HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-10-07; Council Policy No. 30 - Bus Stop Facilities in Major Projects.-
c-?neral Subject: BUS STOP FACILITIES
Policy No. 3o
10-7-80 Date Issued
Effective Date :1o-.7-8o
Cancellation Date
Supersedes No.
Copies to: City Council, City Managei, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File
?o establish a policy requiring all new major projects to both request bus service from NCTD and to provide the necessary bus stop facilities and properly,engineered streets.
‘. Currently the NorthCounty Transit District (NTCD) lacks a clear policy for the scheduling of bus routes and additional bus stops along established routes. San Diego Air Pollution Control pistrict has established as part of the revised Regional Air Quality Strategy(RAQS) the expansion of both inter and intra urban mass transit systems. In an attempt to implement the expanded mass transit tactics of the revised RAQS, the City Council adopted the text of the policy outlined,below. The major points of the policy are as follows: ; '.
iI It requires all new major projects to both request bus service frop North County Transit District and to provide the necessary bus stop facilities and properly engineered streets.
i) It defines major projects as residential development bf 30 units or more, and commercial development having a gross floor area of at least 50,000 square feet. Major industrial projects are those that employ at least 50 workers per shift.
3) .It identifies the minimum bus stop facilities required of new major project<.
4) For major industrial projects, it promotes the establishment of a "ride'to work and home program". This program is dependent upon.a minimum ridership of 40 passengers that together arrive and then leave a single destination (i.e, work) at the same time. When this situation exists NCTD will contract with the industry to establish a single route that serves the individual employees (passengers).
1; is the policy of the City Council to.r&qtire all ne\; residential projects of 30 units or more and all new commercial projects with a gross floor area of over 50,000 square feet and which are located along an existing'bus route to request bus service from NCI'D.‘ Tract approval for such projects should contain the condition as follows:
CITY OF CARLSBAD Policy No. 30 (page 2 of 2)
Seneral Subject: BUS STOP FACILITIES Effective Date : “Y7-*’
Specific Subject: BUS STOP FACILITIES IN MAJOR PROJECTS. Cancellation Date
Supersedes No.
Zopies to: city Council, City Manager, City Attorney,, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File
“The project shall provide bus stop facilities ,at locations subject to the’ satisfaction of the North County Transit District. Said facilities shall ‘at a minimum include a bench,, free from advertising and a pole for the bus stop sign. The bench and pole shall be designed in a manner so as to not detract from the basic architectural theme of the project and said design shall be subject to the approval of the Rlanning Director and North County Transit District. Moreover for ,large projects where intra-project bus service is feasible an additional condition would read: Streets to be
utiiized by bus traffic shall be designed so as to provide ready acces to through streets and engineered so as to accommodate heavy vehicle traffic. Said street design shall provide a minimum 40 feet roadway and be subject to the approval of the City Engineer.”
Furthermore, it+ the policy of the City Council, relative~to all new industrial projects not located along existing bus routes and having a minimum of 50 employees per shift, to promote the establishment of a ride ,to work and home program as part of the mitigation measures designed to conserve energy, reduce traffic congestion and enhance air quality. Approval of such projects should contain the condition as follows:
“The project shall attempt to develop a ride to work,and home program for its.employees with the North County Transit District. Furthermore, the project should attempt to limit the staggering of worker shifts so as to facilitate the success of said program.”
Where ride to work and home programs are infeasible staggeredwork shifts of 50 or more employees should be promoted so as to reduce both traffic congestion and then concentration of vehicle emissions.