HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-06-18; Council Policy No. 74 - General Fund Reserve Guidelines
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Council Policy Statement
Specific Subject: General Fund Reserve Policy
The purpose of this policy is to establish a target minimum level of designated reserves in the General
Fund to:
• Reduce the risk of financial impacts resulting from a natural disaster or other catastrophic
• Respond to the challenges of a changing economic environment, including prolonged
downturns in the local, state, or national economy; and
• Demonstrate continued prudent fiscal management and creditworthiness.
This policy also sets forth guidelines for establishing a plan to replenish reserve deficiencies to include
both how such replenishment is to be funded, and the period over which the replenishment is to
A key attribute of a financially stable organization is appropriate reserves. Strong reserves, often
referred to as fund balances in governmental funds, position an organization to weather significant
economic downturns more effectively; manage the consequences of outside agency actions that may
result in revenue reductions; and address unexpected emergencies, such as natural disasters,
catastrophic events caused by human activity, or excessive liabilities or legal judgments against the
organization. A reserve policy serves as policy framework to deploy city resources to meet the city’s
financial commitments and address unexpected future events in a fiscally prudent manner.
The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), an international organization that promotes
the professional management of governments for public interest, recommends maintaining at least
two months of operating expenditures or 15% reserves. According to the GFOA, the methodology
used to create the reserves depends on the circumstances of the individual organizations. Reserves
are typically assessed based on a city’s unique circumstances or risk levels, and operating
expenditures are generally the basis for such reserve.
The General Fund is the main operating fund that pays for general services provided by the city, such
as public safety, parks, and library services. The General Fund accounts for all general revenues of the
city not specifically levied or collected for other city funds, and for expenditures related to the
delivery of the city’s general services.
Policy No. 74
Date Issued: 6/18/2019
Effective Date: 6/18/2019
Resolution No. 2019-099
Cancellation Date: N/A
Supersedes No. 74 11-30-2010
Policy No. 74
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The city endeavors to maintain adequate reserves for its General Fund as a matter of fiscal prudence
and sound financial management. Establishing and maintaining General Fund reserves will guide the
city in:
• Planning for contingencies and unexpected events;
• Maintaining good standing with credit rating agencies;
• Ensuring cash availability when revenue is unavailable; and
• Deciding when to use reserves and how to replenish reserves if they have been spent.
As a general budget principle concerning use of reserves, the City Council decides whether or not to
appropriate funds from reserves. Reserve funds will not be spent for any function other than the
specific purpose of the reserve account from which they are drawn without specific direction in the
annual budget; or by a separate City Council action.
Per current Governmental Accounting Standards No. 54 (GASB 54), issued by the Governmental
Accounting Standards Board, fund balances are divided into five classifications in the financial
Classification Nature of Restriction
Non-Spendable Cannot be readily converted to cash or cannot be legally spent
Externally imposed (by granting agencies, governmental
entities, etc.) restrictions on spending
City Council formally-imposed (by resolution or other action)
restrictions on spending
Funds reserved by City Council direction for designated
Unassigned Residual balance not classified in any of the above categories
These five classifications are applicable only to governmental funds, which includes the General Fund,
and are intended to identify the extent to which fund balance (or a reserve) is constrained by special
restrictions, if any. The city commits to preparing financial reports which accurately categorize fund
balance in compliance with GASB 54. Fund balance levels are a crucial consideration in long-term
financial planning.
For purposes of this policy, the term “reserve” refers to any unassigned fund balance in compliance
with GASB 54. It is the policy of the City of Carlsbad to maintain reserves for unforeseen emergencies
or catastrophic impacts, and for significant changes to the economic environment.
The city commits to maintaining General Fund reserves at a target of 40% of General Fund annual
operating expenditures. The total reserve level will be calculated using the prior fiscal years adopted
General Fund budgeted expenditures.
Reserves will be evaluated annually in conjunction with the development of the city’s annual
operating budget process. Staff will report to City Council annually on the status of the reserve levels
relative to this policy.
Policy No. 74
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At the discretion of the City Council, reserve levels in excess of the 40% target requirement, may be
used for one-time opportunity cost purposes. For example, one-time expenditures resulting in future
efficiencies, infrastructure, special projects, or key economic development opportunities that provide
savings or efficiencies where no funding source otherwise exists. These types of one-time
opportunity costs may only be authorized by formal City Council action where findings have been
made as to what constitutes the savings or how efficiencies will be achieved.
In the event the reserve level is reduced below the amount established by this policy, the City
Manager or Deputy City Manager of Administrative Services shall promptly prepare a plan as
conditions warrant to replenish the required reserve level. The plan for replenishing any reserve
deficiencies will include how such replenishment is to be funded and the period over which the
replenishment is to occur.