HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-09-19; Council Policy No. 12 (RESCINDED) - Panhandle Lot Policies.. !_ . vT\1\L...lU/\U COUNCIL P ICY STI\TEMEtlT General Subj�ct: �DMINISTRATION J..1 _ _,_'l i c y· N o ." l 2 ,J a t e I s s u c cl 9 - 1 9 - 7 2 ( 'Spccifi-c Subject: 11 Panhandle 11 Lot Polic.ies 'Effective Date 9-19-72 Cancellatio.n Date Suoersecles No . .. Copies to: City Council, City Manager., City Attorngy, Department and Division rfcads., Employ_ce Bulletin Boards, Press, F-i1e l '· . PURPOSE:· To _expand the 11 Panhandle 11 pol icy· for not one lot but· two lots on� the end of a 11 µanhandle,11 provided extensive study is made of the entire block and that·the followi�g recommendations are met:_.. 1.That the adjacent land cannot ·be affected upon the applicationo· f a s u b d i v i s i o n •• • · · · 2. · -That all three -lots .created shall· not be less in size- ·than thesize prescribed in the Zoning Ordinante. 3. :.--"t,. That th� minimum width b�. 20' for one spli�"and an additional. 5' or a total of 25 1 for the twin split, and the roadway having·a twin lot split shall be split �qually between two lots be i n g c re a t e d by the II pa n ha n d l e II l o t s p 1 i t • and th a t re ci pro ca 1 eris�mcnt� between the owner and/or owners of the lots created shall be given for the purpose of ingress, egress and public utility purposes, �nd nrit to be included to determine the size of lot. �. Each lot ihall have its own s�wer connection to .the main )i�c , and shall n6t be tbe City's responsi�ility for maintenance. 5. The driveway shall be 20' wide and of 2 11 thick asphalticconcrete paving on prop�r base with rolle¢ edges. 6.The present 11 Panhandle 11 Pol1cy shall continue on the singlesplit, with an additional length of 50 1 for the s�cond �plit . .: . .. . .... . . . ............ ··. ·--·--�------·----------------------,.-..---�------··-,,,,·""= I ! l ' 9-7-76 •, ( ( ( --I. l 2 31 4 .. () . ., ) RESOLUTION NO. 81.G A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ESTABLISlllNG A POLICY. FOH. PJ\�lL!\.i'\JDLE LOTS \VITUIN 'l'HE CITY OF Cl\.RLSJL\D. · . . ·5 W.H.EREAS. · the Carlsbad City 1-:>Ianning Commission recognizes that then 6 are areas within the City where "dead land" exists in that there is sufficient 'I lot area to create two lots; but insufficient frontage on a dedicated sti7ect to 8 create two lots with the required frontage as set forth in Ordinance No. 90G0; _9 and . . ).O WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission ha,s made a thorough 11 study o! this problem and has communicated with various other cities in San 12 Diego County that have the common proble;1D, as tci how they handle similar 13 situations, and the Planning Commission has arrived at certain concl�sions; 14 and 15 lG 17 18 WHERF...AS, the Carlsbad City Planning Comm�ssion adop.ted Resolution No. 241 on the 27th day of March, 1962, establishing a policy for panhandle lots within the City o! Carlsbad; and WHEREAS, the City Council concurrs with the findings and action of the 19 . Carlsb.;.d City Pfon.n.ing <;ommi�sion as set forth in said Resolution No. 2i!l, · •"O I . . •. 6-NO\V, THEREFOnE, BE IT RESOL YED -that the City Council docs 21 22 23 24 . 25 2& 2'I make and establish a.policy in regards to 0panhandle11 lots a� follows: (1)Tha_t the creatio� of such lots is generally undcsir�ble, except· in unusual circumstances by location, 1 topography. etc •• ;>ttt may be ;. clo�e by variance. (2) 11Panh.:mdlcs11 shall not be less than 201 in width • (3)The �'p:i.nhancllc11 shall nol exceed 1501 in length. ·. 29 ( -:I� In grantinv, a variance to create a panhandle lot. the "p::i.nh:rnclle" chall 11ot be considered in <lctcrmininrr the minimum required lot aec:i. .. (5)The driveway r.hall Le at kast 141 wJ.dc .:md o! 211 thicl: :1:-;ph:illlc: concrt'lc 1,:wl11� on proper 1.,:i.:.;c lo prcvcnt..nul!;:mccs from clu!:l :rnd /ll\l(l. 31 .. (G) 'l'h:tl no f:lnicture of :Illy kiml Le creeled in the "r�::i.nh:1!11!lc11 portion of :'.lny lot !:o crt'atcd. ,' ( !. ( ! . ( I ' . ,/ )' . .. l 2 PASSED, APPROVED M'D ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of 1 Ca1)sba<l �ta regular mcc!ing held on th� 3rd clay of April, 19G2,· by the follow-Z.ing vole, to wit: ·4 .AYES: Councilmen Guevara, Bierce, La Rpchc, Sonncman and M·cPhcrso11. 5 I NOES: None ·6 j ABSENT: None 78 9 10 ll 12 13 14 ATTES'l': 15 J.· ll. PRICE, city Clcl·k 16- 17 (SEAL) lG ·192021 · 2 22324252(>272029 :n I -2- (1 r. i/ !)· .. ..--r·-✓• :i __ .... .. l . �-t-( •f.__,._:,�.:_-:_.: ... : ::�, I �;.-:-� ,•.._ � . WILLIA:i\l J. LA UOCHB, 11ayor of the City •of C::1rlsbad, Carlsbad,. Calif.ornia .. -. : · .. I L I, I ..) .