HomeMy WebLinkAbout1666 CALLIANDRA RD; ; CB010297; Permit05/18/2001 City of Carlsbad w 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Retaining Wall Permit Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Permit No:CBOI 0297 Job Address: Permit Type: RETAIN Status: ISSUED Parcel No: 21 59002000 Lot#: 71 Applied: 01/24/2001 Valuation: $6,000.00 Construction Type: NEW Entered By: JM Reference #: Plan Approved: 05/1 8/2001 Issued: 05/18/2001 Project Title: SERENATA Inspect Area: 1666 CALLIANDRA RD CBAD RETAIN WALL 400 SF W/CALCS Applicant: BREHM HOMES , EVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES L P Total Fees: $1 14.67 Building Permit Add'l Building PeM Fee Plan Check Add'l Plan Check Frgs Strong Motion Fee Renewal Fee Add'l Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES S114.W I FINAL APPROVAL Inspector: & Date: 9</'@/ Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the 'Impition" of fees, dedmhs, reservations, or other exactions hereakr colMvely referred to as YWexactions.' You have 90 days tom the date this pennit was issued to protest imposition of these feeslexadions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in dam with Carlsbad Municipal code section 3.32.030. Failure to timely fdh that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right b protest the specifii Wexactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this pmject NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fWexactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously othemise expired. PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1 I 1 w /bbb Cmitftv\lPaR EA. Address (include BldglSuite #) Legal Description Lot No. Assessor's Parcel # Existing Use Proposed Use Description of Work SQ. FT. Business Name (at this address) TR*CT 9 2-3 7i SEPENArn -w/m 3 21s -900-zoo0 Phase No. Total # of units Unit No. Subdivision NamdNumber OhUIAR V~wAI/Afk Hal- #of Stories # of Bedrooms # of Bathrooms t 4Ob FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN CHECK NO. 0%/d7!$7 EST. VAL. (Sac. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code] or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars I55001). 71rnld Id6 W,rg.LLL fOtygpl&+Y /&9 ~/&iaao m.// 0 v/5m f4 ,9zm 3 (76 01 C79-7m /0m ?-wtQ&W a $42.0 v/Jm rrp 92683 r7Uh-??-c767 Name Address 1- City Sfatenip Tdephoke # State License t 6/ S67r License class A city Business License # / t 0 20 S- Designer Name Address City StatelZip Telephone State License I - c?f#tcut WA0c C 2 zoqb 0 of the work for which this permit is issued. $I issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company 6 0- 646LC Policy No. udc & 3 (b //L/ps Expiration Date (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$I001 OR LESS) 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shell not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Fallurn to secure worked compematlon coverage ir unlawful, and shall subject an employer to crlmlnal pmalth and civil Rnes up to one hundred I have end will maintain e certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is &=- I hereby affirm that I em exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: 0 I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sac. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvempnts are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). 0 1, ea owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, end contracts for such projects with contractorls) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). 0 1. 2. 3. 4. number I contractors license number): 5. of work): I em exempt under Section I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. 0 YES ON0 I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name I address / phone number I contractors license number): I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name I address / phone I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (Include name / address / phone number I type Business and Professions Code for this reason: PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit e business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 26505, 25633 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? 0 YES 0 NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? 0 YES 0 NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1.000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? 0 YES 0 NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES. A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERWCES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097(i) Civil Code). LENDERS NAME LENDERS ADDRESS I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct end that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the City of Cerlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES. JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION Every permit issued by the building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE bATE (Sectlon 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). WHITE File YELLOW: Applicant PINK: Finance City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 09/06/200 1 Permit# CBOlO297 Title: SERENATA Description: RETAIN WALL 400 SF WlCALCS Type: RETAIN Sub Type: Job Address: 1666 CALLIANDRA RD Suite: Lot 71 Location: APPLICANT BREHM HOMES Owner: AVIARA SERENATA LLC Remarks: Total Time: Inspector Assignment: RB Phone: 7609308980 Inspector: Requested By: JOSE Entered By: CHRISTINE I r,/r Gu-4 u-4 '19 /ceHbr f /a fie CD Description 65 Retaining Walls -@ Associated PCRs InsDection History Date Description Act lnsp Comments 08/29/2001 69 Final Masonry CO RB NEED CONTINOUS & FINAL APPROVAL BY GEOT. /-- .I& - EsGil - Corporation DATE: 2/1/01 JURIS DlCTl ON: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 01-297 In Partnership with ijovem~m~nt for BuiUing Safety 0 PLANREVIEWER 0 FILE SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1666 Calliandra Road PROJECT NAME: Retaining Wall The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction’s building codes. c] The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction’s building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. 0 The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. 0 The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. 0 The applicant‘s copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant’s copy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: Date contacted: (by: 1 Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax In Person 0 REMARKS: By: DavidYao Enclosures: Esgil Corporation 0 GA 0 MB 0 EJ 0 PC 1 I29 tmsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad 01-297 2/1/01 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE PLAN CHECK NO.: 01-297 DATE: 2/1/01 JURIS Dl CTl ON : Carlsbad PREPARED BY: David Yao BUILDING ADDRESS: 1666 Calliandra Road BUILDING OCCUPANCY: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: Jurisdiction Code cb By Ordinance Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance V $78.581 Plan Check Fee by Ordinance I V I Type of Review: El ete Review 0 Structural Only 0 Other 0 Hourly 1-1 Hour(s)* Esgil Plan Review Fee I $40.861 Comments: Sheet1 of 1 macvalue.doc - City of Carlsbad BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST RETAIMNG WALL / BUILDING PLANCHECK NUMBER: CB f) [ Yt BUILDING ADDRESS: /LLL b. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Retaining Wall ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal: therefore, any changes to these items afler this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to build. ATTACHMENTS Right-of-way Permit Application DENIAL ttached report of' deficiencies necessary corrections to compliance with Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. By: Date: ENGINEERING DEPT. CONTACT PERSON NAME: JOANNE JUCHNIEWICZ City of Carlsbad ADDRESS: 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 PHONE: (760) 602-2775 38-7314 (760) 602-2720 FAX (760) 602-8562 @ I' BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST RETAINING WALLS 1 STI 0 D 0 0 0 2NDJ # 0 0 # D 3RDI CI Q CI 0 D 1. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: A. North Arrow D. Easements 8. Existing & Proposed Structures E. Retaining Wall C. Property Lines 2. Show on site plan: (dimensioned from street) (location and height) A. Drainage Patterns B. Existing & Proposed Slopes C. Existing Topography 3. Include on title sheet: "sye UOFL'' ho&Xo A. Site Address L -e-. w vd j ~[JO, 4 hd-vr~e gptvc,, 4-3 ChhM B. Assessor's Parcel Number C. Legal Description D. Grading Quantities Cut Fill ImportlExport (Grading Permit and Haul Route Permit may be required) 4. Project does not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of approval for Project No. Conditions were complied with by: Date: MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS 5. A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in City Right-of-way andlor private work adjacent to the public Right-of-way. A separate Right-of-way issued by the Engineering Department is required for the following: Please obtain an application for Right-of-way permit from the Engineering Department. Page 1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Plan Check No. CR (31 - 797 Planner P(- Cmh. APN: gt s-4m-20 Address I 666 &ll:mA Phone (760) 602- lC623 c Net Project Density: wk. ~ Remaining net dev acres: &@ Facilities Management Zone Date of participation: - (For non-residential development: Type of land used created by this permit: ) Zoning: und: Item Complete 0 Item Incomplete - Needs your action Environmental Review Required: YES NO - TYPE DATE OF COMPLETION: Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: Discretionary Action Required: YES d NO- wPEedv;& APPROVAURES DATE PROJECT NO. OTHER RELATED CASES: Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: Coastal Zone AssessmentlCompliance Project site located in Coastal Zone? YES NO___ CA Coastal Commission Authority? YES NO___ If California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact them at - 31 11 Camino Del Rio North, Suite 200. San Diego CA 92108-1725; (619) 521-8036 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): Coastal Permit Determination Form already completed? YES NO- If NO, complete Coastal Permit Determination Form now. Coastal Permit Determination Log #: Follow-Up Actions: 1) Stamp Building Plans as "Exempt" or "Coastal Permit Required" (at minimum Floor Plans). 2) Complete Coastal Permit Determination Log as needed. H:\ADMIMCOUNTER\BldgPlnchkRevChklst q0.0 lnclusionary Housing Fee required: YES NO - Data Entry Completed? YES NO - (Effective date of lnclusionary Housing Ordinance - May 21,1993.) (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#. toolbar. Screens, Housing Fees, Construct Housing YMI. Enter Fee, UPDATE!) Site Plan: 1. Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines. 2. Provide legal description of property and assessor’s parcel number. Zoning: 1. Setbacks: Front: Required Shown Interior Side: Required Shown Street Side: Required Shown Rear: Required Shown 2. I Accessory structure qetbacks: ‘I Front: Required Shown Interior Side: Reguired Shown Street Side: Req u i fed Shown Rear: Required Shown Structure separation: Required Shown 3. Lot Coverage: Required Shown 4. Height: Required Shown 5. Parking: Spaces Required Shown Guest Spaces Required Shown Additional Comments OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER DATE H:\ADMIN\COUNTER\BldgPlnchkRevCh klst 8Geotechnics -1 n c o rp o xa t e d Dim 12/12/00 @me: (6119) 5361000 FAX: (619) 5368311 Qes#lption Supplemental Retaining Wall Recommendatbnr Avh Phase 111, PA 21 A & 0 111 Carlsbad. CalSfomir LETTER OF 1[TRANSlMITTU TO: Rdainlng W1111S Co. Nom DATE: Decembw 13,2000 I - fAX NO. Messenger - Chnt Pick-Up Numbor of Cagn Faxod : 4 including ttansmHtnl letter ~lmpw: ?lease call if you have any questions. I \ Copy To: 8rettm Design Center, Ms. Kristin Cwlson Geotechnics -1 n c o r p o r at e d ltinrcprb: &athay E lWtu~ M*d P. habddfa w. IAt V*J.rLml Decrmber 12. ?MW] Brchm-Aviara 111 I)evelopmcHt Astociadon, L.P. do Ms. Kristin Caulson Bnhm Design cmto 5770 OberIin Drive San Diego, cplifomia 92 12 I Project No. 0230-005-02 Lhxumcnt No. 6.1300 SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTAL RETAINING WALLRECOMMENDATIONS AVtrr Phase III, PA 21 A&D m Cubbad, Calihmia Rcfmcc: oeotacbrrics Incorpnmted (2000). Reraining Wall Rcmw&lons. Aviura Pharcr 3, PA 21 ABtDIIJ Cwlsbd, COliJbmiu, Project No. 0230605-02, Document No. 09765, July 26. Dear Ms. Coulson: As requested, this letter pdcs soil ~ar;rmeten for retaining wall design quested by Retaining Walls Company Nonh The pllramcrer~ provided btnin are based on our previous analysis of the siu codtioas presented kr the refand letter. Wc uadccstand thc Walls ampposed at tbe top of the existing 2: I ~orizontal:vmical) fill slopes at rhe reat of Lots 85.86, and 88. Our analysis is based on a maximum Wl h@ht ofapproximately 6 fctt. Tbe followingprramaers may be used fbr the desim of fhc proposed CX block walls. Retained ad Foundation Rcinfod Zone An intd fiicrion angle of No may bc assumed for the reiafod zone if imported cmshtd aggregate bsuc mated is used. An allowable bearing capacity of 1,500 psf may bc used for design, bed on a minimum depth of embedment of 2.5 fat into dcnse, compacted fill measured vmically fiom the outside bottom edge of the foundstion mmkr b the slapc fice. Footing excavations should be obstrvd by a rcpacscMdtivc of our firm to tvaluatc whether the Wng materials are as assumad in OUT analysis. The inclination of temporary back-cuts should not exceed 1:l (hotimnwl:vcrtical). We have assumed that the soil grade in hnt of the d will be maintained to design grade. Surcharge loads and hydrostatic presstuw were not included b ow analysis. If thee an applicable, we should be contacted far revisions to the recommendations provided harrin. Bockfrll matcn'?ishouldbtcompactedtoatI.;uty0percGntofdKla~~ry~~dryd~~ in accordance with ASTM D 1557. If import soils are uocd for wall backfill, they should be tdtd by brechnics Incorporated to compare the shear stm@ and unit weigh1 WJw to actual design vduu. We recommend the mils used as backtill be prrdonrinantly he daining, pulu, fire of organic and clay materials, and have a vcry low expansion patenlid (Expansion Index of 20 or less). Adequatc -e shdd be pwidcd to rclkve hydrostatic prtssu;ns. The ~COZIIUICDC~~~OIS prwntedhtrein M considmd gcneraiiy coluis~ent with mclhvda ryoicatly used in southern Cdifomia, and have bea developed using the degree of are and skill ordinarily exercised, wdcr similar circmanccs, by reputtable porccknical coasuhants practicing in this or similar localities. No ob wylgnty, cxprcr;sed or impiicd, is made as UJ the comlusians d prdWonal opinions included in this ktrer. PROJECT NO. 0230-UU5-02 M)CLIhfWT NO. 0-1300 Pnm 3 We appreciate chis oppormnity IO be orconhied seMcc. Plem f-1 free to call with any qucscians or commmt5. GEQTECHNICS INCORPORATED David Padilla, P.E. 55974 Project Engineer Reviewcd by: Anthony F. Bebt, P.E. 40333 Principal NBIWLVIDP W. h' Vanduhutst, C.E.G 1 125 PlinCipal Distribution: (1) Addresee (FAX OaY: 858-453-5442) (I) Rdahhg WaUa Company North, Attx Eduardo Ruvaicaba (FAX ONLY: 858453-30S6) I I Geoterhnlco Tacwporatcd TOTW P.04 EARTH RETENTION CALCULATIONS December 28,2000 SHEET 1 OF 84 PREPARED BY: OWEN ENGINEERING GROUP 1800 THIBODO STREET SUITE? 320 VISTA CA 92083 760-599-6767 PREPARED FOR: RE?TAI"G WALLS COMPANY NORTH PROJECT CONTACT: PREPARED FOR SITE: SOIL DATA FROM: REPORT DATED: PROJECT NUMBER: 1800 THIBIDO DW SUITE 1 10 VISTA, CA 92083 (760) 599-2500 CHARLIE EATON BREHM COMMUNITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE :3 . , SAN DIEGO, CA 92 12 1 CARLSBAD TRACT 92-3 CAIUSBAD, CA GEOTECHNICS, INC 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD SAN DIEGO, CA 92701 LETTER DATED 12/12/2000 0230-005-02 ......................................................... IOTE: THESE STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS ARE ONLY VALID FOR USE BY RETAINING VALLS COMPANY NORTH. IT IS REQUIRED AS A CONDITION OF THESE STRUCTURAL XLCULATIONS, THAT A MEMBER OF THE RETAI"G WALLS COMPANY NORTH STAFF, 'IELD INSPECT AND APPROVE THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT. OWENENGINEERING ;ROUP WILL NOT ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY PROJECT RELEASED WITHOUT WTTEN FINAL APPROVAL FROM RETAINING WALLS COMPANY NORTH. JOB NO. 99-09-02 CONTENTS PAGE A-16 RETAINING WALL SITE PLAN A-16 RETAINING WALL TYPICAL SECTION 3 4-6 A-16 CONCRETE BLOCK DETAIL 7 GENERAL NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS 8 GEOGRID REINFORCEMENT TABLE 9- 11 STABILITY ANALYSIS-Level Backfill Wall A 12 -33 STABILITY ANALYSIS- 2:l Sloped Backfill Walls B & C (no surcharge) 34 - 49 STABILITY ANALYSIS- 2:l Sloped Backfill Walls B (no surcharge) 50 - 63 STABILITY ANALYSIS- 2:l Sloped Backfill Wall C (surcharged) 64 - 84 NOTES: THESE CALCULATIONS ARE BASED UPON A SOIL WITH INTERNAL FRICTION OF 34 DEGREES, FOR THE RETAINED, REMFORCED AND FOUNDATION SOILS. THE SOILS ENGINEER SHALL VERIFY THESE SOIL PARAMETERS DURING CONSTRUCTION THE SOILS ENGINEER SHALL INSPECT AND APPROVE THE TEMPORARY BACKCUT EXCAVATION FOR THE KEYSTONE WALL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE SOILS ENGINEER SHALL INSPECT AND APPROVE ALL WALL DRAINS. THE SOILS ENGINEER SHALL INSPECT AND APPROVE THE FOUNDATION EXCAVATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF THE KEYSTONE WALL. THESE CALCULATIONS ARE BASED ON A FOUNDATION MATERIAL APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. THE GRID LENGHTS SHOW ARE MEASURED FROM THE WALL FACE. THE GRID ELEVATIONS - ARE MEASURED FORM THE TOP OF THE LEVELING PAD THE SOILS ENGINEER MUST BE NOTIFY THE DESIGN ENGINEER IN THE EVENT THAT THE SOIL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED DO NOT MEET THE PARAMETERS USED HEREIN. HEAVY EQUIPMENT SHOULD BE KEPT 3 FEET BACK FROM THE RETAINING WALL FACE AT ALL TIMES Site Location Plan I FigNoT I A46 Wall Carlsbad Tract 92-3 1 . . . .,. . c .... A-16 BLOCK 3/4"CRUSHED ROC WITHIN ALL UNITS 4" PERFORATED WC DRAIN IN FILTER FABRIC SLEEVE WITH SOLID OUTLET PIPES AT 100' MAXIMUM SPACING. LOCATE DRAIN AS LOW AS POSSIBLE TO AALOW OUTLET PIPE TO DAYLIGHT. L6"THICK X 24" WIDE 3/4" CRUSHED ROCK LEVELING PAD *NOTE: IF CAPSTONES ARE NO USED, THE TOP HALF OF THE UPPER ROW OF BLOCKS SHALL BE FILLED WITH HAND TAMPED SOIL. A- 16"' RETAINING WALL TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION WITH GEOGRID SOIL REINFORCEMENT NO SCALE SO~ERN OFFICE 1531 GRAND AVENUE 4N bfARCOS1 CAS g206' (760) 471-2500 NORTHERN omcE 800 E. GRANT LINE RD. TRACY, CA. 95378 (209) 832-2600 $. 5&65 RECOMMENDED BROW BY OTHERS DITCH 7 fl $a= &$$ @Nfi 1531 GRAND AVENUE *N MARCOSp C** 92069 (619) 471-2500 FABRIC ' 800 E. GRANT LINE RD. TRACY, CA. 95378 (209) 832-2600 A-SERIES SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALL DETAIL 100' LOW AS DAYLIGHT. *NOTE: IF CAPSTONES ARE NOT TO BE USED, THE TOP HALF OF THE UPPER ROW OF BLOCKS SHALL BE FILLED WITH HAND TAMPED SOIL. A- 16'" RETAINING WALL TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION WITH GEOGRID SOIL REINFORCEMENT NO SCALE .... 8 , .. . -\ 0 1 SIDE VIEW SOUTHERN OFFICE 1531 GRAND AVENUE AN MARCOS, CA. 92069 (619) 471-2500 FACE VIEW TOP VIEW NOTES: -1. 'COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE f'c = 3250 PSI "A-1 6'" RETAINING WALL UNIT DIMENSIONS NO SCALE RETAINING WALLS CO. N. A-SERIES SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALL DETAIL DETAIL NO. A-16 NORTHERN OFFICE aoo E. GRANT LINE RD. TRACY, CA. 95376 (209) 832-2600 d- GEOGRID REINFORCEMENT TABLES LEVEL BACKFILL WALL A (NO SURCHARGE) WALL HEIGHT GRID ELEVATION GRID LENGTH GRID TYPE up to 2.67’ no grid required 3.33 ’ to 4.67’ 2.00 5.0’ SYMPAF’ORCE 3 5/20-20 5.33 TO 7.33 8.00’ TO 9.33’ 2.00 4.67 1.33 4.00 6.67 8.0 SYMPMORCE 3 5/20-20 8.0 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 9.0 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 9.0 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 9.0 SYMPAFORCE 35/20-20 2:l SLOPED BACKFILL WALL B (NO SURCHARGE) WALL HEIGHT GRID ELEVATION GRID LENGTH GRID TYPE up to 2.67’ no grid required 3.33’ to 4.67’ 2.00 5.33’ TO 6.00’ 0.67 3.33 6.67 TO 8.00 1.33 3.33 5.33 8.67’ TO 9.33’ 0.67 2.67 4.67 6.67 5 .O’ 5.0 5.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 SYMPAFORCE 35/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5120-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 Y20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 920-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 2:l SLOPED BACKFILL WALL C (BOTTOM WALL OF TIERED) WITH SURCARGE BEGINNING AT 6.67 FEET HIGH WALL HEIGHT GRID ELEVATION GRID LENGTH GRID TYPE up to 2.67' no grid required 3.33' to 4.67' 2.00 5.33' TO 6.00' 0.67 3.33 6.67' 7.33 TO 8.67 9.33' 0.67 2.67 4.67 0.67 2.67 4.67 6.67 0.67 2.00 3.33 5.33 7.33 5.0' 5.0 5.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 35/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 Y20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 NOTES: FORTRAC MAY BE USED IN PLACE OF SYMPAFORCE GEOGRID: SWAFORCE SF 35 SIMILAR TO FORTRAC 35/20-20 GRID ELEVATIONS ARE MEASURED FROM THE TOP OF THE (LEVELING PAD) ELEVATION. THE UPPER MOST LAYER OF GEOGRID SOIL REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE PLACED A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 2 FEET BELOW FININSHED GRADE. SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 1 LN 95050839 ~ Licensed to: RETAININ0 WALL8 CCMPANP 1531 GRAND AVENUZ SAMM&RCOS, CA 92069 (619) 471-2500 License Number: 95050839 Pro j ect Iden ti f i ca ti on : Project Nm: 8EREHATA - Wall A . Section: Data Sheet: owner: BRSm -1TftS 5770 OIIIRliIN DRIVE, SlLN bIXd0, CA 92121 client : Prepared by: MIlQ WCcllLL Date: DSCEbSER 18, 2000 2000 Time : 02:50:30 €34 Data file: a:\8rwal11\8%6grav Ty~e of Structure: Structure Criticality: Noa-aritial Design Methodoloqy: NQdlL Method Gravity Pagmmnt8.l mtrining Wall Wall Geometry : Design hall Height (ft) 2.67 Embedment Wall Height (ft) 2.5 Exposed Design Wall Height (ft) 0.17 Minimum Levelling Pad Thickness (ft) 0.5 Number of Segmental Wall Units 4 Hinge Height ( f t ) 2.67 Base Inclination (degrees) horizontal Wall Inclination (degrees) 7.1 Slopes : Front Slope (degrees) hori soatml Back Slope (degrees) horikontrl SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 2 LN 95050839 Uniformly Distributed Surcharges: Live Load Surcharge Dead Load Surcharge none nom Friction Cohesion Angle Unit Weight Soil Data : Soil Description : (wf I (degrees) (pcf) Retained Soil sand N/A 34.0 133.0 133.0 Foundation Soil 6and 0.0 34.0 Levelling Pad Soil grrvml N/A 40.0 12s. 0 Segmental Unit Name: Ihiault srgmrntal unit prag.rtir8 Segmental Unit Data: Cap Height (in) nona Unit Height (in) 8.0 Unit Width (in) 16.0 Unit Length (in) 18.0 Setback (in) 1.0 Weight (inf illed) (lber 1 167.0 Unit Weight (infilled) (pcf) 125.3 Center of Gravity (in) 8.0 Segmental Unit Interface Shear Data: Properties Peak Strength Cri tsria Defoma tion Cri terfa Friction Angle (degrees) 45.0 46.0 Minimum (lbs / f t ) 500.0 500.0 Maximum (lbs / f t ) 2000.0 2000.0 Coefficients of Earth Pressure and Failure Plane Orientations: Retained Soil (Ka) 0.207 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 55.63 Retained Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.199 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 3 LN 95050839 Results of External Stability Analyses: FOS Sliding 2.77 1.5 OK FOS Overturning 4.19 2.0 OK FOS Bearing Capacity 53.05 2.0 OK Base Footing Width (B') (ft) 1.83 N/A Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Ca 1 cul a t sd Design Cri t eri a Base Eccentricity (e) (ft) 0.17 N/A Retailed Results of External Stability Analyses: Calculated Values: Total Horizontal Force (lbdft) Total Vertical Force (lbs/ft) Sliding Resistance (lbe/ft) Driving Moment (lbs-ft/ft) Resisting Moment (lbs-ft/ft) Bearing Capacity (psf) Maximum Bearing Pressure (psf) 94.6 445.3 261.6 84.2 352.6 15823.3 290.3 Resul ts of Facinq Stabili tv Analyse*: SRW Heel Geosynthetic FOS Unit Elev Type Over- # (it) t urni ng > 1.1 4 2.0 name 56.65 3 1.33 PODI 18 .OS 2 0.67 - 7.08 1 0.0 nmu 4.2 Nota: calculated values MEET ALL design FOS FOS Shear Shear :?%) %/A (deformation) >PO 30.84 H/h 15.72 Mfh 10.02 r/n criteria &tailed Results of Facinq Stability Analvses @nn@nt and Shear) : SRW Heel -0 Drf M Resist Shear Shear Shear Unit Elev Typs Moomen t Eaoment Load Capacity Capacity x ff C) (lbs-ft/ft) flb$-ft/ftJ (lbdft) (lbdft) (lbs/ft) (peak) :;;forma ti on) +out -in 4 2 .o bory 1.3 74.2 5.S 611.3 %/A 3 1.33 nome 10.5 157.7 23.6 722.7 %/A 2 0.67 DOIII 35.4 PI0 -5 53.a 134.0 RIA 1 0.0 llolH 81.8 314.8 94.3 948.3 W/A SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 4 LN 95050839 2.5 ft 7.1 degrees re v I - I Project Identification : Section: Data Sheet: Ohbent: BREW CObMJNITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CA Prepared by: MIKE MCCAU Date: DECEMBER 18, 2000 2000 Time : 02:50:30 PM Project Name: SERENATA - Wall A P 92121 Data file: c:\srwalll\al6grav SRWa11 (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 1 LN 95050839 Licensed to: (619) 471-2500 License Number: 95010899 Project Iden ti f i ca ti on : Project Name: WR~P~ISTA - wJl A $- Section: Data Sheet: Owner: mIBd C-ITIES 5770 OBUlfXN Om, BAN DIXOO, CA 92121 Client : Prepared by: Qlllclo XDlaI#IctJIz#o QROUl? Time : 03:04:17 EM Date : DtcBMtmZR le, 2000 Data file; a:\~rrJl1\d08\~8ta2 Type of Structure: Structure Crd tical i ty : Nowerritid Design Methodology : Qeosynthotia-Roinforood -tal EUtaining nall l?m M~thod A Wall Geometry: Design wall Height (ft) Embedment Wall Height (ft) Exposed Design Wall Height (ft) Minimum Levelling Pad Thickness (ft) Number of Segmental Wall Units Hinge Height ( ft) Base Inclination (degrees) Wall Inclination (degrees) 4.67 .2.5 2.17 0.5 7 4.67 hoxiaantal 7.1 Slopes : Front Slope (degrees) hozixonfil Back Slope (degrees) horizontal .... SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 2 LN 95050839 Uniformly Distributed Surcharges: Live Load Surcharge Dead Load Surcharge nono none Friction Cohesion Angle Unit Weight Soil Data : Soil DeSCriptiQn: (psf 1 (degrees) (pcf) 133.0 Retained Soil Surd N/A 34.0 139.0 Levelling Fad Soil gravel N/A 40.0 12s. 0 Foundation Soil rand 0.0 34.0 139.0 Reinforced Soil 8md N/A 34.0 Segmental Unit Name: Segmental Unit Data: Cap Height (in) Unit Height (in) Unit Width (in) Unit Length (in) Setback (in) Weight (lnfilled) (lbs) unit Weight (infilled) (pcf 1 Center of Gravity (in) OIf8Ult 8-fa pWrth8 norm e. 0 16.0 18.0 1.0 167.0 125.3 8.0 Segmental Unit Interface Shear Data: Properties Peak Strength Criteria Deformation Criteria Minimum (lbs/ f t ) 770.0 770.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000 6 0 aooo. o \ Geosynthetic Reinforcement Types and Number: Type Number Name 1 1 Sympforca IPS 35 2 0 Bynpaforea Slr 55 3 0 synluiorar Sf 80 Geosynthetics Properties: Strength and Polymer Type: Type 1 we 2 Type 3 Index Tensile Strength (lbs/ft) 2627.0 3331.4 3583.0 Polymer Type polyo8tnc plyoster polyestor SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 3 LN 95050839 Partial Material Safety Factors : Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Creep 1.59 1.59 1.61 Biological Degradation 1.00 1.00 1.00 Chemical Degradation 1.10 1.10 1.10 Construction Site Damage 1.15 1.08 1.08 Material Uncertainty 1.50 1.50 1.50 Long Term Design Strength: Type 1 me 2 Type 3 1946.0 LTDS (lbs/ft) 870.7 1316.8 Coefficient of Interaction: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Load criterion 0.7 0.7 0.7 Deformation Criterion 0.6 0.6 0.6 Coefficient of Direct sliding: Type 1 Trpe 2 Type 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.8 0.0 0.75 Connection Strength : Tm 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum ( lbs/ f t ) 500.0 500 0 500.0 20.0 28.0 20.0 2000.0 3000.0 3000.0 Deformation Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbdft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 3000.0 3000.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 28.0 28.0 28.0 Geosynthetic-Segmental Retaininq Wall Unit InCerface Shear Strenqth: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Strength Criterion: Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 27 .O Maximum (lbs/ f t ) Deformation Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 2995) Page 4 LN 95050839 Coefficients of Earth Pressure and Failure Plane Orientations: Reinforced Soil (Ka) Reinforced Soil (Ka horizontal component) Orientation of failure plane from horizontal Retained Soil (Ka) Retained Soil (Ka horizontal component) Orientation of failure plane from horizontal 0.207 0.199 degrees) 55.63 0.207 0.199 degrees) 55.63 Results of External Stability Analyses: FOS Sliding 7.13 1.5 OK FOS Overturning 18. Dl 2.0 ox FOS Bearing Capacity 35.15 2.5 OX , 2.8 OX Base Reinforcement Length (L) (ft) 5.0 Base Eccentricity (e) (ft) 0.13 N/A Base Reinforcement Ratio (L/H) 1.07 0.6 OK Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Calculated Design Criteria Detailed Results of External Stability Analyses: Calculated Values: Total Horizontal Force {lbs/ft) 288.9 Total Vertical Force (lbdft) 3015.1 Sliding Resistance (lbs/€t) 2060.7 Resisting Moment (lbe-ft/ft) 8499.3 Bearing Capacity (psf) 22705.5 Maximum Bearing Pressure (psf) 645.9 Driving Moment (Ibs-ft/ ft ) 449.4 Results of Internal St&ilf ty Analyses: SRN Geosyn Elev Length Anchor FVS FOS Fos ms Layer Unit Ty~e (ft) (ft) Length Over- Pullout Pullout Sliding Spacing # Iff3 stress (peak) fdefl (peak) (ft) > 1.0 > 1.0 > 1.5 #/A > 1.5 < 2.67 4 1 2.0 5.0 2.51 9.01 2.96 WA 15.15 OR Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Detbiled Result$ of Internal Stability Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev Long Term Tensile Pullout Pullout Sliding Sliding Unit Type (ft) Design Load Capacity Capacity Force Capacity # Strength (lbs/ft) (peak) fdef) (lbs/ft) (lbs/ftl (lbs/f t) (lbs/f t) (lbs/f t) 4 1 2.0 870.7 288. 9 883.7 #/A 94.3 l.4Z8.6 f 1 SRNall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 5 LN 95050839 Results of Facing Stabibili ty Analyses: SRW Heel Geosynthetic FOS POS FOS Unit Elev Type over- Shear Shear # fftl turning (peak) (deforma tion) > 1.5 > 1.5 N/A 7 4.0 noam 56.65 >OB U/h 6 3.33 norm 15.05 37.46 M/h 5 a.67 - 7.08 17.72 N/A 4 2.0 1 4.2 7.71 UfA 3 1.33 Dolu 5.83 - W/n 2 0.61 6.84 - Wh 1 0.0 norm 4.87 */A Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria - FOS Connection fpeak) > 1.5 FOS Connection (de forma tion) N/A Detailed Results of Facing Stability Analyses (Moment and Shear): SRW Heel G30 Drive Resist Shear Shear Shear Unf t Elev wPe Moment Moment Load Capaci ty Capacity # fft) (lbs-ft/ft) (lbs-ft/ft) (lbs/ft) (lbs/f t) (lbs/ft) ldefonna tion) +out -in I/h 7 4.0 nonm 1 .s 74.2 5.9 826.7 N/h 6 3.33 noAm 10.6 IS?. 7 23.6 883.5 U/h 5 2.67 noam 35.4 ZSO.5 83.1 940.2 Wh 4 2.0 1 83.8 352.6 B4.3 726.9 W/A 3 1.33 boD. 163.8 955.1 -141.6 ioss.6 w/n a 0.67 rmLlcL 283.0 1566.0 -76.6 1110.4 */A 1 0.0 nom. 449.4 2188.0 0.0 1167.1 U/h Detailed Results of Facinp Stabili ty Analyses (Connections) : SRW Heel GeO Connection Connection Connection Unit Blev Type Load Capacity Capacity .I!' (ft) (lbs/f t) (peak) (defonna tion) (lbs/ft) flbs/f t) W/A 4 2.0 1 281. n 738.8 f/h SRWall (ver 2.2 June 1995) LN 95050839 Page 6 7.1 ' ft - degrees v I Type 1 A 4 / -0.5 ft 5.0 ft Pro5 ect Iden ti fi ca tion : Project Name: SERENATA - Wall A I Section: Data Sheet: 92121 u*ment : BREHM COW4UNITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRIW, SAN DIEGO, CA Prepared by: OWEN ENGImERING GROUP Date: DECEMEBER 18, 2000 Time: 03:04:17 PM Data file: c:\srwalll\calcs\sernata2 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 1 LN 95050839 Licensed to: RETAININ0 WALLS COMOANX 1531 QRMID A- SAM WhRCOI, CA 92069 (619) 471-2500 License Number: 95050(a39 Project Idsn ti fi ca tion : Project Name: SSRENATA - Wall A - '. Section: Data Sheet: Owner: CQdbaUNXTILS 5770 OBtRLLN DRxfR, gAN DIE-, CA 92121 Client : Prepared by: OWm mo-Rmt3 Qaovp Date : DS- 18, 2000 Time : 03:04:17 Ead Data file: a: \8rwrlll\arlarl\srnr~~~td me of Structure: Structure Cri ti ca 1 i ty: Nom-eritiaal Design Methodology: N- !&tho6 A Ckosynthotia-Roinforcrrd Bl(lmurt8.l awning Wall Wall Geometry: Design Wall Height ( ft ) 7.33 Embedment Wall Height (ft) 2.5 Exposed Design Wall Height (ft) 4.83 Minimum Levelling Pad Thickness ( ft 1 0.5 Number of Segmental Wall Units 11 Hinge Height ( f t 1 7.33 Base Inclination (degrees) horizontal Wall Inclination (degrees) 7.1 S1 opes : Front Slope (degrees) Back Slope (degrees) horizontal ho*.izontal SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 2 LN 95050839 Uniformly Distributed Surcharges: Live Load Surcharge Dead Load Surcharge nonm norm Friction Cohesion Angle Unit Weight Soil Data : Soil Description : (psf) (degrees) (pcf) Reinforced Soil sand Levelling Pad Soil gram2 Foundation Soil 8- Retained soil 8USd 34.0 133.0 WA N/A 34.0 133.0 N/A 40.0 125 0 0.0 34.0 133.0 Segmental Unit Name: Segmental Unit Data: Cap Height (in) Unit Height (in) Unit Width (in) Unit Length (in) Setback (in) Weight (infilled) (lbs) Unit Weight (infillcd) (pcf) Center of Gravity (in) nmm 8.0 16.0 18.0 1.0 167.0 125.3 0.0 Segmental Unit Interface Shear Data: Properties Peak Strength Criteria Deformation Criteria Minimum (lbs/ft) 770.0 770.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 2000.0 Geosynthetic Reinforcement Type8 and Number: me Number Name Geosyn the ti cs Properties : Strength and Polymer Type: me 1 Type 2 Type 3 Index Tensile Strength (lbdft) 2627.0 3731.0 5583.0 Polymer Type pOlp8tor polyrstrr polpskr SRWalL (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 3 Partial Material Safety Factors: Creep Biological Degradation Chemical Degradation Construction Site Damage Material Uncertainty LN 95050839 Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 1.59 1.59 1.61 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.1s 1.08 1.08 1.50 1.50 1.50 Long Term Design Strength: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 LTDS (lbs/ft) 870.7 1316. a 1946.0 Coefficient of Interaction: Type 1 TVpe 2 Type 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.7 0.7 0.7 Deformation Criterion 0.6 0.6 0.6 Coefficient of Direct Sliding: Type 1 Type 2 me 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.8 0.8 0.75 Connection Strength: Peak Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum (lbs/ft) Defamation Strength Criterion: Minimum ( lbs/ f t Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum (lbs/ft) Tvpe3 Type 1 Type 2 500.0 500.0 500.0 28.0 20.0 28 .Q 2000.0 3000.0 3000.0 500.0 500.0 500.0 28.0 20.0 28.0 2000.0 3000.0 3000.0 1 Geosynthetic-Segmental Retaining Wall Unit Interface Shear Strenqth: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Strength Criterion : Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) Deformation Strength Criterion : Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 27.0 Maximum (lbdft) 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 4 LN 95050839 Coefficients of Earth Pressure and Failure Plane Orientatiofis: Reinforced Soil (Ka) 0.207 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 55.63 Retained Soil (Ka) 0,207 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 55.63 Reinforced Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.199 Retained Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0,199 Results of External Stability Analyses: FOS Sliding FOS Overturning FOS Bearing Capacity Base Reinforcement Length (L) (ft) Base Eccentricity (e) (ft) Base Reinforcement Ratio (L/H) Calculated Design Criteria 7.31 1.s ox 19.72 2.0 OK 29.7 2.5 OK 8.0 4.4 OK 0.23 N/A 1.09 0.6 OX Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Detailed Results of External Stability Analyses: Calculated Values: Total Horizontal Force (lbdft) 713.4 Total Vertical Force (lbdft) 7726.9 Driving Moment (lbs- Wft) 1743.8 Bearing Capacity (psf) 30402.4 Maximum Bearing Pressure (pst) 1023.6 Sliding Resistance (lbs/ft) 81311.8 Resisting Moment (lbs-ft/ft) 34394 4 Results of rnternal StaJJflfty Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev Length Anchor FOS FOS Fos FOS Layer Unft Type (ft) ' (ft) Length Over- Pullout Pullout Sliding Spacing x (f tl StZi?SS (p8k) (def I (Peak) (ftl > 1.0 > 1.0 > 1.1 I/A > 1.5 < 2.67 8 1 4.67 8.0 4.06 4.1 6.4 WA 21.23 OA Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria 4 1 2.0 0.0 5.55 1.74 7.42 #/A 9.29 OK Detailed Results of Internal Stability Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev Long Tern Tensile Pullout Pullout Sliding Sliding Unit Type (ft) Design Load Capacity Capacity Force Capacity # Strength (lbs/ftl (peak) Idef) (lbs/ft) (lbdft) (lbs/f t ) (lbs/f t) (lba/f t) 8 1 4.67 870.7 212.2 1359.3 n/A 94.3 2002 .e 4 1 2.0 1.170.7 101.1 3716.9 n/A 377.9 3106.6 SRWall (vex 1.1 June 1995) Page 5 LN 95050839 Results of Facing Stability Analyses: SRW Heel Geosynthetic FoS Unit Elev Type Over- x (ft) turning > 1.5 11 10 0 6 7 6 I 4 3 2 1 6.67 6.0 1.33 4.67 4.0 3.33 2.67 2.0 1.33 0.67 0.0 56 68 15.01 7.08 4.2 5.83 5.14 4.87 4.2 4.02 3.73 4.93 Fos Shear (peak) > 1.1 >99 37.46 17.72 7.71 - - 15.23 5.78 - - - FOS Shear (defoma tion) M/A FOS Connection (peak) > 1.1 FQS Connection (defonna tion) #/A Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Detailed RBSUlt.9 of Facing Stability Analyses (Moment and Shear) : SRW Heel -0 Drive Resist Shear Unit Elev Type &men t Mbmnt Load # Ift) (lbs-ft/f t) (lbs-f t/f t) (lbs/f t) +out -in 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 9 2 1 6.67 6.0 5.33 4.67 4.0 3.33 2.67 0.0 1.33 0.67 0.0 1.3 1o.s 35.4 83.8 163.8 449.4 670.8 955,l 1316.1 1743.8 983. o 74.2 157.7 250.5 312.6 955.1 5566.9 2188.0 2018.3 4038.4 9267.8 6506.6 1.9 33.6 83.1 94.3 -64.D 0.0 76.6 168.1 -23s. 8 -123.8 0.0 Shear capacity (1 bs/f t I (peak) . 826.7 940.2 1053.8 1110.4 1167.1 953. 8 1280.5 1337.1 1394.0 €483. I 796.0 Shear Capacity Ilbs/f t) (def onna ti on) #/A Detailed Results of Facing Stabill ty Analyses (Connections) I sm Heel GeO Connection Connection Connection unit Elev Type Load Capacity Capaci ty # (ft) (lbdf t ) (peak) (defamation) (lbs/ft) (1 b8/f t 1 \ #/A e 4.67 1 212.2 736. B #/A 4 2.0 1 501.1 973.6 U/A ~.. SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) -0.5 ft - 8.0 ft 37>[ Page 6 LN 95050839 I Project Iden ti fica ti on : Project Name: SERENATA - Wall - Sect ion: 92121 Data Sheet: oilnhent: BRERM CObMUNITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CA Prepared by: OWEN ENGINEERING GROUP Date: DECEMEBER 18, 2000 Time : 03:04:17 PM Data file: c:\srw9lll\calcs\sernata4 J SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 1 LN 95050839 Licensed to: (619) 471-2500 License Number: 95050839 Project Iden t if ica ti on : Project Name: 8mRmmTA - Wall A Section : Data Sheet: Owner: BRlcHM b-TISS 5770 OBtRLIN bRfm, 8AN Dam, CA 92121 Client : Prepared by: OBM ZZWImxRIW aRoW Date : DE- 18, 2000 Time : 03:04:17 PM Data file: e: \srualll\ealaa\amrnataS Type of Structure: Structure Criticality: Non-erAt4aa.l Design Methodology: NcbdA -tho& A ~oqpthmtie-Roinfored Sogamntal Illtainiag Wall Wall Geometry: Design hall Height ( ft 1 9.33 Embedment Wall Height (ft) 2.5 Exposed Design Wall Height (ft) 6.83 Minimum Levelling Pad Thickness (ft) 0.5 Number of Segmental Wall Unit8 Base Inclination (degrees) horitoatal Wall Inclination (degrees) 7.1 14 Hinge Height (ft) 9.33 Front Slope (degrees) Back Slope (degrees) horitoatal horizontal SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 2 LN 95050839 Uniformly Distributed Surcharges: Live Load Surcharge Dead Load Surcharge Friction Cohesion Angle Unit Weight Soil Data: Soil Description : (psf) (degrees) {pcf 1 Reinforced Soil .and Retained Soil sad Levelling Pad Soil grrvol Foundation Soil 8-d N/A 34.0 133.0 N/A 34.0 133.0 N/A 40.0 125.0 0.0 34.0 133.0 Seqmental Unit Name: Dofault sogmantal uait praprrtios segmental Unit Data: Cap Height (in) Unit Height (in) Unit Width (in) Unit Length (in) Setback (in) Weight (infilled) (lbs) Unit Weight (infilled) (pcf) Center of Gravity (in) nono 8.0 16.0 18.0 1.0 167.0 125.3 8.0 segmental Unit Interface Shear Data: Properties Peak strength Criteria Deformation Criteria Minimurn (lbs/ft) 770.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 770.0 27.0 2000.0 Geoaynthetic Reinforcement Types and Number: Type Number Name 1 3 synpaforcm rS 3s 3 0 Symp8fomo SF 80 2 0 syl921zonn 8r 53 Geosynthe tics Properties : Strength and Polymer !Type: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Index Tensile Strength (lbs/ft) 2627.0 3731.0 5583.0 Polymer Type polyrrtor polyoskr polyestot SRWa11 (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 3 LN 95050839 Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 1.89 1.59 1.61 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.1s 1.08 1.08 1.50 1.50 1.50 Partial Material Safety Factors: Creep Biological Degradation Chemical Degradation Construction Site Damage Material Uncertainty Long Tenn Design Strength: Type 1 me 2 rype 3 LTDS (lbs/ft) 870.7 1316.8 1946.0 Coefficient of Interaction: we 1 we 2 me 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.7 0.7 0.7 Defomation Criterion 0.6 0.6 0.6 Coefficient of Direct Sliding: Peak Load Criterion 0.8 0.8 0.75 Connection Strength: Type 1 TvP* 2 Type 3 Peak Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500 .'d 28.0 28.0 28.0 2000.0 3000.0 3000.0 Def oma tion Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft:) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Frict'ion Angle (degrees) 28.0 28.0 28.0 Maximum (lbs / ft 1 2000.0 3000.0 3000 4 0 Geosynthetic-Segmental Retaining Wall Unit Interface Shear Strength: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Strength Criterion : Minimum flbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 27 .O Deformation Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbdft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 27.0 Maximum (lbslft) 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 2995) Page 4 LN 95050839 Coefficients of Earth Pressure and Failure Plane Orientations: Reinforced Soil (Ka) 0.207 orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) S5.63 Retained Soil (Ka) 0.207 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 55.63 Reinforced Soil (Ka horizontal Component) 0.199 Retained Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.199 Results of External stability Analyses: Calculated Design Criteria FOS Sliding 6.47 1.5 OK FOS Overturning 15.64 2.0 ox FOS Bearing Capacity 25.3 2.5 OK Base Reinforcement Length (L) (ft) 9.0 5.6 OK Base Eccentricity (e)(ft) 0.25 N/A Base Reinforcement Ratio (L/H) 0.96 0.6 OR Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Detailed Results of External Stability Analyses: Total Horizontal Force (lbdft) Total Vertical Force (lbs/ft) Sliding Resistance (lbs/ft) Driving Moment (lbs-ft/ft) Resisting Moment (lbs-ft/ft) Bearing Capacity (psf) Maximum Bearing Pressure (psf) Calculated Values : 1155.5 11075.6 7470.5 3595.0 56227.6 32988.0 1303.7 Results of Internal Stability Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev Length Anchor RIDS FOS FOS ms Layer Unit Type (ft) (ft) Length Over- Pullout Pullout Sliding Spacing # (f t) stress (peak) (def 1 (geak) (it) > 1.5 4 2.67 > 1.0 > 1.0 > 1.5 M/A 11 1 ' 6.67 9.0 3.94 1.1 6.22 WA 23.26 OK 7 1 4.0 9.0 5.43 2.31 9.64 WA 10.31 OK 3 1 1.33 9.0 6.92 1.54 12.2s U/A 6.60 ox Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria &tailed Results of Internal Stabfli ty Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev Long Term Tensile Pullout Pullout Sliding Sliding Unit Type (ft) Design Load Capaci ty Cupaci ty Force Capaci ty # Strength (lbs/ft) (peak) (def) (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) (lbs/f t) (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) 11 1 6.67 870.7 212.2 1919.9 WA 94.3 2194.2 7 1 4.0 870.7 377.3 3638.0 WA 377.3 3888.3 3 1 1.33 870.7 566.0 6954.4 WA 849.0 8582. I SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 5 LN 95050839 Resul ts of Fdcinu Stability Analyses: SRW Heel Geosynthetic FOS FOS FDS Unit Elev Type Over- Shear Shear x /f t) turning (peak) (deformation) > 1.5 > 1.5 U/A 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 1 2 1 8.67 8.0 7.93 6.67 6.0 5.33 4.67 4.0 3.39 2.67 2.0 1.53 0.67 0.0 Note: calaulated values MEET 56.65 15.08 7.08 4.2 8.83 6.M 4.87 4.2 4.25 4.02 3.73 3.43 3.33 3.18 ALL design FOS Connection (peak) > 1.s . FVS Connect ion (defonna tion) U/A Detailed Results of Facinq Stability Analyses Wmnt and Shear): SRW Heel -0 Drive Resf s t Shear Shear Shear Unit Blev Tlrpe Moment Mnnellt Load Capacity Capacity f (ftl (lbs-ft/ft) (Ibs-f t/ft) (lbs/f t) (lbdf t) (lbs/f t) (peak) ldefonna tion) +out -in U/A 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 I 4 3 2 1 8.67 8 -0 7.3s 6.67 6.0 5.93 4.67 4.0 3.33 2.67 2.0 1.33 0.67 0.0 1.3 10.1 35.4 91.8 163.8 44s.4 670.8 955.1 Islo. 1 1743.8 2263.9 2878.4 3691.0 289.0 74.2 217.7 2so.8 352.6 965.1 1566.0 2188 .o 4038.4 6506.6 7754.4 PLl92.1 11439.0 om. 3 8267. a 8.9 as.$ sa.1 94.3 -64. S 0.0 76.6 165.1 -112.0 0.0 123.8 259.4 -159.2 0.0 826.7 940.2 726.9 1083.6 1110.4 1167.1 953.8 12eo. 5 1337.3 1394 .Q 1180.7 1507. 5 1664.2 a83.5 Detailed jtesults of Facing Stability halyses (Connections) : SRDJ Keel -0 Connection Connection Connection Uni t Elev Typs Load Capaoi ty Capacity I (ft) (lbs/f t 1 (peak) (deform tion) (Ibs/f t) (lbs/f t) WA 11 6.67 1 212.2 796. a WA 7 4.0 1 377.3 973.6 Y/A 3 1-33 1 566.0 x210.4 U/A SRWa11 (ver 1.1 June 1995) -0.5 ft Page 6 LN 95050839 - c 9.0 ft 9.: - 7.1 3 ft - 2.5 ft degrees v Type ; Type 1 I I Type 1 -- I Pro j ec I Iden ti fi ca ti an : Project Name: SERENATA - Wall A ;-I Section: Data Sheet: 92121 Ohbent: BREHM COMMUNITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE, SAN DIEW, CA Prepared by: UWEN ENGINEERING GROUP Date: DECEMEBER 18, 2000 Time : 03:04:17 €94 Data file: c:\srwalll\calcs\eesnata5 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 1 LN 95050839 Licensed to: (619) 471-2500 License Number: 95050839 Pro ject Iden ti f i ca t ion : Project N-: mrururta will n +C (IJO-) Section: Data Sheat: Owner : Bm Cm-18 5770 -clia DEia, 8- Dirge, Ca 92121 Client : Prepaxed by: ollw Lnginmoring Urowp Date: OIlarPdnr 20, 2000 Time : 02:50:30 Ptd Data file: a: \srwalfl\arlaa\aamatal+rlr me of Structure: Structure Criticality: Nan-aritiaal Design Methodology: lQgdb Mothod Qravity Sypmtal RmtaAaing Wall Wall Geometry: Design &all Height ( ft 1 2.67 Exposed Design Wall Height (ft) 0.17 Minimum Levelling Pad Thickness (ft) 0.5 Embedment Wall Height (et) 2.8 Number of Segmental Wall Units Hinge Height ( f t 1 Base Inclination (degrees) Wall Inclination (degrees) 4 2.67 horirontal 7.1 S1 opes : Front Slope (degrees) horiaoatd Back Slope (degrees) 26.6 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 2 LN 95050839 Uniformly Distributed Surcharges: Live Load Surcharge Dead Load Surcharge Friction Cohesion Angle Unit Weight Soil Data: Soil Description : (psf) (degrees) (pcf) Retained Soil 8-d Levelling Fad Soil gram1 Foundation Soil surd N/A 34.0 133.0 N/A 40.0 125.0 0.0 34.0 133.0 Segmental Unit Name: Default smgnmntrl unit proprrtioa Segmental Unit Data: Cap Height (in) now Unit Height (in) 8.0 Unit Width (in) 16.0 Unit Length (in) 10.0 Setback (in) 1.0 Weight (infilled) (lbs ) 167.0 Unit Weight (infilled) (pcf) 125.3 Center of Gravity (in) 1.0 Segmental Unit Interface Shear Data: Properties Peak Strength Criteria Defamation Criteria . Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 45.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 600.0 45.0 2000.0 Coefficients of Earth Pressure and Failure Plane Orientations: Retained Soil (Ka) 0.32 Retained Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.308 orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 47.98 SRWal1 (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 3 Results of External Stability, Analyses: LN 95050839 Calculated Design Criteria FOS Sliding 1.79 1.5 OK FOS Overturning 2.71 2.0 ox FOS Bearing Capacity ' 39.27 2.0 ox Base Footing Width (B') (ft) 1.83 N/A Base Eccentricity (e) (ft) 0.33 N/A Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Detailed Results of External Stability Analyses: Calculated Values: Total Horizontal Force (lbs/ft) Total Vertical Force (lbs/ft) Sliding Resistance (lbs/ft) Driving Momnt (lbs-ft/ f t 1 Resisting Moment ( lbs-f t/ ft 1 Bearing Capacity (psf) Maximum Bearing Pressure (psf) 146.2 445.3 261.6 130.2 352.6 14942.4 380.5 Results of Facing Stability Analyses: SRIO Heel Geosynthetic FWS Unit Elev Type Over- # (ft) turning > 1.5 4 2.0 nono 36.83 3 1.33 naao 9.73 2 0.67 DQOI 4.88 1 0.0 aolrr 2.72 FOS ?us Shear Shear (peak) (deformation) > 2.1 U/A 67.00 S/A 1S.82 U/A 10.28 U/A 8-40 */A Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Detailed Results of Facing Stability Analyses (Mime nt and Shear) : SRIY Heel -0 Dri va Resf s t Shear Shear Shear Vni t Elev Tvpe Moment Moment Load Capaci ty Capaci ty x , (ftl (lbs-ft/ft) (lbs-ft/ft) (lbdft) (lbdft) (lbs/ftl (peak) (de forma ti on) +out -in #/a 4 2 .o rmam a.0 74.3 0.1 611. b 1s/A 9 1.31 noa8 16.2 187.7 36.5 722 -7 U/A 2 0.67 DOI). 54.7 280.8 82.1 934.0 U/A 1 0 .o moria 12g.7 381.6 14S.9 948.3 wa , 371 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 4 LN 95050839 I I A -0.5 ft 1 Pro1 ect Iden ti fi ca ti on : Project Name: Setenata Wall B 4 G Section: Data Sheet: 92121 Ohbent : Brehm Communities 5770 Oberlin Drive, San Diego, Ca Prepared by: WEN Engineering Group Date: December 20, 2000 Time : 02:50:30 PM Data file: c:\srwalll\calcs\senatala SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 1 LN 95050839 Licensed to: RETAINING WALLS CCMPANY 1531 ORAND AVENUE SAM -OS, c11 92069 (619) 471-2500 License Number: 95050839 Proj ect Iden t if i ca t ion : Project N-: -TA - wall e + c (m -w) Section: Data Sheet: Owner : BIpwlw C-ITIES 5770 OBLRLIN DRIVE, $AN DIIQO, CA 92121 Client : Prepared by: OWm mQW aWWP Time : 03:04:17 PM Date : DE- 18, 2000 Data file: a:\arwrlli\das\urmtr?r me of Structure: structure Criticality: BWa-eritioJ, Design Methodology: NW M8thod A Ckomynthmtio-Rainfortwd Segmmntal Wtaining WIT1 Mal 1 Geometry : Design Wall Height ( f t ) 4.67 Embedment Wall Height ( ft) 2.5 Exposed Design Wall Height (ft) 2.17 Minimum Levelling Pad Thickness (ft) 0.5 Number of Segmental Wall Units 7 Hinge Height t ft ) 4.67 Base Inclination (degrees) horizontal Wall Inclination (degrees) 7.1 S1 opes : Front Slope (degrees) Back Slope (degrees) horirontal 26.6 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 2 LN 95050839 Uniform1 y Distributed Surcharqes: Live Load Surcharge Dead Load Surcharge nom nono Friction Cohesion Angle Unit Weight Soil Data ; soil Description : (PSf) (degrees) (pcf) Reinforced Soil .and N/A 34.0 133.0 Retained Soil 8-d N/A 34.0 133.0 Foundation Soil md 0.0 34.0 133.0 Levelling Pad Soil gravml N/A 40.0 125.0 Segmental Unit Nee: Dofault rmgnmntal uhit pragrrti.8 Segmental Unit Data: Cap Height (in] noao Unit Width (in) 16.0 Unit Length (in) 19.0 Setback (in) 1.0 Weight (infilled) (lbs) 167.0 Unit Weight (infilled) (pcf) 125.3 Center of Gravity (in) 8.0 Unit Height (in) 8.0 Segmental Unit Snterface Shear Data: Properties Peak Strength Criteria Deformation Criteria Minimum (lbdft) 770.0 770.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 2000.0 Geosynthetic Reinforcement Types and Number: Type Number Name 1 1 sympaforco 88 35 3 0 Symprforor 81 80 2 0 sympaforao SI 85 Geosynthetics Properties: Strength and Polymer Type: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Index Tensile Strength (lbdft) 2627 0 3731.0 5583.0 Polymer Type pOlp8hZ polyostor polyostor SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 3 LN 95050839 _. Partial Material Safety Factors: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Creep 1.59 1.59 1.61 Biological Degradation 1.00 1.00 1.00 Chemical Degradation 1.10 1.10 1.10 Construction Site Damage 1.15 1.08 1.08 Material Uncertainty 1.50 1.50 1.50 Type 3 LTDS (lbs/ft) 870.7 1316.8 1946.0 Type 2 Long Term Design Strength: me 1 Coefficient of Interaction : Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.7 0.7 0.7 Deformation Criterion 0.6 0.6 0.6 Coefficient of Direct Sliding: Type1 Type 2 WP3 Peak Load Criterion 0.8 0.8 0.78 Type 2 Type 3 Connection Strength: Type 1 Peak Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbdft) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500 0 500.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 2000.0 3000.0 3000.0 Deformation Strength Criterion: Friction Angle (degrees) 28.0 28.0 28.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 3000.0 3000.0 Minimum (lbs/ft) 800.0 500.0 500.0 Geosynthetic-Segmental Retaining Wall unit Interface Shear Stxength: Type 1 Peak Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum (lbs/Pt 500.0 27.0 2000.0 Deformation Strength Criterion: Minimum (Ibs/ft) 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 Maximum (lbdft) 2000.0 Type 2 500.0 27.0 2000.0 800.0 27.0 2000.0 rrrvpe3 500.0 27.0 2000.0 500 0 27.0 2000.0 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) '* .:.. Page 4 LN 95050839 Coefficients of Earth Pressure and Failure Plane Orientations: Reinforced Soil (Ka) 0.32 Reinforced Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.308 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 47.98 Retained Soil (Ka) 0.32 Retained Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.308 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 47.98 Results of External StabiJity Analyses: FOS Sliding 2.62 1.5 OX FOS Overturning 5.215 2.0 ox FOS Bearing Capacity 31.65 2.5 OIC Base Reinforcement Length (L) (ft) 5.0 2.0 025. Base Eccentricity (e)(ft) 0.07 N/A Base Reinforcement Ratio (L/H) 1.07 0.6 OK Note: calculated values %ET ALL design criteria Calculated Design Criteria Detailed Results of External Stability Analyses: Total Horizontal Force (lbs/ft) Total Vertical Force (lbs/ft) Sliding Resistance (lbslft) Driving Moment (lbs-f t/ ft ) Resisting Moment (lbs-ft/ft) Bearing Capacity (psf 1 Maximum Bearing Pressure (psf) Calculated Values: 912.6 3643.6 2390.2 2029.1 10643.2 23064.0 728.9 Results of Internal Stability Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev Length Anchor FOS ms FOS FOS Layer Unit Ty~e (ft) (f tl Length Over- Pullout Pullout Sliding Spacing I (ftl stress (peak) Idef) (peak) (ft) > 1.0 > 1.0 > 1.1 I/A > 1.8 < 2.67 4 1 2.0 1.0 2.11 1.95 2.29 . M/A 3.78 QII Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Detailed Results of Internal Stability Analyzes: SRW Geosyn Elev Long Tern Tensile Pullout Pullout Sliding Sliding Unit Type (ft) Design Load Capacity Capacl ty Force Capacity # Strength flbs/ft) (peak) fdefl (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) (lbdf t) Ilbdft) (lbdft) 16S2.2 4 1 2.0 070.7 446.0 1021.0 1/A 447,4 SRWal1 (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 5 LN 95050839 Results of Facing Stability Analyses: SRW Heel Geosynthetic FOS Fos FOS FOS FOS Unit Elev Type Over- Shear Shear Connection Connection # if t) turning (peak) (deforma tion) (peak) ldefonna tion) > 1.5 > 1.8 Y/A > 1.5 WA 7 4.0 6 3.33 nona 5 2.67 4 2.0 1 9 1.33 lloDI 2 0.67 PODI 1 0.0 noam 36.63 90.68 U/A 9.73 24.22 U/A 4.58 11.46 U/A 2-72 4.98 WA 3.77 - WA 3.58 - W/A 3.11 Y/A - Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Detailed Results of Facinu Stability Analyses (Mane nt and Shear): SIW Heel GeO Drive Resist Shear Shear Shear Uni t E1 ev Type 'Mment Momn t Load Capacity Capacity # lft) (lbs-f t/f t) ilbs-f t/f t) (lbdf t) (lbs/f t) (lbs/f t) (peak) (de fom t ion) +out -in #/A 7 4.0 POM 2.0 74.2 9.1 826.7 W/A 6 3.33 llQLII 16.2 157.7 36.5 8es.s M/A I 2.67 54.7 250 .I 82.1 @IO. 2 U/A 4 2.0 1 129.7 352.6 145.0 726.9 u/A 2 0.87 MPI 437.6 1886.9 -118.51 1110.4 Y/A 1 0.0 moria 6P5.0 2188.0 0.0 1167.1 Y/A 3 1.93 noD. 253.3 055.1 -218.8 ~OSB.~ #/A Detailed Results of Facing Stability Analvses (Connections): SRW Heel OeO Connection Conneo ti on Connection Unit Elev Tvpe Load Capacity Capacity x (ft) (lbdf t (peak) (defoma tion) (1 bs/f t ) (lbs/ft) W/A 4 2.0 1 446.1 736.1 W/A SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) e/ Page 6 LN 95050839 Sympaforce FS 35 4.67 ft Project Identification : Project Name: SERENATA - Wall .@$C Section: Data Sheet: Ohbent : BREHM COMMUNITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CA Prepared by: OWEN ENGINEERING GROUP Date: DECEMEBER 18, 2000 Time : 03:04:17 EM 92121 Data file: c:\srwalll\calcs\senata2a SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 1 LN 95050839 Licensed to: RETAINING -8 CBQPANP 1531 GRAMD AVENUE 9Lu4 MARCOS, CA 92069 (619) 471-2500 License Number: 95050839 Project fden ti fi ca tion : Project Name: S&RENATA - pN1 .p fc Sect ion : Data Sheet: Owner: BIQGBM ccwwrmxta 5770 OBERLM DRIVE, SAN DTIQO, CA 92121 Client: Prepared by: OlAN wo13QLtRMQ GROUP Date : ~~cfbdl~~t~ 10, 2000 Time : 03:04:17 pw Data file: a: \arwilll\a8las\rmat&a Type of Structure: Structure Criticality: Non-asitioal Design Methodology: Nm M.thod A ~synthotio-Roinforced Smtal Retaining wall Wall Geometry: Design ball Height ( f t ) 6.0 Embedment Wall Height (ft) 2.5 Minimum Levelling Pad Thickness (ft) 0.5 Exposed Design Wall Height (ft) 3.5 Number of Segmental Wall Units Hinge Height (ft) Base Inclination (degrees) Wall Inclination (degrees) 9 6.0 horizontal 7.1 Slopes : Front Slope (degrees) horizontal Back Slope (degrees) 26.6 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 2 JX 95050839 Uniformly Distributed Surcharges: Live Load Surcharge Dead Load Surcharge Friction Cohesion Angle Unit Weight Soil Data: soil Description: (PSf) (degrees) (pcf Reinforced Soil 88nd Retained Soil 8-d Levelling Pad Soil grrvrl Foundation Soil mad N/A 34.0 133.0 N/A 34.0 133.0 N/A 40.0 125.0 0.0 34.0 133.0 Segmental Unit Name: Segmental Unit Data: Cap Height (in) Unit Height (in) Unit Width (in) Unit Length (in) Setback (in) Weight (infilled) (lbs) Unit Weight (infilled) (pcf 1 Center of Gravity (in) noao 8.0 16.0 18.0 2.0 167.0 126.3 8.0 Segmental Unit Interface Shear Data: Properties Peak Strength Criteria Deformation Criteria Minimum (lbs/ft) 770.0 770.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 2000.0 I Geosynthatic Reinforcement Types and Number: Type Number Name 1 2 SyplpHiorOr FS 35 3 0 Sympaforem Sr 80 2 0 symp.sorac. 8r 5s Geosynthetics Properties: Strength and Polymer Type: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Index Tensile Strength (lbs/ft) 2627.0 3731.0 5583.0 Polymer Type polpator polymator palymskr SRWall fver 1.1 June 1995) Page 3 LN 95050839 Partial Material Safety Factors: Type 1 Type 2 Creep 1.59 1.59 Biological Degradation 1.00 1.00 Chemical Degradation 1.10 1.10 Construction Site Damage 1.15 1.08 Material Uncertainty 1.50 1.50 Type 3 1.61 1.00 1.10 1.08 1.50 Long Term Design Strength: ' Tjpe 1 me 2 Type 3 LTDS (lbs/ft) 870.7 1316.8 1946.0 Coefficient of Interaction: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.7 0.7 0.7 Deformation Criterion 0.6 0.6 0.6 Coefficient of Direct Sliding: me 1 Type 2 Tm 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.8 0.8 0.75 connection Strength: Type 1 Type 2 we 3 Peak Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbd ft) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum (lbs/ f t ) 500.0 500.0 500.0 28.0 28.0 28 ;o 2000.0 3000.0 3000.0 Deformation Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbdft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 28.0 28.0 28.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 3000 0 3000.0 Geosyntheti c-Segmental Rataininq Wall Unit Interface Shear Strenqth: Tme 1 Peak Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum (lbs/ft) 500.0 27.0 2000.0 Deformation strength Criterion: Minimum (lbdft) 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 Type 2 Type 3 500.0 500.0 27.0 27.0 2000.0 2000.0 500.0 500.0 27.0 27.0 2000.0 2000.0 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 4 LN 95050839 Coefficients of Earth Pressure and Failure Plane Orientations: Reinforced Soil (Ka) 0.32 Reinforced Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.308 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 47.98 Retained Soil (Ka) 0.32 Retained Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.308 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 47.98 Results of External Stability Analyses: FOS Sliding FOS Overturning FOS Bearing Capacity Base Reinforcement Length (L) (ft) Base Eccentricity (e) (ft) Base Reinforcement Ratio (LJH) calculated Design Criteria 2.27 1.5 OK 3.85 2.0 OK 22.63 2.5 OM 5.0 3.6 QX 0.24 N/A 0.83 0.6 OK Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Detailed Results of External Stability Analyses: Calculated Values: Total Horizontal Force (lbs/ft) 1314.0 Total Vertical Force (lbs/ft) 4416.5 Sliding Resistance (lbs/ft) 2978.9 Driving Moment (lbs-ft/ft) 3505.4 Resisting Moment (lbs-ft/ft) 13480.3 Bearing Capacity (psf) 22123.7 Maximum Bearing Pressure (psf) 977.7 Results of Internal Stabflity Analyses: SRAl Geosyn Elev Length Anchor FOS FOS FOS FOS Layer Onf t Typ lftl (ft) Length Over- Pullout Pullout Slfding Spacing x (ft) stress (peak) (clef) > 1.0 > 1.0 > 1.1 U/A 6 1 3.33 1.0 1.08 2.61 1.7 U/A 3.78 oot 2 1 0.67 5.0 3.11 2.12 1.87 U/A 2.37 031 Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Detailed Results of Internal Stablli ty Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev bong Term Tensile Pullout Pullout Sliding Sliding Unit Type (ft) Wsign Load Capacity Capacity Force Capacf ty Strength flbs/ft) (peak) (def) flbs/ft) (lbs/ft) (lbs/f t ) (lbs/ft) flbdft) x 6 1 3.33 810.7 328.2 556.9 U/A 447.4 issa.2 2 1 0.67 870.7 410.3 2408.4 Wh 1104.2 2620.8 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 5 LN 95050839 Results of Facing Stability Analyses: SRW Heel Geosynthetio FoS FoS Fos > 1.6 > 1.5 11/A Unit Elev Type Over- Shear Shear Y ff tl turning (peak) (deformation) 5.39 4.67 4.0 9.33 2.67 2.0 1.93 0.67 0.0 36.63 9.73 4.58 2.72 3.11 3.58 3.15 2.72 2.73 90.68 24.24 11.46 4.98 - - 9.8s 3-74 >99 Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Fos Connection (peak) > 1.5 Fos Connection (deforma tion) %/A Detailed Results of Facing Stability Analyses (MiJment and Shear): SRW Heel -0 Drive Resf s t Shear Shear Shear Unit Elev TYm Momn t Moment Load Capacity Capacity # (ft) (lbs-ft/ft) (lbs-ft/ft) (lbdft) (lbdft) (lbs/ft) (deforma tion) +out -in (peak’ #/A 5.33 4.67 4 .O 3.19 2.67 2.0 1.33 0.67 0.0 2.0 16.2 54.7 129.7 253.3 437.6 69J.O 1037.4 1477.0 74.2 167.7 250.5 352.6 P55.1 1566.9 2818.3 4038.4 2188. o 9.1 96.5 82.1 148.9 -100.3 0.0 118.5 255.3 0.0 826.7 883.5 940.2 726.9 1053.6 1110.4 1167.1 953.8 1280 .5 Detailed Rssul ts of Facing Stdbili ty Analyses (Connectfons) : SRW Heel -0 Connection Connection Connection Unit Elev TYPe Load capad ty Capacity # ff t) (lbs/f t) (peak1 (de f onna ti on) (lbS/ft) (Ibs/ft) U/A 6 3.33 1 328.2 736. e WA 2 ,Os67 1 410.3 973.6 WA SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 6 I LN 95050839 7.1 degrees Sympaforce FS 35 6.0 T- ft 11 1 Sympaforce FS 35 T I' -0.5 ft 5.0 ft Pro j ec t Iden ti f d ca ti on : Project Name: SERENATA - Wall @ # ~5 Sect ion : Data Sheet: Orlrment : BREW CCMMWNITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE, SAN DIEO, CA Prepared by: OWEN ENGINEERING GROUP Date: DECEMEBER 18, 2000 Time: 03:04:17 PM 92121 Data file: c:\srwalll\calca\senata3a SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 1 LN 95050839 Licensed to : RETAINING WALLS COMPANY 1531 GRAND AVENUE SAMMARCOS, CA 92069 (619) 471-2500 License Number: 95050839 Project Iden t if i ca ti on : Project Name: SERENATA - WALL B Section : Data Sheet: Owner : BREW C-ITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 Client: Prepared by: OWEN ENGINEERING GROUP Date: Dacembar 18 2000 Time : 03:22:09 PM Data file: c:\srwalll\al6sympa Type of Structure: Geosynthetic-Reinforced Segmental Retaining Wall Structure Criticality: Non-critical Design Methodology: NCMA Method A Wall Geometry: Design Wall Height (ft) 8.0 Exposed Design Wall Height (ft) 5.5 Embedment Wall Height (ft) 2.5 Minimum Levelling Pad Thickness (ft) 0.5 Number of Segmental Wall Units Hinge Height (ft) Base Inclination (degrees) Wall Inclination (degrees) 12 8.0 horizontal 7.1 slopes : Front Slope (degrees) Back Slope (degrees) horizontal 26.6 ... SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) ' 5// Page 2 LN gs05oa39 Uniform1 y Distributed Surcharges: Live Load Surcharge Dead Load Surcharge none none Eri c t i on Cohesion Angle Uni t Wei qh t Soil Data: Soil Description : (psf) (degrees) (pcf) Reinforced Soil sand Retained Soil sand Levelling Pad Soil gravel Foundation Soil sand N/A 34.0 133.0 N/A 34.0 133.0 N/A 40.0 125.0 133.0 0.0 34.0 Seqmental Unit Name: Segmental unit Data: Cap Height (in) Unit Height (in) Unit Width (in) Unit Length (in) Setback (in) Weight (infilled) (lbs) Unit Weight (infilled) (pcf) Center of Gravity (in) Default segmental unit properties none 0.0 16.0 18.0 1.0 167.0 125.3 8.0 Segmental Unit Interface Shear Data: Properties Peak Strength Criteria Deformation Criteria Minimuml (lbs/ft) 770.0 770.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 2000.0 Geosynthetic Reinforcement Types and Number: Type Number Name 1 3 Sympaforce FS 35 2 0 Syzapaforce SF 55 3 0 Sympaforce SF 80 SRWall (ver 2.1 June 1995) Page 3 LN 95050839 Geosyn the tics Properties : Strength and Polymer Type: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Index Tensile Strength (lbs/ft) 2627.0 3731.0 5583.0 Polymer Type polyester polyester polyester Partial Material Safety Factors: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Creep 1.59 1.59 1.61 Biological Degradation 1.00 1.00 1.00 Chemical Degradation 1.10 1.10 1.10 Construction Site Damage 1.15 1.08 1.08 Material Uncertainty 1.50 1.50 1.50 Long Term Design Strenqth: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 1316.8 1946.0 LTDS (lbs/ft) 870.7 Coefficient of Interaction: Peak Load Criterion Deformation Criterion Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 Coefficient of Direct Sliding: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.8 0.0 0.75 Connectlon Strength: Peak Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum (lbs/ f t ) 500.0 500.0 500.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 2000.0 3000.0 3000.0 Deformation Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs / f t ) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 28.0 28.0 28.0 3000.0 3000.0 Maximum ( lb s / f t ) 2000.0 SRWall (ver 1,1 June 1995) Page 4 LN 35050839 53/ Geosyntheti c-Segmen tal Retaining Wall Uni t Interface Shear Strength: TYPe 1 Type 3 Peak Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500,O 500.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 Deformation Strength Criterion: ' Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 Coefficients of Earth Pressure and Failure Plane Orientations: Reinforced Soil (Ka) 0.32 Reinforced Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.308 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 47.98 Retained Soil (Ka) 0.32 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 47.98 Retained Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.308 Results of External Stability Analyses: FOS Sliding FOS Overturning FOS Bearing Capacity Base Reinforcement Length (L) (ft) Base Eccentricity (e) (ft) Base Reinforcement Ratio (L/H) Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Calculated Design Criteria 2.29 1.5 OK 2.0 OK 3.94 20.48 2.5 OK 0.3 N/A 0.88 0.6 OK 7.0 4.8 OK Detailed Results of External Stability Analyses: Calculated Values: Total Horizontal Force (lbs/ft) Total Vertical Force (lbs/ft) Sliding Resistance (lbs/ft) Driving Moment (lbs-ft/ft) Resisting Moment (lbs-ft/ft) Bearing Capacity (psf) Maximum Bearing Pressure (psf) 2514.7 8522.8 5748.7 9280.5 36562.1 27270.7 1331.3 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 5 LN 95050839 Results of Internal Stability Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev Length Anchor FOS FOS FOS FOS Layer Unit Type fft) fft) Length Over- Pull out Pullou t S1 idi ng Spacing I (ft) stress (peak) (def) (peak) fft) > 1.0 > 1.0 > 1.5 N/A > 1.5 < 2.67 9 1 5.33 7.0 1.53 3.16 3.48 N/A 3.61 OK 6 1 3.33 7.0 3.08 2.27 6.55 N/A 2.78 OK 3 1 1.33 7.0 4.63 1.33 7.09 N/A 2.26 OK Note: calculated values MEET ALL design cribria Detailed Results of Internal Stability Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev Long Term Tensile Pullout Pullout Sliding Sliding Capacity Capaci ty Force Capacity Unit Type fftl Design Load # Strength flbs/ft) (peak) fdef) flbs/ft) (lbs/ft) (lbs/f t) (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) 9 1 5.33 870. I 275.8 958.5 N/A 675.5 2436.0 6 1 3.33 870.7 382.9 2507.4 N/A 1228.4 3419.5 3 1 1.33 810.7 654.2 4635.8 N/A 1945.5 4403.1 Results of Facing Stability Analyses: SRW Heel Geosynthetic FOS Unit Elev Type Over- Y (ftl turning > 1.5 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 7.33 6.67 6.0 5.33 4.67 4.0 3.33 2.67 2.0 1.33 0.67 0.0 none none none 1 nonr none 1 nonr none 1 none none 36.63 9.73 4.58 2.72 3.77 3.58 3.15 3.28 3.13 2.89 2.84 2.71 FOS Shear (peak) > 1.5 90.68 24.22 11.46 4.98 21.18 5.25 16.05 4.22 - - - FOS Shear (de f oma ti on) N/A FOS Connection (peak) > 1.5 FOS Connection (defonna tion) N/A Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Detailed Results of Facing Stability Analyses (Moment and Shear): SRW Heel Geo Drive Resist Shear Unit El ev Type Moment Moment Load I lft) (lbS-ft/ft) (lbs-ft/ft) (lbs/ft) tout -in 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 7.33 6.67 6.0 5.33 4.67 4 .O 3.33 2.67 2.0 1.33 0.67 0.0 nonr nonr nonr 1 nonr none 1 nonr none 1 nonr none 2.0 16.2 54.7 129.7 253.3 437.6 695.0 1037.4 1477.0 2026.1 2696.7 3501.1 74.2 157.7 250.5 352.6 955.1 1566.9 2188.0 3398.8 5848.3 7667.4 9495. 8 4618.9 9.1 36.5 82.1 145.9 -47.9 52.4 171.0 -75.2 79.8 253.0 -209.7 0.0 Shear Shear Capacity Capaci ty (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) (peak) (deforma tion) N/A 826.7 N/A 883.5 N/A 940.2 N/A 1053.6 N/A 1110.4 N/A 897.1 N/A 1223.8 N/A 1280.5 N/A 1067.3 N/A 1394.0 N/A 1450.7 N/A 726.9 N/A SRWall fver 1.1 June 1995) Page 6 LN 95050839 Detailed Results of Facinq Stability Analyses (Connections): SRW Heel Geo Connection Connection Connection Uni t Elev Type Load Capacity Capacity P (f t) (lbs/ft) (peak) (de forma tion) (lbs/ftl (lbs/ ft ) N/A 9 5.33 1 275.8 736.8 N/A 6 3.33 1 382.9 914.4 N/A 3 1.33 1 654.2 1092.0 N/A SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 7 LN 95050839 Sympaforce FS 35 8.0 ft Sympaforce FS 35 Sympaforce FS 35 -0.5 ft 7.0 ft Pro i ect Iden ti fi ca ti on : Project Name: SERENATA - WALL B Sect ion : Data Sheet: 92121 Orlrment : BREHM COMMUNITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CA Prepared by: OWEN ENGINEERING GROUP Date: December 18 2000 Time : 03:22:09 PM Data file: c:\srwalll\al6sympa SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 1 LN 95050839 Licensed to: RETAINING WALLS COMPANY 1531 GRAND AVENUE SAMMARCOS, CA 92069 (619) 471-2500 License Number: 95050839 Pro i ec t Iden t if i ca t ion : Project Name: SERG~TA - W~L B Section: Data Sheet: owner : BREHM COENUNITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 Client: Prepared by: OWEN ENGINEERING GROUP Date: December 18 2000 Time : 03:22:09 PM Data file: c:\srwalll\al6rympa Type of Structure: Structure Criticality: Non-critical Design Methodology: NCMA Method A Oeosynthetic-Reinforced Segmental Retaining Wall Wa 11 Geome t r v : Design Wall Height (ft) 9.33 Embedment Wall Height (ft) 2.5 Exposed Design Wall Height (ft) 6.83 Minimum Levelling Pad Thickness (ft) 0.5 Number of Segmental Wall Units 14 Hinge Height (ft) 9.33 Base Inclination (degrees) horizontal Wall Inclination (degrees) 7.1 Slopes: Front Slope (degrees) horizontal A- - SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 2 LN 95050839 Uniformly Distributed Surcharges: Live Load Surcharge none Dead Load surcharge none Fri ct ion Cohesion Angle Vni t Weigh t Soil Data: soil Description: fpsf) (degrees) (pcf) Reinforced Soil sand Retained Soil sand Levelling Pad Soil gravel Foundation Soil sand N/A 34.0 N/A 34.0 N/A 40.0 0.0 34.0 133.0 133.0 125.0 133.0 Segmental Unit Name: Default segmrntal unit properties Segmental Unit Data: Cap Height (in) none Unit Height (in) 8.0 Unit Width (in) 16.0 Unit Length (in) 18.0 Weight (infilled) (lbs) 167.0 Unit Weight (infilled) (pcf) 125.3 Setback (in) 1.0 Center of Gravity (in) 8.0 Segmental Unit Interface Shear Data: Proper t i es Peak Strength Criteria Deformation Criteria Minimum, (lbs/ft) 770.0 770.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ f t) 2000.0 2000.0 Geosyn the t i c Reinforcement Types and Number: Type Number Name 1 4 Sympaforce FS 35 2 0 Sympaforce SF 55 3 0 Sympaforce SF 80 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 3 LN 95050839 Geosyn the tics Properties : Strength and Polymer Type: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Index Tensile strength (lbs/ft) 2627.0 3731.0 5583.0 Polymer Type polyester polyester polyester Partial Material Safety Factors: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Creep 1.59 1.59 1.61 Biological Degradation 1.00 1.00 1.00 Chemical Degradation 1.10 1.10 1.10 Construction Site Damage 1.15 1.08 1.00 Material Uncertainty 1.50 1.50 1.50 Long Term Design Strength: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 1946.0 LTDS (lbs/ft) 070.7 1316.8 Coefficient of Interaction: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.7 0.7 0.7 Deformation Criterion 0.6 0.6 0.6 Coefficient of Direct Sliding: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.8 0.0 0.75 I Connection Strength : Peak Strength Criterion : Minimum (lbs/ft) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum (lbs/ft) Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 500.0 500.0 500.0 28.0 28.0 20.0 2000.0 3000.0 3000.0 Deformation Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 3000.0 3000.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 20.0 28.0 28.0 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 4 LN 95050839 Geosynthetic-Segmental Retaining Wall Unit Interface Shear Strength: Type 1 Peak Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 Deformation Strength Criterion: * Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 Type 2 Type 3 500.0 500.0 27.0 27.0 2000.0 2000.0 500.0 500.0 27.0 27.0 2000.0 2000.0 Coefficients of Earth Pressure and Failure Plane Orientations: Reinforced Soil (Ka) 0.32 Reinforced Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.308 orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 47.98 Retained Soil (Ka) 0.32 Retained Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.308 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 47.98 Results of External Stability Analyses: Calculated Design Criteria FOS Sliding 2.32 1.5 OX FOS Overturning 4.07 2.0 OK FOS Bearing Capacity 19.97 2.5 OK Base Reinforcement Length (L) (ft) 8.5 5.6 OK Base Eccentricity (e) (ft) 0.32 N/A Base Reinforcement Ratio (L/H) 0.91 0.6 OK Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Detailed Results of External Stability Analyses: Calculated Values: Total Horizontal Force (lbs/ft) 3577.8 Total Vertical Force (lbs/ft) 12300.7 Sliding Resistance (lbs/ft) 8296.9 Driving Moment (lbs-ft/ft) 15749.9 Resisting Moment (lbs-ft/ft) 64089.1 Bearing Capacity (psf) 31251.0 Maximum Bearing Pressure (psf) 1565.0 A SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 5 LN 95050839 Results of Internal Stability Analyses: SRW Unit x 11 8 5 2 Geosyn TYPe 1 1 1 1 Elev Length Anchor (ft) (ft! Length (ft) > 1.0 6.67 8.5 1.99 4.67 0.5 3.54 2.67 0.5 5.1 0.67 8.5 6.65 FOS Over- stress > 1.0 3.16 2.27 1.59 ,1 .5 Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria FOS Pull out (peak) > 1.5 5.11 8.27 10.07 14.51 FOS Sliding (peak) > 1.5 3.53 2.87 2.41 2.07 Layer Spacing (ft) < 2.67 OK OK OK OK Detailed Results of Internal Stability Analyses: SRW Geosyn Blev Long Term Tensile Pull out Pullout Sliding Sliding Capacity Capacity Force Capacity Unit Type (ftl Design Load x Strength (lbs/f t) (peak) (defl (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) (lbs/f t) (lbs/f t) 11 1 6.67 870.7 ,275.8 1409.2 N/A 877.3 3094.5 8 1 4.67 870.7 382.9 3168.7 N/A 1496.0 4293.3 5 1 2.67 870.7 547 .O 5507.7 N/A 2278.8 5492.2 2 1 0.67 870.7 581.2 8433.4 N/A 3225.7 6691.0 Results of Facing Stability Analyses: SRW Heel Geosynthetic FOS FOS FOS Unit Elev Type Over- Shear Shear x (ftl turning (peak) (defbnnation) > 1.5 > 1.5 N/A 14 8.67 nono 13 8.0 none 12 7.33 nono 11 6.67 1 10 6.0 none 9 5.33 nono 8 4.67 1 7 4.0 nono 6 3.33 nonr 5 2.67 1 4 2.0 nonr 3 1.33 nonr 2 0.67 1 1 0.0 none Note: calculated values MEET 36.63 90.68 9.73 24.22 4.58 11.46 2.72 4.98 3.77 - 3.58 21.18 3.15 5.25 3.28 - 3.13 16.05 2.89 4.22 2.84 - 2.71 13.54 2.55 3.69 2.48 - ALL design criteria FOS Connectf on (peak) > 1.5 - 2.67 - - 2.39 - - 2.0 - - 2.10 - FOS Connection (de forma tion) N/A Detailed Results of Facinq Stability Analyses (Moment and Shear) : SRW Unit x 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Heel Elev (ft) 8.67 8.0 7.33 6.67 6.0 5.33 4.67 4.0 3.33 2.67 2.0 1.33 0.67 -I Geo Type nono nono nonr 1 none none 1 none none 1 none none 1 ---- Drive Resist Shear Moment Moment Load (lbs-ft/ft) (lbs-ft/ft) (lbs/f t) +out -in 2.0 16.2 54.7 129.7 253.3 437.6 695.0 1037.4 1477.0 2026.1 2696.7 3501.1 4451.4 sfifin c 74.2 157.7 250.5 352.6 955.1 1566.9 2188.0 3398.8 4618.9 5848.3 7667.4 9495.8 11333.5 jaikn a 9.1 36.5 82.1 145.9 -47.9 52.4 171.0 -75.2 79.8 253.0 -102.6 107.1 335.1 nn Shear Capaci Cy (lbs/ft) (peak) 826.7 083.5 940.2 726.9 1053.6 1110.4 897.1 1223.8 1280.5 1067.3 1394.0 1450.7 1237.5 1564.2 Shear Capacity (lbs/f t) (def orma ti on) N/A SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 6 LN 95050839 Detailed Results of Facing Stability Analyses (Connections) : SRW Heel Geo Connection Connecti on Connection Uni t El ev TYPe Load Capaci t y Capa ci ty # Ift) (lbs/f t) IpeakJ (def orma t ion J (lbs/f t) (Ibs/ft) N/A 11 6.67 1 275.8 736. e N/A 8 4.67 1 382.9 914.4 NIA 5 2.67 1 547.0 1092.0 N/A 2 0.67 1 581.2 ' 1269.6 N/A , SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 7 LN 95050839 I-- - 7.1 3 ft - Sppaforce FS 35 Sppaforce FS 35 -0.5 ft 8.5 ft L Proi ect Identification : Project Name: SERENATA - WALL B Sect ion : Data Sheet: Oslment : BREW COMMUNITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 Prepared by: OWEN ENGINEERING GROUP Date: December 18 2000 Time : 03:22:09 PM Data file: c:\srwalll\al6sympa SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 1 LN 95050839 Licensed to : RETAINING WALLS COMPANY 1531 GRAND AVENUE SAM MARCOS, CA 92069 (619) 471-2500 License Number: 95050839 Project Identification : Project Name: SERENATA - WALL #& Section: Data Sheet: Owner : BREHM C0b"ITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE, SAN DIEOO, CA 92121 Client: Prepared by: OWEN ENGINEERING GFtOUP Date: December 18 2000 Time : 03:22:09 PM Data file: c: \srwalll\al6sympa Type of Structure: (kosynthetic-Reinforced Segmental btaining Wall Structure Criticality: Non-critical Design Methodol oqy : NCMA Msthod A I Wa 1 1 Geome try : Design Wall Height ( ft) Embedment Wall Height (ft) Exposed Design Wall Height (ft) Minimum Levelling Pad Thickness (ft) Number of Segmental Wall Units Hinge Height ( f t ) Base Inclination (degrees) Wall Inclination (degrees) 6.67 2.5 4.17 0.5 10 6.67 horizontal 7.1 Slopes : Front Slope (degrees) __ -1- -7 ... . 9 horizontal SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 2 LN 95050839 Uniformly Distributed Surcharges: Live Load Surcharge Dead Load Surcharge (psf) none 280 Friction Cohesion Angle Unit Weight Soil Data : Soil Description: (psf I (degrees) (pcf) Reinforced Soil sand N/A 34.0 133.0 133.0 Retained Soil sand N/A 34.0 Levelling Pad Soil gravel N/A 40.0 125.0 Foundation Soil sand 0.0 34.0 133.0 Segmental Unit Name: Segmental Unit Data: Cap Height (in) Unit Height (in) Unit Width (in) Unit Length (in) Setback (in) Weight (infilled) (lbs) Unit Weight (infilled) (pcf) Center of Gravity (in) Default segmental unit properties none 8.0 16.0 1.0 167.0 125.3 8.0 18.0 Segmental Unit Interface Shear Data: Proper t i es Peak Strength Criteria Deformation Criteria Minimum' (lbs/ft) 770.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 770.0 27.0 2000.0 Geosynthetic Reinforcement Types and Number: Type Number Name 1 3 Sympaforce FS 35 2 0 Sympaforce SF 55 3 0 Sympaforce SF 80 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 3 LN 95050839 Geosyn thetics Properties : Strength and Polymer Type: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Index Tensile Strength (lbs/ft) 2627.0 3731.0 5583.0 Polymer Type polyester polyester polyester Partial Material Safety Factors: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Creep 1.59 1.59 1.61 Biological Degradation 1.00 1.00 1.00 Chemical Degradation 1.10 1.10 1.10 Construction Site Damage 1.15 1.08 1.08 Material Uncertainty 1.50 1.50 1.50 Long Term Design Strength: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 LTDS (lbs/ft) 870.7 1316.8 1946.0 Coefficient of Interaction: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.7 0.7 0.7 Deformation Criterion 0.6 0.6 0.6 Coefficient of Direct Sliding: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.8 0.8 0.75 Connecdion Strength: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum ( lbs / f t ) 500.0 28.0 2000.0 500.0 28.0 3000.0 500.0 28.0 3000.0 Deformation Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 28.0 28.0 28.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 3000.0 3000.0 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 4 LN 95050839 ~~ Geosynthetic-Segmental Retaining Wall Unit Interface Shear Stsength: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 Deformation Strength Criterion: ' Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees ) 27.0 27.0 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 Coefficients of Earth Pressure and Failure Plane Orientations: Reinforced Soil (Ka) 0.32 Reinforced Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.308 orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 47.98 Retained Soil (Ka) 0.32 Retained Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.308 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 47.98 Results of External Stability Analyses: Ca 1 cul a t ed FOS Sliding 2.09 FOS Overturning 3.51 FOS Bearing Capacity 18.58 Base Reinforcement Length (L) (ft) 6.5 Base Eccentricity (e) (ft) 0.3 Base Reinforcement Ratio (L/H) 0.97 Note: cAlculated values MEET ALL design criteria Design- Criteria 1.5 OK 2.0 OK 2.5 OK 4.0 OK N/A 0.6 OK Detailed Results of External Stability Analyses: Calculated Values: Total Horizontal Force (lbs/ft) Total Vertical Force (Ibs/ft) Sliding Resistance (lbs/ft) Driving Moment (lbs-ft/ft) Resisting Moment (lbs- f t / f t ) Bearing Capacity (psf) Maximum Bearing Pressure (psf) 2658.3 8226.2 5548.6 9683.8 33957.9 25904.4 1393.9 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 5 LN 95050839 Results of Internal Stability Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev Length Anchor FOS FOS FOS FOS Layer Unit Type (ft) (ft) Length Over- Pullout Pullout Sliding Spacing c (ft) stress (peak) (def) (peak) fft) > 1.0 > 1.0 > 1.5 N/A > 1.5 < 2.67 8 1 4.67 6.5 1.54 1.96 2.72 N/A 3.13 OK 5 '1 2.67 6.5 3.1 1.74 5.98 N/A 2.4 OK Hate: calculated values MEET ALL design critkria 2 1 0.67 6.5 4.65 1.6 9.82 N/A 1.96 ox Detailed Results of Internal Stability Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev Long Term Tensile Pullout Pullout Sliding Sliding Unit Type fft) Design Load Capacity Capacity Force Capacity x Strength (lbs/f t) (peak) (def) (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) (lbs/f t) (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) 8 1 4.67 870.7 443.0 1207.2 N/A 888.5 2177.9 5 1 2.67 870.7 501.0 2998.3 N/A 1537.6 3689.7 4601.5 2 1 0.61 870.7 542 .B 5330.1 N/A 2350.8 Results of Facing Stability Analyses: SRW Heel Geosynthetic FOS FOS FOS FOS FOS Unit Elev Type Over- Shear Shear Connection Connection x If tl turning (peak) (deformation) (peak) (defonna tion) > 1.5 > 1.5 N/A > 1.5 N/A 10 6.0 9 5.33 8 4.67 I 4.0 6 3.33 5 2.67 4 2.0 3 1.33 2 0.61 1 0.0 nom none 1 nonr none 1 none nonr A none 3.5 1.7 1.1* 1.84 1.87 1.72 1.89 1.88 1.79 1.82 12.39 5.83 2.63 14.61 3.65 12.31 3.24 - - - Note: * value does NOT MEET design criterion (1 occurrences) Detailed Results of Facing Stability Analyses (Moment and Shear): SRW Heel Geo Drive Resist Shear Shear Shear Unit Elev Type Moment Moment Load Capacity Capacity # lft) (lbs-ft/ft) (lbs-ft/ft) (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) (peak) (deforma tion) tout -in N/A 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 6.0 5.33 4.67 4.0 3.33 2.67 2.0 1.33 0.67 0.0 nonr none 1 nonr none 1 noni none I none 21.2 93.0 227.5 436.8 733.1 1128.6 1635.5 2265.8 3031. 8 3945.6 74.2 151.7 250.5 804.3 1367.3 1939.7 3091.4 4252.4 5422.7 7182. 8 66.7 151.6 254.8 -67.5 72.1 230.0 -94.9 99.5 312.0 0.0 826.7 610.2 996.9 1053.6 840.4 1167.1 1223.8 1010.5 1337.3 883. I SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 6 LN 95050839 Detailed Results of Facinq Stability Analyses (Connections): SRW Heel Geo Connection Connection Connection Unit El ev Type Load Capacity Capacity # ffti (1 bs/f t I (peak) (de forma ti on J (lbdf t) (lbs/ft) N/A 8 4.67 1 443.8 677.6 N/A 5 2.67 1 501 .O 055.2 N/A 2 0.67 1 542.8 1032.8 N/A SRWall (ver 2.1 June 1995) Page 7 LN 95050839 6 - 7.1 degrees Sympaforce FS 35 ’ ft Sympaforce PS 35 Synpaforce FS 35 -0.5 ft I- \ 6.5 ft I Proi ect Iden tifi ca ti on : Project Name: SERENATA - WALLSC Section: 92121 Data Sheet: OAuhent : BREW COMMUNITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CA Prepared by: OWEN ENGINEERING GROUP Date: December 18 2000 Time : 03:22:09 PM Data file: c:\srwalll\al6sympa SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 1 LN 95050839 ~~~ ~ Licensed to: RETAINING WALLS COMPANY 1531 GRAND AVENUE SAMMARCOS, CA 92069 (619) 471-2500 License Number: 95050039 Project Identification : Pro] ec t Name : Section: Data Sheet: owner: client: Prepared by: Date : Time : Data file: SERENATA - WALL# mHM COWNNITIES 5770 OBERLIN OWEN ENGINEERING GROUP Docembor 18 2000 03:22:09 PM c:\srwalll\al6sympa DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 Type of Structure: structure Criticality: Desiqn Methodology: Geosynthetic-Reinforced Segmental Retaining Wall Non-critical NCMA Mmthod A Wall Geometry: Design Wall Height (ft) Embedment Wall Height (ft) Exposed Design Wall Height (ft) Minimum Levelling Pad Thickness (ft) Number of Segmental Wall Units Hinge Height ( ft) Base Inclination (degrees) Wall Inclination (degrees) 8.67 2.5 6.17 0.5 13 8.67 horizontal 7.1 S1 opes : Prnnt 91 one IdPnrPPsl hnri annkal SRWall (ver 1,l June 1995) Page 2 LN 95050839 Uniformly Distributed Surcharges: Live Load Surcharge Dead Load Surcharge (psf) none 280 Friction Unit Weight Cohesion Angle soil Data : soi 1 Description : (psf I (degrees) (pcf) Reinforced Soil sand Retained Soil sand Levelling Pad Soil gravel Foundation Soil sand 133.0 N/A 34.0 133.0 N/A 34.0 N/A 40.0 125.0 133.0 0.0 34.0 Segmental Unit Name : Segmental Unit Data: Cap Height (in) Unit Height (in) Unit Width (in) Unit Length (in) Setback (in) Weight (inf illed) (lbs) Unit Weight (infilled) (pcf) Center of Gravity (in) Default segmental unit properties none 8.0 16.0 18.0 1.0 167.0 125.3 8.0 Seqmental Unit Interface Shear Data : Properties Peak Strength Criteria Deformation Criteria Minimurn\ (lbs/ft) 770.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 Maximum (lbs / f t ) 2000.0 770.0 27.0 2000.0 Geosynthetic Reinforcement Types and Number: Type Number Name 1 4 Sympaforce FS 35 2 0 Sympaforce SF 55 3 0 Sympaforce SF 80 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) . Page 3 LN 95050839 Geosynthetics Properties: Strength and Polymer Type: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Index Tensile Strength (lbsjft) 2627.0 3731.0 5583.0 Polymer Type polyester polyester polyester Partial Material Safety Factors: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Biological Degradation 1.00 1.00 1.00 Chemical Degradation 1.10 1.10 1.10 Construction Site Damage 1.15 1.08 1.08 Creep 1.59 1.59 1.61 Mat'erial Uncertainty 1.50 1.50 1.50 Long Term Design Strength: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 LTDS (lbs/ft) 870.7 1316.8 1946.0 Coefficient of Interaction: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.7 0.7 0.7 Deformation Criterion 0.6 0.6 0.6 Coefficient of Direct Sliding: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.8 0.8 0.75 Connect ion Strength : Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum (lbs/ f t ) 500.0 500.0 500.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 2000.0 3000.0 3000.0 Deformation Strength Criterion: MinimUin (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 3000.0 3000.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 28.0 28.0 28.0 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 4 LN 95050839 Geosynthetic-Segmental Retaining Wall Unit Interface Shear Strength: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 Deformation Strength Criterion: * Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 Coefficients of Earth Pressure and Failure Plane Orientations: Reinforced Soil (Ka) 0.32 Reinforced Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.308 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 47.98 Retained Soil (Ka) 0.32 Retained Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.308 orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 47.98 Results of External Stability Analyses: Calculated Design Criteria 1.5 OK FOS Overturning 3.86 2.0 OK FOS Bearing Capacity 18.51 2.5 OK Base Reinforcement Length (L) (ft) 9.0 5.2 OK Base Eccentricity (e) (ft) 0.32 N/A 1.04 0.6 OK Base Reinforcement Ratio (L/H) Note: chlculated values MEET ALL design criteria FOS Sliding 2.22 Detailed Results of External Stability Analyses: Calculated Values: Total Horizontal Force (lbs/ft) Total Vertical Force (Ibs/ft) Sliding Resistance (lbs/ft) Driving Moment (lbs-ft/ft) Resisting Moment (lbs-ft/ft) Bearing Capacity (psf) Maximum Bearing Pressure (psf) 4470.8 14710,l 9922.1 21446.5 82889.5 32600.7 1760.9 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 5 LN 35050839 Results of Internal Stability Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev Length Anchor FOS FOS FOS FOS Layer Unit Type (ft) (ft) Length Over- Pullout Pullout Sliding Spacing I (ftl stress (peak) (defl (peak) (ft) > 1.0 > 1.0 > 1.5 N/A > 1.5 < 2.67 11 1 6.67 10.0 3.49 1.96 7.4 N/A 3.19 OK 8 1 4.67 9.0 4.04 1.74 8.85 N/A 2.63 OK 2 1 0.67 9.0 7.15 1.28 15.3 N/A 1.96 OK 5 1 2.67 9.0 5.6 1.31 10.79 N/A 2.24 ox Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Detailed Results of Internal Stability Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev Long Term Tensile Pullout Pullout Sliding Sliding Unit Type (ft) Design . Load Capacity Capacity Force Capacity x Strength (lbs/ft) (peak) fdefl (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) (lbs/f t) (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) 11 1 6.67 870.7 443.8 3284.2 N/A 1303.7 4158,7 8 1 4.67 870.7 501.0 4431.3 N/A 2062.4 5429.3 5 1 2.67 870.7 665.1 7176.5 N/A 2985.2 6700.0 2 1 0.67 870.1 679.6 10400.7 N/A 4072.0 7970.6 Results of Facinq Stability Analyses: SRW Heel Geosyrthetic FOS FOS FOS FOS FOS Unit Elev Type Over- Shear Shear Connection Connection x (ft) turning (peak) (deformation) (peak) (deforma tion) > 1.5 . > 1.5 N/A > 1.5 N/A 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Note: 0.0 none 7.33 none 6.67 I 6.0 none 5.33 nonm 4.67 1 4.0 nonm 3.33 nonr 2.67 1 2.0 none 1.33 none 0.67\ 1 0.0 nonm * value does 3.5 1.7 1.1* 1.84 1.87 1.72 1.89 1.88 1.79 . 1.82 1.78 1.71 1.7 NOT MEET design 12.39 N/A 5.83 N/A 2.63 WA N/A 14.61 N/A 3.65 N/A - N/A 12.31 N/A 3.24 N/A N/A 10.99 N/A 3.0 N/A - N/A - - criterion (1 occurrences) Detailed Results of Facinq Stability Analyses (Moment and Shear): SRW Heel Geo Drive Resist Shear Shear Shear Unit Elev Type Moment Moment Load Capacity Capacity x (ft) (lbs-ft/ft) (lbs-ft/ft) (lbS/ft) (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) (peak) (deforma tion) tout -in N/A 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8.0 7.33 6.67 6.0 5.33 4.67 4.0 3.33 2.67 2 .o 1.33 0.67 0.0 none none 1 none nona 1 none none 1 none none I none 21.2 93.0 227.5 436.8 733.1 1128.6 1635.5 2265.8 3031.8 3945.6 5019.3 6265.1 7695.3 74.2 157.7 250.5 804.3 1367.3 1939.7 3091.4 4252.4 5422.7 7182.8 8952.1 10730.7 13099 .O 66.7 151.6 254.8 -67.5 72.1 230.0 -94.9 99.5 312.0 -122.2 126.8 394.1 0.0 826.7 670.2 996.9 1053.6 840.4 1167.1 1223.8 1010.5 1337.3 1394.0 1180.7 1507.5 883.5 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 6 LN 95050839 ~_____ ~~ Detailed Results of Facing Stability Analyses (Connections) : SRW Heel Geo Connection Connection Connection Uni t El ev Type Load Capaci t y Capa ci t y # (ft) (lbs/f t) (peak) (de forma ti on) (lbs/f t) /lbs/ft) N/A 11 6.67 1 443. a 677.6 N/A a 4.67 1 501.0 855.2 N/A 5 2.67 1 665.1 1032.8 NIA 2 0.67 1 679.6 ’ 1210.4 N/A SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 7 rII LN 950508 9 I 7.1 degrees ' I/ (( Sympaforce FS 35 2.5 ft I Sympaforce FS 35 k I I Sympaforce FS 35 I Sympaforce FS 35' - T -0.5 ft t- t 9.0 ft Project Identification: Project Name: SERENATA - WALL $6 Section: Data Sheet: 92121 ClQrherrt : BREW COMMUNITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CA Prepared by: OWEN ENGINEERING GROUP Date: December 18 2000 Time: 03:22:09 PM Data file: c:\srwalll\al6sympa SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 1 LN 95050839 Licensed to : RETAINING WALLS CQMPANY 1531 GRAND AVENUE SAMMARCOS, CA 92069 (619) 471-2500 License Number: 95050839 Pro j ec t Iden ti f i ca ti on : Project Name: SERENATA - WALL#& Section: Data Sheet: Owner : Client : Prepared by: Date : Time : Data file: BREW C-ITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 OWEN ENGINEERING GROUP December 18 2000 03:22:09 PM c:\srwalll\al6sympa Type of Structure: Goosynthetic-Reinforced Segmsntal Retaining Wall Structure Criticality: Non-critical Design Methodology: NCMA Method A Wa 1 1 Geome try : Design Wall Height (ft) Embedment Wall Height ( ft) Exposed Design Wall Height (ft) Minimum Levelling Pad Thickness (ft) Number of Segmental Wall Units Hinge Height (ft) Base Inclination (degrees) Wall Inclination (degrees) 9.33 2.5 6.83 0.5 14 9.33 horizontal 7.1 S1 opes : Front Slope (degrees) R9-b @I fine /rlnrrrnne\ horizontal CIC c SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 2 LN 95050839 Uniformly Distributed Surcharges: Live Load Surcharge Dead Load Surcharge (psf) none 280 Friction Cohesion Angle Unit Weight Soil Data: Soil Description : (PSf) (degrees) fpcf) Reinforced Soil sand Retained Soil sand Levelling Pad Soil gravel Foundation Soil sand 133.0 N/A 34.0 133.0 N/A 34.0 N/A 40.0 125.0 133.0 0.0 34.0 Segmental Unit Name: Default segmantal unit properties Segmental Unit Data: Cap Height (in) none Unit Height ( in) 8.0 Unit Width (in) 16.0 Unit Length (in) 10.0 Setback (in) 1.0 Weight (infilled) (lbs) 167.0 Unit Weight (infilled) (pcf) 125.3 Center of Gravity (in) 8.0 Segmental Unit Interface Shear Data: Properties Peak Strength Criteria Deformation Criteria Minimum' ( 1 bs/ f t ) Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 770.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 770.0 27.0 2000,o Geosynthetic Reinforcement Types and Number: Type Number Name 1 5 Sympaforce FS 35 2 0 Synpaforce SF 55 3 0 Synpaforce SF 80 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 3 LN 35050839 ~ ~ ~~ Geosynthetics Properties: Strength and Polymer Type: ~~ ~~ Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Index Tensile strength (lbs/ft) 2627.0 3731.0 5583.0 Polymer Type polyester polyester polyester b Part i a1 Ma t erial Safety Factors : Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Creep 1.59 1.59 1.61 Biological Degradation 1.00 1.00 1.00 Chemical Degradation 1.10 1.10 1.10 Construction Site Damage 1.15 1.08 1.08 Material Uncertainty 1.50 1.50 1.50 Long Term Design Strenqth: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 LTDS (lbs/ft) 870.7 1316.8 1946.0 Coefficient of Interaction : 'Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Load Criterion 0 .I 0.7 0.7 Deformation Criterion 0.6 0.6 0.6 Coefficient of Direct Sliding: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.8 0.8 0.75 Connection Strength: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 2000.0 3000.0 3000.0 Deformation Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 28.0 28.0 28.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 3000.0 3000.0 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 4 LN 95050839 Geosynthetic-Segmental Retaining Wall Unit Interface Shear Strength: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 Deformation Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 27.0 Maximum (lbdft) 2000.0 2000.0 2000,o Coefficients of Earth Pressure and Failure Plane Orientations: Reinforced Soil (Ka) 0.32 Reinforced Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.308 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 47.98 Retained Soil (Ka) 0.32 Retained Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.308 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 47.98 Results of External Stability Analyses: Calculated Design Criteria FOS Sliding 2.39 1.5 OK FOS Overturning 4.48 2.0 OK FOS Bearing Capacity 20.67 2.5 OK Base Reinforcement Length (L) (ft) 11.0 5.6 OK Base Eccentricity (e) (ft) 0.21 N/A 0.6 OK Base Reinforcement Ratio (L/H) 1.18 Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Detailed Results of External Stability Analyses: Calculated Values: Total Horizontal Force (lbs/ft) Total Vertical Force (lbs/ft) Sliding Resistance (lbs/ft) Driving Moment (lbs-ft/ft) Resisting Moment (lbs-ft/ft) Bearing Capacity (psf) Maximum Bearing Pressure (psf) 5594.1 19818.7 13367.9 30160.3 135070.7 38698.8 1872.0 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 5 LN 95050839 Results of Internal Stability Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev Length Anchor FOS Unit Type fft) (ft) Length Over- # fft) stress > 1.0 > 1.0 12 1 1.33 11.0 3.98 1.96 9 1 5.33 11.0 5.53 1.74 6 1 3.33 11.0 7.08 1.6 4 1 2.0 11.0 8.11 1.69 2 1 0.67 11.0 9.15 1.48 Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria FOS Pullout (peak) > 1.5 8.85 12.96 17.75 23.35 24.8 FOS Pull out fdefl N/A FOS Layer Sliding Spacing (peak) fftl > 1.5 < 2.67 3.22 OK 2.16 OK 2.41 OK 2.22 OK 2.06 OK Detailed Results of Internal Stability Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev Long Term Tensile Unit Type (ft) Design Load # Strength (1 bs/f t) (lbs/f t) 12 1 7.33 870.7 443.8 9 1 5.33 810.7 501.0 6 1 3.33 870.7 542. 8 4 1 2.0 870.7 516.3 2 1 0.67 870.7 589.3 Pull out Capaci t y (peak) (lbs/f t) 3927.7 6493.1 12056.5 14612.2 9638. o Pullout Capacity (def) (lbs/f t) S1 i ding Force (lbs/f t) 1688.6 2534.9 3545.3 4310.1 5147.9 Sliding Capacity (1 bs/f t I 5435.9 6993.6 8551.3 9589.7 10628.2 Results of Facing Stability Analyses: SRW Heel Geosynthetic FOS FOS FOS Unit Elev Type Over- Shear Shear x (ft) turning (peak) (deforma tion) > 1.5 > 1.5 N/A 14 8.67 13 8.0 12 7.33 11 6.67 10 6.0 9 5.33 8 4.67 7 4.0 6 3.33 5 2.67 4 2.0: 3 1.33 2 0.67 1 0.0 Note: Val nonr none 1 nonr none nonr nonr 1 nonr 1 nonr 1 nonr ue does NOT MEET 3.5 1.7 1.1+ 1.84 1.87 1.72 1.89 1.88 1.79 1.82 1.78 1.81 1.78 1.78 design 12.39 N/A 5.83 N/A 2.63 N/A - N/A 14.61 N/A 3.65 N/A N/A 12.31 N/A 3.24 N/A - N/A . 4.51 N/A N/A 4.33 N/A - N/A - - criterion (1 occurrences) FOS Connection (peak) > 1.5 - 1.53 - - 1.71 - - 1.9 2.23 2.15 - - - FOS Connection (defonna tion) N/A I ‘I’ Page 6 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) LN 95050839 Detailed Results of Facing Stability Analyses (Moment and Shear): SRW Heel Geo Drive Resist Shear Unit Elev TYPe Moment Moment Load dr lft) (lbs-ft/f tJ (lbs-f t/ft) (lbs/ft) tout -in 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8.67 8.0 7.33 6.67 6.0 5.33 4.67 4.0 3.33 2.67 2.0 1.33 0.67 0.0 none nonr 1 none nonr 1 none none 1 nono 1 none 1 none 21.2 93.0 227.5 436.8 733.1 1128.6 1635.5 2265.8 3031.8 3945.6 5019.3 6265.1 7695.3 9321.8 74.2 157.7 250.5 ’ 804.3 1367.3 1939.7 3091.4 4252.4 5422.7 7182.8 8952.1 11311.1 13679.5 16637.6 66.7 151.6 254.8 -67.5 72.1 230.0 -94.9 99.5 312.0 0.0 249.1 0.0 285.5 0.0 Shear Capa ci t y (lbs/f t) (peak) 826.7 883.5 670.2 996.9 1053.6 840.4 1167.1 1223.8 1010.5 1337.3 1124.0 1450.7 1237.5 1564.2 Shear Capacity (lbs/ft) (deforma tion) N/A Detailed Results of Facing Stability Analyses (Connections): SRW Heel Geo Connection Connection Connection Unit Elev TYPe Load Capa ci t y Capacity # fft) (lbs/f t) (peak) (de forma ti on) (lbs/f t) (lbs/f t) N/A 12 7.33 1 443.8 677.6 WA 9 5.33 1 501.0 855.2 WA 6 3.33 1 542.8 1032.8 N/A 4 2.0 1 516.3 1151.2 N/A 2 0.67 1 589.3 1269.6 N/A Project Identification : Project Name: SERENATA - WALL#& Section: 92121 Data Sheet: Okment : BREHM COMMUNITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CA Prepared by: OWEN ENGINEERING GROUP Date: December 18 2000 Time : 03:22:09 PM Data file: c:\srwalll\al6sympa