HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 383; BELLAVISTA SUBDIVISION; SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATION REPORT; 1978-05-25COUNeF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC aTH SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATION REPORT SOIL CONDITIONS OF TRENCH OR SEEPAGE PIT PERCOLATION TEST DEPARTMENT USE ONL Y Remarks: AI'. HOVED Sanitarian: L. r'h~;COl'-~ Date: 5-26873' Dote ~M~al-Y ~2._~~/,---=-17:..-.7._8 ___ --:-,- OWN ER'S NAME-=--~F_r_a_t1_k __ f\_e_h_Il _____ _ ADDRESS"_4_0_4_O_J\1_d--.C _A_rf_h_u_Y_D_I v_d'..L.)_S_"C/;_fe CONTRACTOR ___ U_h_k_I1..:..C1_W_H________ ADDRESS /Yt' k pl" ,~1 £3\,,\( f\.C, ... I/f Br..ff ..... v)·s t., Sub' II M"b 215" 7-12 t/ I V1 L(~ I 7 r Legal Location __ .... __ Cl ___ 401. _____ u ...... Lt--____ Lot ret c:, l 1/ Block _=L=---____ _ Test Location ...... _C-=-·c_"Y_n_e_r_A_J_a_m ___ 5_.5_1_,_~_hJ __ f._d_rk __ f)~"'_i_v_'~_. t-I _L_' 2_' _~'_l s_'I_~ ,_.,)_c.i ______ _ (NUMBER, STREET AND TOWN) THIS REPORT WILL NOT BE REVIEWED UNTIL THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS ATTACHED: 1. Lot Location (locate by sfreet) 4. Lot Grode 7. Test Holes 2. Existing and Proposed Structures 5. Wells 8. Sub-Surface Disposal System 3. Surfaced Areas 6. Utility Water lines 9. Cuts and Fill FERCOLATION TEST Lost two readings sholl not vary more than 10% TEST DEPTH COARSE SAND" FINE OR GRAVEL ' SAND SUB-SURFACE DRAINAGE' DEPTH OF HOLE SAFETY FACTOR TIME/INCH LEACHING SEEPAGE PITS SANDY LOAM OR SANDY CLAY CLAY WITH CONSIDERABLE SAND OR GRAVEL AVE. TIME/IN. EFFECTIVE A8S0RP. AREA .3 7 ,,> -.> . F TYPE OF SOIL: Give specifi<;: information (cloy-adobe-decomposed granite, etc.) Surface: __ ..:...I\..:...",,-e_J_l_v _W).:....-s_~_h_d-J.y:....-_b_I"_CJ_v.J_h_l C_il_i"r'I_L.l _I_o_o~s_e'_, ~J,--I_d_f_1 e_c_/d.J.·.r..:.... ______ _ r (If /' I II 1/ /; /' t 1 ft. below surface: _________________ --.,...--_________________ - II '\ t, II I ( I~ " If 2 ft. below surface :, ___________________ ~ _____ _'__ ____ _'__ _____ _ II II (I ~ I /1 I \ :3 ft. be low surface: _______________ ~ __ __= ______ -'--__________ -- 8 to 10 ft. below surface: 'r a h ('Oil tse II /./ 1'/ -----------------~-----------~--~-- 1../ c) f f. Depth of water table __ --= __ ..:...-__________ -.-. _______ ..:..-_--,._-,-_______________ _ Proposed structure: No. J ,Type S'/ll.fe. ----~----------~-------~------~~~+4~~~ No. of bedrooms: 3 ------------ RECOMMENDATIONS: Drainage tile Trench wi dth Trench depth Seepage pit width Seepage pit depth SAN 73 (Rev. 7,74) _______ ft. _~_---in. in. if ______ ft. ;<.'1 ______ ft. , and/or maximum capacity: . This percolation test will be VOID located as shown and the tile lines r cot!!d as shown on the attached plans. sha II be approved by the Deportment of construction starts. REGISTERED ENGINE.ER (REG. NO.1 DEPARTMENT USE ONLY COUNTY eAN DIEGO DEPARnAENT OF PUBLIC HE~ SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATION REPORT SOIL CONDITIONS OF TRENCH OR SEEPAGE PIT Rcmorks; __________ ---'-_ Sanitarian: --------------~---PERCOLATION TEST CONTRACTOR~r~.o~bo~~~!~·r~S~.~D~,~~.~;·~jC~'~~=_~~~----------_ Lot 17, DIoe!, E of Belio Vis~'o Date: Date Oerobe .. ::.~, 1971 ADDRESS ADDREss39D5 CcmaU S~. Cc:rlsbcd, CA Legal Location Sd:x!/yjsiQo. Ccrbbcd . Test Location Sea At~'cchecl Dr:nving i'h. 1 Lot __ ..L17JL~ ____ _ Block E, fl..,lIa "~s~a Subdivision (NUMBER, STREET AND TOWN) THIS REPORT WILL NOT BE REVIEWED UNTIL THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS ATTACHED: 1. Lot Location (locate by street) 4. Lot Grode 7. Test Holes 2. Existing ondProposed Structures 5. Wells 8. Sub-Surface Disposal System 3. Surfaced Areas 6. Utility Water lines 9. Cuts and Fill SUB-SURFACE DRAINAGE PERCOLATION DEPTH CA,U df:W1 SAFETY TEST TEST OF HOLE IME j: H2O FACTOR TIME/INCH AVE. TIMEON. Lost two readings A 3611 ':).") . 1 5.5 min. vvmm. shall not vary n ~,:;II ~f) ...... :'" '~ 1 6.5;;;7;:}. 'l 5 -0/-t more than 10% C 361l , .' l 1-8 min .. oJ. ml~ men omm. i) 36 11 I) min min, - LEACHING SEEPAGE PITS COARSE SAND FINE SANDY LOAM CLAY WITH CONSIDERABLE EFFECTIVE DEPTH OR GRAVEL SA-NO OR SANDY CLAY SAND OR GRAVEL ABSORP. AREA " TYPE OF SOIL: Give specific information (Cloy-adobe-decomposed granite, etc.) (See Clr~ac~:ed report fer detail Surface: Siliyfina 501d, porous description Of soils) f b I f .f!J., 1'"oIt. t 1 t. e ow sur ace:_->!-~I ... l"'',;;:';'''-')'-L'I ... n""e..>St;lC'"",n...,td~ _________________ ~ ____ .......... _____ ...,....... 2 ft. below surfoce:'--5-sil-l!"":;>":~'-ir-iTi';:::-:f!e""JS;,:e.;;:n,.u;j-l _, ____________________ .,....\ _,_~ _________ _ 3 ft. be low surface: _-"su.i .... 1 ;~y'-Lfi ..... ".u.e .. -"'s,..c .... n~cl'-----_-_--------'-----------________ _ ,r-" 8 to 10 h. below surface:.>J.S~jJut:_r'_/-lu<:F....,nt:=e'-'51oCC1""1..!.ld"'-____________________________ ,.".;.... __ ~ Depth of water table f\Jo ;:rovncl \/cier \'ICS encoljn~'Crocl in t~l€l upper ~~' of 'PH~ E. Proposed structure: No. i , Type wood -5~UCCO --------- No. of bedrooms: 3-4 , and/or maximum capacity: --~~~---~-- RECOMMENDATIONS: 2(;0 (8 DodroG'i".1) Drainage tile 290 (.!:. be0~Ortl) ft. Trench width 1r-in. Trench depth 3.':; in. Sep.page pit width ft. Seepage pit depth ft. SAN 73 (flo)v, 7·74) This percolqtion test will be VOlDonless the building is located as shown and the ti Ie I ines or seepage pit qrer 10,. cated as shown on the attached plans. Any proposed change sholl be approved by the Department of Publ ic Health before construction storts. S~N. shv ,--~~?~ R?cISTERED ENGINEER "" '" . COUNTY ~AN DI~GO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEA. 0 ~ SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATION REPORT Remark EPARTMENT USE ONL Y APPROVFD Lof S-SOIL CONDITIONS OF TRENCH OR SEEPAGE PIT Sanitari s: --~tt--. ~NIIt-.',!:."'\~C"'O~!-mft--- !f~~6-7e -'" PERCOLATION TEST --- OWNER'S NAME f-:-r':"d k R~' fH) CONTRACTOR LJ ~., k<-lL'L\..v\ Be ((:Ji..';S fJ Legal Location < .. L I,. /VL"le '2. 1,1:,-2. ) Date ADDRESS ADDRESS Date: /\;\.1 y 2..') I /97.<1' , 'Ie 1/ (J ;111,1(, A I if ILl IJ/~ 'c/ .st't 1<;, "..( ,{ t, .. ~d, (,,1 I,' r NelL' [>('1 -I is I t· Lot Pt I tic.: 11 / 7 Bloc k E T est Location (<.'1'.1 I:' I A);:,> HI>' ~ f . . 1 tJJ e.:· I; (::-Dift'C'-.. C ,,1 I' {<; /, 2J j (NUMBER, STREET AND TOWN) THIS REPORT WILL NOT BE REVIEWED UNTIL THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS ATTAC HED: 1-Lot Location (locate by street) 4. Lot Grade 2. Exi sting and Proposed Structures 5. Wells 3. Surfaced Areas 6. Uti I ity Water Line s SUB-SURFACE DRAINAGE 7. 8. 9. Test Sub-S Cuts Holes urfocepisposal System and Fill PERCOLATION DEPTH SAFETY TEST TEST OF HOLE TIME FOR H2O FACTOR TIME/IN CH AVE. TIME/IN. Last two readings "' shall not vary mQre than 10% LEACHING SEEPAGE PITS COARSE 'SAND FINE SANDY LOAM CLAY WITH CONSIDERABLE DEPTH OR GRAVEL \~AND OR SANDY CLAY SAND OR GRAVEL EFFECTIVE A"8S0RP. AREA '2.(, >\ TYPE OF SOIL: Give specific i,:,formation (claradobe-decomposed granite, etc.) Surface: /\1 ~ LI i V'~' .\ c·l)( i b I' (; I.V" I D ~-u ~1 I I c' \' S. C, " ;1 (, fI 1 ft. below surface: , I' I' . " /' ;, , " 2 ft. below surface: ( , j I II , , I' 3 ft. be low surface: 8 to 10 ft. below surface: (I I, " II it I Depth of water table LtC P'101 Proposed structure: No. / , Type l -, . / ) I , ) '1 ... /-) 111 f/Y !2f::>5/ -No. of bedrooms: J I and/or maximum capacity: -----------------------------~~~--~~~~~+-~ S C(,(} RECOMMENDATIONS: Drainage tile Trench width Trench depth Seepage pit width Seepage pit depth -SAN 73 (Rllv. 7·74) ------ft . ____ -"--_ in. in. .i-/ ___ -'-'-__ ft. ') ,.... __ ~_:J ____ ft. ,- ~ ;, , )('f)I'14. ~ This percolation test will be VOID unlets-lhe 't44.t}Jl~' iUI/:"/7 ~ located as shown and the ti Ie I ines or fr~.~~ag)j~it p. /:fJo19;, .::. cated as shown on the attached plans. ~,-1'!Jt pro~, -lhan(fi !~ shall be approved by the Department off,l:J.,lic Healt ~~e f. construction starts. \~...-,,,~ ... , 0. /r ? "'--'-' 'X 1[; -- REGISTERED ENGINEER (REG. NO.> COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH .IC TANK INSTALLATION REPOR-e. SOl L CONDITIONS OF TRENCH OR SEEPAGE PIT PERCOLATION TEST DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Issue permit 0 Yes )!! No Final pa~cel p requirell: !liYes 0 No S .. -l4k~ L' '-\ .. ' M,;fl anltan . -..•••.•.. ;9"' .. _.. ~ 1Q~.~J.fAr.1 Date: ..... :7'.:;;.;,.:.1.0 .................................. . Date :) U ~1e·. .30" 1978 OWNER'S NAME_---!...i-_-..:....y_a_/lJ~J<_R-=~ "_e__.t_1_i'1!--____ _ ADDRESS'fo¥O )'./Jdc.-Artbvt Bird, ;5u'de '.3 7 ~ CONTRACTOR t-1D""e. ADDRESS Newport Bed.cJJ ,Cd./t'f . ~ Legal LocationBel/~V/$'fa S,-,b.) Alldf 2./5'2 Lot R .. 'rtiO~J 19 Block __ ~ ____ ~ ______ _ TestLocation Carl/leV AJ;hP1S s-t ,:;)i2J Pi)rk Dr .. Ca vlsb'JJ (NUMBER, STREET AND TOWN) r ~ THIS REPORT WILL NOT BE REVIEWED UNTIL THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS ATTACHED: 1. Lot Location (locate by street) 4. lot Grade 7. Test Holes 10. All calculations 2. Existing and Proposed Structures 5. Wells 8. Sub·Surface Disposal System on 8% X 11" 3. Surfaced Areas 6. Utility Water Lines 9. Cuts and Fill Sheet PERCOLATION TEST Last two readings shall not vary more than 10% TEST DEPTH -OF HOLE SUB·SURFACE DRAINAGE SAFETY FACTOR TIME/INCH AVE. TIME/IN. LEACH ING SEEPAGE PITS -Provide soils log and calculations on 8% X 11" sheet DEPTH FINE SAND SANDY LOAM OR SANDY CLAY CLAY WITH CONSIDERABLE SAND OR GRAVEL EFFECTIVE ABSORP. AREA TYPE OF SOl L: Give specific information (clay·adobe·decomposed granite, etc.) Surface: ____ b:::c,' -'v_o_w...:.n __ ~;:;..< .. -",}.'-".-:.'1-'J"-cXf---'/L..-:()=.-"'cJ:c.::f,'+·~-'-----=I'-'· O=-O~-<'..:;;<'_l:.::.· ___________________ _ LI II It 1 ft. below surface: _____ ---~---~------------_______ _ it II /' 2 ft. below surface ______________ ---~-------________ _ • f /1 3 ft.below surface: _______ --:-____________ -'--____ -----_--- 8 to 10ft. below surface __ -J.D-,d"",,: .!-'i'I'---=.S....:/...! .. ~.!.../ ~;..:::::a_--'S"'-·_=J....:.".!-J..:;;:d'__ _____________ --------- Source of water_-=C:..!i.-::f~Y7-· _.:::.D...!.,f_...:.(_d..:.V...;;./.::.s...:;.b....;d::...d ____ Depth of water table 10 fl ~ pI U.s- Proposed structure: No. i Type_-'-S....:.I~Y7"-,;· 3r'_e._....;·1;.....;·a=-.· ,,-VVl-,-I....;'· ~-f-y __ fJ_t".=..~-'-/..:..d._e_h_c. ...... ·e_:;> _____ _ No. of bedrooms: __ ---i4L· ____ , and/or maximum capacity:_'--'-______________ _ RECOMMENDATIONS: Size tank 1200 Drainage tile :1.CJ.0 . Trench width /~ 5' Trench depth 3 Seepage pit width Seepage pit depth SAN 73 (Rev. 11·77) gal. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. I have reviewed this percolation data and design Of the subsurface sewage disposal system for this parcel and find the data and design to be accurate and in compliance with the State and local regulations ~ and good engineering practices REGISTERED ENGINEER i -J 2. 7 '3.3 /\11<:>:1 Dr-: 6 S I de. I 7.5; 7 ··3 U l Address ~ Phone /0 1t..3 , . (REG. NO.) tju~Je .:y); 19' Date 'l ... ' .' f, , !"? ,. ! , ., .} '. • j f(ey IA'rap • t C') h, S I fe: St::;!...v OfJ1: d;~~£i Qfl~O ~()~', \ .. , ., .. . ' '. I., t::rf :W·· • .; t : f .. ,: f;1.. ~", l ". . ~ .. r l ," ,.I : ~ 0" ~ .' • f ~ • I . 1 • ,,' ' . ,. ........ ', " fl • j " \ i,' , ,1' ~ . .... " 'fl' • J ' ! i ~f. t