HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 96-02; Terraces At Sunny Creek; Report of Mass Grading Observations and Testing; 2001-10-24CHKISTIAN WHEELER. ENGINEERING October 24, 2001 The Terraces at Sunny Creek, ULC CWE 200.210.13 2006 Palomar Airport Road, Suite 113 Carlsbad, Califomia 92009 Attention: Dale Young SUBJECT: REPORT OF MASS GRADING OBSERVATIONS AND TESTING, THE SUNNY CREEK COMMERCIAL SITE, CITY OF CARLSBAD LOT 11 CARLSBAD TRACT 83-86, EL CAMINO REAL AT SUNNY CREEK ROAD, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Ladies/ Gendemen, In accordance widi your request, and with the requirements of Section 1701.5.13 of the Uniform Building Code, Christian Wheeler Engineering has prepared this report to summarize our observations of the earthwork operations at the subject site, and to present the results of density tests performed in the fills that were placed during the grading of the project. The observation and testing services addressed by this report were coordinated by representatives of The Terraces at Sunny Creek, LLC, and were provided during the period of May 3, 2000 through October 19, 2000. INTRODUCTION AND PROTECT DESCRIPTION SITE DESCRIPTION: The subject site is an irregularly shaped parcel located at die northwest quadrant of El Camino Real and the proposed extension of College Boulevard in the City of Carlsbad, Califomia. GeneraUy, the site is bounded on the north by Agua Hedionda Creek, on the west by undeveloped property, on the south by El Camino Real, and on the east by residential property graded concurrendy with the commercial site. Prior to the mass grading operations addressed by this report, the morphology of the site was characterized by an alluvial plain, witii a low knoU at the east-center of the parcel, and a ridge 4925 Mercury Street -•• San Diego, CA 92111 • 858-496-9760 • FAX 858-496-9758 CWE 200.210.13 October 24,2001 Page: extending into the northeast corner of the site. The drainage pattem was generally by sheetflow in a northerly direction, with discharge into Agua Hedionda Creek. Elevations of the site ranged from approximately 67 feet (MSL), at the northwest corner of the site, to 105 feet at die northeast comer. Soils encountered during the mass grading operations were generally as anticipated in the geotechnical documents for tiie site, referenced hereinafter. Vegetation present on the site prior to the earthwork consisted of indigenous forbs, shmbs and grasses. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION: It is our understanding diat die subject site is to be developed by the constmction of commercial stmctures and associated infrastmcture improvements. We anticipate that the proposed stmctures will have shallow conventional foundations and on-grade concrete floors. PLAN REFERENCE: In order to augment our understanding of the designed configuration of the project, our firm was provided with grading and improvement plans for the site prepared by Manitou Engineering Company, of Escondido, Califomia. For die mass grading of die site, we referred to die plan No. 361-6A, bearing an approval date from die City Engineer of April 25, 2000. The plans have been modified by our firm to show the approximate locations of our field tests and significant geotechnical information recorded during tiie mass grading operations, and are reproduced as Plate No. 1 of this report. GEOTECHNICAL REFERENCES: The preparation of die site was done in accordance with the recommendations presented in investigation reports titied 'Treliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Sunny Creek Residential Development, El Camino Real and College Boulevard, Carlsbad, Califomia," by Soudiem Califomia Soil and Testing, Inc., dated July 31, 1996. SCOPE OF SERVICE Services provided by Christian Wheeler Engineering duriag die course of the eartiiwork consisted of the following: • Participation in pre-grading meetings to address the geotechnical aspects of the work and to coordinate our testing and observation services, • Continuous observation of the earthworking operations. CWE 200.210.13 October 24, 2001 Page 3 • Providing field recommendations for elements of die earthwork not specifically addressed by die referenced geotechnical report, • Recording the approximate elevations and limits of significant geotechnical elements, • Perfomiance of relative compaction tests in the fills placed, • Performance of laboratory maximum density and optimum moisture determinations, expansion index, and water soluble sulfate content tests on the soils encountered in the earthwork, and, • Preparation of diis report. SITE PREPARATION AND GRADING GRADING CONTRACTOR: The mass grading of die site was performed by The Pahla Corporation of Vista, Califomia, Contractor's license No. 475879. The primary equipment used in the mass grading included the following: 8 Caterpillar 657 scrapers 6 Caterpillar 637 scrapers 2 Caterpillar D9R crawler dozers 2 Caterpillar D6R crawler dozers 1 Caterpillar D5D crawler dozer 2 . Caterpillar 824 wheel dozers 1 Caterpillar 834 wheel dozer w/beegee attachment 2 Tractor-drawn water tankers 1 Water tmck 1 5X5 Sheepsfoot roUer 2 10,000 gaEon capacity water drop-tanks 1 Caterpillar 140H motorgrader SITE PREPARATION: Preparation for Fill: Prior to die eartiiwork operations, die existing vegetation was cleared and exported from the site. Potentially compressible alluvium was tiien excavated from beneadi die areas to receive fiUs, to typical depths on tiie order of four to ten feet below tiie original ground contours. The removals extended to contact witii competent older aUuvium or undisturbed terrace deposits. At die northwest comer of the site, saturated aUuvium was encountered at approximately eight feet below die original ground elevation. In order to stabilize tiie area to receive die proposed fiUs, a StabiUzation mat was constmcted at die contact witii die saturated aUuvium. The mat consisted of a six-inch diickness of 3/4" cmshed rock, witii membranes of Amoco 2006 stabUization fabric placed CWE 200.210.13 October 24,2001 Page 4 above and below die rock. The areas of die site not affected by groundwater were scarified to shaUow depths, moisture treated to near optimum conditions, and compacted prior to the placement offiUs. Fill Placement: FiUs were placed using predominanfiy sandy soUs generated from die onsite cuts and removals, and from cuts made on die contiguous residential subdivision. The fiUs were placed in horizontal Ufts, watered and blended to near optimum conditions, and compacted in place by wheel roUing with die heavy constmction equipment employed in die work. Slopes at die perimeter areas of die project were compacted by means of roUing widi a sheepsfoot roUer in vertical intervals typicaUy not exceeding five feet as die height of die slopes increased, and were track-waUted witii crawler dozers once the fUls had been completed. Transition Undercut: At the locations of tiie centraUy located knoU and die ridge at die nordieast corner of die site, where die designed finish grade elevations resulted in a cut/fiU transition between the undisturbed terrace deposits and fiU, die 'cut' areas were over-excavated to approximately four feet below the finished grade contours. The floors of die undercut areas were prepared, and subsequent fiUs placed as described in die preceding paragraphs. These operations were performed in order to provide a unifomi 'fill' condition beneadi fiiture improvements. FIELD AND LABORATORY TESTING FIELD TESTS: Field tests to measure the relative compaction of the fiUs were conducted in accordance witii ASTM Test Designation D 2922-91; "Standard Test Metiiods for Density of SoU and SoU-Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods." The locations of tiie field tests were selected by our technician in areas discemed to exHbit relative compaction tiiat was generaUy representative of that attained in the fiU. The approximate locations of die field tests are shown on die attached Plate No. 1; results of die tests are presented on Plate Nos. 2 dirough 5. LABORATORY TESTS: The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of the predominant soils encountered in die eartiiwork were performed in our laboratory by ASTM Test Designation D 1557-91, "Test Metiiod for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of SoU Using Modified Effort." The tests were conducted in accordance with die metiiodology prescribed for die grain-size distribution of die soUs tested. The results of tiiese tests are presented on die attached Plate No. 5. CWE 200.210.13 October 24,2001 Page 5 AS-BUILT GEOLOGY The geologic units and their derivatives encountered during the mass grading operations were found to be substantiaUy as anticipated in die SCS&T PreUminary Geotechnical Investigation for die site. Potential adverse conditions presented by die geologic structures appear to have been effectively mitigated by the earthwork operations. CONCLUSIONS GENERAL: It is die opinion of Christian Wheeler Engineering tiiat tiie eartiiwork addressed by diis report has been performed substantiaUy in accordance widi die recommendations presented in die referenced geotechnical reports, the City of Carlsbad grading requirements and die Uniform Bmiding Code. This opinion is based upon our observations of tiie eartiiwork operations, the results of the density tests taken in die field, and die maximum density tests performed in our laboratory. It is our furdier opinion that the site is suitable for die proposed constmction. REMAINING WORK: It can be noted diat die subject grading, operation resulted in die site bemg sheet-graded. Precise grading wUl be required in die fiiture to develop die buUding pads, driveways and parking areas. This grading operation is expected to require cuts and fiUs of less tiian about five feet from die existing grades. In addition, a substantial stockpUe of excess soU generated from die cuts on die contiguous residential tract remains on die nordierly area of die site. Removal of die StockpUe wffl be necessary before fiiture improvements can be made to die area. Furdier, die grading in die area of die fiU slope along die nortii side of die site has not been completed to its designed contours due to die conflict widi the pre-existing Sunny Creek Road, which ran along die north side of die project and was in use at die time of grading, and pre-existing utiUty poles in die area. Additional aUuvial removals up to 8 to 10 feet below existing natoral grades and stabUization of tiie excavation bottom are expected to be required to complete die grading operation in tius area. Our firm should be contacted when die remaining earthwork is performed so tiiat we may verify tiiat die work is performed in accordance widi die project specifications. T IMITATIONS The descriptions, conclusions and opinions presented in diis report pertain only to die work performed on die subject site during die period from May 3 dirough October 19, 2000. As Umited CWE 200.210.13 October 24,2001 Page 6 by the scope of the services which we agreed to perform, the conclusions and opinions presented herein are based upon our observations of the work and the residts of our laboratory and field tests. Our services were performed in accordance widi the currentiy accepted standard of practice in the region in which the earthwork was performed, and in such a manner as to provide a reasonable measure of the compliance of the described work with appUcable codes and specifications. With the submittal of this report, no warranty, express or impUed, is given or intended with respect to the services performed by our firm, and our performance of those services should not be constmed to reUeve the grading contractor of his responsibiUty to perform his work to the standards required by the appUcable buUding codes and project specifications. Christian Wheeler Engineering sincerely appreciates the opportunity to provide professional service on this project. If you should have any questions after reviewing this report, please do not hesitate to contact our firm. RespectfiiUy submitted, CHRISTLW WHEELER ENGINEERING Charles H. Christian, R.G.E. 00215 CHC/CRB/DH: dh cc: (6) Submitted Curtis R. Burdett, C.E.G 1090 SUMMARY OF TESTS NL\SS GRADING - COMMERCLAL SITE Project: Sunny Creek Test No. Date Location Elev. (feet) Soil Type Moisture (%) Dry Density (pcf) Max. Density % Rel. Comp. 1 5/3/2000 Commercial Site 66.0 2B 18.1 106.4 121.1 87.9 2 5/3/2000 Retest 1 66.0 2B 17.0 110.6 121.1 91.3 3 5/3/2000 Commercial Site 68.0 2B 20.8 102.1 121.1 84.3 4 5/3/2000 Retest 3 68.0 2B 17.2 109.0 121.1 90.0 5 5/4/2000 Commercial Site 70.0 2B 15.4 112.6 121.1 93.0 6 5/4/2000 Commercial Site 63.0 2B 16.0 110.8 121.1 91.5 7 5/4/2000 Commercial Site 72.0 2B 14.2 114.6 121.1 94.6 8 5/4/2000 Commercial Site 60.0 2B 16.0 109.4 121.1 90.3 9 5/4/2000 Commercial Site 76.0 2B 12.8 109.4 121.1 90.3 10 5/4/2000 Commercial Site 64.0 2B 18.6 110.4 121.1 91.2 11 5/5/2000 Commercial Site 67.0 2B 21.0 102.5 121.1 84.6 12 5/5/2000 Retest 11 67.0 2B 12.0 110.7 121.1 91.4 13 5/5/2000 Commercial Site 65.5 2B 18.6 111.6 121.1 92.2 14 5/5/2000 Commercial Site 67.0 2B 15.8 109.4 121.1 90.3 15 5/5/2000 Commercial Site 69.5 2B 21.0 107.6 121.1 88.9 16 5/5/2000 Retest 15 69.5 2B 13.0 112.8 121.1 93.1 17 5/5/2000 Commercial Site 68.5 2B 13.9 111.5 121.1 92.1 18 5/5/2000 Commercial Site 69.5 2B 12.4 113.3 121.1 93.6 19 5/5/2000 Commercial Site 72.0 2B 18.3 111.5 121.1 92.1 20 5/8/2000 Commercial Site 65.5 2B 17.3 111.0 121.1 91.7 21 5/8/2000 Commercial Site 67.0 2B 18.0 109.7 121.1 90.6 22 5/8/2000 Commercial Site 69.5 2B 19.3 109.7 121.1 90.6 23 5/8/2000 Commercial Site 71.0 2B 15.0 108.9 121.1 89.9 24 5/8/2000 Commercial Site 73.0 2B 18.3 110.3 121.1 91.1 25 5/9/2000 Commercial Site 69.5 IB 16.5 106.6 117.1 91.0 26 5/9/2000 Commercial Site 68.5 IB 18.0 110.6 117.1 94.4 27 5/9/2000 Commercial Site 66.0 IB 10.3 111.5 117.1 95.2 28 5/9/2000 Commercial Site 75.0 2B 17.2 110.2 121.1 91.0 29 5/9/2000 Commercial Site 73.0 2B 18.5 110.7 121.1 91.4 30 5/9/2000 Commercial Site 71.0 2B 17.6 109.2 121.1 90.2 38 5/10/2000 Commercial Site 75.5 IB 19.4 108.3 117.1 92.5 39 5/10/2000 Commercial Site 66.0 IB 16.0 107.7 117.1 92.0 40 5/10/2000 Commercial Site 70.0 IB 11.7 112.1 117.1 95.7 41 5/10/2000 Commercial Site 75.0 IB 9.1 115.3 117.1 98.5 42 5/10/2000 Commercial Site 72.0 IB 14.7 110.8 117.1 94.6 43 5/10/2000 Commercial Site 74.0 IB 16.0 113.6 117.1 97.0 44 5/10/2000 Commercial Site 75.0 IB 17.8 106.4 117.1 90.9 45 5/10/2000 Commercial Site 77.0 IB 16.0 115.2 117.1 98.4 46 5/10/2000 Commercial Site 78.0 IB 11.0 107.4 117.1 91.7 47 5/10/2000 Commercial Site 76.0 IB 15.9 114.7 117.1 98.0 48 5/10/2000 Commercial Site 70.0 IB 12.9 113.4 117.1 96.8 49 5/10/2000. Commercial Site 72.0 IB 10.7 111.8 117.1 95.5 50 5/10/2000 Commercial Site 74.5 IB 16.2 107.1 117.1 91.5 51 5/10/2000 Commercial Site 68.0 IB 13.0 108.4 117.1 92.6 56 5/11/2000 Commercial Site 74.5 3B 11.0 115.0 126.0 91.3 CWE 200.713.13 Plate 2 Test No. Date Location Elev. (feet) Soil Type Moisture (%) Dry Density Max. Density % Rel. Comp. Elev. (feet) (pcf) 57 5/11/2000 Commercial Site 79.0 3B 10.9 116.4 126.0 92.4 58 5/11/2000 Commercial Site 72.5 3B 10.5 113.9 126.0 90.4 59 5/11/2000 Commercial Site 73.5 3B 13.7 113.6 126.0 90.2 64 5/11/2000 Commercial Site 78.0 2B 11.8 112.7 121.1 93.1 65 5/11/2000 Commercial Site 74.5 3B 11.6 113.6 126.0 90.2 76 5/12/2000 Commercial Site 75.0 2B 12.9 110.6 121.1 91.3 77 5/12/2000 Commercial Site 72.5 2B 13.6 111.2 121.1 91.8 78 5/12/2000 Commercial Site 80.0 2B 11.6 107.5 121.1 88.8 79 5/12/2000 Retest 78 80.0 2B 13.5 109.4 121.1 90.3 80 5/12/2000 Commercial Site 74.0 2C 9.5 116.6 128.2 91.0 81 5/12/2000 Commercial Site 80.0 2B 10.7 114.8 121.1 94.8 82 5/15/2000 Commercial Site 78.0 3B 8.7 114.7 126.0 91.0 83 5/15/2000 Commercial Site 79.0 3B 11.2 114.5 126.0 90.9 84 5/15/2000 Commercial Site 79.0 3B 11.7 114.3 126.0 90.7 85 5/15/2000 Commercial Site 80.0 3B 14.9 111.8 126.0 88.7 86 5/15/2000 Retest 85 80.0 3B 12.3 114.2 126.0 90.6 87 5/15/2000 Commercial Site 79.5 3B 10.3 115.9 126.0 92.0 97 5/15/2000 Commercial Site 78.0 2A 15.2 106.7 116.8 91.4 98 5/15/2000 Commercial Site 79.0 2A 11.8 106.1 116.8 90.8 99 5/15/2000 Commercial Site 79.5 2A 13.6 108.6 116.8 93.0 100 5/15/2000 Commercial Site 80.5 2A 14.1 109.6 116.8 93.8 106 5/16/2000 Commercial Site 82.0 3A 11.4 • 116.0 123.4 94.0 107 • 5/16/2000 Commercial Site 84.0 3A 9.6 115.7 123.4 93.8 108 5/16/2000 Commercial Site 82.0 3A 8.7 113.0 123.4 91.6 109 5/16/2000 Commercial Site 86.0 3A 9.4 111.6 123.4 90.4 no 5/16/2000 Commercial Site 84.0 3A 10.2 114.5 123.4 92.8 115 5/16/2000 Commercial Site 82.0 3A 8.6 115.7 123.4 93.8 116 5/16/2000 Commercial Site 80.0 3A 9.4 112.4 123.4 91.1 117 5/16/2000 Commercial Site 78.0 3A 8.0 114.4 123.4 92.7 124 5/17/2000 Commercial Site 86.0 3A 7.9 113.0 123.4 91.6 125 5/17/2000 Commercial Site 83.0 3A 8.4 112.7 123.4 91.3 126 5/17/2000 Commercial Site 84.5 3A 8.4 117.4 123.4 95.1 127 5/17/2000 Commercial Site 80.0 3A 10.0 112.0 123.4 90.8 133 5/18/2000 Commercial Site 84.5 3A 11.7 115.5 123.4 93.6 134 5/18/2000 Commercial Site 80.0 3A 11.1 108.2 123.4 87.7 135 5/18/2000 Retest 134 80.0 3A 11.8 113.6 123.4 92.1 136 5/18/2000 Commercial Site 90.0 3A 13.2 113.0 123.4 91.6 137 5/18/2000 Commercial Site 86.0 3A 11.3 111.4 123.4 90.3 138 5/18/2000 Commercial Site 84.0 3A 11.5 114.3 123.4 92.6 144 5/18/2000 Commercial Site 83.5 4 10.5 110.4 119.3 92.5 145 5/18/2000 Commercial Site 87.0 4 11.0 108.6 119.3 91.0 146 5/18/2000 Commercial Site 79.5 2A 12.6 108.9 116.8 93.2 151 5/19/2000 Commercial Site 84.0 3A 11.8 113.3 123.4 91.8 152 153 154 216 217 01« 5/19/2000 5/19/2000 5/19/2000 5/25/2000 5/25/2000 ';/55/'7f)nn Commercial Site Retest 152 Commercial Site Commercial Site Commercial Site Retest 217 85.5 85.5 88.5 62.0 64.0 64.0 3A 3A 3A lA lA lA 12.0 13.3 9.9 15.8 21.0 18.7 109.0 111.8 115.7 102.5 99.3 104.2 123.4 123.4 123.4 113.6 113.6 113.6 88.3 90.6 93.8 90.2 87.4 91.7 CWE 200.713.13 Plate 3 Test No. Date Location Elev. (feet) Soil Type Moisture (%) Dry Density (pcf) Max. Density % Rel. Comp. 219 5/25/2000 Commercial Site 66.0 lA 23.4 101.0 113.6 88.9 220 5/25/2000 Retest 219 66.0 lA 17.6 102.6 113.6 90.3 221 5/25/2000 Commercial Site 68.0 lA 21.0 98.0 113.6 86.3 222 5/25/2000 Retest 221 68.0 lA 17.6 103.8 113.6 91.4 223 5/25/2000 Commercial Site 66.0 lA 20.4 101.1 113.6 89.0 224 5/25/2000 Retest 223 66.0 lA 18.3 107.0 113.6 94.2 225 5/25/2000 Commercial Site 70.0 5 10.3 110.7 114.5 96.7 226 5/26/2000 Commercial Site 61.0 5 8.6 114.0 114.5 99.6 227 5/26/2000 Commercial Site 63.0 5 9.2 112.8 114.5 98.5 228 5/26/2000 Commercial Site 65.0 5 9.7 113.0 114.5 98.7 229 5/26/2000 Commercial Site 67.0 lA 14.6 102.7 113.6 90.4 230 5/26/2000 Commercial Site 69.0 lA 18.2 103.7 113.6 91.3 231 5/26/2000 Commercial Site 66.0 lA 14.7 104.3 113.6 91.8 232 5/26/2000 Commercial Site 71.0 lA 18.9 102.5 113.6 90.2 233 5/26/2000 Commercial Site 70.5 lA 23.0 98.0 113.6 86.3 234 5/26/2000 Retest 233 70.5 lA 17.6 104.5 113.6 92.0 235 5/30/2000 Commercial Site 73.0 5 14.8 108.0 114.5 94.3 236 5/30/2000 Retest 235 61.0 5 14.2 111.1 114.5 97.0 237 5/30/2000 Commercial Site 68.0 5 9.0 107.0 114.5 93.4 238 5/30/2000 Retest 237 68.0 5 15.3 111.8 114.5 97.6 239 5/30/2000 Commercial Site 61.5 lA 16.9 101.2 113.6 89.1 240 5/30/2000 Retest 239 61.5 lA 15.4 102.7 113.6 90.4 241 5/30/2000 Commercial Site 64.0 5 11.8 111.8 114.5 97.6 242 5/30/2000 Commercial Site 64.0 2A 16.3 102.1 116.8 87.4 243 5/30/2000 Retest 242 64.0 ZA 14.2 105.8 116.8 90.6 244 5/30/2000 Commercial Site 66.5 5 10.2 114.8 114.5 100.3 245 5/30/2000 Commercial Site 68.5 5 9.6 110.8 114.5 96.8 246 5/30/2000 Commercial Site 66.5 5 8.1 112.5 114.5 98.3 247 5/30/2000 Commercial Site 66.0 5 9.3 110.5 114.5 96.5 248 5/31/2000 Commercial Site 75.0 7 13.8 117.7 124.9 94.2 249 5/31/2000 Commercial Site 70.0 7 12.7 114.5 124.9 91.7 250 5/31/2000 Commercial Site 68.0 7 14.4 118.3 124.9 94.7 251 5/31/2000 Commercial Site 70.0 7 9.6 116.4 124.9 93.2 252 5/31/2000 Commercial Site 73.0 7 12.2 114.0 124.9 91.3 253 5/31/2000 Commercial Site 76.5 7 8.2 115.7 124.9 92.6 254 5/31/2000 Commercial Site 75.5 5 10.5 114.8 114.5 100.3 255 5/31/2000 Commercial Site 76.5 5 9.7 112.5 114.5 98.3 256 5/31/2000 Commercial Site 72.0 5 10.8 110.8 114.5 96.8 257 5/31/2000 Commercial Site 75.0 5 7.9 113.7 114.5 99.3 258 5/31/2000 Commercial Site 80;0 5 11.4 116.2 114.5 101.5 259 5/31/2000 Commercial Site 74.0 5 11.0 113.0 114.5 98.7 260 6/1/2000 Commercial Site 82.0 5 12.2 115.3 114.5 100.7 261 6/1/2000 Commercial Site 82.0 5 14.2 112.0 114.5 97.8 262 6/1/2000 Commercial Site 84.0 5 10.6 116.7 114.5 101.9 263 6/1/2000 Commercial Site 83.5 5 10.9 119.2 114.5 104.1 264 6/1/2000 Commercial Site 76.0 5 9.3 112.2 114.5 98.0 265 6/1/2000 Commercial Site 72.5 5 11.0 112.5 114.5 98.3 266 6/1/2000 Commercial Site 68.5 5 9.4 111.8 114.5 97.6 267 6/1/2000 Commercial Site 84.0 5 14.6 116.1 114.5 101.4 CWE 200.713.13 Plate 4 Test No. Date Location Elev. (feet) Soil Type Moisture Dry Density (pcf) Max. Density % Rel. Comp. 6/1/2000 Commercial Site 85.0 11.7 13.9 117.0 114.0 114.5 114.5 102.2 99.6 269 275 6/1/2000 Commercial Site 84.0 6/2/2000 Commercial Site 82.0 8.5 15.7 113.5 110.0 119.3 119.3 276 277 6/2/2000 Commercial Site 80.0 _4_ 4 92.2 95.8 6/2/2000 Commercial Site 70.0 9.8 114.3 108.7 119.3 119.3 278 279 6/2/2000 Commercial Site 80.0 76.5 _4_ 4 6/2/2000 Commercial Site 7.9 11.1 109.0 109.6 119.3 116.8 91.4 93.8 400 401 7/18/2000 Commercial Site 85.0 81.0 2A 2A 7/18/2000 Commercial Site 10.2 12.2 105.6 109.3 116.8 116.8 402 403 7/18/2000 Commercial Site 79.5 85.0 2A 2A 93.6 91.8 7/18/2000 Commercial Site 13.6 9.5 107.2 106.8 116.8 116.8 404 407 7/18/2000 Commercial Site 88.5 84.5 2A 2K 7/20/2000 Commercial Site 13.8 15.2 107.2 108.6 116.8 116.8 91.8 93.0 408 409 7/20/2000 Commercial Site 87.0 2A 2A 7/20/2000 Commercial Site 90.0 11.4 14.8 105.6 100.0 116.8 116.8 7/21/2000 Commercial Site 92.0 92.0 2A 2A 85.6 91.9 417 418 Retest 417 15.2 13.6 107.3 108.2 116.8 116.8 419 545 7/21/2000 Commercial Site 87.5 78.0 2A 5 8/16/2000 Commercial Site Slope Test 9.8 8.7 110.7 112.8 114.5 114.5 96.7 98.5 8/16/2000 Commercial Site Slope Test 71.5 546 628 10/19/2000 Commercial Site 90.0 10.4 9.8 9.6 11.4 116.0 120.1 116.1 114.4 114.5 114.5 114.5 114.5 629 _630 631 10/19/2000 10/19/2000 10/19/2000 Commercial Site Commercial Site Commercial Site 85.0 82.0 77.0 iL\XIMUM DRY nPKsm- and OPTIMUM MOISTLTRE CONTENT ASTM 1557-91 Soil Type lA IB 2A 2B Description Brown, SANDY CLAY Reddish-brown, sUty, very SANDY CLAY Reddish-brown, sUty, CLAYEY SAND Brown, SANDY CLAY USCS Class CH SC Optimum Moisture 14.8 14.1 13.0 10.4 Maximum Dry Density (pcf) 113.6 117.1 116.8 121.1 2C Brown, SILTY SAND SM 9.5 128.2 3A Reddish-brown, very CLAYEY SAND SC 10.3 123.4 3B 4 5 7 Reddish-brown, silty, CLAYEY S.\ND Brown, weU graded, silty, SAND Reddish-brown, sUghtiy clayey, SAND Dark brown, very SILTY SAND SC SW SW SM 10.5 10.4 9.2 9.8 126.0 119.3 114.5 124.9 CWE 200.713.13 Plate 5