HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 99-23; CARLSBAD WATER RECYCLING FACILITY; HYDROLOGY STUDY; 2001-04-23I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I City of Carlsbad Hydrology Study for the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Prepared by Black & Veatch Corporation B& V Project 97862 April 23, 2001 1 City of Carlsbad B& V Project # '97862.200 (: I· Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility April 2001 Hydrology Study I TABLE OF CONTENTS I I 1.0 Project Overview Page 1 1.1 Design Criteria & Regulations Pa,ge.l I 1.2 Project Phasing & Land Use Page 1 I 1.3 Site & Mapping Page 2 2.0 Hydrology Page 2 I 2.1 Pre-Developed Conditions Page 2 2.2 Developed Conditions Page 4 I 2.3 Comparison of Peak Flows Page 5 1 3.0 Developed Hydraulics Page 5 4.0 Water Quality Considerations Page 6 1 5.0 Conclusions Page 6 I Appendix A -Supporting Calculations Appendix B -Drawing E-l Existing Site Drainage I Appendix C -Drawing F-l GradinglDrainage Plan I I I I I I -TC-I -~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I City of Carlsbad Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Hydrology Study 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW B&V Project # 97862.200 April 2001 The City of Carlsbad is planning to construct the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility (CWRF). This facility will provide advanced treatment of secondary effluent for recycled water distribution. The project will be constructed on a currently undeveloped site immediately south of the existing Encina Water Pollution Control facility (EWPCF). When constructed, the site will consist of paved access roads and walkways, canopy structures, concrete pad surfaces, structures with open water surfaces, and landscaped areas. 1.1 DESIGN CRITERIA & REGULATIONS City of Carlsbad Engineering staff directed a comparison of pre-development and developed pellk runoff based on the 10-year 6-hour storm event. Runoff calculations were performed in accordance with methods described in the County of San Diego Hydrology Manual (including 1993 updates). The California Regional Water Quality Control Board recently issued Order No. 2001-01 (NPDES No. CASO 1 08758) which mandates storm water quality discharge requirements into and from municipal separate storm sewer systems. The CWRF is being designed to incorporate flow based Best Management Practices (BMPs) as required by this order. The CWRF storm water BMP design is based on the California Best Management Practices Handbook.- Industrial/Commercial (March 1993) guidelines. Curb inlet sizing, pipe material and sizing, and other storm water hydraulic features were designed in accordance with the Standards for Design and Construction of Public Works Improvements in the City of Carlsbad (1993). 1.2 PROJECT PHASING & LAND USE Initial phase construction of the project is expected to be complete in early 2003. ' Fllture expansions of the project are 't'ti expected to occur over a period of about 20 years until the - I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I City of Carlsbad Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Hydrology Study B&V.Project # 97862.200 April 2001 ultimate build out condition is obtained. For the purpose of this Study, full build-out conditions were assumed for the determination of developed storm water run-off flows. 1.3 SITE & MAPPING At build out, the CWRF will occupy approximately 16 acres of an existing undeveloped 35 acre basin located directly south of the existing EWPCF (6200 Avenida Encinas). The 35 acre basin.is bounded to the east by Interstate-5, to the north by the EWPCF,. and to the west and south by A venida Encinas. At this time, boundary survey mapping including the lot lines, property lines, and easements is being prepared by others as part of the re-parcelization of this property. The current plan is to develop the 16 acre site into a 9 acre portion (to be by owned by the City of Carlsbad) and a 7 acre portion (to be owned by the Encina Wastewater Authority). The Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility (CWRF) is the term used to describe the 16 acre site for the purposes of this Study. Recent Topographic mapping (developed from aerial photography) was prepared by Bush and 'Associates in December 2000. This mapping was used for the determination of existing drainage boundaries. 2.0 HYDROLOGY The County of San Diego Hydrology Manual requires that the Rational formula be used 'for drainage basins less than 0.5 square mile. For the purpose of this Study, build-out site development conditions were assumed for the CWRF. 2.1 PRE-DEVELOPED CONDITIONS The 35 acre basin does not receive off-site runoff generated from adjacent properties. the existing site surface consists of bare ground with light vegetative cover. A set of caiculations prepared by Fraser Engineering, Inc. (March 15, 1994) for the existing culvert crossings (see Appendix B -Drawing E-l) indicated a runoff "C" value of 0.4. This value was used for the -2- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I City of Carlsbad Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Hydrology Study B&V Project # 97862.200 April 200} computation of existing runoff in this Study for the three existing drainage sub-basins lE, 2E, and 3E (see Appendix B -Drawing E-l). The northern sub-basin, IE, consists of2.8 acres ofland that drains into a V-ditch at the north end of the site. The runoff then splits up into two existing V -ditch systems. One system conveys runoff north and outfalls into the EWPCF property. The other V-ditch conveys runoff southward to the inlet of an existing 30-inch culvert located near the northwest comer of the CWRF. For the purpose of these calculations, all 10-year 6-hour runoff for sub-basin 1 E was assumed to enter the south flowing V-ditch and outfall at Design Point IE (see Appendix B -Drawing E-l). Sub-basin 2E consists of 4.3 acres of land that drains into the northwestern comer of the site into the A venida Encinas storm drain. The third and largest sub-basin, 3E, is 27.9 acres in size and drains to the west (see Appendix B- Drawing E). The topography indicates that. some runoff will spill onto the eastern curb of A venida Encinas. However, the runoff appears to mostly flow toward the existing 36-inch RCP culvert which conveys the runoff across Avenida Encinas. For the purposes of this Study the entire 10-year 6-hour runoff was assumed to flow to Design Point 3E (see Appendix B -Drawing E-l). A summary of the 1 O-year 6-hour pre-development runoff quantities is presented in the Table 2-1. Detailed supporting runoff calculations are provided in Appendix A Table 2-1 Pre-Development Site Conditions: 10-year 6-hour Runoff Design Sub-tc I A C Q Point Basin (min) (inlhr) (acres) (cfs) DPIE IE IS 2. I 2.8 0.4 2.3 DP2E 2E IS 2.1 4.3 0.4 3.6 DP3E 3E 22 1.62 27.9 0.4 18.1 Total 35 24.0 -3 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I City of Carlsbad Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Hydrology Study 2.2 DEVELOPED CONDITIONS B&V Project # 97862.200 April 2001 Build-out' ~,OnditiohS include the development of 14.6 acres of previously undeveloped land. Apprb'Ximately-S.5 acf~s of this development will be open water tanks that wiIl not contribute to the runoff. iThus~' the,net ar~.a used for the Rational Method calculations was 9.1 acres. The remaining parts Qf t~edeve)opment include paved roads, walkways, canopy structures, concrete pad surfaces, and landscape'd'areas. The CWRF will incl~de severar,lands~aped areas which offset the imperviousness of the paved and roofed surfaces. A' 'funoff "C' value of 0.80 was selected for the Rational Method .. calculations. The Built-out site is divided into sub-basins IF and 2F (see Appendix C -Drawing F-l). Sub-basin IF consists of existing sub-basin IE plus a 2E. Sub-basin IF is· graded such t,hat the majority of the flow generated in the existing sub-basin IE gets diverted awaY'from the existing EWPCF V -ditch. Sub-basin 2F represents the remaining acreage of the overall basin that will not developed as part of this project. Approximately 7.5 acres of the pre-developed sub-basin 3E will o¥erlap into developed sub~pasin IF. The remaining 20.4 acres were assumed to be undeveloped , : for the sake of comparing the impact of the CWRF on the basin hydrology. '" '! The 10-year 6-h-our runoff from sub-basin I F ~il1 '~e collected in on-site storm drains and rQuted . .. to the existing 30-inch culyert,inlet near t~e ~orthwest corner of the CWRF at Avenida Encinas (represented by Design Point 1 F). Runoff from~sub-basin 2F will drain to the existing 36-inch culvert at A venida Encin~s (represented by Design Point 2F). A summary of the 10-year 6-hour de~eloped runoff quantities is presented in the Table 2-2. Detailed supporting runoff calculations are provided in Appendix A -4- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I 1 ,I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I 'I I City of Carlsbad Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Hydrology Study Table 2-2 B&V Project # 97862.200 April 2001 Developed Site Conditions: lO-year 6-hour Runoff Design Sub-te I A C Q Point Basin (min) (inlhr) (acres) (cfs) DPIF IF 22 1.6 9.1 0.8 11.7 DP2F 2F 18 2.0 20.4 0.4 15.1 Total 29.5 26.8 2.3 COMPARISON OF PEAK FLOWS The amount of run-off is expected to increase with project development due to the increased imperviousness. The increase in the Rational Method peak flow for the 10-year 6-hour storm event is approximately 2.8 cfs for the entire flow generated in the 35 acre b~sin. This small' increase in flow does not warrant the need for on-site detention. DEVELOPED HYDRAULICS The on-site storm drains will be I8-inch reinforced concrete pipelines. The average 'slope of the on-site storm drains will be 2 percent. At ~ full, 2 percent slope, and a Manning "n" value of 0.013, this line size can accommodate the entire on-site 1 O-year 6-hour runoff 001.7 cfs. The design calculations of the existing 30-inch A venida Encinas cu~vert prepared by Fraser Engineering, Inc. (March 15, 1994) indicate sufficient capacity to handle the 1Q: .. year 6-hour runoffofl1.7cfs. '-7vv~&\4-\$ GA~."r"1 -to CA~ -v«:J'f/Z.. ~N"of'Y : The on-site roads will have 6-inch curbs and 2 percent cross slopes. The roads will convey runoff in excess of the storm drain capacity. The longitudinal road slope varies from a minimum of 0.2 percent to a maximum of 5.5 percent. The site grading is designed to allow the roads to convey the 50-year and I OO-year storm runoff in excess of the full flow capacitY of the storm drains. - 5 - I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I City of Carlsbad Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Hydrology Study 4.0 WATER QUALITY CONSIDERATIONS B&V Project # 97862.200 April 2001 The recently promulgated California Regional Water Quality Control Board Order No. 2001-01 (NPDES No. CASOI08758) permits various methods of computing runoff for water quality treatment by Best Management Practices (BMP). The method selected for this Study is based on treatment of runoff generated from 0.2 inches of rainfall per hour. The CWRF is designed to prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants to the storm water discharge point. The BMP selected for this project is media filtration as described in th~ California Best Management Practices Handbook -Industrial/Commercial (March 1993).' The site will contain five curb opening inlet catch basins and two grate style catch basins. Each basin will be fitted with an in-line filtration system as manufactured by Fossil Filter or equal. The CWRF will have two separate chemical storage facilities. Bulk delivery and storage of sodium hypochlorite, sulfuric acid, and ferric chloride are expected to occur once every two, weeks. All chemical storage areas will be located in canopy-covered containment areas which will isolate the areas from runoff and rainfall collection. The parking area for bulk chemical delivery will be graded to collect chemical spillage in a catch basin. Valving on the discharge end of the catch basin will allow operators to divert spillage away from the storm drainage system. 5.0 CONCLUSIONS Comparison of the pre-development and developed 10-year 6-hour storm event for the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility was performed using the Rational Method. The CWRF development resulted in an overall increase of 2.8 cfs for the 35 acre drainage basin. This small increase in the peak runoff does not necessitate the construction of detention facilities on-site. Water quality objectives as defined by California Regional Water Quality Control Soard Order No. 2001-0 I are met by the installation of in-line filtration systems at each on-site catch basin. - 6 - I I I I I ' I, I APPENDIX A . I I SUPPORTING· .CALCULATIONS I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I City of Carlsbad Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Hydrology Study B& V Project # 97682.200 April 2001 CARLSBAD HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS 10-YEAR WITH 6-HOUR PRECIPITATION tc I A C Q AREA (min) (in/hr) (acres) (cfs) 1E 15 2.08 2.8 0.4 2.32 2E 15 2.08 4.3 0.4 3.57 3E 22 1.62 27.9 0.4 18.09 Total= 35 '23.99 POST -DEVELOPED PROPERTY tc I A1 C Q AREA (min) (in/hr) (acres) (cfs) 1F 22.2 1.61 9.1 0.8 11.73 2F 18 1.85 20.4 0.4 15.06 Total= 29.5 26.79 15.5 acres would not contribute to run-off area (tanks) A-I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I City of Carlsbad Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Hydrology Study B& V Project #' 97682.200 April 2001 CARLSBAD HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS 50-YEAR WITH 6-HOUR PRECIPITATION ADJUSTED TO PERCENTAGE OF 24-HR PRE-DEVELOPED PROPERTY tc I A C Q AREA (min) (i nIh r) (acres) (cfs) 1E 15 1.46 2.8 0.4 1.63 2E 15 1.46 4.3 0.4 2.51 3E 22 1.14 27.9 0.4 12.72 Total= 35 16.87 POST -DEVELOPED PROPERTY tc I A* C Q AREA (min) (in/hd (acres) (cfs) 1F 30 0.93 9.1 0.8 6.79 2F 18 1.30 20.4 0.4 10.59 Total= 29.5 17.38 50-YEAR WITH 6-HOUR PRECIPITATION PRE-DEVELOPED PROPERTY tc I A C Q AREA (min) (in/hr) (acres) (cfs) 1E 15 2.92 2.8 0.4 3.27 2E 15 2.92 4.3 OA 5.02 3E 22 2.28 27.9 0.4 25.44 Total= 35 33.73 POST -DEVELOPED PROPERTY tc I A* C Q AREA (min) (in/hr)' (acres) (cfs) 1F 30 1:87 9.1 0.8 1.3.59 2F 18 2.59 20.4 0.4 21.17 Total= 29.5 34.76 * 5.5 acres would not contribute to run-off area (tanks) 50 YEAR PRECIPITATION Percentage = 45% P24 (in)= 2.5 50 year precipitation = 1.125 Pa (in)= 2.25 A-l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I City of Carlsbad Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Hydrology Study B&V Project # 97682.200 April 2001 CARLSBAD HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS 100-YEAR WITH 6-HOUR PRECIPITATION ADJUSTED TO PERCENTAGE OF 24-HR PRE-DEVELOPED PROPERTY tc I A C Q AREA (min) (in/hr) (acres) (cfs) 1E 15 2.48 2.8 0.4 2.78 2E 15 2.48 4.3 0.4 4.27 3E· 22 1.94 27.9 0.4 21.63 Total= 35 28.67 POST -DEVELOPED PROPERTY tc I A* C Q AREA (min) (in/hr) (acres) (ds) 1F 30 1.59 9.1 0.8 11.55 2F 16 2.38 20.4 0.4 19.42 Total= 29.5 30.97 100-YEAR WITH 6-HOUR PRECIPITATION PRE-DEVELOPED PROPERTY tc I A C AREA (min) (in/hr) (acres) 1E 15 3.37 2.8 0.4 2E 15 3.37 4.3 0.4 Q (cfs) 3.78 5.80 3E 22 2.63 27.9 0.4 29.40 Total= 35 38".98 POST-DEVELOPED PROPERTY tc I A* C Q AREA (min) (in/hr) (acres) (ds) 1F 30 2.16 9.1 0.8 15.70 2F 16 3.24 20.4 0.4 26.40 Total= 29.5 42.10 * 5.5 acres would not contribute to run-off area (tanks) 100 YEAR PRECIPITATION Percentage = P24 (in)= 100 year preCipitation = 45% 4.25 1.9125 Ps (in)= 2.6 A-$ -I -I -_I -" -,1 --1--t--,--1--.--1-n" .,-~,-r-.-,-.,-~.--.- COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION & FLOGD COtlTROL It5 ' 3D· 10-VEAR 6-HOUR pnEClrITATIO~~ 15' \' ~ I 33° -_.-.... _-_ .. _-----. -----,-- fRoJ£cr LOCATION 45 1 41----.--t----,----: P'.p./t.d br U.S. DEPARTME~T OF COMMERCE NATIONAL OC2:ANIC A~O A'l-l:OSI'IIERIC AO-UINISTRATIOH .sP~CIAL STUDIES aRMIClI, OFFICE OF Ih'_DROLOOV. 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AND VOID C LC_ l:A!lON?, ~UST BE CLEARLY IDENTIFIED. 20 __ '-- 20 of .. l [ [ I~ IJ IJ IJ IJ IJ IJ IJ IJ IJ IJ Il IJ IJ IJ 1- w a.. o ..J CIl I 1.5' --"1 _______ ~2~O~Y.L_ ______ ~1 -n' .015 _-----n , 017S -r- 20 _ .. -:...-. .:..... -: .. ': / . _ .. f I : 1'8-. 16 - 14- 12- 10---, 9- 8- 7- 6- ;j- I } .. 0.13 t L. I' .~_ . ...L. i ./ --/ _._-----_._-T '. I. ~. _.,,-_. -.: '.-:.... ... ~... RES IOENii AL SiRE:::T ONE SiC:: ONLY t,j 3 - . -.. w a: f-CIl lI... o 04-' 2 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 20 30 40 SO I DISCHARGE (C. F. S.) EXAMPLE: : Given:Q=IO 5=2.5% Chart gives· Depth = 0.4 I Velocity = 4.4 f.p.s. SAN DIEGO COUN7Y DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL DISTRICT SERVICES DESIGN MANUAL !34~.L~ OAT:: GUTTEr: AND ROADWAY DISCHARGE -VELOCITY CHART APPENDIX x-D, '" 1t:7t:7t:7 -, 9120 800 700 GOO sOO 100 100 EGI.i,Ll TION ( I/, 3L ..1\ .385 Tc • H' J !C: ;;m~ or cO/7c~I1I;'''afio/7 L: L~/19Ih 01 W'a;(!"rs;'~d fl. f)i/lb"':(!"/7ce il7 ~/~va;iol7 ala~9 "~/I'(!"cfIY~ s/oo~ /il7~ (S~(!" ,41'~ndix j.aJ J; L t: AM", reef 1I'4-"S r';%~$ 10 5 4 ..J / 5tJtltJ L 3t/8tJ I 2--L 12tJ I IO~ '0 &J 70 ~O l5"O .10 3/J to /8 1& SAN 01 EGO COUNTY NOMOGRAPH FOR OETERMi NATION OF TIME r:R CONCENTRATION (Tel A"""\?, FOR NATURAL WATERSHEDS OF SPECIAL DISTRICT S£RVICES DE SIGN MANtlAI -----I -, --I -I -I -------I I i I WTENS ITY -DUN\T 1 DrS !G~ CHI\RT • i • I • J ~ . , .. 5. 4.. l.. 1.~~~J-! II ) .' t=1-1-+- ..1 -f-,.- I- ~ H-i-+-H-!- .,1 f~t= I -':--1- I I ~1 -it I rn~ll'l tI_~1 I-l-t-H-H-I"I .l \ l II l II I \ I, l' 1111 """"I1I1JllllllfUUluu\lU1WlI~lml 1,1 I I I Il~l.,Lllp..u.uj~~1 -10 : ,-.:3> \ ~ 15 , 20 Mf nute,s, 30 40 50 1 2 3 4 5' 6 Duration Hours 0) J :r: o c "1 -u "1 ro " ...I. '0 ..... Directions for Application: 1) From precipi tation naps detennine 6 hr. and 24 hr. amounts for the ~elected frequency. These maps are ~rinted 1n the.County HydrolQ9Y lianual (la, 50 i\nd 100 yr. maps included in til, Design and Procedure Manual). 2) Adjust 6 hr. precipitation (if necessary) so that it 15 \'Ilth1n the ranne of 45% to 65r.. of the 24 hr. precipitation. (Hot nrrlicable to Desert) 3) P13t 6 hr. precipitat10n on the r10ht &ide of the chart. 4) Draw a line through the point parallel to the plotted lines. 5) This line 15 the intensity-duration curve for the location being analyzed. Application Form: 0) Selected Frequency 1) P6" l (P in .. P24;; 2) . Adjusted *p 6;; l} t A min. e 10 yr .. 2.1 I *P6 &; P24 Lf£ 1n. SS-Xk --'- 4) I G in/hr. *Not Applicable to Desert Region APPENDIX Xl IV-A-14 lievist!d I/H~·) I I I I I I I I I I I I I~ I I I I I I Owner f/~-'~~+.'~ __ ~. -~,~, _.~. ~~~·.~d ________________ ___ - I Computed By Date Lf 123. ~® Unit ____ _ Plant _..l.C......:;:.:W::!..-!..f?:.......::..t: ____________ _ BLACK & VEATCH Project No. q 7"6 r; "2 . I a j File No. ____ _ Verified w u « 0... (j') (j') I ..- z W l- 0::: 3: I-0 z 0 0 m N " ~ I z tD D... Title H 'f ci V " ,~ lie { C'-I c ,./ ! ? ';"',. , l-' ~ I ,~ :: { 1/;. /.O/' /Jij1c. /O-/Jr f J _fr:;JWS By Date Page If REVISED, SUPERSEDED, AND VOID CALCULATIONS MUST BE CLEARLY IDENTIFIED, INITIALED, AND DATED BY THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL DLG ,. 20~ 20 of 'L A--ho I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I >-0:: a:: o z :::J a CD >-f- 0:: llJ CL a 0:: CL 1",,_ '" 57.5D CALCU '-AI lUi!.;' .5 ;),Vd-r 1//-:. 6d'" I I m mm o o 0 0 0 a C!-IEA-SPILl.. )v, it\ 00 00000 ~ 1.0i. IPAD EL 611 ___ 0.4% I I I: I 1 1 I APPENDIX B . -I . I DRAWING E-l I EXISTING SITE I DRAINAGE ,I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I /' ./ ( , I j r- I I I I I I I I -----------~i ....... --··~---------.-~----. -.---:::=.':::'_-::-":':-----= ~--------!:::..-----;., ;"'" ~ ;., =-~~~~====i=:':7j=-----~<~ ---------------..................... ;,.'f.. " ~ \ ~/,--,-~- ,;:--,,~ % ------'" ;., / .,r) ,.-r , D EI.ACK& VEATCH Cor,or.tI •• -- ------- ,~----.. f . -,. ~'_":t ... ENGlNEERlNC pt ... CHEC.ER OATr -~:--'--.., .'----..., -........-- -------- LEGEND - - _ - -EXISTIIC STORII DRAIII --7---r=UItV PATJ./ Fo~ T<,. CAi.-cvLAno/O ~ GENERAL NOTE: TIC I'IIIPOSED IIR(JI DnIUII'IOT IS LDClTtD OUTSIDE OF THE F£JIII SOO-TEM noalPUll. lZDIIE ~ naao IIISUIMCI! IlATE _, I'N€L 1Cl27 OF Zl15l. ,',+ ,--" , ~- "" 30' a flO' '''''. e ~NTS. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. , .2rOS'OO· "AS BUILT" TITLe REvt[vtD By. INSI'tCTCR DATE DAIC I Sl<£ET 1 CITY OF CARUlBAD I SH£tTsl t--t-~-----------+--+--+--t-~ PI.-11OG DCI'AIITM(HT dARUlBAD MUNICIPAL tATER DISTRIC1r EXlEftDICI IlITE DRAlNAdE I !,-, • ------------- ~® BLACK & VEATCH Corporation Irvine, California «) Y) r.oX CD ~X ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED ENGINEERING PLAN CHECKER DA TE «) ro r.oX I LEGEND =80= EXISTING STORM ORRIN ; 60' 30' o 60' p-.---- 1-=60' GENERAL NOTE: THE PROPOSED AREA DEVELOPMENT IS LOCATED OUTSIDE OF THE FEMR SOO-YERR FLOODPLAIN (ZONE X, FLOOO INSURANCE RATE MAP, PANEL 1027 OF 237S) , 120' TRUE NORTH PLAN NORTH 28'09'00" APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIG ATIO N 0 NLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. /I AS BUll r' TITLE _______ _ REVIEW'ED BY, INSPECTOR DATE DATE I-__ -I-__ +-____________________ ~--~--r_--r__;ISHEETI CITY OF CARLSBAD I SHEETS I ~====~======PL=A=N=N=I=N=G==D=E=P=AR=T=M=E=N=T======~====~ CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT EXISTING SITE DRAINAGE APPROVED ASSIST ANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE DWN BY: CHKD BY: DLC RVIJD BY, PROJECT NO. DRAVv1NG NO. E -1 DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITlAL REVISION DESCRIPTION ENGINEER OF WORK OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~/ '~a_ ,/ ,/ ..h.:i , I l1-I "If _ ,: / ) ! -' P()\N1 0"\= D\ SCt\ARG.E ... ~ .... ---------- 'tf-lf--'<;n~Fii:r FLOW _/.--',------" /---,'-'--------------.-------,----- .:t " .,; " --.-.-----\ ·~---7~--CALC,!-l.:A-TlOtfJ.s ",-.... , , .-_.6_. , ---......'--, -., .--~' j \ ,( ,-- D. ~ ~ 8I...ACK & VEATa-f C.".'IIIIII .. -~ / .-- --/.. I • - Fof2.. CALCUL.AT/OIUS ONLY LEGEND I'IIOP!!RTT IIOt.fIOIUIT EXIST!!C 'YORIO ORAIN I'IIOPOSm STDRII DRII III - - -::,. - - -FUJW PIt'lJ-l F()!<. ':'::.;ENERAC':NOTES: -'_ 'It n« PIICI'IIIIII' MIA ~ '.:-, IS LOCIItm CIUlSJIII: ~ tIC '1M ,-1OO-1IM nGIIIPUIllI'lzgc ~' ; n, n.oaa II11U1f111C2 ItIIITt -.. . -:,~;:. PNm-IGZT, ~.Z3lSJ • • -•••. 1'- , • PUll . '" IGITII.:·~, APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. k "AS BUlL r- J " ., . INCLUDING PRECISE IT! '~Tl~t ::;:::;=:===--_:IIA::Tt--1 LOCATION OF PLANTING t-:: AREAS. o --- , i I I ,':Icll\l\----II ,....,N- , ; o o 0 o ----- , / i \ , ~ .or. -'. J FUTURE Rtf\[) ! FUTURE / i RSTATE / ! / ) \", , I ./'/ o 0:: o a:: "' a:: :::> "'" :::> u. >-"'" a:: "' Q o a:: Q HIGHWAY PROPOS EO PROPERTY / -, { } , ---./ --, j C 0:: C a:: ./ / , ~. / . " ~ a: c z :::> c '" . / / ~ .--------------~~ --.--~ --.-- ~----._- 2F 20.4 ACRES -I ~ • ---"-. ~" -------------~ ---,...-----.....,"-. ... ·co OJ x en GENERAL NOTES: '- ----------------~- LEGEND =====5D====5D===== =======3",=======,m========= If TRUE NORTH PROPERTY BOUNDARY EXISTING STORM DRAIN PROPOSED STORM DRAIN PROPOSED FENCE ~------,------~---------~-------;;;--- 1) THE PROPOSED AREA DEVELOPMENT IS LOCATED OUTSIDE OF THE FEMA SOD-YEAR FLOODPLAIN (ZONE X, FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP, D® BLACK & VEATCH Corporation Irvine. California ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED ENGINEERING PLAN CHECKER DATE PANEL 1027 OF 237S) . 60' 30' o 60' 120' --------- 1'=60' APPROVED FOR PLANTING . AND IRRIG ATIO N 0 NL Y, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. PLAN NORTH /I AS 28'09'00" BUll r' TlTLE _______ ~ REVIEIJED BY, INSPECTOR DATE DATE I--__ ~--+---------------------+---r-_+--_+--~ISHEET/ CITY OF CARLSBAD /SHEETS/ PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~~==============~~ 04/23/0 DIe HYDROLOGY REPORT DATE INI1lAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL CARLSBAD WATER RECYCLING FACILITY APPROVED ASSISTANT DWN BY: CHKD BY: RVIJD BY, GRADING/DRAINAGE PLAN PLANNING DIRECTOR JeB PROJECT NO. DIe DATE DRAWING NO_ F-l