HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 93-08; CARILLO RANCH VILLAGE "O"; Planning Commission, 1; " f':' " .', " 1· " ;, " , , . RICKENGINEElUNG CoMPANY jn 12004-g 1 ., •. <,l ",' < [LEGEND'>·,,, : I 'JA' I :6pensp~c~'~a~~me~ts . ;' ", " ' A = Open Space Lots with Open Space Easement t~ the City . , , !I! = Indlvldua/Lots wI Easement to the City' , !,~.~ : .. ;A = Open Space Lots wi Maintenance and Access Esmt to the City , .. ".; ::," . ,:,' <'" ;''A4,= Dedlcated,to the CIty; Maintained by the City , I Ii' 1'4~~;';A---""_~ "', ',," B=OpenSpaceLot.:', '" ,'.' " ...2 , . " ,,= Individual Cots with Ease.ment to H,OA ; .... '" " "'" ,';. fl3 = Public ROW Edge; MaIntained by HOA , rit! 1~"".J;~;,.,,,,,",,,,,",;,,..,.,;,.· ,t',' " " C'= Open Space Lot MaI_nedby the Village HO.A , , . d'= Individually OWned Lots MaIntained by the ,Village H.OA . :-,. .\.~' . lei" j .15divldUallY bwned and Maintained Property " . , \ . I • • ( Notes: :'.~ ~/~; .' , . " "'" ' i. Melrose AvenUe, median islaands, shall be maintained by the Gity " olGarlsbfad.' '" '",' '. • ." " " .: ' '-. 1\. ' . 2. The areas marked G1 will b8 owned by the Homeowners' , , Association. Areas marked c;2 will be owned by individual property ,<" ""', .',.,' owners, but'maintained by the Homeowners AssoCiation. ' . ~ . RaochQ CcmIo the 1X11A ~ ~." otIAtIlEG.CHP --- . ;. , . '(, ~ '" '" c " " . " '" \ \ . o· 100' 200' 400' 600' REV, Ocl11.1993 March 23. 1993 rev. June 7. 1993 iev Marcii 7,1994 revApri/15,1994 I , \ \ , i i ! \ " , I • j \ I I \ \ ! I ( , I , i i i , , i I < I I ! I I l I INS E T " ' r ! . !'"- -',' ' R , , , , A N C H RRIL CONTINENTAL HOMES , , o , " , , , i , ' ,[ \ r! " " , , ' '/ , " "- I; , ' 'f " ii ; , " , , if i/ " . , , ' f , , , ' r , , ; f , J i . , , ,f , ' , , II, , --, " 'i 'f • , , , I.,' " , '~. ., ~ :,;, ::." ," " J' '" " \ ' " , , \ , CITY OF CARLSBAD Planning Commission • I te4tI?c..bp.. (J4.r.r.i)Jf!:·:YI.~~. C.,.,NO.er,S .. (),jPvp 1JMt'J'l .. . . .. . . . .. ~ ................................ . EuibilNo. H Date 9-7" 9 " { " ! , , I I , , ! I , , ~ ! i , I , , I I , , i ! , , I , -~r~~~"'",:",,"'" .. ~!....,~ ,!c-..,,'~ """",.,.-1 JUl 2 11994 CiTY OF CARLSBAD PI..,AI\II\IING DEPT • VILLAGE 0 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY Prepared under the supervision of Robert E. Wilkinson, R.L.A. #1999 jn 12004-g _J ( ~ ,1.0 /~ 50' Setback ..----.----~--------r--__ ---.-ll.jJ.' --,------ 51 50 I I I I 49 I I I ! , 48 c c! ;q I I I , I I STREET I I III1Ill I I I 46 0-8 I I 45 I I I , , I MELROSE AVENUE -Recreation Area ---- /r-_ I I 44 ,\ 43 ~ 0 f.,... ttl ~ CI) STREET O-c 42 41 15 16 -r---Typical Setback 39 19 18 17 28 STREET Q-C o APPROVED PLAN loTS 1 ... 4L-~~c..L (No, teIl«lol'<'1>LE) 1-14-'17 ~ 20 40 80 VILLAGE 0 DESIGN GUIDELINES INTRODUCTION Introduction Village 0 consists of 49 Residential and 3 Open Space Lot in the soull/em pOI lion of the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan. The lots range in size from 5,690 to 13,500 square feet, with an average lot size of 7,859 square feet. Village 0 is being doslgned as a two·story neighborhood to be marketed to first·time home buyers and firs(.time move·up buyers. A one· story unit may be provided. Plotting All units shall be plotted within the prescribed building envelope framed by setbacks. Units may be plotted in phases or sequences as long as they are plotted in conformance with the requirements of Village 0 Design Guidelines. Setbacks Melrose: Front: Flear: Side: 120 All units shall maintain a 50' minimum setback from the Melrose r.o.w. 20' minimum to the livable portion or garages. All units shall have a minimum 15' deep, flat usable rear yard. 5' minimum. 10' minimum for comer lots from street r.o.w. and large slopes (per Grading Ordinance). Building separation should range from 10' to 20'. I~I! L 1,.'.( ,1'\1 I 1:1'.1. ( I '\11'\ '. '> In 12Q04G . C1 0,7., 46/ PtJD q3-67 Cvret-Iflv V,lIo ff-' "(/' R Note Smallest Building Envelope ---+ (2,346 sf) 1 The side edge 01 the building envelopes Oil this exhibit are shown at a minimum dimension of 5' from the toe of any slope within the side yard setback. On lots 15· 38, these envelope edges may adjust out prior to building permits if a retaining wall of up to a 3' height (as allowed by the Master Plan) is added to the slope. The 10% lot width standard for side yard setbacks shall always be maintained (5' min.) 2. Lots 7 and 42 shall be restricted as unbuildable (no housing). A N c H o L LAG E , ) 2 1 20 22 23 24 29 OPEN SPACE LOT 31 ----- 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 OPEN SPACE LOT LEGEND 1""6 I Maximum Buildable Area (Envelope) i I .-.•...• ".---._ ... Sensitive Lots in Special Park Design District PRINTED BY WESTSIDE BLUEPRINT DEC 4 1996 VILLAGE 0: 5,000 s.t LOTS HITE TURAl DATA Rev. May 31,1994 REV, Nov. 16,1993 rev. July 21, 1993 rev. April 9, 1993 In 12004G rev. Dec. 1, 1996 ITI,:,/ 12 l~)~H rev. October 27,1993 rev. July 13, 1993 ~,.cc·~~· , . i , i , t ' " , , :' " :. , ~ :t it o : '< : f" : :\' : \i"" ! ,~ : .. , . if> It [ \ I \ i I f' I , I· 1 ' , l r : I. " " , { " 7-~'",-;: .~,; ., ."'" . " , • , ~ 1 ,<" ~ " -~ --:-. ,. .' Min.3/corntJf' ",,' 8"· 1Z'trunk heighl:J , /' ~ an four COf1'/t1f$ ." 36" box or equal , l , , ' ' .. S I -, '" ,.' · pee men: 'tv'" · ~hOenlx canarlensls •• ~ ••.. : .••.• ~ ............ ~ ••••••••• : .... Cenary Island Palm AHematea: ' .• ' • . Schlnus molle .... ;:;:.:., .... :: ........... : ....................... California Pepper · ' Platanus I'Bcemosa (mu/U.trunk) ...... , .•..••.•••••• ,.Califomia Sycamore Small Accent Tree:: ' ' " ... /k4'b<>J<J.- Nerlum oleander (siit.) •••• :: .................. ~ .............. Tree Oleander . , Altemates: . . > . , . Erlobotrya cleflexa : .• :; .......... :.: ..................... _ .... Bronze LDquat < '.".: Cailistemon vlmlnalls .... :.: ................ : .... ~ ........... Weeping Botilebrush " , Ornamental Shrubs:' • ., S ~/. min. " ". Agave attenuata · •.• ~ •••• ; •• < ................................... ~ •• Agave Aloe arborescens ...... ~ ........................................ Tree Aloe , . " , ., Strelllzia reglnae ... ; ......... : .•• : ...................... , ........ Bird of Paradise · ' . " , . , \ • I , t ,< I . , " I' • " . i-t. , , . '. l: 1 L .. 1 .' , , ,. ,. ! . i';' , l" ~.' '""'> BougalnvlJlea sp .............................................. : .• Bougainvillea . Hibiscus species .! •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ............. Hibiscus Phonnlum tenax ................................................. New Zealand Flax , Hand-Planted Groundcover: 12' 0." Flats '1 Pelsrgonlum peltatum ................................. ; ....... Ivy Geranium , Trschelospermum jasmlno/des .............. ~ •••••••• Star Jasmine ~ Annual Color > Turf (sodded) ZONE 1 ~~~~~ Village Entries ' ,{ ',. .. Announcements ofvillage Identity within the oVffrafl community. Permanent monooltmt 5ignagtl, idtlll#fying thft neighborhood. Accent plantings to Include specimen trees, ClmsmtmlaJ shrubs and flowering groundcovet'. Thfl Sptteisl Park Design District and " , riparian ~gtttation wiHhavo fnflueoco on th8 entries in this community. Sight distance " rBquirements per City's LandS;cape Manual. , • Specimen Trees: >':;. ..•. . 1 ... ·007 ~O ___ ~ Design District: . ,::;. . '., .. , : Jacaranda mlmoslfolla ........................... m ..... ' .. .Jacaranda RIparIan: ,»1''''':'~"' Muhi~trunk '24-boxmin. , , Platanus rBcemosa ~:~ ..... ~.~ •••••••••••••••••• ! ............. caJifomia Sycamore ·Altemate: -,; :' < ~, • : : Platanus Beer/folia .;; •••••. : ................... " •••••.•• ~ ........ ,Loooon Plane Tree , : '. " Ornamental Shrubs::' S(JBL min. , . Aloe srboreseens ... ~ ................................ :. •••• ~.: .. Tree Aloe ". Bougainvillea species ~.:' ••••••••••••••••• : •• : ..... : •••• ; ... .' ••• Bougainvillea " Phonn/um tenax ......................... _ ......... : ..... " ••••. New Zealand Rax , : Strelltzls regina •••••• : ............................... _ ••.•••••• Bird of Paradise , -. .~ , , Hand-Planted Groundeover:I2' O.c. , Flab · , Traehelospermum Jasm/noldes ••••••••••••. : •••••••••• Star Jasmine ':" -" ~ PelsTgonlum peltstum ; ............................. :.; ........ IW Geranium Annual Color ..' . 15 gaL min .• n8S.r t.O. w, ,. 1 gaL min. -in adjacent slopes ". '5(}% of total, ~, _ __~_" Pinus torreya~ ~~.: ...... : .... _ .... :_ ............... ~ ......... Torrey Pine (S gal. ,min.) 25'}6 each Of fotaf > • j t-~ ., , · , ! .. Eucalyptus flclfol/a .:.:.,: ••••••• " ..... : .............. ,.: ..... Recf.Rowering Gum I.:':'; J, " Jacaranda mlmo~/ftJlla •••••.•• ~ •••• ~ •• ~.: ..................... JscarandaJ5 gal. '!!.~ ~_ ... _ , Median Tree: . /,j' .,., 1.2/pIant&r , ,'.' 24-box , Eucalyptus fie/foIls ........... : ................................ Red-Rowering Gum . , , ,Shrubs: .. " '" 2/1,000", UJO'16 1 gal, ',}, , -",,:'~' Large: ,_,,-'-,., • Plumbago aurlculata :.!.:. .................................... Cape Plumbago , ~ . .' '~'" Cesnothu$ -:n.",,1!1IIM .. ; .............................. ~ •••••••••• Wild lilac ,r ' ,:' " " Heterome/es srbut/fol/s, ......... ' ............................. Tayon . '~ , • ~ 1, 'Rhus Integrifolls ;~._ .... _ ............................... _ ........ Lernonade Berry ',';' Medlu~compact:~-;": '3D%msWUiCOVa,"; '., Rhus 'aurina ••••• : ........................................... ; ••••••• Laurel Sumac Arctostaphylos densJflortl '"Howard JIdIInn" .~~: •• _. Manzanita ~ ! -7 - • c ,lowlProstrate: -;; '" .' 60% mature cover . ., Flats/2-liners ,~.~ ~. ~ • > •• . ' . , , -Acacia redolens .. ;~.;.': ............... ~ .............. :.H ••••.••• Acacia , ." ,. Ceanothus grlseus '""""",,.,,., .......................... Yenkee Point Ceanothus . ';. 'Dlst/ef/s bucclnato/a' ..... : .................................... Blood Red Trumpet Vine ; . , Bougainvillea spectabllls ....................... ~ .......... Bougainvillea Lantana montevIdensls •••••• _ •• _ ••••••••••••••••••••• _ •• Lantana , Median Shrubs:" . 1000~!planter " ' . Umonlum perezlI ................................................. Statice . Rhaphlolepls Indica -f!o'I-' .. , .............. ~ .... ; ..... India Hawthorn J.;" • .. ' " Sgsl. , . , . Strelllzia reglnnae .; .... "" ..................................... Bird of Paradise Aloe striata ••••.••.•• :. ............... _ •• _ ••• _ ........ ; •••• : ...... Aloe .Pe/argonlum peltatum • ..ie..; ••• ; ........................ Ivy Gerenium .1 " . " -'" '. :.' Seeded Groundtover: " 100'!6 coVorsge hydros_d 411b/sc Lotus scoparius (6Ib/se) ..... : ............ : ................... Deerweed . Mlmulus pun/ceus (3Ib/sc) .............. : ................... Mission Red Monkeyflower " Eschscholzla ea/llom/ca (2/b1ac) ........................ California Poppy , " . • • < ' Phacella campanu/arla (3 Me} .......................... , California Bluebells ! .: ,f '. . Erlogonum umbellatum (Blb/se) ............ _ ........... Sulphur Buckwheat Luplnus blcolor (slb/sc) ............................. _: .. : ••• Pygmy·Leaf Lupine · Nemophlla menz/esll (4//J1ac) ..................... ; ........ Baby Blue Eyes \ ~ Er/ophyllum confertlflorum (4 'b/ac) .. oao ..... ;~ ....... Golden Yarrow ' .. Oenothera-chelranthlfolla (31b/ae) ...................... Beach Evening Pn'mrose Iva hayesIana (tlb/ae) ............................ : ••••••• i ••••• Hayes Ivy , Lepldlum nit/dum (4lb/acj ••••••••• _ ••••••••••••••••• .' ...... Pepper. Grass , ' ',,: i-land-Planted Groundeover:a. nolSd onp~n . flats . . ---~""""'T'-----~----.---.~--.~-"~-~ .~.-~-----.~.-<..~-~---.~. ~-~~--.~-..,. ~ ,~ ~ _:$Arctotheca calendula (fO") ............................. ;_ •• ':". Gape Weed (18 Oc) ;; .' Bacchar/s pllularls '7wJnPe.b12-(2D%} •••• _ .............. cav~Brush (24·oc) , ! .' ,. , SantoHns v/rens (10%) .................................. : ............ Gceen catton (lB'OC) I .... hayeslana (2tJ"J .......... __ ._ .. _ .. _ ...... _.~~ .... ~~:._ • ./;lalfes 111)< (24'oc) , '" Lantana montevldens/$ (20%) ••••••• _ .......... _~ •••• ~ ....... l.actana (1S·oo) '. , : • Fragrarla csllfom/ca (2tJ") ............... _ .. _ .. " ..... ,.~., .. ".Wild Strawf!erryJ1B:E<L r: . ' " ParkWay Plantings: .. ;. 2011.000"". '.' S(JBL . ( ~.~ ~ ~~.-: .o,..~-.-.-"'~ '", _.::r~~"~a"".9~e: _~==_~.:~~ .t~ . ",~d~ce~r(lo;, sich!~aJ!f ~~ . >. ¥.' .' ',' . 'Aloe striata ............... ; ................ ! ......... ~ ...... ; ........ Aloe t· ., -, " , LlmonIum perezll ......... ! .............................. ~ ... ~* ... Statics , . Strelllzilf reglnae ......... : ...................... , ........ : ...... Bird of Paradise ~ , Agave attenuata ' •.•••••.• : ................ ~ ••••.••••••••••••••••• N.C.N. , I It'" I G . 1 e • ' ~ Pelargon um pe fa um ........................... :".; .......... V)f eranJum y--,'~ Area Two: _ , ,tofirstbenchonuphifts [ Agave americana •• 1. •• : ••• ~~ ............................. -:. ........ Century Plant ! Llmonlum perez/I: ... ,: .............................. ; ••••••••• : •• Slatice r Y~cca schlders ........ _., ........ , ............ :: ................ Spanish Dagger b .... """--.. "'.--::....:.._~,:.; .. _~;.;.,. b.'_.":" _.~_..;, ____ " <b •• ~ ___ "~, •• __ "'~ __ ...:,'_~,.O '-.~~ ..... ~~_<:." .~~;. _. , i , , jn I January .14,1994, rev,;raiiihc B,I994' -~ -~"~' , I · , , ' ; , I " I, Streetscape -Adjacent to Rlpwtan Mttlgallon Area Zone 3 o An infrJrmaJ planting scheme which rttfl&cts th" plant psJette of thB adjac8nt riparilln mitigaOon atfJ8. . • Trees: 3(}.00D S.t. 15 gal. min. Theme: 75% oflDlai Alnus momblfolJa ............................................... White Alder Support Tree: 25% 01 total Quercus agrlfolls ........................... _ ................... Coast Uve Oak , Shrubs: Large: 2/1000 s.f. 1 gaL min. Arbutus unedo .................................................... StrawberlY Tree Heteromeles arbuUfolla .................................... Toyon Cesnothus grlseus "s.nr.~" ............................ Santa Ana Cea~othus Medium/Compact: 3096 mature cover 2.75· HMrs min. sin Rhus /Surfna ......................................................... Laurel Sumac Rhus/ntegrlfolla ................................................. Lemonade Berry Arctostaphylos denslflora -_Mellinn' ......... Manzenita Low/Prostrate: 60% matunt coV«' FJsts/2" Hners Baccharls pllularls ......... : ................................... Coyote Brush . Acacia redolens ••••••••••••••••••.••••.••.•.•••••.•.••.•••••••••• Ongerup Acacia Ceanothus grlseus horizontalls ........................ Yankee Point Ceanothus • Seeded Groundcover: 100% coverage hydtoslHlded41lb/ac Lotus scoparius (6//J1ac) ...................................... Deerweed Mfmulus pun/ceus (3//J1ac) ._ ............................... Mission Red Monkeyflower . Eschscholzla callfom/ca (2Ib/ac) ........................ California Poppy Phacella campanularla (3Ib/Be) ........................... California Bluebells Erlogonum umbellatum (Blb/ac) ......................... Sulphur Buckwheat Luplnus b/color (S//JIac) ............................. : ........ Pygmy· Leaf Lupine Nemophlla menzlesll (4Ib/ac) .............................. Baby Blue Eyes Erlophyllum confertlf/orum (4Ib/ac) ................... Golden YalTow Oenothel'B chelranth/folla (3Ib/se) ...................... Beach Evening Primrose Iva hayes/ana (I //JIae) .......................................... Hayes Ivy Lepldlum nltidum (41b!ae) ................. ¥ ................ Pepper Grass __ "_~ .. ~!lnd-Planted Groundcovers: as noted on plan flats -=--~-.... A~folheca ~'i;nd~-'~-f,Q"J -: ... -~ ..... ~:= ... ::.~ .. _ .. _ .. Gape.,Weed (18'~~) --,--- Baccharls pJluJaris '7w;nPeaksl2"(2O%) ................... .ccvaJe..,Bmsh (24"ac) Santo/Ina vlrens (10%) ................... __ ...................... Gcee.c.cQtton (fS"oc) Iva hayeslans (2O%) ............................ _ .................... .HavesJ/W (24'oc) Lantana montevldensls (20") ........... _ ......... __ ••••• .Laatana(IS·Oc) FragrarJa calffornlca (20") ....................................... Wild Slra.wberry (18"00) ,tl-":lI' Residential Streetscape ZONE 2 .. Each rttSidentiaJ viIIage/strtJ6l shaM have its own theme, helped to be established by the slr_t tree. • Tree: 11letOf' 15gal.min. 1/40Li. Jacaranda mlmoslfolla .............. : •.••.• _ ................ Jacaranda Trl.tanls conferta ................................................. Bn"sbane Box AgonIII ffexuosa .................................................... Peppermint Tree Eucalyptus flelfolla ............................................ Red-Flowering Gum Magnolia grandlflora ._ ..•........•......•• _ ... _ ............ Southern Magnolia Street Trees -Wtlhln Spectal Park Desegn Dtstrlct ZONE 2 .. T,.. palette to be tak8ll from existing trtItJS in Rancho Compound. • Trees:. 1A-ot or 15 gaL min. 1/40Lt COCOS plumose ........ _ ........ _.; •• _ ........................ Queen Palm Quercus agrlfolls ................................................ Coast Uve Oak Quercus Ilex .... _ ............. _ ............................... _ •. Holly Oak Platanus seer/lolla •.•••••••.••••••••••.•••••••.••••.••.•••••••• London Plane Tree Eucalyptus torquata ... : .. _ ................................... Coral Gum ~"""I'· Slope 'Plantlng -Intennedtate Slopes ZONE 3 .. Naturalizing, droughl-tDlerant plant material. The Csfifomla Peppitr acts as the slope theme tree and will be used to frame views. Low-growing shrubs at top of slope with drifts toward the bottom. Large and medium-sized shrubs at bottom and mld-slope to add reliot , Trees: 3/1DDOs.f. 1 gal. min. Theme: Mid-slope 8096 of total Schlnus molle ....................................................... Califamia Pepper , Shrubs: Large: 2/looos.1. 1 gal, min. Arbutus unedo .................................................... Strawberry Tree Heterome/es arbutlfolla ••• b .......................... :. ... T oyon Ceanothus grlseu. -s.nt.AIur'" ............................ Santa Ana Ceanothus Medium/Compact: 30% mab.lre cwer 2.75·linttrs min.-siZe Rhus laurlna ............................ ~:. ........................ Laurel Sumac Rhus Integrifolla ................................................. Lemonade Berry Arctostaphylos denslflora "How.rrIllcWnn" ••••••••• Msnzanita Low/prostrate: 60% msture cover FlatNZ·liners 8accharls pllularls ............................................. Coyote Brush Acacls redolens .................................................. Ongerup Acacia Ceanothus grlseus horlzonta/ls ............. _.b ...... Yenkee Point Ceanothus • Seeded Groundcover: 100% coverage hydroseeded 411b/ac Lotu .. scoparlu. (61b/ac) ................................... : ••• Deerweed IIlmulus punleeus (3Ib/ae) ......... _ ....................... Mission Red Monkeyflower Eschscholzla callfomlca (2Ib/sc) ........................ California Poppy Phacella campanularla (3lb/ae) ............................ California Bluebells Erlogonum umbellatum (61b/se) .......................... Sulphur Buckwheat Lupln"s b/color (SMe) ...................................... Pygmy·Leaf Lupine Nemophlla menzlesll (4 Me} .............................. Baby Blue Eyes Er/.ophyllum conferlIfiorum (4Ib!sc) ......... _ ........ Golden Yarrow . Oenothera cheiranthffolla (3lb/ae) ...................... Beach Evening Primrose Iva hayeslana (f/blae) ..................... 40 ................... Hayes Ivy Lepldlum nltldum (4//J1ae) ................................... Pepper Grass __ -...!.J::I.and,PIa.l)led.Q'Q.UO.\lC9)1.I1[;,. .. aoI~lan flats ___ .. __ . Arr:tolheca calendula ("") .............. _ .. _._ .. _ .. _ ...... C3pe Weed (.B·ac) Bacchar/s pllufarls '7wlnPellksn-pO'K.) ............ _ ••• I.CDyDls.Brush (24'oc) Santolina virens (10%) ....................... _ •• _ •• _ •••••• _ •• _ • .Gceea Catton (lS'DC) Iva hayes lana {20%) ................................................... .tIayes Ivy (24'oe) LBntana montevldensls (20"1 ....................... _ ........ .Lantana (1S'oc) r" --~ "-i" : --. Fragrarla csUfomlca (20") .... __ • __ ..................... VJlilcJ Strawberry (JS-ocl 'Refined Slope Planting ZONE 2 o Prlmsrlly side slopes b6lWe8n pad$. Shrubs and groundcovsr on sIopilS ovsr 4' in height for $/ope :stabilization, with the addi1ion of trees on slopes over 8' in height , • Trees: 311,000 sf min. 5 gal. min. Me/alues qulnquenervla ....... _ .................. _ ............. ~Cajepul Tree Prunus IIlcffolla ••.•• -.............. -................................ !,.HE'lyIe~-' Cherry Trl$tanla conferta ._ .......... _ •• _ ................................. Brisbane Box • Shrubs: Large: 2/1;000 sf 1 gal. min. Xylosma congestum ................................................ XyfostrJa Nerlum oleander ....................................................... Oleander Escallonia fradesll _ ...... _ .............................. _ ......... Pink Escaflonia Medium/Compact:· 40% mature cover 1 gal. min. Pittosporum robira .. varietg.t ......... _ ......................... Variegated Pittosporum Rhaphlolepis Indica ................................................ Indian Hawthorn Carissa grandiflora ..• _ ........ _ ............................. _ .•.•• Natal Plum Low/Prostrate: 30% mature cover 1 gal. min. Bougainvillea species •• _ •• _ ..................................... Bougainvillea Lantana montt1vidensis ••• _ .............. _ .............. _ ••..• Lantana . Cotoneaster horizontalls ........................................ Rock Cotoneaster • Hand-Planted Groundcover:J2·o.c. Flats Gazanla species ...................................................... Gazania Vinca minor .............................. ;;,_ .......... _ ................ Periwinkle 30Q Tot Lot Zone 1 p-.. This area ICI ;"duds a sand play area andturfarea. fot open play. Areas that tlcn't need to be turf (without affecting the recreational use) shall be dBSlgneci to ctJnSIJIW water. AdditiCltlaJ Torrey Pinos to be planted on adjacent slope for a screen background. I , Seeded Turf 100% coversg6 LEGEND J~"'''''''''1r Community Theme Wall . -1c.'____ (See Landscape Concept Details) j ,,-r Village Theme Wall ..' (See Landscape Concept Details) ,.----,-,. .. . ........ ~. ....... .' -Village Fence (See La_ndscape Concept Details) STREET TREES Park , T~e palette to be taken from existing trees In Rancho STREETS CAPE to Riparian , An Infonnal planting scheme, " . . SLOPE PLANTING -INTERMEDIATE • Naturalizing, drought-tolerant slope plantings. The Callfom/a will be the theme tl'Be for these slopes, utilizing groves drifting ",,'Dnd down the slopa with dominance at mld·slope. This will break ~~~~ff~ horizontal line of the slope face, adding texture and Interest ~ trees, Integrated at the top and bottom of slopa, will soften the edge. When mature, this landscape will blend homes to the s:lt~r~(£~1 privacy, and frama views to the valley open space. TOT LOT , This area to Include a sand play area and turf area for Additional Torrey Pines to be planted on adjacent slope for a screen background. VILLAGE ENTRIES , community. monument, Accent plantings to flowerlng groundcover. The vegetation will have Influence on ) / Sight distance requirements per "'AT"!J.I'-' 'ca,:HI II" . ... .... 1'"' ............ Vii/age Wood Fence -' (See Landscape Concept Details) , . , . NOTES Areas to Receive Hand·Planted Groundcover (See IndMduai Palettes) 1. Recreation Area Tabulation: Required:' 51 units x 200 s,f./unit = 10,200 s.f. of private and common recreation Provided: 12,OOOs.f. common (fot/oO + . 51,OOOs.f. private (rear yards, approximately 20' x 50' ea.) = . 51,200 s.CTotal. ~"". _,' i ., 2. No landscape elements over 3~" in height shall be placed in tM sight distance triangle at street intersections. Cal Trans Sight Distance Standarps shall apply. 3. All trees, unless otherwise noted, shall not conflict with public Utilkfes and shall be located a minimum at \ 3' outside of the public right·of·way, 5' from paving, and 7' from sewer lines . , , 4. All final landscape plans shall adhere to the policies and requirements Iound within the City of Carlsbad Landscape Manual, except as modified and approved by the Fire Department. .---~---~~.-~---------.--.---~~ -~---.~ .. ----.-~--'~~-'-'-'"--~ • 5. All final landscape plans that treat mitigation areas and manufactured slopes or disturbed areas adjacent to natural habitats shall be reviewed by a qualified .. biologist with experience in preparing riparian and upland native vegetation " restoration plans. The final plan for these areas shall reffect the recommendapons of the reviewing biologist. ~, " 6. Hand'planted groundcovers shall be planted in the more manicured areas shown RIPARIAN • Plant palette 10 be \~ I , I • 40' buffer elf selective , spec/e'f, (measured native • See " \ \ \ , .~ ~---. Manuti~ Condition -, ,.~ "'I 1 '1 .' The fInal landscape plan for this area shaU be reviewed by s' qualffled "! biologist to Insure proper thinning and/or removal elf exls.ting volatile species, while stili retaining adequate erosion control;' .'. , :;. ..... ~"',,.,..Nki .~d "l.'-~.". ,.&? ,"'*~.~ ... ~_ ,;..jI.......-<'""'-....;~,_ ... ~~.~~... . •.• ~.~ .... __ .~..:._J-._ ........ '. '" ~" ---RESIDENTIAL STREETS CAPE , Each residential village/street shall have Its own theme, helped to be established by the street tree. "~'~7~'-~~~; . , on the above Landscape Concept Plan. #---REFINED SLOPE PLANTING o ALL POTENTIAL MITIGATION AREAS: 7. To re·create an indigenous look respecting the site's heritage I¥ld better respond to wildlife habitats, fewer slopes will be planted with ground covers from flatted plants. The majority of these areas will be seeded, since more native species are available in this form. See the above Landscape Concept Plan for hand·planted ground cover locations. , 8. Refer to 40' scale vignette for additional information. R A N C H o RRIL CONTINENTAL HOMES If this area becomes a mitigation area, the palette and planting plan shall be prepared by a qualified biologist. o ALL THINNING FOR FIRE SUPPRESSION: The final landscape plan for this area shall be reviewed by a qualified biologIst to ensure proper thinning and/or removal of existing volatile species. o Refer to Fire Suppression Plan for additional restrictions plant material. • Prlmarlly side slopes between PIIds. Shrubs and groundcover on slopes over 4' In height for slope stabilization, with the addition of trees on slopes over 8' In height. JUL 2 11994 • ""6' "' l) CITY OF CAR...., $1'. PLANNING DEPT, ~E=)"_' ':::.:::.';' ...:::..._F_. __ .-,-,==VJ~l!.J-1 LAGE 0 LANDSCAPE C.QNCEPT PLA~t Prepared under the supervision of Robert E. Wilkinson, R.L.A. #1999 January 21,1994 Job No. 12004g -, -----;-----------~~ ..... ----"""":"'-..... ---~:--~ j , - 1 ! I I ~-) ( I . MELROSE AVENUE 50' Setback ___ .---.--L-.-___ .~~~==~-.~--.. ----.----.-- 2 51 ~~~-------~---"-ff/ OPEN SPACE LOT . ., Recreation Area 1----'-:-TYJDic,aJ Side Yard Set'ba(~H -,,' , 2 50 8 8 STREET O-c 49 48 47 A A A c B il' YARD SETBACKS Feet ',':-A-" 20 Feet" .", ~~j} C:' , . 25 Feet To Back of Curb 20 25 Feet 30 Feet -, . • Rear Usable Yard --,-------- 1 1~ Feet 2 20 Feet • -3 20+ Feet I I I I <)' Nt I 2 I I 46 45' 44 1 2 2 2 2 .. ~I STREET Q-C VILLAGE 0 DESIGN GUIDELINES INTRODUCTION Introduction , Vii/age 0 consists of 51 Residential and 1 Open Space Lot in the southern portion of the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan. The lots range in size from 5,690 to 13,500 square feet, with an average lot size of 7,859 square feet. Village 0 is being designed as ii'rwo-storyneighborhood'to be marketed to first-time home buyers and fiist-time move-up buyers. A one-istory unit may be provided. ' - -'- Plotting . All units shall be plotted within the prescribed building envelope as shoWn on this exhibit. Units may be plotted in phases or sequences as long as they are plotted in conformance with the requirements of Village 0 Design Guidelines. Setbacks Melrose: Front: Rear: Side: All units shall maintain a 50' minimum setback from the Melrose r.o.w. 15' minimum to the livable portion or garages. Front yard. setbacks shall be varied from 15' to 25' jn depth unless it will adversely impact rear yards, slopes, building setbacks from the top of slopes, the overall design of the project, etc ... as determined by the Planning Director. . All units shall have a minimum 15' deep, flat usable rear yard. Usable rear yards within Village 0 will have an average depth of 20'. \ 5' minimum. , 10' minimum for corner lots from street r.o.w. and large slopes (per Grading Ordinance). " ,Building separation should range from 10' to 20: R 43 42 2 2 ~ 0 .... ttl fE CI) ~I Note 41 39 1 1 B c 17 15 16 2 Smallest Buildiryg Envelope '..,.., ----' (2,346 sf) , 19 18 28 I, The side edge of the building envelopes on this exhibit are shown at a minimum dimension of 5' from the toe of any slope within the side yard setback. ' A On lots 15 -38, these envelope edges may adjust out prior to building permits if a retaining wall of up to a 3' height (as allowed by the Master Plan) is added to the slope. The 10% lot width standard for side yard setbacks shall always be maintained (5' min.) N c H o V IL LAG E , ... 21 2 2 22 8 20 23 A 24 29 '. ' 38 s-& 37 36 A 2 A 35 2 34 33 OPEN SPACE LOT ----'--- , .-. ~<"j LEGEND <1 \ 0 I Maximum Buildable Area (Envelope) .. . , . ! I Sensitive Lots in Special Park Design District . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . bXW'OIlNO __ ,,--_!Date ,-?-9&#- JUl 2 11994 CITY LJif' CA~UIIJAD PI.ANNllIIG DEPT • s.t L.QI$; ARCHITECTURAL DATAJ ~ -.., > '--_ •• -'~ ,~,. , , Rev. May 31,199.4 REV. Nov. 16.1993 may 12 1994 rev. July 21,. 1993; rev. April 9. 1993 __ "'-__ "-~ ~_c ••• _ ..,-1-• .,.~ , _ . In 12004~i • \ j , , ! , I . I I I I I , . , , ! . ! 1 , , , ? , . , , , , ! . .1. 1 " 11 ~.-- rev. October 27, r993i :re~. July 13, 1993 ~, .. ~"--., ,,; ~ ... , ' ,~ j • ,"'-"'-"-"~;;;',,,,;-'l--'-',:, '._ -"\' . J( J)A . y ..... /-'_ i ._, -t ,-, __ -,-.-,,' ",':' .-',: --.-~. ,:,':,_-: __ :---r,-:-i / .•...• / • /Entrymonul!!ent~tlon o~1!1I corne~s' ·;I/,./:· / 1//' .. ,/ .'/ ... ' ....... '.' /}J ! /!! . . ~:,;~'" .... .. . / padtobe!hYd.oseeded s~et~iff:i~ ~~~~#~C~~i j ~ for erosion control ~ ./ . . I " . (:) , " ; r . ! . I . j ~'"' Queen Palm's -. { . Formal planting as drivewby accent • . \ j • j \ + '. \ ., . Pedestrian trail/Park access --...:....I \ PARK ENTRY ~Tt~N" Uu,een Palms ---"It Entry accent trees , I LEGEND I • i i Community Theme Wall (See Landscape Concept Details) , , . " . ,.,~" " .. ' •• .. "'- ,,' " " " /' ",--. RICKENCINEERlNC COMPANY Village Theme Wall (See Landscape Concept Details) Village Fence (See Landscape Concept Details) Vilfage Wood Fence (See Landscape Concept Detai/~) 0' 20' 40' jn 12004-g REV, Oct 11.1993 80' 120' March 23, 1993 rev, July 13, 1993 . -. ' ~ -, _l • , I I ' !( \ \ \ ; I \ \ \ \ \ \ l \ \' CITYOFCARLSBAD P1aJu!ing CcmmissiOIl 8.4rfJ. c,htl. . (!.i....r.:r.I.11f . .v.t ~~~r;. " c.No.C.T9Hf/PvD 1:1-f!)? ............................................ Exhibit NO,._G"",-_ Dateq -7 -f+ , • . . • Semi-refined plant material. The California ~.r . Pepper acts as slope theme tree and will be .'V--...1h.. used to frame views. Low-growing shrubs at top of slope With drifts toward the. . , bottom. Large and medium-sized shrubs . ' bqttoJIn and mid-slope to ;' , -~ '~~"";;~"-}\'}l; .. ~; ~ <'] ~, ::-J . I - ----------------,- VILLAGE 0 VIGNEn. '.'E.' I j ~Ul2 11994 . CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPT, .. . R A' N C H .0 RRIL. CONTINENTALi-IOMES ..... . _ . . jn 12004-g , , ! 1 . 'L-...•. 0---~ :: :. ,., , , , RiCKENGlNEERING COMPANY jn 12004:g'", " " . , " I .' , • J)f~:, 2 " ,[;"):,3, " 4.70ac-- :1, 'I,;::' 4 " ; 2.02 Be',' ). " ~;. " ,~ ,'; 7.28 ac' , ~. -,",~:; " ".'" ~:, , r .. ~28 ~cres eqLlals 43\% ' tot8J site (19.3 acres)used for 57% " 24% 100% .. '~ ~-. " 1 '>'. " ' i !), ·la~dscaplng. does not Include Indlvldualyard landscaping, " ·"'--~-"""--bD.'-'. '-c j'" ' .:.. .• -.' OSMLEGND.CHP . ....... .............. ,......, , , -,. ~, . ,_,J"_ .. '€,-;:_,:. ',.oj -~-,,~~'.:'" '", .• ',~ , -'" "' c: '" '" OJ I REV, Oct 1~; 1993 ". " ", j ~<:"-~'<> ' ... , '",-,', ' ~'" " -' .. -March 23,1993 ,rev','June 7,,1993 '/ --" -. - / / -----~ " --. '., ---. ~- / / \ \ \ " / / , , \. '~.'''"<-~"'. ~' •. , . ~.< N,", ~'.""~'''''.o.- , f ~"~~.~,.~,:~~:,:.~~""~"""~"";~';~~~--~----' . , , ' " INS E T --'< . / / '. ---"-- ; -,,, .... / / ,. -" .. , .. • 1 " ........ : / "-." /' / i / / . -- - R '" \ , \ ' " \ \ \ " \ , / / , / / i / / ./ / / / . ./ . , / , ;~ j ./ / ,/ / A N C H RRIL / CONTINENTAL HOMES -' ~" / / ,/ , " o " ; i / / ; ; / i i , -, , jr I i' I f ... .: I;. I ! .; ; , ,'( , , , , . t ; • I / > - " ' " ~ " , ['J," ..... i_, . " ''\''< --_J , ; , ; , I ))/ . ,/ : f /' , .," .\ l I " i' ClTYOFCARLSBAD Pll!lllillaOnml.". " II «'''!tf.c;..ti9. .. t;tt ~.~.! ~ ~~.": .v~~b. C? CUeNo. reT,! J-IJ,jPIID 1j-()7 .•...........................•.......•...... , , f '." ", ./ , ., NOTES: • / f , ! , , ; / .. '-. / "", '/ , --" / 1. This plan seeks to limit water consumption primarily through the use of adapted, low water demand plants, , The naturalized slope plantings were selected to withstand extended periods of drought, once established. The refined slopes are slightly more dependant on water for a more refined appearance, although many of the plants here are also able to withstand drought. Even the entry plantings utilize many of the xeric shrubs found in the "Old San Diego" landscape, such as Bird of Paradise, Bougainvillea and Aloe, 2. Planting areas maintained by the Homeowneis~Association are candidates for reclaimed water, If available. Tbese areas shall include an irrigatiQI1:;;ystem designedtG\aeoepL::, ' reclaimed-water., A 12" reclaimed water line is proposed in Melrose Avenue as part of the Master Plan.',' , , • c _,,",~ ./;.;. •• --" _, '>"7 ,,-•• l-',"~,~-r;:'''''~--, , • , / , " \, \ . ./ / ; \ \ ; \ \ \ \ , ! ! ! , , , I ! ' J'; /;/,/ ) j ,/ ,I / /' / . {:I I / t (,' , " ; I ' , . ; 7 / , . , , ", . ~ -- , --, " , -, ; ; -i r ., , ... ..--. • ...-- , /\ ~-> '.~"..<. ; .. ! .\ JUl2 11994 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPT. " --,- 1 . , ; 3. The extent of Planting Zone11s /lmlted to areas of high visual' '~ ," Importance at the village entrances, the community entrance, an'di recreation area; These areas comprise 7% of the landscaped i area (excluding Individual yard landscaping). The soil in these. 1 areas should be suitably amended to retain greater "la/sture. ,t ~ ,: " ~,i i . 4. Turf will be limited to the Planting Zone 1 areas discussed above.t, These areas comprise 7% of the landscaped area, exclusive of \ individual yard landscaping. See the City of Carlsbad Landscape, ,1 Manual Section C.3-4.2 further turf limitations, ' t . i r:" ~ . '". "-~ --, -_. "---~.~--------,-":.. ... ~ ;~B. ' Final,planting plans should address the need for proper " f l} ',s9il preparation,adequate mulching of beds, efficient 'j ~} ,watering methods and proper landscape maintenance . i i-,-.~.fJ~Jilf1flag~lTI,!nt.:: __ • _." • '-:-,_._ ,,_c_ ._---",_.;J VILLAGE 0 ~ "--<~ WATER CONSERVATION PLAN "r Prepared under the supervision of Robert E. Wilkinson, R.L.A. . . ,':evApriI.1S,1994 January 26.1994 £ #1999 jn 12004-g '-.. ,'-";' ;: , ~.::;:.~~ , . , . .. " it , it ,.:( " ' . '-' ,. ~" ,", , .. I, . Guardrail < < ~ 10' parkway 2:1 slope -----+ Parkway Section No Scale Up to first bench Theme Area Profile' No Scale MELROSE AVENUE ,A N C H BRIt CONTINENTAL· HOMES' RICK ENcir-iF.EIiJNG COMPANY . -" -".' ""--'" ? "~,',, REV" Dec. 3,199.3 . " jn 11556-c June 7, 1993 BEV. October 15, 1993. - , In I'l )., ~ i() It Q. , "',,~~ Q .... i() • • , *1 / • • , .. ,',' "-.~-.-.----' I ." ! I , , I Guardrail wlo planter ---f- I I , I ) , ~ I / I , / i Variable Parkway Plan No Scale NOTE: Street trees planted 3"minimum i outside of R.OW. per City's Landscape Manual. , Prime and Major Arterials Area of stregtscape to incorporate 'Rancho· landscape theme rev. March 9,1994 ! • Rea ... N enriched ''''Id ----+--I:::::::f---l.(f Stucco -----f--J"-:-:4--_ , VILLAGE ENTRY No Scale 18' ' I '< , 1 ~ / ! V ! At Umited Areas r . .. '\ , ---, >,---Edge of r.o.w. \-----Curbside planter with guard rails r--Masonry cc/umn with cap ., eU _ yard property line. (or 711' I1lIVt.) r--Muonry waH wfth cap 5' Community Theme Wall No Scale r--IIa-..y column -. _ at r--,.,If_ exJerlor pIafw cwor wood _ng ell _ yard ".~ _ (or 70' msx.) r--4"»1" wood post 8' on center r--Iron grfl 5' 3' _Vmage Theme Wall No Scale r--Masonry cD/umn wfth cap at ell side )'IIrd property fines (or 70' max) r--4"x4" wood post 8' on center r--Iron grill Community Theme Fence No Scale r---2·x4· wood cap and top (lfil" r---1"x4" wood p/Bnton (outside of po.~ r---Chain Ink set on mide of pent 5' 8' maximum Village Fence No Scale r--1"x4' wood planlon (outside) I /2.X4-WOOdcap 2"x4" wood top rail pnslde) ~ ___ 4"x4" wood posl +----\'T\mffTI~~~~~~~~~:rrTIffn 8' on cenler maximum \ r---1'x6" cedar 5"· 6' Village Wood Fence NoScale Nole / sections to alternate ins/de/outside posts l\r--2·x4" wood bottom ",It All Jols WI/hln the Speclsf Park Design district shall be fenced, Unless noted . oIMlWlse 01) this plan. All rear yards shall have a VIllage Wood Fence per this detail VILLAGE"· WALLS AND FENCES ~~L,:""-~ -... ~.-,.' CITY OF CARLSBAD tfa. Planning Commission nah~ .. Ca.r.r.ill.l! ~.v.4~ .. ~Q~~.,. CaseNo ~T f3-~IIFI.IJ) 93-~ 7 I • " •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Exhibit No.,-",J,--_ Dare '"1-7 -9 tJ JUl2 1199~ CITY OF CARLSBAD " PLANNI,NG DEPT:" -,-,- -"~. 5'6' VILLAGE 0 LANDSCAPE CONCEPT DETAILS" jn 11556-c '-" ',' ,! " ,',. i .. • ' -j • oj <:' 1., • " ,,'