HomeMy WebLinkAbout; El Camino Mesa; Soils Investigation; 1966-02-05,I -.y- ., :-. , ,: ,- ‘kc ,;- JL _( +SUILS TNVESTCATION FOR THE PROPOSED - g. EL CAMIN MESA, UNlT NO. 4 -, k. CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA - _-- - for - A *’ KAMAR CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 529 Elm Street Carlsbad, California - - - - l . - bY DRESSELHAUS EI’GINEERS Civil and Consulting Engineers 528 South Hill Street Oceanside, California 2-2114 - ENGlNEEjUNG DEPT. WiARY City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive ’ Carisbad.C;A 92009-4859 - _~ DRESSELHAUS ENGINEERS - F.b& 5. 1966 - Kuvar Conrtructivn Comp8ay Ro: 2-2114 529 Elm Street El Curiirru h!esa, Unit No. 4 Carlrbad, California C8tlrba~ California Gentlemen: The following report covers our inspection of the ground rurfaco conditions and invertigrtion of the underlying roilr condition8 at the rite of the proposed FI Camino Xsra &&division, in the City of Carlrbad, California. C,ur invertigation indicatea that the propored rortcienttrl, wood frame l tructuren, can be safely supported on square or aontinuou~ footings placed a r, inin urn of twelve inches into natural undisturbed rolls, or in compacted fillr, if the recommendations in the following report are followed. Design bearing values of 1500 pounds per rquars fcot may be used. Satisfactory fill material can be obtained ftorr the on-rite excavation8. - The report includes the results of the subsurface erplorrtionr and laixratory testa, as well as the reasoning ruppottiw the conclurioar and recommendations contained therein. fieepectfuly submitted, - JXESFELHAUS ElGIt\iEERS, ,.-. - E, Brim Snaith, RCE 13,817 EBS:rr ENGINEERING DEPT. LIBRARY City of Cartsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-a 59 - DRESSELHAUS ENGINEERS - - - - - - - - - - - TABLE C F CCNTENTS Letter of Trramnitt8l scope General Site and Soil C~Pdith~ Field hwertigatioa hboratory Teats Conclurioa8 R8eon.mead8tionr Li?PitUiOXU APPENDIX PAGE 1 1 I-2 2 2-3 3 3 PLATE Site Pha 1 iogm of Tat Boringa 2-3 Stability of Soilm 4 Moirturcr-Dmrity Curvur 3 Tast for Potmtirl Expua&m 6 Sp~cificationr for Ccmrtwction of Controllad Fill# - - - - DRESSELHAUS ENGINEERS - SCOPE - Thee invartiglrdor rru mado to determine the foilowiag: 1. The e-x&oat of l xiating fill matori& vcgctrtion and debrir - 2. The ntbrurirce 8Oih CQndltiOPl 3. QEhc extent and nature of cxpeaeivc 8oihr if any - 4. The allow8blc herring crp8city of the ruturrl foundtiion scils and probrble fill mUcri81 A raziae of te8t boring8 vcere r. 8th 8t the rite to dcterrfinc the depth of cxirting fitA roil8 UDd the n8turrl rcilr condMon8. The roilr encountered were exur insd con- tiauourly during the drilling operation& Sarr.ple8 of the soil8 were reccvcred from th8 boring8 at frequent intcrv8lr. l.rberatory te8tr were performed on the 8amp1cs to dotormino the physic81 char8cterirticr of the roilr. The CharaCterf8tiC8 of the loils found in the laboratory te8t8 were rubrcquently utilised in conjunction wlth tk rc8dltr of ob8CrWtion8 on the site in dotcrmining the ruitrbility of the Local roil8 for tha propoled con8tructioa and in rcrching other conclurionr and rccummeadatioar reported GENERAL SITE AND SCL C~:NDITB?US _-- - The rite invertigated cover8 8pproximrtely rix (6) acre8 located srrterly of Fl Cunho Real on the rbondoned C8rlrbd Airpott Site, ia th city of C8rl8bad, calif83rn.ih - - - Unit No. 4 ir located roatherly of El Camino E/leer, Unit No. 1, 2, and 3. Units 1 and 2 hvc been dcvcloped. (See Plm 1). Unit No. 4 im locued at the Southerly end of l mea8 which h88 been graded in the pait to provide rirplmc runway& n _. r8vine ir located on the Southwcrterly corner of the rite. Sevor& ot8ck8 of old lumber and debrir were found on the mela. A conriderrblc &mount of tr88h and debrir w81 found in and Yoag the rrviu 8t the Southwort cornar of the property. (SC. Hat* 1). Edrttag fill s8Wri&l to 8 m&xirr.um depth of 2.0 feat wu found on the 8ontherly l d of the p8vbd ?UnW8y. Fill material to a depth of 5. 0 feet wa8 found on the Sauthcuterly corner of the property. The location of the axirting fill ir rhown on Plrtc 1. - FIIi iD DWfSTIGAT1C.N . Two (2) tut boring8 ware n:8de 01 Unit No. 4, tocrtod &I 8howa on,Flatc I, we- compieted to a maximum depth ef 12 foot. Tim beringa were made en Much 26 -d 27, 1964, under tha l upctimion cf 8 80118 l uginecr. Continuour DRESSELUAUS ENGINEERS - 1 ‘Q’ f the ,--11s en c-unterrd in the b ring- arc red‘ rdod -I kile drilling and are shown in deuil OQ Plater 2 and 3. Recorarod •~~~plar were realad in the field to prevent moirturo-lorr and sent to our laborrtory for testing. Tbo borings were made at the same time borings for Units 1, 2, and 3 were made. 9. Borrow Investigation - Reprerentative rampleo of the typical borrow materials which will be ubed for balnncing the errhtwork were obtained from the existing cut banks and ravine@. Severs1 bags of the roils from theme locationr were returned to the laboratory to determine the moirture-denrity relationship8 and grading analy8ir. - c. Soils Encountered 1, generally conrirtent soil profile is believed to exist throughout the rite. The boring8 indicate that the prodominant roil8 typo I8 granular. No expanrive roil was found on the rite. 7%~ l oila encountered were typical of there found during our preliminary roils invcrtigation and grading of El Camino Mara Unitr 1, and 2. I?. Ground Water No ground water wa8 encountired while drilling or after sampling. LABORATORY TESTS - - - - The variour laboratory tests completed for thir investigation are prerented on appropriate plater in the Appendix. 1. Shear Te8tr Plates 2 8 3 2. Stability of Soil. Plate 4 3. Moirturr -Dsnrity Curve8 Plate 5 CUNC LUSIONS A. Site Clo8riag Inrpection of the rite indicrt.8 that conriderable clearing of debrir and wood will be raquirad. Ampbalt paving and rtructures are located on the rite and will have to be roxnovod. 8. Existing Fill soils The exirting filla are ioore aad will not aafoly rupport additional fill and/Or ?@8idantirl ItrUCtU?W. -. DRESSE’LHAUS ENGINEERS c. IwuY8A Foundatiorr soils Thm nrulte of our field invertigrtion 8nd 18bor8tory temtm indicate the n&bar&l fcmndatio~ roils will support both fill mnd residenti&! mllingm without detrfmeatti settlement when paepued in l ccordurce with the recommeadrtioae and 8pecificationm contained in this report. D, Expanrfve 8011s - NO expansive toilr were found during our invertig8tion. - F. Bearing Capacity The ccntrollsd fill and natural undirtrubed m&m will safely ruppart footings loaded to I!500 poundm per square foot svhea founded at least 12 inches below the adjacent grade. F. Erosion mad Slope 2rotection Cue to the granular uature of the l ofla, the exposed sloper kill require ir~.redirte growth of adequate ground cover to arrest erosion of the Slope fOCe8. Additionrl protective devices such a8 top berm8 nnd interception ditch88 are suggested where applicable to further minfn:ime erosion hasarda, erpecielly ia the parkway between sideyelkm and curbs. RECXMbl~.NDA’I IC-NS - All vegetation, debt18 red arphmlt p8ving, shall be removed from the site. - - The existing fill material l hmll be remwed. The existing fill n;ey be re-used if cleaned of aLi vegetation end debri8 mad replaced uuder the mupervimiun of the 80118 engineer. No foundation shell rest on cut md fill surfaces. The native roil oa lots which would contain cut and fill surfacea, l hmll be removed end replaced with compact- ed fill mrteriel l o th8t there lo mt least one foot of fill between the proposed build- ing fouadmtion and the native roil in the cut 8rea. If the above recorrmcndetion is not followed. the proposed krildiag found8tionr mbrll extend through the fill into corn-d native l oilm. LMITATICNS -- Tbe recommendations .premented in this report 8re based on the roils and conditions noted daring tbe rioid eqlotmtio~ ud lrboretory temtiag oi the l oilm encountered 8t the mite. En the event other aoilm or conditioar are encountered during the grading of tbe mite, they shall be eaalymed by the l oilr engineer, who may then revise the lwcorrmendationm presented in thim report. IENQ: f -il hwcm-ES EXl3TI tqci STwcTUCZE. jys: ~XCAT~S Gkb hhN3EV e IN@IC.P\TE5 TRR% 4 DkXE\S J-7 I NblCAT kL-‘5 ~LMAL’W-W~ TRb3S I VPPWN; WR\E=)SGHA~S a-?‘-)- I b05 1 NElEsLLb I , UL-b’ 5. t-4 CL jreEET i I \ t -j b I , I I - 1 , 8. - - ; - I , - ! I - t .- i I , - -- I - - - , - : .’ \ ;,I Plate 2 ., DRESSELHAUS ENGINEti&S ,. . Civil and Consulting Engineers’ 528 South Hill Street : Oceanside, California Date: ??-h. 5. .‘.?v. Job No. 2-2114 , Sheet No. 1 of 7 Reference Depth 1’ 2 3’ 4’ 5’ 6’ 7 ’ 8’. 9’ 10’ 11’ * . .LOG OF .BC@INGS BORING NO. 1 \ Sample NQ. . . :a* - 9* -+’ ,’ :*. : l ‘_o,‘ :. - -.- ..- l ,. - ; l I ,- \. ’ *,.- . < -,\ TO t - 1 ; * ‘. .20.2 6.9 0.74 \ 2; 30 Brown Sandy Loam with l/2 inch to 6 inch rocks. Light Gray Sand Unable to hold sainple Grey Brown Medium Sand . . Unable to hold sample in sam&~g tube , ‘7 .’ : - ;‘ .” - .i ‘1 >i I - 1 iii - i - 6 . - - i - I *. - 1 - ‘. t I; 4 - .! I I - i b I I. DRESSELHAUS ENGINEERS Plate 3 Civil and Consulting Engineirs. 528 South Hill Street Oceanside, California i Datk: March 26 1964 FPR. Rv&. LH. Job ‘No. 2-2214 : By: Sheet No. 2 of 7 Subject:. El ‘Ckiii%‘Mesa Reference Depth 0’ _ 1’ . 2’ 3;’ ., 4’ ( 5’ . 6’ - 7’ * 8’ 9’ - 10’ 11’ ’ 12’ From No, 75 LOG OF SWINGS BORING NO. 2 Sample No. z . - - : %:. :... 2. -.’ . s . . .m- ‘. -\ r * -’ . . > ‘ -. 4 c . *\ . . - ,t * . ,.;. ‘. 0 \ 3 : - . * I w _ 0 4 ‘ta* w l . l . .- / 4 . L I a A . ’ \ l . 5 .: 119.7 118.3 6.0 5.3 5. 7 0.9’ \ 53 58 50 Brown Sandy Loam Brown Fine to Medium Clean Sand f . I Unable to hold sample in sampling tube . . . , 4, , - j -: ,- { I t - -I -. 1 I - I I - I -i - - -I I 1 -. - -f - DRESSELHkUS ENGINEERS *' PLATE 4 STABILITY OF SOILS Sample No. 1 Light Grey Clayey Silica Sand Sample No. 2 Brown’ Sandy Soil Sample No. 3 Red Brown Fine to Medium Sand LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST A S T M D-1557-58T ’ s Sample No. 1 Sample No. 2 Sample No. 3 # % Density % Density % Density Trial Moisture Lb. /Cu. Ft. Moisture Lb. /Cu. Ft. Moisture Lb. /Cu. Ft. 1 4.82 114.77 2 3.23 123.90 3 12.74 118. 94 tpt 16.20 112. 04 - unum Density 124.7 #/ft3 Optimum Moisture 9. 3% MECHANICAL ANALYSIS Sieve # Sample No. 1 Sample, No. 2 % Finer than shown % Finer than shown 4 &loo. 00 L14 ’ ‘? 99. 02 20 94.44 ‘48 44.44 100 26.14 200 8. 82 2.66 116. 89 8. 00 120.96 5.28 121.96 11.10 120.68 7. 97 123.64 12. 32 118.95 10.19 120.06 15.20 114.20 124.4 #/ft3 : : 122.3 #/ft3 7.9% ~ 4.0% 100.00 78.21 60.33 20.67 9.50 3.36 Sample No. 3 , . % Finer than shown f 100.00 95.77 92.15 35.95 14.80 . 6.34 I 4., / i ._. I MOISi; ?p DENSITY CURVE . / , ;GI 0 , . . t I ! 1 / ASTM p 35570591T : . 4 I Light Grey ClayepjSilica Sand, Opti+nkn Derlbit$ $24. 7 #/Cu,. Ft. Opti?-urn Moisture 9. 3% : Brown’Sa&+ Soil ; - Optir~~urn Density 124.4 #/C; Ft. Optb.urn Moisture 7. 0% Red Brown Fine to Med. Sand 7Jptiri~ti:~ Densit.)) 122. 3 #/CU. Ft. Optiri urn Moisture 9. 5% I 5 IO I I5 z’a 25 PER CENT MOISTURE I I i I . ,_. , I , , .I _ .* 1 -. _._. 1 I . . . - _ _ - _ I I I . ,., ,__._~._~, Kart-:at CbnatructPon Compaq t EL CAMlNO MESA I . ;u Carlsbad California ir ,I9 I DAN: DRESSEI J-lAUS ZWXNk%&d. l&&6? -I 3 S28 South Hill Street i CHKD Oceansicte; California: I I I I I - -t/l. :. -- _ ,AfJ ,: f :$/ ; *&xl oc13x _.., - ‘id00 _. - . . ,OYBX 4 4 *do3 oaJ3x .- i* DRESSELHAUS ENGINEERS ;P L A T E 6 :’ / :. -I ’ . TESTS FOR POTENTIAL EXPANSION Sample Nd. 1 Light Grey Clayey Silica Sand Plasticity hdex Shrinkage Limit Probable Expansion . 13.9 6.2% 2.6% (low) Probable Expansion tests were run from an air-dry condition to a saturated condition at 1.0 -PSI, . . - , - Specifications for Construction of Controlled Fills CONSTRUCTION OF CONTROLLED FILLS - GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This item shall consist of all clearing and grubbing, removal of existing structures and foundations, preparation of land to be filled, filling of the land, spreading, compaction and control of the fill, and all other subsidiary work necessary to complete the grading of the filled areas to con- form with the lines, grades and slopes as shown on the accepted plans. CLEARING, GRUBBING AND PREPARING AREAS TO BE FILLED. .- - (a) All timber, logs, trees, brush and other rubbish shall be removed, piled and burned or otherwise disposed of so as to leave the areas that have been disturbed with a neat and finished appearance free from unsightly debris. (b) All vegetable matter shall be removed from the surface upon which the fill is to be placed, and the surface shall then be scarified to a depth of at least sin inches (6”) and until the surface is free from ruts, hummocks or other uneven features which would tend to prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to be used. (c) Fills over three feet (3’) high shall have steps cut in the original ground at two foot vertical intervals on the slope, The steps shall be eighteen inches (18”) wide, more or less, and may be constructed by dozing or blading. The general direction of the bench shall run parallel with the contours and the maximum slope shall be three horizontal units to one vertical unit. (d) After the foundation for the fill has been cleared or scarified, it shall be disced or bladed until it is uniform and free from large clods brought to the proper moisture content and compacted to not less than 90% of maximum density in accordance with A.S.T.M. D1557-58T. No fill shall be placed until the soils engineer has given written clearance that the foundation is acceptable for receiving fill. MATERIALS: Material for the fill shall be free from vegetable matter and other deleterjous substances, and shall not contain rocks or lumps of greater dimensions than six inches (61’). No pockets of rocks shall be allowed, PLACING, SPREADING A ND COMPACTING FILL MATERIAL, - (a) The selected fill mzterill sh.:ll be placed in layers which, when compacted, shall not exceed six inches (61’). Each layer shall be spredd’evenly and shall be thoroughly blade mixed during the spreading to insure uniformity of material in each layer . Form #78 -l- - - - - - 3 .."2" .h.-e.*. --. ..-. + _ -_ '--I *.-'-l-T-ezw,- . .._ ._ .I . . (. ;f. I !,$i i ( .,: ,.‘ ..',I * . .:, ,' . .. ,. .('.., ,," ,:,.:. J" . ,. . . :, i. , '!:- '. .' 1. :, / , ,;, i' . I,.; .:., .' 5 8 ._ ," *: / I I, y' ,;, . ,i*'.:. 1 ( .., .I .- ,',< 1. , I ,_I, .'.>' .. .I (b) When the md.istuie,content of the filJ.m&ter’ial$::ig I:ow”‘water shall be added to bring the-filJ,,,with&:@ specified dens,/ty rsnge,,. ’ ” /, ” < _, ., ,, :: , ,’ L ‘I (c) When the moistu$.e”content of the mater,ial is +bowe’%at s$acified by the density range; the,fiIl,material. shall be, serated by Idading ,or other satisfactory - - methods until the moisture content is within the density ralzg.e. c .c” ,‘, (d) After each idyer haa been placed, mixed and spread evenly, it shall be thoroughly compacted to not less than the specified maximum density in actor - dance with k,S:‘F:,kf., Dl557-58T Compaction shall be by means of tamping or sheepsfoot iafferb’;’ multiple-wheel pneumatic-tired r&err* or other types of ro116rs. “’ Roller& shall’ he of’ such design that they till be able to compact the fill to the specified moisture content. Rolling of each layer- shall be contin- - -- - - - -. - - uous over its qti.re area and the roller shall make sufficient trips to insure that the desired’dentiity has been obtained. .. , ), .< .i;, C,’ <, i (e) Fill shall be. cck$atited one foot beyondithe :f~;;;~~:.~~~~~~~~;~i~nll cut back to grade lirie by .rer#aaing {luff and unde.3co~pacr~‘.~~~~!~,y ::::;~.~i:;:~-, ._ ‘ * ; :;.*: ,A :.. ,,-.. i : . . .., 1 ‘5 !’ :: 1. ,, .i ; ‘:.: ,‘;., ,y*: ‘. .+& !, -:...:; ; (. .! (f) Field density t&its. shall be made by. the’soils.~c~~~sltt~~.~~~~~~~r~a~s not exceeding two’ tee-t. &# ,$$I1 height provided &I1 J+ye,j$,:;Si’?‘e “&s.~,$‘~” Where sheeps - foot rollers at.+:-us&II’.‘t,he, soil may be diofu$&ed: t.o,..$ie~,&~ of-~~s~vea~l inches a Density readings:eha~l~be ttaken in the cbmp;roted &t&~ I&&&w the disturbed surface I Wherl’ thesereadings indicate that the c&si~ ti. &y lkyer of fill or portion thereof, is .be$dw the required densjty,’ that particulai layer or portion shall be reworked until the required density has been obtain&d. i .’ ‘, :. ‘,, (g) The fill operation shalb be~continued in six inch Q&!;,).‘compacted layers, as specified above, until,!the:fiil has been as shown on t);~“‘acckri~~~~~~~n?’ 01: rotled while it is frozen or When the work field tests unsatisfactory for in the grading and,