.00 psf Page 1 CONCRETE TILT~UP WALL PANEL NO. Sb PANELS ALONG GRID LINE A CENTER 5' PIER BETWEEN LINES 3.6 & 4.3 Total Panel Height f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (tl e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. Each Face As= p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. Each Face As(h) = p = 30.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 27 .92 ft. 8.50 in. h/ 39 7.75 in. # 5 @ 10.0 in. o. c. 0.37 sq. in./ft 0.0063 < 0.0128 OK # 4 @ 12.0 in. o. c. 0.40 sq. in./ft 0.0039 > 0.0025 OK 106.3 psf 3067.7 plf (x1 .8) NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH: As (effective) = Ase = 0.45 sq. in. a = 0.891 in. c = a/0.85 1.048 in. d = t-3/4"-2"-1/2"-5/16 4.94 in. Mn = 122460 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn= 110214 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee = 312201 9 psi n = Es/Ee lcr = On= 9.3 68.45 6.7 in. Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (El = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 44.6 psf (x1 .4) Mu = 108624 < 110214 OK 15 psf ---CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: 30.6 ft. (x1 .8) fr = 274 psi Roof Dead Load (P1 l = 459 plf lg = 614 ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer= 39573 in-lbs. Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 642.6 plf Der= 0.241 in. Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 4295 plf Assume Os = h/150 = 2.23 in. Max. Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 4937 plf Ms= 61835 > 39573 Eu = 1.4 x E 62.5 plf Os= 1.98 < 2.23 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 5.23 psf Page 1 w,1 CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. Sc· PANELS ALONG GRID LINE A SOUTH 2.5' PIER BETWEEN LINES 3.6 & 4.3 Total Panel Height f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (hl Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. Each Face As= p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. Each Face As(h) = p = 30.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 27.67 ft. 8.50 in. 7.75 in. h/ 39. l # 5 @ 10.0 in. o. c. 0.37 sq. in./ft 0.0063 < 0.0128 OK # 4 @ 12.0 in. o. c. 0.40 sq. in./ft 0.0039 > 0.0025 OK 106.3 psf 3091.6 plf (x1 .8) NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.45 sq. in. a = 0.892 in. c = a/0.85 1.049 in. d = t-3/4"-2"-1 /2"-5/16 4.94 in. Mn = 122596 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 110336 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: -Ee= n = Es/Ee fer = On= 3122019 psi 9.3 68.50 6.6 in. Panel Wt. = 1 50 x (t/12) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (El = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 44.6 psf {x1 .4) Mu = 106963 < 110336 OK Roof Dead Load (P1) = ULTIMATE LOADS: 15 psf 30.6 ft. (x1 .8) 459 plf Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 642.6 plf Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 4328 plf Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 4971 plf Eu = 1 .4 x E 62.5 plf Total Reinf. Wt. 5.23 psf Page 1 CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION : fr = 274 lg= 614 Mer= 39573 Der= 0.237 Assume Os = h/1.50 = 2.21 Ms= 60887 Os= 1.87 psi in-lbs. in. in. Max. > 39573 < 2.21 OK vvrz CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 6a upper PANELS ALONG GRID LINE A UPPER NORTH 8' SECTION BETWEEN LINES 4.3 & 5 Total Panel Height 17.00 ft. f'c 3000 psi Fy 60000 psi Unsupp. Panel Height (hl 14. 70 ft. Panel Thickness (t) 8.50 in. h/ 21 e = t/2 +. 3.5" 7.75 in. Vert. Reinf. @ Center # 5 @ 14.0 in. o. c. As = 0.27 sq. in./ft p = As/12d 0.0052 < 0.0128 OK Horiz. Reinf. # 5 @ 14.0 in. o. c. As(h) = 0.27 sq. in./ft p = 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK Panel Wt. · = 150 x (t/1 2) 106 .3 psf Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 1671 plf (X1 .63) Seismic Force (El = 41.8 psf (X1 .31) Design Roof Dead Load 15 psf --- NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = a = C = a/0.85 d = t/2 -5/16" Mn= 0.31 sq. in. 0.617 in. 0.726 in. 4.25 in. 74433 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 66989 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= 3122019 psi n = Es/Ee 9.3 fer = 37 .84 in.4 Dn = 2.0 in. Mu = 27272 < 66989 OK CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width 28.525 ft. (X1 .63) fr = 274 psi _R_o_o_f _D_ea_d_L_o_a_d __ (_P_1 )_= ___ 4_2_8__._p_lf ________ --119 = 614 in.4 39573 in-lbs. ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer = ------------------------1 Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 599 plf Der = 0.067 in. Pu2 = 1 .4 x P2 2340 plf Assume Os = h/150 = 1.18 in. Max. Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 2939 plf Ms = 17661 < 39573 Eu = 1 .4 x E 58 plf Os= 0.03 < 1.18 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 1.81 psf Page 1 • CONCRETE TILT-UP-WALL PANEL NO. 6a lower PANELS ALONG GRID LINE A Total Panel Height f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center 16.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 13.00 ft. 8.50 in. 7.75 in. # 5 LOWER NORTH 2.5' SECTION BETWEEN LINES 4.3 & 5 h/ 18 @ 9.0 in. o. c. NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.68 sq. in. a = C = a/0.85 d = t/2 -5/1 6" 1.327 in. 1.561 in. 3.94 in. As= 0.41 sq. in./ft Mn = 132930 in-lbs. 0.0087 < 0.0128 OK 0.9 x Mn = 119637 in-lbs. # 5 @ 14.0 in. o. c. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: ---- p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. As(h) = 0.27 sq. in./ft Ee= 3122019 psi p = 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK n = Es/Ee 9.3 Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12)· 106.3 psf fer = 50.71 in.4 Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 4138 plf On= 2.1 in. Seismic Force (El = 813 psf (X4.1) (X2.55) Mu = 72207 < 119637 OK Design Floor D + L Load 130 psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width 3 ft. (.8X4.1) fr = ---_F_lo_o_r_D_+_L_L_o_a_d __ (_P __ 1 ) ___ = ___ 4_2_6-:..,p_lf _________ lg = ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer = -----------------------l Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 2514 plf ( + 1917 from upper pier Der = Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 + 12886 13282 plf Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 15796 plf Eu = 1 .4 x E 114 plf Total Reinf. Wt. 2.31 psf ( + 7488 from upper pier Assume Os = h/150 = Ms= Ds = Page 1 274 psi 614 in.4 39573 in-lbs. 0.052 in. 1.04 in. Max. 27005 < 39573 0.04 < 1.04 OK CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 6b lower PANELS ALONG GRID LINE A LOWER SOUTH 5.0' SECTION BETWEEN LINES 4.3 & 5 Total Panel Height f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (hl Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center As= p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. As(h) = 16.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 13.00 ft. 8.50 in. h/ 18 7.75 in. # 5 @ 9.0 in. 0, C. 0.41 sq. in./ft 0.0087 < 0.0128 OK # 5 @ 14.0 in. o. c. 0.27 sq. in./ft NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.54 sq. In. a = 1.061 in. C = a/0.85 1.248 in. d = t/2 -5/16" 3.94 in. Mn= 110593 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 99534 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= 3122019 psi p = ·0.0026 > 0.0025 OK n = Es/Ee 9.3 44.12 in.4 2.0 in. Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 106.3 psf Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 2574 plf (X2.55) lcr = On= Seismic Force (El = 56.7 psf (X1 .78) Mu = 40001 < 99534 OK Design Floor D + L Load 130 psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width 2 ft. (.8X2.55) fr = ---_F_lo_o_r_D_+_L_L_o_;.a.,;,,d-'(_P...;1 )_= ___ 2..;;..6.;;...5'---"-p_lf ________ __, lg = ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer = -----------------------! Pu 1 = 1.4 x P1 1106 plf ( + 735 from upper pier) Der = Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 + 12886 6548 plf ( + 2945 from upper pier Assume Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 7655 plf Ms = Eu = 1.4 x E 79 plf Os = Total Reinf. Wt. 2.31 psf Page 1 Ds = h/150 = 274 psi 614 in.4 39573 in-lbs. 0.052 in. 1.04 in. Max. 18363 < 39573 0.02 < 1.04 OK wtfa CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 7 PANEL ALONG GRID LINE A SOUTH OF LINE 5 Total Panel Height 9.00 ft. f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) e =0 Vertical Reinf. As= p = As/12d Horizontal Reinf. As(h) = p = Panel Wt. = 1 50 x (t/12) Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (E) = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width Roof Dead Load (P1) = ULTIMATE LOADS: Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 Pu = Pu 1 + Pu2 = 1 .40 Eu = 1.4 x E Total Reinf. Wt. 3000 psi 60000 psi 18.00 ft. 8.50 in. h/ 25 0.00 in. # 5 @ 14.0 in. o. c. 0.27 sq. in."/ft 0.0056 < 0.0128 OK # 5 @ 14.0 in. o. c. 0.27 sq. in./ft 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK 106.3 psf 956.25 plf 21.3 psf ___ O_psf 0 ft. ---0 plf 0 plf 1339 plf 1339 plf 29.8 plf 1.81 psf Page 1 NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.29 sq. in. a = 0.565 in. c = a/0.85 0.665 in. d = t/2 -5/16" 3.94 in. Mn = 63177 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 56859 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee lcr = Dn = 3122019 psi. 9.3 29.84 3.3 in. Mu = 18871 < 56859 OK CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: fr = 274 psi lg= 614 Mer= 39573 in-lbs. Der = 0.100 in. Assume Ds = h/150 = 1.44 in. Max. Ms= 11705 > 39573 Os= -3.67 < 1.44 OK CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 10b upper- PANELS ALONG GRID LINE A.4 UPPER SOUTH 5' SECTION BETWEEN LINES 5 & 5.8 Total Panel Height f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (hl Panel Thickness (tl e = t/2 + 3.5" .Vert. Reinf. @ Center 17.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 13.20 ft. 5.50 in. h/ 29 6.25 in. # 5 @ 9.0 in. o. c. As = 0.41 sq. in./ft p = As/12d 0.0125 < 0.0128 OK Horiz. Reinf. # 4 @ 11.0 in. o. c. As(hl = 0.22 sq. in./ft p = 0.0033 > 0.0025 OK Panel Wt.= 150x(t/12) 106.3 psf (t=8.5") Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 4420 plf (X4) Seismic Force (El = 79.7 psf (X2.5) Design Roof Dead Load ___ 15_psf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.53 sq. in. a = C = a/0.85 1.042 in. 1.225 in. d = t/2 2.75 in. Mn = 71054 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 63949 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee = n = Es/Ee 3122019 psi 9.3 lcr = 18.83 in.4 Dn = 3.2 in. Mu = 5424 7 < 63949 OK CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width __ 4_2_ft. (X4) fr = 274 psi Roof Dead Load (P1 l = 630 plf lg = --------------------------! 166 in.4 16569 in-lbs. ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer = -----------------------1 Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 882 plf Der = 0.083 in. Pu2 = 1 .4 x P2 6188 plf Assume Ds = h/150 = 1.06 in. Max. Pu = Pu 1 + Pu2 = 1 .4xD 7070 plf Ms= 28129 > 16569 Eu = 1.4 x E 112 plf Ds= 0.74<1.06 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 2.14 psf Page 1 CONCRETE-TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 13a upper· PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 7 UPPER EAST 5' SECTION BETWEEN LINES A.4 & 8.2 Total Panel Height 17 .00 ft. f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center As= p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. @ Center As(h) = p = 3000 psi 60000 psi 12.40 ft. 7.00 in. h/ 21 7.00 in. # 5 @ 9.0 in. o. c. 0.41 sq. in./ft 0.0108 < 0.0128 OK # 4 @ 11.0 in. o. e. 0.22 sq. in./ft 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK 125.0 psf (t=10"l 4050 plf (X3) NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH: As (effective) = Ase = 0.52 sq. in. a= 1.010 in. c = a/0.85 1 .188 in. d = t/2 -5/16" 3.19 in. Mn = 82906 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 74616 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee 3122019 psi 9.3 ler = 25.84 in.4 Dn = 2.4 in. Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (E) = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 56.3 psf (X1 .5) Mu = 34139 < 74616 OK ___ 13_psf __ 12_ft. (X3) Roof Dead Load (P1) = 308 If ( + 762/5 from GLBJ) ULTIMATE LOADS: Pu 1 = 1 .4 x P1 432 plf Pu2 = 1 .4 x P2 5670 plf Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 6102 plf Eu = 1 .4 x E 79 plf Total Reinf. Wt. 2.14 psf Page 1 CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: fr = 274 psi lg= 343 in.4 Mer= 26838 in-lbs. Der= 0.058 in. Assume Ds = h/150 = 0.99 in. Max. Ms= 18376 < 26838 Ds = 0.04 < 0.99 OK CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 13a lower PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 7 LOWER EAST 8' SECTION BETWEEN LINES A.4 & B.2 Total Panel Height 16.00 ft. f'c 3000 psi Fy 60000 psi Unsupp. Panel Height (h) 13.00 ft. Panel Thickness (t) 10.00 in. ( h/ 16 e = t/2 + 3.5" 8.50 in. Vert. Reinf. @ Center # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. c. As = 0.31 sq. in.lift p = As/12d 0.0055 < 0.0128 OK Horiz. Reinf. # . 5 @ 12.0 in. o. c. As(h) = 0.31 sq. in./ft p = 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 125.0 psf Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 2672 plf (X2.25) Seismic Force (El = 49.1 psf (X1 .31) Design Floor D + L Load 1 30 psf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase 0.48 sq. in. a= 0.935 in. c = a/0.85 1.100 in. d = t/2 -5/16" 4.69-in. Mn = 120753 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 108678 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT : Ee= n = Es/Ee lcr = 3122019 psi 9.3 62.34 in.4 Dn = 1.6 in. Mu = 44771 < 108678 OK CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width 13.5 ft. (6X2.25) fr = 274 psi 1000 in.4 54772 in-lbs. 0.044 in. Floor D + L Load (P1) = 1755 plf lg = ----'------~~-----...,__ ________ --i UL TIMA.TE LOADS : Mer = ----------------------Pu 1 = 1.4 x P1 Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 Pu = Pu 1 + Pu2 = 1 .4xD Eu = 1.4 x E Total Reinf. Wt. 2727 plf 7284 plf 10011 plf 69 plf 2.11 psf ( + 432X5/8 from upper) Der = ( + 5670X5/8 from upper) Assume Os = h/150 Ms= Ds = Page 1 1.04 in. Max. 24516 < 54772 0.02 < 1 .04 OK • ' ' CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL P'ANEL. NO. 1·3b upper PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 7 UPPER WEST 2.5' SECTION BETWEEN LINES A.4 & 8.2 Total Panel Height 17 .00 ft. f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center As= p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. As(h) = p = 3000 psi 60000 psi 12.10 ft. 7.00 in. h/ 21 7.00 in. # 5 @ 9.0 in. 0, e. -------0.41 sq. in./tt 0.0108 < 0.0128 OK # . 4 @ 11.0 in. o. e. 0.22 sq. in./ft 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK 125.0 psf (t=10") 6844 plf (X5) NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.64 sq. in. a= 1.247 in. c = a/0.85 1.467 in. d = t/2 -5/16" 3. 19 in. Mn = 97847 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 88062 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee lcr = 3122019 psi 9.3 30·.12 in.4 Dn = 2.3 in. Panel Wt. = 150 x (ti12) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (E) = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 75.0 psf (X2) Mu = 66807 < 88062 OK Roof Dead Load (P1) = ULTIMATE LOADS: ___ 13_psf 20 ft. 2698 olf Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 3777 plf Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 9581 plf Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 13358 plf Eu = 1.4 x E 105 plf Total Reinf. Wt. 2.14 psf (X5) ( + 6095/2.5 from GLB)) Page 1 CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: fr = 274 psi lg= 343 in.4 Mer= 26838 in-lbs. Der= 0.055 in. Assume Os = h/150 = 0.97 in. Max. Ms= 35151 > 26838 Ds = 0.32 < 0.97 OK · w2J CONCRETE. TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 13b lower PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 7 LOWER WEST 4.1' SECTION BETWEEN LINES A.4 & B.2 Total Panel Height 16.00 ft. f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" 3000 psi 60000 psi 13.00 ft. 10.00 in. h/ 16 8.50 in. Vert. Reinf. @ Center As= # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. c. 0.31 sq. in./1ft p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. As(h) = 0.0055 < 0.0128 OK # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. c. p = 0.31 sq. in./ft 0.0026 > 0.0025 Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 125.0 psf Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 1627 plf Seismic Force (El = 44.3 psf Design Floor D + L Load 130 psf (X1.37) (X1 .18) OK NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.51 sq. in. a= 0.997 in. c = a/0.85 1.173 in. _ d = t/2 -5/16" 4.69 in. Mn = 127851 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 115066 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee 3122019 psi 9.3 lcr = 64.81 in.4 Dn = 1.6 in. Mu = 50941 < 115066 OK CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width 8.2 ft. (6X1 .37) fr = 274 psi 1000 in.4 54772 in-lbs. 0.044 in. Floor D + L Load (P1 I = 1069 plf lg = -----------------...;..--'------------t ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer = -----------------------Pu 1 = 1.4 x P1 3799 plf ( + 3777X2.5/4.1 from up Der = Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 8120 plf (+9581X2.5/4.1 from up Assume Pu=Pu1+Pu2=1.4xD 11919plf Ms= Eu = 1.4 x E 62 plf Ds = Total Reinf. Wt. 2 .. 11 psf Page 1 Ds = h/150 1.04 in. Max. 18562 < 54772 0.02 < 1.04 OK CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 14a upper PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 7 UPPER EAST 2.5' SECTION BETWEEN LINES 8.2 & C.5 Total Panel Height 17 .00 ft. f'e Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center As= p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. @ Center As(h) = p = 3000 psi 60000 psi 12.10 ft. 7.00 in. h/ 21 7.00 in. # 5 @ 9.0 in. o. c. 0.41 sq. in./ft I 0.0108 < 0.0128 OK # 4 @ 11.0 in. o. c. 0.22 sq. in./ft · 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.59 sq. in. a = 1.157 in. e = a/0.85 1.361 in. d = t/2 -5/16" 3.19 in. Mn = 92345 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 83111 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee 3122019 psi 9.3 Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 125.0 psf (t=10") ler = 28.36 in.4 Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 6844 plf (XS) Dn = 2.3 in. Seismic Force (El = 75.0 psf (X2) Mu = 50830 < 83111 OK Design Roof Dead Load 13 psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION : ---Tributary Width 20 ft. (XS) fr = 274 psi ---RoofDeadLoad(P1)= 719plf (+1147/2.SfromGLBll lg= 343in.4 ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer = 26838 in-lbs. -----------------------1 Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 1006 plf Der = 0.055 in. Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 9581 plf Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 10588 plf Eu = 1.4 x E 105 plf Total Reinf. Wt. 2.14 psf Page 1 Assume Ds = h/150 = Ms= Os= 0.97 in. Max. 26307 < 26838 0.05 < 0.97 OK ., CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 14b upper PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 7 CENTER 5' SECTION BETWEEN LINES B.2 & C.5 Total Panel Height f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (hl Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center As= p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. As(h) = p = 17.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 12.20 ft. 7.00 in. h/ 21 7.00 in. #_5_-__ @ ____ 9_.0_in. 0, e, 0.41 sq. in./tt 0.0108 < 0.0128 OK # 4 @ 11 .0 in. o. e. 0.22 sq. in./ft 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK 125.0psf (t=10") 4496 plf (X3.3} NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = a= e = a/0.85 d = t/2 -5/16" Mn= 0.56 sq. in. 1.094 in. 1.287 in. 3.19 in. 88394 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 79555 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee ler = 3122019 psi 9.3 27.25 in.4 On = 2.3 in. Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (El = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 61.9 psf (X1 .65) Mu = 47778 < 79555 OK Roof Dead Load (P1 l = ULTIMATE LOADS: ___ 13_psf 13.2 ft. 1698 plf Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 2377 plf Pu2 = 1 .4 x P2 6295 plf Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 8672 plf Eu = 1 .4 x E 87 plf Total Reinf. Wt. 2.14 psf (X3.3} ( + 7631 /5 from GLB)) Page 1 CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION : fr = 274 psi lg= 343 in.4 Mer= 26838 in-lbs. Der= 0.056 in. Assume Os = h/150 = 0.98 in. Max. Ms= 25802 < 26838 Os= 0.05 < 0.98 OK / CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 14c upper PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 7 WEST 2.5' SECTION BETWEEN LINES B.2 & C.5 Total Panel Height 17 .00 ft. f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (hl Panel Thickness (ti e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center As= p = As/12d· Horiz. Reinf. As(hl = p = 3000 psi 60000 psi 12.20 ft. 7.00 in. h/ 21 7.00 in. # 5 @ 9.0 in. o. c. ------0.41 sq. in.If~ 0.0108 < 0.0128 OK # 4 @ 11 .0 in. o. e. 0.22 sq. in./ft 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK 125.0 psf (t=10"I 2725 plf (X2) NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.48 sq. in. a= 0.940 in. c = a/0.85 1.106 in. d = t/2 -5/16" 3.19 in. Mn = 78169 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 70352 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee = 3122019 psi n = Es/Ee 9.3 lcr = 24.71 in.4 On = 2.3 in. Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12I Half Panel Wt. (P2I = Seismic Force (El =· Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 56.3 psf (X1 .5) Mu = 27052 < 70352 OK 13 psf ---CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: 8 ft. (X2) ---fr= 274 psi Roof Dead Load (P1 I = 104 plf lg= 343 in.4 ULTIMATE LOADS : Mer= 26838 in-lbs. Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 146 plf Der= 0.056 in. Pu2 = 1 .4 x P2 3815 plf Assume Ds = h/150 = 0.98 in. Max. Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 3961 plf Ms= 15683 < 26838 Eu = 1 .4 x E 79 plf Ds = 0.03 < 0.98 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 2.14 psf Page 1 ' . CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 14a lower PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 7 LOWER EAST 2.5' SECTION BETWEEN LINES B.2 & C.5 Total Panel Height 16.00 ft. f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" 3000 psi 60000 psi 13.00 ft. 10.00 in. ( h/ 16 8.50 in. Vert. Reinf.@ Center As= # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. e. 0.31 sq. in./ft p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. 0.0055 < 0.0128 OK # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. e. As(h) = 0.31 sq. in./ft p = 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 125.0 psf Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 2375 plf (X2) Seismic Force (El = 56.3 psf (X1 .5) Design Floor D + L Load 1 30 psf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase 0.58 sq. in. a = 1.134 in. e = a/0.85 1.334 in. d = t/2 -5/16" 4.69 in. Mn = 142980 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 128682 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee 3122019 psi 9.3 ler = 69.91 in.4 Dn = 1.7 in. Mu = 60251 < CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION : 128682 OK Tributary Width 12 ft. (6X2) fr = 274 psi 1000 in.4 54772 in-lbs. 0.044 in. ---Floor D + L Load (P1) = 1560 plf lg = -----------------'------------1 ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer = ----------------------Pu 1 = 1.4 x P1 3190 plf ( + 1006 from upper pier) Der = Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 12906 plf ( + 9581 from upper pier) Assume Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 16096 plf Ms = Eu = 1.4 x E 79 plf Ds = Total Reinf. Wt. 2.11 psf Page 1 Ds = h/150 1 .04 in. Max. 24982 < 54772 0.02 < 1 .04 OK '\ CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 14b lower PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 7 LOWER CENTER 6' SECTION BETWEEN LINES A.4 & B.2 Total Panel Height f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness {t) e = t/2 + 3.5" 16.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 13.00 ft. 10.00 in. 8.50 in. h/ 16 Vert. Reinf. @ Center As= # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. e. 0.31 sq. in./ft 0.0055 < 0.0128 OK # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. e. p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. As(hl = ----0.31 sq. in./ft p = 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 125.0 psf Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 1983 plf (X1 .671 Seismic Force {E) = 49.9 psf (X1 .33) Design Floor D + L Load 130 psf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.39 sq. in. a= 0.758 in. C = a/0.85 0.892 in. d = t/2 -5/16" 4.69 in. Mn= 99969 in-lbs. 0.9 X Mn= 89972 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee ler = 3122019 psi 9.3 54.59 in.4 Dn = 1.5 in. Mu = 32292 < 89972 OK CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width 10.0 ft. (6X1 .67) fr = 274 psi 1000 in.4 54772 in-lbs. 0.044 in. _F_lo_o_r _D_+_L_L_o_a_d __ (_P1 __ )_= ____ 1 _30_3_._p_lf _________ -ilg = _U_L_T_IM_A_T_E_LO_A_D_S_: _______________ ---1Mcr = Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 1824 plf Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 2776 plf Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 4600 plf Eu = 1 .4 x E 70 p If Total Reinf. Wt. 2.11 psf Page 1 Der= Assume Ds = h/150 Ms= Ds = 1.04 in. Max. 21597 < 54772 0.02 < 1.04 OK ,. CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 14c lower PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 7 CENTER 5' SECTION BETWEEN LINES B.2 & C.5 Total Panel Height f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center 16.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 13.00 ft. 10.00 in. h/ 16 8.50 in. # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. c. As = 0.31 sq. in./ft p = As/12d 0.0055 < 0.0128 OK Horiz. Reinf. # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. c. As(h) = 0.31 sq. in./ft p = 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 125.0 psf Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 2256 plf (X1 .9) Seismic Force (El = 54.4 psf (X1 .45) Design Floor D + L Load 130 psf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.47 sq. in. a= 0.920 in. c = a/0.85 1.082 in. Q = t/2 -5/16" 4.69 in. Mn = 119017 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 107115 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT : Ee= n = Es/Ee 3122019 psi 9.3 lcr = 61.72 in.4 On= 1.6 in. Mu = 48034 < 107115 OK CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width 11.4 ft. (6X1 .9) fr = 274 psi 1000 in.4 54772 in-lbs. 0.044 in. _F_lo_o_r_D_+_L_L_o_a_d ___ (_P __ 1 ) ___ = ___ 1 _48_2___.._P_lf _________ ... tg = ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer = -------------------------t Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 3243 plf ( + 2377 /2 from upper) Der = Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 6306 plf ( + 6295/2 from upper) Assume Os = h/150 Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 9550 plf Ms = Eu = 1.4 x E 76 plf Ds = Total Reinf. Wt. 2.11 psf Page 1 1 .04 in. Max. 23970 < 54772 0.02 < 1.04 OK CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 14d lower PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 7 WEST 3' SECTION BETWEEN LINES 8.2 & C.5 Total Panel Height 16.00 ft. f'c 3000 psi Fy 60000 psi Unsupp. Panel Height (h) 13.00 ft. Panel Thickness (tl 10.00 in. h/ 16 e = t/2 + 3.5" 8.50 in. Vert. Reinf. @ Center # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. c. As = 0.31 sq. in./ft p = As/12d 0.0055 < 0.0128 OK Horiz. Reinf. # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. c. As(h) = 0.31 sq. in./ft p = 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 125.0 psf Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 2969 plf (X2.5) Seismic Force (El = 65.6 psf (X1 .75) Design Floor D + L Load 130 psf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.57 sq. in. a= 1.109 in. c = a/0.85 1 .304 in. d = t/2 -5/16" 4.69 in. Mn = 140203 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 126182 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee 3122019 psi 9.3 lcr = 68.99 in.4 On = 1.7 in. Mu = 69991 < 126182 OK CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width 15.0 ft. (6X2.5) fr = 274 psi 1000 in.4 54772 in-lbs. 0.044 in. _F_lo_o_r_D_+_L_L_o_a_d __ (_P __ 1 ) ___ = ___ 1_9_50___..P_lf _________ -1 lg = ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer = -----------------------Pu 1 = 1.4 x P1 5041 plf (+2311 from upper) Der= Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 10276 plf ( + 6120 from upper) Assume Ds = h/150 Pu= Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 15317 plf Ms= Eu = 1 .4 x E 92 plf Os = Total Reinf. Wt. 2.11 psf Page 1 1.04 in. Max. 30039 < 54772 0.02 < 1.04 OK . . . CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 14e lower PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 7 WEST 1.5' SECTION BETWEEN LINES B.2 & C.5 Total Panel Height 16.00 ft. f'c 3000 psi Fy 60000 psi Unsupp. Panel Height (h) 13.00 ft. Panel Thickness (t) 10.00 in. h/ 16 e = t/2 + 3.5" 8.50 in .. Vert. Reinf. @ Center # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. e. As = 0.31 sq. in./,ft p = As/12d 0.0055 <. 0.0128 OK Horiz. Reinf. # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. e. As(h) = 0.31 sq, in./ft · p = 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 125.0 psf Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 2375 plf (X2) Seismic Force (E) = 56.3 psf (X1 .5) Design Floor D + L Load 130 psf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.56 sq. in. a = 1.096 in. e = a/0.85 1.289 in. d = t/2 -5/1 6" 4.69 in. Mn = 138781 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 124903 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee 3122019 psi 9.3 lcr = 68.51 in.4 On= 1.6 in. Mu = 58093 < 124903 OK CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width 12.0 ft. (6X2) fr = 274 psi 1000 in.4 54772 in-lbs . 0.044 in. Floor D + L Load (P1) = 1560 plf lg = --------'---'---------'------------4 ULTIMATE LOADS : Mer = ...;,__...,;_~.....;;.......;;....;....;. _______________ --4 Pu1 = 1.4xP1 3197 plf (+1013fromupper) Der= Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 11723 plf ( + 8398 from upper) Assume Ds = h/150 Pu= Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4x0 14921 plf Ms= Eu = 1.4 x E 79 plf Os = Total Reinf. Wt. 2.11 psf Page 1 1.04 in. Max. 24982 < 54 772 0.02 < 1 .04 OK -· w,o CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 15b lower PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 7 LOWER CENTER 3' SECTION BETWEEN LINES A.4 & C.8 Total Panel Height f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (ti e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center As= h/ 16 30.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 13.00 ft. 10.00 in. 8.50 in. # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. c. 0.31 SQ. in./ft p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. 0.0055 < 0.0128 OK # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. c. As(h) = 0.31 sq. in./ft p = 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 125.0 psf Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 7843 plf (X2.67) Seismic Force (El = 68.6 psf (X1 .83) Design Floor D + L Load 130 psf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.63 sQ. in. a = 1.227 in. e = a/0.85 1.443 in. d = t/2 -5/16" 4.69 in. Mn = 152950 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 137655 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee ler = 3122019 psi 9.3 73.20 in.4 Dn = 1.7 in. Mu = 90313 < 137655 OK CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width 16.0 ft. (6X2.67) fr = 274 psi 1000 in.4 54772 in-lbs. 0.044 in. Floor D + L Load (P1) = 4558 plf ( + 14850/2/3 from beam lg = ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer = -----------------------Pu 1 = 1.4xP1 Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 Pu= Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD Eu = 1.4 x E Total Reinf. Wt. 7959 plf 10980 plf 18939 plf 96 plf 2.11 psf ( + 591 X2.67 from roof GLB) Page 1 Der= Assume Os = h/150 Ms= Ds = 1.04 in. Max. 49663 < 54772 0.04 < 1.04 OK ., '! CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 16 PANEL ALONG GRID LINE 8 BETWEEN LINES 4.8 & 5.3 Total Panel Height 22.00 ft. f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) e =0 Vert. Reinf. E.F. 3000 psi 60000 psi 44.00 ft. 12.00 in. h/ 44 0.00 in. # 6 @ 12.0 in. o. c. As = 0.45 sq. in./ft p = As/12d 0.0041 < 0.0128 OK Horizontal Reinf. E.F. # 4 @ 12.0 in. o. c. As(h) = 0.40 sq. in./ft p = 0.0028 > 0.0025 OK Panel Wt. := 150 x (t/12) 150.0 psf Panel Wt. (P2) = 3300 plf Seismic Force (El = 30.0 psf Design Roof Dead Load ___ o_ psf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = a = e = a/0.85 0.52 sq. in. 1.026 in. 1.208 in. d = t -3" 9.00 in. Mn = 266562 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 239906 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT : Ee= n = Es/Ee 3122019 psi 9.3 lcr = 302.31 Dn = 8.2 in. Mu = 159860 < 239906 OK CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width O ft. fr = ------274 psi 1728 _R_o _o f_D_e_a_d_L_o_a_d __ (_P __ 1 )'--= ____ 0__...p_lf __________ ~ lg = ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer = 78872 in-lbs. 0.425 in. ------------------------Pu 1 = 1.4 x P1 0 plf Der = Pu2 = 1 .4 x P2 4620 plf Assume Os = h/150 = 3.52 in. Max. Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1 .4D 4620 plf Ms = 98736 > 78872 Eu = 1.4 x E 42.0 plf Os= 1.25 < 3.52 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 2.87 psf Page 1 • CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 17 lower PANELS ALONG GRID LINE D.3 LOWER CENTER 8' SECTION BETWEEN LINES 6 & 7 Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c Fy 3000 psi 60000 psi 13.00 ft. NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH: As (effective) = Ase = 0.62 sq. in. Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) 8.50 in. h/ 18 a = 1.225 in. 1.441 in. 3.94 in. e = t/2 + 3.5" 7.75 in. c = a/0.85 Vert. Reinf. @ Center # 5 @ 9.0 in. o. c. . d = t/2 -5/16" -------As= p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. @ Center As(h) = p = 0.41 0.0087 # . 0.27 0.0026 sq. in./,ft < 0.0128 5 @ sq. in./ft > 0.0025 Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 106.3 psf Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 5618 plf (X2.25} Mn = 124623 in-lbs. OK 0.9 x Mn= 112160 in-lbs. 14.0 in. o. c. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee = 3122019 psi OK n = Es/Ee 9.3 lcr = 48 in.4 Dn = 2.1 in. Seismic Force (El = 52.0 psf (X1 .63) Mu= 55938 < 112160 OK Design Floor D + L Load 130 psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width 1.8 ft. (.8X2.25} fr = ---_F_lo_o_r _D_+_L_L __ o_a..;.d_(.;..P_.1 l_-_-_____ 17.;...;..19--"-p_lf__....( __ +.;;.8..;.9..;.10..;./-6-'f-ro;;.;.m.;.;..;;;b..;.ea;;.;m_l~ lg = ULTIMATE LOADS : Mer = -----------------------1 Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 2801 plf ( +394 Roof Dead Load} Der = Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 9874 plf Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 12675 plf Eu = 1 .4 x E 73 plf Total Reinf. Wt. 2.31 psf ( + 2009 upper panel} Page 1 Assume Ds = h/150 = Ms= Ds = 274 psi 614 in.4 39573 in-lbs. 0.052 in. 1 .04 in. Max. 27462 < 39573 0.04 < 1.04 OK CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. PANEL ALONG GRID LINE 5 WEST OF LINE F Total Panel Height 9.00 ft. f'c 3000 psi Fy 60000 psi Unsupp. Panel Height (h) 18.00 ft. Panel Thickness (t) 8.50 in. h/ 25 e =0 0.00 in. Vertical Reinf. # 5 @ 14.0 in. o. c. As= 0.27 sq. in./ft1 p = As/12d 0.0056 < 0.0128 OK Horizontal Reinf. # 5 @ 14.0 in. o. c. As(h) = 0.27 sq. in./ft p = 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK Panel Wt. = 150 x {t/12) 106.3 psf Panel Wt. {P2) = 956.25 plf Seismic Force {El = 21.3 psf Design Roof Dead Load 0 psf Tributary Width 0 ft. Roof Dead Load {P1) = 0 plf ULTIMATE LOADS: Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 0 plf Pu2 = 1.4x P2 1339 plf Pu = Pu 1 + Pu2 = 1 .4D 1339 plf Eu = 1.4 x E 29.8 plf Total Reinf. Wt. 1.81 psf Page 1 23 NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As {effective) = Ase = 0.29 sq. in. a = 0.565 in. c = a/0.85 0.665 in. d = t/2 -5/16" 3.94 in. Mn = 63177 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 56859 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee 3122019 psi 9.3 lcr = 29.84· On = 3.3 in. Mu = 18871 < 56859 OK CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: fr = 274 psi lg= 614 Mer= 39573 in-lbs. Der= 0.100 in. Assume Os= h/150 = 1.44 in. Max. Ms= 11705 > 39573 Os= -3.67 < 1.44 OK CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 24a lower PANELS ALONG GRID LINE A LOWER SOUTH 3.0' SECTION BETWEEN LINES 4 & 5 Total Panel Height f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (hi Panel Thickness {tl e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center 30.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 13.00 ft. 10.00 in. h/ 16 8.50 in. # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. c. As = 0.31 sq. in.I.ft p = As/12d 0.0055 < 0.0128 OK Horiz. Reinf. @ Center # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. c. As(hl = 0.31 sq. in./ft p = 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 125.0 psf Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 6844 plf (X2.33) ·Seismic Force (El = 62.6 psf (X1 .67) Design Floor D + L Load 155 psf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.49 sq. in. a= 0.952 in. c = a/0.85 1.120 in. d = t/2 -5/16" 4.69 in. Mn = 122723 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 110451 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee lcr = 3122019 psi 9.3 63 in.4 On = 1.6 in. Mu = 42946 < 110451 OK CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width ___ 2_ft. (.8X2.33J fr = 274 psi 1000 in.4 54772 in-lbs. Floor D + L Load (P1 l = 289 plf lg = -------------------------1 ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer= -----------------------1 Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 955 plf ( +551 Roof Dead Load) Der = 0.044 in. Pu2 = 1 .4 x P2 9582 plf Assume Os = h/150 = 1 .04 in. Max. Pu= Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 10538 plf Ms= 24522 < 54772 Eu= 1.4 x E 88 plf Ds = 0.02 < 1.04 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 2.11 psf Page 1 CONCRETE. TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 24b lower PANELS ALONG GRID LINE A CENTER 11.67' SECTION BETWEEN LINES 4 & 5 Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) e=t/2+3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center As= p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. @ Center As(h) = p = 3000 psi 60000 psi 13.00 ft. 10.00 in. h/ 16 8.50 in. # 5 @ 12.0 in. O. C. 0.31 sq. in./ft 0.0055 < 0.0128 OK # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. c. 0.31 sq. in./ft 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK 125.0 psf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.42 sq. in. a = 0.828 in. c = a/0.85 0.974 in. d = t/2 -5/16" 4.69 in. Mn = 108300 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 97470 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee = 3122019 psi n = Es/Ee 9.3 lcr = 58 in.4 Dn = 1.5 in. Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/121 Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (El = Design Floor D + L Load Tributary Width 4377 plf (X1 .49) 46.5 psf (X1 .24) Mu = 29357 < 97470 OK Floor D + L Load (P1) = ULTIMATE LOADS : 155 psf __ 1_.2_ft. (.8X1 .49) 185 plf Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 612 plf ( + 353 Roof Dead Load) Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 6128 plf Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 6739 plf Eu = 1 .4 x E 65 plf Total Reinf. Wt. 2.11 psf Page 1 CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION : fr = 274 psi lg= 1000 in.4 Mer= 54772 in-lbs. Der= 0.044 in. Assume Ds = h/150 = 1.04 in. Max. Ms= 17317 < 54772 Ds = 0.01 < 1.04 OK CONCRETE TILT-up· WALL PANEL NO. 24c PANEL ALONG GRID LINE F NORTH 5.6' PIER BETWEEN LINES 4 & 5 Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center As= p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. @ Center Aslhl = p = 3000 psi 60000 psi 28.10 ft. 10.00 in. h/ 34 8.50 in. # 6 @ 12.0 in. o. c. 0.45 sq. in./,ft 0.0080 < 0.0128 OK # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. c. 0.31 sq. in./ft 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK 125.0 psf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.51 sq. in. a = 1.004 in. c = a/0.85 1.181 in. d = t/2 -3/8" 4.63 in. Mn = 126679 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 114011 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee = 312·2019 psi n = Es/Ee 9.3 lcr = Dn = 63.00 7.6 in. Panel Wt. = 150 x lt/12) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (El = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 2592 plf (x1 .3) 43.1 psf (x1 .15) Mu = 102841 < 114011 OK Roof Dead Load (P1) = UL Tl MATE LOADS : __ 1_3_psf 16.9 ft. (x1 .3) 220 plf Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 307.58 plf Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 3629 plf Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 3936 plf Eu = 1.4 x E 60.4 plf Total Reinf. Wt. 2.57 psf Page 1 CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: fr = 274 lg= 1000 Mer= 54772 Der= 0.208 Assume Ds = h/150 = 2.25 Ms= 58332 Ds = 0.58 psi in-lbs. in. in. Max. > 54772 < 2.25 OK CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 25a PANEL ALONG GRID LINE F SOUTH 6' PIER BETWEEN LINES 3.6 & 4 Total Panel Height f'e Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center As= p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. @ Center As(h) = p = 30.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 27.92 ft. 10.00 in. h/ 34 8.50 in. # 6 @ 12.0 in. o. c. 0.45 sq. in./ft 0.0080 < 0.01'28 OK # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. c. 0.31 sq. in./ft 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK 125.0 psf 2005 plf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH: As (effective) = Ase = a= e = a/0.85 d = t/2 -3/8" Mn= 0.50 sq. in. 0.975 in. 1.147 in. 4.63 in. 123434 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 111090 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee 3122019 psi 9.3 lcr = 62 Dn = 7.5 in. Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (El = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 37.5 psf Mu= 85123 < 111090 OK 13 psf ---CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: 13 ft. fr = 274 psi Roof Dead Load (P1) = 169 p(f lg= 1000 ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer= 54772 in-lbs. Pu 1 = 1 .4 x P1 237 plf Der= 0.205 in. Pu2 = 1 .4 x P2 2807 plf Assume Ds = h/150 = 2.23 in. Max. Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 3044 plf Ms= 49422 < 54772 Eu = 1.4 x E 52.5 plf Ds = 0.19 < 2.23 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 2.57 psf Page 1 ' ' CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 25b PANEL ALONG GRID LINE F NORTH 2.5' PIER BETWEEN LINES 3.6 & 4 Total Panel Height f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (tl e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. Each Face As= p = As/12d Horiz. Ties As(h) = p = 30.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 27.33 ft. 10.00 in. 8.50 in. # 5 h/ 33 @ 9.0 in. o. e. 0.41 sq. in./ft 0.0054 < 0.0128 OK # 4 @ 12.0 in. o. c. 0.40 sq. in./ft 0.0033 > 0.0025 OK 125.0 psf 5717.3 plf (x2.8) NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.56 sq. in. a = 1.094 in. c = a/0.85 1.287 in. d = t-3/4"-2"-1/2"-5/16 -6.44 in. Mn = 197166 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 177449 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= 3122019 psi n = Es/Ee 9.3 lcr = 145.99 Dn = 4.8 in. Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (El = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 71.3 psf (x1 .9) Mu= 156578 < 177449 OK Roof Dead Load (P1 l = ULTIMATE LOADS: Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 Pu= Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD Eu = 1.4 x E Total Reinf. Wt. 13 psf 36.4 ft. (x2.8) 473 plf 662.48 plf 8004 plf 8667 plf 99.8 plf 4.164 psf Page 1 CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: fr= 274 psi lg= 1000 Mer= 54772 in-lbs. Der= 0.197 in. Assume Ds = h/150 = 2.19 in. Max. Ms= 95374 > 54772 Ds = 1.52 < 2.19 OK CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 26a PANEL ALONG GRID LINE F SOUTH 2.5' PIER BETWEEN LINES 2.7 & 3.6 Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (tl e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. Each Face As.= p = As/12d · Horiz. Ties As(h) = p = 3000 psi 60000 psi 27.33 ft. 10.00 in. h/ 33 8.50 in. # 5 @ 9.0 iri. o. c. ------0.41 sq. in./f,t 0.0054 < 0.0128 OK # 4 @ 12.0 in. o. c. 0.40 sq. in./ft 0.0033 > 0.0025 OK 125.0 psf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.56 sq. in. a = 1.094 in. c = a/0.85 1.287 in. d = t-3/4"-2"-1/2"-5/16 6.44 in. Mn = 197166 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 177449 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT : Ee= 3122019 psi n = Es/Ee 9.3 lcr = 145.99 Dn = 4.8 in. Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (El = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 5717 plf (x2.8) 71.3 psf (x1 .9) Mu= 156578 < 177449 OK Roof Dead Load (P1) = ULTIMATE LOADS: ___ 13_psf 36.4 ft. (x2.8) 473 plf Pu 1 = 1 .4 x P1 662 plf Pu2 = 1 .4 x P2 8004 plf Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1 .4xD 8667 plf Eu = 1.4 x E 99.8 plf Total Reinf. Wt. 4.164 psf Page 1 CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: fr = 274 lg= 1000 Mer= 54772 Der= 0.197 Assume Ds = h/150 = 2.19 Ms= 95374 Ds = 1.52 psi in-lbs. in. in. Max. > 54772 < 2.19 OK CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 26b PANEL ALONG GRID LINE F NORTH 18.6' BETWEEN LINES 2.7 & 3.6 Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c 3000 psi Fy 60000 psi NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : Unsupp. Panel Height (h) 27 .20 ft. As (effective) = Ase = 0.36 sq. in. Panel Thickness (t) 10.00 in. h/ 33 a= 0.711 in. e = t/2 + 3.5" 8.50 in. e = a/0.85 0.836 in. Vert. Reinf.@ Center # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. c. d = t/2 -5/16" 4.69 in. As = 0.31 sq. in./ft Mn = 94209 in-lbs. p = As/12d . 0.0055 < 0.0128 OK 0.9 x Mn = 84789 in-lbs. Horiz. Reinf. # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. c. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: As(h) = 0.31 sq. in./ft Ee = 3122019 psi p = 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK n = Es/Ee 9.3 Panel Wt. =· 150 x (t/12) 125.0 psf ler = 52 Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 2050 plf Dn = 6.4 in. Seismic Force (El = 37.5 psf Mu = 79556 < 84789 OK Design Roof Dead Load 15 psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width 13 ft. fr = 274 psi 1000 _R_o_o_f _D_ea_d_Lo_a_d_( __ P_1 ;...) _= ____ 19_5__,_p_lf __________ --4lg = ~U_L_T_IM_A_T_E;;_;.LO..;...;..;A~D_S_: ________________ ---1Mcr = 54 772 in-lbs. Pu1 = 1.4xP1 Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 Pu = Pu 1 + Pu2 = 1 .4D Eu = 1.4 x E Total Reinf. Wt. 273 plf 2870 plf 3143 plf 52.5 plf 2.11 psf Der = 0.195 in. Assume Ds = h/150 = 2.18 in. Max. Ms = 47330 < 54772 Ds = 0.17 < 2.18 OK Page 1 CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 28a PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 2.7 WEST 3.0' PIER BETWEEN LINES E & F Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (hi Panel Thickness (ti e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center As= p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. As(h) = p = 3000 psi 60000 psi 27.20 ft. 10.00 in. h/ 33 8.50 in. # 6 @ 8.0 in. o. c. 0.67 sq. in./ft 0.0121 < 0.0128 OK # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. c. 0.31 sq. in./ft 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK 125.0 psf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.79 sq. in. a = 1.554 in. c = a/0.85 1.828 in. d = t/2 -3/8" 4.63 in. Mn = 182945 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 164651 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee = 3122019 psi n = Es/Ee lcr = Dn = 9.3 82.01 7.9 in. Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force (El = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 5125 plf (x2.5} 65.6 psf (x1 .75) ___ 13_psf Mu = 161069 < 164651 OK CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: 10 ft. (x2.5) fr = ---274 psi Roof Dead Load (P1 l = 130 plf lg = 1000 ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer= 54772 in-lbs. Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 182 plf Der= 0.195 in. Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 7175 plf Assume Os = h/150 = 2.18 in. Max. Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 7357 pit Ms= 84815 > 54772 Eu = 1.4 x E 91.9 pit Ds = 2.01 < 2.18 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 6.67 psf Page 1 CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 28b PANEL ALONG GRID LINE 2. 7 WEST 12' SECTION BETWEEN LINES E & F Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c 3000 psi · Fy 60000 psi Unsupp. Panel Height (hl 27.00 ft. Panel Thickness (t) 10.00 in. h/ 32 e = t/2 + 3.5" 8.50 in. Vert. Reinf. @ Center # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. c. As = 0.31 sq. in./ft p = As/12d 0.0055 < 0.01 QB OK Horiz. Reinf. # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. c. As(h) = 0.31 sq. in./ft p = 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 125.0 psf Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 2062.5 plf Seismic Force (E) = 37 .5 psf Design Roof Dead Load ___ 13_psf NOMIMAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = a= e = a,0.85 d = tJ2-5/16. 0.36 sq. in. 0.705 in. 0.829 in. 4.69 in. Mn = 93482 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 84134 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee 3122019. psi 9.3 ler = 51.98 Dn = 6.3 in. Mu = 76365 < 84134 OK CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width ___ 4_ft. fr = 274 psi 1000 _R_o_of_D_ea_d_L_o_a_d __ (_P_1 ) ____ = ____ 5_2 ___ p_lf __________ -tlg = ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer = -'--------------------------! 54772 in-lbs. Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4D Eu = 1.4 x E Total Reinf. Wt. 72.8 plf 2888 plf 2960 plf 52.5 plf 2.11 psf Der = 0.192 in. Assume Ds = n/150 = 2.16 in. Max. Ms = 45795 < 54772 Os = 0.16 < 2. 16 OK Page 1 • . . . CONCRETE. TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 29a PANELS ALONG GRID LINE E SOUTH 10.0' SECTION BETWEEN LINES 2.4 & 2. 7 Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c 3000 psi Fy 60000 psi Unsupp. Panel Height (h) 26.67 ft. Panel Thickness (t) 8.50 in. h/ 38 e = t/2 + 3.5" 7.75 in. Vert. Reinf.@ Center # 6 @ 9.0 in. o. c. As = 0.60 sq. in./ft p = As/12d 0.0128 < 0.0128 OK Horiz. Reinf. # 5 @ 14.0 in. o. c. As(h) = 0.2.7 sq. in./ft p = 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 106.3 psf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = a = . C = a/0.85 d = t/2 -3/8" Mn= 0.70 sq. in. 1.371 in. 1.613 in. 3.88 in. 133838 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 120455 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee · lcr = 3122019 psi 9.3 50.03 Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 4169 plf (x1 .5 + 1513) Dn = 9.1 in. Seismic Force (El = 39.8 psf (x1 .25) Mu = 118206 < 120455 OK Design Roof Dead Load 15 psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION : ---Tributary Width 19.5 ft. (x1 .5) fr = 274 psi Roof Dead Load (P1) = 293 plf lg = 614 ----------'--''--------'-'-----------i ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer = 39573 in-lbs. -----------------------i Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 409.5 plf Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 5837 plf Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 6246 plf Eu = 1.4 x E 55.8 plf Total Reinf. Wt. 5.86 psf Page 1 Der= Assume Ds = h/150 = Ms= Ds = 0.220 in. 2.13 in. Max. 53163 > 39573 1.51 < 2.13 OK , , w<+Y- coNcRETe TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 29b PANELS ALONG GRID LINE E NORTH 14.58' SECTION BETWEEN LINES 1.7 & 2.4 Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c 3000 psi Fy 60000 psi Unsupp. Panel Height (h) 26.33 ft. Panel Thickness (t) 8.50 in. ( h/ 37 e = t/2 + 3.5" 7.75 in. Vert. Reinf. @ Center # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. c. As = 0.31 sq. in./ft p = As/12d 0.0066 < 0.0128 OK Horiz. Reinf. # 5 @ 14.0 in. o. c. As(h) = 0.27 sq. in./ft p = 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 106.3 psf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH: As (effective) = Ase = 0.36 sq. in. a= C = a/0.85 0.699 in. 0.822 in. d = t/2 -5/16" 3.94 in. Mn = 76717 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 69045 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= n = Es/Ee lcr = 3122019 psi 9.3 34.35 Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 1788.7 plf Dn = 7.4 in. Seismic Force (El = 31.9 psf Mu = 68124 < 69045 OK Design Roof Dead Load 15 psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION : ---Tributary Width 13 ft. fr = 2 7 4 psi Roof Dead Load (P1) = 195 plf lg = 614 _______________ _.... ________ __ ULTIMATE LOADS : Mer = 39573 in-lbs. -----------------------Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 273 plf D c r = 0.215 in. Pu2 = 1 .4 x P2 2504 plf Assume Ds = h/150 = 2.11 in. Max. Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 2777 plf Ms = 38081 < 39573 Eu = 1 .4 x E 44.6 plf Ds = 0.21 < 2.11 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 3.92 psf Page 1 CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 29b PANELS ALONG GRID LINE E NORTH 14.58' SECTION BETWEEN LINES 1 . 7 & 2.4 Total Panel Height f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (hi Panel Thickness (tl e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center 30.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 26.33 ft. 8.50 in. h/ 37 7.75 in. # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. c. As = 0.31 sq. in./ft p = As/12d 0.0066 < 0.0128 OK Horiz. Reinf. # 4 @ 9.0 in. o. c. As(hl = 0.26 sq. in./ft p = 0.0026 > 0:0025 OK Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 106.3 psf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.36 sq. in. a = 0.699 in. c = a/0.85 0.822 in. d = t/2 -5/16" 3.94 in. Mn = 76717 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 69045 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee = 3122019 psi n = Es/Ee 9.3 lcr = 34.35 Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 1788. 7 pit in. Dn = 7.4 Seismic Force (E} = 31.9 psf Mu = 68124 < 69045 OK Design Roof Dead Load 15 psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION : Tributary Width 13 ft. fr = 274 psi _R_o_o_f _D_ea_d_L_o_a_d __ (_P __ 1 l_-_-___ 1_9_5 ___ pl_f _________ lg = 614 ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer = 39573 in-lbs. -----------------------i Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 273 plf Der = 0.215 in. Pu2 = 1 .4 x P2 2504 plf Assume Ds = h/150 = 2.11 in. Max. Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 2777 plf Ms = 38081 < 39573 Eu= 1.4 x E 44.6 plf Ds = 0.21 < 2.11 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 3.91 psf Page 1 CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 30a PANEL ALONG GRID LINE 1.7 WEST 2.5' PIER BETWEEN LINES D & E Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center 3000 psi 60000 psi 26.00 ft. 10.00 in. 8.50 in. # 6 h/ 31 @ 8.0 in. o. c. As= 0.67 sq. in./ff 0.0121 < 0.0128 OK # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. c. ---- p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. As(h) = 0.31 sq. in./ft p = 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/121 125 .0 psf NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.81 sq. in. a = 1.594 in. c = a/0.85 1.875 in. d = t/2 -3/8" 4.63 in. Mn = 186692 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 168023 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT : Ee= n = Es/Ee ler = 3122019 psi 9.3 83.46 Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 5950 pit (x2.8) Dn = 7 .3 in. Seismic Force (El = 71.3 psf (x1 .9) Mu = 164597 < 168023 OK ' Design Roof Dead Load ___ 13_psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width 14 ft. (x2.8) fr = 27 4 psi Roof Dead Load (P1) = 182 plf lg = ----------------------------1000 U l Tl MATE LOADS: Mer = 54772 in-lbs. ----------------------Pu 1 = 1.4 x P1 254.8 plf Der = 0.178 in. Pu2 = 1 .4 x P2 8330 pit Assume Ds = h/150 = 2.08 in. Max. Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 8585 pit Ms = 85776 > 54772 Eu = 1.4 x E 99.8 plf Os = 1.84 < 2.08 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 6.668 psf Page 1 ' - CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 30b PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 1.7 CENTER 3.0' PIER BETWEEN LINES D & E Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c Fy 3000 psi 60000 psi 25.75 ft. Unsupp. Panel Height (hl Panel Thickness (tl 10.00 in. h/ 31 e ·= t/2 + 3.5" 8.50 in. Vert. Reinf. Each Face # 6 @ · 12.0 in. o. c. As= 0.45 0.0058 # sq. in./ft < 0.0128 4 @ OK 12.0 in. O. C. p = As/12d Horiz. Ties As(h) = ----0.40 sq. in./ft p = 0.0033 > 0.0025 OK Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 125.0 psf Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 8562.5 plf (x4.00) Seismic Force (E) = 93.8 psf (x2.50) Design Roof Dead Load 13 psf --- NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.65 sq. in. a= C = a/0.85 d = t-3/4--2"-1/2"-3/8" 1.279 in. 1.505 in. 6.38 in. Mn = 224489 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 202040 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee = 31 22019 psi n = Es/Ee 9.3 lcr = 157.35 On= 4.5 in. Mu = 188224 < 202040 OK CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width 20 ft. (x4.00) fr = 274 psi 1000 ---_R_o_o_f _D_ea_d_Lo_a_d_(_P_1 ) ___ = ___ 2_6_0 ___ p_lf _________ lg = ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer= -----------------------1 Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 364 plf Pu2 = 1 .4 x P2 11988 plf Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 12352 plf Eu = 1 .4 x E 131 .3 plf Total Reinf. Wt. 5.74 psf Page 1 Der = Assume Os = h/150 = Ms= Os= 54772 in-lbs. 0.174 in. 2.06 in. Max. 112523 > 54772 1.66 < 2.06 OK • CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 30c PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 1.7 EAST 3.58' PIER BETWEEN LINES D & E Total Panel Height 30.00 ft. f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (hl Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center 3000 psi 60000 psi 25.67 ft. 10.00 in. 8.50 in. # 6 h/ 31 @ 1.0.0 in. o. c. As = 0.54 sq. in./ft p = As/12d 0.0097 < 0.0128 OK Horiz. Reinf. # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. c. As(h) = 0.31 sq. in./ft p = 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 125.0 psf Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 4849.1 plf (x2.26) NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.65 sq. in. a = 1.279 in. c = a/0.85 1 .505 in. d = t/2 -3/8" 4.63 in. Mn = 155995 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 140396 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= 3122019 psi n = Es/Ee lcr = On= 9.3 72.62 6.8 in. Seismic Force (El = 61.1 psf (x1 .63) Mu = 133024 < 140396 OK Design Roof Dead Load 13 psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: ---Tributary Width 11.3 ft. (x2.26) fr = 274 psi Roof Dead Load (P1) = 147 plf lg = 1000 ------------------'-----------I ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer= 54772 in-lbs. -----------------------1 Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 205.66 plf Der = 0.173 in. Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 6789 plf Assume Os = h/150 = 2.05 in. Max. Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 6994 plf Ms = 71302 > 54772 Eu= 1.4 x E 85.6 plf Os= 1.26 < 2.05 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 5.76 psf Page 1 ' ... CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 37a upper PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 1 UPPER WEST 2.5' SECTION BETWEEN LINES 8.2 & C.2 Total Panel Height f'e Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (h) Panel Thickness {tl e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center As= p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. As(h) = p = 17.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 12.00 ft. 7.00 in. h/ 21 7.00 in. # 5 @ 9.0 in. o. e. 0.41 sq. in./ft 0.0108 < 0.0128 OK # 4 @ 11 .0 in. o. e. 0.22 sq. in./ft 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK 125.0 psf (t=10") 6875 plf (X5l NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.64 sq. in. a = C = a/0.85 1.246 in. 1.466 in. d = t/2 -5/16~ 3.19 in. Mn = 97765 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 87988 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= 3122019psi n = Es/Ee 9.3 ler = 30.09 in.4 Dn = 2.2 in. Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Half Panel Wt. {P2) = Seismic Force {El = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 75.0 psf (X2) Mu = 65531 < 87988 OK 13 psf ---CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION : __ 2_0_ft. (X5) fr = 274 psi Roof Dead Load (P1) = 2636 plf ( + 5941 /2.5 from GLB)) lg= 343 in.4 ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer= 26838 in-lbs. Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 3691 plf Der= 0.054 in. Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 9625 plf Assume Ds = h/150 = 0.96 in. Max. Pu= Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 13316 plf Ms= 34558 > 26838 Eu = 1.4 x E 105 plf Ds = 0.29 < 0.96 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 2.14 psf Page 1 • CONCRETE: TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 37a lower PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 1 LOWER WEST 2.5' SECTION BETWEEN LINES 8.2 & C.2 Total Panel Height f'c Fy Unsupp. Panel Height (hl Panel Thickness (t) e = t/2 + 3.5" 16.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 13.00 ft. 10.00 in. 8.50 in. h/ 16 Vert. Reinf. @ Center # 5 @ 9.0 in. o. c. ---------As = 0.41 sq. in./ft p = As/12d 0.0073 < 0.0128 OK Horiz. Reinf. # 5 @ 12.0 ·in. o. c. As(h) = 0.31 sq. in./ft p = 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) 125.0 psf Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 5938 plf (X5) NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 1.00 sq. in. a = 1.964 in. c = a/0.85 2.310 in. d = t/2 -5/16" 4.69 in. Mn = 222653 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 200388 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= 3122019 psi n = Es/Ee ler = Dn = 9.3 101.88 in.4 1.8 in. Seismic Force (E) = 75.0 psf (X2) Mu= 162917 < 200388 OK Design Floor D + L Load 130 psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width __ 7_5_ft. (15X5) fr = _F_lo_o_r_D_+_L_L_oa_d_...(P_1 ___ ) _= ___ 9_7_5_0_._p_lf _________ lg = ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer = -----------------------Pu 1 = 1 .4 x P1 17341 plf ( + 3691 from upper pier Der = Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 17938 plf ( + 9625 from upper pier Assume Os = h/150 = Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 35279 plf Ms = Eu = 1 .4 x E 105 plf Ds = Total Reinf. Wt. 2.46 psf Page 1 274 psi 1000 in.4 54772 in-lbs. 0.044 in. 1.04 in. Max. 76765 > 54772 0.27 < 1.04 OK • ' .. CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 37b upper PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 1 UPPER EAST 2.5' SECTION BETWEEN LINES B.2 & C.2 Total Panel Height 17.00 ft. f'c Fy Unsupp, Panel Height (hi Panel Thickness (ti e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center As= p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. As(h) = p = 3000 psi 60000 psi 12.00 ft. 7.00 in. h/ 21 7.00 in. # 5 @ 9.0 in. o. c. 0.41 sq. in./ft 0.0108 < 0.0128 OK # 4 @ 11 .0 in. o. e. 0.22 sq. in./ft 0.0026 > 0.0025 OK 125.0 psf (t=10"J 6875 plf (X5J NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (ef,t;ective) = Ase = a = C = a/0.85 d = t/2 -5/16" Mn= 0.59 sq. in. 1.151 in. 1.354 in. 3.19 in. 91974 in-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 82777 in-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee =. n = Es/Ee ler = 3122019 psi 9.3 28.25 in.4 Dn = 2.3 in. Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) Half Panel Wt. (P2) = Seismic Force {El = Design Roof Dead Load Tributary Width 75.0 psf (X2) Mu = 48845 < 82777 OK Roof Dead Load {P1) = ULTIMATE LOADS: ___ 13_psf 20 ft. 557 plf Pu1 = 1.4 x P1 780 plf Pu2 = 1 .4 x P2 9625 plf Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 10405 plf Eu = 1 .4 x E 105 plf · Total Reinf. Wt. 2.14 psf {XS) ( + 743/2.5 from GLB) Page 1 CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION : fr = 274 psi lg= 343 in.4 Mer= 26838 in-lbs. Der =· 0.054 in. Assume Os = h/150 = 0.96 in. Max. Ms= 25285 < 26838 Os= 0.05 < 0.96 OK .. , ' .. CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 37b lower PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 1 LOWER EAST 2.5' SECTION BETWEEN LINES 8.2 & C.2 Total Panel Height f'c Fy 16.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 13.00 ft. 10.00 in. 8.50 in. NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH: Unsupp. Panel Height {h) Panel Thickness {tl As (effective) = Ase = 0.95 sq. in. e = t/2 + 3.5" Vert. Reinf. @ Center # 5 h/ 16 a = C = a/0.85 @ 9.0 in. o. e. d = t/2 -5/16" 1.868 in. 2.198 in. 4.69 in. As = 0.41 sq. in./ft Mn = 214585 in-lbs. p = As/12d 0.0073 < 0.0128 OK 0.9 x Mn = 193127 in-lbs. Horiz. Reinf. # 5 @ 12.0 in. o. e. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: As{h) = 0.31 sq. in./ft Ee = 312201 9 psi p = 0.0026 > 0.0025 Panel Wt. = 150 x {t/12) 125.0 psf Half Panel Wt. {P2) = 5938 plf {X5) OK n = Esb'Ec fer = On= 9.3 97.33 in.4 1.8 in. Seismic Force {El = 75.0 psf (X2l Mu= 145887 < 193127 OK Design Floor D + L Load 130 psf CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION : Tributary Width __ 7_5_ft. (15X5} fr = _F_lo_o_r_D_+_L_Lo_a_d ___ {P_1 ___ ) _= ___ 9_7_5_0~pl_f ________ --i lg = ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer = ------------------------i Pu 1 = 1 .4 x P1 14430 plf ( ~ 780 from upper pier) Der = Pu2 = 1.4 x P2 + 12886 17938 pit ( -9625 "ram uooer pier Assume Os = h/150 Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 32368 plf Ms = Eu = 1 .4 x E 105 plf Os = Total Reinf. Wt. 2.46 psf Page1 274 psi 1000 in.4 54 772 in-lbs. 0.044 in. 1 .04 in. Max. 76765 > 54772 0.28 < 1.04 OK ... ., '~ \/V) 7:; CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL PANEL NO. 39a lower PANELS ALONG GRID LINE 1 LOWER WEST 2.5' SECTION BETWEEN LINES A & A.6 Total Panel Height f'c Fy NOMINAL MOMENT STRENGTH : As (effective) = Ase = 0.73 :,q. in. Unsupp. Panel Height (hi Panel Thic:<ness (tl 30.00 ft. 3000 psi 60000 psi 13.00 ft. 10.00 in. 8.50 in. # 5 h/ 16 a = 1.431 1. e = t/2 + 3.5" C = a/0.85 1.683 11. Vert. Reint. @ Center As= @ 12.0 in. o. c. d = t/2 -5/16" 4.69 :i. p = As/12d Horiz. Reinf. As(h) = p = 0.31 0.0055 # 0.31 0.0026 sq. in./ft < 0.0128 5 @ sq. in./ft > 0.0025 Panel Wt. = 150 x (t/12) . 125.0 psf Half Panel Wt. (P2) = 10810 pit (X3.68) Seismic F!Jrce (E) = 95.3 psf (X2.54) Design Floor D + L Load 130 psf OK 12.0 in. o. e. OK Mn= 173913 n-lbs. 0.9 x Mn = 156522 n-lbs. FACTORED ULTIMATE MOMENT: Ee= 3122019 :lSi n = Es/Ee 9.3 ler = 80.25 -:1.4 On= 1.8 ::1. Mu= 120808 < 156522 OK CHECK DEFLECTION LIMITATION: Tributary Width 55.2 ft. (15X3.68) fr = 274 JSi 1000 ;TT.4 54772 n-lbs. 0.044 n .. _F_lo_o_r_D_+_L_Loa_d ___ (P_1 __ ) _= ___ 7_1_7_6_._p_lf ________ ---1 lg = ULTIMATE LOADS: Mer = -------------------------1 Pu1 = 1.+xP1 10046 pit Der= Pu2 = 1 .+ x P2 1 5134 pit Assume Os = hi1 50 = 1.04 .1. Max. Pu = Pu1 + Pu2 = 1.4xD 25180 pit Ms = 73349 > 54772 Eu = 1 .4 x E 133 pit Os = 0.31 < 1.04 OK Total Reinf. Wt. 2.11 psf Page 1 02/05/1994 05:37 619-535-8311 GEOTECHNICS INC. ~ Geotechnics ~ Incorporated January 21, 1998 Ken Satterlee CRC Parcel 97 LLC 4510 Executive Drive, Plaza 5 San Diego, California 92121 SUBJECT: GRADING AND FOUNDATION Pl.AN REVIEW Interior Specialists, CRC Lot 97 Carlsbad, California PAGE 02 ~ Principals: Anthom· F. Jklfa11t \fichael P. lrohriglio W. IA:e V anderhunt Project Ne. 0394-001-00 Document No. 8-0016 Reference: Geotechnics Inc. (1997). "Report of Geotechnical Investigation, Pr:posed Interior Specialists Facilities, Carlsbad Research Center, Lot 97, Carlsbad, California", Project No. 0394-001-00, Document No. 7-0520, dated Septembe! 12. Gentlemen: Austin Design Group (1997). "tnterior Specialists, Lot 97 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad Research Center", Plan Sheets C~ 1, C-2, A-~ o, A-1.1, S2.1, S6.1. This letter confirms that we have reviewed the geotechnical aspects of t--:e foundation and grading plans for lot 97 of the Carlsbad Research Center in Carlsbad, California.. It is our coinion that the referenced plans adequately Incorporate the intent of the referenced geotechnical recommendations .. We appreciate this opportunity to be of continued service. Please feel free to contact the office with any questions or comments. GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED Anthony F. Belfast, P.E. 40333 Principal Engineer AFB/maf Distribution: (2) Addressee (1) Austin Design Group, Carlo$ Omran, FAX: 546-0440 9951 Business Parlt ~ve., Ste. B • San Diego Caliromia • 9?131 Phone (619) 536-1000 • Fax (619) 536-83U I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ Geotechnics ..........:: Incorporated September 12, 1997 Ken Satterlee CRC Parcel 97 LLC 451 O Executive Drive, Plaza 5 San Diego, California 92121 SUBJECT: REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Proposed Interior Specialists Facilities Carlsbad Research Center, Lot 97 Carlsbad, California Gentlemen: Principals: Anthony F. Belfast Michael P. lmbriglio W. Lee Vanderhurst Project No. 0394-001-00 Document No. 7-0520 The following report presents the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of our geotechnical investigation of the subject site. It is our understanding that the development is to consist of the construction of a single story tilt-up concrete office building with associated loading docks and parking. The subject site has been previously graded and is presently vacant. In general, our findings indicate that the subject site is underlain by fill materials that are considered suitable to support the proposed structure, providing that the recommended site preparation is performed. There were no unusual or special conditions apparent in our investigation which would preclude the construction as planned. 1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF WORK The purpose of our investigation was to evaluate the existing geotechnical conditions at the site as they relate to the proposed improvements, and to make recommendations regarding site preparation and grading, design of the proposed foundations, retaining walls, and slabs, and the construction of pavements. The recommendations contained herein are based on a surface reconnaissance, subsurface exploration, laboratory testing, and professional experience in the general site area. Design values may include presumptive parameters based on professional judgement. Our scope of work was limited to: 9951 Business Park Ave., Ste. B • San Diego California • 92131 Phone (619) 536-1000 • Fax (619) 536-8311 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ken Satterlee September 12, 1997 Project No. 0394-001-00 Document No. 7-0520 Page 2 1.1 Review of available literature related to general geologic conditions. 1.2 A visual reconnaissance and subsurface exploration of the site consisting of the drilling of four borings with a truck mounted eight inch hollow stem flight auger. Bulk, disturbed, and relatively undisturbed samples were collected for laboratory testing. 1.3 Laboratory testing of selected samples collected during the subsurface exploration. Testing was intended to assist in characterizing soil properties and assessing pertinent engineering properties. 1.4 Assessment of general seismic conditions and geologic hazards affecting the area, and their likely impact on the project. 1.5 Engineering analysis for the development of recommendations for site preparation, earthwork construction, foundation design, on-grade slabs, site drainage, earth retaining structures, slope stability, and concrete pavements. 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION The site consists of a roughly rectangular lot, which averages approximately 300 feet in width and 350 feet in length. The site is located northwest of the intersection of Faraday Avenue and Camino Hills Drive (formerly Halley Drive), as shown in the Site Location Map, Figure 1. Elevations of the existing building pad are between approximately 21 0 and 218 feet above sea level. The site is bordered on the north by a 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) slope which ascends a maximum of approximately 8 feet to a residential development currently under construction. A concrete brow ditch runs along the top of this slope. The eastern edge of the lot is bordered by an approximately 10 foot high 2:1 slope which descends to an undeveloped sheet graded pad, Lot 98 of the Carlsbad Research Center. The southern edge of the pad is roughly at grade with Faraday Avenue, which provides access to the site. An approximately 8 foot high 2:1 slope ascends to Camino Hills Drive along the eastern edge of the site. Drainage is directed by sheet flow to the southwest at approximately a 2 percent gradient. The property is currently vacant, with vegetation consisting of light weeds and grass, except for the slope areas which are landscaped with deep rooted, woody vegetation, and the portion of the site along Faraday Avenue which is landscaped with a well irrigated lawn. The approximate layout of the site is shown in the Site Plan, Figure 2. Geotechnics Incorporated -I ~ --------~or-\\EDJD '/, CREE -- ,: \---------._.,, / l ,-.,, I \ ' I ----~ITIE if -- c:,\ f!'·-~ > ' -~--io:l 1r·, •• ~!<,~ ..• 1.!\V !: 1, r !I· -~ <:.,r:§:,ef- \ ' Ii:; .Qi :··:.. · -:· .. :c.-.: .... ..:. --•· ···· ........ , .. \ .: • · · .]' Jl, .. ..:c::::.·-:cc.:. ····:·. :c:.-::-·.-·::. ·:. c,····:·· -···-·· 0 .25 .5 .75 1.0 ~ ~ J ' EM Miles -· -Kiiometer.s 0 - .5 1.0 Geotechnics Incorporated . ,,. --, ;~.-........... !: '--............ !~ ---------l~; il !• ... ";-,---~a,.:__..~\···-···· -7;···· ~--•u ~"' ~ . ~ \ ii \~ \ !· (<,'· \~ ' I· ~:.,,, \~ \ .: \. ....-\1b1r> !', ·---,fl ! ·--~ \<" \ :· \ ti,.,< <2, 1· ----!~(o,,,. ~ !: ·.O \ ', ! --, 0 J '-!._II ' ;p i \ \ /IANCHO -~ I ~~~--",!!_EDIOND,!_ ---; • ----~1 ----------,---:-----n---,,, r ! ;, \ n I-i' l'>'-~11 __ .. \:g !,/ ,./-, :: ---~ ;· \ :1 ' : ,,/ \ l \ I ..._ '_,,._,,. ,. \ . I -·.--:; _21 . __ !, ------·-~-------·· ' __ :_, ____ ..... _12.2 ... l.A.-.•.•• 1,,_S.,~--..... " . SITE LOCATION MAP Interior Specialists, CRC Lot 97 Mr. Ken Satterlee ADAPTED FROM THE 1997 THOMAS BROTHERS GUIDE Project No. 0394-001-01 Document No. 7-0520 FIGURE 1 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ken Satterlee September 12, 1997 3.0 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Project No. 0394-001-00 Document No. 7-0520 Page 3 It is our understanding that the proposed construction will consist of a single-story office building as well as associated loading and parking areas. The structure will likely be constructed using tilt-up concrete walls with a panelized roofing system. The preliminary grading plan indicates that only minor grading is planned for the site, consisting of cuts and fills typically less than three feet (Austin Design Group, 1997). The approximate location of the proposed structure is shown on the Site Plan, Figure 2. 4.0 GEOLOGY AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The Carlsbad Research Center is located within the coastal plain section of the Peninsular Range Geomorphic Province of California. The coastal plain is characterized by subdued landforms underlain by sedimentary formations. Within the Carlsbad Research Center, one may encounter Jurassic age volcanic rock as well as a variety of Cretaceous and Eocene age claystones, siltstones and sandstones. Our subsurface investigation indicates that the subject site is underlain at depth by the Eocene age Santiago Formation, covered with a variable depth of compacted fill. The approximate locations of the exploratory borings made for our investigation are shown on the Site Plan, Figure 2. Logs of the explorations are given in Appendix B. The specific units encountered in our investigation are discussed below . .... 4.1 Santiago Formation The Santiago Formation was encountered in borings 1 through 3, at depths ranging between 6 and 16 feet, and is believed to underlie the entire site at depth. Santiago Formation materials typically consist of interbedded sandstones and claystones that are thickly bedded. The predominant sedimentary deposit observed in the borings was a low plasticity sandy claystone (CL) that was moist, and very hard. The claystone was thinly laminated, with laminae colors ranging from yellow brown, to red brown, to violet, to olive gray. In boring 1, a massive bed of olive gray, low plasticity siltstone (ML) was observed. This material was moist and very hard. Tt,e siltstone contained numerous clean fractures with light red brown groundwater stains. Geotechnics Incoiporated ------------------- EXPLANATION: -$-Approximate l0cation of exploratory boring --Approximate location of cut/fill transition 2:1 SLOPE SITE PLAN . I ~ \ \( __ _ -.._ Geotechnics Incorporated Interior Specialists, CRC Lot 97 Mr. Ken Satterlee Project No. 0394-001-00 Document No. 7-0520 FIGURE 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ken Satterlee September 12, 1997 4.2 Fill Project No. 0394-001-00 Document No. 7-0520 Page 4 Our subsurface investigation indicates that fill underlies the entire area of the proposed building, with a depth ranging from a minimum of 6 feet to a maximum of 18 feet. The fill appears to primarily have been derived from the Santiago Formation and the alluvium from the canyon bottoms. In some areas, the fill appears to have been derived from excavated fragments of Santiago Peak Volcanic rock. Prior to mass grading of the Carlsbad Research Center, the subject site consisted of a westerly trending drainage. The canyon bottom extended through the western half of the lot, and continued west approximately coincident with the present location of Faraday Avenue. During mass grading operations, alluvial, colluvial, and topsoil deposits that originally covered the site were excavated and replaced as compacted fill. Materials generated from cuts in the sedimentary formations was also placed as fill throughout the site. In addition, the top of the volcanic knoll south of the site was blasted, broken down, and incorporated into the fill throughout the site. The Site Plan, Figure 2, shows the approximate pre-graded topography as well as the approximate graded topography. The approximate depth of fill at any location throughout the site can therefore be estimated by subtracting the natural grade from the existing grade, and adding approximately 5 to 10 feet for remedial excavations within the alluvium. Fill material observed on site typically consisted of a low plasticity clayey sand (SC) which was moist and medium dense, with little or no vegetative debris. The fill was typically yellow brown in color, and contained a variety of red brown and olive gray claystone fragments, as well as a few fragments of metavolcanic rock. However, in borings 3 and 4, approximately 6 to 7 feet of dark brown sandy fat clay (CH) was observed. The clay was hard, moist, contained considerable vegetative debris, and had a strong odor of decaying vegetation. Laboratory testing indicates the clay has a high potential for expansion. Boring 4 was terminated in a clayey gravel (GC) which consisted primarily of angular metavolcanic rock fragments approximately ½ to 1 inch in greatest dimension. Geotechnics Jncoiporated I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ken Satterlee September 12, 1997 4.3 Groundwater Project No. 0394-001-00 Document No. 7-0520 Page 5 No seepage or groundwater was observed in our investigation. Changes in rainfall or site drainage could produce seepage or locally perched groundwater conditions within the soil or bedrock underlying the site. It should be recognized that excessive irrigation on the project site could also cause perched groundwater conditions to develop at some future date. This typically occurs at underlying contacts with less permeable materials, such as the interface that exists between the fill and the underlying formational material. Since the prediction of the location of such conditions is not possible, they are typically mitigated if and when they occur. 5.0 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS The subject site is not located within an area previously known for significant geologic hazards. Seismic hazards at the site are anticipated to be caused by ground shaking during seismic events on distant active faults. The nearest know active fault is the Rose Canyon fault zone located approximately 6 miles west of the site. 5.1 Seismicity Active faults within 100 km of the site are shown in the Fault Location Map, Figure 3 . ... Table 1 presents the estimated peak ground accelerations for the site from regionally active faults based on the distance between the site and the active fault, the published maximum credible and probable event associated with each fault, and published distance attenuation curves. In our opinion, the most significant credible seismic event with respect to the subject site would be a 7.0 magnitude event on the Rose Canyon fault zone, which would result in an estimated peak ground acceleration of 0.35g. For non-critical structures, the most significant probable seismic event would be a magnitude 6.4 event on the Rose Canyon fault zone resulting in an estimated peak ground acceleration of 0.29g. Design of structures should comply with the requirements of the governing jurisdictions, building codes and stand~rd practices of the Association of Structural Engineers of California. Geotechnics Jncol])Omted I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 32° n + co .... Geotechnics Incorporated /t-.... .... 'L +18 20 30 4o SO 6° KILOMETERS . ,-. .... .... SCALE + Modified from Anderson, Rockwell, Agnew, 1989 FAULT LOCATION MAP Interior Specialists, CRC Lot 97 Mr. Ken Satterlee Project No. 0394-001-00 Document No. 7-0520 FIGURE3 ------------------- DISTANCE MAXIMUM CREDIBLE EVENT MAXIMUM PROBABLE EVENT FAULT1 TO SITE MOMENT PEAKHORIZ. MOMENT PEAKHORIZ. [MILES] MAGNITUDE2 ACCEL.3 [g] MAGNITUDE2 ACCEL.3 [g] Coronado Banks 22.0 7.7 0.18 6.1 0.07 Elsinore 22.0 7.5 0.17 7.3 0.15 La Nacion 28.0 6.8 0.09 6.5 0.07 Rose Canyon 6.0 7.0 0.35 6.4 0.29 San Clemente 57.0 7.3 0.05 6.6 0.03 San Diego Trough 31.0 7.7 0.14 6.1 0.04 San Jacinto 46.0 7.5 0.08 6.6 0.04 1. Fault activity determined by CDMG (1992), Wesnousky (1986), and Jennings (1975). 2. Magnitudes modified from Mualchin, Jones (1992), Anderson, Rockwell, Agnew (1989), and Wesnousky (1986). 3. Peak horizontal accelerations: Idriss, Rock Site (1991). 4. Median values given. -Geotechnics REGIONAL SEISMICITY Project Number 0394-001-00 .... Incorporated Interior Specialists, CRC Lot 97 Document Number 7-0520 Mr. Ken Satterlee TABLE 1 i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ken Satterlee September 12, 1997 5.2 Ground Rupture Project No. 0394-001-00 Document No. 7-0520 Page 6 Evidence of active faulting at the site was not found. Accordingly, ground rupture is not considered to be a significant hazard at the site. 5.3 Liquefaction Liquefiable soil typically consists of cohesionless sands and silts that are loose to medium dense, and saturated. To liquefy, these soils must be subjected to a ground shaking of sufficient magnitude and duration. Given the relatively dense and clayey nature of the subsurface materials and the absence of a water table, the potential for liquefaction is considered to be negligible. 5.4 Landslides and Lateral Spreads Evidence of ancient landslides at the site was not found. Recommendations are provided in the following sections of the report which will help to reduce the potential for future slope instabilities. These recommendations focus on irrigation control, and landscape planting. 5.5 Tsunamis, Seiches, Earthquake Induced Flooding The distance between the subject site and the coast, and the sites elevation above sea level, preclude damage due to seismically induced waves (tsunamis). Nearby bodies of water of significant size were not noted during this investigation, and accordingly, earthquake induced flooding is not anticipated to be a potential hazard. Geotechnics Incorporated I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ken Satterlee September 12, 1997 Project No. 0394-001-00 Document No. 7-0520 Page 7 6.0 CONCLUSIONS No geotechnical conditions were apparent during the investigation which would preclude the proposed commercial development. However, some geotechnical factors exist which require special consideration. • • • • • There are no known active faults underlying the project site. The most likely seismic hazards at the site would be associated with significant ground shaking from an event centered within the nearby Rose Canyon Fault Zone. Evidence of existing slope instabilities, or landslides, was not encountered during this investigation. However, surface water flow and/or seepage can result in surficial slope failures and erosion. Therefore, measures should be implemented in order to improve and maintain the surficial stability of the site slopes. The on-site fill soils include highly expansive clays. Expansive materials within building and slab subgrade may cause differential movement and cracking if appropriate measures are not employed. Alternative recommendations are provided in this report to mitigate the hazards associated with expansive materials. The site contains a transition from medium dense fill to very dense formational materials . Transitions below foundations and slabs are not recommended due to the different ~ .. settlement characteristics of the materials, and the resulting potential for differential movements. However, the proposed building layout places the structure entirely over fill. Consequently, no special site preparation is warranted for this condition. The site is underlain by a variable depth of compacted fill which is generally considered suitable for the support of structural loads. However, the surficial 18 inches of fill is loose, and should be scarified and compacted throughout the building and improvement areas. The proposed building area will be underlain by a variable depth of fill. It has our experience that even well documented compacted fills may undergo hydrocompression due to the self weight of the fill and the infiltration of irrigation water after site development. This may result in relatively small differential settlements across the length of the proposed structure, which would generally be considered tolerable. Geotechnics Incoiporated I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·1 Ken Satterlee September 12, 1997 7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Project No. 0394-001-00 Document No. 7-0520 Page 8 The remainder of thi~ report presents recommend~tions regarding earthwork construction and foundation design. These recommendations are based on empirical and analytical methods typical of the standard of practice in southern California. If these recommendations appear not to cover any specific feature of the project, please contact our office for additions or revisions to the recommendations. 7.1 Plan Review We recommend that foundation and grading plans be reviewed by Geotechnics Incorporated prior to plan finalization to evaluate conformance with the intent of the recommendations of this report. 7.2 Excavation and Grading Observation Foundation excavations and site grading excavations should be observed by Geotechnics Incorporated. Geotechnics Incorporated should provide observation and testing services continuously during grading. Such observations are considered essential to identify field conditions that differ from those anticipated by the preliminary investigation, to adjust designs to actual field conditions, and to determine that the grading is accomplished in general accordance with the recommendations of this report. Recommendations presented in this report are contingent upon Geotechnics Incorporated performing such services. Our personnel should perform sufficient testing of fill during grading to support our professional opinion as to compliance with compaction recommendations. 7.3 Site Preparation Grading and earthwork should be conducted in accordance with the Grading Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad and Appendix Chapter 33 of the Uniform Building Code. The following recommendations are provided regarding aspects of the proposed earthwork construction. These recommendations should be considered subject to revision based on field conditions observed by the geotechnical consultant. Geotechnics Inco.tp0rated I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ken Satterlee September 12, 1997 Project No. 0394-001-00 Document No. 7-0520 Page 9 7.3.1 General: General site preparation should include the removal of deleterious materials, existing structures or other improvements from areas to be subjected to fill or structural loads. Deleterious materials includes vegetation, trash, construction debris, and rock fragments with greatest dimensions in excess of 6 inches. Existing subsurface utilities that are to be abandoned should be removed and the trenches backfilled and compacted as described in Section 7.4. 7.3.2 Debris Basin: A temporary debris basin was installed during rough grading of the subject site in the west corner of the lot. Soft sediments have accumulated within the basin since initial construction. All soft sediments within the basin should be removed to a depth where competent fill material is encountered. The entire excavation should then be brought up to finish surface grade with compacted fill as discussed in Section 7.4. 7.3.3 Improvement Areas: Much of the site has been tilled to control weed growth. The upper 18 inches of the near surface soils within the building pad area is considered compressible. Consequently, in all areas of planned improvements, including pavements and exterior flatwork, loose surficial soil should be excavated to expose firm material. The bottom of the excavations should be observed by the geotechnical consultant. The removed soil that is free of deleterious material should then be replaced in as a uniformly compacted fill in accordance with Section 7.4. 7.3.4 Building Areas: Highly expansive subgrade soils will be present within the proposed building pad area. In order to decrease the potential for differential heave of slabs and foundations, we recommend that surficial soil within the building area be excavated to a depth of four feet below proposed finish grade elevation. The overexcavation should include all areas within five feet of the building perimeter. The excavation should then be brought back up to finish grade in accordance with one of the recommendations discussed below. These recommendations are given in order of increasing risk. Geotechnics lncoipomted I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ken Satterlee September 12, 1997 a. b. Project No. 0394-001-00 Document No. 7-0520 Page 10 Replace the soil within four feet of the building pad subgrade with material with a low potential for expansion. This may consist of imported soil, or lime-treated, on-site soils. Lime treatment generally requires from 4 to 6 percent hydrated lime uniformly mixed in the soil. The actual percentage required should be based on laboratory testing of the on-site soils. Thoroughly mix the excavated soil to provide uniform expansion potential. Place the soil within the upper four feet of building pad subgrade at a moisture content that is at least five percentage points above optimum moisture based on ASTM D1557. Because of the benefits related to a decreased expansion potential, the minimum required compaction is 87 percent of the maximum density within the moisture treated zone. The moisture content in the treated zone should be maintained by periodic wetting until immediately prior to pouring the foundations and slabs. 7.3.5 Temporary Excavations: Temporary excavations should conform with Cal- OSHA guidelines. Temporary excavations in fill and formational materials should be inclined no steeper than 1: 1 for heights up to 1 O feet. Temporary excavations that encounter seepage or other potentially adverse conditions should be evaluated by the geotechnical consultant on a case-by-case basis during grading. Remedial measures may include shoring, or reducing slope inclinations. 7.4 Fill Compaction All fill and backfill to be placed in association with site development should be accom- plished at slightly over optimum moisture conditions and using equipment that is capable of producing a uniformly compacted product. The minimum relative compaction recommended for fill is 90 percent of maximum density based on ASTM D1557-91, except as modified in previous and subsequent paragraphs. Sufficient observation and testing should be performed by Geotechnics Incorporated so that an opinion can be rendered as to the compaction achieved. Imported fill sources, if needed, should be observed prior to hauling onto the site to determine the suitability for use. Representative samples of imported materials and on site soils should be tested by Geotechnics in order to evaluate their appropriate Geotechnics lnco:tp0mted I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ken Satterlee September 12, 1997 Project No. 0394-001-00 Document No. 7-0520 Page 11 engineering properties for the planned use. Imported fill soils should have an expansion index of no more than 50 based on USC Test Method 29-2 or ASTM D4829. During grading operations, soil types other than those analyzed in the geotechnical reports may be encountered by the contractor. Geotechnics should be notified to evaluate the suitability of these soils for use as fill and. as finish grade soils. 7.5 Slopes A variety of cut and fill slopes exist throughout the site, with inclinations no steeper than 2:1 (horizontal to vertical). Our analysis indicates that these slopes are stable with regard to deep seated failure with a factor of safety greater than 1.5, which is the generally accepted safety factor. However, the slopes may be susceptible to surficial failure due saturation of the slope face and the resulting seepage forces. Surficial slope stability may be enhanced by providing proper site drainage. The site should be graded so that water from the surrounding areas is not able to flow over the top of slopes. Diversion structures should be provided where necessary. Surface runoff should be confined to gunite-lined swales or other appropriate devices to reduce the potential for erosion. It is recommended that slopes be planted with vegetation that will increase their stability. Ice plant is generally not recommended. We recommend that vegetation include woody plants, along with ground cover. All plants should be adapted· for growth in semi-arid climates with little or no irrigation. A landscape architect should be consulted in order to develop a specific planting palate suitable for slope stabilization. 7.6 Surface Drainage Foundation and slab performance depends greatly on how well the runoff waters drain from the site. This is true both during construction and over the entire life of the structure. The ground surface around structures should be graded so that water flows rapidly away from the structures without ponding. The surface gradient needed to achieve this depends on the prevailing landscape. In general, we recommend that pavement and lawn areas within five feet of buildings slope away at gradients of at least two percent. Densely vegetated areas should have minimum gradients of at least five percent away from buildings in the first five feet. Densely vegetated areas are considered those in which the planting type and spacing is such that the flow of water is impeded. Geotechnics Incoiporated I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ken Satterlee September 12, 1997 Project No. 0394-001-00 Document No. 7-0520 Page 12 Planters should be built so that water from them will not seep into the foundation, slab, or pavement areas. Roof drainage should be channeled by pipe to storm drains, or discharge at least 10 feet from building lines. Site irrigation should be limited to the minimum necessary to sustain landscaping plants. Should excessive irrigation, surface water intrusion, water line breaks, or unusually high rainfall occur, saturated zones or "perched" groundwater may develop in the underlying soils. 7.7 Foundation Recommendations These recommendations are considered generally consistent with methods typically used in southern California. Other alternatives may be available. The foundation recommendations herein should not be considered to preclude more restrictive criteria of governing agencies or by the structural engineer. The design of the foundation system should be performed by the project structural engineer, incorporating the geotechnical parameters described in the following sections. 7. 7 .1 Shallow Foundations (Non-expansive Cap): The following recommendations assume that the building area will be underlain entirely by a non-expansive fill cap as recommended in Section 7.3.4a. Allowable Soil Bearing: Minimum Footing Width: Minimum Footing Depth: Minimum Reinforcement: 2,500 lbs/ft2 (allow a one-third increase for short- term wind or seismic loads) 12 inches 18 inches below lowest adjacent soil grade Two No. 4 bars at both top and bottom in continuous footings. 7. 7.2 Shallow Foundations (Moisture Treatment): The following recommendations assume that the building area will be underlain by moisture treated on-site soils prepared as recommended in Section 7.3.4b. Allowable Soil Bearing: Minimum Footing Width: 2,000 lbs/ft2 (allow a one-third increase for short- term wind or seismic loads) 12 inches Geotechoics Incorporated I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ken Satterlee September 12, 1997 Minimum Footing Depth: Minimum Reinforcement: Project No. 0394-001-00 Document No. 7-0520 Page 13 30 inches below lowest adjacent soil grade Two No. 5 bars at both top and bottom in continuous footings. 7. 7.3 Lateral Loads: Lateral loads against structures may be resisted by friction between the bottoms of footings, piers and slabs and the supporting soil. A coefficient of friction of 0. 15 is recommended. Alternatively, a passive pressure of 200 lbs/ft3 is recommended for the portion of vertical foundation members embedded into compacted fill. If friction and passive pressure are combined, the passive pressure value should be reduced by one-third. 7.7.4 Settlement: Total settlement of the proposed structure from the combined effects of hydrocompression and foundation loads is not expected to exceed one inch. Differential settlement across the structure is not expected to exceed three quarters of an inch. 7.7.5 Slope Setback: The foundations for the proposed structures should be setback from any slope a minimum horizontal distance of 8 feet. The setback should be measured horizontally from the outside bottom edge of the footing to the slope face. The horizontal setback can be reduced by deepening the foundation in order to achieve the required setback distance projected from the footing bottom to the face of the slope. It should be recognized that the outer few feet of all slopes are susceptible to gradual down-slope movements due to slope creep. This will affect hardscape such as concrete slabs. We recommend that settlement sensitive hardscape not be constructed within 5 feet of the top of slopes. 7.8 On-Grade Slabs Building slabs should be supported by compacted fill prepared as recommended under Section 7.3.3. Slabs should be designed for the anticipated loading, using soil parameters which reflect the actual subgrade conditions. For slabs constructed on a non-expansive cap as recommended in Section 7.3.4a, a modulus of subgrade reaction of 200 kips/ft3 or more may be used. Such slabs should be at least 6 inches in thickness, and be reinforced with at least No. 3 bars on 24-inch centers, each way. For slabs founded on moisture treated on-site clays as recommended in Section 7.3.4b, a modulus of subgrade Geotechnics IncoipOmted I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ken Satterlee September 12, 1997 Project No. 0394-001-00 Document No. 7-0520 Page 14 reaction of 100 kips/ft3 should be used. These slabs should be at least 6 inches in thickness and be reinforced with at least No. 3 bars on 12-inch centers, each way. 7.8.1 Moisture Protection for Slabs: Concrete slabs constructed on soil ultimately cause the moisture content to rise in the underlying soil. This results from continued capillary rise and the termination of normal evapotranspiration. Because normal concrete is permeable, the moisture will eventually penetrate the slab. Excessive moisture may cause mildewed carpets, lifting or discoloration of floor tile, or similar problems. The amount of moisture transmitted through the slab can be controlled by the use of various moisture barriers. To decrease the likelihood of problems related to damp slabs, suitable moisture protection measures should be used where moisture sensitive floor coverings or other factors warrant. The most commonly used moisture protection in Southern California consists of about two inches of clean sand covered by 'visqueen' plastic sheeting. In addition, two inches of sand are placed over the plastic to decrease concrete curing problems associated with placing concrete directly on an impermeable membrane.' It has been our experience that such systems will transmit from approximately 6 to 12 pounds of moisture per 1000 square feet per day. This may be excessive for some applications. As an alternative, if more protection is needed, we recommend that the slab be underlain by at least 6-inches of minus 3/4-inch crushed rock, with no plastic membrane. In addition, it is recommended that a low water-cement ratio (0.5 maximum) be used for concrete, and that the slab be moist-cured for at least five days in accordance with methods recommended by the American Concrete Institute. On-site quality control should be used to confirm the design conditions. 7.8.2 Exterior Slabs: Exterior slabs constructed directly on the expansive soils will experience movement and cracking. One rnch of differential movement is not considered unusual, and more is possible. If such settlement is deemed unacceptable, then differential movement and cracking may be decreased by replacing the surficial 2 feet of expansive subgrade with nonexpansive or lime-treated soil. Reinforcement and control joints will further reduce the cracking and movement potential. Differential movement between buildings and exterior slabs, or between sidewalks and curbs may be decreased by dowelling the slab Geotechnics IncoipOrated I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ken Satterlee September 12, 1997 Project No. 0394-001-00 Document No. 7-0520 Page 15 into the foundation or curb. Exterior slabs should be at least 5½ inches thick, and should be reinforced with at least #3 rebars on 24 inch centers, each way. Crack control joints should be placed on at least 10 foot centers, each way, for slabs, and on 5 foot centers for sidewalks. 7.9 Expansive Soils The soils observed during our investigation consisted of low to high plasticity clays. Laboratory testing of representative samples indicates that the site soils have a medium to high expansion potential, based on Uniform Building Code criteria. Figure C-4 in the appendix summarizes the expansion test results. 7 .10 Reactive Soils The results of the laboratory sulfate tests are presented in Figure C-4 of Appendix C. Based on the laboratory test results, and our experience in the area, we recommend that Type II cement be used in all concrete which will be in contact with soil. 7.11 Earth-Retaining Structures Backfilling retaining walls with highly expansive soil can increase lateral pressures well beyond normal active or at-rest pressures. We recommend that retaining walls be ~ .. backfilled with soil having and expansive index of 20 or less. The backfill area should include the zone defined by a 1 :1 sloping plane, back from the base of the wall. Cantilever retaining walls should be designed for an active earth pressure approximated by an equivalent fluid pressure of 35 lbs/ft3. The active pressure should be used for walls free to yield at the top at least 0.2 percent of the wall height. For walls restrained so that such movement is not permitted, an equivalent fluid pressure of 55 lbs/ft3 should be used, based on at-rest soil conditions with level backfill. The above pressures do not consider any surcharge loads or hydrostatic pressures. If these are applicable, they will increase the lateral pressures on the wall and we should be contacted for additional recommendations. Walls should contain an adequate subdrain to eliminate any hydrostatic forces. The recommended wall drain details are presented in Figure 4. Geotechnics JncoipOrated I I I I I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ i J ; ·; -• I .. CONSTRUCTION SLOPE MINUS 3/4-INCH CRUSHED ROCK ENVELOPED IN FILTER FABRIC (MIFAFI 140NL, SUPAC 4NP, OR APPROVED SIMILAR) 4-INCH DIAM. ADS OR PVC PERFORATED PIPE DAMP-PROOFING OR WATER-PROOFING AS REQUIRED 12-INCH MINIMUM ./ . --;: :H \ ~).; '. '.;; :: : ,V './ NOTES ' l t? -;-·· i ;( ··, .... :~ ,, i) ~ ~ . --' ' i ~ .... ~-l ~ l • ' ' .• i:i' . ;/ 11 ; ':"·. ;_· ~~-~~ t;[I ::··~ '.:,H . ' // 1 l,.[ :/. i•: .:-.~;;: i'J' .... ,, /' _ TO AVOID UNDERMINING FOOTING, \_,/" DRAIN EXCAVATION SHOULD NOT EXTEND BELOW THIS PLANE 1) Subdrain perforated pipe should have a fall of at least 1.5%. Perforated pipe should outlet to a solid pipe carrying the drainage to a free gravity outfall. Slope of outlet pipe should be at least 1 %. 2) As an alternative to the perforated pipe outlet, weep holes may be included in the bottom of the wall. The rock and fabric drain should extend from the bottom of the weep hole up to approximately 3/4 of the wall height. 3) Filter fabric should be overlapped at least 6-inches. 4) Drain installation should be observed by the geotechnical consultant prior to backfilling. 5) Geocomposite panel drain may be substituted fqr the crushed rock drain. Geotechnics Incorporated WALL DRAIN DETAIL Interior Specialists, CRC Lot 97 Mr. Ken Satterlee Project No. 0394-001-00 Document No. 7-0520 FIGURE4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ken Satterlee September 12, 1997 Project No. 0394-001-00 Document No. 7-0520 Page 16 Retaining wall backfill should be compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction, based on ASTM D1557-91. Backfill should not be placed until walls have achieved adequate structural strength. Heavy compaction equipment which could cause distress to walls should not be used. 7.12 Pavements The upper 12 inches of pavement subgrade should be scarified, brought to about optimum moisture content, and compacted to at least 95% of maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D1557. Subgrade preparation should be conducted immediately prior to the placement of the pavement section. Aggregate base should conform to Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, crushed aggregate base, crushed miscellaneous base, or processed miscellaneous base. 7 .12.1 Asphalt Concrete: Two traffic types are assumed: areas of light traffic and passenger car parking (Traffic Index = 4.5), and access drives and truck routes (Traffic Index = 6.0). The project civil engineer should review these values to determine if they are appropriate. Laboratory R-Value tests conducted on a representative sample of the on-site soils indicated that an R-Value of 14 should be used for pavement design. Based on the assumed Traffic Index, and the R- Value determined in the laboratory, the following pavement sections are recommended in accordance with the CAL TRANS design method. DESIGN SECTION TRAFFIC INDEX ASPHALT CONCRETE AGGREGATE BASE 4.5 3 inches 7 inches 6.0 4 inches 10 inches Geotechnics IncoipOrated I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ken Satterlee September 12, 1997 Project No. 0394-001-00 Document No. 7-0520 Page 17 7.12.2 Portland Cement Concrete: Concrete pavement design was conducted in accordance with the simplified design procedure of the Portland Cement Association. This methodology is based on a 20 year design life. For design, it was assumed that aggregate interlock joints will be used for load transfer across control joints. Furthermore, the portland cement concrete was assumed to have a minimum 28 day flexural strength of 600 psi. Laboratory R-Value tests conducted on a representative sample of the subgrade soils indicate that these materials will provide "low" subgrade support (corresponding to a modulus of subgrade reaction less than 120 pci). Based on these assumptions, we recommend that the pavement section consist of 6 inches of portland cement concrete over native subgrade. Crack control joints should be placed on at least 1 0 foot centers, each way. Concentrated truck traffic areas, such as trash truck aprons and loading dock areas, should be reinforced with at least number 4 bars on 18-inch centers, each way. 8.0 LIMITATIONS OF INVESTIGATION This investigation was performed using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by reputable geotechnical consultants practicing in this or similar localities. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the conclusions and professional opinions included in this report. The samples taken and used for testing and the observations made are .... believed representative of the project site; however, soil and geologic conditions can vary significantly between borings. findings. If this occurs, the changed conditions must be evaluated by the geotechnical consultant and additional recommendations made, if warranted. This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner, or of his representative, to ensure that the information and recommendations contained herein are brought to the attention of the necessary design consultants for the project and incorporated into the plans, and the necessary steps are taken to see that the contractors carry out such recommenda- tions in the field. Geotechnics Incorporated I I I 1· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ken Satterlee September 12, 1997 Project No. 0394-001-00 Document No. 7-0520 Page 18 The findings of this report are valid as of the present date. However, changes in the condition of a property can occur with the passage of time, whether due to natural processes or the work of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in applicable or appropriate standards of practice may occur from legislation or the broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the findings of this report may be invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside our control. Therefore, this report is subject to review and should not be relied upon after a period of three years. *** GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED Anthony F. Belfast, P.E. C 40333 Principal Geotechnics Incoll)Orated Matthew A. Fagan Project Engineer I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A REFERENCES American Society for Testing and Materials (1992). Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Section 4, Construction, Volume 04.08 Soil and Rock; Dimension Stone; Geosynthetics, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, 1296 p. Anderson, J. G., Rockwell, T. K., Agnew, D. C. (1989). Past and Possible Future Earthquakes of Significance to the San Diego Region, Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 5, No. 2. pp 299-335. Bowles, J.E. (1982). Foundation Analysis and Design, 3rd ed.: New York, McGraw Hill, 816 p. California Division of Mines and Geology (1975). Recommended Guidelines for Determining the Maximum Credible and the Maximum Probable Earthquakes, California Division of Mines and Geology Notes, Number 43. California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, 1992, Fault Rupture Hazard Zones in California, Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zone Act of 1972: California Division of Mines and Geology, Special Publication 42 International Conference of Building Officials (1997). Uniform Building Code (with California Amendments) Title 23. Geotechnics Incorporated (1994). As-Graded Geotechnical Report, Unit 5, Carlsbad Research Center, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 0017-001-01, April 29, 1994. Geotechnics Incorporated (1997). Proposal For Geotechnical Services, Geotechnical Investigation for Foundation Recommendations, Carlsbad Research Center, Lot 97, Carlsbad, California, Proposal No. 7-115, June 25, 1997. Jennings, C. W. (1975). Fault Map of California, California Division of Mines and Geology, California, Geologic Data Map Series. ~-. Kennedy, M. P., and Peterson, G. L. (1975). Geology of San Diego Metropolitan Area, California: California Division of Mines and Geology Bulletin 200, 56 p. San Diego Geotechnical Consultants, Inc. (1988). As Graded Geotechnical Report, Carlsbad Research Center, Phase II!, IV and V, Lots 76 through 91, 108, and 109, Carlsbad California, Job No. 05-2863-006-00-10, April 1, 1988. San Diego Geotechnical Consultants, Inc. (1984). As Graded Geotechnical Report, Carlsbad Research Center, Phase II and Ill, Carlsbad Tract No. 81-10, Carlsbad California, Job No. SD1162-10, September 10, 1984. Trieman, J. A. (1984). The Rose Canyon Fault Zone --A Review and Analysis, California Division of Mines and Geology unpublished report, 106 p. Wesnousky, S. G. (1986). Earthquakes, Quaternary Faults, and Seismic Hazard in California: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 91, no. 812, p. 12587-12631. Geotechnics Incoiporated -1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX B FIELD EXPLORATION Field exploration consisted of a visual reconnaissance of the site, and the drilling of four exploratory borings with a truck-mounted, hollow stem, continuous flight drill rig on August 26, 1997. The borings were 8 inches in diameter, and were drilled to a maximum depth of 21½ feet. The approximate locations of the borings are shown on Figure 2. Logs describing the subsurface conditions encountered are presented on the following Figures 8-1 through 8-4. Disturbed samples were collected using a Standard Penetration Test (SPT) sampler (2-inch outside diameter). SPT samples were sealed in plastic bags, labeled, and returned to the laboratory for testing. Relatively undisturbed samples were collected using a 3-inch outside diameter, ring lined sampler (modified California sampler). Ring samples were sealed in plastic bags, placed in rigid plastic containers, labeled, and returned to the laboratory for testing. The drive weight for both the SPT and the ring samples was a 140-pound hammer with a free fall of 30 inches. For each sample, we recorded the number of blows needed to drive the sampler 6, 12, and 18 inches. The number of blows needed to drive the final 12 inches is shown on the attached logs under "blows per ft." Bulk samples are indicated on the boring logs with shading, whereas SPT samples are indicated with vertical lines, and ring samples with horizontal lines. Boring locations were established in the field by pacing and by estimation using the plans provided. The locations shown should not be considered more accurate than is implied by the method of measurement used. The lines designating the interface between soil units on the test pit logs are determined by interpolation and are therefore approximations. The transition between the materials may be abrupt or gradual. Further, soil conditions at locations between the borings may be substantially different from those at the specific locations explored. It should be recognized that the passage of time can result in changes in the soil conditions reported in our logs. Geotechnics Incoiporated I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LOG OF EXPLORATION BORING NO. 1 Logged by MAF Date: 8/26/97 Elevation: F.S.G. Method of Drilling: 8 INCH HOLLOW STEM FLIGHT AUGER j::' i-= w w u::-"#-u. .J .J () w a: a. a. w w :al :al e:. !::.. w a: a. < < ~ :::> ::i: ~ en en I- I-w ~ ci5 en a. ;:: .J z 0 w 0 a: :::> w :lE 0 .J 0 ID 0 ID DESCRIPTION LAB TESTS R-Value 28 2 3 4 5 6 58 99.4 262 Unit Weight Moisture ==t--+--t---+i,:::..-,,~·~r-r-'-',n..:::::.r,e:::.""::::."'J..::."""~...-~"":!!..--'-'"P'l:.[".;_T,!.!.r-1.J..•~s~a~:,....,...a=:n=y-=-s1!Trs::-rt-,,-:on=-=e,..,..,n-r, ""m"'"'e:--:g:-:ra""m::-:ec-:i-:::s-=-a::-:n :r::s-, ----1 7 8 low plasticity silt, olive gray, moist, very hard. Contains numerous fractures with clean orange stains. 9 ••··•••·• ................................ ····••••·• Claystone (CL) w1tfi"fiftlefine gra"fned sand,· medium· pfasticity, thin olive· gray, "light°···· 10 violet and yellow brown laminae, moist, very hard. 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 PROJECT NO. 0394-001-00 TOTAL DEPTH= 11½ FEET NO GROUNDWATER, NO CAVING BACKFILLED 8/26/97 GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED FIGURE: B-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LOG OF EXPLORATION BORING NO. 2 Logged by MAF Method of Drilling: 8 INCH HOLLOW STEM FLIGHT AUGER Date: 8/26/97 Elevation: F.S.G. .=-w w !::. :c I-a. w 0 2 3 4 5 6 i-: w u. ..J 0:: a. w :!1E a. < ~ fl) w > 0 c2 ..J 0 Ill 77 26 w U::-~ ..J 0 .. a. e:. w :!1E 0:: < >-:J fl) I-I- ~ en fl) ..J z 0 :J w :!1E Ill 0 DESCRIPTION 118.8 13.2 @4': Many subangular metavolcanic cobbles observed in fill matrix. 7 .................................................... Clayey· sand(SC), fine to·medlum'gralned,'1ow·plastfdty,' red brown,' moist, .............. .. 8 medium dense. 9 .................................................... Clayey'sand(SC), fine to'medium·grained, low'plastfcfty, o/fve·gray, mo'fst, .................. . 1 o medium dense. Vegetative debris observed at contact. 11 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 19 ,~:!.!.!..!~=...!...::::.l.!!.!~~~.!..:s~a : an y c aystone , ine graIne san s, low plasticity clays, olive gray, yellow and red brown laminae, moist, very hard. Contains few quartz crystals. · TOTAL DEPTH= 16½ FEET NO GROUNDWATER, NO CAVING BACKFILLED 8/26/97 PROJECT NO. 0394-001-00 GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED LAB TESTS Gradation pH & Resistivity Sulfate Expansion Unit Weight Moisture Gradation FIGURE: B-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LOG OF EXPLORATION BORING NO. 3 Logged by MAF Method of Drilling: 8 INCH HOLLOW STEM FLIGHT AUGER Date: 8/26/97 Elevation: F.S.G. i=-i-: w w LL ..J ..J w 0:: a.. a.. w a a w !::. a.. c:i: c:i: :c ~ Cl) Cl) I-w ~ a.. > ..J w 0 i:2 ::, Cl ..J 0 al al 1 2 20 3 4 5 55 6 u::-0 e:. j:: ci5 z w 0 104.5 "#. w 0:: ::, I-Cl) 0 :1: 19.1 DESCRIPTION _: ar rown san y at cay , me o me tum grame san s, 19 plasticity clays, dark brown, moist, hard. Contains abundant vegetative debris. Storng odor of decaying vegetation. 7 ········· ········· .................................. Clayey" sand(SC), fine to' medium· grained, low "plasticify ," yeffow brown, ·red brown ..... . 8 and olive gray claystone fragments, moist, medium dense. Contains little or no vegetation. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 43 49 80 t=!!.!..:=::.=.:..==!:!..!..;=e.::...,..!;s::::a:.t.: an y c aystone , me grame san s, low plasticity clays, olive gray, yellow and red brown laminae, moist, very hard. Few clea.1i fractures observed with orange staining. TOTAL DEPTH= 21½ FEET NO GROUNDWATER, NO CAVING BACKFILLED 8/26/97 PROJECT NO. 0394-001-00 GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED LAB TESTS Gradation Hydrometer Atterberg Expansion Unit Weight Moisture FIGURE: B-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LOG OF EXPLORATION BORING NO. 4 Logged by MAF Method of Drilling: 8 INCH HOLLOW STEM FLIGHT AUGER Date: 8/26/97 Elevation: F.S.G. j'.:' w w !:!:. J: I-a. w 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ···,:2·· 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ...: LI. 0:: w a. ~ ...J m 14 35 23 ......... 80 (6") w ...J a. a <( en w > i:2 0 w ii:' ~ ...J 0 a. w a e:. 0:: <( >-::) en I-I- ::s:: en en ...J z 5 ::) w a m 0 DESCRIPTION rown, ..................... Sandy faf clay (CH}, ·rine to meaium grained sands,'high pfasUcity ·c1ays,dark ............ . brown, moist, hard. Contains considerable amount of vegetative debris. Strong odor of decaying vegetation. @10': Glass and plastic debris observed in fill. ........................... Clayey' gravef (GC), subangular,'low plasi'fcity,'light red brown ·and white, ..................... . moist, dense. Mostly composed of½ to 1 inch metavolcanic rock fragments. TOTAL DEPTH= 18 FEET REFUSAL@ 18 FEET ON GRAVEL NO GROUNDWATER, NO CAVING BACKFILLED 8/26/97 PROJECT NO. 0394-001-00 GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED LAB TESTS Direct Shear FIGURE: B-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX C LABORATORY TESTING Selected representative samples of soils encountered were tested using test methods of the American Society for Testing and Materials, or other generally accepted standards. A brief description of the tests performed follows: Classification: Soils were classified visually according to the Unified Soil Classification System. Visual classification was supplemented by laboratory testing of selected samples and clas- sification in accordance with ASTM D2487. The classifications are shown on the Boring Logs. In-Situ Moisture/Density: The in-situ moisture contents and dry unit weights of selected samples were determined using relatively undisturbed samples from the liner rings of a 2.375 inch intrnal diameter Modified California sampler. The dry unit weights and moisture contents are shown on the Boring Logs. Particle Size Analysis: Particle size analyses were performed in accordance with ASTM D422. The grain size distribution was used to determine presumptive strength parameters and foun- dation design criteria. The results are given in Figures C-1 through C-3. Atterberg Limits: ASTM D4318-84 was used to determine the liquid limit, plastic limit, and plasticity index of selected fine-grained samples. The results are summarized in Figure C-3. Sulfate Content: To assess the potential for reactivity with concrete, a representative sample was tested for content of water-soluble sulfate minerals using CAL TRANS method 417 (Part l). The ... results are given in Figure C-4. pH and Resistivity: To assess the potential for reactivity with metal pipe, a representative sample of on site soil was tested for pH and resistivity, using CAL TRANS method 643. The results are given in Figure C-4. Expansion Index: The expansion potential of selected soils was characterized by using the test method ASTM D 4829. Figure C-4 provides the results of the tests. Direct Shear Test: The shear strength of the soil was assessed through a direct shear test performed in accordance with ASTM D3080. The results are summarized in Figure C-5. R-Value: An R-Value test was performed on representative pavement area materials in accordance with ASTM D 2844-89. The results are discussed in the report. Geotechnics Inco:rporated ------------------- 100 90 80 .... .c: 70 Ol ·a; ~60 J:l I.. Cl) .5 50 u. .... C ~ 40 I.. Cl) a. 30 20 10 0 100 3" 1½" 3/4" ~8" -,_ 10 COARSE I FINE GRAVEL SAMPLE U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes #4 #8 #16 #30 #50 #100 #200 Hydrometer -1i!J.... -m... --'"'ffi-..-.. r-. 'l1l '"' , ~~ " "' "' '\. ~ "' 1, I'.~ .... 1 Grain Size in Millimeters 0. 1 COARSE I MEDIUM I FINE SAND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SC EXPLORATION NUMBER: B2 SAMPLE LOCATION: 1' -4' DESCRIPTION: CLAYEY SAND Geotechnics SOIL CLASSIFICATION Incorporated Interior Specialists, CRC Lot 97 Mr. Ken Satterlee 0.01 0.001 SILT AND CLAY ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: PLASTIC LIMIT: PLASTICITY INDEX: Project No. 0394-001-00 Document No. 7-0520 FIGURE C-1 ------------------- 100 90 80 +-' .s:: 70 Cl 'cij ~60 ' .Q ,_ Cl) .5 50 LL +-' C: Cl) 40 I: Cl) a. 30 20 10 0 100 10 COARSE I FINE GRAVEL SAMPLE U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes ---7 II-r--.,,__ ..... 'm \ \ \ I\ \ !:l 1 Grain Size in Millimeters0, 1 COARSE I MEDIUM I FINE SAND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: CL EXPLORATION NUMBER: 82 SAMPLE LOCATION: 15' -16½' DESCRIPTION: SANDY CLAYSTONE Geotechnics SOIL CLASSIFICATION Incorporated Interior Specialists, CRC Lot 97 Mr. Ken Satterlee 0.01 0.001 SILT AND CLAY A TTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: PLASTIC LIMIT: PLASTICITY INDEX: Project No. 0394-001-00 Document No. 7-0520 FIGURE C-2 ------------------- 100 90 80 :1:70 01 'Qi $60 >, .c I., ~50 u:: .... ~40 ~ (I) a. 30 20 10 0 100 1-11"'-v,--, VIV tic,' ,,....,_ rru "" ,.. - 10 u.s_-13Jandard ~!fil'e Sizes ,,. .. . .. --.. --.... __ tfl--,_ r-... "-... I' "' ' • ........... r-- m,...,_,,__ r-..... ' ~ 1 Grain Size in Millimeters 0.1 COARSE I FINE I COARSE I MEDIUM I FINE GRAVEL I SAND SAMPLE UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: CH EXPLORATION NUMBER: B3 SAMPLE LOCATION: 1' -4' DESCRIPTION: SANDY FAT CLAY --Geotechnics SOIL CLASSIFICATION ......... -.........Jncorporated Interior Specialists, CRC Lot 97 Mr. Ken Satterlee .. -··-··· a...__lm ~ 0.01 SILT AND CLAY ~ ...... m... r--rra-...._ -00 A TTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: 59 PLASTIC LIMIT: 21 PLASTICITY INDEX: 38 0.001 Project No. 0394-001-00 Document No. 7-0520 FIGURE C-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SAMPLE s2@ 1· -4' I I CORROSIVITY TEST RESULTS pH I RESISTIVITY I SULFATE CONTENT I 8.4 I 440 I 400 -800 P.P.M. EXPANSION TEST RESULTS (ASTM D 4829) SAMPLE I EXPANSION INDEX 82@ 1' -4' 72 83@ 1' -4' 121 I UBC TABLE NO. 29-C, CLASSIFICATION OF EXPANSIVE SOIL EXPANSION INDEX POTENTIAL EXPANSION 0-20 21-50 51-90 91-130 Above 130 ~~ Geotechnics Incorporated Very low Low · Medium High Verv hiah Laboratory Test Results Interior Specialists, CRC Lot 55 Mr. Ken Satterlee Project No. 0394-001-00 Document No. 7-0520 Figure C-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1- 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 STRAIN[%] 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 4000 .----.--~--,--------------- 3500 <1> ULTIMATE SHEAR: It!! PEAK SHEAR: 3000 ..... u.. U) 2500 C. ..... U) U) w 2000 I 0::: I-U) 0::: <C w 1500 = :c .... U) IE! 1000 Ii 500 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 SAMPLE: B4@1' -4' FILL: Dark brown sandy fat clay (CH) STRAIN RATE: I 0.0025 IN/MIN I (Sample was consolidated and drained) ~eo~echnics ........._Jncorporated NORMAL STRESS [PSF] PEAK <I>' C' 11 0 I 740 PSF IN-SITU Yd j 108.2 PCF We I 19.7 % DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS Interior Specialists, CRC Lot 97 Mr. Ken Satterlee ULTIMATE 10 ° 740 PSF AS-TESTED 108.2 PCF 23.7 % Project No. 0394-001-00 Document No. 7-0520 FIGURE C-5 ~ .. ,I, . ·, . ; 619-546-0440 03/24/1998 15:45 MAR-24-98 TUE 14:29 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMM DE Al[SAtINNUDESIGN GROUP ,-o , t!;:S!:lUtll::l'l 1 , fiAGE. 06 NON-RESIDENTIAL CERTIFICATE: Non--Residen1ii1I Land Owner, please read 1h!s op~on carefully a1'ld be sure ymJ throughly unt1ersta11d ihe ,;,ptions before signing. The opti~n you choose will affect your w.yment or 1he developed Special Tax ~i,:ae~d on your prop~rty. This option is available only at 1he lime of the first huiking permit iasuanee. Property owner stgnature i$ requlre<1: before a ~uilcling permlt will be issued. Your 1Si9n~tJ.lre ls comirmin~ the acouraey of au paroet ;;md ownership information tihown . 920£0 Zip Code Assesscn. Parcel Num~er, or APN ~nd Lot Number if not yet subdividea. · · · . f 3<:t-1'71 ·I 1:. "'J:!" ~ ::.,_4 • ' •• •t._:nn,,.._~, ••• ' """'"'•'f·,. '"'~'·4l '-4';>,,,"' : ,, • :, • •• ,.. I._: ' .... -~-t~0 7::??><01··· ,,... . .... --. '•'""""" -·-· !,t,,--r->" •\ .,-,, -· ., .~ "• ~~--L..::, :2t;;J.f ... ;""t:,,_-:•, ~'•I 1 rl••, ,•,, /i"'>.....,.~•·_, ' • ' '> , • 1 • ,•t.) ;' H ,~11,U.afi)' •• • .... ~ ·~,. /. •"'tl-.~..;_.-: S1.1ildin1iPermit Number . ' . A3 dtetf by Oldi~ No. NS-155 and adopted by fhe Chy Council of the City of CarISbad, California, the City l$ a!Jlhorized to levy a special Tax in Cotnmunlty Fac:ilitles dl$1:rict No. 1. All nan..resldentiw property, upon 1he ifiStlatioe of ihe firstbUUdil'lJ ptmrit, ehali have the oplion 10 {1) pay the SPECIAL OevELOPMENT TAX ONE· TIMI: or (2) assume ihe ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX-Oevt:LOPEO PROPER.TI' for a period not to el<C!iled twenty .. five_ {25) ~~ars. Please indicate yoy,-cnoice by initialing ihe appropriate line below: · OPTION (1); < I eiea ~ lb~ SPECIAL DE\ll!LOPMl!l'll"TAX o~~ME rww, ... a omi'11n>e payment A~ount One-Tltlte Spacial T~ $ 73,B~ .~ .. .. · 1 Owner's . Initials • . . . · OPTION(.~): , . I f 'efe,;;t to pay the SPECIAL DEVeLOPMeNi' TAX J\NNU.ALLY fot ~ period not to exceed · twes,ty-1ive {~) years. Milaximum Annual special Tax: $. ~ 2a S. ~Q , Owner Jnltials· ____ .• I CO HERE.8YCERTIFY UNOER PENAL1Y OF PERJURY THAT THE UNOERSIGNEO IS .THE PROPERTY OWNER OF THE! SUfSJEOT PROPER"rV ANO THAT I UNDeRSTAND ANO WILL. COMPLY WITH THI:. PROVl$19NS AS STATE ASOVe. PnntName -:1 ' ,, ' Sate ~ • . The City <,f Carlsbad ha~ not independently verified the lntc:irm;llion shown abo\te. _ Therefore, we accept ria · responelbility a$ to fhe accuracy or ~mpleteness l'Jf 1:hi~ Information. NON .. RESIDE~TIAL CERTIFICATE I I I I i I I I I i I i l I I l I I ! I i I ' I i I I I ; MAR-25-98 WED 7:55 NAR-24-88 TUE 14:29 P, 01 r. v¼i-i':IC:: e,5 CERTIFICATE OF C::OMPLIANCf: CITY Of CAll.SBAD Plan Check NJ1J 173'@':( COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2075 lAS PALMAS OR., CARLSBAD, CA 92009 (619) 438-,1161 ' This form shall be used to determine the amount of school feet for a project and to verify 1hat th.e project applicant has 1:0mplfed with the liChool fee re~uirerni;nb. No building pemtits fot the proie~s shat! be issued lJMtil the ceriiflc~ion is sigl'lec:i by the appropriate s~ool district and ret,,m,ed to the Citv oi C~lsbacl e1.11ldln9 Oep;mment. SCHOOL DISTRICT~ ·X Carlsb::d Unified 801 ·Pine Avenue Carlsbad CA nooa (434-0661) Encinitas Union ,. , -HH So~l'i·Ranc;ho::sa.n~,fe:itci, El)cirina~ CA 92024 (944-4300) ' ' •,•~7•• • I Sal'I Marcos lJn ifled -215 MiaU Wiiy . San . .Man;Oli CA 920GS taG-2136 . · r _ San Diegui10 Union ~igh Schoof · ... ~ 710 Encinitas Boulevard , ., .,..,,, Er.i::initas CA 92024 (75'•6491) :::=~~:~:~t ~n~ RtSIO~NTIAL: SQ, FT. of 1htlr,g area ____ number of dwelling vnits _____ _ SQ, FT. of covered ar~ , ,. • ,,_ SQ. FT, of garage area ---~----- COMMERCl~VINO~RIAI., S?-fl'· AAE.p,7¥1-{I 'i.,f' Prepar~d by _ , _,M4/d,, ~J1QJZ:. • _ ,. Date ___ r:,---1~~3.....li'qr-4~~~..._ ___ _ ; FEE CERTIFICATION ,-J · · (To be cotnpleted by the School Oiiffictl l + Applia..nt· has <:Qmplied with fee requir'!mem under Oovemment Cod~ .53080 _ ..... · ... Project is subject to an existing fee agreeni•nt -I _ _...., Project i~ exempt from Govemment Code 5)080 I Final Ma~ approYal and construction smned before September 1, 1986. l -(other ~ool fees paid) _ Other---------~----------------! Re$identi~I F~ t..evied: $. _____ based on ______ sq. ft.@ ! Com. l'ndtAu~r F~· e e_vied:. $ ft 9[i's: ID baM:d on 2> Pl1 :z L7 sq, ft.@::: ..... -··,-3~·-o:_:r::== i .. J.H. Bfair i ~+..:-:--:-~~--=---------...Bu:AsssiJI. ista~ntm:1Sud0~tes-.----~0~~~f~qU~l--! Disttid Official Title Date I •I (630 fct1~ayllvc0 U;t-r~c;1,w s;::, t,/l'f' 8/'!5 Y73&of -"\ \1 ... \\ l-z1' J,q ~ 11 &-11 / 0d'.1 ,Jf;~ (µ 12 ~6 of Y<o 5'twL,._,-f-cc..KSJt1u11>1wl/ f«s / / , / r17 '{ L r / · APPROVALS .Jj~ ;lk,.u:{, Co1,£J Ah /lft,,,f. ft0, Date . vla•J" · . · · · -S 1-\ ~ Building l-~· i · Planning ) ( J/Li / ~ 'Z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ f: h1 .. " C Ii') ~~~ E?gineering ~ i2( 6 r----' .,-, I I' . '! \\'; --. ,-1 [· 1 !J ~-'-4-Fire 2!--'5---S, 2--f //-\.,., U!. -~.... i,1 , :. ',1:1 ,,1l ( , ·,_ .-J ...... '.i' ~v d , ' \.aiJ \...1,.,,_ .. • :J,.__,...;.- { ' ~(15{1& ' ll2.y,s -~ U>.r, '><± K. Ko._w_,d, u~ IJ.., t6 Cs,;J 6~ JL, 1b r/4,, f'G,,-;>J\TES HAZMATFORM d C,' r:;-.-f, _.C' To ,~ " 1 ,1J[JL 10 ~J (/'(_, .... "" • ""' -z-(3 (1:1-ct-1rt . IND WASTE APP ...,...;.,,,.~._.i~~-f-7:,,,,r-SCHOOLFEEFORM ,Y;')jqf _,, ~ tp /v J2i 7/J -~TD ur- (~ ~ fz, [S{,/~ ~ ~ ~L (";;:\1 r r:_.. w4J"\ r>v c,t},kr ?Ip~·~ f 12t-S- . y'csV ILA> ~ '\ -r . t,'-~ Cvl Pv ?i (w-~ (ffe,-f.t '<.<.--6 r<-1 <4>;Jr .,,__ -A,q,/4,;<-\, -t -c~ r"alu<ffo;, = I"" ,,,,f / · ,~ /?/r [1 f:r' ~c( ~5 to ~~5 -;9/4u5 @ f'.:' c, _ i 1 , , , , • . --\"'; .. ::~:=! z.1.' vp,p.Mee,.Ji--'-It\.<-·Wlcf (J_,,r;1 CJ 'l/1-d'i.. t uvf ...,~l,,r.~· ·f::v,--,..,_ .-·/c~ /,,"( ~--~l I) J2 llii l-o ''l): ,V ..,.eei-v :,:_."·-:---:-~ . . ...,.....,,..:·~--· .. ' -. --:~.....'.::._ . . --·Z-· --·~------·-,,.~-------·---· ----~···--·--·--... --··----.... ' \ J ._., -~, I PLANCORR ( 1A:S "\6 ENGRG CORR ------1..----BUS LIC ----1-----WCOMP FIRE PLANS ASSESSOR Pl.ANS r:r1FO .. ',i' ---·--L v(tl y 05/18/9-8 ic6:07 Page' 1 of 1 B U I L D I N G P E R M I T PCR No: PCR98061 Project No: A9704905 Development No: Job Address: 1630 FARADAY AV Permit Type: PLAN CHECK REVISION Suite: Parcel No: 212-130-22-00 Lot#: 97 Valuation: 0 Construction Type: Occupancy Group: Reference#: CB973804 Status: Description: DELETE DEPRESSED LOADING DOCK, Applied: : GUARDRAILS & RE-GRADE,ORIG CB973804 Apr/Issue: Appl/Ownr: AUSTIN DESIGN GROUP 9605 SCRANTION ROAD Entered By: 619 546-0110 FINAL APPR.OVAL NEW ISSUED 04/23/98 05/18/98 RMA ,-r: INSP. _____ o,_ .. ·-=·-..,----·---==-- CLEARANCE ___ . .......-..--_,_,_- CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT APPLICATION PLAN CHECK NO. ____ _ CffY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 EST. VAL. __________ _ Plan Ck. Deposit ________ _ Validated By __________ _ Date _______________ _ 1---··--"··,·-''""_, ________ --·· , ... , ,_,, ___ , ______ ,,,, .... ,,, ,., ,' 11,:fg~1;~f°!.®pl:$Jna -~ lt~e (/r,-ao' &Rllti/JtAf//E-j. ·, 'Cl}/ltS/3#d. O} • Address (include Bldg/Suite#) ;_;t) r CI//Zt!, -1'1 tJ r}11aamt/s:'z address) • Legal Description ,,., ot No. Subdivision Nam /Number Unit No. Phase No. Total # of units f¥/J. ZJA--J'3lJ-ZZoo Name ~ Address City State/Zip Telephone# ~?f2FE~Jk~;z·-·-?jz~LCC _,:.'4s~t!)-,, i';-ei-)r/iJE:s::.:1fc:~ i:i'~:·;::,~.:,:9i;;>~4SB·/27c:J Name Address City ~ S,tate/Zip , Telephone # ~~r~~.PfiltMcfQ.B.·-CPJ~'IFt~lilnVAJVIJ;;, ~-.'· ,, ',' , , , , , '.''., ' . ' ', -, .: • ,: ' :, : : • : "' , ,, . : ,.: , , ·, ' ', .. ". ,_, ~ ' ,,;.> (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. An violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$5001). o .?>N.$~ · 'd.tv, Name Address City State/Zip Telephone# State License # ----------License Class _________ _ City Business License # _______ _ Designer Name Address City State/Zip Telephone State License# _________ _ !~-, ':WQBK!IB,$1 GQt!.1Psl:N~A11Qf:1 · , -. , . , , _.,;,_":_: :-_.:"-.-.-·.: ,. ,.,::: -_,, ~-:;::-,::-..·: ·., ----. , " . Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: 0 I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. 0 I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3 700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company____________________ Policy No. ___________ _ Expiration Date _______ _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$100] OR LESS) 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorney's fees. SIGNATURE _____________________________ DATE ________ _ :'l~·::7..:QWNfj'!~ljJ(p);'i[i:ft;~J;.Ali~tJP}f:_ _ ___ ,:,'.:, ________ ,.,__ :·:. > . --',, <: _,-,-":_,,,_:-y -' ' y " '} ' -" .... ' ' >..;.--__ , ' , _, -? I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: 0 I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for. the purpose of sale). 0 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). 0 I am exempt under Section ______ Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. 0 YES ONO 2. I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted _with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name I address / phone number / contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number/ contractors license number):. _____________________________________________ _ 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone number / type of work): _____________________________________________________ _ ,,, ,·, "','' Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? 0 YES D NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? 0 YES O NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site 7 D YES D NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. fa:: -~,q_QN~J-flµ~~~l;Nti1N~ll~~~fl~V;2:.-'~-~::-:~j,:=~~=:=~~N-;~:-~-w:~~:; :-:~--:~~:.\-~NH'-~: ~~:-~, ~. = ·_::N. ,_, ~~-~N-~--_:: ~~~,: r~::~-~ -'. ~I ~-, :: -,,, I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097(i) Civil Code). I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the Cit\' of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not com ed within 365 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work· c menced for a pe i of 180 days (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). DATE __ 4-"._.,;._2_'3_r ~-~-' __ WHITE: File YELLOW: Applicant PINK: Finance I AUSTIN DESIGN GROUP ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN PLANNING ENGINEERING Douglao H. Austin, FALi\ Chnolophe, T. Veum Randy S. Rcbbino. ALI\ Jettrey J. Parohalle, ALI\ 9605 SCRANTON RD SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO CA 92121 619 546 0110 619 546 0440 FAX Building Department Building Plan Check Review Checklist 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 RE: Lot 97, CRC Depressed loading dock revision APN: 212-130-22 Permit No: CB973804 To whom it may concern: This submittal is for the elimination of the depressed loading dock. The civil revisions will be to re-grade this area, the elimination of the catch basin and 4"dia. perforated wall drains with filter material and crushed aggregate. The 6"concrete pavement will be revised to a 4" AC/l 0" Class-II base paving. The 6" PVC will remain and be capped as indicated in the drawing (C-1 ). A curb will be added to provide a separation between the parking stalls and the revised dock. The architectural revisions will be to eliminate the guardrails ( 12/A 12.0 is deleted), and dock bumpers. See A6.0 for this revision and corresponding sheets, A 1.0, A2.0, A7 .0 and A 12.0. The structural revisions will be to eliminate the concrete panels 2 7 A, B, C and D and footings with the corresponding details 17 and 18 on sheet S6. l. See S2. l, S4. l and S6. l for these revisions. The elimination of these four panels will not structurally effect the building; these panels are independent of the building and are specifically for the depressed loading dock. ., In addition to this submittal. SDG&E approved the location of the transformer with additional clearance requirements and bollards to be installed. Portions of the curb were realigned to accommodate the installation of the transformer. Two parking stalls were removed to provide the clearances and a total of 100 parking stalls are the total on-site parking. The required parking stalls for this site is 94. See A 1.0 and C. l for this revision. f.c. f.c. c.c. I free to contact me if you have any questions. ey Ken Satterlee, Kelly Capital Corporation Pete Hunter, Roel Construction Jeff Parshalle, Gary Lipska, ADG ., EsGil Corporation 'l.n Partnersfiip witfi (jovemment for 'lluiUing Safetg DATE: 5/ 1/98 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: PCR 98-61 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1630 Faaday Ave. SET: I ~NT ~ D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE PROJECT NAME: Lot 97, Carlsbad Research Center (REVISION TO 97-3804) • The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: • Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: (by: ) Mail Telephone Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Chuck Mendenhall Esgil Corporation D GA D CM D EJ D PC Telephone#: Fax#: Enclosures: 4/27/98 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 .. VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: CM PLAN CHECK NO.: PCR 98-61 (CB97-3804) DATE: 5/1/98 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1630 Faraday Ave. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: B TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: III N [JUI DING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION ESGIL FEE (ft. 2) MULTIPLIER ($) exterior revision NIA Hrly 3/4 X 87.15 65.36 Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers ESGIL FEE 65.36 D 199 UBC Building Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ Type of Review: D Complete Review D Structural Only • Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 65.36 Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5196 PLANNINC/EN.CINEERINC "APPROVALS PCfl . PERMIT NUMBER CB CfJOG 1 ADDRESS _____ L-_o_f-_-1_7 __ C_f_L __________ _ RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL ADDITION MINOR < < $10,000.00) TENANT IMPROVEMENT PLAZA CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD COMPANY STORES VILLACE FAIRE COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDINC OTHER_.;_ __ /_o=->PfD~. ""'"""1N-A6-1)=-o-'--·e}:__~----------- PLANNER __ ¥---JP-==-=-i--+--+-=-~~-·-DATE_L(_rM--.~-~- ENCINEER DATE --------------- Docs/Mlsforms/Planning Engineering Approvals /\\1~ I B U I L D I N G 131/98 11:37 e 1 of 1 Address: 1630 FARADAY AU ~rmit Type: PLAN CHECK REVISION hrcel No: 212-130-22-00 /aluation: 0 PERl"'IIT PCR No~ PCR98138 Project No~ A9704905 Development t-lo: 1, Lot~*r. 97 , Constiuctton Type= NEW Occupancy Groupg Reference#1 CB983804 Status: ISSUED Descript1on= REVISIONS-SKYLIGHTS,FLR JOISTS Applted: 08/05/98 Apr/Issue: 08/31/98 l:::nte1~e~d By: ;JM : & P~lNELS ,, 6 1 9 5 4 6 -0 1 16628 08/31/98 0001 01 02 C-PRMT 273°00 -----~ ; F,NAL APPROVAL \NSP. _____ _ DATE ____ __ --- CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 I J PERMIT APPLICATION FOR OFFICE USE ~LY PLAN CHECK No.li;lfil (,38 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT EST. VAL _________ _ 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad (760) 438-1161 Address (include Bldg/Suite #) CA 9~9., . I 'Cf&if t,tJ', Business Name (at this Legal Description Lot No. Subdivision Name/Number Assessor's Parcel# Existing Use Name Address City 1~:,~··:·Pl::I.C?:P.ttrr\'rb,wNi;!:V · ::•'./i ' > ~-' Name Address City (5;7:··cQNT!U\CTOR'·COMPANV:'-N:AME': ·., -:'-::.:·::,/~:::_,'.o;· .... : ·. ·:'l":'.' ·-~--: .. State/Zip Telephone# ·-·-: State/Zip Telephone# (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$5001). Name Address City State/Zip Telephone# State License# _________ _ License Class _________ _ City Business License # _______ _ Designer Name Address City State/Zip Telephone State License # _________ _ i'3f.'.":WPRKERS~ .¢:QMPENSAiloN·:::::,:-:·~.~~... ==~--~ ...... ~ ... '.\~._"::: .. -.~~~ ~,: .. "< ::,~ ... ,.,, .. ,, .. >::: .' '.- Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: D I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. · D I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company____________________ Policy No.____________ ExpiratiOI) Date _______ _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$100) OR LESS) D CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shell subject en employer to criminal penalties end civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for In Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest end attorney's fees. SIGNATURE ______________________________ DATE _________ _ "7,_ .. _:"0WNERsBUJLC!ER'.QEQL:A}jATION:·:·;::':'·~:i:;''.::,::"'.:-0,.;y;.. · --0'_; ·: ·: :· ','·~:·'-. ·:-, '. .' ••· "'""· ', " ,. ••• " I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: D I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). D I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). D I am exempt under Section ______ Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1 • I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. D YES D NO 2. I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name I address I phone number / contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number/ contractors license number): _____________________________________________ _ 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name/ address / phone number/ type of work): ________________________________________________________ _ PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE _____________________ _ DATE -----------;COMP~§-TI; tHi$:$EC'TIONiF.QR'.NON-~gs,oEQ_jz,.\L)'~Uit;DINQ:P.ERMrts,9Ntv,;-: _:.:: : -· i · · _,_ ~-. ~ -.... '. < ,:, ·::.. Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? D YES D NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? D YES O NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? D YES D NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. l~;;·,._ ... ,<;Q.N~TJJt}CTIOtf,~PJNG:AqENq,:V,c:._;:-.::,;:..:,;,·/.~-.::.:;...,;c:/·~-:::-::._'··-'·:: ,--' ' ',, :•-·---: :·> ·.' .,,,.' "" .. -,., I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097(i) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME______________ LENDER'S ADDRESS ________________________ _ i9;;·, ,,. AP.P.!,:ICAJ\IT·-.C!:~11F.ilC'~TtON1~;:-::;:· .il ,'0',,;,;:;._.,,' .. ,;,-j:;ii;-:: : ;,· ,; , ·: I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the Citt of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 365 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE --------------- WHITE: File YELLOW: Applicant PINK: Finance ' ,. -.., .... :i, ., .. AUSTIN DESIGN GROUP ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN PLANNING ENGINEERING Douglas H. Austin, FA!A Randy S. Robbins, AJA Christopher T. Veum Jeffrey J, Parshalle, AJA 9605 SCRANTON RD SUITE 200 SANDIEGOCA 92121 619 546 0110 619 546 0440 FAX r~) 4) cri /I ~I'/ RECEIVED JUL 3 1 1998 TRANSMITTAL DATE: TO: FIRM: FROM: RE: PROJECT: PROJECT NO, ATTACHMENT: REMARKS: PURPOSE: .. July 30, l 998 Herb Krull PROJECT MANAGER BURGER CONSTNRUCTIO 437 So. Highway l 01 Ste 11 O Solana Beach, Calif. 92075 l-619-755-2801 Carlos Omron Lot 97 Faraday/Interior Specialists Detail Revisions per Bldg. Inspector Interior Specialists 97334.02 Details 1,2/A Openings @ Beams dated 7-30-98 Partial plan at second floor framing plan dated 7-30-98 Herb, both details are wet stamped and signed XYour Use X Per Request D For Approval Review and Comment F:\97334 Interior Specialists\Burger Contractor Cf-.\hkrull CO073098 Bldginspdetailstran.doc Thursday, July 30, 1998 JI ~ i'33/~:,j, . ~_, 1' __.-":-• II ~\ l \~ >:--7'/'-{ 0 0 • <; Ir rf I ~OLOH>-1 ' 0 E, IJ t,J '1-~ ;v.r;~. -- f {-· f i J 1 ----if ~ d ~½ 0 ·-.: .. + 0 0 } /:l~ 0 0 '·'.· "=-.JI< --:iJ_ 0 JJo:re._; _------~ ------~--· ------ ----------------------- -. =-~-1,c __ DJ.t1fJJ~ J.o-1J~-12e..1.'"e&tttt.Je:_p_tt~ -rl-\ e.. F:IEU:2-,(Jv -·--~ ~1-6.U~~EA _a=,M~-r~v"-.-rtt1.>J_. ___ .. ----~-. ___ V\'H-l~.,/1A,,i;M,f JVI:~'°" (j) :,· 'I. . ,, ; . . ! __ · ~@ ____ J~----------8 I I I I i; ;1 -I :r I I I Na __ :rl FJ-11 ()l ()l I i i ~ 21 ' ,:{ ::r• J I ' IFJ-12 I I I---i-~~ ~ -r:-- & I I & ~i ~·1 FJ-':l 1~ X • ::r ,H14X 30r .1: _ ~r 7----I . I I i ! ' T i01 -~I I ~· ~I ~. ::r1 I I P. ~· ;I <l.) I =r I ' I ' I FJ-8 I 51!,., ..j..-.- I I • T ,_V EsGil Corporation 'l.n Partnersliip Witli (jovernment for '.Builaing Safetg DATE: 8/19/98 D APPLICANT D JURIS. JURISDICTION: Carlsbad D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-3804 (PCR 98-138) PROJECT ADDRESS: Faraday Ave. SET: II PROJECT NAME: Carlsbad Research Center Shell Bldg Revisions • The plan revisions transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D · The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: D Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. • Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Carlos Omran Telephone#: in person Date contacted: 8/19/98 (by: CM) Fax#: Mail Telephone Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Chuck Mendenhall Enclosures: Esgil Corporation 0 GA 0 CM D EJ 0 PC walk in trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 \ \ \ ,, DATE: 8/26/98 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-1514 EsGil Corporation '1.n.Partnersliip witli (Jovemment for '.BuiUing Safety SET:REV2 PROJECT ADDRESS: Lot 97, Faraday Ave. PROJECT NAME: Interior Specialists, Building Revisions D APPLICANT &_JURIS. D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE • The plan revision transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below ar~ resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D _ The check list transmitted.herewith is for your information. The plans are being hel~ at Esgil : . Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. •.• . ·-. -· o·· ·-T-tie applicant's-copy of tt)e check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant _.-. contactperson.''.:;_,:;·:· _-.-. · .·. .'_ -.. .· ,-'~·: __ , .-.. . ,~. . . '· . : : \.. ~. -·. :-: .... : :·, -. . . .. --::,," ~ -. -... :.~· : . . . f · . D The 'applicant'; ~opy"~f the check list has been se~t to:' • • , i_. -~ --• • ~ Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed_. · D .. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. . -. ' .· -. ~·.; . -, Person contacted: Telephone #: , Date contacted: (by: ) Fax#: Mail-.Telephone Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Chuck Mendenhall Enclosures: E;sgil Corporation 0 GA 0 CM D EJ D PC 8/17/98 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 ' t VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: CM PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-1514 REV2 DATE: 8/26/98 BUILDING ADDRESS: Lot 97, Faraday Ave. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: B TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION ESGIL FEE (ft. 2) MULTIPLIER ($) Minor Rev. NA Hrly ½ X 87.15 43.57 . .. . Air Conditionino Fin~· Sprinklers - -: .. .. .. .. ··-·~ -' .-.• :~ ~.; .· .. -.... · .---. ESGIL FEE ,' .. 43.57 ,. .. .. -. · ---C · . ·-·· •._::; ... .. . ·' ' ' .. , ·.:.;. ,i: ,,_. . ~'-. -.. _ D · 199 lJBC Building PE?rmit Fee. -D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinanc'e: $ . D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance:_$ Type of Review: D Complete Review . • Structural Only • Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: . . Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 43.57 Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5196 . •. •· ' .. ... ' -_ •' EsGil Corporation 'l.n Partnersft.ip Witft. {jovemment for '13uiUing Safetg DATE: 8/ 14/98 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-3804 (PCR 98-138) PROJECT ADDRESS: Faraday Ave. SET:I PROJECT NAME: Carlsbad Research Center Shell Bldg Revisions D PLAN REViEWER D FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. • The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. • The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Carlos Omran, Austin Design Group 9605 Scranton Rd, #200, San Diego, CA 92121 • Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant (except by mail) that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax#: Mail Telephone Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Chuck Mendenhall Enclosures: Esgil Corporation D GA 0 CM D EJ D PC 8/6/98 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + !<ax (619) 560-1576 Carlsbad, 97-3804 (PCR 98-138) Date: 8/14/98 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list. Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92009, (619) 438-1161. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (619) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. 2. Provide a list of all the changes that apply to this submittal. It is not entirely clear what changes are intended with this plan review. 3. · Sheet A5.0 was submitted with the revise plans what is the change on this sheet of the plans. The skylights between grid lines 5.8 & 6.6 appear to have been enlarged but the notation still indicates 2X4 skylights as originally approved. Please clarify. 4. There are no apparent changes to sheet S2.2. Why was it included with the revisions? 5. Provide a written explanation and approval from the original design engineer for the corner changes shown on sheet S5.1. It appears that the pl~n revision is to clarify what the drag connection at grid locations E-2.7 & D-1.7. 6. Where does detail 19/S6.3 apply? I could not find this detail _on any of the revised sheets submitted. If you have any questions regarding the items above, please call chuck Mendenhall at (619) 560- 1468. END OF DOCUMENT VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: CM PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-3804 (PCR98-138) DATE: 8/14/98 BUILDING ADDRESS: Faraday Ave BUILDING OCCUPANCY: B TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: III N BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION ESGIL FEE (ft. 2) MULTIPLIER ($) revisions NA hrly 2 ½ X 87.15 217.87 Air Conditionino Fire Sprinklers ESGIL FEE 217.87 D 199 USC Building Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ Type of Review: D Complete Review D Structural Only • Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 217.87 Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5196